the MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. Fr«m Ibo Eviio'mn Coorant. Vtunordi’Mru Occurrence.^a Tliuns- J.V while Mr. Montgomery, a banker, in ] \09 anoJlw gcntlemun were tishing •Mbe river Gronock, they were struck with ® j»oe#rance of a wliirlpool in the cen- '!• of^« river, which apfieared as if llio ’ ten *vere ropKlly desceniling into the '^rtb* immediately conclurlcd that bed ‘he river had given away ami ihgt the water* were dsscendiog into the jjcrics beneath and haatened to the n**ur- ^ pit u tnouth to give an alarm. The men aooQ board the mighty nisbing ol’ ^ »ater^ and hastem-d to escajMj, which '^'jjentially they all otfcctcd, though with- I a mutneot to a|t)ire, several of tlmtn ine up necks in water. The natff ctmlinued to jwur into the cxtctuive ^fities braeuth, and the next day a tre- ciiJuii'b' **''8® broke down, iut«i hich ll'** *hole river descended, leaving ti bed quite dry ft>r the ipace of a mile on 4ch »idc of the a^i«^rtu^e where it bud i»re- jou*l> been six feet deep. On the flowing f the tide the depth of water below the iu iiica'ased to nine feet; the dvsolatiun g4 awful. The water still rushed in a ,:,nt Kito the earth. 'I'hree men in a a hnd an almost miraculous escapc from aucked into the vorte» ; they h;id no Ar got out than the boat was drawn au Mith fearful rapidity. Tb« great Iwdy of water continued to irdown till the workings which exltude*! ifiy ml«s. were coniplet«dy tilled. A n w of terror now presuntid ilself—the .ijriMoed air, pres«**d by the wtM;rht of iur, burst through the surface of the irtli in a thousuud places, which, for the of many acrc», presented the ap{MMr. -1> of a boiling chaldron. I umiensi: quan- of sand and water were thrown up and . .'nded like torrents of rniii for tnuny jrj. IJy this calamity ►ix hundred ;»er- I.-, arc thronn out of employ ; and so ex* ,„.ve IS the destrucliun as to precludi ihc that the works are ever tube restored tbeir funner state. Prtrtntion of Forgrry.—The Lord May • of IvMKion r*'ceivsJ a letter contamiug a M t»r prevcntmi; the iswr of forgrxt checks ! Ulls. III! Lurd«hi{> ^tal*d (hoi»li c codimuiiicatiou caiiic from a [mtsoh uIio rr to l»ave got into di»;'nicu by some -rrin? or oilier, tl*e Niggrstion (Hfinvd to well 4e*> r»iiig of couMilerrttioii. 'I'lii; flowing IS a copy. •My Ltyrd—Olwcrving by the papers that offlje forgeries jiijunous to socn ty ha- jUst couipirlpd, 1 iH*g leate tu sa> thnl Iwve been >prakui;; to on the sub. ct of his neliinuus pr:.ctirc«, und in the Hir* of our cm.versa!i»u, f aj»k»-d bun bat !ie theu^ht of a plan winch I, for a ij time have pnfertsired a« efWtnil n- ■ ftrerry’, tiz.— K\rry peri»on n'«p»ir- "»check, f"r inntance to have a pruatc -' in of numbering, «k fulluw.: t 3 1 6 C 7 K ft 10 ( I' M n K k I. A N l>. to hnve It in WHic r mark in full >n (he : r; ihfo when drnwiiij; on his bank* r, I’uy HKIl. If. I obl r hmiM ii ' thnl if It ws» profx'fly manau'*’d, •*» in- -"!rty could foil It, without a ronfedfrate (Im cootkirnce of tbe parti* !* alx.ut to be ,’,ied. ^ly love o| tntcial order inriur'-s la vtfiT iny simple aid for its bem-iil, al- I fear fjoui th«' HUxpK iun of mj (x I- tKm and other cirr«m«tarK-*n, I Nhull Iw .T hapleM and cli-^rlf ** iii my iirIf, m con- ce of a w rong suspicion aHacliiiig to 71f Ht/tT Tiu'tm.— A I' w d.ny^ ago, a of the Merchnnt 'I'ailorN m Maik-t nrt «H4 paiieiitlv waiting the call'i of imw.ts, a robui-l, hAiie>t lookinv fr||o«, j'pej into the nhcp, » ho looked as though • needed an outfii, hm habiliim nn b‘in" tbc Worse of the wear. \fiT the ■•^1 MKjuiru-s as ti price-, Vc. be ron- Hcd to nc bims>-ir out with a new suit. dolfi-d hts old root and ve»t, anti \rrv a found »uU>iitutos for ehoir. among the ’nous fainpivs spread out befon* lii.n b\ WoiniiKxlating mipplier. I lavinp found talooni that pkaned him, he walked in- lb* back room to fee whether they were •unicieiitk'n^th and br« adlli, whu h bring case, he very uncercmoninusly kirkitl ''■Id ones out of the way. and made for the window. \\ itli worKlerful dexterity Reaped over the dilfereut wails, wftodpilcs high frnct-i tlmt obstructed bis pro- aud was soon farthsr tbau “sfieal,m;:» iiee foora the Imlnr's 'lu'p and Ins tat- • J ric^. 'n,e lionrst shopkerp»»r Ix'gan ■ '*^sk r at his delay, nril prf»cc (led tu futiai ^hen- he had lel’t lii>) ru?*l)nn‘r ; • lo* the bird had flown, aud h it not a behind," save his tlireadkire brei - ^ When l)r. Frunkliii whs tho Post Master Oeneral of tlio coluiiiea, his sister wrote to him, to appoint her son, his nephew and iiariiesako, to nn otlice in his gifl. The fy|. lowing is his reply : “ And now, us to what you propose for Benny, I beliovo he may Ije, ns you say, well enough qualilied for it, und when be CHARLOTTE: SATUItDAV, Al/iaKl' 31, l«a3. to market on the 29th August, wincb~vra8 sold at 9 cunts.—Courier. MirchaiUs' and PlarUera' Money.ith- in tiie last wet k the value of this money has taken a considerable rise* Ou Tuesday ' last it was quoted at 60 cents; by a refer- ELKTTION RETURNS. , . , ,, . • • rimrf«R—Enoch Nasli, S. Thomas'l ilictt and apiieurs to^bo^settied', if"k vacancy" ahoul’d ^ “If ^ ta,,.;.. 1.1. vo„ thought of stu supply It; but it is a rule C'W«n...Jo.i[ih R. Skinner, S. Charles Mix-1 ConstlttUlonllst, with mo not to remove an officer that Le-1°"“,’“^ i • Imves well, keeps regular accounts, and iwys U. \Uvghtnn. j Death by Lightning.—A friend has fa- duly ; und I think the rule is foundeU on I j„hn wiiiy r" | soured us with the following particulars of reason an.l justice. I have not shown anv i /fnni»,rM-.\Vm. S Sam A Lasmiyrc ^ I','® backwardness to assist Benny, where u 1 “"J UL'jjamin Leonard, C. ' ' * * : buncombe County. On the ult. Mr. could be done without injuring another. , ,, . —company with twa other gentlemen, But if my friends require of me to gratify,! following article from the Vinrlnvy wore out driving deer; while out there cuuie not only their inclinations but their resent ments, they exjMjct too much of me.” >SoniR\\hat in the same spirit is an anec dote which we had from the mouth of a distinguished oflicer of the revolution. Whig eiitireiy escaped our noficc until we saw it published and commented on in the Carolina Watchman. It will certainly be up H thunder storm, and the party took shelter under the branches of two trees, not far distant from each other. Iti this situation, the electric fluid descended the news to old MecMenhuig, us Mr. .Jones, ujjc, under which Mr. B. and one of bis When towards tbe middle of the war, ‘I*'** twoibcrs elect Iroin , companions stood, and killed Mr. B. instant- -ongresg had voted to raise u re-.imeiit of 'y- ‘%'cllier with a hunting dog, and so ighi bor;*!, the selection of the oflTcers was asKured that the people f'eel under ' “«i'erely stunned htscom|>amon,as to render to Ueu. Wabhmgton. llis relative, obligation to him for the information.! ‘l«ublful whether he wid recover, ards Col. Wa>hington, who was al- Here is the article : j liuthcrforuton Jyeclator. Cong light given afterwards ready distinguished for gallantry, was s[>o ken of for the upp«nti!ienl of f^icut. Col onel ol the regiment. A general ollicer in pany, services, &c. diC. which I believe may be obtained from Captain Condy Raguet. thiladelphia, July 3,1H33. J. H. S. The most gratifyi&g signs of the times in the South are tha frequent noticea of prejected Rail Roads and others of internal improvement. When her influential citi* zens become occupied with the wholesome excitement of such undertakings, they wilt have no time to bestow on Nullificatioa or other whimsies.—jPJi7. Daily Adv. u EEKLY ALMANAC. SEPTE.MBEk 1B33. r'i»“Hji“t;.l PHASES. 31 Saturday, 1 Sunday,' 2 .Monday, 3 Tuesday, 4 Wednesd.iy 5 Tliuraday, 6 Friday, 5 3a 6 25i „ 5 36 6 24! ®’’ ^ptfmher, 1833. 3.37 6 23 , "a 5 .38 6 M * 0 32 morn. 5 3!)'C 81'?!.®'*' P ^ a 40'fi 20I ^ aflt’D. 5 4lifi 5 afVa. IVIARlilED, In tliis coimty, on 2ath inst. by the Rev. R. IL .Morriwon, Mr. Rankin U> Miss Almira Oil the aoth inst. in (’abarrus county, by ’Siuiru ffall, »Mr. Jo/in O'. Nesbett, of Lancaster District, S. C. to .Miss Mary Koig, of Cabarrus county. [I rom the l‘h\,kney U hig, (VorAri/Jc, S’. f'.J i A serious disaster hud nigh befallen theln- r .n to ' Bv*the'n ' ' dcpendrnce 71, w hich w lying m the stream ,hi. town, on SatS’night last, Mrs. Ccth. .• u I .!• VI 1 I “yl^rom North-Carolinu, in the Navy \ ard in Cluuestown, on U ed-^ arijie HWiun, wife of Mr. Robert Watson of this ^1 ersa ion w ith O. u. W ashmgton on the | «•« see that tlie R.pubhcan Slate Kiglit I'larlv ... the mornn.g Commodore I place. ' ’ ' ^l.j^ct,took the hbi-rly ol urging taplaml pa,ty have elected their entire ticket in - Washingtons claims to the station, and a|. | Kt.wun County, itli one exception. In tho luded to Ilia near relationship as a circuui- | l{uroii«h (.Saliiburv) election, Burton Cra.f^, stance tntn.ed to some regard. Gen. W ash- ; i:!.,,. a t.ue Stale 'r.ights ma.j, was b« ateii ingtou replied in his calm decisive tone,' by U. II. Alexander, a l':(lcrali=t of deep fcir, your last sug^esti.ui has settled a ques- dye. 'I his iwk xpectcd result is, no doubt tion that has given me some jx^rpiexity ; my mind has balanced between Captain U asliingU>ii anu another ollicnr, but 1 w ill not be suM|)ectcd of pref-rring the advance- ment of a relative to my country’s btrvice —ho cannot buvo tho ollice. Captain U a.sliington w ai ap{K>intcd Major iiisiesd of Licnt. Colonel cftlie reg.nient, and atter- v»ards ro'tf by rej;ulnr graduation tu tbe cozmiiai.d of it. — liu^nlo I’alnot. Elliot went on board to give directions a- bont having the ship well moored against the arrival of the ou dock &lie se KI>UCATIO>. J equinoctial gale.s, and while i ^r^‘‘?^^*ARGARET HENDERSON reapecf- 1,1 ,1,11 1 .. tully infcrins her friends tiiat her School -eenicd lo bin. tbat she lurclieti; .5,1 , 111 1.1 c'»n»>ence on Monday the 2d of September, more than usual. He ordered the pumps ; Those who patronise her school may rest assured to be tried, which being done, it was ascer-1 that every exertion «dl be used to give satisCaction. oAing to the aiist'>cracy and nmnicd ii.llu- inined that the had four feet water in her, -t'a'-InIJ. 3w ence of Vdl.ige. 'f he Ceunty, how- bold. ►Some rogue had broken off the brass j NOTICK. evrr, has will tubfuited the lie|Mjblican cock fixed on one of her sides to let ui sail j A LLpcrsonB are forewarned against trading fo» tiiitii. Ihc ratululute^j in water occasionailv, and llie bhi[> was lilluig 1 a Note of hand given by William J. Morrison •Mecklenburg have .‘•uccei di d by handsome ; rapidlv. Bui for”the tiiuely discovery, she 1 Francis Tlierel, to which I am security, as the •• - • ' ' ' . I , ./ *•. ^ Mid note was htled by William J. Morrison. Tho U e aie specially gratifud at mu't have sunk during the afternoon or ni^ht, ai a d> pth of lifty feet of water. -Nuf. inttlUgcncir, '2Uth inst. Vtry Good.—'l lie I'resident and suite viiiited tiic l)t;at and Dumb .A&yluin while at Harti'ord. 'ihe lads were arransed on drd I)i;!ritt—Luke Lea btat J. L. Wil liams. Itn Ih.strict—.''tandifer beat (Irepn. ^lli l>i»tii« t—Fotrt;^li*r b* at lA^icks !t*)0. Otli l>iiilrici—W uj. .M. Inge beat Uaven- port ij. >ih lhatrict—J. Fv. I’oik beat I’orter than tln'\ can l>c eicctui. and lieat IJradlord H';),). ' sLr inajoiities. tiii'i: Old .Mccklenhui g has reduciiied her- sell’. 'I'he lirst—the very (irst—to resist and throw otf tlr; shr.cklt s of Biiti>h op pression, sl;a seems delermincd to rc\i\e tho princqilcs which then actuated her sjns. ILNM..v>I,L r.l.iA lIo.N loR (ONGnL.S.S. ■ cannot now swallow the slaM-h doc- 11(1 Arnold or |trin.sof the I’roclamation, and the despot- ■ ach side of t!ie |a.‘,iiage, and v.elcomed him * o I n I 1 «. I I'in ol the l orcf Bill,—barked as tin y are w .th their mute haa.;s, waving tlieir hats, r 1 y- ‘ l*y 't-e name of /W.r IMge-/I hu i upils (K-.foru.ed s.nne of their exer- II I . . , • t. . eount\, we tlimk, has elected a cises in then recreation riMinis, very much Mate n;;ht.s man. But few returns ha\e to the gratification und an.uioinent of the j as y t rer« bed n-i. Noril.-C},ro!iim i-c^’tn-i company. 'I'lie \ ice I*res:der.t wnsintio-i ini' riHind. 1 wilve month n;;ii, nullilication duced by the tcachor to a vo'.mg lady from was in bad ordi'ur there : Now itsadvocat* s .Vlbany, and had some conversation wilh her! apj ekctrd; a!id we \euture to assert, in on tbe black board. Among other ques-i twelve mantiis more, tiartely any clher tions, he usk.d ner age. U ith a rather] roj>uisli expression of countenance, she' , ,, 1 ,, I , ' I , quickly wrole— Are you married, sir^”] ‘th District—1>. U . Dn;kinsr>nli^atl.ra- It is rnr pninlul duly to arn^uncc the Mr \'a„ f;„rcn is a widower, aud herro-l a ui ilh 1 f tti. Hon. L«.»jv.\ki» lli;M>EHio.\, r,|v rui-sed a laugh at Ins exj>cnse. ! Jthi'-! .Ii!>ti.e ot thr t>:ate, who bieatbcd , ' Hartford twpLr. \ , li:s l:i't, at hi n.Liidence in (ir.inville coun- ■% ty, on the 13.Ii i:i.-t. We mean not to Tribyfe to Wasltint'ton at the Dublin amount of the note not recollected, but believed to be U-tween 500 and $700. JOHN N. HOU.STON. 27, 2wp KKG131EXTAL ORUEKS. HEAD QUARTERS, / Charlotte, N. C. August 27th, 1833. ( fa fBIHE OtEcers, (C-ommii'sioncd JL and non-Commissioned) .Mu- sicians and privates attached to tlia 1st Regiment of X. C. Volunteers, will parade in ('harlotte, on Friday, the 4th of October next, armed and equippf'd according to law, for Re view and Inspection. Regiment la be formed precisely at 9 o'clock, A. M. Commanders of Companies will be required to report the num ber of privates in their respective companies at Head Quarters, at 8 o'clock, A. .M- Uy order of the C’ol. C’oind’t. JXO. F. PHIFER, jan. Adjt. ' write i.i'lI>jlo_y, lor we !c* l ours*jlvcs ut- Thtatn..—.Mr. llacket tbe actor gives the | Jilt teily inconij' tenl Co df> justice lo ins public following account ot' an occurrence at the | ATTENTION : hafayctte Artillery, ^'OU are hereby ordered to parada in ('harlotte, at the usual pa rade ground, on Saturday, tho 7th of S-pteinbtr next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. aniK'ii and equipped as the law directs, for the purpose of drill. By order, A. H. .MARTIN, 0. a Aug. -29, 1633. about 1.1 volLS and beat ,Maui\ by lai •' m.:jirit \. !Hh Di-lrict — John Bell. lOtii Di'tiict—B.ibr I’l \ton. f I th I lit. I net—(' ix\f .lidin ^>n. l;;iti District—I>A\ii» (.jiotKLT bent I it/.^crald 17ti vi.i'b. Mrluej, jn l hi.s pir,ale worth—lo his pro- Dublin i h*'utre. “ The first niuhtofUipl l.xlMct from a !• tier to the Editor of tho found lei^.il I aran.g—Ins superior attain- Vuii N\ inkle, when in the uiid>t lif the scene | ( on. J air. in nt—ai.d li.s und«;M:it;ng res[H?ct tor the wheic he tiiids Ininscll'lost in amazement -\u^u-.t yth, I'.'M. inde-K nd( nc(', llie integrity aud t!ie al tiie chaiig* in his native village, as wdl j .NlHint I’riisjM.ct. >“1 the proics.^K’n lo w hich he belonged, us in hiinsxll and e\irv hotly he meets, a| Dr. ^!lr;—^Wnl tiiriingh,-tight ^quciv,. \\ c I aM‘l.ic pCilorinance oi this task in person of whom he is niuking ni(|uirv, uien-' mg,.beat I’ll/17 0. \our», D. C. abler a-id n.oif appropuate hands. In the ; tions the name of \\ ashiligton. Kip asks hi>tors of tho Bar of Norih-Curoliiin, how-’ ‘ U ho is he f’ 'i'l.e other replies—‘ What! 'J'vuth tii>t—IIanih >110 of those ev-r, liic name of Ln)nard llcnders.m will did you never hear of the immortal lieorge m^ldliiig tcnlU iiKU, who hki' Thomas of be tviinnejn.rated, amon;.: the mO't emi- \S a^hnlglon, tho I’athcr of his Counlrv ?’ old, aro 11'VI f »4iinicd th y have put ntiitly ii;'Unf:ui.sliid—and his contcnijioia- Th-' whole audience from |>it to gallery their linger up-ntter) ttung ihev s-e, was n s ui|| |,.ng cherish the remembrance of stoined to ritf, und with shoulmg, buzzas, lu.l Ijiig Miii « ob*» i\-d bv a friend uiih one, so ju>i|y adiiiircd as liio pride and clapping of hands and stanq ing of feet his h«n l “ done u|i," to UM* an every day ornam-^il of llieir pro^e^>lO!l. made tiie \erv building siiakc. These phra.Mi, III somr killlo/."ii hallde^kchlet^. ’ lugmftr. dealtnings plaudits continued soinelime, and ■ lie iKCo-.tid tun with th- u'ual question wound up with three distinc t rounds. To j “ whut Hils >our bind“ W by,” “ tother ; A corresi*ondf nt writes us from .Mont- dcscril« to \ou my teoling during such an | day I went into the mill lo hi-e'cm saw g-iiniTv county, under date of .\uyust :J0, unexpected thunder-gust of national enthu-1 clabburds and I s.ikt a tiling whirling round th it the .Mills l>elon_ing to a Mr. Bniney of siasni is utterly impossible. 1 choked—1 •«iM\iltand It looked so uin'Mjtb and slick tiiat County, were coii.-uined b\ liie on the the tears gushed from niv eves, and lean! I linughl i'd^'iMf totjt h my liiig»T to it and in;!it of th* Dti'i, lOMcther willi .'iOO bush- assure you it was only by'a great ellbrt | ^•0 how It ft It, and don't \ou tliink, it took >K of grain. 1 be Mills are estimated to .that 1 re.tramed myself troin destroy mg all | lltc »t;i«/ol It rigiit oil', aud then lliey hol-jbe woilii ^100: the greatest part of the the illusion of ihu scene by breaking the! lon-d out—\ou mus'nt tourb i|,at, u's th-' grr.::i Itol.mged to his rustomers. It is sup- felteis wilh which ihe age arid character of. rart iltir taw that s;iws all tho posed t» have been sf>t on lire by some ma- Kip had invested me, and exclaiming in Hriirat’l'oHhe-Ith Dhbio^n of tte but tliry spoke half a second too late, the licious [terson. l iiy. iJbutrter. the lulluess ot my hcui I ‘ (Jod bless old Ire-‘ Militia, are liereby eouuiianded to appear in Char- eeiid ol my lin^t'r wasgoU'.- and I never; ^ , land.’” j lotie, on Friday the tih of October next, with their seen it since. [A. //. 'londav la't, J^ih/i U. Taylor, Esq., ^ res[>cctive bulialterns and privates, equipped ac- iShi rifi'of (irrene County, Ins annu. . | cording to law. ibr Heview and Inspection. The al settlement w itii tbe I'ublic Treasurer— mon.Htration.— 1 ho lollowmg is as in- j Regia.ent wi;l be formed at 10 o'clock, A. M. struclne as it is remarkable. \\ e have it *’>■ order ol MILITARY ORDERS. HEAD QUARTERS. Concord, Aug. 26, 1833. —Tho followin'f circuinsiancr , , . , , . i . has b.-uii iclaletl to us as havmg latdy .!! riirred m ihe neighbirhood of 1 unkliHnock,'Tiic, county. W e do not vouch for the correctiieM-s ol the slory, though it is .-aid to be atrictly triif*. •\ little child l»cpi:eil of its mothnr a pieci; ol cake, and on receiving it, immedi ately went out ol llie house. A short lime afterwards, the niothur sousbt the (liiid, wlioiii (the found a little way frttni the hou»; nniu-Miig it.v lfwith ll-eihn;; tho cake to u accounli this season.—Hal. :^tar. The I’resiilrnt of the Fnited .^tatfs ieft \V.\I, C. .MEANS, Co!. Comd't. .1. HAKHIS, Adi't. from a source we consiiier authentic. O'tnius of I impt rance. _ . ... . In the year I"! 3, the first company of; i €*M1*MMjMS\. the Kii. Ksps ve^tfidav at 10 o’clock, in Washington (luards of IMnladelphia, coin- Ihc St. am ( '.>:nmbia, iVir Washington : mended by Capt. Co.miv Uaui ki, inarched s.iacm'ter noxt^. iro’d^T.NL krmed'am^^ his health hnvin:; l>een entirely re-establish- delend the shores ot the Delaware Iroiii ci)uipp«U as the law directs, ibr the purpose of drill, pfi during his three weeks sojourn in that the Enj^lish. 'I'lie coiiij any numbered I .‘iU j .1NO. G. HOSKINS, Capu«u. salubrious spot in our “ b-'autil'ul bay.” men, divided into mess« s of G and 7 men ; Ausust-20, li23. '-w .Yi r/17/i //cruW, .11,03. each. It so happened that one mess of 7 X. B. Co!, tiricr will attend for the purpose of —•— incu drank nont; of iheir rations of spirits COTTON.—The Charleston pui>ers state or oilier articles. They were in camp seven TIlO Farmer, large rattlosnaWe. I be snake, with it- ^ |oto| - J bales of cottun, belonging lo montbi, and when the I’cace tJok place the ^ Editeti l>v tJid.-on I!. Smith, is is.suodevery Friday, tiead elevated nearly loth" height til the ’p|_ I-]|(pnn! ol this di'trirt was sold on company was disbanded. Ilk’v eiileen \ ears ' in Haitim.>r.’, at ?."> per annam, in advance. Co;;, child s he;.d, i*v. iuiig wiih much apparei.t •J'„p.;,h,y la-^t m that maiket for 17 ct;ntF. afterwards, a call was made for assem'bim-: teats of liu 'JJd Number, XV Volume. **•> vo^ry profitable excbaiigt* lor tlii? 1 t«»tislaclioii Iroiii Ihe hand ol tiie uncon-: The first bale of new Cotton was received the survivors of the company, and it was' Editorial; tJama Crass—Letter from N. Ilcr- ‘■•"I'*- ir.imbs of cake wIik ii it the -'1st inM. and sold at auc-' found llml :i:t weio then l.v’.n.f, and 7 ol pr^-t-sblo BoUnioa! broke oil and put into 111. .simkeship-sinouth. t,on for'-'(l^ ent>-. It was sent on its way that iiumlK.r were the mess that drank iLTlUwrr^il^ I ho alarm ol the mother, an niiglit reaMiii. (n Sivaiinah in a few hours after its pur- no liquor when in camp of them were. Farmer—Steel Trap to catch RoTues—Accoup; of aliU l»e was wry great on rhauf*. I present ut Ihe meetui;;, and letters were! an Agricultural lv\c\i8ioiMuadc*into the Svutho* tier cliitu |)ut Its TH uitu the muuth ot j'j,^ Cohimln.i Flivo nt' SaturJav savs read tVoni two others, their reasons by John D. Lcga- so dangerous ,i creature as tho rattlesnake ; |. Yest.-rdiiv 10 bales of new Cotton, the first for not being al the meeting: one resides in i ^;’‘l>^f"^^5ricultIlrls^ continu- but retaimi.!- a prop-r pre«.,ic^ of mind | |,r.„,sj|„ ,1,„ ...aiket sold at'JO dollars Cincinnati, and the other 1.1 some other j she iM rniu.l:d the e iihl lo come to her, and ; p^.r and a bale of old ('otlon had 1 part of Ohio. No other mess could imin-' Society .it Ihorl ston,nt the Anniwrsary .Meeting, tlicn |Hirsued and linled the snake. ^ Itoen sold the preceeihng tlay ut 17 dollars ber more than two living members. ' July 10, l.''.'t;{, by Riv.Uachman—OUservatious The gentleman who gave me the mfor-' ^‘‘'asking fi.itter, ss ^ ^ UJ . ..„V..iw._., . i‘ praetiHcil 111 lieKiiirt—Kaisip.^ Bees in Garret.^— Mi thnilist /{00k (\mcrrn.—This estab- **nt. ho 10 vaiii |«XHiki*d through tini ■w for tlie rawiil, or peered intw hn* »nd sdjKinmg yurd^, mid iwon maile up fiimd that he might at well hoI down 'nier and clotlu'su> nmon^tbe im>8in!:. •r thus dihpojiiiiu of Ihe nb-seiitrfs, Iir 0 naturally mid in'-cbameallv proccirded miii^ck the iHx kets of ||„: j,| Crowsers, '•ere leli, wheio he soon t'uund n Ixx k, forgoiujii, doubtless, by tin* *man m hii batte to pnicure llio spoils 'Vniiig wliich Itis glad eves were ■' by Ihcrheering sight of bink notrs. ‘'•’n h? Ai-fit sr.\, Afui>T ID.—More Sar Cot- ^ „ h.sliiii."nt. Ill Crosby Street, ,Ni:vv-\ork, ha.s ft)/i—Anoti.rr Hah> of this Crop, quality unre .cd tlain, he counted ten | about .‘50 presiie.s m operation, one of which very good, wih bionght to market ibis mation, is one of tho mciiibers of tlir mess of 7 ^poken of, and every word may lie r lied u|>on as tiu't. •‘-iffc iL . ; n ' I i 011^ .V % iiiiai ijomo ol the /?"r. pr.-v«,«w|>fjl to four common press- morning by .T‘.s...e 1*. leeiie of llurke conn- whole number is now living, .\lti-r the ; ~ OS. It eaiploys between two und thioo hun-. tv, and soid by A. tibley fur IS cent In , meetin’ held three vears a-'o, a p,iuii>hlel tcuh.^ Albany Eve. Jow. ’ " • - ’ - ‘ I-H! n'l'l .Mismier of .Vakivir tlio Horso Kakc— Fivrnit r'* a.s th. y wt i-', 0)*U Fanners as they nri — e«. I drcJ pcrsjns. 1 uiil aCijUailUt d with I I*IU. 3 Curri ,;t cf Coui.Uy I’roduce in the Nt nicmlx-rs, and 1 believe the! V«rk and lU’.naioro Mark, ts—.Vdvertisciaeni.^. J(>l5'lMuT\TlY(r^ 1S3I Mr. GrucLC brou^'ht th'j first Cotton' was published gislng a hi.v.ory I'f t!ie coin- O^'aU 'a' (his Off.

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