THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. Fi um Ik* N. V. Ifaily .Uhtrliter. MAJt)R lH)\NMNli‘S Cl.INfllKR. Pum.HHKir BT AI'TIIOHITY. NVAMtIM.TON, -(illi Sept. I, Mujor J. DoHimip, of ihe Ud linj^ude and jK'Cond best W-i .runrtwin^ which ceruinly .tnick me From f*r IWrraior. I So.0 »fter she closed, sl>e awoke with a legai nr,u ^ matter. ANOTHKR SI.KKPlNr. rRKAt'HEn. | kind ot* conviilmon, and was vt^ry much as- ’ Th« Utter w®.«eith©f vehe- Nkw Havbn, Aug. 1st, 1^-8:?. 1 toni.^-d to find ’so luany pcra,.UM around m oubdued. It w*a tbe nwHiKSr of. On mv arrival here, I was told cf a ht- her, and wwlii'd to know tin! cause: and con>ri«»nqudaBd8«>lf-poMeawd. H«^rirl, rK>tweoii«leyen and twelve j^ars of wlK^n siie was toM there had boei. a meH- - best Mr. W«hster may l» at once acquitted of age, wiio had several limes, p/TucftfWjnAtT ln^ she was much grieved and niortifitd , .1, ’„v*Tiimeni M and the (Mueral all^»arlicipation in tha besetting aius of hia sUxp. M) fnends had had the o(v^x)rloni. she should have been asleep a I the J“ J" ' ,,,5 ’,,^11 o„’t,) thinking i^.nd country. I evea doubt, whether, ,ty, a few evenittifs before, of lieanng hcr:'tinH>. bhe has l>ec.i kept ot tin , iVoeiamation aKU. Biddle and in any smgle tnMance, lie cau be fairly j ^idconsiderwl the exhibni.>o a tmly won- lac« that she herself wa-the ,>rcacher I reasons enuf m it- charged with uttering a wtence of mere 1 he ewnmsf 4KHore iast at a-1 i . . ^ ^ Prcmlamatiun by wuy of a declaiuatioo.—Hia speeche* have nothing; bout halt {*ast iime, a ^lerson •catue running, | ,0|. ^ Bbowtl.ea.ofg«ud.n««an4glUter. Words half breath^ to inloriH «,e that she was , „ , ... The times are now RuttiDg prettv squal- with biui are instrarocuts, out ends, the 1 then preaching: told me where t,he was,| I rolessor RHriiiesqjie, nf N. 1 > ,io„'i lo,,k out »liari»i things vehicle, not of sound merely, hut ef sense and was iHit of «ght in a moinenT. ' York, in a late numl»er of the Ncw.\ ork ) > ' ' ^ and reaaon.—tl* nn tw.pififlni firfl nf • i found the house IhronL'rd when 1 enter- I’nrmrr. deiioimees the use of saltiM'tre in K ’ noise and fury fcigiiifying— tiibits proof \s ncA irretrievably tor like Mr. by acdainatiun tothe^first place. j ject was the Pro»ligal Son. When I enter- (ibr.ius sub:Ili.nces, the Ibrm. r only p»w-«>s. I In conversation, Mr. Webster is particu- «“d sne had been spt'akiiig nitcullhrtc-lourths a nutritious \irtuc. This g' latiiu'? is ‘‘ ‘ " “ .,,11 ,in.y up printin larly agreeable. It seeuis to delight him, of an hour. She was sitting in sileiKC at deNlroyed by the chemical a« tioii of salt and ‘ to choak ster are remarkably free from intoleran'e. I she made a sipti of refusal, and ro}*eated all the diseases which are commim to mu He 19 one of the few men in America who | her request. Her eyes were closed, so she rmirs and others who subsist principal!) •• ’ undensUiid the British constitution, not as could not have secnit. U hen the one she on saltMl meat—s-.ih sriir\y, s..r*-cums, ,,, Cn.i.hrtl.-n,. a mere abstract system of law* and institu- asked for was ^nit into her lap, she dt-libe- docasTd tretii. ul.-crs. A.c.—and advisev a bi llons, but in Its true form and presaur*-, xs , rately spread it; and putting it over her total aUaniioniiient ot'the u-e of saU(icire iii 'J ’ .,_„i Ii„, I ft work** and acts oo the people, modified by head, drew it together under her dim and ,i,y making of pickle for U-ef. i^rk, \c.— "“Vil.r M.-.Vt. r.nn.l .Hit all’nl)..ut it’ alh.Kisiindiofluence3,ofwhichhiscouiitry- held It by her left hand; and thus coiiipleie- The l>est subslit\iIo for which, lie s»\», is p ’; , /t, 1 ly covered her face. ^ s-jnar-a small nuaiititv rendering the meat , '7 ,, t)n inouirv aftiTwards. I learned, that on u.»ft(>r. nmre Hikolesome. uimI eiiuallv as and il they are not put own • •’f ^ From the Globf, October 9 The following Hanks, in addit„,n’toih«, heretofore meutioned, have beea ^ by the Secretary of ihe Treeaury a, itoriesof the public money. \y^ stand that sufficient infortnation has b«‘en received to euuWo the Secret*'!*'* complete his arrangements, but it i,,.’ ttd that the whole will accfmiplui a few weeks. And in several places only one Bank is now selected, it unriU bio another will be added. Maiim Hank, I'oitland, Mt, t)oinni(Tcinl limik, I'orUmumth, A’. //, lUitk of \ irjjiniii, Kirlimotid, la. Do. Itraiiclior, at Koijotk, V«. rUrik of SrmlhCaroliBa, Chitrlnitn, S C ri iiilfra’ Bank of Aiirsnliai / The Branch of the li^nk of the Suir JT ban.., at Wo/.i/c.;r-; lki.k of Mi*,iaipp,. . Ihc I tiimi llank «f rrnnrntr, yafktiiit The Franklin liutik of (.'iiiciniiati, CMi, W’o are authorised to state tlmt umrv tions from Ihe Treamirv l^'iiarttnfm u Iwen forwnrdeil to Receivers of p,,(,| money at ChtH chuma, Augusta, (’(iluaij? and Mount I^lus, in the State of pi, to receive in |Kijment lor lirid* t,i* at thfiae odices in the (iriseni and nuccmj. ing months, as already •dvertue,!, n»>te»g any of ihe s(>iu i« pa) ing Bank* m IheSijfe, of Miskisiiippi, Louisiana, AlabtiiaandTa. r#s»ee. men in general know nothing Mr. Van BrnKx.—Mr. Van Burcn.tlicn Hi.Mie’s liAuk yuntuilit luquirer J^t k^owie^il^V chrracterand the springs ’ pause she proceede.i »ith her discourse ; and ofhumanaclLi. Neither hiscouversat.oa, a sudden trins.t.mi Iron, the ni.«t ^r- nor his niaiuier are official resi'rve. Indeed business ..r the G«ver»ra‘nt IS conducted by energy that seemed to thrill lun.ugh comimttHesof the Senate and Representa- every leart-M), the everlasting snivation, an American Secretary of State can ‘'r.this d.-rs t marked by anv thing of calmne-^s of spirit, and apparent bodily p.artteal KnmrMc* m a L, p hint or.- ideed, where the whole ‘''haustioti, she Imrst lorth with a [iuilios ex(»*‘ciod that I^-gisbtors al- e a itraclu'itl k~ru»ru/l"t w tlic hicli conn- btforc them ; hut when ti\es, an American fijecretary ot State can ' ••-- -• , --- t(,,H tiapixMi, the cjunirv iiiu»t dm\e Lave few».*crets, and those’not i>f much k'lUiis glor.ou. throne; came down to this i^.,^fin>omthec.rLUinstaiK:e.’ value- The op,«nents of the niinistr), '=*7 man, when m. ml).-r of (’oogrr^, d.-tecteil however, accuse Mr. Van Bureu of beiug a some extensive frauds id the accounts of a man*iiireref in politics—a charge, 1 pre-, he has died for u>. shoemaker, who had taken an anny c. n- suim-, to whtcb he is obnoxiousonly in com- tract. Thi^ gr^i'e Ivgislator and iiicorru| inoD fiarty fines* party llia of UiVecrt and information, of agreeable " ““ " a mend- r had fii.i>hed a long s(N'cch Hgjinst nerv a**ii couversation, full of anecdote and spoke of the chrislian s ariival at his (Jr-gorv Turner rose and nude vivactv, j^Hirmn s end; and of us receiving his r«- g.K-ecii, in \vhic!i he elicil.d thnn- ' - 5 HJt I am not able to give v^ her „,.plau>e iron, the galleries f..r las i'nstrw tit! f,ir Iii ih»ihirfpenih i dtfip know Icd^'e in the lu.vuries «>l'tr:uio. t Oi/yor y^impa.—In the thirteenth returned to the im[)c:ntent.— i* \v l.-.i ” hp " lu 1 ia« »h..t>s'' I Volu:i»e n) t1^c Araerican Fariner, pige two -j-l s^.-.n^r lives • dinners come • come ' ., , sii j s hundr-d and seven, we Bienliooed a discovc- jp^,^g hves forever and forever more He * I l.ev arr able to f>cv anv djt> I.V Mr Isaac Smith ofK^stville North- , «"« torever more, lie j, r 11. r), tty nr. Isaac smitn,01 r.a8ivuie, .>onti i,ves, a;id Uitcrcedes fjr you : and vvdl jfio j m;w i'tishioiiaNr t'nil anti H'lji/rp 4Tiiiob.«» Just from HhtUtdrliiktn and .Vfif.V»i, f||lllKSuti*crit>«r u uow rvrtiiiBj '-»wl A. a large ai.J lian«l*um- a»«jrUii«i,t ^ OOOiMS, (uiuUe for thf praaoo, boujrla br|«re ai«4i>titl Uil vcrv hltlr. iii« •«T'H K c oV'ii^Ts or S'i|>rrfinp niur, liiack and ( Cloth ('oniinon ]« and git« Its thumb oi'i all the Iwuks it can. -"t"! im*’*! SaUmct* and mnli*'s tl.eiii do %» too; and if they | t , , e I ... 1 t*r» iJ« >iB. IViMkniM-, I nlentrinf. 4.1 ilont thev put the screws on cm and that . ,u*.C»«ng.abk(;r«n A. the reas>>u why our folk« nro so strong in j Mrnno*. IVintrd Miulini Mhiiny, ai.d if Ihe I'nitcil Staler Bunk was M.rino, S*ik and l»nrj Kha»li, minaied j-st like the Uegem v Bank, ^e .,}iould .11 on u, be much belter off. A.hI what was Ihe I’luted .''tales Bank made for ’ ‘( on»ii>on 40. f>Kln't Mr. Madivm, Mr. Mouroe, and Mr. Jt hiUjrru'aiio. Ad iiii*. when thev were Tresidenls, jest go t*u>i»r6n« Su'a uti Fur Hats ' mtoit wh« n* ver t!.e\ pleased, and shovel «kjI ^^ u:»- . . 1 1 vVooI do Fur (fitj and ('ap* I Kivjra ti^d F«.U tf 1« wants tido a Inrie lor Lis frn-nds lu tbe •aiiie wnv, th**) wont l-t him—wiill thm, vivs 1^,1’iu the (lovcmment, and I want A larj* ifuantiljr •{ brown K blrtrhed ttirvtti *i.«« « ijiacr a> *»rrTr or I llnrdunrr and Tiillrn, f'rorkrrif aiul U rorrrinj Tofrthcr »ilh r». rjr clJirf arlirl* *: ■ uiarkrl, alJ ni' »bicli lie «ill mII al iss'i inarkrl pcicM. all kiiili of roiinlry pratiueta.^i: amploB c.ranty, Va. which enabled him to ^otcomc to him while it render castor oil equal for fwimmg in Umps. tba: It was Mr. Smith' a p1^./.t for his valuable improvenM-nt. I Vill’ tell >^kj, and tell yw .n the lan^uagt- allies street, who, I'nim >iilv si'ilm" rib- lal ^o the l^st Xm ‘ '“‘I 7' Urn., and wires, and s, tA,rc not WeniL^^ed^^’ “ ” '•*“ a 1,'lU la»,,,Urc n.,,,) able .?o«hr .nsA toinou- wh-u it is an accepted tim. ^ Um that verv’b.ironet, and mv Thi«, h'>wTveri he has never done ; and his son. Mr. Francis II. Sraitli, of this cit>,cal- ^j.a n.^V ,5' the dav of .>alvation. led at our office a day or two aco, and gave MS [>erfiii'!r«on to make known, for the bene fit ol'the his fatlrtsr's inetbxl of pre paring the r,il, which is merely mixing with It spirits of turpentine, with wliich it readih cocnt)m*n», in tlie proportion of one of the wife IS that verv little milliner, i havclor>k- 01 the Bible t.H,. iK^k.and it is what prolits are made even on the wire ot'a cap. Salvanoii: ). Salvation, t\ ould vou b« l.evo it. sir, that I^odv IJng- 'M;t invfol ni'v» iirrxiairn, i% ' »i' t • i a' . i Till . nrt;.’, nation. ■ ‘ ’'g'^ ' llto |.-ar...J .Mc^jiah-. numrshop in S?i. Jam*** street, c*uld sell a cap Here she mad.-a long pa'i«e; and I begin sh.ll.nts, which did not stand her - to IK-mdr.jU whether she had not •• .nad« ab^.ve two aiMU.x}.eiKre ; and that she muht i t.i four ol'the oil. The simplicity of an end of speakin;-,” when she retimed. charged twelve guineas for a clo;ik, this manner of preparing It, enhances the “ Chri.stians, do \f.u be!i>‘vc lliere ♦ rrr iri// *hc making and materiiils ol did not value ef'the commodity very considerably, be a time, wh^n earth’s rernot'st nations ^^'noiint to m >re than four pounds; there- As to the cxccllence of the comp«ilif)n, have leari.eil \1e«s.ah’» ’ Do you be- ^ foT the tMiTfK»se of lighting rooms, there /ire th''re will lie a time ’ I do bellvethere ran he but oue opinion by all who have will U-a time: \r.s! and it w ill corn''quick- tr.ed it. ly. lie comes fjrvoMr salvation. II''bus A .Mirnrh .— \l»Hjt the becinins'of la->t It 19 at l*'aft ee,iial to the he?t sperm we tens on the wings ol'love down from his na- «e- k, a d.iifand dumb printer preM-niod ever saw m its qnal.ty for coinbu-^iion, and tive skic.’’ She then afsdogtzeil for her himself at our of]i e, nnking chsrity l>y :n If? sppoarance d';cidedly superior. \V** earn-stucxs in behalf of (ho»e who wen: w ritini'himI by^. N'e a-ked him if he are now writing by a lamp filled with it, and destitute fif the means of grace, which thf>fe wmild work. He signifi*-«l his a+*-i.i moM a finer light we never saw. The lauij. ha# who wx-re listening to her, were negUs-lmg. re^dil) and wilhnglv, aiwl acc.orfJinglv took b'»’n fwrning thrf,*e hours, and tiiere is not “ .Mu^t I n'«t s;n a word fur the heathen ’ h.s station at the ca^e. |-or wveral ilavs t',.p slightest V ick, an l on /.oirtU J.ivrml. ,„y ,„,»K.y: -.1 o,.„ .h^j j "‘x liook» and s^n, w, ,ug the liitierdl aint u> call and «« .1 pritca w.ll i»o( Cif-na the iiivenimenl; atid tr) to make folk. aiUi ih« abi«e. think the .'^K-n iary of th** Treusurj awi Jnn.N M MOKRl>\ i 'oiiwrens, and n«ii tbe Cineral. has the rijiht * A ' >'■• W*. l»vJ3. t«i tak** BWU> tin IIK^H V. .No* the tiiiK-r- UiMlllokf RHU-KtHtd Ltm.\ al doot care n» more lor Cnn^n ■« than h^ dfie« f..r the .S* crithrv of the I’ren-ury, hikI he ll ,s;.rvc them j'^'t ns w* t. I on.. We want v, a nil mu't have it. of our folks who have bc-n workiii hard for u» haint g"t any, and we bi»ve got no oi}n."c« to give e.n. The rich toik* have prf tty much all the inoiiev . but as we can oil votf e.ii lh'y Mij^hi •o s!i II ixjt—and thats p.eitv .nuth Mr. Van II il re n’s notion too. \im1 hi» rHit.on in loo, tlwre (sichl lo U- H cotiVfi.tion to iicmin-ite u I’resident, jesi like that one a '[>•11 nJO III llaltirnoie. O-ieman n en*if for CHI h Mate, i>iiv gi-t the rijjht i>ne, aiiil then Vijt** bv'iiilv. jiKl ik (leorge Crej- m*-r did whi-n he g tve six and thirlv votes [ i„ tr«\rl itonh, ar^ intmmrd ih»i lU for old I'lt.nsv Ivanio. It wunt do to wait i 1 tu llilliburuii|h t.H, Ion-—.ts'onv thn e ve.,rs more afore-1‘‘T"‘‘•'r' . ' .1 It la I • ran be •rU'flrd, wc ^hall want another I r.„d.-nt, .md wc,^.„^ ,oU„ n.a,.of i).. IV-.-'- ought to spring to It ikjW jn*t as the iiih!-; nM? p.iU.r arr u.formrcf UialDie *ub«r « ral sii) * about the Bank—that* g.l oi,ly p!.ir>l on tin* route rtMnl'miablr three \t ar» more tj run, ami he is it t f'oifT ttornr i'Mttkt* cant Wind up S' 'al'elv !>y tlmt us il can ! i;omJ I ■ ann and ■killful l*r.«rr, aiul"''*** .low, and -s» he's jjoni to CIV‘ .1 n on I " a»*urtd lh*l Ih.’! linr run* .o mur/i’’''- IIIK .Mail fnach I'min IUn*il!r l» w.ll Uarr l%n«.llr rvrry i > da» and iiMiru.iiir, arri 'i! R-’ rw It moniinf. in limi to take th' ' of '‘"’j and arrivr in l‘rl*:r*'.iurif bv t'lo'f ’‘■•■j fxjtid d»T:--ai.d pi r»o»)i wim ifwi '* ^ f>ror^d oil iiorth with lli iffMl s'-*.' »:’»”• ill) of llic .NL'rliicrii -4 li«\.rt net': ^ b) anjf ol'itr hue. ’I h •iib*rrilirr h*f e«Ul>i.>l.rd » ' ' iitflMfwrotigh to OrforA, in roniKtsKi ».Ui Mr I'irh'"-. • irohi I in cu»t>oroii{lu IVr*«Mi« who mt» apppanif»ce of cruHl on the uiiti is tias world a triprnJ Xo gnxco IoIhIi) Hp worW m tv (Hilhftilly, with all the im- to iUiow it up extingu.shingthe flame, there them on to ;sl ?” On rhr.>.iians, she oh- i»*’rturable gravity of un J'.astern r.rahmin, u„h.v. B.ddle rr. '' f^ruirwiki l.tiir JrwTii - forth* r th«l no ili Uy or inca. ^ IS no fire remaining in the wick as is gore, served, re-tcd tli^ hofK? of the h-athen world ke.-pm^r |sncil i.nd pa()cr by bis side for ”r,„r und "t'hedis's tlie (7i'ne7-l'«vs h.’ll ^ »ho n-; ?»-•** rdh the case with Hprrmri.l, except of the for a knowledge of salvation by thn ,H.rts-e of writing down tfie very few I'r.-s.denI .if the liank, amlgiv.,- it Tl.ri.n- ..II Tt. d»jr, 'l'liiir«Ua_v ami .'^.inday iii'rniii». •' very l>.;st quality—indeed, in exiinguifch- t-'hrifciians ou-ht to s».nd th»>m lit*; (;o.-,(k;I, wants and wi.she., which he de»«iiK;d it ne- ^ »ii.| tlu ii w.-’ll ^' t Hjr folks fr'-iit swl in the relighting of a lamp of this aiid do all in their |»owcr lo bri»a hack a ces,aiy inicatc. Indeed, he ^ Idoin j.,, oil, tle re IS a strong similarity to that of lost world to flod. has done much wrote any thing Imt “ nioi.ev” and ” copy," '11,^^^,., no u,e m Conare.^H or anv Mr. F. II. .Smith has usrd this for their souls; and they should tl.prefore and his njid Italures s«cind to have never try and cnrn.-r the Jmeral—he ti :rii« lijhi. Tnixlun-in hishrjus^ these five ycarsnnd ore. do for others. Here followed a .‘•train c,n r-lax.-d into a smile, or gatl.end into a i/.,* j numb.'r alim-this ftrs itd*^ id‘>d!y tothe bests}x;rin. Itemits, the guilt of those vvho hear the J.,sis ! and I'rown. On .Saturday last, ono r.f his co- ^od if they do trv to drive him iii a cori.rr’ l.»* sivs, u dearer and more powerful light refuse to ol**-y it, that profJuced tears from o|i«>rs him with his ellx.w, and and Imriis s^miewhat longer than ."fterm and many present : and a« s!ie c1..smI with the ly »i2ns dr»-w hi> ati'‘ntion to some matter nrrr i-ong^als in Iho c»lde«.t 'I’he expression, “Hi, thf .r stupid, stupid ytale ' wiiii h he had m h.s hand. Johnny was jiresrii r-lativf* prirea of ca'itor and sp^rrn ->h, what shall wcdo!” »!.•.■ threw mio her comnletl\ t.ik’.i by »urpris*, audio the as. ml, H r no inducement to thosp Ml the-,1a- vi*icc a pathos, and energy, tiiat brought lot.islimtnt of i-very on*- in the olfie.e, crifd l>oar(i lo sule-titiite th* former for the lattf-r ; forth a kind jf simultaneous punting from out ma most audible and distinct tune “ O/i but to our br»?thren of the vieM.the ™bjet t all around her. “'I’hc Jlcaven of ;kI is i/'’’ ihm'.i ful." prorniv-s to be of inufli iin[H>rtanr', as not vet tiih d ; and r,■»»/.■(/we io mio t!ie hi;;li- • >ue snii'dtnneoiis roar from I'orr inan, rend-rinj them stiil further indi;pf>nd»*nt of ways and hedges? She llien in>lilutd « Jjiirs, devil, pressmen nnd all, succeeded, but forM:>n Mipplies for the n'’ce*sari»*'* and comparisin l)*-tweeri the l’ridigal and the Johnny not m ihe leail d.Si:oncert-il, lurn.jd comforts of lif.-. TheronifKtund ishk. wi«** heathennali«>nH. After a short pau^*;: “.‘^ir; much chear»er to them, in as much as a to the j.rai-**; of (joJ the fdlow ing hymn : doublf fiei::hl IS wive«j—that on sperm oil •• \uik»: rny to jo^uI lay, from the »*alKird and on cailf»r oil, ih',- Aii>l «in2 the t.'r« :u IN i!i 'tnrr’* prai.M', aljundaiit product of their liclds, to a dist int' W' cUnm n unnn t'rom u» , inaiket II.I lovii. •kindrn.-mi, » lion )>■ l” Air.triran I'armcr, ' dlage Hymn BK.k. She then reclined and app;ared utlerlv talking.”-!rtvj. exhausted ; arwl remained quiet till, as she A w-s", in the night lime, removed the supp>M>d, the h)iiin was suntf. Slie then b'>!ird of a cutler, and plae.'d It over a “'‘d pronounced Ihe lH;in du tion in a wutch li.sis*-, and the pa^M ng^.rs were e- 'H'l.v in.pres.ivemanner.-“ May the^^race „ . , J , . ol ii'id, the bhstmgol the l ather. Son, quallv d.venrd and surprised lo rc.til over ^.id Holy .p,nt, Ik- with you all, Ltcyor liii'kyiCi'., VUJct fmt in hire. »nd evtr. Aiocii.” It vvill turn just like it skuiikm frolic,—the for•mo^t dog will g'i the worst ou t. 11) order cf the (• •veriimeiit. J. 1»(/UM.M;, Mnjor ll»« niM(r\illr .Mlhtu, '.M |: i|;a!r i:u*n V sAi.i:. nV viitui oi a i rroiii llir Coiirt of r- iii- tj’, on llll- |«l Motidi), in? tl;»- llln.l .No vi !nl«r t.rxl, «t |l,r I Olirt IIoUjm III (.'liirliUn-, i will ^ li at |«il.lic Hurtioii a \uluiibli Trait tf Lnml, r^i.ind lo his c«*e, and l>^gan to pi k up ty[j«' with Ihe sam; inll.'Xihle gravity as is'lor-, ns II it was no concern of his. Fver smce ' contnimn; nni- li>inlr>.l nnd lluity ■' r. joiriinir this miraculous restoration of Ms.ech, he '''• '“'‘‘I-J'-'-" ^ ' I''' >«. ^'miih. Am , I *• I . I i('-i>inion nr d >.l(nr«, lor mt rl» ni d in- Ri.U n hus th*- use ot his tong..e, and on l.ind.ny now.!.d. :i„d f.,r it„ tv n.i.i oi Is'iiii; jfired about It, his laconic n;ply was liii heir» m law. r«.lv. in.inHi.’ ..lit wjilU “ I ciMil.l’nt and wli«;re wan the use of -‘’.mi. ') h- i.iifcla.-'r givii.if l«jnj an.i »«i,iiji; toi) wcuril)-. r». I{ DIM, M’,, Dinth of i'alrm I'.Jfon.— It is stated, on the authority (d the \V Mslstock Coijri«T, that Mr. t’alvin i’dson, well known as the' “Living >Ueleton,” died a fow davs firicc ® uiil'r a V. nt ii I 1.1 I I. . . , . ' . *''1 ' 'II il'T 4 \V •t bis rciidcuco in Uandolji'i, \ t. •m,. i i.; -\ rp«'li itUkrl) in tt iii«i.ii'.{* ■ ukr llir ' iiVI'X k ' irc ^ fWitJi ol Uir iluw lir.M ar«* now in ‘ n» til.- ri*» r li«« lately timW ror.iJ f* ' |>rm* ui> nt lioth m r\j«di'isi and h II* ' ^ Ilf tlij»c n liu iiia^ [«ilroiiii' iillitry'' hint. I'irr fimn //i/Mfri-l/ifX I'ltif fivn li’ liiuUly All !».:.?.• alll..’r,.k of Ih. 'f '* , J U Jl 1 I lit '' . f.ilil ■' n-d ,v. r spf .IK*, \VAM’i:iN IW r ar';>li-.''ti.)n h • ^la'^ *'» r. I (..a. li .Mal.rr*—n-ip *linln. - ..ilirr o li.Kl,.uiain r. 'I » *s ' ..u..,'. uii\N 'I'"'' 1 I.' 1.4. r II. i~n. _ ISKPSdN-S Iiui.t; in I. ■ I •ti.M'iiir., I' ipl- I ' ' '' « (lO h lVr IK'I „ 311.1 'i.M'Mir., C ipl. I a ;>l 11 1': v’* * 'oni(.i.t> ta » . ir. ri'icH .t.-d I.' ■ and llll Noscii'l" r I' 'ir! l-'ll.,' O l I./. I- I t crnlM r > ii - ..,.v .Sni J( I.S. MiS’i I.N N M ' SIIKKII’FS !>1:KI)S, JjlOII I,UI1.!‘ M.lil .,T 'I .' :,,r I, ,„i «ill ill ri r 4 '■ 1 . ft H'lmn j n»( .1 a|.|>ly but ii.ll'or I nil.,'- 'I"l I''. ii.dnUr) and .»s) i io'"'-'' • III. Ulll'