THE MINERS' AND FARMERS' JOURNAIi hafi left IIIP convalescent, altliough I imiitPilmtolv wlopsed, was, in the iitest and mys(eri«js iiiannor, snatched uwav from us not a we.k alter he bad roached Ins owu house. He left consider able debts of hii own, (produced as 1 have explained to you,) and my father’s whole estate was under mortgage for a heavy British debt. Unpractiscd in busi- ness. Ignorant of the \-alue of property, 1 made a coinpronuso with the creditors, and saved much of the estate, that must other wise have been sacrificed. On you and St. (ieorge ray atlectiuas and hopes cen- Icred; and in you I had th« sweelest com- {Muioiui, and most dutii'ul children. In 1799, chance threw me into public life.— The rest you probably know. 1 onut’ted to state,' that in the winter of 1792-3, I spent some weeks at William and Mary ’s College, and made a slight begin ning in mathematics and natural philosopiiy [From the Ktleigh Rigister.] ON Ot U sri'ATK CONSTITITION. m. IX. “All political |)owcr ii ve*tcJ in und derived fioin the (H.-opl« only."—liiU of liijrhti. To the Eiitora: I do not think that I could protifably add any thing to what has been said in the Address of a Committee, on tlie other [wints of objection to our Con stitution. 1 ha\e Concluded what I had time to write on the in(?qu;ihty of our basis of rcpresontation—the evils of too much lepislalion, nnd the other bad efTects of hav ing a Legislature to consist of 200 Mem- bcVs save one—and their nninuil Sessions. 1 have iiicidcntally noticed the llorough rep resentation. For myself, 1 cannot hesitate in admitting however that those towns which have much trade nud a |io|)u!aion ol any rea sonable size might, in niy judj^ment, bo al- lowel to retain tlieir right »>f representa tion if they desire it. lint arcording to the present census this rule would exclude all rh«-se are but hints aud dates, au outline ; the boroughs excepting AVu icr.n, Fayette lhal 1 will on some other occasion fill up. | tillc and U ilmington. Withthissuiierficial and defective education, I Some complaint has been made to mo by I comn)€iiced (tolitician. lean truly say, a corrtspoiideut, that the proposed allera- Ihat except from my mother, who taught are confined to the vhile popvluiion me to read, 1 never learned any thing iroin one of my pr*coptors. 1 must make a fur ther excepti-Mi in favor of Cochrane, with whom 1 was for a few weeks only; 1 think liot*mor« than live or six. The little that I know has been self-tau«ht, picked up from alonr as a basis of represeniation, but a c.ireful reader imist i>bs>erve that this is a mistake. The proposed basis is combined 10/A. Distrkt. *ltnrnn 1«,316 * Randolph 11,!^1} *Vkn!ham 13,155 *Daruison 12,652 llth. DiMtrict. * Lincoln 20,012 *s)ftrkhnhvrg 17,21S Cabarrus l'2th. District. *J>i;ncoinl>e 15,591 Havw(x;d 4,177 * Bill it 10,284 * Rutherford 1 1 Macon 5,207 13/A. District. * Surry 13,727 * Will, IS 11,:153 * In dill Ashe F,vm tht Aiic- York Ammtan. MAJOR REPOUT ON 'I’llE U. S. UANK. Hir Haiv, Aug, 4th, 1833. IVnr Sir—I have just got here alier cx- [ pose you have m buahel of potat^, shillinga lawful—Ibr 1 «ent a barrel tl^i to the Gineral last fsll, and that com dollar freight.” “ Well,” tayt he, aunnm the Hank ; and It was the toughest i pc« i ve got potatoes ,n Washington iob I ever had in my lile. 'Phe Cmenil was ; ^K)d as yours, and I take your potato*, j. so UMit on mv doing it, that 1 hud te “ go i Downingv.l e, and give you ai. order a head ” or I’d sneaked out the first day.— ccive a bushel of potatoes in Wo«hin«o. i I was nich upon a week about it, fingerin j wouldn’t you save twoihillins lawful bj Lj and sileriii all the while. .Mr. Hiddlo see Wc son.ctiiws charge,” says he, nuick enuf it wa* do fool’s journey 1 come , for drafis, when the places iredisUnt.l- ,In and I made some of his folks scratch j never as much us it W(.uld to carry ih* ^ thc'ir heads I tell you. 1 gi» ’em no notice i larsand with lhat wo looked into ib*,e,] ,.f my comin, and i jump’d right in the thick- j counts agin, and there it nas. 8iy, i est on cm there one day when they wero • Squire Biddle, 1 see it now ■« cle«ri,J tuniMm m and shellm out the inunny like I whistle.” . ^ . cor„_« Now," so vs 1, » my boys, 1 advise j \\ hen I got back to « ashington.lf,^ all on ve to biush iip your iiiultiplicatiou ta-1 the Giiieral olF to the » Rip-Ua|*,” natin;; p:irties, will compose six |,vi„o,says hr, “ .\li>j')r. I’m glad the publish my repoit, as he wanU it for till the W est six, and di^lnct .No. is cniiinl. some one al l».■u^t lhal knows ; mebsage; and it would only aet them In (he House ol Coinmons the I'-ast will , ol Commons the I'-ast will „,„i ^an give a strait account;” Jifh nioblin agin in U'all street. | of5 and «late population, and he who gltct 41 county members and 3 l!orou>:li ,|,„t l,e call’d all the Bank folks,‘him stare when I tell’d him aboutthedollw le pains to calcuhile it, must per-1 „„.mbors; mak ' ‘‘ ■ ‘ • ceivp,thati will take the pains to calcuhile it, must per-1 mcmbors; making together 41.— I lie W e.»t ^ britiij their books together. I saw there ; and once and awhile tw wouli] t this IS very favorable to the slave j rt ill elect 45 county membcr>i, and the IVn- » ^.,y^ ^e, “ .>laj«'r wl the mi>sl desultory reading, and chiefly from nwning coinilies—much more so tfinn to (pa| county, (which hasalwajs voted «illi no intercourse with the world. 'V hen I j combine 3-5:lis of the slaves with the free ti,c KoiJt 2 county meitiUrx. and one IJor- lookup my pen, nothing was farther Irom | |)i)pulaliou. T.ut tliciariie counties concede 'J’hose in ihe Last tln‘re- my thoughts than to dash olf this loose'.ittH more. .Many of Ihe cuuntics whoseijufe^ ^vho think it essential to us at the and imperfect sketch. Take it as it is. population nnd taxes do mU together entitle j pr(.sent distinctions of party, are nu t lu re ^ ^ (.»f the books that I have read with most them to cloct one member, are \et ttiered j thi ir own ground; and tlie e^f , oi«is^ nnd went at it. I j.leasure, wid profit too, 1 reckon Shakes-! tlmt pri\ilege, nnd some wiiose jmpulation accede to this ccnipr«.mi»o, is the plain rca- j „Ciheio nrV li-llows there plapy mg peare, Milton,Pope’sHomtr, Don Uuixotc, land taxes i;t s/ric/rtfsa eulille them to more L„u^ that the clauge will i.eo!r.y part> m- , mfj.f,,,. 'I'lity’d do a muu by u and Chaucer, and llobinson Crusoe. 1 bis last | than 2 ('ommoncrs, concitle lhat right. j n„*-nco and repr»*«.iitation will be put u,!uu |),|„orth, «iuick as ■ Hash, 1 ««? , . khich eend shall rinkle bis f>c«* up like a bell ol’ It makes no odds and when I tell’d him Bnkile wouldn’t |ni ml i« mA a nw tA* Kia Snli>l 1' Tnr wtttf «./ tL 1 we liegin at first.” --i which,” savs 1; “all I corf nbjul i' to sec ti* any ol his “ bafety rund for anyaf%. if iK.lh e«nds nn'et; and if they don’t, Mr. Van liurrn’H that 1 hnd with me; theG*. l>iddl«>,” s:.>>4 1, •* It" alt "vei viilh yHi and eral tH.k out hi* walltl, and tlung Ua,^ the r.a'nk-^vnn’ll all go h«M)k and ime,”— titan 5 tikIs into the bmkers. ■ ‘ ‘ ‘ We are now pretty bus», fiitin" and)4iu| the tieaiiis and rafters of the irun^ ] and if Mr. Van Kuren don't git berk begin to shingle it, I guest his ^;v;j ilw axs u«H- a ).l:ii*'-^ii loine;* kinder natural f und will stand but a poor chaure. In me; and I . hulk’d h*-r olF tln re the firM The Cim-ral doiit care much about w as, I believe, the second lM»ok I ever read. Voltaire’s Lite of Charles XII. was the first, and ought to have been named above. My mother pointed my attention to the Czur, and I may say, “ Video mt-liora, etc.” Enclosed is a draft for 6^300. May it ^ r» i, . , afford you pleasure and profit. 1 wish it i and certainly recommends ilst-ll' to the no- | commended by th,it cuii.-idrration, and fitniiv IJihle. And >uch an etar- Jackson,' bimI then blow up, it’s too ba^ were a cypher more. I am as ever, ' ‘ * .. i- . i--.l._ i . . Vour f»nd uncle, JOHN* RANDOI.rH.o: Rjanokc. I will conclude my series by presenting t’;iira:id equitable basi to the public a projKisition for umendiiK'nt i I'or my^-’lf, I ”ui not parlirub'rly which has reached me through a friend w ho com|>lalns that I have not published tho/t/- cral population oi'cdchcounly. The prop- murr man lunv . - osition IS worthy of mu-h consideration, ||5olh of those whi-h are here reicrred tvs of em bi^'ger ths.n the on eeml.nnd • promnw iojh.) Aoowj tached to ari> tfn ci/t: { !uu uf Ihf^rm. I tiijor’ti >ut nii-h upon oiio huixired ,ng his head for a sign boord; but, taytU think a llefonn is ntc .-sary and just, und considerable tuf muhs. There was » .MnJ^r, when they put iny Iwad ue « It »m*;iit to be based on mutual ^ n,||, ,„j .m^. v,n Hu- :', tice of tlu>se who shall undeiuke the ollice ! ,„y corresjiondent gives some cogent rea- of framing the amendments to our constitu-1 g„ns for prelVriing his plan, but tliesc have not tin;e to send jou. | ^ gtMnl many questions to Mr. Hid- rrf>ort aU'ut the State Itanks, it ii bw ^ This number coucludes my series. Re- (;„„.rul gin n>e a Knig striiijj on to U t me published mine about ixjuiw curring to my earlier nutnU r«, I liml, tlmt j would stagger him ; die’s Hank, ^o I em gelling ibiM mdr. I promised to discuss l)ie manner «>f ma- j„, answertd them aM just as glib as our W e have n line cool Iiiihj In-re, Jindeft king thfse amendments: Irtjt I have N-en , jf, j)„^M,|ngville do the catakize, from bothered with Olfice seekers; »• cu « aniicipnted by other »litiTS and jKirticular- ,1,^ |.|,i,.f“*.,.nd of in:m” cl«'in through the eui in droves all olouf shore, wiitu fcri ly, by the orn spondont of the • Carolina ^nd he did it all in n mighty ci»- ■ chance. One fellow UMani otf la>t nir» Watchman,’ ‘ Ui;ror.M’ and by the address too, there was ony one he kinder tri- get appointed to »t,ine «|}ic«—the li wii, of a Commiltfe winch I have Ix-fore nlir- to trii round, and lhat was—h"w become thinks r.f making him Minister to the K« ‘1 ' nal liaich of tigeriu I nrver s>e, and there «,«i’t allow it—it shant U-." 'I he IjimiiI ,va«n't a blot or scratch m the whole on em. *a>s, if he allow• AmoeKendk-to makfial tion. That the reader may be .ible at a ' i j glance to see the operation of thi- plan, I Amt/ Robsart.—No person ever reau the j have prepared a table of I'edcral Population painfully interesting story of Kenilworth, j and marked out the present Congresaionul without being deeply affected by the trajji- j Districts, ile s.i\s : cal f.ite of poor Amy Uobsjirt. Tlicre are j Lot the Slate be divided by Counties af- few p*'rhaps, who, tor days after, have not ; ter each (Vnsus, into as innny Ih-'tncts as experienced an occasional shudder as the | she is entitled to clcct mcudiers to Congress, picture has occurred to their imagination, ‘ and let these districts Iw as nrarly t qual as of the sweet and guileless victim of Var-1 ,„ay be practicable accordmg to FaUror by thankiu- fe* oftlie’s I.JksaimxiK ,4'ihe S.ii>dwirh I.Uwls,on accountefU«| ueys treachery, when the trap d^r gave I,K>/Wanon,nnd let each Ihstrictelwt three ,nibhcatiou of mv |)„,.ctors until very l-t.K NN hvbeing all go.«i swimmers there. wa> U neath her elastic tread and instead I i»enators,m:.king a Senate of 39. Farewell. SKM’.X. he “ M.ijor, ami Major’’savn ho (a.wl Voon.,, cf iK^ing caught, as lier heart fondly aniici-1 - the House ol Commons compn- ^ ^ ,„u,rand J DOU M,;or paled, in the arms of her too tardy lover,, sed ot 92 membe^, one to elocted h> , he of militarv c>s. ofi red me .h.V , ,«vs he » M-..r, ll.r H.nk | she was percipitated from the lofty p atform pch County, o. w bv e.icb ol the i owns I..1- chnrn. ter, f U„ow. n- ,^.tv ; u.hI m the IimI go .^F, >*mi — tolhe^ltomofthatdet-panddisnmlvTiu! v ,z : U .,mn..|on New N.rn, luv-^ ^ ^now, tl.n (;meral’s fn.-nd, w.-re all abov. /’//./ through Ihodim air ol vvhich he while ,cttovdle and Kal.-..h ; and let .ravHI-r. on the ronim^nt. It „ of m> lililo import ,nco xs I'. mks and t.r«n much gn.t.liod with the drcis that covered her lileless body pre-;mg number U- rkcled one ch^lk b> j ,hat a [«.rtv, chirth mihtarv n,„k,nj. If w.-had put a hrn.K;h m Down, firsl volume of a work enl.tled •• seined 10 the wretches peering over the Counties conlummg the largest/.Jirc/ pop- • > y „ ,, .. K,.M..arches during a reMJence of , ledge above, the appearance ol a thin enow ulation. 1 ■ • > . - ■ .. .. .1. w; —1 Table cf Ttderal Population and ('on’^cs- iioHul Diftri' tM tn \orth ('aroiiua. curl, which fluttered for a moment, and liipn was still forever. We know no scene of more painful interest than this—none nhirh IS perused with more intense att n- tion,or which leaves such “ an aching void’’ in the reader’s breast. Indeed, so power- fjl was the t-.fil-ct of that story on us when v.e first perused it, that tl)« following dote ( f the impression it created on the mind of its original publisher hardly strikes us as being exaggerated. N\ e copy the story from the last Ix>n(1on Athenaeum:—While the novel of Kenil worth was going through the press, a gen tleman calicd fH) its printer, the late Mr. liullintine, to settle some business, and found him in an agony of sorrow. It was some lune before the visiter could extract an answf'r from the worth} gentleman, l»ut at k-iigth he said ‘ For (jiKl's s;ike, leave me alone. 1 have been so deeply atlected by the death of jtoor Amy Rob>art that I (^riuot attend to business to day.’ y. Y. Evening Post. Fire Proof Ciment.—The Frencii ce- tiicnt for the roofs of Ihjuscs, to preserve thp wood and protect it from fire, is made la the foihtwing manner: Take as much lirae as is usual in making a pot full of whitewash, and let it be- mixed lu a [»ail full of water; in this put two and a half pf»unds of brown sugar, and three pounds o fine salt; mix them well togeth er, jnd tho cement is completed. A little lampblack, yellow ochre, coloring commod- itv, may be introduced to change the color of Ihe cement, to please the fancy of those wlio use it. h has been uv-d with great siiccf'^is, and bien rcrotnmended particular- li a« a protection against fire. Small sparks jf fire, lhat frttjuenlly lodge on the roofs of hou'.TM, are pri*vpnted by this cement from burning the 8inn;:lcfc. So chcap and valu able -a |)r-r'auti(iii the destructive f-leiir*-!!! ought, Ttot tu pHss untrif^j. 'I’hose w ho wisli to lie U tter satisfied of its utility can f-asils make liii* expffrlment, b\ u^iiig It on a sin.ill iemporarj building—or it may l^e tried by shinghjs pul togtlher lor the pur- I>08e, and then i xpiJNed t«i the fire. Rail Road Journal. An Austrian ofiicer has lately lx;»^-n con* ocniiied to three years confinement in a for tress, and to l»e struck ofi’theliitofthearmy, t'.r havu.g aclcd as a second to 1 fii'.fid in ]ucl.—/Vc’ -' A Fajnr. lit iJitlrtcl. l\dtial r , men, aware, of the U-ttcr rec ptiori which in;;ii|it ,” -syi* In-, “ th«- tiinrral wouki uot IN'M.arche**, during u reMJcnce ol netm^ 1 redc« at would obtain at the CMirt of have hnJ m cnMon to ask »uch « f)ur*tion,” vcars in the NKiel) and >andwidi l»i^ All I’iicha tofjk their unilorn-*. One of ni.d with lhat h. mnd»‘n.c a bow, and I wnt by W illiarn Lihs, pubhslieil in ,Ni » It them, a voun" mr:n, who could n*-! Ix'.i‘t, h>me an] took dinn« r with him. It m pin- by J. Af J. Ilar|ier. I hi» v*ork i» iDUs_i ’ ' O .... .... ... Currifu k (J,7 u; (.’anHi'.-n J’awpiotjnk 7,.'j«ji I’erquimons Cates ♦i,»'>7 Chowan 5,1 -5 Hertford 7,U57 2(/. District. Bertie f),5“0 .Martin 7,232 Northampton lt»,2-J “Halifax 12,-22 .‘tc/. District. W ashingtoii 3,-7 S Tyrrell 4,1-2 ilvde r.,101 Fi'tt 10,010 * Kd^fcorr.h 1,MII4 Ucaufurt It,2-7 4^A. District. Crcene 5,1 T5 ’L'rnrtn 11,-73 Carteret 5,070 Jones 4,302 Lenoir 0,11-5 Johnston 0,1-2 U ay lie 5lh. Diitrict, Warren H,04- Frankliu Nash 7,010 'Granville 15,0-1 tth. District, Onslow f;,.5.5G New Hanover H,.'>I50 I)uplin 0,0(11 Sampson 10,105 Brunswick 5,'.i~5 Bladen 0,-553 Columbus 3,711 7fA. DixtrtcU * Cumberland 12,-Jl Robeson h,300 Montgomery 10,0011 llichmond 7,002 ■ .l»aon 12,171 .Moore 7,0-1 ^•th. District. nVake 17,171 ■ Oruiijfe 20,010 I’erson H,o.j5 •.ith. District. * Httckinuhara 11,202 * f'amn H 12,015 ' (itiilfirrd 17.713 *Slokct 15,000 gv curious to hear him talk almut millions «og«ve a hnlorv ol the origin, progre—ij aiid thou-inds; and I l'->I ‘•'‘ghb t*.al it o« r- wilis ol the mis.ionnry rnterpri* du*^ ! voliintf'ers, lopk thr.-« I'.ir waiit of lettfr. he i«; and how on I'Mrth 1 shall git back the last ihirly )»'ar» in that inter^in|(S=j At Yanina they were ! of anv rc;.iiiK'nt.'ils ^tcrpt v^hat lie hud 'worn in on« of the Lmdnn conipi;ni‘S cl c i;.r want of l^tt. r. ; „„d how on . arth I shall git back ino lasi inmy j-ar. 1.1 iii«. imrr^ r*-«i ivcd 1/v Ah IVha auainioniiwiiencesandfour w Dcehapiieoic* tion ot ilie world; and to place the of ihe l,il>orrr» more in rrliff, the autlMMj iriven a mort intensely mleresting •c«Ti of ihe manners and cuMoms, the •u|>»'r'.tiliuns, the painlul awl Wuodv rif ] ous nil 9 and cerrm«nie« ol' llie natitM ► for*' the intr»»d»ctiin of ci* iliz-iln«nndcWn> tianilv. and hat marked the pr«greti >! Iifit TV w ith much conrti sy: and iipf.n addn ^ing j can't trI the young trave)l‘r, All said to him, ‘ Where Arl^r I had l»*en figmn awav ihrre nigh have \ou servel V 'I’his would have leen up^Hi a week, and umiI up t or '•late pen- n poRpr to most men in Ihe sain** situation ; ciN, and spit my imHilh at dry as a cob, hut he won more honor by his wit than he njhbin oul the kums a* f.isi at I did th*-m, I had done by his sword; for his ready an- writ lo th» liincnil, ami t«*ird him it was no swer vias, u{s.n ‘ inihledon Commou.’ ute ; I «(/uhlfind no iiiiniake; but 10 long All had too much fact to liriray hi^ i;;no- the Hank was at work it was prrtlv miH'h tl e r»*ir* al ol niental shadowy ranee of the liatlle or the place; and mir hho ronnting thrrp in a fill day when lh»-y work us is original, not nn« uf ! city hero pjiwted with tlie tyrant for a dit- ar*» just l« t into a new stubbb-—(»r it wat the “ refMirls ’ and contradictory sUlesroU ' iin^uishcd warrior.—Hhixtralion t>f tht all tlie w Ink’ cro*.*iing and miviiig, and the oland Aowv traveller*, aod »• m** I I.ife and Charartrr of Lurd liijron. only wav was to |o* k up all the Itanks, and reason lo believe lhat the l'«ur vohiiM**’ ! M fast as >ou count em, black their noM^. conslilulo one of the most mtrre»tin| i \fr. ct,on of 1hrd».-Thc follow inj cn- ^ •• Now.av s I one d.v to S|uire lliddle, “* "hich mo.lern reacarcl, l>a* riont facts may sngtfe,! a tli.night f-r the “ Fll j.M take u look .1'ycmr money l«gs, naturalist. A young robin wa* Id't jcar for lh"y tell ihe Gineral y ou han’t got stuir jcau;,'ht and domesticated by Mr. K.ilon, enuf in liie Hank to make him a (wiir of «|*-c. I living a few doors from us, which has ever tiic|e>», *• none of your r.igt,'* Miyt I, " but ■>iincc been k^pi in a cage. A few wu ks the real gritand with tliat he call'd 2 or i Mnce, one of his boys thoughtlessly ca|>- .'I chaps hi litia.ker coatt, iukI ihey o|K*n’d a [lured and bnajght home a whole ne*it of, large place about a*-big as the “ east room cuts , priiiimr and buidiiig.alldeeervepra* V. S. (Icitm. J€rty nud KrutvUdgr.—TlieCooft* of the rnil'*d >Ie\ican States have»r^| lured aiifl bnajgHt home a w noie ne*ii 01 • large place attoiii a*-t>ig as me •• east room; - , , ,, r ik tf- [small young robins, three in min.bcr, |es.t and wich a sijhi I never s«>e—l)oxes, bagt, priate»l thtrty tkoumind du Ian « Uh.m half grown; and placed them ui the an 1 I ng«, all full, and I should say nigh cbaso o| jioriothcal jHiblicat^is ® 1 cage v\ ith the old robin w ho at first seemed ij|)on a liundri d cord. Snys I “ Spjire llid , itartled and alarmed at this unceremonious die what on earth h all tint’ For lam I intruMon, but so4iii ly.'came reconciled to Ihe stump’d"—"t),” nays he, “ Major, that’s jlittle btrangert; and ns if pilying their our Safely I’und,"—“hov* you talk?"s.iyt I. ;helj.!ess condition, soon lj-gan to leed them .. “ayi* I, “ is lhat all genwii.e f" I as her own. One of the three was smaller *• i:very dollar of ii,” hays he; “ will yon i and more tleblo than the rest. U ith this romit it Mnjorsa\« he, “ \ot to-day ' she commenced her chanties and confined «.,vs I; •• but « - the (Htieral wants me to of w Inch are, of courso, lo be imperted'^ foreijn cwintnes. 'I'he bill, •• the llouic of Kepresen^ativei, •pprrfo*®*J *25,tMi«»; IhjI on l^mg increated .S-nate, wai advpted w ith their Our countr\ men will b*‘lie»e lhal ll>* ** j icansare m earnest m ihe pur>uit of ' stie commenced her ciianiies and coniinea «.,ys I; •« l.wt « - the (Htieral wants me lo l'npp'n«*. by ll'^ *>»•> j(*I , them to tins alone for one or two days, ,,, particular, ! II juM hti^le «oi,.e of em ;' ""1'^P*'"'’'*’ ! feeding it with whatever food she was sup- and al it I went hammer and file. It ralv '‘»'«'’nmrnt adopting mea I piled with lierself. She then adopted the did me gowl, f >r 1 did not think there wa« ' J ‘ 'whole as her ov II, and seems to manirest much real chink in all creation. Sowhrn “n'l •'■clings. • the san.e anxiety and care for them, as «he j pj,, t,red, I set down on a pile, and took ' would have done, had they liceii hatch H by ,,^1 „,y wallet, and liegan to count’over some * ««• Mexandria, on the (her, always imparting IUkI to them U-forc ,,f the “Safety Fund’' iiotei I got shavriJ by the Rev. T. W. Newman, Mr. ri:«rt;iLiriiF it iu»rtirir. PViriririfT tf^warrlM : *1... ...I 4. 1. ft 1* .1 .. t . PrinCC , partaking of it herself, and evincing towards ' with on the grand tower. “ IIe7e,” says I, Saif, to .Mim Lucu Fortune, of I’nDC* i them maternal fondness.— Lynr, Ricord. .. |{,d.l|.., I have a small infle I .hould county Va. i like to barter with veil, Its nil “Safety Fund," •’ * f • well I k'""' A SihI Trap.— A gentleman who had "•*>''I i ‘ and Mr Van Huren’s head is «n * tnt; #jrne, a long U;en subject to the nocturnal visitation>* ioo>,l all of mi.'’ But as soon as he put his ; of thieves in hm orchards, wishing to pie- .'-ye on cm, he thoik Ins head. 1 see he ' Mrve hit pro|*«rty without endangerinn any 1 had his eye teeth eiit.—“Well,” myn |, j one’s Jifc, procured from a hospital ihe j“ it’* no n.atter,’'—but it lifted my dander j leg ()f'a !ulij;cl, which he placed one even- considerable, j mg m a stet:|-irap in his garden, and next! “ Now,” says I, “ Mr, Middle, I've goi : morning s‘iil the crier round the towu to' one more iii'-,ti .n lo put to yon, atnl tl.en I aniKHjnce, lhal “ Ihe owner of tho leg left I’m through. Von sjiy your billt, are l. 1- jiii Mr ’« grounds last night, miglil ^ ter than tho hard dollars; ihis [a,iv/.|csme, ti application.” lie was uev-' and the (imoral too. N,w how is ihis " Wcll,”»i)ihe, “Maj'ir, ril!"I'y,ii: ;r>. rec ivo it upon i ' cr robbed again—Eng- paptr. Tlx're ■ ttt iiu iiiikWIi" . fur a’ vour .ilirf c liatU’li tlita V«'i stor. 1/ gel a diliof lint now ilif pctics’ ar* mnny mwr, i ’I'll biiv fol'ii n M f Uil— . , , i 1 i.en J.s.nuli V r'xir .■Nliiij /'-(fJi. :r'» I'oarid » ' j /ihn Smth, i:-q. tin- •'J*'"'’ land ourier, a j'ci.llemaii ol fin* tli.i reputed aiilhor of the .MtjOf j D.Mvn;;:^ I.vttcri.