JOURNAL,. _l>mi^TEU AMU PtJULISHiio K\Kuy " ■■■ . * WIIX«ACH^T0 flEUCt Twe BOWKU, ov TH* FARTII IV. 'IHE ^ IffiuerM^ Jk Fariiii^N’JToiiriinl , prinU'd »nd publi»hcd evcT> Katurduy ti.urniiijf il Tao Mian |«r annuiii, if |^kd in Hdvantc; 7^ Mian and f'ifly C'eult if not fiaid until ,tVf tiHJ "xpiration of three niontlia; TVtree flilUr$ at liw end of the year. No paper will 1m diacoiitinued until all arrvnrtgvi are paid, uIrM at the option of the i'^itoi. tpVKRTlSE.MKN'rS will be inMrtcd at /'i/fy Cimit prr aquare (not exccedinfr UO line*,) joi Itic firiat inacrtion, and il6 ccnta fur rucli auc- cccdinr —w fl tor three wii'ka, for ont; ANI, *KINJ out rROM TB« CAVERNS OK THfc MWNTAIMS, MKTAl.S »VJItll WILL OIVK STKKvaTM K, MIXKI^K.MHLIM; C0L;^TV, NORTH-CAROLINA. T^O.JR hands and aUBJKCT AIX NATURE TO OUR ytr. AND PLEAgURK.—DR7j(Snii^N7 SATI Rll>AY, FKHKUARV 15, 18:M. NO. 170. ou tread on. no inter- , 7 ™ '‘'“'Ck Wi thp f|rH>r Itnd look'd round .quaro. A liberaldiwwint will be iimde totluH«; I Hie wliolo ntifr—T|,e cr.untry is in trou!>lc wl«. idvertiHe by U« year, d r On all adv. r. ! 8JV8 he. and ti..- lime tx (Wr ev. rv n.n-! i.u.nicnta coiiiniiiTiicati'd *^r ' , . t.oiiic ii»r tvf r\ nin;i «o speak out—il there in error l«t it be cor JtisenitnU coiiiniDnicatrd »br puhlication, (he jBniiiber of inaertionii mutt be noted on the ninr- |jmoftheinantttcript,or they will be continued iuntil fcrbid, and charf^d accordiii{r|y, All ronimunicationa to thr (Iditor muat come fret of fotiff, or they may not be Htleiidtd lo. atvuifiK c urrt*M|roiiiirnre. VV'akhinotom, I)oc. 27, 1 • 3.‘J. Mv last letter lo you tellM mhj »C thut illlx th> (tiiHiral i;nt in atxiut ili« biitiiHiR, ! il'it b*dn’l lj*>n h>r iiie he’d b«*n in a |»ret. icmpe with that THiior. 'J'ho (iiit>rul III for)P>( that yet, and wuut au lofig iw he n hutions. rerted—if there is tiitk we muist 6X|k)sc it — and now Major iwys the Gineral do you utill—and if any man has any tiiinff to swy Hgmyou let him 8|M:akiut. W’ben they arc all umi With that die (iiiieral pull’d his own ehair „,// /runJ Mr. Ihcigh,, of tk. A>« York ^ ','1' ^ *•"' Daily Advfrttier. ll'tkory and liat dow D before him, and all our luikx be^an ton(x;k noseu in little groojis here and theie, and one on cm, no matter who, was as busy as u lap dog on a trainiu daj, Kuietlin^ round from ono to another to litid the right man l»» s|>eak first—hut none on eiii soem’d to like it—'i'he (Jinenil all tho wbilu sat bimkin and looking round at 'em all, and rumplin his fucc oncv and a ou know I’ve beo lellin you nlonc about , • fcur* .4- in.>ny««Lwel| if- bud i r—and IS |jr»in ti be worse yet or I know j Sot*’ rifjhts, thivinoon’cmcanie forward iiD. And thf* (aiiierul is be^inuio to k ») tin. All our folks ab(Ut us here t fMl it for they hav« all gtl fat otiices it I know- the |>eople firel il who hamt oHices—and iintill they «p«ak up, w ill f;o wnr«e and wurar—every let nnd buw'd, and say* he, (Ivneraf, that "otir sutU rins is mtolerablo,” there is little doubt; ony once in a whiHbe’U take his hickory and whuck it on th« table when any one muttered and tvluMp^red; and as Koon as I got to the i*eiid on’lj then come a bu2 and a mixiti, aiifj the Cini^! n »t up and letched unnther whack on thi^ table with his hickory, enul to looHen ones^'je teeth. Now, wiysthe bc#r«JKitli •ides, and itie people vifl shortly tear it Uf>- Iritiry say- Ui^ Miij«r is right. I wont op pose them any longer; if they say the Ma jor is Wrong, tlK>H wo’ll go tm as wtj now go; and now, .says he, Major, git thtit pa- [wr printed, and the only favor 1 ask ofyou IS not to send an oOicial copy on’t to the Senate if they ask one;—and with that, I and the Gineral Ijowed off the ('abiiiot, and the Majors and the rest of the Ciovbrnment; and we turned to rcadin letters from all rjuar- gainst tlii Did you not proiitiNe t—ay— To make me Flrong as SuiiipaoD— And rich—8MCrttMu*— (I’ll wrinjj tliy villuinoua nrck,) And wiae—wige an .Siloiiion, And happier than the liappiial! But instead of this—villain! You’ve stripped me of tuy locka— I^oft i.'iy |H)ckct tmp|« aa a curkuo*k neat *• ■ *-*•" J- —A .«.« ~*‘all inv siiiikea ter», ull full of niony troublta and distress, j Aud->ja*ii>,g) though devil thou art. enuf to^ive one the cholera morhus; for as ^ Ftrling Thou Imst a pleasing face— I siiid aloreoDc ifc just about as bad as t’other. I 'i'*'—“ '‘I’ of their own party, that the measures uf th* liCgislature of South Carplina, amount to absolute des[)oti8in—despotism not only against the personitl and political J-iglits of the citisen—but Ihe worst of all ; dcsi>o«' tism over th« consciences of men. Their public press, speaks still stronger . ... ,n language ; “ Men must ba made to swear.” —>1 ade mo raifgtd—made me (/rar jous Heaven! Miiat the ann/'tiiy of And ihtw laid iw in a ditch! j •"« Ooaper im th« uatiot^ |^r. ; posea of ambitious and designiDg men ? I “ Men musi be made to swear /”■—to rj. olate their consciences—»o commit wilful and corrupt perjury—to forfeit ev«ry claim to truth and integrity in tius world, and the hope of salvation in the next ; ‘And all this, to uphold an ambitious and tyrun* iiical faction—to susUin John C. I’allu-un,' nolens colens, against the will of the people; —And this is nulliticMtion. A party which holds its ascendonry by Touch Uk.'c ! sure an thcre’i* vengeance In ll.ix fi^l, I’ll sear the luoon M'itL thy broken skull! But—one cmbrace before tlioa die : (a»t- iiip) ’Tis litst to part in friendship. Feeling Ah ! tliou haat soiiif virtue yet j good 1 always thought 'twas beat To give the devil his due; I’ll send you to-morrow or next day, the p»|»«*r I n,’ad to the Cabinet, and the rest of (he Covernmeut, for you to print. It’s loo and tl»e |uesti>n is n#*t how wo got itUo our ! I"''f! lor lliiN letter, and you can ask Zefiel Itresent coi.ditnin, but how we cun best get j Bi*!e!o\v, it he liaint slop’d payment, to jmy ! Fe-ling My ho-honey {lotting) ot.t of it, 1 iK'lieve, *;i_\s ho, (turnin with y*'U fur ibe expense of |irin(in en’t, and tell' 1’** »iatid by liiec, day “ l*o'* to ••Very b«idy—tor he is an amuzin ^ Inm for me if his head i.s above water, its I ({It iMivr IS full of tPHjble and di^r-»«» : /Aj/is iIk* true and only jw iiit j'nore than ran t»e ixtid of iiK>st folks—and lid I tell'd the (iineral tother day, ■«)« \ *"’* tordiscuwng. “ Not exactly, 8j\s I, i lie better hold on all he’s got, and ride out itientl, we uiual l«njk into this maiicr i “'Veil, H.iid lie, a» regurds i *he stoim it he can. IIis liut letters to loe 1 tell you—why, wiy* he. Major, the it tVoni me to make any ! »^'>y tbings are shockin bad in \Vall-»tieti, ernwnt aiut to bin me—i‘tery man uiiaiiiht him; ho is decidedly the but tin* wor-t there nint as bad as things aie meMjaitamI hi« fiiult. \\ .11, say* ,'“Vorite of the people, and bh^mld be the tii- i‘w jy est and S-.utli, and they will Ije riiP one did It I’m r.ertni—thinijs went ‘>f every man in « llife t\ho wishes to, «'i rwe y tl, i( tlit; (HMjpie ilon’i di cide pretty Ab?u:L:;,^hrk:;?.J5:i:;:i-a„..i„^) f-naiue.-fi„es and .1... * imurisonment—hv di* ranrV>iMni^ni un1 Tis Kwu-e-tcr than the IJree-e-zcs that ev-er gambol 'I'ili thi break of day A a-uioiig the beds of rosct. thou shall not die. and night, And li-ight like Her (hie) cu-les. I'il tca-e-rach the parson (hie) a li-ttlc wiftdoni. I’ll preath (hie) Icm-pcr-ancc too. I’ll live oil iiiil-(hic) k and huney, And—(foltiiip) bo ihe ha-hap-pi-usat man ou taUk. (hic.) Z. imprisonment—by disfranchiwment and expatriation of its citizens, is an odioua despotism. Such ia nullification in SouthfCarolina j and may God in his mercy, save Ihe |>euple of Georgia from its power ! Standard of Union, > a jerk if he kiKicks o»er a doz«u folks ofeillier end of him; weean’i ' th ■ Other end »ay it amt hi* fiiult—miw ‘‘•‘■'“•e ln«n> « hu h 1 sincerely desire—we >>f«tty n.ufh jtsi HU with ttie Hank, ita\!» * put him down, whieh n«» iimn desires.! •I if you can’t sea it, all I can say i» I * thing* in all (-■overnuients—and j jin this in partidilar, that require cookiii np ell M, rays tha f^ineml. something b« ti»re the (it-oplo should be served with ii ;, t I* »li4ic any how, for I liegin to think but the .M.ijor hanjs the dish o\er to tiie olitics arid utotM-y mnttera dont alwtiy a : people, raw and uneK>k’d, and lets every together. I’ll call ail oor fo.ks to-i nian dress hi* own dinner—this is not riglit. F«rly York CaLbage r, M»y« IK. 1»I 1.^1^ . -»-UH^ioat 'fcu (’•btuet aud look into the matter, and !'»»d thinks that |H>liti.ians shouldn’t n.eddle II Major prepare yourwlf, for I’m go- m money matters, when we ull know that ! \\,ili,.;;ion do 1.. turn over u new lea'', that I’m deter- nfnic of us would now Ix! here wilhout par- I'riiwh do. 1 ,M,—aitd with that h«’ i^Mjed orders i>, and that /xir^y can't hold togctiier wilh- • * tM 'Illi; il] Oi' Ib.JJ, H U SAI.I: AT uitrATF:ii’s vlMctlicinc tmrt i onuctiinuivu AM.iXC Mllltll AlfK I hi; i oi.i.wing: ST. LOUIS, (Mo.) DEC. 27.— of Comterfexiers.—General Jones, Mar shal of the Missouri District arrived in in this city yesterday from an excursio»lo After a long perirMj of comimrative ob-' " astern part of the State, in qu»st of s. uriiv,we fmd the celebrated Lorkxzo • ® «as completely sue- Senate of the “>« e»pe(iition, allowing from the re- ■'c°icer- “ Mr ‘•“'y located in an obscure corner of petitnMi to ■ present’, They were brought to this dfy, ill il.;L w,in. i "I'® undergoinif nn examination beforp tuis toun-1 Minshal liiuiid upon them all implements of- their trade, djes, printing apparatus, paper, &c. togetfier with a large amount of Counter* fcit notes. It is to be bopod that the Pen* iteniiary may be compltted in seosou/or their reception. • l>'ucrntay loiip ScarUfc-f'ciiijh [yu'irli t Slioil Top 'Snin (III presentuU that gent'etnan in li^iit somewhat new. 'I'he gentleman ! vwisone who was veiy notorious, and had 1 bttn continually going about doing much ■giK>d all over the land. It seems that the ' ^t'lilieinan some years ago, hud diverted iii:j altontii>n from imrnortul to moital con- , cciiis, and had iiivenled a medicine for the body, as well as the soul, fur w iiich he had While a number of bays ware skating-on do ,S. arlit Turi.lp i!o I.IIIIJ; liUi k uiiitrr do Whili' Her. J I a Iture atjbnfe He : d do Kcail, I'lirl* d Mred do V. hilc III iid do Sipia-h thinks I ns It I* the fashion now n days n.on.*y, the oflie.-* wont lie ginnl for notliin p do »d pii|S‘r*t lo the Cabinet, I’ll give em —and without otlici's the party will l>e all |,aii IiuUh 'u Ci'rocn C’ueuiulicr that will 1** worth reading, and I gtie*!^ '•eattered : look at iny own state, «»e how Ljrcc i:nj;li»b i?avoy do KarU Ituueh do \ WI1II iiiMt !••• ^ pjfj. I ndoii C'’uie very man lo lie St Ihe Cabinet Chutn- «hJI ollice, and tliHl ojirt aint worth a fig "'ijo^^ir " iiie next day jiiM after breakfast—and without niqfuy, and so it cone s to this— •M to work pottin down all my notions got a |«irty, and a gH^I strong one; i;uf i, ( nrl.d Hot. ^olc riling, for I exiH-cled a rough time nnd nnd that party u.ust ker p all the 4lices and , i «»«nj-n Kale or C f,..rce v.hue lua. ett> sharp * t of f.-llowt to beat ,>»?— control of all the monej ; f-^, with-nt ‘ 0.-i"Vor' - -‘I- p«'~. n-.igi.tlx- passed V.;r its contmnation, f«uenty , III eonMdera.ioii of the insniricient profits he ; the occurrence, had derived from it. liis profits had his companions adopted the following ; l.^ nsuliieient, i.ithe language of the gen- »nm-the lighteM boy \i I I,' . I I J 1.4 lyin*; down, crawkd towards the cdi;* of , thiiiun liKiiSt. 11, to make owe nnud ^^aHl)tue { r , J . • » . • ii . . .1 p, . .. . VI* - -A the hole, the next litfhlf'st holding him hy other.— ihe pcti(i.»ii, Mr. >V. said waa . - ’ . , * i. u .1^ j 1 1 f * n M ithefeot, and the third holdiritj the j^ecnnd. ' si;:ll0d “ liOKKNZO J)ow. ' - ’ ^ On motion of Mr. Wilkins, Ihe petition ill u. the last 4ie that tire Senate will tbiiigs work there; and jiist they should ll„„„ , an oflii.nil eopy of in one w bile. It took bere. e must have the I$:ink—* Red l> iuh do I upon all night to write il out—and 1 do any thing without it. it is nil g.^id e- ncKlc*. to It, for I think the time is comc to nough if we could get liiddle and Ins fiiends Tnr or l imusand fvlk m-e the) hant got a green horn out of it—but soemg we have tried thut and l “v. d do ul»it when thi*\ try me. 'can’t succeed, this must go down, and tlitn ^.„rnip M the l.'ine'ral had rm all up in the o"'* ‘“'‘''r our own lasinon uM Chamber yeslirdav, and such —mifortunately, »-.iiie w ill snil. r—U-ea,,^ Norfolk fuId do ,..,Hlin I iwver aee-l wt all the while o*’e u.ust, 1 sup,K,so, coilect its debts Uu *)-• I'^h do one I.K>J the table, whillin a piece “"J "‘"d what is the sullermgs ot , ' b.ngle-and the Ginerul was walking 'I-’P danKHi-: ’em, tellin ab-Kit the troubles pir/y. now all hilehed togetli- oni.mM.d .^•iiev all aboiit tha country, and askiiu; er—think ot all ot us going l«ck again to U hiu- l’..,tlai.d 'iiev all about the country, atHl asking , - , we'arotogitoulnfthcai'rap—I kept |T>*« "c« iuw-and you, Mr. Amh.or, to n. 00 niOHt all on 'em, nnd U.lh ears on " ^:l««»ol-i‘Hl you Mr. Seerrtary, t)murh the hull on ’em, and such a keeping a simp—and >ou to plonghing- 7..I1 and tangle I never s.i- since tha day '« 1''“'*“'’*-' con.-and you to ilig- IWn.n^v.llo cum over to the Jacksoi. IK.tat.K-.-und you to prmling news- - - And you Major, minb he, ‘what Otiion l#nrgc Sodtch k I’li'iiid Spinnage I’rirKlv do New I Unders do a chiiice kirid, Irfing UhiifKehra HIdod ltet ;iorj;iu Walrr Miluii, a rior kind I .irirc .Musk Melon |\ 1 jct;ilile I'y- ter |N.i»lurtion |( ayt iiin Pi pi>tr jfJard' n I'r'-ss jl’aNani ol'l’i-ar 'FiMliiani of Apple i( III led ^cr^l• y Uolid I VlK ry jDoulilr rcppi r Hrass \>paragu» ISncc lldim (Indian Creeper orCyprup was liien rt li.ried to tlie eonnnittee on tne j .ludiciary.—Jiahi^h licgi.yttr. I Pranklin nvd his Lc^anj.—To-raorrow will be the I’-'^th Anniversary of the birth : of I’lrnjainiii rranUlin. 'i’lio bouse made memorable by that eveiit, stood opposite llie Old South Clinreh, in Milk-slieet. : riie Doctor died at l'liila(ie!pliia, April 17, 'lT!IO, aged S-4. 'I'he $^1444, which he j leit lo the Young .Married Artificers «f this city, ainounted hy tlie last (unpublish- In this Mianncr ihey proeet'ded, the ice bending under them fearfully, until they rescued their comrade ; thus evineing u learlesfness which was only equaled by tho ingenuity of their plan. Lexington, Kij.,Janvary 10. \Ve Icarn, that on Tuesday evening, about 10 o'clock, a rencounter ti'ok place at Biennan and Postl.thwait’s Hotel, in this city, bt'tween S>imuel !V1. Brown, Ksq. of Louisville, and Thomas P. Moore, Kx- Minister to Columbia. Mr. Hrowa assault ed Mr. Moor® with a cowhide, ond alter ed) report, to 8-'l,ltj4 19. A gentleman, inrtirtitig several blows, in the struggle who was one of our select men, when this ensued, both of the parties \»era lK*qiiu8t was tendered, remarked to us yes- giijjhtly injured, before they were separa- terday, that there was quite a debatn on (d. ''fhe cause of the assault by .Mr. its acceptance. It has long been ndminis- was, we learn, a personal 'injury r # *• I ^ ^ TV no, *» V |V~Uiii« «i i^'aiiaa ii " teied, wo may add, in violation of the con- received from MOOTO.—Inttlligcnccr. I more IPai 'y .tiinr Pea IjCharltEn do jWhite .Marrow fat do Sugar do hnari'Frolific do .and that wu. jmt after hi. clecln.n- , And you .vinjor, mins lie, wiin ...istoni ' ■ thought I was determin’d the first go .>''» ^ V"" «'•> I" »nv noihing—And to nglita I hcaid J"'’' ' Swelling Parsnip llfefugie or 1000 lo 1. ; was an chap list behind me tell the (Iineral but I thought I woiihln’t till he got through, j perrons nmdinjr an order from any part of tin* , ties.— arrr was o/ir Mu hr in the Cubinet who I*® reeled it oil tor nnire than an hour, or the adjoining Couniu^, wiih the CA>11 enclo-j j " pretty muJh all the trouble, and that ' pretty mueh m the same '^ay aIw.ut things ,^lcchanicaUn,protemcnt.-^ At a Camp meeting, a number of fe, ''Bswritin letters that went all l!in white in general, and Major Downing in pnrtieu-] ,Y. 7vfc. 7M. lt>31. 'Jt terdaj .shewn a pair of patent Hlaek.smith s males cantinued standing on the benches, 1 dition of the will, which limits the bounty | i to Marriul Mechanics, of i>tlutcn the age . MACON, JAN. ‘S.i.—Our streets begin l of'Jlanil 23—that class having proved, to put on more of a business aspect than j owing to ihc great change in manners and |hey have worn for some weeks—though eiistonismnce I'raiilihn’s time, (an advocate Cotton still c«tines in but in small quanti- ltn>, t>t I iir/i/ marriage) much smaller than tjeg. 'J'he scarcity of money is uiiprece- anticipated even by the town authori- dented. We quote the price of Cotton at ■liosti'n L'entinct, I6/A inst, jg al'i.— Telegraph. mho reit on ’em—and if it warn’t tor i lar—ond ns wnm as he stopt, I got up ami ihry cirtild make the ijeople Ulieve jumI «•>»!• »•«» any 1hkI> got nothin more to -wy f 't they wanted—that it wa^ hin fault that N> "«e said a word. Snys , is «l'n» is '^ t wa.obhged toshilt their ground put in writin—lor then there xvill be no III the |{„„k nndcroM tracks rverv dav. inistak.—no turnin corners—no doilginal 'I liinln’l iM-en for him the ileiH*«ite»'would terwards. ‘ (>, no, s;iys he ‘ there is no no- removed/>,.•«nw there warn’t no ce.>-.ity to put any thing in w ritin ot this ■ly I’lirid’ in Ihe llnnk.and the jKjople natiiie; that aint mv wa> jays he. I ha\e .Moi.tcnted—flndifilwurn’tforA/mthe ul'vuys said ‘I don t like to get into the '•rmn. nt r.Mild now niuke the iieople be- newspaiK r-;. \S ell,sa>s I, that s jiist where lii«i IhddU' was the Mole cause of their «t' 'liir. r—what 1 m goin to Sii) now, says •n no inonev now a days,” and -ni on. 1 I. '•* »" "'.V |XKk, | m black and while-- « ‘"1.M whiihn a niimt and cast eye and with the {.m«ml . ,K.nii.ssion says , ' r my left -htrtil.h r, nnd the fellow d.nlg’d I’l! read it lo the mcmk-rs ot the nb lut, "'["I the limeral in a Hash, an-! **lien 1 and then I II git it printed, and "'Irf iindthe ring 1 tonnd prett> n.iich : you I'lin read it, and every man shall have '•'ill on ’em looking it me aiiil there fa copy on't, except (. Iiiy and the rest ol the —lor tho llic law savs they are part ^ .F i>osi' to (lulilic sail-, ai iiif nKiuencc oi me iSclIow's are so constructed as to keeji up tne arose an late Vii lor (.■ lUuiidin inCliarliiite,all the person- m ascending as well as descending, dins on . ^ ^ tliArrvUi.* CDiith tn lliuke USH rKx«i>rt Bellows, invented by an ingenious French- notwithstanding fietpienl hints from tho Nale. man, who is hims*;lf a smith, •}"• minisier to sit down. A reverend old gen- ON >V,)nim!ay «if February (’ourt, I wlit ex-' city l>y a merchant of New-\ork. The ||f>man noted for his very good humor, iiosi' to (lubiic sail-, at thf rcKidence of Ihe Bcllow's are SO constructed as to keej) up tho arose and said—“I think if the ladies stan- tho benches knew that they had in their stockings, they would sit iK-d nod fntiiimrf,\c.\c. (■"'H thereby ciiablo the smilh to make use dbwn.” The address had the desired effect; Ttrnu will U inude known at ihc time of Bulr. of the hard coal. 'I'ho blast can be reguia- there was all immediate sinking in the led to suit the convenienre of the operator, seats. A young minister standing by him All iH’r^ons indehird to thr rstate. are rr^ It IS staled that the pair of which we and blushing to the temples, said, “ O, Ibsenre. 'I'o .Mr K.^n"nicT«l.o i'^Vuthorised lo r.'- : «rP speaking, although only of 30 inch, will brother how could you say that !”—» Suy roive the imnu', and to whom thoHi-havinjr claims da tlio wol k ol a >‘1^ inch Bellow s. that,” replied the old gentleman, “ it is a Ckas. I'ouritr, 1st inst. fact; if they had'nt holes in their sim-k- ^ ‘I lili® to know how they are to get \arspapirs.—I positively’ never knew them on a man in the country who was loo poor to take a ncwspai)er. Yet two out of three The Rev. Henry A. Rowland, Pastor of apaiiihl the I’slnir, are miurstcd lo pr them Ibr naviiicnt within the titiw pr."«rribc'd by law. ( H.MJLFS Jl liNO’l’, J.//,!’), Frlninry’ak.l^'M. xotk’T:. "I III word said—And lo riulil'the Giii- S. iiiit ■ . i m /ih.m. , Walk’d up tome and sto|t’l nglit in of tiie Government, they amt got no I'usi-, accounu should be closed "*■1 nnd |i«)k'd me strait m iho face, sa\s ness w ith mix pnin-r n-nd lo the I iibinet^ | onre a ye;ir. you’ve hearn all is that l.w', L s I, Cuu-ral.” The Gm-1 N. H. I .nil rarry on d,,e H-n- A I.T, ttiope indcbU'd lo the t-ubscrilicr by Book ! res|>ectai>le |K5ople, read no papers ()ie Presbyterian Church, rayeiteville, .V. IW Account, will phase csll nnd .sctile, eiihir —As 1 i5|>eak geiier- (’.has received a unanimous call to the nt niv old Vtaiid in the Smilh-easl wine I I should like to know what you have to , rriil nodded his head, and iliul was enul, | i;i,i|,ij„jr. wh n ho has ajfood stock in reply—ik> man shall leave the room ' and says he, .Ma jor, do \ ou read iImI I' M***''', „(■ of a sn ’ 'lie (Jineral till this trouble is cleared 1 know yon we 11 enou ii to Kno.v it w ill he j i'*~“ Major" t>a}s the Gmcral (and hislipa an lioiic*t mow oI thing*;, tiud 1 don t caio I snptrior oiialilv, l.w for ca>h. J.XAll.S T. ASIU'KV. CharJotU, A', f, Jm. t*i', ully, 1 ho|H‘ I fitleiid none. If I do, the |>astoral otVice in Pi'arl Street Church, greater nccpssity to speak out. IIow ina- York.—Soulhtrn Ktligious Telegraph. nv w ho think themselves too poorli> lake a'new.->pa|>er, pay as much daih for dnnk. Paganini, it is said, has left England with .Miserable nian, ihou art poor inde. d !— J*r. I'rankUn, ui>'vards of one liiindred thousand dollars, gained bv bis extruoi'dinary ])Ci'foraiRnce«-