THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. our AsaemUy on tha bill t« vest the elcc>Hpy |>ower is vested, or rrom whom it is de- — - " ' * Hove you rivetl.’ The C«>nstitutien may be altered. tioo of Sheriffs in the People f forgottPn how highly dcnmcnitic was the tone «f its advocates—how just—how true —how safe a depositor) of power Ihe dear ptopio were considera*! ? But this same pco- pl» demand a change of the constitution, and are th«y to be told it is too tlmgerous to trust the with it!! I know you heard the debates on the bill to vest the e- lection of Clerks in the Peopte. You can not have forgotten that this bill was urged upon the Legislature and passed, becaui^ ihe people desired it—becautie they were fhc source of all power—because they might b« safely trusted with aoy power they chuse to ask. But this same pure sovereign {>eoplc, it would se«m, are not to be alluwed to reform their otm Constitu tion, upou the insulting pretext loo, that prudence forbids that they should be trus ted with 90 much power! VV lienee, I ask, this difference of opinion upon the Mmc thing among our Represeiilatives of the Assembly? The position which is n«sumed to-day to /#a« a law, is abandoned aud even nssailed to-morrow,to(/t/«:(i/ another. This is tlie rankest inconsistency—and it justi All }K*wer that is not veBtud by the petxple ill others stilt remains with them. But the fM)wcr to alter the Constitution, ccMifcswHll)-, lias never bee«n given to oth ers. W hat then is the conclusion ? There- fore ihe peoftle mat/ alter the Constitution thenut Iren, lithcr by a direct rote of their oten, i*r by u (h legation of potter to others as they pit use, and as they deem expedient. SLMiX. P. S. Your paper has been to much crowded by the interesting proceedings on Inteitial Improvruieiit for two weeks, that 1 thuugiit It right to givo up the room which my essays would occupy. 'I'hal subjcct is one which opens to my mind new views of the necessity for Krfonn, and if my time allows it, and your patience can liear it, 1 propose hereal\er to bring them to your notice. But I cannot positive ly promise it to you. It must depend on circumstances out of my power to control. t)iie or two more essays must close uiy frst strict. GOLDj (JOI.D! We hear, Almost every week, of new discoveries of Gold, in the (Jold Kfgioii ol Virginia—(which as far as nscertaiiifd, commencing in tho neighborhood of the Rappahannock, in the county of S|>ottsjl SALEOt- AWU'Ii 15Y IlKIl Ul'SIJA^U AT t;AKLlJ5LK.“ ()ii Saturday, the 7th inslant, the inhab itants of the ulKive city witnessed the sale cf a wife by her husband, Joseph Thomp son, who resides in a Binall vilbgo about ^ miles from Carlisle. He renU a farm of Frwiu the Nvwbern Svotiiwl. PiwI, on tho eveiiinc of Fridav » inst.JOHN STANLY,Esq. tton in any community have owupieV vania, tends with the mountains from N., . e ^ E. to S. w., touching the countics of fc^pott-1 about torty-two or lorty-four of land, svlvania, Louisa, Fluvanna and Goochland,; and was married at Hexham, m the ytur Slate. oil the north side of James Kiver, crosses* | t.. his prei^nl wife, blie w a spruto, James Kiver near the point of Fork uud lively, buxom damsel, apparontly not ex enters Buckingham, and |>asses on through North Carolina to the Cherokee lands in F.x r R At )1{ DIN A li Y CL'RK. On the Vilst ult. a negro lad, the proper ties me in affirming that such a course de-, „ serves reproach in any statesman and could j turning from work about dark, was a few moments he becamo entirely blind and tell down—he was carried to the hou.>«, when u messenger «as desimtched for l>r. James Guild, vkhoin about an hour alter- wards reached Mr. Banks. At the tune ol hardly be einlured oven among lawyers in j ^ rattlesnake, so severely the triaU of suits wherein their selection ol ^ h« ent.reiv bli sides IS not of choice, but grows out of ad- rentitiovs circumstances. But tho propusitiou is made to amend the Constitution by and through a limited Con- rentim. This gets ride of the real appre- h«noino9 of tiraid man, and it might appear at first view to deprive of excuse those who admit the necessity and justice (it' a change in the Constitution, hifienuity is however fruitful of pretexts. The ohjoctor come forward to enquire with —“ And suppose this limited should exceed their bounds' ceediBg twenty-two years of age, and np- |)«ured to feel a pleasure at the exchange GTOrgiayand the'letter below adds to the i she was about to make. They had no chil- number. Many of the veins ore extrcMue-, dren during their union, and that, together 1> rich, and the gold of exceeding purilv. I with some lamily disputes, cauwd them, by the ore is ll.und on or near the surlace,, mutual agreement, to con.e to the resolution and the prcjwrations for collecting it are so | of finally jKirting. Accordiug.y the ‘ little expensive, as to have induced nuin-j man was sent round to give potica o le brrs of individuals to engage in the search, j sale, which was to take place at twelve Some proUiblv do a bad business, but many | o’clock. Tins announcement attracted the have made, and are making considerable i notice of thousands. She appearou aUjvo sums. One gentleman of Goochland, we : the crowd, standing on u largo oak chair, learn, made $1 lU in one day, tromail hands;, surrounded by many of her Irieuus, with a the iniiifs he worked being situated in Lou- rofie halter made ol straw rouiM her nock, isa, ai.d his average profits were thus far Slie was dressed in rathor a lashioiiabie not much behind that average. ! country style, and app'ared to some advau- Richmond Whig. ! laae. The husband who also standing in prominent station—few have exeitj^'* more puworful intiuence—than thia d * guished individual far many year* how!^ nxorte^ in our Town luid throughout State. Now that he is removed fron,'^ forever, it is respectful to kis meiaor« HI It may be salutary to thoae who wrvj»e*I devote a few inomeiits to the cooteiBpi« of his rare endowments, his extrao4nT character and his eminent public Mr. Stanley was Ihe eldest sonof W right Stanley, a merchant of the great enterprise and most extensive busi»e% J!! known in this Slate. He was bom at bern on the !Hh of April, 1774, and bythi death of both his parents, was loh aa when about fifteen yeors of «gc. Tbii lamity broke in upon his course of ical studies which was never aften,nj, regularly resumed. He was placH counting hou»!e of his father’s partnw.iji, late Thomas Turner, and on hi tmVil n age, commeitced his career of hfe ai tun chant. Accidontaloireumstancestbrvwiu^ an elevated p>sition near hei, proceeded to ,nio m association with emineut TO TIIK KDITORS OF THK WHUJ obtained eighiv iH nuvweighis, valued at i.:*,) “ ^ tho then important cents per aUmt 7 or - dollar* to ‘ ^ his arrival, the boy was suffering tho most ur . or uu. a., excruciating ayonv,«licn he had a common , "J ^ * ‘ black or jmik bol'lle about half filled »»ith | larg.' quantity ot Ore has aKo been dug the spirits of turpemine made quite warm, 1«"« •'» “ P‘‘ '‘“I ' and after scarrifvmg the wnund mado by I ..enuenu n, i si-ra. won e ohj^tor coB.cs th.e man ( m mining ) supi^ses trembling doubts , i ■ i tuts ore norlli or 10 thousand dolljr.'i. or ‘ , . . i. , to It, and comuieiiced pouring cold water on _ i , • i » i. n blrsome wives ai.J ln a mted Convention I , ’ , . '7 or " do lars to the busriel. A null will " ....... coments wvre pertcctl) , laughter. Avoid ll«-ai ^ jjM ht. 1 toftk her lor my conilort and tfi^ .iUhjI a familiarity with the forms aad pfK. - - Mnrm. nci .nlifi ..t'( »n. l.miiko Jikuki I''"* tlCC «f COUrtS of JuntirO. Tbo pnOCIDla i black or junk bottle about half filled "‘“M y,„ p,i aj,*eent to the branch that“i he ,a d..meMiccur»e, a night luva-, e,cited his rurio*ity ; without any the spirits ol turpentine made quite warm, I obtaimd iVom. If , ular iiiMrtiction he coraimmcod tho «ui!ts and mier scamlviiig the wnuud iiiudo b\ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (iffilk'tiu'ii, 1 iiulh Irom uiy heart,, th*m; in ih« I71>9, he ^ liver us Irom trou- |^| t„ with scarcely a fixedp 'j— ckM>uie widows— lo prooerutn the lav* as a profoMi«. f,- viz. ‘‘sup. 1• Vi-.y r erected to convert It to du.t, for the |.ur. -^oid il«-ai the same asvou did not rtmam long uiKieeided lo p^se that the People should elect a body of i ,’,l “ I", iv .!Te wound die ' “ cour-r. Au ardent temp«ran«ot io(h - , I I have verv lately commenced washing I"'" «» f«*el «-ver> clionfs cav with ir/ , boy ^caiiie f^rlectly ea»>, and tell int.. a Surface G^d. ab, ut thrci-hundied vard* ‘-thcrp«slilcntiali.i,ei.onieuaii. nature. .No»* «.„Mb.lity. and a Md and delermmed«. smmd sleep; ^ j stc- * -I*'*"'' J-*«k =.‘-e ol my >.ile, aod p,„,n,,,ed l„„, to asoert it at all kiur. about,andlhe da> lollo>vingviasal>»orkiL A few dav s ago. they wit;, ield you her fau.l-and her lailnigs ; I v»ill , ||e b^aim* mterrotetl and engage,, * usual. SS e could recommend this snnple P ^ now thv bright and -unny sid« ol ,,„,„ce. Gil.ed with w«,Kk,ful quuk , and easy application, as It is m the power .. 11^5 her,aiidev;.Um hvr .}u;.liti. atK,nsaiHJ good-j,,,' and an aptitude to le.ifr? ol almost every ono to pr.Kuro “ j ^ ,i,c Sho cun r. ad novels and milk cow*; retain knowMge oeldom equ.lW, te- than almost any o.her, and ita nniutdialt, ^ , , ........ siietan UugU ai«l weep with tho saiiK: ease , himself about supplying, and b>- p«iirni - rogues, w ho, after that they would ot^rve a prescribed limit to their authori ty chose deliberately to disregard it.” Now is this opposition the result of” inge nious prejudice or springs it from a real dread of evils against which any former experience warns us ? Further however, 1 will reason with you. Let us suppose ose ' I . „ 1., , I washer was not constant y etnplovcd during I. efhcacv IS a crcut coiwderutiuo. Anv spi-, , , . ' “ Of-' •. ® '.I-'. Inf day. lours, ifsnccllullv. that tnis/imt/rd Conventio!i aAoi/W go , .i„ „ „ . , . .u J 7 ritifus liquors wouiU have the same etfcct, iiond thiir bouuds, what can they do' . * .- ■ 11 . . 1.1 V . 1 u .u I . I i “od even it that could not tw im(Ufd:atci> Let It be answered by the alarmist, who > ^ .11 . V , .T , i urKji:umi, warm tratir ir«iild aiwctr a vtru icars this monster of a Convention. l»na/ ' ... , , »i 1 . t'ood purpose.— Jhscaloosa Lhremcte. can the ConretUton do? Where are the | ^ t ^ dangers and what aic the evils! 1 do not perceive by lookingly soberly at it any very tonn'itrous difficulty it could produce. The pcojue are still their masters and not their sereanls. If ill were done, an honest peo ple might indignantly refuse to ratify it, or they might elect new agents to repeal and J'if’ht Pants have a v«ry fair prospect of soon bein;; out of fa^hlon, at least vv itb the candidates for matrimoi.y \ours, ifsjicclfullv, KAMI.L Gl r.UKA.N r. Jr. was to a biixou) young lass in the country, pro- annul it. Indeed it seems useless to argue j his wedding suit, and for 1a;hio..’s further. He is not to be* t;iricd ^ f . *i . II 1 w iirh Pxpo«‘d the shapo ot a pair ol liiub^ OD the twrsuiision that all the world is dis- I, ^ , * , . .i l , ' . . ir u .u a I : beann*: a btrikint; rts* u.b auce to t je ban- lianest except hirnself, whether it be in { ,, .P . , . ® j iu politics or business. But there is ro dan-1 up on end. 1 hus ger of the limits being exceeded. Thrre j have been near ")0 Conran/bfid in the toe aim is ear eggy. le United Slates for making and i in en( e Coashtutions, and not an instance can 1^ ‘^ansformed that you could t.ikc a glass ol ale «h«n pUcatioo he thoroughly stipplied,tat thirsty , indeed. Gentlemen. >he rcmiiiUs ii.f ^ b.>th of his Academical ami Froffowm! F of wliat the p«a;: •«y#ol woman in geiieral , ucation. He sludu-d diligently everv . Sin^vL'.r Pnxcrtj)tion.—“I heard the; •• llnvtn p-i», to «o'nm ihr jnrtilur gru-r, m which he «a» coorrrurd. Hi* intj other day,’’said (Jn-ville, “ that, Some dis-i 'loLa^h, lu a»J tlwai Hk: l.uijiaunn ” ; ln>.,v,|edgi> uf the can**, imd llio inl tance np the country, a p«>or I'rllovk was ly- i;htt can uiuk** iMitter and Kold the tuaid ; which he devoted hiiDsrll 10 ill WffMl. mg oo hi» U-d dying; Ix- had liei-ii ^tven !»ho can sing Moore'a m'luliCM, and plait , his facility for bringing into act 100 ill • up by the surgeons, but »a> still vi.-itrtl liy her frills and caps ; sIk; cannot make ruiu, r^5«o4jri es which hi* library could furoul>! them, more Irom matter ol iorm, than from gm, or whi>key, but she is a ^ojd jmlcv ol his rii h n» inorv Mipply ; an adiniraW^- A lew davs siDce a y oung gentleman who recovery. His broth«*r of- the quality from long experi»-nco in ta'laig , hcitv at lilustration, an elocutioa ol' IS M the term 13,‘fcugiiged to be marneil been givm_' a (virtv amoi'.jll.em- ttirm. l.lnerHore.olIwr h'-r pwrtitctionHaiiU | mt* enellciira—distirKt, gracei'ul, vijw-s selves; the wine circulat-u fnely, and, in lm|H;rt«.^.ln»n^, lor the sumof'>Ohhillings.” 1 and commainlmg—iIm? pkiy of his lanq short, they drank sa much as to be lost to Alter au hour or two sl.e v»as purchased k*-«niie-j »t' his w .t, Ihe biltrmew nf tar every sense ol le^hng. V» iih on*’ c>ns*‘nl, hy Ib nry Mt-ar>, a |>«*iuMoiior, for th« mioi voctivt, and tho overwhelming force they all sallied PTth to the dymg man's yf mkiI a .NiwlounUland 'J Iw hap-' di.-clantatiou, Mon rendcn-d him a ! bungiilovv—one tuking a cracktd flnK-, a |,y i„iiucuul* lv left the town ti-^eth- liant and •am-cc^J'jI advocate. Iw sccoihI an old viuhn, a third some lumbl>-r«, rr, umicl.--l Ihe and hu/^iis ol the rnul- hii:h quahlValKNts he added that oKj AiC. and Ihe re>l tomtoms, or any l!iitjj> ih«y tituUe, m which th«y were j--uitd by 1 liom^.-1 "• ms!r> which wan contmually lacr appoint- t-bown of any disorder, or danger from ei ther one of them, nor is there a case of their having ever exceeded their limits af ter they have been prescribed. On the contrary, Conventions generally have been astute to detect limits to thoir power-', and when they could be implied from any part of the law which authorisfd their assem bling, such implication has Uen made a- gainst the pjwer of tho Convention. How ridiculous therefore to talk of dangers like those. Is North Carolina so mean—her sons so degenerate, her people so corrupt that no honej'ty is left among us’ Far from It—Ours is emphatically the " honest Stale,’’ and wherefore is it that we should licsofullof apprehensions about a liniited Conrention ? It is more manly to deny j i.'tice outright, than to pretend readiness to give it, and then put the pretext of re- fa»l uiKjn a basis so purely ideal, a« losjlt- iiig tO'» to the people of the State. I'vcn here I may not stop. It is profx>- Fed “ to prepare specific amendmonts lu,. j ^ . n . . j! I . . I .1 • labour and industry' ‘As you sav the A-^-inbly, and by law to take the vole , . , , , ^ Mho book IS good, I will take it, and read It to my rnotlier,’ replied the boy. dandy, screanxd gy, if Peter can’t afford cloth enough make a decent [«ir of trowsers, he’ll never be able to buy the child a frock; and rais ing the broom-stick, she forthwith b«.at a retreat.—1‘etfcr did r»;trc«t; and has not been heard of since' W ho after this w ouid think of wearing light p*int* * 'Die Choice.—A (Quaker residing at Par is, was waiii'd on by four of his worknien 111 order to make their compliments, and ask for tlieir usual now year’s gift. ‘ VVi-ll my friends,’ said the (Quaker, ‘here are your gifts; choo«ic filtien francs or tlif liihle.’ ‘1 don't know hi»w to read,' said the first, “so I take the lil'teen francs.” “ 1 can read,’ said the second ‘ but I have pr»-s- Mng wants.’ 'J'he thinl also made the same choice. He now came to the fourth, a young lad abjut thirteen or I'ourtfcn.— I he (juaker looked at him with an air of good ness ‘ U ill you too lake these turee pieces which you can obtain any tune by vour labour and indu»trv !' brought about a recatiHi, 1 know not: IhiI true It IS, from that moiiH?nt h«: gradual ly recovrrcd, and is now well lo laugh at thejike, thank them for it, and dit:ip|>fUit the subaltern beUsv him, who had maiked him out as a sure step.” [Ltctan (irenlle, an iMSttrn Tale. iht tirsl puliiic hou"*-. vk hrie h' >j.ei.l thr re mainder of thu da).— Kill * /.[ft iH Lviulon. kniw'|r-dgo oi inercautiie tranvactisai clcrk-liki- atlentiou 'o ail matten e( 6-. and a df-vteritv in Ui-hiwim, which I'rum the II tm ht tt» r lit /Htrtrr. ' him at once, uikJ w ithout ao e(}ort, to I » vill Ihe \unk,r*do The lorvery pr.ifeKM.mal call, and to apptf' N*;w.|i«?dlord (ico|i1p are going to brtruk cxertmos miw to the m>»( trivial, tsd irhitUa into fiariH .v), and mak.- tiitm tow ‘be nioM inq...riant of enga^wwu; ship-, into and .«it of tho ba> ' « should •"orrK.-nt lo 3 |-‘liy appeal, and inlb»t Th( tray to yit cik>I.—A ludicurous mis- not W* >urprized at any limr to *.t‘ jhjiik; 3 ratr Imj wilh hi** ami death, has hap bcfi.'l an unfortunate |i»|i«t the otii*;r ol uur eailern br*threu Urivmg . tanJ*-m 1th»*n, that with lurb end‘wn)f- d.iy, in the vicimly of IJr.indy wine Bridge, team of behemotns. l'h« lollowing is Kom "U' h qnahlii alions, and .-uch ItabtU, h«r^ The day iK-mg warm, aud the tl»^ .New-Ihuiord t ta/'.tle. mancntly fixed hiu»»oll in tho for^ro«i' having 'been al.-n. pretty warmly en'-agid \\c l. arn from undo«il,|rd a.ithor.t), that ; j a uommilti'e is uljout b«-m:; l«rin‘i, lor ii ' , •■miiM'iit among thuM who constiluW« of the People at the polls 00 such ameod- nients urithout any Contention.^' Here there is nr» danger from a Cenrentitm fur Done IS to lie -isserrbled. And what think you is the pretext now ? 'I'he time is past for wondering else it would startle you to learn that the notable objection to this is, “ that It IS not competent for the People to change thiir CoiutUution without a ('on- rcntiun." I ran underbtand why the peo ple cann'it make laics withcAit acimg through their representatives or Delegates in the A*.M.mbly. I understand this be cause there is a reiuion for it, and u very plain one, viz: that by the Constitution the people have agr**ed that the latc-making I>owfr shall be exercised by a (Jcneral As- homhly of Deleuates, and therefore as long :id th- Conxtitution exists the i>r(fjite can not make laws. But have the p*:ople dele- gul-d the power of altering and amendmK the (Joiistitution to any body of meu'' Ilnve th'V debarred their own right to do it? They had the right to make a Con- btilutiou ongmaliy. 'i'his no sane man will }uesMon. 'I'hey liave neither expressly nor impliedly surrendered that right. 'I'hey Lave not decl.irr-d that the Constitulion He look the bibic, opened it, and found between Ine leaver, a yold piece of forty francs. 'I’he others hung down their heads, and the (Qua ker told them he was sorry they had not mado a better choice. Force of Merit.— In the biographical memoir of Wm. Livingston, a former Gov ernor of New-Jersey, IS the following strik ing and impressive anecdoto: “ About the time that Mr. Livingston es tablished himself m New-Jerw.y, a young drovvncd rat.—yA/7yomm7. and unlriendcd bfy arrived m the countrv from the \Ve?t Indies, bringing I'-Uc tb froiii a Prr-shyteriau Minister, Hugh Knox, r» 1- dent of the island of St. Croix. 'J’iie lad wiih the bottle, lelt inclined to oh **p, and no softer bed prc*>etiting il>*df, li^Jged him self on thtt stone para|>vt of the arch which sfKins the mill race. In this luxuri>ui po sition he remained for tome tunc, ex|>UM d to the rays of a burning sun, and to tlii; as purpose wi.icii, although ut lii-t im'iitioii oraimeiit and Itoant. may ap|>ear to partaku if Ihe wild aini wunJorlul, will, wh u vievved calmly, l« . At a very early nje, Mr. PtankMiriT found not only procln ablf, but highly ex- “arinlj m j-idiiica, and took au acti*'»i- - p'dient. It 1* lo make tii enj/ngniiifnt |»uhhc duties. io these he afl''f»‘ wiullsol nil the Uittic Ihes 111 the vicmilv. ship own. r> toUirett devoted the U-sl of his eoergn** aiWos-^ Meepmg as he was, he displaced no htlle a whale, and conMderabie iK»rtion of bi* life. U restivent.-«s uuoer the anno\anc« ol the.M after gfttidg him here, to k> ep «imJ um- Lini P*hlic inlere-i.. «n-med to afford ul insects, till at length one, more Haring purpose of towin;> v.;s*eU to aud dent miml ihat peculiar oxcileDrntiB' than the re»t, attracted by Ihe rubicunu jlorics of his nose, mad*- a settlement on that prominent (Miint, and s«i worked upon thcfeehngsofthesk-ei^er, that raising his ,,, arm, and aiming a des^.rale blow to an- ..,v,reaL!e. The mle„i,.«., ,f nihilate his torinentcr, the unlucky wight lost his eijuilibrium, and fell from the pnra- , It delighted, and to give it lltal full' It ha.-. liCf-u stated by exfrf-rienced whale- without which it was ill at *»s■ m-n, that they can euMlv l»e rendered «as impos'ihle lor such a man i)o« lilj into |»ohlical ctinte.ilions, and vrh« DVK'' we arcTur- icred on them, nut to carry on ll>^' rectly inlormed, is to alUw tne monsti r lu*‘‘’ ‘I'" hitler end, fearlewly, and *1 ranibie m the waters of tho hav, as his : bu/ard. It has been the lot ol ■ some ei.htor ten i into tho water o. ,'.si«uallv nien to have give,, „r to have rereiv«l^ below. It I-sup|)Osed that III-awok'-waen ... . ''i'Cf* making an incursion outsnie to render ai-t—or to hjv* bcgotto tnubo torn ofti.e mill r..ce,ashe to any w ho may m di-^tress 0,1 'strcniiou.lyopjK.uHl by H'"‘* w . .x-n to gather h.nj^ll rom he ivater ^ v.hei^enlly extolled b, F^.u as U,l a |.os.Mhle, and making lor home, ,ap„u,,, he is to Ik-entrus.ed withrharse But apart from the*. as Jack Downin:: «ould say, lull chills; „ „er^ to ship* b-jund oul.whm tho is li.-hi i'^hieh no rational sM or nniav.trable, ainl ot «■ .jicrtfd to U- ahle ‘ ♦'■•entKHis inaii can ever remember to take avefc.i l from Pi,liner's Inland to 'leej, regret, it is impoosible to regaw Cutterl uok, in about thirty minutes. ;SiHn!ey’« public career without h'g“^ ration. The Ijcst men may dil}»T, as cool, Hiid apparently as sobtr, aa a “ .'\aijsnijiu."—'I his is the name of a wonderlul invenlion, discovered, it is said, 1 ucDi 01 iiii; i-^iaiio Ol 01. i^roix. 1 ne lao i i- 1 in ' / was put to the school of Fraur;ts Parker, ol '^ ** Bottirirau, in A satirical writer has des. rilM-d n WA- d'H- r us to many of his stliome* wf i:ii.jat«thtown. Poth master and pupil not '^*"ch vcssols at sea ran be dis- nlwiit li.riy year, ago—one c.nild h i.'dlv ‘*'*1‘'‘‘l long afterwards entered the American ariny. The bcholar was Alexander Hamilton." A fJ.Knl t}:ie.—“.Mister, (said a .Tolinny U'jw, from .\ew.Jerw.-y, who lately vis,led the office of the Ka.«leni .\r*us,) rloo’t l.ilks pay for tho pa[>er without dunnen I guesn if I was a Pniiler, I’d tickle ’em with an o,it shall uiiaUeruhU, nor have they pointed j straw ' U l,y father takes a paper, ami i’ve out any other mode by which it shall be heered him’tell mother, ne'd ju;.l us lnf :ur7tided, thao by tlioiw lu wbva all polr.i- IcLcut the Pursou as the Priutcrl” covered ‘JfiO leagues off. An account of thr- have sus,K-cted M,rh\ p. nil,.,nan to liavo ! ' discovery is given m the Monthly Mng.v l,e.„ one of o,.r contem.H.rHrie,: ‘ A c.«i I ' '''V^f^Td ^ ^ .me. A nebulous satellite according t„ of hght gree.., wi.h sh'e.e, .nail : ^ . this invention, precedes a ship lor s .vtral! ihe arm.s, and h.ttons too big |..r the . l.rof^on.-the stability (ay.s, which can bo seen. Ihe I rench sleeves; a i.air of Manchr .li r ime liil » xecutKSi of the laws—the mdi'i- t ' S f