MINERS* & FARMERS’ JOURXAIi. rUINTKD AND l*L nLINI,IJI> EvkUY 8 V11,U»av. HV I lia>L WILL T«ACM you TO PlltK. r TH« •OWtlj4 or Til* EABTH AMli BRINU OUT MOH Tilt VOli« IV. “ AS J. lIOLTaN..«CII lKLO'I’'rr:, MKCKLKXOi nii COl'VrV, NORTII-CAKOLINA. CAVERN* or THE MOl'NTAINP, UKTAL^ THE nern^ St l''n1*mcrii’ Journal ntintrd «n«l publwlird fvery Saturday morning I 7'tna I**' aniiuni, if paid in advance i 1V« DviUrt and Fifty Crnti if not (wid until A , the npimtiuii of three month*; 7'Arrr ‘ihJUrt »l thi- rnd of ‘hi yr«r. No paper will L diitcon""*"^ *" •'« P***). unlf*» • mKUTISK.MKN'rS will be intrrtcd at Fi/'V Ceiiti ptr cicoediim ^ liiiia,) li>r li,t firit iji*Ttiun, and 25 cent* for tacli auc- wi«k—or «l for thrr« *vtrlia, for onr muarr’ A librral dincount wiM he niad‘ to lhci«; ,ho idvfriii* by the y«*r. afHtNOTII TO 0I;B HA.ND^AND firilJECT ALL NATOIlli TO Oita USE AND rL«A»U»*.—DR. JOUNDO.t NiTI Ri>AV, lIJX'imilKR 2H, 1H33. SMrmtntof T,ta,uryHOUns,urd„niirfp,„t,ilbu is thefonner 1‘uhlU T,ra,urer.lolhr Comptrollrrof coitrnifHJ \T"7'i^ geulleincn ac tl>^lit«te,lohacrbe,np„ti„circula,ionacro,Ji4 priT.t wl') ‘ r^l i'“ to the Act$ of Aitniibly of IRH, 1816 and lH‘>f P *'V aligliled belore tiie d.jor of .. Amoricnii IJotel. When Mr. C. turn- NO. 170. iirJVK'vf I'V alighted belbre tiie d.jor of i SENAl E. AmountiaauodunderilicactoflftH—i|ih2000 W) 'Vhen fllr. C. turn-] 'Ihursdatf, Dcc. \2. • - - iNit;—Ho.’ofx) 00 7 l»‘ave c,f tlie escort, lie was ad-1 Mr. Jones, prosenteU a bill to appoint ' • • If:^3—100,000 00 , Diircy nearly in the loi- coiiiriiissioncrfl to luy ofT n lawn at a place mwiiifr witrds : “ Mr. Clay, in buhiilfof llie ieulleil 'I'nip llill, in Wilkes county. Which frOii all advcr. lufiiirula romnionicalfd fiw publication, llic- I |(,iu, uinlierof inwrnotw innat Imj iioud on (he mar. | |iuio I*-' Eoulinut.l jiti! forbid, and charje«l accordingly. Amount burnt by rmnniiltrc of Fi. nance acrordiiij^ to ( onii.lrollnr’a Ki'jiort of 1»1», «-i:t ;ii Uiito . ditto 1821 7,710 t«) l>itlo . dilUi |f"i» !>,7H| .Vi l>iH® . ditto IW.1 fi/110 511 Siti;i,0(J0 UO , ^)) communicationa to tlic FUlitor inuit ronir . ni'pMf'*•’* *’*' lo- s'ri'n:MKM\s 4fo-«/wnyinir thv Trrastirtr's Rffwrt. ■■Irmintfltoaxngtktailgrreutt numhnof Sham r’hylkt Sutt vf .\orth-(')traiina and by the ‘>„iJintand Dutrtuiff the Litetary Fund,oh it ill •] ^netnber, lt>33. ,j of Stock of the SUI« llanli r*f So. ( tr«>lin«. owiM d by the State ; .luiilcniU un»ci*r«ipriali^, 9.7G3 ht ih-rrr»iji nt and Dirrclort lU J.it* rarjf ^ iind, and (wirelia«ed I iihUcciahiiclonginu tolliatl und. ditto 1HV4 ,r, iir, ditto lK>r, l‘»,|70 MU l»iito . ditto Ixyi! i.-,,;j:i^ -k; hiltu . ditio lr.»7 lj,jy3 *|« Hunit by C'o.nniit. Ire of Finanrp, |U27 9,.il3 7*> Oiibi Ditto Dido Ditto liillo dilU. Ix.M 17,7m Kt ditto l“-,xi |;»,!7l h.'») ditto l~3ll Cl,i;ol Cl ditto l-:il ‘J l,^| 1 77 d.tto l'j.> lf«,l,-| :ih] I).ilti • amoiint on hand in Ilic vault ol Ihc '1 rtawuiy, Sliowmi; a liaUnrc unrtdccir.cd and iu circulation of . 190,581 2i>J 71,3|j 7;j emanci|.ate Ned last reading-*, aud -1 coiiiinjinU Ins ; was ordered to be enrolled. ; lH‘liiij;8—he could only say : “ My tongue | 'J’heenprostied resolution directing a copy rannot^giye tilltfraiice to the le«.'linj;s of inj to be made of the niap of the Cherokee I hoarl. I his scene was caught ut by the lands, wus amended, read th« second und ^{'■tilleinan who made the remark ul>oul the third times and past>ed. dilliciilty of Mr. Clay’scxtefupore answers.' Mr. Mrures was added to the committee I “ I'hep',” siijs he to liis friend, “ wo have on the judicairy. ihe Orator slunij'i d ut last.” | Friday, Dec. 13. —•— _ Mr. Monl^oinPrVi from the s-'ime com- j , I Poston, Nov. 9. niiiife re|ioil(;d unliivorahly to the jietilion I ■» ludicmi« advenliire otcurrt'd thin morn-i of Wm. Oavidsoii, and others, sf.’curities oi itig to a master inaHon, who was callnd to .S!„an, lalo Sherid’ of Mecklenbur«. lopfiiit athttnney in Hrattlestreet. 'J'here Conrurted in. bcin^ DO tciiltlc to tho housp, he got on the Mr. .Sl.mner, of Chowan, from the Ju- ro..| ihmunh a luthoiaii window, atwi was dici.iry (•..iiimittec, rfjioited the engrossed W S. I'ub. 'I I. ;*.ail I-? ".'’'“"'Ijl'r'K lo the chmitu'y on his hands and bill to aiiicnd the act of i7W. giving an l-''‘f, »hfii funrymg he was slipping buck i -(^iniy jurisdictiun to the Superior Courts (nil 1111 "'*1 K'''>und, he no liir us lelates to the liability of sherifls as iiitidu a (lcsi*crato efiort and ri'uched the b.iil, with tin iiinendment; when its fur- )>l,«k of the n»iik of Ni wUrn, :,.J by tli- State, and di>id-iid* :;t ijiiialpd, *1. Jmdriidi aiipropriaird to Ihe »r J'>l liil' fnal lnipri»eiin-ftl, iju. (iiiidiud* ajproj>»utrd lo tlie ■ rii\ Kuwl. thi l’r«idrnt and Ihrec- VI It" l.iittjrjr l und, and [mr- ail'i thi ca»h biloix'»ff •*> u 1-ur.d, .... SifKk til*’ H«''k of ('ape I'rar -;(1 by Ibe Statr, and ditidcnda — p; r-; ri»lfd, Co. cnHWril* »T'proprialcd lo Ota s-4 I'ltffn*! Impr«.*« iiitiil, . Bil> }>pro|» lali u lo tiie .r»r» V im), S !'• rrr.iH.*n» and Pirrc. ri ul l.te iM'-trf (und, and |.«tr- |.I miUi tJi laaii U.loi>gHi( (O s: I . • 3.o:,o rid;;e pole ; jiore he rat some time, holding iher considcrulion was postponed until to on l(\ his ntiil-, b lore he ci.iild ircovcr cou- ' morrow. rage enoiif-h to comniciire o()era!ioiiH. Af- 'I he foiiowing bill passed its third read- a ^llcull.^tutl.. to, !, ,.!a. e that i xlUuI much '"t'- “O'* ord.-trd to engrossed : The aii(i.*..^t ... I>... Sin;;vlur Inciih’il.— In il,r yny li-l."), K •.uroi un Ihe art iv ' *• 'iji atirl cati;iht hold of the mouth hi!l to i , (mint romniisbioners to lay off a 10 7^H r?T '*te nun.bcr of *liar., — 7.1.11 nn.I.lAM S. .MIIiM».V. I’ob. I f. r.Wil f*»irinf lltr itlitmimt •/ thr SMIr lUrnl t1 \0rfACart/ima, Ii3. •l»)7.'.Mi 37 lUnk noir* and ■jf l.n 3'.HI,77j t liaiik citoila, 7 I.3TJ '.'7 ' the thith'', aiiJ a futirtli the Irgs and arm* ol a iiiati. lii ihetteth ti;;hli) compr«'tt'»e|, *an a I leoe of human tie«h np|i«rently tom out ill tfic ii\tng flrojigU-. '1 he |Kiits wer> collcctid, und I'Ut l»”* th^r in iheir r'-ytiliir •»nl'r, aid rxiniMti d ti>r a niimU'r of ila;. !• at III** Mor^iif-. TlionijMir) whi'liiii- \oUctl thii d.irk Iruii.-.irlion rxeiliil i|uil( an ii;t)'i('•t, ui'd iiuiiiIm rn went Ik l> h'liil tli'- I'orpn!'. 'I I 1- j^fi.> r.il iitid nlv ti' 11 »a», that 111- II ii!.t haxi bet-ii ii 'jnli r* d; Lut l'»r a nutiil«er of wciKm no chi'' was ol>!.iiind lo rlict inform.ition on ilie ••»i|.j>tI. li' n Judiciary into o! (st'!i|M‘ I. It, to l'*!>c iid the chiiiiiie\, and the e\[H‘dieiR V of jirovidtng by law for the I be flue was nut of equal collcolmn or securing of payment of debt down ho wi'i.i. diiu«-n-ions, and alh r a de.M.enl of aUxjt tweiilN fe f, the p>or li-llow I'oiind liis pro- gre^^> su'ldi nly air st(d, and himself wedg ed mtii the chiniiicy, withont [Miutr to move i[) ordiun. .\» soon a^ his pivdicaiiient was kniwn, othrr m:ii'iiris wrre sjmi i>r, and and demands incuses where the debtor is ah'Ut to remove or absi'.ond fiom the Estate Ix-l'iJte his debt or debts heroine due. I 'I he follow in^ engrossed bills piiised their thiid n aditi'.', and were ordeieil to Ix- on- rolled : 'I'he bill to e\tei;d the time li.r ra il U canie improi i r lo krrp the 1^!\ |..ri;.i r ith.iiufattnrc niid trallie, \ t they (i,!| mfi he V.a* tilt out, halt dead w i!h sulti talion givtcriiig gruiils and iiD biie cotivejantes, r.n I Iri^lit. and tho Inppitig out* I th^cliim- i«owi.‘ib of atloiney, itiiU 4’ hale, and i.'ecds m-_\ was p..^lpol.^•d to tlie ne.M liitr day. .f gti'i ; ll.e bill conccining oirictul and ctber j public boi'.rls. ,1 htlle hr■iond tin Yunkus.—[lowcvei adri/tt ill*- \ ankei-s maj Ihj m mutters as relates to the liability of aheriflb as bail, the said bill was srdered to b« eorolled. 'I he engrossed bill granting to Asa De. lozier and Henry Reagan, under certaia conditions, two tracts of land, was read tli8 second and third times and passed. Mr. Hinton presented a resolution, di* reeling the appointmeat of a select commit* tee to inquire whether the Congressional Districts of the State cannot be bo altered Q8 to make them more nearly equal; and* if so, that they report m bill for that pur pose, and prepare a table of the federal popu lation of each district und county in tho State ; which was adopted. Muasrs. [linton, Spaight, Collins, Flowers and Moore wera appointed the said committee. The engrossed resolution authorising the Governor to cause tomb stones, at the pub lic expense, to be placed over the graves of Ihe members of the Legislature who shall die at the Seat of Government, passed its I wo last readings, and w as ordered to be en rolled—ayes 30, noes 27. HOUSE OF C O.MMONS. Thursday, Dec. 12. Mr. Marsteller, from the the committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill requir ing Major Generals to review their regi. inents at their usual places of mui>lering; and also a bill to enforce the collection of militia 6nes; \\hich were road the first timo .uid passed. •Mr. Clements, from the select rommittea to »vhich was referred the bill directing tho manner in which constables shall be ap pointed, reported the same with sundry a- inendments. The amendments were con- urred in, and the bill was recommitted to the same committee. On motion of Mr. Ilaughton, the Judicia- rv coinmittec were instructed to inquire in to the expediency of so amending the law in relation to master and apprentice, as fur* Iher to secure the sttrvice of the apprentice to the end of his term by making it indicta ble to harbor, aid or abet an absconding apprentice. Mr. R. Jones, presented a bill more ef fectually to prohibit the trading with slaves, which passed its lir»t reading. •Mr. Barringer, from the committee on ;»ck f»krn f.»f d*-U, -• XII mui« iduti* notn dia- tiu. Ac. .... ».»"^.:'74 I.' U'.7W ;'4 • I 77-.'.rM 'I l l,Ml.il .t.i. ll. i .If ul ili .n, • tij co»*r had d bt« .-.If. iin r*»l '■>utr-. I> ;«jait»and >li> id'iid un^id, wiiif, bf di«i>kuti uf caj.ilul, *.'• ..imj ~ n..l» aii^l C'hrtka, 7;if>.*. 7.* no ii;i,73i .-'3..t-l it;.7-' nl»n»e griitil, n r..»l in i laslcr 'tas tak-'ti. lolly reprt-vj-nliiig ih^ monlered x u Inn, mid ihii remaimda n.uihh>n^« r lime tor the I'ulilir lo .\t li fi;;th Million lnp[on*-rl lo l»e rn^n:;. ***1 III cttmbblin;; nt tliM (miI.iis roval: hi- pl.ijed hi;;h nod !'•^t ; rnlli-il f»>r dritik, and !i» Bine aii;:r\ l/ernii'e the waiter wan vimr- what t.inh. hen !,• came with it, I Kin Ion L'liii ll* d tho gl iMi and ihri'u il at the waller. It wa* shi\ rid into a ihoii.'^iti-i |ii'cei, and a Ira^jn.'iit »a>> eariitd into Puut‘-n'>i »ri>tufi'!ir thpfuirof hii C"al. I he -|i«-clul 'r« j’atli'-re»l arniiiiil, and 1 arn- III,; li.e nci'ident wuhid lo >«.»■ lhn ga.-h : |he drew down Ins ^I(•l xe, firmij pri ssi-d il ri und h.» wiul; th-\ i;is|vtcd on (teeing il, he ob>liiml'1) n-l’.t rd. !>> ihi* rour»r>, ihe mil ly short i>i ■‘■irne others in 'li^lil ol hand in mailer-* ot' ilie, v'-s and robl»eis. 'I h*- fol lowing iinilii^laiu e uliicli i> k.iid to ha\e linj'|i> III ll t;i II 1,1 i^!il.f.rii>g (i>t is a m'is haj'ps illustrjliuii of il.is ri-inaik. A (^011- ib'iiiaii had a valuable uatcli i^ti/leii fioni his ))''rM>n atid ad«> rti>(.il that he would ^ivc the lliief lili\ doll.irs f'r ils resloraMon, juh! il.rit i.o qucntions sli‘ uId be nsked. A short tiire alti r, a man ealleil on bun and mlurm- ed limi I hut on |>.iymeiil of the lil'ty dollars the watch sh uid be lestoied. 'J'lie nioi.e} wa- h indt d lo tlic strange r and the wall h h. Its nuhtrul owiiir, who remarked that al- tluni;:li he was imiii.r an ohligalicn lo ask no ipii 'lion«. vet he had a i unositv lo know III w b-it manner he had obtiimed tiie watch, and wcul.l Italic that nifiuiry, having Ins CM Tl.c aii.endinent piepos.,-d by the rom- Judiciary, reported unfavorably to the ^ mi'.tcc on the Jndioiary !*■ t..c bill to amend , p,.,ssage of the bill to amend the law of dis- '• the act ol 1giving nn 'T"ty jurisdic-1 personal estate. The bill was , personal iinn to the Sup«'iior C i.urts .so lar as relates : postponed indefinitely, to Ihe habihtv of sheriH'i as bail, wasagreed j Graham presented the memorial of to, and the saiil bill was tcad ihe second and third tunes and pus^^ed. I Monday, Dtc. 16. .Mr. Spnighf, from the joint selerl cum- iiiitlie to which was referred the re| ort of the Co.'inMssioners apjiointed lo rebuild the Capitol, mad« a rej>ort thereon, acc nipa- nicd by a bi.l inakin;: oppropnatiocs for carrving on and c»>nipleling the buiiding ; w hieh bill passed its first reading. The engrossed bill to provide for the bet undry citizens of liillsborough, praying the rechartering of the Bank of Cape Fear. Referred. On motion of .Mr. Seawell, the committee on Internal Improvement w ere instructed to inquire whether it be expedient for the State to aid with its funds any incorporation created for tho purpose of effecting any project of internal improvement within the State; and, if e.xpedient to afford such aid, what project or prejects merit, in the first »i.7:.vi'ii -I t iiviii nr.w i.v.ia-bf. f* lh»k •( Capr on the lf( I-33. i^'Ul «lorll. ’ itiit liana in circuialmn. b...K r(.!u ♦ I ;i.'.7.:.v. 1.711 »>-> I .►'•ni hv-iMndxrH were ul |rni;lli l d to •'ttppc-w'‘ jmswi r or iclusd al Ins ow n opiion. 'J he . ,, 1,1 I .1 I ! 1 lui.Kili uail iio:iu v.oniL>an\, was tiiiiiiiuco, t i ll ihmg tnssii.ri. II, was invo.v.s in iniin readilv inquir. d ol him wl.Hl.er he uid ^ thin aiiHi llir\ iM l*'rrntiM*u mI uil *• im'( I "*> a ccilaiu d ihun pnt Ins hand on his >lio;iU!i r, s;i)ing ‘ liov\ .ire \oii,' and mstanlls a.'ked [ ardiMi for his abiiipl salulatiou, as he was ini-taken in the |M-rson he Mijiposi'd he was addresMiig, ut the {^.’ime tune patting him on the shoulder in liie manta’r he did al the lime icli.-rred lo. 'I'he man reeollerted the cirrumstanee. ter admmistruiion of rislice in the counties | instance, the patronage, of the l^rgislature. of Kutherford, BuncomU’, I^mcoln, Iredell 1 Mr. Hyche, from the committeee on the and I’.isquotank, was rejected on its s> cond , Currency, reportud a bill to recharter the reHiiin-;. J Bank of Cajie Fear : which was read and The bi!l lo incorpcrnt*? the Roanoke and made the order of the day for Monday \ ai.kiii Kail llond Company, was aineiideii, next. Friday, Dec. 13. \iiil'. I'l M'- Ins wll^l. l'\ I'-ree ih'-y pii-.h«Nl up hi- sl '., Htid Im hold a war re- crtillv h'-ahtl II-* il tnndc l»\ the learinj onl of llf».h, ap|»»aied. ’1 he l.iiidlord had U-en .ll the >lor;;in-, had M-en the nuirdered man rtiih ill'- ll'-'h Iwlwirn the l-fih, hihI it -truck him in n iii> ni* nt ili.it llie lle-h !•»* lr*ij'4(.iion IU >iw k of tJua lUnk, Iu, |i'7 *l.i;il.ll!' Sutra, V.,) v.,i,. n ! 11. \ urrifn lUnk*. IU ,i,«in .Sntllt.4 arulina, ■ ■ • : thi f Uaiik> on hand, I.-1I-, .... : r>l;jn;'-, 70 .Tun 71'* l.lHt7 *. ll" •.'.'..'Mfi • -.•-.(nri Ik? engrossed. Mr. Ihilison (iresenti-d a bill for the relief of seeuriiies in ceilam cases; which jiubyed its lirst reading. Ttieaday, Dec. 1.7. On motion of Mr. Cla\ton, the commit- t e on the Judiciary were instrueled to in quire into the expediency of so nniendmg the law ol I'.vidence, as lo authorise the de- posilions of umales, taken by two justices of the |n aee, b\ h coinmiision issuing from the clerk of the Su^ieiior t-r County Couit, as Ihe case ina> be, lo Ik- read as evidence in all I nil cauM s. '1 he bill making appropriations for car- ‘l.l.ll.ll: JOHN IlII.I .l a*h r. r. lit/ (i( i\r Alfmi$ Bank pi \rttlxtn l«icn ijn>wluidiy,lht 'J'Mk Junt, iNi.l. H' rii(i\kbic, '*:I..Uli, "'■! ■ ll -i. Mf. Int.ipn FU.,|, ' Hill* nt t.xi hancr, ’ ►'!«>■ aiiil I .‘-1. Ni.t.-«, ' ■ l-'tf. I‘til fttoik 1.0I7.J aliarca . 70f..>0l ' ‘'f t •[util of-J,', p,.f ,.fn( 1 ■|,_.'',."i(l *0.171 ■.•7.;««i -.Hl.IMHI 1M.-3.1 it.3,:i.tj I'ln.tr.M •ni till' lei ih, was loin from this man's and the stranger s;iid al that liriic he lH>k wri-i. Charging them to keep him safe, his w.iiili. 'I'ho man was niui.li gralifu'd he hn-leiied In rail III the legal aulhoriliib at the rerovcrv of Ins wait h, and so much und arn-tcl him. iiinn^. il h> the nntiner m which it was sio- lit III*- eveni, Dttulon ronfe«^d that liring len, lliM he stepped into a shop of Ins ac- qiinru-i*-d nt S-iIhii. nnd out of inoriev. h*- qii;iinl!Miee to tell the sloiy. \\ hih- re« a- l atne lo I’ lri^ In lr\ soni*! odvenliiie, pitulatmg ll>e cirt iiinslantes he allrnipled Knowing that his brother had .t large sum to pull out Ins watch, when lo H was gone bv him, directly ' ' hi* lodging* in altoiil ight III ill hou«- unnoticed by the |Hjrler, nnd passim; •* all hollow. ’ as the sa\in« 1 hiii n(>arlment, found Ins brollier asleep. 1 u- Ln^land 1111kly htruir. j, (|,p„ ml the third tune, passed, and 111- iinm*-diiilely comm* need hi-» work ol ^ ^ ^ ordered to be engrossed. \\ tdntxday, Dcc. It*. ■Mr. Mi-n!enhall, from iho eommillet on 1'dueation, made u re|>oit, accompanied by 1 friend, but b\ 2'od luck asked advic‘ Ih ina kdli-d, Ihi- of another—setisihle man—knew iK-llcr— L'verdo lhat I—wa> to make her think Tiie following bills were presented ani] read the first tune; By Mr. ^awell, a bill to incorporate the Cape Fear, Yadkin and l*edee Rail Road Company. Referred. By ■Mr. Poindexter a bill to amend the militia laws of this Siate and to promote the mdi- tary discipline.—Referred. By Mr. W ise- man, a bill exempting certain articles vhrre- m named from execution. By Mr. Wilson, a bill supplemental to the act of 1809, di- lecting how perstins injured by tbe erection of public mills shall in future proceed to re cover damages. R*!ferred. •Mr Graham, from the Judiciary commit tee, rejHirted a bill lo amend the law in re- » - ^ r\ mu oil niUI compieimg mo 1. hoiiui, wua luiion y on his nrrnal. he w.-nt to ag.iin. the lognehaMiig stolen it he wcond „„ „„u,on of Mr. .Matthews, by I sed its n n-lir.d part r>f the city, tune, whdel. lling the manner lie stoe 11 j, ,,n.vi-iun, that the appropriation! Tin ll. evening, lie t nl. icd tin- the liist. I hiscetlain,> beats the \ unkces d 7->,imO dollars, read the j tv, by ,\ iTian had a >outig wife—took into I diiilh; Ins brother waking up, di-f. udcd . Iiiaim-lf, but III addition to the snrprice nnil head to Im- jealous ol a Iriend—no cause, l.i.rror of the n.on.enl, In-ing in a feeble daresay. W as uomg Irotii home, one day «lnle of health, all the de-|>eralion of his —meant to tell her to avoid compain ol Hiniggh’ WB' overpowi-ml. In :he senllli- saii he lore onl the flesh. -iiri;et.n nil up the b.«lv, tied it up m four suid lie , par. el. ns iK-fon- mentioned, eccnred the of hnn il. never did it belore, iro//io« /o »i«/ par. II. n* n //iiH.r/.//;,e.'. i r\ her—tell her lo lie sure ni.«ie> urn months „„t to ri.h upon old Tow ler, grc.it savage ; Me nis PmIIi > C'l llink«. previous he hiul murd«-n d an aunt, w ho was wakli living with n se« i>nd husband, loohlain 1110- whai’ll hHpi>en lirr husUind was arr«-slel nnd im- log, while you are absent—sec llusbandlook fiiriuisadv ico—gavepnr-, . , ■ 1 t.r. not tondedoe—wifestaitcd, ,‘ir“>"ing ol any ol the vacant and unap- hdi Ml (,ri,fit, 1 ' '"I i>fi raiiitai ix 1 ’V. I':ei, , c« nt. 7th m i.ircuUlion, W'Mil ni ,Vri/.Vin, July K.tA, l^^;).'). ■'oi'-'i. I'lih -I ,. „-r, IM.,1,11 ufth. ,HT-,iri.orilir Ilnnk ■it» only Kiirli di btk u. arr ■ '11, ri |,„ I »i r..'.n i-.‘».7:ii 11.37.- Vin.ii-.’-j v\ In n Ihi*^IwhmI rauM' > "*l"l.ully. vniiro».i.|ir, f Ti rvnn*, J"II.N W. 1.1 lii.N.t ,u,h‘r „„„ ..-.oaiked to Ins fiiend, that it mnsl be a gr.-at tax iipoii him, to have to nnsw.-r so m■ln^ addres-.(-s nt s > •• , 1 tax or II ubic al all,” sail iho Irioiid— lie him —Kjul shi' faiieied dog-ridi i>' ' •’ ^ » i I .mid not bave been .Ic-nicd to her rvmu on nnd comph lmg the ('apiial, was ' lation to the crime of Larceny, which pas seil Its first reading. The engrossed bill to erect a new coun- by the name of Yancey, was taken up; fM'coiid time and passed—ayes 5(», noes 5. when Mr. Mixom moved to amend it by adding a section providing for the erection of n county out of portions ofTyrell, Hyde aud Currituck, to be called Roanoke i whicli ainendmenl was rejected by a vote of 79 to •lif. Mr. J. W . Potts then moved that tho iiill be referred to a selict committee, with instructions to report a bill for the i»oro convenient administration of justice iu the (listnet of countr) embraced in the bill, without extending to said territory the right of representation in the General Assembly; which amendment was also rejected, and the bill was read the second time and pas sed—yeas 67, na\s 03. Satvrday, Dec. 14. Mr. Barrintn'r, from the Judiciary com- ] miltee, reported a bill for revising and dt- gesting the public St.ilule Laws of this State; which was read the firat time uud orderetl lo be printed. On moli-'ti of .Mr. R. I], .\lexander, lliO Judiciary committee were instrueled to in quire into the expediency of so amending the law .I.-* to authorise and require th« several clerks of Courts oi I’leas and Wnar- ter St'Hsioiis in this Stati- to tiiki- tl • to- hnte of nil deeds of ae>l sale or Ptl' r*-solnlions, dct hiring that, in the opinion of Ihe l.»*gi»luiure, all the vacant and unap propriated mai'sli and swamp lands m this Slate, were, b\ the law passed m l>‘.-’5, aetually Iransft-rred, nnd do now belong to ihe Literarv Fund of this Stale ; and also authorizing ihe President and Directors of the I..ilerHr> Fund to expend of said fund unv sum not exceeding in the ng mnsl the anien lment to ihe engrossed hill n a- siTnf. or mend the act of 17f^-’, giving an eqn ty iisdietien to the Superior ( o'irl» s? Inr