THE MINERS' AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. ('ruiD the National Intetligcncor. Im j],e M ar on th« Bank.—The govern- nl pop®'' yonieniay ushered forth, in „ eliborate article, bearing th« wgnuturu f (be Pre«i(Jeut of the United States, “ the cu and reasons” which were promised to istifv the arbitrary act of the I’resident in rcil>ly removing tlie public moneys from Hank of the United Htatcs, in contra- iitiuDoflho law which hud placed them ro, and in despite of oppoditioii of tho retarv of tl»c Treasury, who ulone was truitcd by the law with authority -VC them- reader w ill find ciiARumi-:: A ^nllRDian of Indiana who vinited the ! P(KW IFeriititnge lately, writes from Nushville I'ashionahle i'UU ami Whiter that Jurksoii hus propured a marble | I slab, symmetrical with that over the grave I 1 of his wife, which is to mark the spot where ' Phdaddphin and i\ew- York. KATLUDAY, CHTOHKR ft, 1833. i ol HIS wile, wtiicb 18 to mark the spot - . ^ - __ , remaius uri! to be duj)o»it«d when hia Ine Health of Charlotte.—We are in- spirit shall take its departure. The writer formed that a report has been put in circu lation that Charlotte is very unhealliiy, and that 4 or 5 die weekly. We are glad to be IHR SuliiMTiUT is HOW recciviii(T and opening ■ a larjjc and liandxome assoruiieiit of . ,1 ooons, 11\ f(Kit rests on the siab that will cover guitnblc for the season, bought before Good* bad him. I lean on the pyramid where thou- adviuiccd but very little, satid^ will loan Ijsreuiter, and whilu they | iiis stock consists or able to contradict this report and say that ^ read tiio inscription on his tomb, will en-''-'•‘vcClotb the citizens of this place have not enjoyed ‘J‘'**vor to recall the moment jKisKing. |‘*® better health for several years. It is true,, T oftlie Ibtes, proccshioiis, ’ Hiatu li»lian silk* mid eulogies, inudi} in hishotu*r, uiid will liro dc Nap. Pnidcnxie, Lutcfitrin^, Sin* !ur« lof)6 was #i.„f k 11^. lilt I iiiuuw III iiiMioiJiM, uiiu will uro ac iHttp. r'ruucnfde, ijUTcnrin?, ^aitin, H ^ j wond* r that oitc whu (K'CupieJ fwi lurge aj cht*\v,('litngeableiir**en A-Sarctntiu,allcg' ty to re- g„j sickness, but at this time there is s|«u;« in the eyes r.f the world, sliould be Jj' f'"'". I'rintid Mu.liii* the arti-, ^ kuowledye in the t “ com|«ss so narrow.” j sifkf’bawU, rffcrred to inserted ut large on tlic pre- ^ ^ i UrfitB ai.d (’x There was n ^rcat fire in I)uMin on the] pcrior , , , iii;ihtt)ftlie'Jll|of Au-'uht. 'I he gn at bon-1 lengthy article pub- Mougu.’ to the ' ot the Lnited States, ('hmohi llousi-, wnc cousuiMui, iciviiiii i ('ou.inou WEEKLY AL\fANAC. MfJON’S I’JiABES. i8H3. |rises|«et*.| 5 Saturday, 6 13|5 47] 6 Sunday, 7 Monday, 8 'J’uciday, 9 Wednusdi ^, 10 ’rhumday,’^ jc I'jls 4l[r,' 11 Friday. |6 SlK 3f For October, 1633. u. H. G 15 5 45j J! jolliast 6 10 36 oiorn. ** ”1’' ^'*'New 13 1 33 morn. mom. att’ii. |6 21I5 ^ “ the AlARKin'N. FAYETTEVILLK, SEPT. 31. a2; Peach 55 a 60; Apple Silk (iluves and StockingH I l.adicB aiid (’>er.tkiii>,'ii’i. Shot* and Bool* of a bu- ntr pa'^e. ^ "as n ^rcat fire in I)uMin on the ] pcriorijuahty The “ fjcts and reasons” set forth in this njuicnt consist* almost entirely of the un- j I*)' I'resident J,il impulations against the adminitilm-1 withdrawiiij- ho;>shca(j'8 of tujjar atid about lool' Wool I 1 . I the Public I)«-fM.«itesfr.m the KiiriL 111,. ofspiiits, to-rulbcr with wine, oil, F"r flats and Caps of the Bank, and t»ie arguments against | “ « ^ "I «!>'- , consider-bio amount. All i of »^o«n & Ilon.cpun. nl of Its charter, on which tlie | flutes. We shall i>ubli»h it in our ,i,„ e.«isumcd—the 1 * lapckqlastitv or ' next number. princijwl |»art oftlu; spirits wire saved. 'I'he | IliiriiWJirt* illltl CtlllcrV^ I daiuuyt; ia eslirnatej at about 2,UU0,UU0. j ' I*» r A' f I* V WWr/ 1* O f V »' # € .S, (len. .Fru'kson's rearxiiis for removing the j __ —•— ! Tojjftlmr » iili v> ry uibrr arii k- suitable lor thin I bilk and Tur ITzts do do diuioistration |«pera have ruiig incewant l for the last three years, and which rc suninird up in the message vetoing . bill for rccharteriiig the Caiik ; w ith all »liich our readers and the public are i»er- ri!i r.imiliur. There is little in it which de|xmi's were received ill New York (Ml the Asnrtain the Jhifrhtof o ,SVtr/)/t,; "'“'■l et, all of which he will m.ll at the very lawc»i iiioriimg ot tiie y-lth, alter Mhich I'nited ^'oirrr, ty*-.—'i'alvH two wticks of imy ljut pno-t. the prt-viou* day, tlie ."’lock had falk*nal>out lar, I'lace .iie tinJ of the ollicr ii*:ninst itn, 11m fri. nd* and ciistomer* arr rmpccffully invi- two |>er cent. At tho latest date, VN'cdnes cciitie, *»o us to lorm a fiyhl angle with it: trd to call and see if (iriccs will not corrcHiKJud ije»', and btdl Icn llmt is triK*; and the; day last, rousiJ(riiib!‘sales made ut li^'ing done this place your eye at tho other with the uUjve. Mwrk that was made in the Senate, in re- i lU? to ll>U.—J'uj,c/UnUt O/jHrnr. ^"'1 a.Ivame lowaids, o'r recede from r/.ar/'jt/r X (' Vrt« nw-s-urr. mav with sllll I > ' 2*lniafn(ioii for Sale. I ject, and this will be its exact buight. I—3,'» ol’« hicli in cleand; ^0 acres u g-ixxi n.e article is artfully drawn-lKJt it is mrniien is made of Mr. I).; me. It ■ ♦— I dnw (round. 'I'iitre is nixo on the prcinisei Two ‘ ■ liiMho?. England, of the Calbolioriturrh,; out I I10UM.D i aifco a fust ralu Orchard. JOHN McCALL. fuch a on® as we anticipated from lla* |^ •I**'* Ihat he , ■ > rrwd mtfllect and the practised pen that j to issue the oni.-r Ibr the rt rmnal of Ji”‘,''YlavroramvCd'\rNc'v^\ oik wi ^ it—is fttble anl coWmdirtory, ,d irill impose on dom but tho pr^judiciHl i Ignorant. It ab«»u«ds in miMtat«nM*nts fact, an«i false inferences, which it may icdiouf to ex{K«e. As a sample of it tho lK{»->»ilc«, and that he w:is theretbre rc- Jjiiinlay lljc ‘JJd lilt. iito\t;d. If hn bad rrsigiied, it would uo i doubt ha\e bu;n stated. ^' alton, late of Moorlan«l town-! l\nj,ttiTUk OJmrrcr. : ‘*'"1’ -'•«'ntgomt ry county, d*cd of hn k j.iw ^ ' 0(1 thr* 4lli ult. occii!ioneil by the scM'riiig of, Suprcjnf Covn.—Wv U-arn with infinite «oJ/nMji„'fcr.-,, «l.ile atlcnd- Srptrmltr I 'P.n. looiog, t*e »ill oow ooly adveit to the „,,^„ction, th.t Mr. (J.uton, yielding to , t!ut ‘‘the l’n*i*lcnt cK>>idfrs Ins Justice-HcM)i;K.o.'f.—AWn'f/. Rf^itcr. k'' •''» “»* in selecting Lis con>..un«of.U,n. U'.-m.n, Boysand 6»/».!ikel; lion as a decision of tlic |>«H^!e a- — ''iclunv, l>..\ing st.nioiimes disjtuaid »>l' vou-1 and NaluuUc. Also, all the Morr fV/r.ry—The N.-w York D .ily l“ilru.rchs v. h.«e could i.ol !k-| Stl>rk Ollfl 4 ro)t .\dvcitiM‘r sujs :—A \en LXlrris-ive fraud 1 Ihnuw, IujIs, afuJ fcot, he ■ The salt* wiilU-on l?;r above iiuii recf*nl!\ diwovirtd iti tins cilv l(*r the /x>or, aiid was cud-. dcJcnlHMi land. 'I'crmtj of Sale will U* llien and «hereby la'rge sums bu>o U-en obia.ncd U hen the police th.rc nude Uown. Iic) of th* ar^ment, the great argument, shicli t!iC Trcsidi nt re»ts hi!* justifira- n for persisting in hostility to the Hank, i fgr disregarding the \oice of the L» • ‘nturi‘,in this his Iasi assault upon it. Ii l!)U. rkttion as a uerision oi llK! jxhij :-1 the Dank that he had announced bostilily to the Bank, and that in re ^tiifX him, the peojde ratified tiiat hostil- This IS absurdly making his re-eli*c- ' iiirii on a single of the policy ol Ins miatratiun; but waivin:{ this objection It. how will the argument stand against fdct.lhat in large sections ot'tho I’rixn • liirh bis re electnm was most zealously '•ortel, the flank is most populai ? In n»yUania, for inslanee, whoae unani- J* vote he received for rc-elccticn, the ^I'lature {nnmd a unanimous vote lor rfcbarter of the Hank. One other general remark, nnd we dis. tlie subject for to «Uiy. 11 u lo express r ciinvH lion tltat this is perha{is the nn»sl '■epiiotiahle document that the I'rrsident ' ever indurcd to placed bis signature to. e do Ofit speak of the indelicate nllega. "I. tttlij w!iich it sets «ul. that llie Bank the pre»ing solicitations of ids fnond.», has A .1.' >rsi / fur /-'/;icJ/rt.t.— \ man was re- Ihers 34 a 3«; iron 4J a 54; I,ard 9 a 10; Mo- lastes 36 a 40; OaU 3J a 35; Nailn, cut 61 a 6i { wrought 18 a 20; Hum, Jamaica 140 a 00; New Enjrluiid 45 a .50; Hire 3J a 4; Sugar, brown lij a 14; cmiiiaon 10 a 11 ; l/)af and I.uiup 14 a lt«; .Ndll, l,iv«r(«ol C5 a 75; Turk’s Island C2J a 70; S’leel, American 6 a 9 ; Enff.blibtered 16 a ‘Jll; (ier- 14 a l.'>; Tallow 9 a 00; Wheal aa a 90 : Whiskey 30 u 3j ; Wool 19 u 20. CHARLE.STON. SEPT. S3. Cntton, upland, 00 a 00; Fticc, prime, 63 1-lR a 3} ; inferior lo pood. ‘JJ a 3; Flour, superfine, 5J a 6j ; tVirn 5.5 a CO; Oats 40 a 4f2; Whii-key 32 a 3U; N. F. Rum 3t) a 39; Rrandy, Apple, none; Peach 5.‘1 a 00; Iicc*wax 17 a 00; Tallow, ('ar«»- lina, II alii; Mackerel, No. 1, $7} a 0; No. 2, 5^ a C; No. 3, 3j aO; liacon 8a!); f!an:s 11 a 12>; liiird 10 h lOj; Nails, cut, 5} a 6; !h;;ging, Dundee,;^! a 24) tow and flax, 20 adO; JJnlo I{opc9ia lIA;Cog. Urandy I4 a 3; llollHnri Gin 1 alj; Iron, liusiiia and Swede*, $4 n 00; Sait, J.iv. erpool, ill hap* of 4 hush. $1| a 1|; in bulk 33 a (>0; T. Island 45 a 00; Sugar, Havana n liilc, 10 a 114; hrown ti a 9; muHcovado 94 a lOj; St. Croix and Jamaica 10'! a llj; New Orlcan.'* 9 a 10 j Alolapsoj, C'uba, 34 a 00; N. Orloans, 42 a 00; Cot^ !ee, prime green, 124 a 15; inferior to gocd, 11 a 12* ; ilyson tea 70 a 90. Carolina money, 1 ^ a 14 l>er cent, discoun t. I and Augusta Bunk Bills 1 a 1} per cent. C:ommorcial Bank of Columbia 1 per . discount CAMDEN, SEPT. 28. Country Produce.—Bacon 8 a 10; Reoswax 11 a Itj; ( otton 144 a 15J; Corn 57 a 62; Flour, N. (J. G a Lard 12 a 154; Tallow 10 a 12A; Wheat $I all; Feathers 30 a 35; U hifkey 35 a -15; Brandy, Peach, 50 a 00; Apple 3.) a 40. Merchandize.—Bapjinj 25 a 30; Sugar 10 a 12>; CotTec 15 a 18; Iron, -Swedes, 6 a C; Enp- li^h J a ti; Nails 7J a 9; Rico 24 s 3; Moiasivs ; 10 a 45; Lead 6 a 10; Salt 24 a 3. LA\i> AXi> ,m:«;koe.s FOIg jlx Y virtue of a I>».-i'd of Trust, e.xpcuted by Henry W’orkn)an (.oniior to us ibr crtain rOirMRIA SFPT 09 Jlien.111 on the 2."ilh day of | „ •-,r 1 ,, Vn , T n 1 1 S:^.Z-oCF, lrss:j. uc will ►cll at Public Sale, a | , I * * ‘ pie 40 a 50; rcach i.> a 00; BuUer 12i a 10; ( ot. Tract of Mjatal, ,h.. In. .hall bo i„^„,ed i-c..!.... iw ..II...s to the ucxt le;:M!ature, ns a candidate for He had rarritdon the trade, ai„vt B attics Ford. The Tract contains a large I , .• 1 kj -II 1 *•’')'» the l»i>stoll 1 raliM npt, “ever siliCO nor!um of low .rounds, aud ii'considered a very Juilge ut tlie t^preiite (ouit, to lill the j-'-J'*, nnd si'ld an iniiiicnsc nutnbrrof niou-,'aluahle Trart. Also, vacancy ocra>imcd by tlie death of Chief- sers witliotjt dctcotion. Sispit ions were ex- FI ri KK\ \E; UOKS, ton 144 a 15; Cotton Baqging, Hemp22 a 25: Tow 17 a 18; Coifi'c 14 a 17 ; Com 56^ a 00; Flour, Country $9 a 00; Iron, AVedcs 5 a 0; C>nniry i a 5; Lead 9 a 10; Lard 124 a 15; Mols.ssri> 40 a .50; Nails 84 a 0; Oats 37 a 00; Rice 24 .i 3; .Salt in sacks 2f a 3 ; in bulk "5 a 00; &’tcel, Gt rman II) a H; Blister 10 a 12; Cast 25 a 30; .Viigar, loaf 16 a 20; Brown 8 a 12'; White Havana 13 a 14 ; Tallow 10 a 12J ; Whiskey 45 a 50. i:njrr. ii. ri rton, M. BKi:\ Aia>, Tniflffs. Or/. iSMatohe Kailmiioad Mjine. TB^IIE Mail Coach from nsn\ille to Blakely, J. n iilliavo I )anviilc every Tuesday, Thurs day and Sunday niorninp, and arrive ai Blakely fnim th»- d.-purlment at U a-.hin..|an, by • ‘‘ousc.‘*“7 hmnd tlie corpst s of nH'ai.H of forged IVi.m.hi CVrlilicates. As I*'" the .il.j^-t IS undergoinz .in ii.v- M.gation, y adm.nis-! It will Ik., improper to slate the case more J,. ( Mliy at pre^ nt. A ^r^.n .ery nvpc-ctabiv r.gnlated tlie weight oi connecten i« hui'iios 'd to lie the iiidiTidu.'i ,1 „ u . 1 i u n 1 1 , , , toe chains bv which rolisb pnsonors are who lias Uen the autlii.r ol ilio Intiid. I he r,, 1 »n . 1 I. , ' , i_ , . I, , ■ , . lo Ik; |. tt« red. All male convicts are to MIk>!o 8!jIm'*cI hi sikortiN be made public. 1 . 1 1 . •* ^ ilrng w.veil pounds wcigi.t ot iioa—uoincn Anofhtr Furciri/.— A ir;.ft signed bv thft (’nshitr fif ibe NatnKtid Hank of New ^ ork, . altered from fith'*r sixty or si\ btitidn'd to . .M.iiikinJ may bo di- ^ SIX th- u>.>tnd d»>lliiri, was nre?enleil ut the three classes. 'I'bose who learn ne.vt inornin^f, in time to take the 8 o’clock ear Wejtern Htink of Phdnd.-lphia, on \Veducs. of otli.-r.-^—they are and arrive in Peter^bur^ by PI o’cW* of the « I II J . liiiiinv i Ilf •‘•ft vv !io Ion rii lrfir>i iJiptr u»i\ jicTRons H i)0 inii\ dcsirr it cz* day, and I>aid. 1 be deception wasdetiv-t- „ a 1 pf“end on norlh wilhlhe irreat mail and re.-.tii ! Tlastinan, Jno. Ilowic, Jno. Hackling, Wni. D. el the iifxt day. The dnil\ w as i,Havta,r uny of the Xorlhern cUiJ^ 24 hours sooner than ' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ’ Mjist of lA’ttern E.MAININt; in the Poet Office in Charlotte, Ife. on the 1st of Octobcr, ls33. • A—W'm. A. .Meiandcr, Jeremiah Alderson, Tho. N. Alexander, R. M. .Alexander, Joseph .\le.t- nndcr. W in. T. Ale.vandcr, Lawson H. Altsander, John Allen, Win. B. Alejander. B—John B'artl, Maj. Thos. Blewef, .S. Rullcn, .■^ml. Berryhill, Ezekiel Flack, Richard Barton, .Stiphcu Baillce, Jainou Bonds, Archibald Broun, Jatneti Brown, W'illiam Bi;>ham. C— David Cross, John Cagle, Wm. Cassion, A. F. Caldwell, Wni. Carson, jun. Jas. S. Chambers, ■Mary .M. Caldwell. ♦ 1)—Charles iKarnion, James Davis, Andrew Dsvi^, .loshiia Darnall. E—Thos. I'rfltnonsou. F—Stephen Fraley, Andrew Flannikcn, T. J. Forney. (J—Jane Griffith, James C. Griffith, John C. Garrison, Abner liarrett, 2, B«'njaniiii Gardner. 11—Jemima IlenJerson, Andrew lUrriii, Jno. •sol'winch lh.iM.>who leurn neither from Uieir,bj any otl.i bv the al- t?or from other jicople’b exi«;riciice—] 'l'hc»ub« - ‘ I imttstH)roa;sh to O.rfortl^ er line. eriU r has I’st ibli.hed a line from of 'I'hi'tnan ’I'ctrntfml, ih** letters Ci»mpri>e all th«* l»*ttfr* forni>‘d b. „. tention. portion of the original Mntinc *"’V “re lool.-f. wss n*inov d by chemical proces'*, and t!ie j iM w letters formed were iinde in ink ' (Miier, as the altcratnsiis pluinly ■ ‘ •'I'*'*’*'’ dratt. reward ol five lai k'^lK.w ninfr. It^s i br-Ks 1 loee . irtice was tiscil againiit Ins election, (in ' lumdrtM] diillnrs hcs ^sr» ollerfd bv the 1 ' 111 '’.i.m 1 } ' ri'tiojs which can l>e selected; (which mar U’ I,h nnrk T l.i . \Ubtom liaok for tho detLCtion of ll.P JOO pounds, and muM by refennee lothe mapof the Uniud States.) ■ perhap.^ may lie loutwl the spring » have an iin[H>sitig ap|>earaiicr at ilie he;id ol 'i‘i,e puUie are l that the subscril«r has ho»tilit\ to the institution) nor to the ' _ the iKiw^i i^\ille triK»ps. Wonder it'tiiey placet! on thi» route eoirfortablo Henderwn, .Mary C. Hartgrove, .Minure’ and Far- merH' Journal, .Viar|>aret Julin. K —M. A. Kerr, jno. Kiminons, James A. King’. I.—Wm. Lucky, James H. Lewis, 2. _ ■ , , .M —David MeRee, Jno. .Mills, Jno. Mc.Vdaitis, Kunniiif; in e*jnnexion with .Mr. Carberry’s lino jj *r f'' I>o,r,n.,c'^ (.'un.-Wc ha^o seen ^ clenr^ou^r* ik C»t a . ^ .1 1 |> 1 .r ti v»rccn«i^^rout,n. i trsons u.j> qlhic cranierv, Jno. Mcl.aitv, James .Mjlt.m, Jno. Moct- . nn (MionntMis rillc, al tin* ISahK i_(4lce MousK‘, to iravtl jjorlh, are inlurfntsl that the route fioin aorni*rv lif>bcrt Maxwell C. 1\ aMcKcuxic. '•'.I*!'''’ this morning, sjiid to belong ti> the valorous G'ree:i>,!)orongh via HilWiorougli and Oxford to —Sajj^l. Neel. •'Ill u|K>n the perwmni diameter of the ami eotimuble rrusnknt ol’ the Bank, ’ to lilt* recapitulation of iIh' thousand « iniputatmns of the collar prcMsi* n- llic Admiiiistratinn of the Hank, li««- ■■ctJ w they all have Ijcen, and formally I'l'red to lli«* wind)*, liy the re|N>rts of a wnitif'o of ro|i"it'ss, afii r the most un- Tln'ro is at prr3«'nt, in this ("ify, a Ruttle- fiiake and a .Mihjsc, tenants of the same all earr\ .Mieh guns !—('ommtrcial Adr. SViARRirc, li' tlii eoiintv,on l!ie Ifiih .''ipl. by (he Rev. U i'our Miurse JPost ('oar/us^ Good Tea.. 8 and skilllul l*rivi rs; and the public art a>surrd lha! tiiis line runs in connexion with . , . 1 11 > J the l\o.TnoUe l.nit fro:n Danville; and iIr-public 1 , rage, w ho live tog. on the most Iriendly H, M„rri.on, Mi. Z : .'.,W to farther aM>r. d that no delay or ineonvenienee ^ ()—Jno. Osborn. P—Jno. Ponman, Thos. Polk, Cyrus A. Parks. Ii—Janie* F. Robinson, James P. Rodyer»,( h v. alier Rivafinoli, F. .M. Ross, Hugh Rodjirs, Wm. A. Riley, Jno. R^v, Levi Russ. S—.'^•Ih Sexton, Susanna Smartt, James Ste phens, Jtio. Sniall, Sijuire Stevens. Win. Sharpe, Robert Sloan, .\lcx. Springs, Robert Soiail, Jobu and familiar f kjIiiw. 'I'iiC \toilw freciuent- 'ir of M.i j. /. .Morns. expeii.uecd by ll.ose who may patronine ^tTn 'vc'f’ " ' AImi, ..n the Ul ih.«l. at ino r s..leiar of .Mrs. U„s line U m. U ilsou, .Miss .Martha W ilkm».in, Solly W il- ‘ ‘ .Maxwell, I:m|. .Mr. line will leave llillsborniiph every Tnes. *“'*• w 'Jv son, Jno. W ilson, Jas. W ebb, \\ ni. H. W illianiB. 11. B. WILLIAMS,/'. V. ly mounts on the b;ick of the Snake, where M»r.tir«t >lu.vrr, bv Gm he w ill remain tor a coimderablc lenjitll of Con.pK u- ,iay, •I'hursilay and Sumlay mornings, at 7 o’clo k, lyin‘avor''t t lUfvi. imiiiiuiiirntiil. ■ M, and re»i Al >', o;i U e !■ t iiisl. b> the Rev. K. II. Moiri.'(m, i^ke 'he o’l 1- h Bl.iKel)' ue\t iiioriiings in time to Iv'ck rav«. time amuhing tlie (»p« ctatois by Ins ointics, without seemiiiff to disluib in the nhghtest j''',/ 'v''V''''' '‘rufri! nnlai^'ar^l *. ' f «t I Ui MI •'h .V'/f * A/i . J. Off, tJuU *; I ilCF ul John ii. ,i« tho 8nb.>rnUT ha« iati Iv inndo cor)»idtTal»It* Jia- Q I'l Inn^ rrruli»> into flu- | drsit'r, cquatiiinify o| \u^ ScinkrHhiju ^ * >rr, ol* tun louuly. , pn,\>cim*nl Itoth \u cxiH'diiion aiui ibr iho roinfort 'iTrctlinjs of tiir I’aiik : III* not all ilis«> >c.ici^iLvtiiiitc what in lhi' maiiire'to wn awn-t roiKrmsl to .*.»e. .1 Kiihii;lt licgistii'. ■ - of iliose wIk) lu.iy lalroitize lillicr of tlic aixjve . .. i.:lcs. ,,,, ,, , , . In t!,is l.iwn, ni .''.tluidav Inst, Mr.Milfg, a. It Ii Ihr avow. ' * /'^urnal of mSeulbn.l. He had r..e. ntl> 'the 11th ult. IIH •111 II >11^ the 'hokM'n still .irriv d in tli;^ i*. intr), on his w ay lo juin a bro- I'lirf fiom ni'hlomvir’i ti> f'lakrly *7 0) I'urc tiinti PuHi tUi' to Hiair!y t7 00 liarli ever, ol v\ l.ieh hr d.-tl a li vv hours al! r lie arrired ■ ^ ,s.\s tho J.iiiriml) that the e..nx icts m the •“'r''- Hr has !. :> an inU rrMm:; family ron>ist.n^r Edit.-d by (..di-on Ii. Sintli, 1-issoe.i every I, iday, l',.,,l|..n»iar>.«b.Mil tw,. hmidr.d in numlK^r, ^ > >■ t«o yon. ■: ehddr. n..h’„y. ot.^nrrr in l.alun.or^ul^.,,^ruMunn.n. advance. C on- coiitiiim* to lie liiiidlv free from tiio dis*'ase, ][{ KLK.'lOl’S XOTK'!’". rite iiiiiiatfs are sanl to bo fed cNcluMvelv tents of till '>th Ninidi r, X\ Volnnie. F.dilorial; Patent .M;;ehine*; Sedling Grapt's ' every iiii|f>](0iiilriil iiiiiidwith iiidig ""'1 alarm. It is avowed alinoM in ""•' It 1iM>'i>nhC(|uciieo what the j are of ('....gresNon this siibjrct s„|, aixl 1,\ || other. 'I’lie j prf.vicon wa> “ an oversight in | ()h1 lronmhn.— \.nsX week, a piece ..fjhy^Kdmu^id F. Loafed Potk a ••■’r- ""Srch*!'’ Tiiis m ,i„. sumiuary iiMKle bv ' Umli. r tnken fnmi the frigate ('oiisti- ; ,K,ifnUv invited to attmd. ■ iilmerot l.m d. by .1. I.( ,ildwp| , I '"‘■h the Ir ■ tutinii, m.wniiderrefmirmtliedrvd.Kkati (h-.rlottr, S.r. Oci.:\AX\. ! New\ar.ems oM "in l.xcfiitive ol a Iree eiiiintr\ e- , , , ,,, , ■ ' > rrolv ot .Messrs. hrancis and J,i1m-z i!.i | r .';, - ihe Navy ^.,rd ( hari.-stown, which was ■ XO’;’!!’!-:. to iKm. A. S. Clavton.on the vaU',corc..t!on Seed I ’{•: only » li'et Ir.n::, V7 inches wide, and 11 , living m iho bound.» of the Town Oil, Maehme for Hailing Colton S'cd. \ e.-tiunia ! •‘J A PRt»TI! A TDD .\l FLTl.NG, tor reliBlous - Ciiliurroi'Yellow lAH u-.t-.Marl Borer--r.»ln,end ; A pnriK3-r^ vvdl be h. Id at the Itriik ('hurch '•.v|»‘;'0‘is E .rth ot .lamei River. \ 3. • Ilf this villir'f, to cninnuniee on Friday, the lltJi “•**" l-xtir|iation of \\ -eds-.!liiits on M.ul- 'iiist. tiiir friend., in Ihe nrighlMirhfx'Hl and nil ing and Maimgeiuent ot II >rses ; Marl Borer, \ e '.r|„ ■’ I’rovmions and inliibilioiiM t»f tli' An* wc to sH' a Cromwell m oiird.n ' “"’'y .1 there Ix? a '«"rv, Ihm lust net of “ '■ouse It into action. A IStu'Ky IJif or Acailoiiiy. CLvSSk \L A.ND .M.\THI:MATICAI, SCIK K)L has been opened in an Aeademy lai>-ly built, located near Rocky River C.’inrch. Thi' year will lie divided into t«vo Ses.vions; e.ieli live months, one conimciicing the 1st of July, ih.'other Ihe 1st of January. Tuition at the rale of *10 per sessions. Board can lie obtained in resi'citaWe families at tJie.ralr of ir5 ier month. The subsi riber to spare no pains to de- vtlo|K- ihe tUeulties, and to give a healthy tone lo ihe minds of tlx' youtli cntrusteil to his eare. 'I’he ei)ur>«' will be regular and evtensive, einbraeiiijf nil branehes csseniial for entering the Junior t lasa in Colleges. The discipline will be thoroii;h. Sliidenls can enter at any time and a corrispor;. ding dcdiietion will be made in Tuition. R. I. .M. DOWF.LI. Caltinv.i ro. Sept. ll>33. 57ti' Mjttoik out for Straff iPOO'S. inches thick, niul weighed Mtil) puiinds Coni[iany, Capl. Dcwi>e’» Company and (irass; Its eulture reeoitiriendi-I, «itii some Re- ON .Mi)iid.iy night .» yo^ang sjiutted I hum/, Ix'hmgi’ig to the S|iortnur Club in I’liarloUe, strayej fn.iii the park. .-Vny infor. inutioii .'i ll at this otlivii res. leemm.r «„,rit 111 th.’ l-n-akino ll|. llil.s piece of tlli.lier, th-re , •'«!>' HurryV V^.ni.any, who have not paid iheir mark. up,H. the (.VnuM 7Vy.^r;,m. and |Mrii Ml UK li *• I ti M II ' ta\ «, arr rnuw sit H lot iHiir uuil«*i'Ulc between this on lh l.uulnvaio c» f llxecutive ac-rrs- ' •>"* and the .November Comts. and its value in the .Ml^. .V.-.ITic> C.n.. nl o' *=“ 111 ei.|i|» r, makIlly ;»•.!( llw o( inelul—iiiorr Jd.'S. .Mel i*NXArGlIKY,.f;(ir//r. ; C.n;nlry Puiduce in the .New VorU u’.d IMr. isof • 'i:;in a third of Us weight.—PhiUt. littcll- (Kt. !>/, lt;l.i .Ki'ting ti’.c sanic will be tlmr.kiulU' received. r-i'(lRTI.N(i CLI'B. \V W'l’MK ...i{ N vu' \ r nils orrjcr.