& FARMERIS’ J01JR?rAli. PRI.NTEI) AM> FLUMNiii:i) l^VKKY SATI UHAY, HY 'I IkTmAS j. IIOI.TOIV.-.ril ARMm'f; MEC KI.KNBI RC COIJNTV, N()BTIW AIIOLIN A. I WIU TKACH you TO riUCR THS »JWKI.(I Or TIIIC KARTH AND BRING OUT KBOM TIIK CAVKRNd OK TM* MOL'NTAIMI, MKTAl • WHICH WIIX UIVK STKKlWiTII TO OUR HANDS ANU ALL NATURE TO OUR U8K AND rLKAHURK. OK. J0HW80W. SATI UOAVi OI TOBKR 1833. NO. 161* 'IIIK Miners' & FuriiiorM' Journal «inld find puWi»lnl evtr> Sutiuday uioriiiiig ‘ Ttr» Dolltiri p*^ «nnuin, if i>«id in •dviiticc; „Vi;Kl lSEMr.N'I*5 will be in«crUd at CcO (not rirecdiiijf 20 hmd,) lor ilr fiMt in» ft'O”. Ci-iiU fi)f inch tuc. Ldintf v..rk-or !»1 lor thr.f utrk«, lor one rr. A lilKr#! diKrount will be tuadr to tlio»e «'ho idnrtiM' by the yr*r. UTrOn all Rdvt-r. eomrnunlCBird for publiralioti, lln- Buiiibef of inwHrllmn riniirt be noird on the mat. .inoftlie in«nu«Cri|t,or iJiey will be contHiucd ;„liJ forbid, and cltarijed accrdifufly. • All eomnuiiiicalium t» tbr f' ditor mutt couir * 'rofimtixpf.oT tlwy niDV ii>» H ntlrnd«d to. rr-i- ^ From Ibe New-York fariner. ISTS .\M> KFXiPF^S IN WI.Mt^TIC AF- * FA IKS. EnjoTHient \ V in simplr dishr*. «p|iUi an- tier six) more wbolesonie lliaii eipeiisi ra»rVI*«. ^ In *triving for ihr comforti of Uf«, that nre lea'll cuprnsivc. It!» I»rtter hgvP)Our house furnnhed with coiiilort- •hun vkith costly tiling*. *xprt )ouraolf to otercoipr tho dinirul- «tl*n»iiig ynur pr»r«Mrt busiDcm rotJier n cnti r into other pursuits. |’ortoi*e fclwH ainJ horn combs la«t much jer for having oil rubbed in thtin oiice i while. Put new Mrthen ware in coW wBl»*r, «(w] ii heat jimrliwlly, until it boil*»—tlicn cool *in. brown earthen wur«, in particuUr, he tooph^i>el in thin way. A hiUHilul rvr, or wheat bran thrown in whilst it la ilmts will pr«iHnro tiM glazing, ao tiutt it II not be (icatruy ed by acid or aalt. Ne*» KnslaiKl rum, rii»l80tly uiiel |i I. *1.^ l.«.. at vmm9j ' ' . From tiH; I'biladelpaia Scrap Book. I The money was presently pnid over, and 'llIK ML'I) I'hDLAR. j eucli |»arty was well plnased with the bargain Somcfewycnratt4i:o,ui;utorf!liowinCon. ,_'l’ho Yorker, timt he had cheaterl the necticul, had a few pounds of honey to acll, foolish Yankee, arul the cute Yankee tiiat Yorker. 'fir« ’ I* ’ looiisii lankee, arul the cute lanh Pallart tr,d Il'fy Vn.tB i( uoi^ on which be was desiroas of nmkiiig a largo |,e had over readied tiie New ’ ,ft,r '’** To p.*i-r will ‘"'W to do it, that was. nm if mich wu» th« mutual satisfy i^L'ortinucd until ail arrr'aragc. a^o i*.d, qu«««'on. He resolved the matter in; ,l,d „„t last lon,^, for the inarketmc his riiind for Homo duyu, aikJ at last hit on > ditctivered the client, the f..llowin{iex}.edu'ut: lie took a numlM-r Ho H^^.f,ro and rnvcd, and tore as if ho oftubs. of ihckiud used for packing b.iiter, I „as a qmdinan ; but this not mending the which are smallest at thoupf«.-r end. 'I'he.se I m^tter„ he went in pursuit of him, whom he filled nearly full of mud from a iion;h- i,e nt length found silling by his own (ire. boriDgditcli,li‘aviri;;,however,Mpuceenough , for a thin covering of honey. j .. ,|,p Hevil did you mean,*’said he U ith th se ho omharki-d for New-\ ork,... |,y cbrating m** so in I'hnt honey ?” whnre heoxp wed hn r'xkJs m the market. .. Honev'! said he, who by this time had He asked nob«Kly to pure haw; but to.*kcare, | ^gst ofi'hi's stolid oppcarHiire; I sold you no both by hiB dre>tx and behaviour, to appear ^ honey.'’ very much like u fool “ \\ hat ha\ a man to him. AMiailCAN PORTRAITS. 1’he following uketcheA of distinguished Americans are taken from a work lately published by .Mr. Hamilton, the author of tisfactinn it ^ yf'l Tlioriiton and lately of the Uritifcb ' marlictman soon army : | I'ri.-^ikknt Ja('Xson.—Wc found the] i*rcsident had retired with a boadache, but ill a tew minutes he a|)pcarel, though from I the heaviness of his eye, evidently in a «tate I of considerable pain. 'I'his, howerer, had no inHiicnce on Ins conversation, which was | spirited and full of vivacity. He informed , us that he had l>een unwell for several days | and havin;r the fatigues of b levee to en- counter on the following evening, he had , retiied eailv, in order to r.-cruit Ibr an oc- much like u tool. I “ Thr d. vil you did'ntsaid the buyer, ^ r,,mnred the presence of all U hai have you got in those tubs ? Mid ^.. „|,a, d.d I pay jou a hundred dollars for r Wht-n this subject was 111 to him. , ‘*.Mud, n.(limg but mud,*’ replied the ,i,..m,ss* d the converMUon turned on native » W hy, nnlhiii but mud, said the van- U-ller, “and it's y..ur own fault ihat you ti,,. i„d,an question, the p^jwers of k.^, rol mg np hi. ey,:s and lolling out h.s Uoiiid’i.t bi liexe n.y word for it-1 told you court, and a recent debate in tongue like an Idiot. ,’t»as nothin’but mud.” T. ii.„ S,.„ai«. u,hii-li i,ad Exciied considerable .Mud !” said thu man, “ what do you do j with mud here. You’ve como to tlie wninp market wilh*it fellow. We havo mud e- nough of our own in the cit\ “ \es, lait It aint such mud as we have in ('oniHtticut though," said the pretended fool—“ I fftchel thin all the waj from (Jon- nectw ut. Jet.1 look at it, aud see how nice cost the eastern states to make provisions ’tis.” ' for ctmimeneing it.” “ Do il take votir mud! said the man,, “ Are you there true pennyHave you the Senate, which iiad excited considerable attention. The (iovernor of North Carolina says, in I Of the opinions expressed by this dis- I na can erect a rail road, for what il would reference to the facil.tie. aftorded by allu- P^'>-son it would Ik, unpardonable . . , , X- . , U\ere 1 to Sjiy nnv thing; but i heard them vial countrir. lor rail roa.l, “ North Caroh- j „„ere.:t, and certainly considered them tt» he marU(;d by that union of l)old- iiess and HH»aci'y which is generally sup posed to lorm a pruinineiit feature of his charnctcr. (jeneml Jackson spike like a man sothoinughly convinced of the ju.stice f his views, that be announced them un- ” il "Tk* r “ " “'r ''1'’"'’*'*/*"^' *“ advantages you announced them un- . i f .1 n ‘ : heMfatinslv and wiliont rcs*-rve. 'I'his o- staniJer, lo fetch mud here. ' that our sister state begins to tind her wealth , ^ ^ ^ Dj-ihaps by the “ Not’* you kuow on,” said the vankee, , . 11, ,.,ar 0.1, h and nine b«rd*. l'*'"'‘'Ps> • ,1 . inttcrsoii. »“ riar, pill n.ano pine iK>.»nis, J g putting on a more stolid appearance than a „„rket, lit her t, . I h ever, “ 1 111 the cutest fellow, every body al- nnd indiivtrv, guided bv rad roads low., in ail our to>*n, haw 1 haw! baw' „nprov.’meiit, find' a better. uv, I, .0 n«,.... 17', yiHi will, haw , haw . haw ! : p.-ttv jea!r»usi« s. oUr pio';>crit_v is oun,. . . . . ■ , ^ •• \V liMt M your name . said amithrr. , ^.jn follow—so you like txpress boldly w My name . w hat s that to jou, v*bether fojlovt w.v .• but let our rivulrv l>* iic.l ' 1’. liMton I'rauM'i I],' L'-r liM*m cire:ull) with pa|ier, i'aHt'U«-d k t'.ih tlour paste, au as to exckid** the air. I lo.> w:iy they mav be kept from innects know liini V' “ I>on't you know my uncle Josh “No!”' ed sup|H>iter of his government, but sinceri ty IS sf) letrible botii in his countenance and manner, that 1 feel convinced that nothin state policy any circum- hat he lislt '■’ashington f forming in illing- iinpn'sslons "ice gen- fletnan was formerly a candnlate for tlio IVsidenrv, but resigned his pretensions in ■ 'i i." u 11 L . .. -.1- “ I hen you re u greater fool than wan^ 1 oey >huuid br kept in a dry 1, , .• ■ , , ^ ^ I know him jest as well as i know the (..Hre. U iM.ilrns should be washed in very hot and hot rin««*d. lukewarm water rii.ka them. S.iet unl lard keep better in tin than m 1 :'i. n vensels. |Si t koep^ gfMvl all the year round, if and parkea liown ii> 1 alone jar, >red with unJoMea. \\ hen nv>lawew is used in cooking, it is | ^nidicioua improveiiK*nt to boil and skim bei..r« you u-« it. Il take* out tlic un- Jifcn.v iV I'oot;/."—There i.; prelabiy , ; «i|" January, his watch word « as that III the etent of the |, 1 I he bus n.uch ciiance of siiccectliiig at the ■ next election. .Mr. Calhoiin is alxjut the to our )>arn. “ >V bat ba'e y«Hi got in your tubs e«l iiii'ither jne. “Mud, hiw ' baw! haw! nothing but jjoofv." muilvinir tha. Ill im.' *'i tiiv • t n 1 ■ 1 j i i U mud. t^hall I -how it to vou ?" : capture of the citv, it was to l>e given up to *’ S'*niew iat.s ouc • “.No, 1 don't wai.t tu see any of your the plunder nnd violence of the Mjldiers. Il iif-peison. is coui. enance, ou^ i mud.” 1; .ram r ef .virprise, therefore, that after “ W oil, vou oredn't sp-»k so cross about havm-’ remained untli-ptited for nearly II* j ^ * ‘”'5 ’ ’ It. Tant ;K,ir o-VHir commoi, mudWs i. 'oeeni pi.iiner toatun s. His head is large, ' rale Coiinectieul—l>*ik h» r".” I “ .Mud do you call this !" tuid a maiket \cars, tlie rhariri: IS now lullv disproved. It 1 . . j i . . .■ • ’ , , , • . , , and soint wh;it dirtirured bv a quantity ol arinears that the clitTriir was not known to , . • l • ‘ u- ."1^^ w. . ^ . ,1 which rise very high a- those most interrbted m its letutatior, uiiti! , , , 1 , , / e ..^jit raw taste, and makes it almual a» [=4 ax suxar. I. , !Liii)« polverixr^l, wfted through coarse i V . a 1 1 I I ■ * ** Initt lad kVin, and stirred up toleraolv thick 111 In.ve his forehead. In conversatinn tie is |/Kas;iiit, and runaikihiy free fmm that fii>ginati>'ii which constitutes not the least of tlie jK'cia/ sms of the Amencans. Mr. Calhoun eviileiitlv disregards all graces of evpresnon, titiJ vi hatever be the subject of discussion, cotiR'S directlj to the pmnt. His iii.jr;!, nianncr and moile of si>eakiiig indicate . , .... . ruuidiiv of thou:rhr, and It stiuck me, witb lor hiH mud ’ und Keane, Major (tenerals J hori’tini nnd r • «' 1 i, , u M- ... • ■ . .. t .1 • 11 I J itill col.fidence III his own hij-li talents. .11 r. “ U hv, I doo t know, said tlie fell.iw, {{lakeiiev, and I ol. Ih’!i-cn, who wert the ” stntrd m b'lunrt's “'I'hrce \e;iis in Amen- j “ Hale Contxcticut niud," miid the \ai‘- mt.i r|i;rh it was copied lioin M-iioi.'s ' •■■■ wiih a grin.” Li;ip ol’Jack>on. On its tlius CHiuin^ to tlicir W hv, this IS honevsaid another. knowledge, they publisha certificate, de- 'Say nothing aUiut it,” said the maiket claring th;.t the whole-tory is utterly lulse. . - , . „ . r . " Miv not line aiKiui II, saiu me maiKei r arm" tti;.t the w 10 e .-lorv is uiteriv luise, kite of ei'L's, innhea h Mrong reinent lor • , «•, • 1 . , J V III . . •• i> . .,.11 man aside, “and 1 II get a Iwr^ftio out ot t mj it was not before deiiieii Li.;au'-f bH and china. IMaMer o. I an, is Mil ^ *7malcnar **' ' ""**** *” *'*■' cate is i^nrd hy I-ieut. tJeriernls I.nml)ert . . '. ' 1 _ I....I , for hiH mudund Keane, >!.ijor (Jenerals 1 hori’ti.n nnd *u L \ , “Uhv, I don’t know,” said tlie fell.iw, f5i;,|^oi)ev, and Col. Ihc!;-un, who wert the i i • C T t i; a tr..ier stake nicely a.aiH,MU^ it w ith I ^ ^ ^ ( nlh. un w.,uid prol|abi) hnd it more ag^- tppfr atd *mlt, cutting it up, and iHxirmg * \ \ . 1 . 1 . able to c.irrv truth bv a coup ile ctoih than Uo,.r I,not qmte boding, hit 'arant s,an-about him. dors to the troop, were pron^^ .l.nver'proce4 of patient m- iti. ..t^ratuti.m ,a«.dlelit .tai.dtos.«k.. “ ‘ ‘‘“"w ! what do j.hi come here lay.ta nlh Uo^.ncr. ^ ' . ' liir lhf»ii f ■ ■ ..... i« le pxlocsH out. j for then ?’ I.. . .. I I . J II I “ U h\, I come to ’stoni^h the Yorkers, 1 :ir»nii>« nhou 1 bo kepi down c«-ilar, co-1 . •’ , , ,,, L_i ' I , 1 1 jr .1 that s al', haw ' haw' haw. trni up in aaial entirely exchiiled from the I ’ 1 .1 .. ..,,0 *.,.^....,1, I I “ 1 >u do astonixh them, aure eiifKigli.— jr. Ihev are good only in the spring. . . l .• „av' [ / " ^ r Hut what II \iiu take lor voiir mud ' n p^illul of lev, will, a piet e of coppcras 1 .. j * shilling a II as Iti^ BS a hen’s egg I*»Mled in it, will ' , , „ , 'iM „ t:. , \ ice 1‘iosident 19 no ordiuarv tn-rson. His Steam heat Iti/rnt.— I he r'team iKiat ' , . . i 1 . r u , I. n «' (i)ind IS bold and ai ute, his talent for busi- OiiHiitonic. fsavs the .\Icxandii.t, IK 1 . _ .. .* .i_ 1: . 1 1 " : I 1 . .1 IMS'! c»)nf-s>edlv ol the hrst order ; and en- of the 1st I'jst.) nl\ing l>€tween this I , ' . . . . 1 J .1 r .1 i> • i>.\ in^ the esteem ot his countrymen, there I. nnd I he ditierent Inndiniis IHI the l*oto- J • . . .. cun be little doubt that he is vet destined to por a fine nnnkin color, which will never pS out. This IS Tery us» t'ul for the lni. 'if betl rjuilts, comf.'rts, iVc. 1-^C» of mutton are very g*od, cured in \iiae way as hams. Six |K>unds of salt, |>ouiid, iiiav be. «ui 1 ri(wi_> ..i-.i ........ .■ “ A'iiiliing a [wiind for inu«l ’ whytiiat’s «i |^,|,|:l’rdtov^n. .^ld. The fire was cntirelv | a pretty piice. W e cati cvt il here in the arcidontal. and so rnpul was the progress' •.tuM ts’for nothin;-, and get paid for carry- of the llHme>i. tiiat the Captain and crew, mi; It away in the bargain." Hut it unit like our Connfcticut mud psca|Ied with their lives place nnd the difii-rent landing inae Uiver. was burnt to the water’s edge, , . .. 1. r.i 1. msl.. k.-l, .. I..M .l.e «a. I> ■".« : f!“^ " 1“'' P"-"'" “f ■ . I iiion. iM'STor;.- .Mr- Edward Liv- Senator tor Louisiana, shortly asleep on iH^ard at the time, wiihdithcultv my de,«rture Jrom W a^hiiigton, I . •. . came e under«-taiid that the Oasiitonic was partially iiiMir-d. crctary of State, br'd to tho N. Yi'ik liar, he eaily took his station in the L’ht euiKr, «r Kaltj^tre. and live pmtsof ,„at the i.asiuomc |v„>wi,„ ,.i>wr-.,. . [ will make pieki-en.-o;h for ItM* .. ,ue all your tubs fdled w ith this kiiwl of Another boat, it iss^iid, will l«'put ii,k,ii tnis '"f prolesaion. As a k-Kt. Small legs shouUl 1.- kept in pic , J,, philosophical lawyer, lie stands luH onh un- [■ or fifteen davs. il large |..,ir or .. ^;„,kee, carei.-sslv can hi- made. '•• ' ks are n..t t.«> inoeb. I hev -diould i ....cvermg'them—“ thev'are all chock full M-'mg up a day or two belore the> are , ^ ('ommotlcrr Pcrhr.— .\ kUcr recently •> W hat’ll > on take for the whole lump V’ received from an Aw'nean geutleman at • Five huildreil dollars, haw ' haw ! haw ! (',,nstantm«ple. s|>eak-^ m high terms of the ■Oil ii..iis»u"M*,” said the market man, rourte'-v and kmdiuss of our ('Air;rc Iipimiir his linger into tlie hone\, tasting faimt towart!.s our countrsuieii who visit I I'i- sidter meat is, the l.mger it shoiiUl Mo'ileil. If v».r\ s,dt it i« well to put It over night, change the water whde i«rkin;. rivLille.i, hut uiiappr*K>ciied. llisexi>crience in public life has l>een very areal; and Ins high talents extensive knovsledye and ami- abl« character, have des»'rvedly acquired for him tlie admiration and esU'em of a peo. pie noi prompt in the pauncnt of such tri bute. Mr. Livingston's fame, however, is not nio four hundred dollars, and the mud is all ''uiliUnawl \irfuf Ihnth.—On Tuesday j vour'n. tubs and all, bv hoky.” ’I'liit! ,i CUM'camo iM fiire Justice iliM.ten “—I’ll give you fill) , s^ud tho dealer 'l">iii(ieiifing, r«.r hearing, in tin-course in marketables. ''lui-li, I) uiilori'd wumaii wiis brought up witieKs, and ofijeftcd toby iIm'op|Kisite n'lv. Till- r liisul to receive her as n Min.-sM rendered liiir almost frantic with which her subrt't|iient adiuisxion to '"iilv „i|ay. On jf'aving tho of- few moments aflerwHrds, she droppeil " tlip m„| |.,^(„iiilv d«-ail. Tlir«e himdrel,” said the Yankee, “and It’s all your’n. tubs and all bv jmgs.” “I wont give you a cent o\er seventy- five.' A dumb pnpil in Paris b«>ing asked “ « hat r.tfio.ty,” replied, “'I'he Lilctimeof tho .\lmight\ We understand that the nankof the Mr- IrojHtlinw Washington, has lieeii selectetl by the Seerctarv of the I'reasury.as the place “Haw ! haw ! haw ! then you may have it ofdenositefortheinoncyoi the Lnitcd States for two hundr.-d.” «« c\t\.— (HolH- “ I don’t rare if I give you onr, for old ac(|uainliiiu'e sak A sha- I IS advertised in Boston, fors:>'--. " "P-;.|. xv having bevn mdii.-.d 'by hori “ Haw ! baw ! huw ! well, take U then,soe-; the original cost ol which, m CalcUta, was ''er.excitod paw,ona.-iVu/. Ga:. ' m’ it's you." ‘ o»c thou^md dollars. Stoll is a warm advis^'ate for its removal f'nnn the statute l^»oks of other stales. 'I’he lalxirsof .Mr. Llving.«ton in the com pilation of hia code were for many years unwearied and assuiiwiss. Men of inort- limited knowledge, and inferior powers, would have l»ceii unfit for such a task. M» n of less enthusiasm woiikl have shrunk Iroot it in dismav. Mr. Livingston, forimutel\ for himself and his country, braved al! d*.' fieulties, devoted to it the whoU norgies f bis mind, and bronjl't it to a hanny ccni- plctioii. Animated by the zeal of a pbilantbropist he made hitnself acquainted with the laws of all nations, and the contents of every treatise on crime and punishment whicH could be discovered in Europe. He main* tained an extensive correspondeitce with tiie most eminent, political philosophers of the age, and among others, with Bentham, by whose enlightened advice he profeicea to have largely profited. One iiictiinnt in the life of Mr. Livingston i is worthy of record, as affording a fine illus* . tratiun of tho character ef the roan. Hia ' labors connect;d tvitb the code were already fiir advanced, when his whole papers were I destroyed by fire. This happened at tea 1 o'clock at night, and at seven on the follow* I ing morning, with unbroken .spirit, he began ! his task I Few men are endowed with sucb I buoyancy of spirit, and indomitable perse* verance. ' In person, .Mr. Livingston is rather tt« ' hove the middle height. His countenance, though without elegance of feature, is pe- j culiarly pleasing, from the benevolence of I its expression, unusual at his years, whicb lights up bis eye when he discourses oa any interesting subjcct. His manners are those of a finished gentleman; yet rather, I should imagine, the spontaneoiKs result of ' an innate aud natural delicacy of thought I and feelinc, than of intercourse with poU I isbed society. To the courtsey and kind- ' ness of this eminent individual, 1 feel deeply ; indebted. It is with pleasure, that I nour ! give public expression to those sentimenfg of admiration and respect, which 1 shall ever entertain for his character and talents. I D.iMFL Websthk.—The person, how- I ever, w ho has succeeded in rivetting most I strongly the attention of the whole Union, [is undoubtedly Mr. Webster. From the ICiulf of St. Lawrence to that of Mexico, from Cape Sable to Lake Superior, his ' name has become, as it were, a household I word. iMany disapprove his politics, but i none deny his great talents, his unnvalled ' fertility of arguments or his power, evea still rnoro remarkable, of rapid and compre. ' hensive induction. In short, it is universal- I ly believed by his countrymen, that Mr. i Webster is a gr«at man; and in this niat- ' ter I certainly make ne pretensions to sigu- larity of creed. Mr. Webster w a usan oC w bom any country might well b«' proud. His knowledge is at once extensive and min ute, his intellectual resources very jfreat; 'and, whatever may be the subject of duicus. Sion he is sure to shed the light of an active, acute, and pfiwertul mind. 1 conte-ss, however, I did meet Mr. Web* ster under the influence of some prejudice. From the very day of my arrival in the U- nited States, I had been involuntarily fa miliar with his pretensions. Gentlemen , sent me his sjieeches to read. hen X ; talked of visiting Boston, the observation i followed, “Ah! there you will see .Mr. Webster.” VVhen I reached Boston, 1 en- 'Countered condolence on all hands. “ You are very unfortunate,” said my friends- , “ .Mr. Webster set out yesterday for Wash ington.” V' benever at Philadelphia anti Baltimore, it became known that I had I visited Boston, the question “ Did yr-u sea , .Mr. W ebster was a sequence as conatant I and untiring as that of the seasons. The result of all this was that the nama I of \\ elister became invested in my ear witli an adventitious cacophony. Is it not plea- ; saiit to admire upon compulsion, and the very pre-eminence of the gentleman bad b«“en converted into something of a bore- To Washington, however, I came, armed w ith letters to the unconscious source of oav' annoyance. 'I'he first night of my arrival I met him at a Iwll. A dozen people point- I ed him out to my oliservation, and the first i ulance riveted my attention. I bad never seen any countenance more expressive intellectual power. ' 'I he f'orehead of Mr. Webster is broad and advancing. The cavity beneatU the eyebrow is remarkable large. The eya i is deeply set, but full, dark and penetrating in the highest degree; the nose prominent, and well defined, the mouth marked by tha iigid compression of the lips by which tha I Now Knplanrtcrsare distinguished. When Mr. WehMer'scountenance is in repoee, tha : expression it ctinimunicati*s is al ©nco I chanjjed. His vmce is cieur, sharp and I firm, without much variety of niodulutiou ; hut when aiiiiiiated, it rings on the ear like ; u clarion. j As an orator, I should imagine Mr. Web- , stor’s forte to Ix; in the de[)artment of puro reason. 1 cannot ciMiceive his even at* tempting an appeal to the feelings. It could I not be sui’ces«ful; and he h:is too n.uch knowledge of his own powrr> to eucounter j fiiiliiro. In deltafe his very couiitenanc© must fell. Few men would hazard a volun- I tary sophism under the glance of thai eye, j so cold, so keen, no p»‘netrating, so exj>res- sive of intellectual power. A single look W'HiItl be enough to wither up a wholovolunio of hud logii'. In the S'liatc. I had. unfortuuately, no I o|i|Mirti!iiilv of hearin;: Mr. eljsfer display ' his great ^>weis a> a deUuer. Durin- lav stav^'the sulij-xls on which he happen* d to siM'ak were alto^> tin r of mfi rior interest. Jp the S ir>r ;ne C irt, he dul vcred«evoral