THE je«r. No p«^r will j "'*'7 (‘ro.n hi* firit Message. And ll*ea I‘'LVt"me ntVerketdrw^^^ |M nr»i •IIU K# vt lit* IU» CaCIi VUC' 'ij || I ’ •»«!» ■■*•» ui^nauil lllnll f lie |%IJl.\V VtIIII.II ercding week-or tl for three week., for oti« i ‘ “ "|>ell, and answered Hide hi> bread wns buitt r’d, and I lonkrd ^u,re. A liber.ldi»co.ini will be m.d« Ml. in ihrce minit8. And I j;ir) him i ,,ln;ny knowin tco—it wa* it*«t as inurli n« who .dvertiN. by Uic ye.r. IrOn .11 .dvrr. a lix.k !— I he Giiwral Iwist.-d hisCuco ni.8t I could do to kcon the Gineral from si-nsli- coniinnnic«ted for publication, the ' ghockiii am! iwriitrt.ort hi. I.«, ^ i it • > i Ktt.p iiic y inerui irom binnsn pamber of inwrliont muft be n.m-d on the iiikr. ' i.„ „ ! “““ *^'^*‘ched bis head too. Hut ^ m him—so says I. ‘ Oineral, cornn lei s be •inoi ihK m«nu»rri|4, or th«r will be contiiiufd ,, cnt at it agui as spunky as «*ver; for inovinand we went home—Ihn (>ineral gi.iil forbid, and ch»rj{cd tccordiiijriy. , *« '« an acnasin tuU'critPr in a figlit, and I all the wliiU* talkin nbnut lii« escnpo from ' All coin*u>»*c«tioin to the l‘!4liior mutt come huiijjs «>n lik»* a onaitpin turtle wh»*n he gits nn awful state the tuilor was about gciiiii {freof>»*»«/f^or ilicy may not beati«nd«d to. i holt. Il‘bungl'd umay H B(iell agiii liku all him in. natur; and j.-st as h.) took his spcks .fl'to ‘\Vi*ll,’ msys I, ‘CincrnI, litlle things :H!'* ^I" * * K''* ^1“’ ”‘ply af-m. siinniiinrs f>i\e us a kmk, and a noiion of mtold friend Mr. Dwtrki of the ^*v larti i {ini Ins lacc another plu^y hipp.-r ones; and now,’ sjiys I, ‘do you Dmil^ Adrertitrr. j hard rumple ; and siit uatin Ibr him to tiie know, (Iinfral, we aro in a scrape now pret- WASHIMITOfl, l»cc. 14, l*-33. \\t> hove got busio«*sa eauf now mu our nd«, I tell you; iind niffh uiwHi ev**ry da\ . .i i .■ -,j - ^ f haroa sounll that brin;n» all hands ''^*=*1 ou I yet—itsji-st Ritm warm, pantaloons, better than new ;—and only r hBlmn. U e have had fair hmd so Iwip,: ’.V , ,. , "“'“s » ; n«d »'>n>e .t' these tni -I few on us know exactly how to.t.-er . ''T’’’ *“>* the (.moral, supfjuse we l„rs alwut us here want us to set slnverm Downing €orre»pon«lrii(*«>. hard ruirtpir ; und I hh\ uatin lor him lo (he know, (iinoml, we are in a »cra|:e now pret- agin. Says he, Mnjor, that s a shnr|» piece ly much like ihat one wo jest {jot out on.’ IjMU are linn with there. It's a p»-uler. Mow so? says ihe (iiiicral. \Vhv, sajsl, says 1, (iiitrrHl, I icll you—but you hunt the Hank—there it is, says I, i(:ot like ycjtir ti... '• ..... . 1 - . - . . . • ’ J ^ . ourlceth. i naiii t had my r^jre.w met; and lh« (JiiiHrnl s-i\s we M watrb tbein frilows rlo*e|y. •• Keep Iwrp look ttut .Major,” says he, “ tm day IS a bddfind^niltiU I'eliow, and will k out his notions if thn IVvil stands at uw fni iiu«iw V7AOI..IIV iiviw IV sif*rr i i , , * davs, when every wind comes ri«ht«ries—l.-i me lake that reply, and shakin, anil rnnnin the risk of ^eliin the (ce'th. I hain’t had my coat o|F«,iKre do um«nts. I liku rlicumatiz that will last us»wr live*, j^sx for to n^ht, bayn the liint rul, wh('n there them to {fet the joli of inaklii^ a uew one. ten lo one af>m me. So d'> i, s.iys i, (lin- And now, sa\s I, [ j;uess you and 1 had eral^, aud >u we’d belter fijjht it out as wt tx-lier dibappoint cm, as we did the tailor j' st now, stitch on a new buttf>n, and things “'I’he (iiiieral looked a spell at his pa- will all go smooth ngm.’ 'I he Ciiiierul jo^frVa^ if he bad the pi-..plV «ii'll «gm: and, sa)» I, I’ve got my hand m didn’t si.\ a word; but he got thinkiii pla i”savslhe (Jineral “a»I have there Iho tight out.— Well, goy hard, till we pot home ngin, and ho got notcllmwhal »rouW« he would «Ive us. *">* jou see .Major whut bis pifK?, and I pot mine, and jost us we were wiHild make as a (Jinenil iisever “> ‘^rive the li-hlen em, snjs he, .M»j„r, there are «. Rut It will never do to rn»//Ai/man ••'M-’uU»e, nnd with that he got up, and lellows alKiiit us here that f>e8ter me most h nofrrr.”—Very wull, oiiys I, “Gmeral “A his s|ietks, and put em m his pock- dcs[)cratciy—we niust all t{o as a (’nil, or bui on't" w>s I,’» the critur aoiiie *'*• •*“' •'•‘'kory, I musl blow em all up and get a new set. w keps law «n htii side all the whiks.” Jetched n w hack on the table—VK'l’U, ^Ve’ll think of it, said the ('mieral, and with hit’s true eiiiif, s«ys the (Jineral, aiid *’“>• “>** * ‘'o k'd our feet on the maiili*> tree, rpli re we n ijhI ket-p « sharper eje im “ And now, nays the (Mineral, lets ^r> and *'•'*“ ’hnn five niinils \ oij cwuluii t set- ,and the time is come now. Major, when lake a walk and so we went. 'I'he liineral on us than our toes, must all on us try our popularity—lor didn’t say nothin for more than a mile, and lour 1 ^ n me law la a*;in us, we shaii’l* have I nv\ernolher. S., to rights, siys he, Ma- no rn!nKville\M.iiiu.-jyiir&c. iin’ el»e to stiiDd on. 'I'liere is nothin, jor, e\ery txidy snys money is very scarce.’ Pursuiint to a previous notice, u large and resfiectable meeting of tho citizens of Ca- Imrrlis county, was held at the C'ourt.llousc in Concord, on Tuesday of January Court, for tiiu purpose of considering the subject of the recent i-emoval of the public de|>osites from the Bank of the Uniled Stales. On motion, Gen. W itLiASi Ali.en was appoin ted Chairman, and Maj. Ibzan Cannon Secretary of the meeting; ! Tho object of the meeting, and the im- I [wrtance of the subject uuder consideration, 1 was explained by John I’hifkr and l>. M. ' Esqs. wfiereupon, after some explanatory remaiks, Gen. I*. ISai:i!I\cer introduced the following preamble and res- Idlutions, which were supjM)rted by F. L. *Hmitii, F,s]. atid unanimously adopted, by the meeting : Wjikki:as, there are periods in the his tory of sill nations, whore it b*comes noces- sary, for the pn servatioii of thu purity of (Jovernmcnt, and the secmity of individual rights, thot the iKjnple, in their primitive ' ussetnlili''s, .should s|H‘ak their opinions in a voice »vhich will be heard, and respected by their represciifiitives. Believing as we do, , that [)«s.sing events furetell the arrival of lhat time in our own government, i He it thcrtj'ore re&vlml, 'I'hat in the o- pinion of this meeting un attempt is now ii.aliii/^ to concentrate into the hands of the Prcyiiient of tlit; L’nited Slates, an extent of power, which il’ iinresit'ted by the frown of nn indignant fn oplo will eventually lead to u'iurpation and desfKitism. lUsolreil, That as long as we are free men, “ we w ill not liiil” to enter our s«»lemn protest Hghinst usurpation, let it proceed from what fpitMter it may. IleKolred, 'I'hat we believe the l’^. States Rank has l)Oen the to the Nation a sfiuncl circulating >'n Inn • the (iiiHTal, like war times, .Major— * I hat’s inie eiMill",’ sa\» I, ‘ and it’s net g"t then, when lht »o troiibli some fellows as rCHrrens it will beal'ore winter isomer ;— about law. I'd ’em .Maitml and then I tell'd the (iiiieral, Ihe caue on't that makes »liort work.” —Wei!, says Ihe (iineral, i believe you are JiMt after breakfast )eslenlav, I and ‘ •’•P'" = "'“I'•’'*••• worst comes to the worst, (Jineral had a hnjh liiiw tojjether. I haven new bank,and that will Kail'Kofui Mjiite. '•'rom Sahm, ’• lo Itliiki hj, nul of tin bCM exp««ctin »-v ry day to sec the n.ake .i.uney p|.*nl> again, won’t it ? ^ es, k fcfne out with a reply ; and 1 Hrll’d '• * ‘“PI»“‘« "C c«n'i git a new lt„il Ko,uJ, u:„i to S.jrolk, (;i.K>r.l, say. I, (imeral Im afraid t.iiK-r.l a,re Ihis one s time is out the I>ort,nu>uth ami Aor/olk JtaU ilgit a stum|>er from I’hiladelphy one ol »»' »•'«' * nigh three years yet. ami Ioi.m ■ days, th.1t will kn-k tis nit into kind- lime, says I, ihcre will bcMrouble wmid. But he kept ssimii ther* was no e*"'**. ll"«one must all Ihe while be c..|- jer of that. W by, sa'xs he, Mrjur, y.-u "•* nioney and folks «ill fail a.t that we fust (five the Bi.nk a most ami Is bunkrupl; and then twenty new Umks nal wellin years ago and kti ’em no fCHild m:>ke a new '■r defence than to print reports, and now, ^ays I, ii”ht olT. and let it take Hoad. it 11.'^ I.inr «i;j pn-js t!irot'i'!i IlilUlwrouch, (>\;nril, W iirrrnloii, Wililmi. Hl«ktl_v, Jacktmi and JitihjIciii—and will Uiixf !^iiUin (nry Momlsy, W t dnoday ami Sii^tirday inoriiiii|'», «' oVli»rk. A. M. ritul arrlvi' at niukc- ly no*l il«y» in tiiiu for the I'arB for Fi li isburi;. I 1 • , . • L II 1 !• 'I'iu •—troiii Siilrni to hclrr>lmr5. two and ;» linll' hes ; and that show’(1 they lud’nt mm h “Pbu-.iru -. ot the old one, it would nt day„_.,M.i mil... I.«u\c lilakL'lv c-vcry IMuiulav Ilk, and we have bc.-n cn»-lin on ’em '"akc much But the law w.>nt allow and Indny iiioriiinfs at 0 o'»-locl;, .Sl. and ar- f wnce.—Ami when I see thev began to >ou know, Ini.ersl. And j«sl then rive m l>cri^...mih .ind Nor-olk »amo da^H via I pnvs ’em our whole BMIery.and i'»eral got m a wsv he has, of iw J," ‘ ‘'>uilolk, lied u|»on em in flank, front an ar, his suspi luler butions l>chmd; and to (>i>m thr Souili nml Sontli.Wrft, an sharp siioolers, headed by tlnil amazio '‘•ffhls he broke one iir. 1 here, says he, intornicd that my l.ino is inicrsfctcd by IVtk \ to little Uistru'l attorm v open'd first on ■'•“J*'''. here is this contoonded button otl'a- Wilibrd’s irom I.ninston, .V. C. lo IVdrr. . Then CCH.. ...n.-'Vell .,v. I, ,U,'. ^ n niy messace—and then Mr. 1 any s —here is a tailors shop,—let s go in and ^ art. r il.o arrival m IVck & \Vd. 'ft—and th.- Globe all tho while throw in J';“ke him put it on—and so in we wcut.— ,;,rd> ironi I.cjincton. 'I he public arc in- lUsfMl Rock* t". 'N hv says the Gmer- hap|K.n(*l to Ix- one of our [>arty, fornml that amjik- provision «ill U; mude at thit Cittin un and Inkin b’is In. kor\ and and was tickled to d.'ath to see the Pre^i- [H.ini for ili. irariomniod.-iiu.n. II It a whack OO the tl.s.r—if the Bank ""d "j'*' K""' «'* who'L7lr»'v."\nTl'.inc,“riirr. a^ ot uTe ill thttt rnrket, Mujur, its lulVtff than "as pln^ily c»il down wnvfn \tUiilic cUum one day tn ativancc of any other pe|M-r«^ log. No, no. .>iaj.>r, says the cnB'n to tind it was only a button otU and i.ine. 'fcrni dwit y ou fear that the lUnk will jimi(K d back on bis board, nn.l sat This Line ik row in full oiMraiion, and ihc Pro. -r nv . word in reolv—it’s n skin’d ra. >''>* "K"». n"*! *•'’'' '’'‘‘'I"' pMg.. hin.M If- to us.- . >, ry . *iri...n to r n worn in reply—us asKinara- , n- . . i i . r.ud. r •aimta. tion, and make this accciitu- t!. And the word* want out of his «‘ral w.nild take off his paiitnlo..ns he d put ,.i,. jr. uih, in conic a hull bundfc of pa- minutes—1 looked at the 'J h.' Coath.'t* and 'IVnms are of llic best—dri- w. niiH the first tbinif I see anioni; cm tfifpfal. "fxl I"' looked at me—and we liolh ' veto ncc.>inni)d«iinp and aii ntivc. »the Bank repiv : Now , hivs I, (Hiieral, h*«ked at the tailor. Why says Ihe gincral, >1 -'H i>urc.U at the risk of the r';’» trouble *—here’athe very thing,say. «»"» worst thing, nijijor, I ever met— \IUWU, $11 00 I ve been alTrnitJ of all tho while. The •'«'••''"'H ih,. do. do. to Sutfolk. It; (K) 'n- rBllart n s|h-II ; nnd savn he, » major, lo risk walking homo with this button oH, .'po***, you and I now ji*t lake a b..iH, for if'tollier one comes ofl, its all over with ; ^ y- n’ll see how estv I can n.Krk that 1 pantahK.ns , rri.l IT ELOQUENCE. The Washuigtuu correspondent of tho Boston Morning Post, gives the following notice of the Chaplain to the House of Re|/» resentatives:— Mr. Stockton, the Chaplain, oflicintcd nt the Ca|>itol last Sunday and gave us the fin* est sficcinien »f pulpit oratory I have w'it« nessed since the days of Dr. Holley. He is of the Methodist persuasion; a’young man of middle siae, hghi CQfoplesion, of fraii.figure and health. His voice, |tioug}» very fine anti exceedingly distinct, is not so musical as Dr. MaflTitt’s; but his manner is more grave. His sermon, (which was e.x- teinpnraneous) was on the character, crucU fi.Tion and resurrection of our Saviour: tho text, I think I Cor. c. xv. 3d to 8lh verses. I have rarely seen so inspired an orator, or so enraptured an audience. His style was highly poetic; though his argument strict* ly logical. He made use of one striking and beautiful figure towards the close of his discourse, which seem to draw a simulta neous and involuntary movement of silent applause from the whole audience: As tho moon, said he, reflects the light of the in visible sun, so Christ reflected the glory of the invisible God. Ifrat produced by Friction.~^W'e stated a few weeks since, that a machine hud beea invented in this state to warm factories and all large public edifices by Friction. We had but little definite knowledge then of its merits or structure, but within a few days we have seen it in operation in this town. We now speak from personal observation. The machinery which generates tho heat consists of a pair of horizontal circular plalcfl of cast iron, enclosed in a brick oven, about lie prime agent in securing | ‘eet in diameter, and weighing 11500 gfiund circulating medium. Pounds. They operate upon each other and in securing all classcs of s.ciety from precisely like a pair of millslones, with this the oriHHius tax incident'to a depreciated iis stationary and currencv. j the lower one revolves. The ordinary speed Risoired, That the removal of the pub- i's eighty revolutions a minute and the ve- lic (lepositcs from the Bank of the I’nited ! i** sufficient in two hours to raise tho States, IS unwise, unjust, and in vi.jiation of j thermometer in the oven to 500. 1 he sizo the charierod ruhts of lhat Corporation. | plates, the'ir thickness and veliK^ity Jlcxolrid, Tiiat tho manner of their re-1 "h'ch they revolve, are considerationa moval is still more reprehensible, for there- j which Ihe size of the building to be heated l>y the i’rcsident e.xerciscd a power indi- i regulate. From the top ol the hnclc rertly, which hv his ow n admission, he could : »|nclosure or oven, a funnel is projected, and not do. directfi). | ***** *1*® thrown olf, na JUs'olKd, That wc look upon the reinov-1 liirough ordinary furnaces, to any pait of ill o( Mr. Duane, from oHice, because he ' ’I'® hiiildmg. We saw the machinery put refused lo remove the public funds, in defi- ioperation when cold, and in fifteen min- mice of the opinion f>t’ (Jonjiresf-', as an a- j utes, the heat Irom Ihe mouth of the funnel bu«e of power, incompatible w ith the spirit up|**r story was almost too much for of the Con,stiluIion and laws of our Union, j ‘*>e “> Ix’nr. There is yet much Itesvlrfd, That we admire the indcpen-1 scepticism as to its final success, but we cnr» d’ii; conrs! pursued by the late Seeietary reason for it ourselves. It has b‘eu of the Treas-iirv (Mr. Duane) in rcfu.sing, at ^ ‘he iron plates will soon wear out, hut the Kicrilice of his office, to become a tool, i “ ‘S ascertained by expe.-iments, that these in tho hands of the President fur the c.xer- 1 smooth, hard, surfaces will subtract from cisc of unauthorized i>ower. 1 "ther but very little. The machino is 7.V.S0W, That in the opinion of this ' s'">ple i» itself, can be put and meeting, the public funds. ught to be, forth-; l^^pt in operation by a band passed round a w ith.n-storedlo the Bank of the U. Slates; I inserted in the lower cylinder, and and that our representative in Congress, the ; without danger or attendance, kept in opera- lion. H. W. CoNNtH, is hereby instructed 1 ‘'•’•y '"ght with the aid of a water *0 vole f.)r their immediate restoration. | wheel. Northampton Courier. Resolred, That a copy of these resolu tions be f.irwarde.l lo our representative, the Hon. II. N\ . Cu>>er, aud our Senators in Congress. /.V.M./c(f/, That the difTorent Fditors in the Stj*e 1)0 reipiesled to publish the pro ceedings of this mucting in their resjHJctive | papers. W hereupon the meeting adjourned. U II I.IA.M Al'.I.EN, Chuiiman. Inz.vN Cannon, iiVf If fat y- Confnrd. Jiinuary 'Jl, 1^34. 100 Nl^OROES i'oit ON the lOlh and 11th davs of January iirxt, at the C'ourl- Honse in Charlotte, Mecklciihnrff County, Nurth-Carolina, 1 will sitU 100 N£GRO£S, the property of William I)avid^on, by virtue of two Deeds of Trust to me excciitcd bv the said Davidson, for the benefit of the Itank of New'bern, John Irwin, Samuel McConib and j.v.Miii \v. jrn-rnEY.s J‘i»pii( tor, n. d llou'c, N. C. Jan. I. t>0 Thr I-'arincru’ and Miners’ Jnnrnal and ply into niiiKm \\ «.n aava ICinArnl liH lliHt fcllow piits oti u button, I'll kilcli 1 > lino nothin. » ell, Buys l liinernl, f , , , . Yorkville I’atrii'l will niKcrt llit-nlove two montl.s, .( l«rgm—N«w, iny^ I, let us sit down. major, u„,(„rfordton S(K-etat.>r three tiinc», and >0*1 limy tak«*, Mivs 1, the (ilotK! or our gitierul, tiinl othrr button is luktii nil tf»* ; nroonntK u» n>e for payment. * A I.. .....1 .. Ill .viV «•% lA...n itiMrk •‘Inn Attorney’s report or your procluma- ‘‘‘f n.fT your Mewuge or Mr. Tany’s report minutes—what is to be »'>'»«»*t-ms to l»I.AMKirS IIOTKI^ iAtnrastn'Vilf4’^ S. C. r|^IIK sril.'H KIllERten- .B ders hiii thanks t.i th- pulilic in f;rneral, lur the lib- su|>iK)tl hid llonae has ri'- vou'ore'a I'^nTf'spul.k"''^!^'^ I of II like you lor it, if 1 make a pris..ner ~‘ , llavinir purchased the cstablishnicnt of I'aptain vmi, nf treat v.m like a bravB anl.lior •hin«s ilow, HO as to git overall tfiis I vv,n. MiKeiiiin, he is now nd.Iinj: Urec and eon. I'd lu will I I’’ 1 I nt> t T tmuble I 'J heie is only one way, says ihe : venicnt iinprovemenlK, vvhich will enable him to Si in t Jfighl''"^^^ ■■ -nH.„/..Lrlbin.r. n.ako the Itav ol BO.VUDKUS and TKAVLL- ’ry yon, unys I, with hoiiora (I'.Hxf Jltwsf-KteiKra.—It there be any , others. Terms, Cash, ihinir anifing tho temiiorals to make lil'e j MORRISON, Trvatce. pleasant, it is in the walls of a well ordered CharlolU, K C. Sej^i. Cuh, lb33. U house, w here all is adjusted to please—not | ,, by Its finery or costlitwss, hut by its fitness, M. OStf)Ofl€tit€ftt» Its air of neatness and content, w fiich in- , • * ’ , , . ,, ‘ . *• . I he above sale IS pohliwied until thelith of vite all who enter lo t.iste its conilorts. | ,f,e sale will take plaee and ■’Plie woinnn who does not make this a grafid | continue from day to day. Item in all her routine of duties, has not ! W. MORRISON, Truster. 1)11 learned the triio di;riiily of her station I Jan»ftry 1. IRIj. —has not yet ac|iiirol the .■»l(>ha of thut : ISTA'J'J'' OF yORTH-CAROLiyA, my ..neonem-or, •.•ivs I, come to think 'I V'*u mny lake em all together—fi.r thev l'>*“-c‘l «« '» "uch real trouble as I mn { "i rellv much all one-and I’ll Uko iIm’h —I, (imeral, but its lorlunate tor "'l» reply, nnd then lew lee what kind of “'"*>* «pl>t It will turn oul.-W ell, iwv« the "’Vs he, nnd I hope you will In- ni ‘'™6vnVstrrUl..^ ..f »ar, nnd «'>> I"'' S"'"™' ' "" , ...i b. ~wH. J 'villi raft' "C nhook hands.—.Now, Major says rHtn-al, sa)S the gineral, yon can t make a ; HVonrr* with a pood dry \ard, and prov- Mineral a* I am to boflin the fii-hl pair, nnd on.- that fits me iK'tler, il ,.,„|crfuri.i*h.d alas low rates as the market w^ll - fire, and then we’ll go y->» fy a month-these jmntahK.ns, sani ihe , atlor.l. ^ . Well, miys 1. I want *!i>- ral. are Ijelter ban a new pair; and il ,, ,.i, „aR with the Ust It v.Mi iiie till I hIl.i hv shot b'lig alphak^t which is set bifore her; and she vvho despises this noble nttainment des pises her worldy good, and indirectly ilespises her family, her neif>hl>ors, and the ! word of (Jod. “She h>oketh well to the wavs of her household,” was spoken by : Ihu wisest man that ever lived, and will U‘ told a memorial of all those who have been eminent for this noble churacter.—G'tn. / Tern iKTO nee. The Wife—The v*ung men of Boston have r.'cently held a delwte upon the sub ject of Tem|>erance. Mr. Barbour made I some (vertinent remarks from which wo ex '■ lnow firM,'if I biive a right lo fire back ‘'“'V on'y had new buttons here they w.n.ld ; , '*"■ »h„t, if ii.pv 1,1 I ..,.1, i„,-k hist me t.. my d\ ing day. It takes me weeks | ,,g ,tnei attention to buHinea* and » Z’":.!; :ii:;c -d ...0^1. to g^ apa. .o vvoni have a new pair, says the gineral, that . iin iwitroi.dire. I - * t ! /itftnifytiti Ik MECKI.EMtl RG CtirNTV. Court nf Pleat and (Jiiurtrr Se$tions, ^ovcmler 7'f rm, 1833. Ilaycs 4. Orr i AttachmentU vit-don defen. , . *'*; S dant’sintere*! ill the tract of Ilartgrovc. ^ i„„j belongins; to the heirs ul ii. Mjui.iiii llarttirove, dec'd. adjoining the lunds of Thuinas B. Sumrtt, dec'd. John llartgrovs and others. IT appearing to tho satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant has reinovrd v\ ithoul the limits of the State, Ordered, therefoie, lhat pnlilN cation bo ina/le si.\ weeks in tho .Miners’and nters’ Journal, that he be and appt ar at the lu xt t'ourt of I’U'us and (Quarter Sessions to he held tor tlie county of .Mecklenbnrp at the C-ourt Iloune in Charlotte, on the 4th .Mon.hiy in Fel>ru»ry next, and then and there plead or r ^ilevy. otheruiiO , tract the following characteristic anecdote : * “Mr. B. mentioned the case of a wo- ^ U itiicbs, Hralv Oates, ( Ivrk ot sniii ( ourt at OU Jiinuoiy 1*7, li^Ml. *'finwnr. I w ihe eneniie’s aliol and i/uns ' .1 , „i i If vou can, M .jor—the true art > delermin d on. I M-e, says the gin. ral,; ^ The (Miieral all the while kept «'>•“ "ant a new job. , ''“'K Ins paper# all in a string oirone aide “ Well, says I, (linernl, let me try—and | 'lie table. He put his own Messages vvilli that i waxed u thread, anil got a new ''1 1‘r.Hlaniaiion in the middle, and Hank’d button; and whilst Ihe gineral stood up, I "Mb our Di.^irict Ailt.rni>v aud Mr. sol down b«>hmd him, nnd studied 011 rai ' “"y s rejmrts ; and then he sifted the CJIoUi in :»ininits—the (iineral all the whih ' dig,i.|y. * t'iind call’d theiu nndyyroyer* bliakiii his hickory at Ihe tuilor, and tellin ' Oc/. lC-33 71t^3 To Joiii'iiryiiioii t'ahiiict TinFlsuhscrilier.risiding in Clmrl«tte, is de sirous of ohliiininfT workmen in the above tmsiiiesM, v\ ill give cmployinent to one or two first rate w.irkintn, if upplieiili.iii be made iinnie- jos. r. rRirciiARL). 61tf , man he !iad visited not long since, whose j husband he found “ beastly drunk,” lying just within the door. It seemed she had drawn him in to prevent his public e.xpostiie, though she had not strength lo him I from the floor. She pla«-ed a pillow also I under his head. She could not liear to see 1 him without one, bad as he had treated her nnd her children. So it is, ollen said Mr. ^ B. “the wife will l>e the wit'e. thou;’h the husband be the brtat.”~L'. i>'. Gasette. fiee, the 4th Monday ol' NoveinlH r, ,\. D. 1S33. Tc.'l; B. OATHS, c. c. c. __P£ce adv. StO.J I iiilod Malosi Tlon‘> lor J*ale. PKKSONS wonliiiir I nilid StaU s .Money can be aecomniOijattTl bv applyinj; lo srUl-NC.S & DIXK1N3. /),r. 50, iNl.T fi'tti' , in.ANKS, O/rnrious hindf, for Mt/t >' thltC^(\:

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