MINERS^ & FARMERS^ JOURWAI.. PIU .TEU AJND l»tm.lSlllil> EVEKY 8AiUltl)AV, MY UIO.MAS J. IIOI/ION. I WILL TSACn YOU TO riKHCK THE i)UW»;iJI OK THr KARTII ANU VOL. IV. B«IKO OfT rKOM the CAVRRNS OF TIIK MOI NTAINH, MKTALa ■CUAKI-Ori B, MECKl'E.^lV> RW COUNTY, NOK'HI*CAkT»LIN A. TMK A Fsi*lliCPB^ «Foiiranl ■—cent* per.H»ic.non J» printed and published every Saturday morning ^ ^ "" owntd by individual* j that it at 7W DuUart per annum, if paid in advance ; 1 of any note iuaut-d by *aid Bank be re- Tip# DMmr* and Fijty CtnU U not paid until j '“"‘'d. "uch note shall draw inicrcHl from the tiint- tHer the eipiration of Uiree montha; Thrte m«c of *i» per cent, per onnuiii, SATURU.IY, JAXt'ARY 2S, 1834. WIMCI^IIX OIVK HTKE.NGIII TO OLR IIANUS ANO SUBJECT AIX NATUHK TO OUR I'SE ANO FLEASURK. OR. JOHNSOM. -»'i>er^..«n .o .he jure. " .. . of the BU|)erior court of Haywood county 11 'I o prevent (ibbtructiuiis in First Uioad river, iii Rutherford counly 12 C'onceriiidj^ the beach and marshy NO. 174. cetdinp wc-rk —or $1 for three weeks, for one iT{uaro. A liberal discount will be made to those Academy slave Academy ^ —= , I ivcictt that the charter shall continue in force until the ; AiMilisliiii^ the oHice of county trus> I*as.,uola«k, Curri- ,1,0 .dwrtis. by the y^*’- ‘H ■dver- | five dollar* shall b.- issued, unles* other ' turk, IJrun-tlvick uiid rrt-'l tiMimcnU eommunicati-d for puUieation. the Bank* be nllow.d to dn «« n, I . ’ **i'0 l>rrt.l 63 Authorising Samuel Lathaiii, of I'itt, west branchcB of New river in Uiialotf to erect a gate across a jiuhlic road near couiity Authorising Joseph S. Jones to in. 04 Authorising Jeremiah Ingram, of An- spect certain recordi and to make extracts son, to erect a j^ate across tlie road leading therein Irom W’adefcboroujih to Stanback’s ferry 118 To prevent the felling of timber in, 65 Authorising the cofiimisstoned «ffi- >r obstructing the run of the Lower creek cers of the 87th regiuient of Davidson coun- in Rurke county tissmcnts eommunicated for publication, ihe mimbet of insertions must be uoti-d on Ihe mar- fin of the manuscript, .r they will be continued gntil forbid, and cbarKed accordingly. All eoiDoiunirations to the Editor must come (ftrnf jKuitmc', or they may not he attended to. ( (IF Tll£ LAMM >Ud by the (jinrral Asacmbly of North-Car. oliua at it* aeffeioii in IH33-34. Banks be allowed to do no, nr note* of other Staten under that i (•aytneiil of Ih; entitled, ""*• "* and ;t’«iiideri county to keep their oinces at the tha a,, oiiunal t«* of Si5 cents shsll U- puid on ^ court house. each share. It slfco provideM that the capital stock , .11,1. .• , , , „™ oi the AlUrinsrle liank of KdenUm sliull no ex. ' jx>ralingthe Ircdell Lnton Troop- oefd 200,000 dollarii. In oliicr re>pccl» the pro. j V'T'*,!' ‘ I""'* com ii|«,i,d I 21 Reappointing trustees for Green Hill ly to move or change the placc of uiusteniig said rojfinient 60 hnr the better administration of jus tice in Carteret cnuiity 67 Kesforing Daniel Murray, of Chat ...oweo 10 ooKo,nr i.otesorctherStatCK I S l{psi,.r..,„ i,. . I „ IV . , '. -Murnij , ui t sum be all.,wed to circulate; that if I , , •“ credit l.-,auc W eston, of ham, to the rights of a fieenmn jf any i^tc U- reiWd, Ihe holder shall j C'-uiity | gy Alteriiio the nan>e of, and lecitiniat- , Ui addition to intere.t ut the rate .1-1 qutrmg the register aiir! clerks of! !„>, V\ i||,am Lawrence Cherry, of Put law. to »1X per cent, a* damatre*; and ' Caiiideri county to keen their olilcea at iI.h Ri a., a ...i -r 69 Restoring to credit John Andrews, of Fnileil 70 Esfablishinc; Princeton Academy, in Warren county PUBLIC At-rs. I. An act to ettend the provinions of the l». fell,.,.. revising itnd digesting the public •* this Slate. [Autlmrisfs the I r buildings 00 the public land)* in the town ,*’°ver.nor to ap)ioint three coinniiMioneri to collate. V ’ ' i • ! *'>c®>'porating ttie Ui Fniiiktin. [PrfiviJes ttiat Ihe pruviftion» i »Dii rtvii*e all •ucIi Uwk, cunnnuDicatintf mg inc Aortliampton Jude- ; fucturin^ cofDnnt.-y ■ibe said act b. exUndcd to .11 |*rsons wb. lu.,e I'" ‘‘>rce., ! ,4 R^^fiulating the times .ill onihe public lands therein nantJoned. «■“tl.o*e w hieh iiisy he enaoted durm;, I !4 Conceniii.g the poor of Chatham ! of the Countv Coul ts of Mae 2. EtteiMlinif the tune for P"*'•'’••“■■ ol H.e iiei.eral Assembly, and cou.ity , ^ ft of Init sesoion. authorising Ihe removal ; Matute Inws of thii State, f Autlmrises the I ' -Ia a . ..I ri**4iS Hi /Viisim county 71 Incorporating the GrceDfcville and . .. ^ , of timber in the tune ot appointing overseers of. the run of Hogan’s creek, in CWell county kiisoncountv -;j Incorporating the Richiiiund Manu- of holdinc one 2. Extending the tune for registering nnl« sod iiirsne conveyaocc«, powers of itnrney, bills of sale acid deeds of girt.— .Ilfnds the time tw. yc«r« from the ot i. act. 3. ('onceming ofTieial and oll)er pnlilic uMe -- - bly, and ■ county prepare the lame lor tliepresi.: that the comiiii*. ••'i fl.n f 1 ir . r .ioocrsshallb. allo-ed two years to eomplcte.aid A'^nng the titlie of holJing two of duty, and receive 3,0*10 dollars lor the aauie. i courts ol .Macon. Itf. Amending the act of Itisl srshion, eii. ' Concerning the building of a court titled nn act to repeal an net, passed in the j in Carteret county . >«ir 1*!‘30, entitled an act to rtix;;,I part of' *’"r liie betirr regulation of the militia [I n.vide« that tliey hhall be made (|,e •J.i Hedi.Ki of an art, pa»*ed in the year \‘'U'Coinbe cuunt> 1 .ri «T l-rao I “U n^' «* revise the mihti.i ; ‘I'rtvenl obslructions to the run . t fK K. g, . laws of this Mtate. [riovides that it shall "• crcuk, in Duplin, a'lid'l ar river, ' T - «ffi-alion. rcqmred b * ninkl,n ! n,*«r o^h^r Aulhoris:ng Wm. A. Erwin to e.tab-1 ';v a;:msMh::^of .7dS^^^^^ . nver in bond and two sutTKici.t ^.curUie. from such I . f «‘‘e . I5urke county I , in double the sum ibr which he was so ar. | «'l ‘his Mate, and tho»> holdin;: : 30 I^tHUishii.gand incorporating Trank- ^ led.and. lodeiaultiben'of.Bachstitrili'oroUicr I *■>> ‘dlu'c o( clerk and ma.iter m equity to^^cademv 111 bui rv countv 1 act ns notaries pu!i!ic. 1 »i »i. .1 ' . i-- 1 ... , I .\llenng the nanio ot Kinston, in ! ■ . ‘I- I ••prevent tlie convev in« of s'ave.*^ : I i r‘‘ - • y-* Auu.on.m^ tim err. led out of a |«rtion of the coanUea ot* liurke mo done to In Dnnconibe. 75 Incorporating Fine Gr»ve Academy j 76 Incorporating iiiHtkerton Library I 77 'I'o prevent the felling of timber in, or ; otherwise obstructing tho run of Elhs’creek \ III I’liiden county 78 Uejiealing the act of last sesion, ere- ! ating one additional wreck district in Hyde ciHinty I 72 Authorising the Ceunty Court of j U ai,hington to appoint a patrol for the I town of I’lymouth I 90 .\ppointing commtssioneis for the I town of 15ath 1 81 i'or the better regulation cf Pitts- 1)0 roll ^;h b'.i Rejiealing a part of the act of incor poration of the to;vu of Washington 8:J I ncor[>ora ting Pleasant Hill.4rademy 84 IncorjMjrating the U’lhninglou Volun teers 119 Authorising the survey of the towoa of Lexington and Charlotte 120 Incorporating New Garden Board* ing School, in Guilford county 121 Altering the name of Tick Creik Academy to Caldwell Academy 122 Altering the times of bolding tho County rcurts of Duplin 123 Incorporating the Franklin Gold Mining C.’ompany 124 Concerning the new road from Lin« colnton to Rlithern>rdton 125 Establishing Clemmonsvilie Acade* my 128 Incorporating the Roanoke and Yad« kin Rail Road Company 127 Ap|Ktinting commissinnera to mark and lay off the road fromAllen Burton’s old plae« to Ashe court house 122 Incorporating the North Carolina Centre and Seaport Rail Road Company 129 Regulating the proceedings in' tha County Courts of Craven 130 Incor|K)rating the Cape Fear, Yad- kin and Peded Rail Rf>ad Company 131 Amending the act of 1824, entitled nn act to amend an act, passed in 1819, en titled an act to annex Smith’s Island to Brunswick county, and a part of Eagle’s land to Now llHnover county 19-3 Regulating the times of holding tha superior cHjrt»» in the 6th judirial circuit 183 Incnr^M>rating the Episcopal School of .North Carolina 134 Concerning the western regiment of Chatham prK/fc.'.uVt house'in CarSc^^^^^ 0. D.dnratory of tlie law i" relation to I« Be tter to promote the admm^stratiot; rights and duties of shentrt and ins^^ec. about any rail road any slave, i.’.r th. |.ur;,ose ot JusHee in Macon coiifjty m hol.iing ek‘itinni. I Provides that m »“'"■ ih. sinie. Ik Hhall nuf. '• *> aniend and coi reel nn error in ,, . . . , , igM »leeti..nf under ihe direction of shtriin and in- ‘ bei.efil 01 rl. r;;y ; and if any the acl of last s;:i=l..i., ult. i ing Uie nam. s oi l' V It?'.'**» 1 ® ' male Se loro, Ihe inspetiorsshaU iia\. the Mile and ex. »■«*• Ihj tound c.»nccah d about any n.il road, Riehard .•Mdirst.n and W illiaiu White y. jCheeks, m New llanover | t»e rijht to jud^eol lliequahtication « roUrs, 'or car, a:ter the ciigiii. or ear kIi«(1 hivc i-p ’ I }it »h«re ibtn-IS an rouaJ divuimi uf omiiKNi ‘^‘^1*^ *!«■ ajrmt or m«ni;i r of such read, ' ,, »• . n . u.tnllnjn.iuwhichca*. ih.-.heriff*haildccide. w f«r »hall loribil 500 0,'lars. Kuil ro.iJ ! I'.iiiiinci|Kitin;' Ned Hyman, a slave .'l iking appronrmti.ws for carrv mg •"and hve ; 3(i .^u, •ml.ni; the act ..| to appoint ''''“''■''•“'''--'“'‘'“““'“■f tr.Lrpo,,.,„g.hea^^^^ 135 Incorporating the Haywood Troop. 136 Incorporating Griffin’s Free School 137 lncor|K>rating the Roanoke and Rai- 80 Tn prevent the felling of timber in, Road Company — - ' 138 Incorporating the Northampton Fe« niinary c.unly I ±oi. For the better regulation of the Fire 86 Le^'itiinating ai.d altering the names j Charlotte of Nancy II. and Pcraieliu Relle, of Pas- k t\ - . • .1 ^ • I • fc. I I .‘'uinori»e» me •*!€ 01 lsu«^liv nmii fu 'T ."!* "'"T" C«"-'«heprope,ly of John Hay«iKl,d.r.-^l. hies Hhall be appointed in this State—1 -3. Suppleuiei.t.il to the net to estahhsf. ;nde.foriheckctH,obyih.peopK„ronecor I,,:.. B..„k of the State of North-Carolina. Aul'iorisin'T ll.e fire^ent commission-I. .• ’ fca Appnintin I "I ors.if Slutesville to execute deeds to cer tain lots in >aiJ town 3" Le;>iiiiii.iiiii;' und all>*riiig the names M.I11M to two etmslable* i to ap,ioml such dti rt.ir^ h« Ihe Mate CounH 9. G;viiii. furllier liii« f.ir n.vmir m rn. I *" Direrting the scrolls of tiie votes of 9/^^ ^ I - I iii«T riniucu u# ili . Giving furllier time f.ir paying m en- j,ro,idcd by law. imKiey. (Provides that all person* who } ReiM-ahn'r |r commissioners in the county of Haywood to su|>erinlend the road from the Buncombe to the .Macon line 89 'I’o prevent shK>ting wild waterfowls in the night time in Currituck county 9(( Aniending the act of I’l^’il, entitled the .2th Congres-^ionaidistrict to Ik- hereuf- 1'*" laws - .ntri.. .n■^^3l, and have had'the .ame sur i, V^rX the art nf ]•>!-. ,er c.n.,«.red m the town of A^hvllle Slate, far as it respects turpent.me d. and Mnt on their pl.t. and ccriifHaies to i ‘•"J'-’*'*" «»«'lion ol merchan-1 4(1 Authori^img Nichol=.m U ashington, i" ilmH'glon Scerrwry.ohall have until the 1st .March next I (Pr«*vides that hereafter auctioneers ' of U av lie, to cii tl a bnd'e across Neusc i *** lncor|)orating the Smith River Toll P«\in( in iIm ir entry iTioney. I »hall not tic r«-/iuirrd, in ninkinjr thrir returns, to ri\er ' ■ Brid{;e company li». (Jranting f.» .i»a Delof^.^. and Hen- ‘ •' •" * : n Inrorporatm;r tiie Ladies’ Workin-- I Establishing the town of Yancyville Ren f^j4 n uiMif' r p#* rf nm I f ^ n of Ihe tons ftuioiint of W* made Hv iIh* in.. . «i_ t i* r* IV ni^nn, uiMJer certain comlilHMis, two tl.r S x iety ot fct. James’L hurcli in U ihnington ; 93 io prevent the hauling of «mes or Is of land, [(.mnts JdO acres o| the|j,i^„, iiaine of the owner or owners of :e laud to »aid iwrsun* for 25 years, in con- fAltoti of thrir discovery of a silver u.in' un >;.inc, atid Hiakinj kii««n Ihe locality of the s|nt.‘s 11. To improve tite Stale road from ,I,p Ir >*">• oMr.illic « i.h.or reeelle from . , , , inv Pia^ranv tf t!i,cotlonor wooilcii yurii, U.. - . ^ ♦ ^aijici .-XV Aiuf IIIV 95 For the n lief of Sarah .Ann Kectli 140 Incorp«irating the Providence Unioq Artillery company 141 'i'o Prevent obstructing the passage of fish up N«'w river, in Ashe county 142 Authorising certain persons to raise by lottery 6,000 dollars for cutting a canal in M'a.ihington counly 143 Afipointing commissioners for tha town of Kenansville 144 Incorporating the Rocky River Gol4 ■Mining Company 145 To prevent the felling of timber in, or otherwise obstructing the nav^ation of the North East branch of Cape Fear be tween Outlaw’s and Kornegay’s bridge, in Du|ilin counly county Vd- 146 Supplemental to the act erecting the _ _ county of Yancs, and the act suppli mental 42 Directing the title of the lot upon ! ohstructing the past-age of fi>h on certain , to the same the articU* fcosol.l, shall b.d*^innl-uilicieiit. ' which the public jail is erected m S.ili.^biiry ! lajs in I pi>er Broud creek, in Craven j 147 To prevent the falling of timber in, 2 >. .More t lleenia!!\ to (irohibit the tra-, to bt‘ u^ade to tiiu cliuiriiian of the county county | or otherw ise olistructing the run of Perqui* I Pi.ivid' s that no f^rsoii cuuit of Uowan | 94 Attaching the Rowan Tror.p rs to the mons river, in Perquimons county 43 Esiablishing and incorporating Ar-' Mecklenburg and Cabarrus regiment of I 148 Concern ini; the ilkcs co kr .1 ri. , . » , . ■I»T Rioir nnv II'UIUHI, tK Wl, coiionor wooilcil vurii. • c» of the Iwkawjah river, by the way wiannp an«rcl, pold or silver bnllion. ’ cadia Academy cavalry . ^ ^j luntccr Artillery Company I raiiktm, to Ihe Georgia line, [(neor-; .jj), .\meridiin'the 19t!i s«c»ion of the art ' lncor|M>iating R.-k\ River Academy ' 95 I or the relief of harah .Ann Kecth j 149 Incorporating the Whitesville, Wac- itrs a oo;ii|«ny, by the Iiamo of “The c«ww. nfirt-i i;,r il.o Iir. J r , ii - i Legitimating and allermg the name 9H To further regulate the fmaucc of camaw and Cape Fear Canal and Rail Road i-.li. Comi^ny,” to im|Kov. said road. ;7“yr til. Biazier Onslow counly 1**. D.r.ctmg ,he -ale of the land, r*- other . •rtilicates,, : y. Authorfsing Sdas Cox, of Waytie, to MiiPic u»H..ld acquiri-d by treaty from the nies formed out of the .'>7th or 08th regi- : erect a bridge across Niuse river r^kee Indians. [Authori.-s the G.v- men. in (iuilfoid “ | 9. To pVevent the throwing of balla.st 47 .AulhoriMiig nndem[)owenngthecom- or otherwise obstniriing the channel bo- missionors of E.lenton to lease lor a term of tween Bogue I:iLt uud the town of Swans- \ears the commons and uliier vacant lots Ix^rough in said town i 99 S«'curing to Iveziah Singleton, of 48 .Amending the act of 1925, concern- ' Burke, such pro[)crty us she may hereafter 13- Uene^hnir tlie act of 1 h1 - f.v.no tl.o “r »‘«r fr«H- law. , '"S »!'*• «"«" rough ! .lequire » li- rrufter to be paid to the State for »n- Enforce the penalty incurred by : Incor|K.iat,n the l.n^ nsWough A- ' I'ltvls. f Rrwals Kiid net. and nrovide^ ; ‘"“‘i’,’!''!:, ""f,' ,, , iiiud." Ill Iheir reMM-ctive ollie.'s ^0 Kstnblishing a Literary and .Manual .h-ll nol is.ue a grai.t for the land in di.,.uti, until '>*oi>4iid il 50, tliosc of a •rcofxi fiutt itr t. i- «i i i . and thoae ot a third quality i:, ccuUpcf “ * -\i.^»«lmg the Ia« i.i relation to the ecu,i,„.*iontr.hall lovtiKM.eUit sale; and 'nme ol Liieeny. [Provides that when "T M > lion i« likely to brin( less than Its titlu', any per«on shall be rninictcd 01 crniid lar.-my, liid iiflTIhe same for the Slate. *^r *he ahall be inlhmouK, and d. piited ot his . [Repeals said net, and providen ' in future five crnt*r»r acre rhalllr paid to - 1.1 ' Vi l Utr fur land rnicred.lhnt no |«rson shall en- as n‘quired by law. [ IVovides that theS.’- Labor In.ititutioii in >> iike county im.rc than IUI acre* w Ithin any one y ar at creUry of State shall tiirnicli the .\tU>rney (Jener. 51 Authorising I hoiiuis and Dillard * 1‘oce ; and that if any ptrson siMill enter more al at 1 very Fall term of Wake Sii|Krior Court with . Love, of .Macon eouuly, to erect abridge ■1 l ;il .|iiiniity in the same survey or in any a certificnlc .if failure in ever) e.ite ; that tli« .\t . across 'l'ennessi‘0 River 'Jr, he (hall pay ti n cents |icr a.-re. torn.y t.eneral shall m/ve for jiid|;inrnt a^HiiisI 11. Sippleiiirntal tu the act of 1809, di- such d«-limiu. nt; and Umt ih.' entry takers i-hall ; . u 1 . 1 ' ‘ l '•Mg how per*on» injured by the ereetioii '•«r‘'»l‘*-r make their return* on or betbrc the Ut "• “P [’•ililic mills shall in fuliirr prucwHl to re- lore the third day of court, unless by can- "•Ixd in the first aeetion ®f the almven riK.I last session, directing the manner in which enacting-, with Nundry alterations and ad- "‘l.ull be surticieiit for the prtiiioner to cause constables shall hereafter b'elected m the ililions, the acl o| the Legislature ot V ir- '^>1 mrtif,. t„b,-o„ Ih, |„,ai,i in s. comities of David.son, Bimcimibe, (’hatham, uima to incorporate the Portsmouth and '‘’"■’'T'*'' ('urriluek. U likes, Duplin New Hanover! »»uin |M |iu„ner may file Ins mlilioij, mioriii- ,, ,, , , •«Hi U nantof his inlenti..n to file a p. lili«.i to " >n-|ow d«.i.«p,,j fc. 2 IiicorjH.rating Samiy Ridge Academy, " liy the sheritT shall ^ evidcnco of *ach in ('liowaii county- 1^'p , ii. L -n Re|M‘Hlmg in part the act of last ses- \ rii 'i' ' ’S *]'*' •I'*' Hiiiii regulating the county courts of Wash- ..r ' ‘ir’''""- «h-eap. iiyic. .h.TlJrl.rill^lfali'S * Amending the net of 1829, for the | .-j? Altering the name of Priscilla Wil- lOU Empowering the commissioners of Hillsborough to up|Kiint a town constable 101 llegiilalmg the proceedings in the County Courts ofC'raven 102 liicorpirating the Halifax and Wel don Rail Road com|mny j 103 IncorjKirating the Halifax Rail Road 1 62 Directing the Judge.s of the superior ' Bnd^^e company j 104 Incorporating the VVashington Gold Mining company in Mecklenburg county 105 To prevent injury to the navigation of C'ape Fear river 106 Providing for running and establish ing the dividing line between the counties of Wav n* ai.d Duplin 107 Concerning the public road from Old Fort to .Ashville 108 Incorporating the MadTson Toll Bridge company, in Rockingham county 109 Divorcing .Mary Read from her UmiiKike Rail Road ('om|iany 54 .Allering tin-tiuie of holding the su- pernir couits of Carteret and Craven 55 Supplemental to the net of Ihe present session electing the county of Yuncy 56 Ineoiporaling the Wilmington and ' husl>anil I'^lias Rend I Uiileigh Rail Road Company srv , ,M,,n II maiirivfrim’lor iw>.nirn«, , . • .. .. . ii ti n III ihr »n*iic profiortion; ih»i loii ul lliis l>ruii:« crreliU across iiiuiis, wife ol h^U*rl H. U lUiams I>»iin-iji*| bank shall 1m. |.»e»ud at Kalei^-h, with S« «p|X'rnong river at Coluii hia at sluh oth. r plan a *s the stockhol.lers ,'i |'or the better administration of jus lice m llayw.sHl county " nl'*f * IneoriH.ralmg Skewarky L.sige No. 9t» |„.ildmg of a toll bridge over Roanoke river r fejtd, the .ame shall draw interest at 7 To extend and Continue m force certain 1 it VV eldon, and to incorporate a company 58 Siipfilemental to the act of 1932, to n-giilate thi county courts of Duplin 59 Amending the act to nuthorise the iij. ■ ....... draw interest at ihi ° h r c«"l- per atiniim from the acts for regiiluting the times of holding the •II '•‘*''''•“'''*• '1: that Ihe Mid llank s„i»erior courts of Moore, Montgomery am; • iH.iic any note lor a less sum than three » ' 'imiUhf \ni January, ^ liicorp^irntiii^ N*w llanf»vpr Acadeio) • *^'-‘'lHirteriiig till'B.inkofCapo Fear. 9 Ineorporating the Farmers’ Library ' '«fter* til, Uank iintil the 1st Jaouarv, l^jS; .Vauocmliou ill Chatham county r that piirfMise * 60 Restoring J. Madison Baird, of Bun* .• .mis', to ihe riuhts of a citizen 61 Apjiomting rommissioners to lay off | a town at 'I’rap Hill, in W ilkes 62 For the relief of Chancy Morcman 110 Regulating lay days on Frying Pan in 'I'yrrell county 111 Amending the act of 1814,for the regulation of the city of Raleigh 112 Incorporating the Lumber river and Ca|ie I'ear rail road company 113 Couccrning fisheries on the Scup- |)ernong river in the counties of Tyrrell and VV ashington 114 Altering the times of holding the County courts of ('howan 11-5 Incorporating Meltonsville Academy 116 To prevent the lelhng of timls'r in, or otherwise obetructing the runs of south Comjiany 150 .Altering the time of holding two of the county courts of Buncombe 151 Authorising the construction of a rail road from Campbelllon to Fayetteville 152 For Ihe better regulation of the coun» ty courts of Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Ruther* ford and Haywood 153 Repealing the act of 18.^2, to estab lish an extra term of the county courts of Buncoml>e 1.'34 Amending the act, entitled an act to enact, with sundry alterations and ad» diti.ins, the act of Ihe Legislature of Vir* ginia incorporating Ihe Petersburg Rail Road Company 155 Concerning market fees in the town of Fayetteville RESOLUTIONS. 1 Resolution for the Committee of Ft- nai.ce 2 In favor of VVillinm Ferrand 3 Iiilavor of Archibald Campbell 4 III favor of l>jaac Baxter 5 In favor of Alfred IM. Slade 6 In favor of Richard H. VVeaver 7 In favor of Mary Sloan S In favor of James .Miniro 9 Directing a ctipy to be made of tha map of the Cherokee lands 10 In favor of the securities of Jno. Sloan 11 Directing Ihe Governor to have tomb stones placed, at the public expense, over Ihe graves of members of the Legwlature who die at the seat of Government 12 In favor of Stephen Owens 13 In favor of Ihe repre.sentalives ol the late Chief Justice Henderson 14 In favor of Eliz ilH-th Forbus 15 lu favor of Mark Hill 16 In favor of VVillis Williams 17 Authorising the Governor to procure counsel for the State in a suit now pending in the Supreme ('ourt of the United States, in uhirli r.ntiimoro and oth«r« are plamtiSs,

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