l>itlMTKI> AMO Fi:ULlNlli;i> i;VKK¥ SATtKDAV. IH TIU>.MAN .1. II0i;r0PI.„. IIARM)TTI-:, MIX;KI-K,NUt B« tOUXTY, NORTH-CAKOMNA. "■ 1 WI1.I. TEACH vov TO rir.ncr. thi nowEiJi or tii* baki^h am» »kimj u*;t khow thk cavkr.vs or tiik moi'ntains, tirTAi." wmh-h will oivk sTKriwiTii to om hanim ani> ki/bjkct ali. natuuk to ouk usk and riXASL'KC.—dr. Johnson. VOli« IV. SATLKI>1Y, SEI»^rEMBER 38, 1833. NO. 157. ;tboir oMii, or in ilio cltvelo|>meiit oC llic i riveted otir interrst. I5ut cnroful exairi-j Me if, and he Icnows it, a self-made lepor, •itcrt*' ^ 1'iirUICI‘K^ •loiimnl | monlal powrrN ul' utltcri*, it is iinpimtblu tu imtion lixs now extahliiilKid the fact; and i in tiu; !igiit uf God und man. Look then inifd l>uWi»**ei every ftetunl«y niorninfr doubt tliu apiilicutum to the wliulc field ot j ihe uiau who brought out the result, is liot-1 at his faiiiiiy : at his witc,children, servapts. ^JiroI«r uniium, if (Jiiid in udv»nci i eullivation, of I'resiiioj *8 iimxiiu lor the [ tT ciititled td exclaiui in gratitude and dc-! Are they not the victuDS of his passion, % Ui>U»r> and Cr»U it not |«iU until ; iW tlie cxpirulioti of llirce inoiitliB; rA/ri , ' n'i .1.1 till- '»1 of ‘he year. No p«iKr will; “ 1 o i mperaticc all oiir livcUrst powers \vc owe r f i ,onlii.ued until oil «rrrartt(jc» are paiJ, i buin llic jul({ineia wako, Iht Ho^v : . .1 the DPiiuii of tl.c Fxliloi. I Tor li.-T tl:e arlut aiiiiiiit ihr luiiunj; J ait, unlf!'*** 11 u_ ,A, vt! ''I'lie iiiidniiflit roar, ilie buti.-haiialinii I'Ucul." I vrtfTI>EMl-N ''•11 be iii»«rtcd at /■ff/y I ’, ^iu,rc (not I xcuodiiiy- ^0 liiirn,) loi j Still l^-ss can we doubt tho incalculable ihc"first iiin rlion, and 'Jo crnt* for racli wkj- ^ value of teinj>rnuice, to all w lio are devoted AllroiTiinoniPatioiiK io the K.dilor mu«t ramc l»Ky may not Ix; a»cnd«-.l to. FKIEM> CKrMKK’H LKri KIJ. TO A FKIl j> ALUANy. 0,\ rt.MI’IJtANt K. CJkaiietton, Frhtiunj/, iN'W- c'olme wtH-li—or 91 ff*f tor om-, ,u,truc:tion: to every editor of a ncukpa* 'T ''‘i w!nu comii.uiiUatfd fcr ihe : the binder, and the U>,ks« lkr: and to every uC„,e,.ftioij* uiust lie niKtd on liie iiiai j other |)cri«ju employed in any «uy wbut- fwoi ili*’ ni«iiU!ictipt,or llioy will bt: cwiUnucd ever, front tho papt r manulatlurcr, to ttie „iil ibrbiil, and clinrt'ed accordiogly. book^^fP.er and hi arian. fij'tfi. A few years wim^o, and no one iitu»j>ined that the use if spirits was in- juriouM t> tite c'Diii-titiition, c.xccpt wIh'u they were taken luiinixierately. iiut the opiuion Ilf medical men and medical so cieties, has been very gem rally declared, Vv pK.vR Sib—It affords me real t-ati*-; th**y are ulrayn |»eriiicious, however luo to comply with the rcquM cotitain- ^ ;,„j i».(;i|n..|j,n.|y us d. If tiiis b>‘ jii^our lelt»’r of 6th in»t. I have only i j,,,, huilicient, by bucb as have all rejiret that I could not give to it earlier j j|j^ pr«judice und liilw; pride >f rxi'jtin;' Such time, ai 1 nii«ht | h.ilnt, t« contend with, it ou^ht to b>! all have spared for a n*ply to yoiir tavor, UuKie who have us yrt con 4 required for my aiklress on the yCii) , before the .South I'arolina 'I ein|>ernncc rtty, and the VoiL-.g Men's T«mi«inf»c.. lety of thisritV' Should the i*ame be Mished, I shall not fail to st-nrl you a cop). 1 rejfard tU that •i.temp.-rju.. e u... a publ.c attention to the fact, th.t titr ,no.t mtorv^tmfc aiKl valuab^ „ i. „.jK.Tance \ lifrlit, “ I have found it, 1 have found it,” ' cnjirice or violence? If he does not maim than l‘y tliH«oraM or Archimedes. However | or wound them, how does ho punish them niuch the legislator may neglect the morals [ by the wretchedness he inflicts, by day, of a siiiull miiii>rity, for drunkards are bueh, j and by ni{i;lit! \V hat a dread of his presence! or tlie Hccunty of life, health, and pro|>erly, I Wliat relief! when he is absent! What i trnxt it will not be Ion;' lK*fore h« will see |rheerfulnes, when he sleeps! What tremh- tliHt the (hrect intercffn of the majority are linjj at the sound of his voice ! W hat ashud- concerned in abolishing intemperance, asideratthe ghinco of his cje ! How bitter the most effjctual mode of disppiiniii;; with 'the .smothered tliought, “ if thou wert Iwit poor l:uv», p(K)r taxes, nnd poor hou-'en. I !!ead!” Ilow touching thososi^hs, “ VVould trust equ:i!l\, iliut he will floon have the ;;ood I (I(k1 it were even! “ Would (Jod it were LIST OF ME.MKKRMUF THE LE*;18L.A- Tl’RK FOR lt^33-34. George Phillip*.S. Jeoathan Horton and T. Witcher, C, An*«H...Win. A. Morris, S. without op[>ositiofi. P. W. Kittrcll and A. W. Brandou, C. Bfaufort—Will. E. Siiiaw, S. \V. L. Kennedy and .Samuel Swallwood, C. lirrtie...\. W. Mebanc. S. David Outlaw ar.U T. J, Pugh, C. Hurke—Sl. Brittain, 8. A. Burdin and David Copriiiiig, C. tttuden—Rohi^Ti Mtlvin, S. Robert Ljcn and William Jonm, C. //Knforriie—Juo. Clayton, S. Jas, Wiavcr aud Joseph Henry, C. Hrunsi':ick—\\'m. R.Hall,S. Satn.A. Lasijeyre and Benjamin Loonttrd,C. CAoifar!-.Joseph B. Skinner, S. Charles Mix- 1 > f? 1 HI f I • i_ -i J I f, i>. r* •ieiiMS to discover, thut to raise a revenue morning;’ I.et him go nbreud, and how on and U.iUcr elsh,(:. from licences, is to patronize vice, and all does his coining' disturb the tjerenily and | rartirfwi—Enoch Nash, S. its family of mischicNi.Ui c.»iiscqai;iies. I liaimony cit the social circle I How are his |t'aIcbBjroo,C. cannot express the fi>lly or criininahty of family struck with grief und .shame I ^urn*,.. levying taxes at the expt-n^e of virtue, Ih-1-, d» Ins friends and rrl.itives wish that he J ' Jumet Kerr, S. John p;. Brown and ter than in the language of the great Chris- j were absent I J’jven strargers are filled with stcpiien l)od#on, C. Thomas TilltU and Sanuicl L tivrv and ter than in the language of the great' tian I^K;t, Co\v|»er ; “ Til* cxciie la fattened w ith the rich result Of all tliii riol: and ton ihrusalid cnKkii, 1 >rc»cr (iritMiniroul tlifir ba»c contcnt*, 'I'oui liid l>y the .Miiiax nji(;t r» oi'Uie »late. I!lr«d (jiild :'r>r nilniHti^a to ni».rt away. I pity and regret, if he is othervki.se a respect' 1 able man; with indignation if he is not! iu ii.it neighborhotd, that h.is Iwen cursed i by tho midnight yells, and all the slmckin; ('urriluck.— Daniel Lindsay, S. John B. Jones and Junies Sanderaon, C. Crucen.—litcliard D. Spaijfht, S. Jolin B- Dawson and Frederick P. Latliam, C. Col^rrvB—deorge Klutta, 8. D. .M. Barringer I and disgusting conduct of the drunkard, has ^ and Wm. .Mcl.can, C. not f':lt h:s tlealli or removal to b^ a bies- ! CumUrlaud—Dimcan McCormick, S.- Dillon ihe l)»;Dcvol*ni movements, that give »o) i,,,^ imj t|,e a\e to tlic ro«it ot -ive ■ charaiter to tJio age m which hve. It IS tl»« pioo«*»' of civiliiutiuii the , , . , . , ,.| were uniiuallv m-rpetraled, under the in- 1,m1 by enforcing the al^.lute necess.ty «l j ..j- vu.fHTfed. total ai.stin.ncc. 1 hi„ a» e.xpcn..ice ha. , demon.lratcd I. the only ^ali- and Hlic.ent j orcnsiona'Iy in the i nnrTAn;;;.>eopi:s:C rcnH.d>, in the C.mse ol H*tem|K:rHiKe. i the bhck '’f ,"T ^ » -ri.n/n tv ^ 6Veenr...\Vvatt .Moye, S. James Harper and whether mo.Ji rate or excev.ve. occasional- ' . , , ^ i„|Mlfits >iz taleuhitc the shame, or bleeding P'l>, I.. Allen, C. Iv or con'itun:. h is eniiallv the only sale ‘ l-.i i.ilu H fmm I'u-i remorse, that ajomze the souls ot so; f;ars—Jolm Walton, S. Leroual Riddick and nnd Uiicirnt ..rrventive; ibere ‘"xthous.ud.’ Human pwer is im-| John W.llv,C. . Hertjvia John Vann, S. bipha Smiih und Istaac t^artfr, C. - , . , //«ytryKf-.WnitSitton, S. N. Edmonston and pine's, hULtecd to (lnrkiK.‘t>», contusion, and i \Vm. I'drhain, C. miMrv. liow biiiliant a sun-rise, alter! W«/i/aT—Isham Matthewa, S. JihnR. J. Dan. ....I. o ,1 I ».f rl. vniili' Wlmt a (rlorious ! Ill and Win. M. West, C. Iltjdf—Dnniuron i’ugh, S. John B. JasjH-r and y or con.tiin:. h is equally the wnly sale . ^,ert.- bam.-hed from tlie i'”' LiTr is i^ ind etlicient preventive; b.'cau-.o where f,irt ’rhelci!i-lat&r l*ut/.an fHiwtr is im- ,nc out of a thK;vvml dninkarrl, h:.d not ’ He'is to^l.ttlc ofn patriot, or S.T'an^haT K-en p.cviouHly uodici.-.] t„ the h.,bitu«l ^ ^ l-rmatiou comes, and hgl.t, «rl - ha - u of ardent si irits, all the rest had b cn. 7i.“ ,„„reM of the cou.- H*nc>-, the t« iiiiicraiice caii'O iii.'^i-ts u(.on .1 . .. .1 _ . . I. I niumiv. sdjj the Mvago and barbarous; and in .. ''htatci of twciety, which are already advanced to ni'inil and intellectual im- .veinc.-it. It i» « powerful auxiliary m ry good cause, *im1 pre-emiiKnlty a leVavtor of nian, mall his relati'Kis. }>ub- ao! pnvote. It i* • b«an.r of glad u^t wherever it «pp*'um; and if it Imj a preacher of the iJoapel «>f purity and e, It It at lea»t one of tlie chuM.*n nM*.-«u n to prepare Ihe way fur il« l'uiiiu):' ' It speaki not with th«- t»iijpjen i of angela ; th/ ii hatli net tli; 3he.y, nor ii able to remove inutmiains; t doth It live anti iDove ni tlie p^nnt I chanty, which beareth all thing ail Ihingi. which never \h7mt7n^ Uni i » greater than t'aith or hope. I ho fceini not vUibly s(ain|>ed upon it»«lfan 'wva rhrtMtian imprew, (like the Sun- irhool, the tract diuritnilioii, and Bible 'Ctiea,) tH'cau«« it might e«|ually exist us lir.nUand 1-. mad tlua;HiMour country bid..” " ^Y'- V\ , "i,v"IhaV" has b.-l.eld tiie m- ' -McNeill. C. Ai«/A. We must not overlook another', . i L. H. .Simuions, S. Caleb ^tfphwis man, 8. John H. Joceph Ollkspics 3. Henry Ledford tho burning fuo!', or the wasted forms i FAl^^faml.—Hardy Flovrera, S. J. W. Potts of uitemi>erance passrul frequent l>efore him? and '1 urner Bvnum, C. . , ■ I 1 „ I ;r. I ;tt..r.K.uu ..I* rr«nA7in—riioniafi G. Stone, .*?. niJliam A. And how has si.c groaned in bitlerntss, a : Joserl. J.Macklm,C. his J!ist remaik, thes.; ore the tombs o! j r;,anei.7e.—T,W. H. Norman, S. Jus. Wyclio living druiilw'iras.” W ho can estimate tiie i and Wm. K. Hargrove, C. niMonnt f»f mi.^ery, individual, domestic, und j 6'Hi(/ur(/—G.C. Mendcnhall,S. David Thomaa I ii'i! toe temiKTance movement thuds. Nathan Foscuc aod from tho root to the sni’.mit-b'U;'h, /.inrofn—D. Hoke, S. H. Cansler and Pcrc- . Montg-omcry punish- F. !-ofkc Cainn Cloin.m aii.l lerso ^ III-" >ot tieiore oi'ier naitons a noi.ie e\-, Sumiiel A :' arnpl'' of tlio highest duty, t!ie most durable ^ ,i„d Taylor, C. di and the hearts of men, to consider I pr*i«ch It |iuriti(ni and strengthens individu- Cllrl^^l«ns, and every congn'^Htioii, u> 'I *« each sect aingly coosidorrd ; w hilc it i« and extends the church uiii»ei»ally. Smiul. Kur the purpoacs of this nrgii- t.l, »e nnv contemplale niorali as ois- 'I from n hcion ; althu’ beyn«)4 nil dimbt, Utter IS the imly true foundntir>u, te-t iJ Si. iirit\ of the liirmer. The irmj'er- I rfljriiialmn lithe gunnli:in-ang 1 of ill the forms in which tlmv exi>t. e\(« rience, b"W miicli his life, health, or uiKlc.'igoryilv an 4>Ijei’t of moiimliil . projifjrts. ims Ikh-h nt tunes exi»oM-d by the ; ^ d,,. ,x|K, (iiig ,,iuf U-ne\nIe:,t, ofj lutciiqwrance «*t' t.lherv^ I'.very dt part- ront''inpt tu the th>u;;htlc:>s or ; im lit ot bii^iine'nj has siitfered. aisl the cn- j I a nmn iiii'''t u!wf.\s lie wll- liocnce ni other- mdi«;>« ii»ible to society ' U‘cau:« s It-dishoi.ored. He .uijcj ollcn invuluntarv, as in the case liesixxtl'ully, und with esteem, 'i'llOS. S. ORl.MKi:. i’e.'-yon.-Robcrt \ anliook, S. Robert Jones and Thomas .MctJcht e, C. t'iu—A. Moyc, S. J. L. Forman and R.Ciicr- iinlfimorr Sq>t. ?>. i )'„\^otat,k...3ohn M. Skinner. S. \Villiam T. f,nrt end most atro-.ious , Rtlt and Natban M. Raw^r, C. IS, and mu>t eventually sucreOii in totallv r*-inov. jj,,. tender love. s..n-» in I'leet street, luartlio intersection! WifAmourf—AUxandcr .Martin.S. James Wil- nN m all the forms in w hich timv exi>t. - - , , m r ... . « n ...ttivle. the .pint of kmdiKs, li, word gn^inis ot apprc , that he is a n,e.n crenture, an oh- : ^ ,,en:ng between live I Lllcs McLean and \ ■ « deed ; It lakca a deep inlereM m Ihe , ,ect ol (Ugn^t, it not of riciriile or cor-, 1,^,, she wus aocc«ted by . ^Vatson. C. ’ iwre of otUra: toRches to esteem und I he tempcrnnce can«-is, to nri tem| t. 1 i.e tempennce movement lestores I ^ man, (one of her countrymen) i «,a-„,^,iw--RoI>ert Martin, S. Philip Irioi im his own and tlie re^l>ect ol '>'her>,, 5lpp^ 1,^ her side, ■ and Ik'niamiu Settle,f. ch he had Iwt. And «.^a preventive |,er whether s!>,c would marrv i A’n«J«/;-A.--Henry p. Elliott, S. Abialiam ,.ure how many tens of tln.usunds w.ti; No • 'I'lie young man , hirivoil lulvire \rurs, liom all llu^ a sto[) or two, pulled u pi^lol irorn *\| Wxupli.r. I'H> them more nnd more : i« tavonible to ■1 (lenling : aixl m rrgard to manij* rx, li ■'niil\ roi.tiih«iic-« to wiko them more ' •etfiil, coiisid* rate and refined. Hi ftl. I look lijMiii (he tciirx'rnnee re. in all Its lwiinn:>«, as pn t niininili/ ' ''ir: i|iir| this will np[x’.'r in.imlest ■) the fnri, thut nil Ihe j;o«mI th.it it d-ie-i. ■Hi''e (liffi ilv the weii.ire ,iiid hniinr cl _ . ... ^ ^ ... Robert Martin, S. Philip Irion extent thill c:iiinot 1)0 ciiicuiuted, the triend to him his own and tlie re^l>ect ol other>,, altor walking a few steps by her side, ■ and Bcnjaniiu Settle,f, ami promoter of frugality, industry nnd | winch h ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' ... ... .. t._„ i.;. i n s\!>teiiiatii' ecoiioiuv. It is not denied that , measure tiii« int ini>erale ure alino.'t always distin- he s.iveo iiin» umin--r,.,roatctl a step or two. puiiod a pisioi irom -^j^Vsiig! .'•m-.hed hv the op|Hi‘-ite qiinhties. Mow- srlfdcgredalion, in thcir own und the eyes , aiii) shot the uut'ortqnate object y((7.c.i—.M. R-Moore, S. John F. Poindexter e\-r well diojioM-d thev iii.ty l>e, the veiy ufothcrs! ! of hisatieelion m the back. He was prompt-' an^ 7.;glar, C. hahit makes it imposMl.le t'o'r them to eul-. Tuilfih. These consi.lerati.^n.s ilenve [y n„j committed to prison, und the j iiN.it-- and pracliie ihene caidiii il viitiur* new lorre and value, when wo pa'-s liom ^ ,^1^,.,, to the house «.f Dr. / 7"rrf/;_i:,,i,raim .Mann,S of indu ii.'inl proMpentv .—Ad.i to this, that private to I'lihhc ststions. It self.ros|iiH,'t bo ; ytfp, j. 'J he wound appears am!iieorpe II. Alexander, C. tin \ Id-come iiiev it.ihiv n pnv to the fraiiil, a t-ead of great price to the Innnblchl cifi-; niadc with duck shot; tlie' Unrr.H—W. N. fMwards, S. John Brr.gg: and Ciewin, S. A. Monk and D. ,S. Charles MrClocse rom . Martin I'l. liar- emli It will (.trip tfie dcniagiiguc ;iiid in- ' ,ri"r of n poitrin ot the (wiwer, v»liieh h'* ' "leMs t'.ir the corriiption and iinn ef ■ iple. It will inirei)ver ileprive him art'umcM, w hii h has Ih-» u ' ;nl|\ v*| i||s;)-|rdll:ilils nddie'-ied d. .i|i>m III :ir(ieiit spintt. 'J’hrwtwo ' viill hiivc a dire. t etli'ct fill the ' • t election:!, dll the ind' |i*Mid» tice ol • 'r-, und cniivijir ritiv nii the rii;htlnl "t ii inai'iritv of iijiriijht vot>’is. Tl,„ i,it,.|,Kln 1 lit'r;ilure are 'e.ti'.ii;ihly advHiiced h\ the teni(M‘r:mce not 1*0 e-timuted ; and the tar greater mini is'r Ilf clnidieii, relatives, tVieiuN, depcu- (l;int', nnd even sfnitigers, w ho could otlier- VMM- haxe Is'oii more or h'ss injured in cha- riicterand hai'its, can still less 1k'estimated. r.i"ht!u 'I’he preceding consideration w hether in the army or navy, it us an in- disjHjiisiliIe constitiii lit of power, anthority, nnd us.:luli:ess. '\ hat but the tem[»eruncc reformation can work .so miraculous u change, that m future years no public nmn, that it had been heavily cliarg- d.us tho as- sassiD unqiie$tioniibly intended to do his j business etR-ctually.’ 'I'ho writer of this j saw the woimd“d lady last evening, and a- { j.aiii tiiis morning, and with much [tlcapure any of the de;iartments 1 have 'i^inied,, „ l„.Iu f lhat tho wound is not 7'i'irn ()/ /vi/rriMn -.Jora. H. Hau^iiton. 5bjcn of HiU»liiroii^h~-\\m. A. Uralium. Tuun of Stilisliiiry—Rirhard 11. .Me.\m«ler. 7'itrn of Mtwbi rn.—(.'harle* Sliepard. 7'oicn vf Fai/»tlfrtllf—J»vacs S awell. Tinrn o/ It • John D. Jones. Tutrn uf illium L. \Mug. M.l-to another verv important result. If, ami no public etlicer ol any description, i ntid that the unlortunate yonnc j tlie use of nnlent spirits were totally a-' nhall ever dishonor Inmscll, or his stalionrj i„jy «i|| this time escape the fate which | ?i/tcA-I.//.r M/iiv77/.—I he late PuKe -oh-h ■.! a rwMir house would be almost un-1 •»« profession, or his country, by the saci i- 1 nialignitv of hor pretended lover had . of tiueeosbury undertook for a heavy het to ,„own 111 our land; whdetho inmates of lice of self-respect nnd the rcsi>cct cf others,, convej a letter/^7.v ntthin an hour. at the shrine of liijuor. I 'J'he letter wns inclosed in a cricket-tKvil, Thirta nlJi. Tho inlliicnce of the teniK'r-1 A Stmrnhont in ('hina.— X Canton pa-' and thrown from one to the other of t wcn hospituls and limatH' a>-\hinis would I*** mmished one halt, if not two thirds.—I lie testimonv collected on this subject, since the I H|e;ik of liter.ituie, iK)t' lu the cnnimencem. iit of Ihe temp‘rance reform, f'lihiiry sei|.(t, I,III eiiilH'acmi> all edii- ixal*soliitelv astonishing ami overwh(“lming. mid all persons, . tigaiied in pre- Ihuibtle'^s a va;.ui; notion of the kind exl^l• '""K books tor thii public. ’’With regard ed before; but it was an indelimte suppo- ^"uih iis uie emi.l ivcd, m the cxcrcisc ol bilion thut never fixed our aUcnliou or nnco reformation on individiinl, domestic ' (>er nnnonnces the ssiiling of the stenmboat ty-fonr exjiert C'ricket players, and deliver- . i Uingta, bound for iVkin. “She has on [od within the time.—fitir* nnd«K'ialA(i/./ii«w, is equally conspicuous. ^ . W hat lieiiig is more w retched than the 1 board « cow, n surgeon, an orchestiii, and , slavo of 8tron>» drink ? How is he forever | an elegant furnished cabin, where pnssen-I 1 r 1. tormented by shame and remorse! Miser-1 gers may plov at caids, -moke opium and ; ty, N. \ . has invented a macbinc for milk- able in bodv, he i? mere tniserablo in mind.! snore.*’ hat nrjt ’—A man in .lelTerson conn-