THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. Pnm ikt AmtnctH Turf Kegutn. A R£AURKAB1,E FA(-r IN NA’ITRAL HWJXHiV. rMtkatha, III. July 30rt, 1SS3. Ml. Enrroji: 1 bave iiolicetl but one comnuinicatum m your useful Mtgazine of vbich the Turkey Buzzard of our country* tt-as ih«* subject; and that is by Don Juan, in the fourth oumber of your tirst velum*;. That bird i« certainly on« ol’ the tnoet ««e. ful «* have; and its preservation in sonte of tlie western states, is protected by Icgw Itttive enactment*. But 1 am not writing now with a view to amplify lUi merits, but to state a remarkable fact in regard to it, which, though well authenticated, willdotilit le>s >tagger th« credulity of most of your readers. Major John Pillers,—a farmer of groat respectability in this county,—informed me, that while he livedat bis father's in Missouri, some twentv years agii, a buzxard was ta ken alive, iiaving ^rged itself over a car case to such a degree as to pre\x'nl its fh - ing—ita weigiit being too heavy for itx wiitgs: when he, together with his fiither, brother and a neighbor, with a small shoe- tnakrr's awl rippH open thr eyes, 99 that no jmrt cf thr hall either remained. The head of the bird was then put under one of itt win^; la which position it remained a few minutes, when, to the surprise of all, be gradually relieved bia head from his Wings, shook himselt as if to arrange bis disordered feathers, and rc«|>peareJ with two pood s^cid eyes—free fn«n blemish, and posses.««tig in everj- degree the power of vision I This seemingly crticl experiment was repeated with the same bird on differ ent occi»sioii», in the presence of dilfrrent per»ins, fifty tiine^ and always with the ou any known principles,—H»e must, with 1 AfGrsTA,0»i'0iiKR 3. j A writer in the Boston 1 atriot of ur- our preseut limited knowMge of iiuture and ' Firt /—A Thw minutes ufler three o’clock day, in defence of Mr. J. Q. Adums, and her tnyaterious opemlions, be contcnt to I yesterday morning, our citiaens were alarm-1fuvor of his nouiinntion as a caudiUate know the existence of the facts alone. 'I'he ed hy th« cry of firo ! The fire proved to ,|,g governor, ititrotlures the £■ . 1 _ .1 • ■ •. , I . .L- 1 1__ 1 II. - fact stated in the conclusion ot'the deposit ion, relative to the bald eugle, has not, 1 ventuiv to say, orrcstcd the attention of any one. Who would believe tlmt the feathers of that bird cnnnot be pkicked out. I'he ideas of feathers atKl plucking are ever associated : yet you cannot get these of the bald eagle withcHJt taking the skin with them ; unless:, perhajkS, through the agency of some chem ical ai'pliration, of which we, “ £ir wcot in tite back Hoods,” know nothing. SIG.M.V. Deposition of Mqjor John Pillers. 1, John Pillors, a citizen of Uundolph be in the large two story dwillmg ; icstimonr to refute house, on the north side ol Kevnolds stn>et, 1, " . . „ owned by the Rev. Wm. wJHierwel, and “,ve deposition, recently occupicd by .Mr. John C'oskery.— I t-OL. John 11. D%vis, Boston. Wiit-n the fire was discovered it was break- 1 1’iijla!>v.i.i*iiia, Mb April, 1 ing through tlie roof at tho back end; and I Dr.vii t^iK—\ our letter of the Ud instant, wns, without dtKibt, coiiimunicatt'd by an ‘ fom® morning, and 1 comply, inceiMliary. Kfl^irts to sa»e the building 1 cheerfully, with youi request. ^ I haw writ* were deemed vain, and the attention of the i ten by the present mail to (joveriior liin- firemen and cititens were soon directel to |coln, awuriug him ol tho gralificulion it other points. The adjoining Iniiklings were would iiflijid me, it tho appointment of of wooil, and chiefly occupied as dwellings. County Attorney for Sufiolk, in case ol a The wind blew gently from the west; and vmanrv, should be conferred on you. Your Ma.-^ouic degrees do not ia my mtnd _ .... thcgreatdatigerseemedtobeinthedireclion county, Illinois, do dejiose and say, that 11 below The dwelling house of our aged form the slightest disjuahlicationi to Ihe am the individual alluded to in the alwvel ®nd estimable felhiw citiren, Wm. J. Hob- I'ulfilnM'nt o( every duly, public or private communication, and the facts stated therein, so tiir as 1 am concerned, are'truc in ever) particular. 'I'he experiment of ripping o- by, stood next above, and no attein|)ts t« the performance of which you may be to save It wero made for a lialfor throf'(|tuir- ’alled. jMv Anti-Mn«rtiry i« earnest, ar- ters of an hour, at which time its fate was «ient and deeply rooted—but it is to the pen tho buzzard's eyes, durin® the time we hut iw evident. A small house above wns , Institution, at preaeiit existing—to its Oaths ** ‘ bhiwn up, and the flumes to tha west here ,—Us Peualtios—its Obligations, and their fctopfied. (Jreat exertions were made to practical ojieralion asdisclosrl lathe world, save the buikling below; but were invuia|lt applies to no individual, under^tandin* —the lire exteniied, taking in its progress, land acting uj)On MaMiiic pniieiples as 1 am Mrs. Murrnn's dwelling, occupied by Mr. very suro you alwuys ha\e done, and will Wm. Bryson; Mr. Wm. Smith's dwi-Ilmg, [do. If there be in the spirit of AntiMaaon- dredyeareoKJ,)first told'meofit;and I have| •’ccupied by Mr. Henry II. Field; Mr. .Me- ry, any thing of pcrsccutiou, 1 di*laim all tried* It frequently since, on dirtercnt buz- j Jran’s three story tenement, on the corijer | (Mrticipotioii m it zards, with the Mine result. This tame!‘'I'•'•elotosh streets, occupied iK'gro told n>e that the feathers of a Iwld; ^^y A. (Jordelle, nmi A. Sulxil, a- eagle could not be plucked out. 'I'his is true.J hove; and the iMsemeiit -••tory hy Mr. .Mc- Thore IS an intereating «rtlK:l, - wood’s Magazine, in which the write, boasting of the victories of British J over those «f Holland and France*'^ ceeda— ' P*'- » I'he Americans are of our own k, . and they fought against us, both ot r’ and on sea. in a way worthy of ihei, al origin. At sea, in almost all tliel, nes, but not in all, they were great! some overwhelmingly, superior in nor need wc now either be surwiJ?’ mortified at the issue of such Bntam ought rather to be proud tW ^ flag had never been struck on iho k, ^ then always with honor, but to be, BODS, who, for that freedom's sake ^ has ever been her own gbry, lu»d Uy rebellious, and lu thoir indept^j^ had sliown that they were worthy to tend with the heroes of that cogntrv whom they den%ed tlicir own dewcot- kept it,fnnn February until May, was repea ted, 1 dare say, fit\y times; and oncc at a log rolling, ten times in one day. An old Atrican negro, U'longing to Mr. Fniucois Valle, aen. of St. (.Jenevieve, named Joseph, (theu su[>posrd to be upwards of one bun destiny, but equally great; and msviT now and forever, be fulfiled in fjesce’”' Heaven grant that so nobl« t I>e realized—ho is a traitor al h«ht»rt»k dofs not cordially respond to t leutim- that so juitly appreciates the trw mif,^ «>f hisowu country and that of buiuce^cd Hero u a SeoteAman who spnju„ ,jj men of '70, as “ nt’Wy r«M/iowV,^ You may try it in any way, and scald it, ami i " store—thence to tiie store occii-! then with the rant and puffing you csinuot p*.U out a feather. ■ pw^l by H. Mcnoimld, nr\i to Mus;:rov«‘A; ' The fnlicwing pssagr occurs in one of the a^iertion, that there exists John riMXKS. , Bustm’s Fire Proof an*hmise; Wli^'re the | >J,. \v iHis’utters from Furoj* to ll>« New Britain a imtural dislike and jealoM America. It will require more i am, with great regnrd and esteem, dear sir, ^ our iViend ami servant, J. g. .VDAMS. er more may they meet as enemie*! p^' dence seems to have assigocd to (b,, ' island and that nii^hty cwitinent,»d,|j, Sworn to and svi’oscribed before me, a jus- flames were arn'sted. Ihe 1 \ .^J|r^tr: tice of the peace of Kandolph countv, tins ••ous«, wcupied by J. I>. Ikfr?, J. j v,.1 ^ r , Cth dnv of Aiigtist, ; and I .to ftirtlier, ^ ‘o- on the east side of Me- { of Hu- same result; and not tlie least injury appear-1 (.ertilv, that John Pillvr? ||*e sul>ecribcr In^'■‘‘‘•“encimnt ou the to whom I iutve now been pnirnled, ed to have been occasioned bv it. After I . south conier of Mclnt.«h and Kevnold* w not oce «»•««: imtural dignity and chardcterand re«[iectabi!itv. J A M LS II l.'(; 11 K-'s. J. P. [.W.) the lapse of a fisw montiis, this bird flew a way tu its accustomed haunts. ] have mentioned this fact to several per KHi>i—practical,uneducated men,--who,.ho’ 1 they bad “ never seen the like,” expresse.i DO surprise or doubt of its truth; but re- pited, that they bad always heard that the dov n from the inside of a buzzard’s w ing wa a cure for Mmdness in horses; and one man remarked, that he cured a most iu\et- erate case of approaching blindness in him self bv it. I stri-ets, were barriers a-ainst the devouring station, ba»e impres- element in these direction*. , ^ I'lic tliat U* iKir uwii tJreat fears wrrt. entertained for a por-'President. I have approaclHid ,M-;\V i „o,, of our ci^ east ot' the tire ; and at one ‘trough guarv’s aii.l rr.a.tcrs of ceremony, Maaiuonabie M'aU atttl UUMttr u,ne manv houses were roven>d with burn-''pl'^ndid paraph, rnalw ..f rfga! m3 rinde'rs, and the cupola the r.piivo. aroutnl, ti»em*elvc* in the impoaing pal Chu.Th was actuiilly m a b!«r.e—u was monarchs, Maudmg in the saiictua Just from Philadelphia and \ezc- York. fortunately di^ovend in time to Ijc e:tSily extinguislied, without d»mg dumir;e. All the out-bm!dings Httaclird to tin' premises aliove de>ign«ted, were destroyed. nes of hiflory ami a.>«uci«ttun. 1 called U(>on the latter wilhoui even lendiDg up my iiume, iiitro(iucel by the sou ot* ocm- ot' bui iViuikIb, III tikc licarce fim^lied govenioMrnl liou&« of a new rt-( ubiic, and found him in fWlllESubscriber i« now reciiunK »n«lopi;niog M. a tar^c aiiii haniiumc lunoruiiciit of 0mOOOS, He procured the down, spread i miiublc Tor th« boiiglit hforc (Joodf hajj Thcactual loss we will uot pnteiHl to giie it on a bandage, appUid it to bis eyes, and advoucul but very Imle. recovered. * | ms »Tot k conu«t. or In coroboratioD of the statement of Maj. f ^ Fillers,—w ht«e deposition is hereto sub- ] ste»l mix’d Sattincta joined,—I can slate my own exjierieuce on ' Biick Iiahaii >iUs the subject. Travelling some three vears | Nap. I’rnrf.-ntte, I.ute^nnp, S«ttin, Sin-1 _ „ — . . wnce in the Americwi Bottom, 1 staid part *he*,Char?t.bleGrern\.S»rcottu.»il c«Jor» earned .rfT, and Im^i frw of our citizens r»-. impresM him fur more than the state of a doy with a friend «f mine, whose step-j | mained s|M>clntors the rums. At this S..mewere fully and some |«rtmlly insured,his family, hanlly recovered and soiiio w.t insured at all.—Amoni; the “ 9^'«re illne«. ’i he circumstances latter w« number Mr. Hol*bv, whose loss U =*'• c.f ihe former, but 1 tbink probably greater thin that of any other lollowrrs of kings would prpion. ' bunii'lhiiig in llic tiiuple manners ai»l By eight o'llork, the Lneir.cs had been dignity of iim- grey old chi.-ftan that iMjri>U” tlwn ba«« yet scnbbWd »bow^ country, to wean our aflKlioDs fruB 1 ^ pk) witb » hom, more cloMly than u} wt upon earth, nature has designed locui« U!>—to whom we are Uiund by ever) u> that can cf}K't our interests, aitd lues liave won froto us a coofideocc tl^ir sympathy of it^ling, sod nrnJan# ol' natiuoal character, will ever r*utc. Tk madtiCM of ill-advised aod wicked nns may alienate our atliKtions, or b«.rn'm & to war—but the wisdom of the «J avenge ilk«lf upon iheir (revcrweiil, w wtuUish more ftrody, in tbe ead, t which folly may have disturbed, but a nevrr deMroy.—Rtchwwtxd (’ompUr 6»n had tbe day before taken a half grown «illi ;iovcs and Stockiiijf* r -as miu 1 buzzard, disabl^ from flying by over-eatmg. ! and ;cntlco»cu’» bhots and BooU of • su. I upon repairing to the point, flames werel Sln^^lnr.—In Mr. Fiinl't ludian Warsof peri)d a secuiid alarm was suiiiilel, mid So sx>n as I saw the bird, the statement i^f Mujor Pillers came fresh upon my recollec- tioo, and as 1 liad always been incrcdulous, 1 was deiermined to put it to the test of ex- perinn'nt, and accordingly mentioned Ihe fart to the yiiung gentleman who had the bird, and desired him to operate upon it.— Having no sharp pointod mslniinent at liand, ether liian a common pin, w itli ti>at be punc-1 tured one of the eyes, the aqueous huuior . is«mng trom a kitchen, 00 the south side of the \\ nst, he nbtrs the lolWwing siogular ^Reynolds streol, on the square Mow tlie rircumstaiKres-which it will puzzl. the 1 fir.1 fiix. I Vy .prcad wi.h rapidity, and eipJain. » It was 9000 apj>«r^nt Inal un ^ I fl.igration mast be the result; and “ On the sule of a m«unt»m in Tonoessee, ' nivpreh^mihin were epicrtaiiietj for two '^*^ marks of the tootstepn of men aud f nor qiiaitly Common do- I'liiMren’t do. Superfine Silk and Fur Hats Couimon do ^VooJ do lio\ ’i Far flati and C jipa A largcquantity ofbrowuA: blrarlird Jlomcp.ui. ^;,uarf6l.clween Re\ no!d>.rtn.i llr«d'strfel-.', huM"«t.oe, in great numbcn, AL.^ K r, , extended up UeynolH- street to a ‘•'•X «««•*• •«> IIni'(i««ar4' niul ^ ullrry, ' h.Hjse owin-d hv Mr. Ale\nnl r MHtkie, I Ik? track* show as if tl»e frorhery atui OrorrrifK. wUtch was blown up; and ea.oiwnrd to in miry clay. All have flowed out, a whiteness like fliin came over j o “ft'fle *'1113610 ;,r thi» Washington street—tix’ Wtshing- ■l’p‘’>ra*He of bi'ing an actual luipres- tlie eve; and all its lustre disappeared; The occiipie,! by M r. | *-l‘«nict. rs gn>at fr«^hoe» or col- AW*7aIlk.mNofco«ntrypro.ior.*.lIbeU. ‘’‘'''‘'P ken in fxcliarfre tor I street, to tli'" new dwelling house owii-d and thal iiii}* nd the wCfrttru river*. Iu. Ih« frieiil.« and ctnujnii-f. arc rt*p«H-ifulIj,-iini.! ornipird by U m. Mici-u, !’•«]. which, | •'*•*•"'"'>1 ^ I c'^rrifcpoiid Hiih Its appcmlages, w*>re burnt to the* *be llhoois, and tn various other places. JOll.V M .MORRIr5^tN' ' ^ dwclhng liousr belongin;; to •’emarkable track of a human fool was \ r. 0-MM.V.1T ■ 5h..-„ ■ ■ Mr. John Woolfolk, uejl to .>!r. Micou's, hiiK-rtone, al the j wa« nialerialiy damaged by culling, tSx. Mo^iv-ippi, al St. Louis. 'IV ’’ mi^t ancii-nt traditiKiJ> o( the Wi st do nwt li^ad was then placed under tbe wtng of the bird, where it remained a f'ew minutes only, and when taken out, ibe eye had resumed its 'rsiial bniharicy, appearing as sound as tbe other, with not a speck upon it. In tbis ex^nment it is true, tbe ball was not rip ped npeu—that optTation seemed too cruel to hdve, tny parliripatioo; but, at far as it gws, it servos to inspire belief in llie state ment of Major Pillers. And why should there not be a healing virtue iu the down of a buzzard's wing.— No man can say uh^ not. Do we know •whfw.e those animal, iniDonil and vegeu- ble substances, resorttd to for the cure of itoanoke ilail-tluiui MAnr. 'Mi lout h the origin of these mwuods or char acters. Mail ('oath from UanMlii* to ilUkrlj,' M- will leavi l>aii\ilU.'cv«?ry Tue*day, Thur« all maladies, derive their healing power niorninir, in time to lakr tlic « o'clock car* The far t that certain sul)«lances ~*sc*s such I Vc,f U.e I.,. d y;-at:ri person, who may dn„rc ,t can qualities has been ascertained hy expen ment; and until that infuHible test has dis proved the effirrtcy of the dnten, ne one can 8iy it will not cure blindness. And why shnuld not the buzzard hav% the power to r» produc*‘ its eyes ? Tiiere are many inys- ten*^ in nature that we never shall lie able to fathom. It is a my.stery that an acorn can d^v lope itself and Ijecoine an oak ; that an iinsighily and dis(^istmg wcrm can, in a short time, Sr:ome a imwt beautiful fly : m short, the who|! world is but an o^>en vol- ujfie of mysteries, which all can wonder at, Init fcw can unravel. It is true, toj, that “ Till r> »r' more thiiij^s in hf .iven and arlh Than have b'-T> dr* iiiiii.t] of io mt ptiilo«fj|jhy.” ^Ve know that many insects and reptiles Lriic the p)wer lA ca^-tina their own xkin •rtery y^ar and app»-ariiig in entirely a new one ; that the common house tpider geti* a new tikin and a n^w art of Uf'n every y»-ar; and if yHJ pluck ofi ooe of 11 legs, ii will, m two or three days, have a ruir, one in itn place. 'I'he shedding of the terih and re- produr in.: of the nails, in the human S(ie- cu'S, are r»'rtaiiily remarkable, and would be S'! r >ii»idercd, were they not of daily oc- rurren«’e. r|Km s/l)"r consideration, it can not be regarded more wonderful that a buz zard slioulil have the p(wnr to r**proluce its eye- than a -pider lU skin and 1 ch—a b irw* hi'* teffh HrH.t hH>f»—Hjr «(»» les lh**ir teeth nn ! nails, or a «J er his untlers. I'hev are day and .SinMUy uiorninj, arwi arrive ai Hlakely j in tune to lakr tlic « o'clock car* ; >ttri.biirf by o'rlock of tlie m.- i person, ■ prorerd on north with tlif prfT-.t innil and rrach From the Philadelphia Srrtip Iitok. AOVKKTISKMKNT FXTKA. ^ At Ihe world’s end tbe F,-sex sule ofj (Jravpserwi: to Iw sold at auction, hy W'. | Nkw Vork, Sept, 11. .Neversell, on .Nlondsv Ihe *Jlst in«t. The' THohiuical J'tck pt>ck(t.~Mr. iieiija sale to Ijegin at ten o'clock in the aflerno«>n. ^ • >rden, an wid revolutionary sol- • Ijot 1,—A copprr cart-saikile, a leather Jier, Iroin CoXKiLkie, this ntorning drew hand saw, 2 woollen fry mg pans, and a glass *"* pension mot>ey from the branch Hank, wheelbarrow. to the auKSJiit of om- hundreland aixly dol- JiOt'i.—3 [Mir of pea straw breerhes, » lars. 'I he bilb w| ich he rereivcd were atiy of tlic Nofihern ciiua -Ji hour* booii r than chii.a quarry carl, and two glass li«dstbad« one hundred dollar^; and one of fiAv w ilh copper hangings. , dollars ; and one ol' ten dolbrs. As he atcp I /jOt 3.—Ode pilch pine cnal-grntc, with p«'d In.iii Ibe iieik»iuQ (.iTice into Ihe strwl, paper smoke jark, a mahogany poktr, and he was acconted by a genteel lo«iking person, a pair f>f gaiiw Ullows. i who remarked—“ Vou are from the country, Fot I.—hie leather tea-kettle, an iron I perceive.” “ Ves, hir.” “ \ ou have ju»t feather iK'd, « pair of brass l«^|«, nnd n I" ®*' taking sjuie I nited Slates Bills 1” steel riij>ht cap, aI»Hj one [iswter wamlcoat “ 'es »ir. ’ *• U II my friend, llufre are a aiMl 3 (lint wic«, a pelimelul mmvc and a tf'SHi many counlerfL-ils on thm bank, aod call Mam o hogirough a buckram warming I 'J uilvise you to be cureful, and havi; them [lan and a ptwter looking gla«s, a ja|Ntn eTafiiin»l—will you lei me hir.k al them?” i Ueile und n Uaiher wedge, ;i ^iik hog I’he old soldier hetniaud. “ I’m a goKi .%i cTi4).\. t8 I d« rxM >Mit«mptatr on pur>uin« tin rantiU |tuMn«»« aajr Wr^r in iIm mu o( thr oowilrj, and wish la liaT* my htuinta - •d, 1 am Demuiily inducsd to ^ir u N .\ucUoo, the «bole of mj STOCMi OF fiOODH, con«i«Uii{ oT tocii artirlrs m are uwweii li 10 «hi» ^rt of iSc rouotry. al tk« mt^nn Mr» l.ydia Irwin, niae ruilr* from Cuf'ctlf, the public road Wadinf from C barfoiv IiVm IVrry. The mI* will romrrM-nre nn lh> : and (.-untinoe fr««i day to day, oniil in S» by biddinf wtilha p«niiillel; andcql^i artKlcs u wili be offered, peraona ehaae roaaMtably atotd fdunf (mi ^lut. Ttrmt »f Mt—.Ml mrrMi oTPf ttrcsir 4 on a ere^il of mi monlbt, with bi>ci4 la^* w^rilv. AU lumi u*4«r twenty WWi.u>a • ill b« rojutrtd. U M |g»J Ol. 10. 4'i.3t P S. All pcrvona having nprn srrovatii^s prrlftilly aelitilcil I* c*ll and cioK UMai M's or bond. if I TO Til K PI'lii.K . V Tniitk wat brokenopen and arrtnl^ .^*1 of eluthing a>4 inlarvtr lii,n ■wUiV' not recT>tlrctr1—a (iald diam. lo»C. All the articka were markrd P I * infMinalKMi will be ihaukAdly tw.nd u>i» » rral reuard guro. riKURi: r-SAiMO Oft. 10, I -33. a WAXTKI), IF ap^icatinn br made toofi, T«o Jtr.rr^^ *i«th Makrr*--*i>« whr«l B>ak«-r uK ' uther a botiy.maker. To aiirh conalarl ee»» will be (iTcn. (>elnt-^r 11. l>-m. Tilt jubjcribcr haa entabhtlicd a line frmn M£iU\horott:;h to O.i fortf, nimnirii; in conn'xion with .Mr. Carhrrrv'* line from »ri.-«n»lx»ro!.((h. I’crfon* who may dr«ire to travel norlh, «r>' informed that the rout.- fmm ;r»-«.-n'(y)roiicli »»a llilUlmrtHiijh nnd Otibrd to niakcly, la the n>o^l direct, ijrarr-*! and nip*l i.'X[»e dilioua which can be Mrltcled; fn hicli may U' hcen by refer* nee to the nup of tho t .'niti d Slate* Thr public are infon.-.rd that t!ic tul.-criU-r hks placed on thii route cunirortable ly/efr Mtorsf Pttst i oarhrn f;o,^ T.ain. and .killful Mrivcr.; and public ", ^ ''k* to si.-c "Kui nuUpailxiind a wheat slrawtrainmel, a them. are a*i>ur"d that lhi» line rnn* in eonni-xion willi the Koarioke Lite I'roai llanvillc; and tlu.- publii i« further aanured ihot no dtlay or iiicoiivmii nci •hall Ix; fijH-ricnced by Uioi.; who nmy pitronir.t tbii Iir>e. This Hni will leave HiIUhoroH(>!i r\ir~ Tucr. day, Thurwlay and .''unday niorriin/,, at 7 o’flotli, A. M. and ri aeh lUakely next iiKtriiin^ii in time to t*ke Ihe V o'clock cara. lioth of the aWr line* are now in ;^ofKl order, a* the fuUcriU r haa lately made eon»ii> ralile 1111 . The old soldier h*l«i his poi-kei lambskin gniidhtone and a muslin hatchet, h*M.k in his bund, but dnl not comply with a |>air ot {»ewter pudding bags and a can- the stranger’s curiosity. “ \ ou had bctU-r vass gridiron, a dimily coal-scuttle and wooden timber chain and a brass cart rope. get them exehangud,” raid the stranger— who was evidently nn anti-lKink man—“ the I . H. Bank is n«t *i*fe—1 would recitnmend Ihe Merchanl’s Kx( l*ango liank—I will go aud show It to you." 'I he 8oldi>r, not ex actly avnilmg himsfdf of the profleri d kind- all r-iii.ifkable (dieiKniK-na of anuiial pliv- molojs ; mid they cannot b« accounted li^r I ■I’l'*.*' ■" conn mIII rvromrnen- ' [ rtfii lof iii()»t(lrj^«iid ;-(Xrfl itior-i' ' I* tut tiiii li:r'J tJic reel viJlux'. ’ Simritlar Kfvct af Cfm«rtfnrr..-The man who lately c'n'W the 81^,000 pn/.e in the .N. \. Literature l^oltery, stole the packet . . pr(;Temcni t«th in txpffdition and tor tie roinfori, m which the Iiicky lickct Was contained strrngcr, nor iKijtmvoly refusing, .,u,„ or u. .u„; „ „ " '■it:.r voluntanly made confession before the drnw. on pasMing a conier, the kind stranger w.i^ mg tfK>k place, oOering to pay the full value suddenly,|,g. I„ |},e next moment the of the package provided he might lie allow-, *'ff(»l‘ -lieurtiMl ohi soldier discovertd that ed to retain it,and receive the pri/.f’s il might pf'ckel-book was iiii-.king aluo I chance to dniw. The venders coiisenled, j 4\ A tr.ihel' I behold! If turn.dout tols'tbei ^luff'd nirelinnefrtng.^W'e pnw n co\m- |ju-*in.>. H 111 iK^'uktn at iJiI» I Wae. I pri/.e. U » honcHlv tlic best fioliry” other day , with his hand in n I or IS it not’ This fellow's sijcceg, mi.^ht u the matter, furnish anorgumenl f.r either sule of the' one ,f the (•and.datea ha.I s.|ucez /’«f» from HilU’^rmjch to PUiLrly ST fXt Hurt fiom Dunrilte to ttlakrly S7 IX) AU at the riak of Ihr own r»i. J A.S. w, Ji;n |{KV 1‘ruhiiftnr. Rid Uvutf, X V. 2i*fA, 11^13. Warranfit Vuds f r sak al this ' \M>t'i\\m.-~Ruhmond .natiian bro»^ i3-lw Mrn)Pd or Moirn ».M the aobacfiber, os 'i' ■ mat. a dirk bar lioH.'iL* Iceti banda high and four j«i laat iprin^r • only a few day* bclbre he w* il. a htiilitckT I»r«nrtr, and no da*ik*»tat^ hw cnurw in that dirrctjon if no* niarka icculWcled. The aobaeriber willf " dollar* Io any one wl*o will deliter «’i me, litihK »:x milea brlow fharlotte eoll>''* dcm road. Any in(irniatin«i ihankfsl!y U ,M. FI.A.N Oct. 10. l‘33. 1 ' The Ruth'-rfordtnn 8f>ecl3tor nil aUne ailftrliai'iiient three week aminol lolhin i^Vrr. Nm7>r Pr.llSi'l.VS livinf in Ilia hoondi ol iw t wnpany, ('apt. lV'we»e’» I apt. Marry'■ t ompanr, w ho t'*Tr M ^ la »e«. are re|ue«t'd to rome and »ettle bct*** and tli>: Nuveiiib r Coorta. Jf K. Mi (illl ' Orr Irt, 1x3.1. •>’' TIm* y%nii‘ri*nii rub!i.hrdl.y I I.vine llilrheoek, i nday in HnliinMir',at V>p* f aiinni»'.'“'''^ ( oiiI. iiU of Un 30th Niimb r, ' ''' ' F^diloriai .\iWre*»—1‘rrK'nl ol a dof and alut of' a valuable l>r«"d, fri^ni dent of tha t'nilrd Stale*- -on ^ i «Jreat Whwat fro|»- l.ur^'e Apfl*-" ’ makini( VN ine—FteeifH’ fiir Pi khnjf to make a FaruK r—I’Km^unir »'* *«"' i|i and orr^—Forei;»n AUiL l»-- anil (^)p»iimin anew I*''*”''* ® KxtirpnUnf S.i«*»fra»—AerounI .. eclliire in lhi« country reoninmf" • ' I'lilliiro of 'Mlk. and i*ji *rf^“ ,, ,il».,f so hard, it bad lost .t* natural lorl.rMr ' siiice.—[4iir f'rt.r r.'.'h ,„,f. try—Aijrii iilturslScli.-~ , tof. P. ni,.) lvai.i.i-.On U;; be.t Mt J , Firinj and p,,p, llenip- A f"x>d '*1 ounlrv I’roduie in llia .M-ir;; A i-.-'f- ->»•>>

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