MlJrERS’ & FAHI^IERS’ JOIJRNAIi. FIU^^KD AMD Pt'OLlNI^U E^RY SATL'IIDAV, B\ THOMAS J. HOI.TOiy....*:!! \RI.(Vn’F^ tOFXTV, IN'ORTU-V’AnOLIlVAr I WIU. TKACh you W^HCUCK TM« ■owr.l^ or THtJtAltTII AW^BRI.NQ out KKOM Tilt CAVKRNtl or THE MOUNTAINS, MKTAUS WIIU.II WTU. UIVK STRKMi'lll TO OUR HAMIS AND 8I'BJK«'T ALI. NATfRK TO OUR USK ANI> rLK.V^l'RK. »R. JOHNSON. vouiv. -zT, ihTm. ^ •niK jlfjiierfi’ & Farmer*!’ Journal ufintcd and (Nibluibi'd evury nioriiinj; U I'»o aunuiii, >1 paid in aUvaix e; fue UoUar* »nd t'ij'ty Cent* il not paid until llicr tJia expiration ol' three monthH; Thrft D^lat$ at tlic end of the year. No paper will ^ di^ioontiuued until all arrearn^«a ue paid, unlp»» option «f the Lditoi. PVEKTISKMENI’S will be innertfd at Ftfly CiiU» p»t M]u*re (not exceeding ‘iU luu**,) li>r tlie fir»t iiiM-rtion, and 25 cent* Tor tiip. week—tif tl for three wn^ka, for oi»! ■nutrL'. A liberal diwcoiint will bo made to thoxc wbo adrertiM! by the year. DjTOn all advrr- luruiwvt* conuiiunicated for publication, the Animals in JVin/fr.—There is no sub- jpct iiHiro eoga^iiig to tbe student of nature, than that which retnles to the hyberimtioti of various aniiiiaU of our latitud*. Tlie raccfHiti aud woMichuck who lay up A)od lor their winter Htock, hylxMnnte iu deiis a Corrcspoiiflcnce. From the New York Daily Advcslines. il wanted none but the b«!st kind of horses —real Concfctogas—and it want every one who knew how to drive such a team. The have tbe All the Jererninh Wadsworth, of Hartford, with « m oinnion on tl'*’* i fr,|l^.s on tlie road, or the country vtew of rxncriinent, procured a youiiji' I oilier wiifijic.rirrs lik«'d the squire atnozing- wtMKiehuck to bf! (lettfd in tlii‘house. Tp- * ’ acroinplibhnicnt ol this iinportHiit j |y ; (,f. was always rf-ndy to give’em a lift jpct ; thr iiiitjor hfcntii*- coi.vinct-d th.t the , ,,g ,i.p',pu,|, niid whenever motii? the rorks, and iu deep burrow 8 l)nlow ... ...r— - front. Th« former, it in true, soinetimes „ '“8*® j that seein the Iblks in iVnnsylvany in February, taking advantiii;e of a thuw “'•««» "la’'>« *^‘l'osites to the C abinet, en-, and strongest hors«‘8 and the biggest II *' ^ . ... nnttaA tncat\i\ ■ itnar i t Irt : . ® . . i . i * best liow to pretty good they told n his reposo ' ' " ~ gquirc to taKe the lines, tncy haint lost :umb.rofin..rtionin.uilbciH.tedontheinar. i«»ly »h« n-turn of warm weather. I t‘*e I'ave an a liiich jin or broke a strap; and there ,inot'themano»rrlpt.orUiey willbecoutinucd jam ciediby informed, that the laic ’ol. the casu, nud ***“|| warnt no complaints made agin him hy the until wrbid, and charjfed accordingly. ' ‘ • — - •All cominunicationi to thr (^itor uiuat eonie the VOK K of KXPKKlHiNC K. Puriug the debate in tbu Virgmta Le- aiur« upoo the Bank queblion, Mr. arlaod, tlie fiMutber fruui Ainhurbt, uitidc r«n)«rk : »Twenty four year* ago he had ex- bis opioiou, aud he fra rod not to (^rPM it now, bere or elsewhere. In • 11, he was in a minority in this Aasem- abrn rrsoluttoDS were pasM^ reharter of the Bank of the L nited itro. He had theo m aeat in aiiotlier j torpid aninibl, after l\ing hll>j«n or Iwt iity aiich of tl»e liegmUture, and ho had ; niinutes on the carp«-t U-fore a cliceriiig firunjem*—althouyh he did iu>l ar-jfue mtht'siliin^ ro«.>m, would begin to j|t» to hiui»plf an uncoiuioon portion of ■)awn, thru btn tch out one liinb aft**r an a! (iualil>*—lo vot** against thuac rvsolu ■OS. Ni't more than three )car» after at period, tlt»*r« wna not a mure popular (letted in tlii‘house, i p ••n the approach of winter, the animal iiu- r., i i - ■ pelK il by instinc t, took up hm abode fnr ; they got schorl of [irovender, tiie Squire hvUTiwtion behind a row of rabks in Iho ! ^ lullillcd hss uiuicrtakir.g ^ refus’d to lurn out some of his to Keep c^llur-not by burrowing ia the ground, ;'=• >«l«>rtar.t^ documei.t al-, horses fmni siilii'riii. Kvery thing but hy making i»r hitnsulfa small excava-1 V*^ recommend it to our rc a-. .ton on the surface, in which he p|„,aed ' body sa.d al hou.o and abroad there warnt himself m a circular form, a position the f «ubj.'cl lhat has ever been pre-1 ^ U ell. about most nciommrdating to his condition. 1 , , four years ago we began to pick a quarrel Many times during tho winier, Col. W. to j M AJoK IJOW MNC’S OFFICIAL I'ATKR, | t|,R Sipiirn, and its hi’en coin on every gratif} tho ciiriuflity of his friends dirwled Head to tho (.^abim-t, and niajors, auditors, i y,.ar pretty niurh aflrr lliis fashion. 'J'he the woodchuv-k to be brought up. '1 ho i uodcr socr«’tari«s, unJ sub-post mas-' Jirst go olf some of our folks wauled the ters, and the rest of the (lovenimenl, on j Squire to change some of hm leadin hors-es the‘jyili day of f)('t^mber, A. 1». lt*03 —ihey said ihf? brevd warnt right—he —and primed for the u^e of all the citi- [ought to put on the lead sfune Albany trot- zensfrom Downmgsvdic to Ne w Uil'.ans,' trrt;—that they were the best horse on the along Iho sia coatt, and up tho Mis«i.i-' |m,c1 he could have. The Squire did’nt like bippi, Missouri, and so down ihc lak*’i t* cLange—he said the horses he had knew across )>v the Ktie ('anal to Albany, anil. the road us well a^ hetlid, and they wonld’nt along hy the middle route over New Jer-1 Uilk nor kiek up, and when they came to S''j , IVnnsylvania and Maryland, to up hill work he could dejH'nd on’em Washington—and away again to all; Then ag-tiii our folks wanted the squire parts t.| triati*>n, and tooxeiy Uxjy. !,,, haniess—ihoysaid they had new Cir.\r.i!\i-—aii'j (if-ntlr'inen of the (,’abi-colhr.i, and a horse could pull as other,o|MMi Its ejes, slowly rais! if.'telf on Its ti'ot, and walk rather awkwardly from | the immedialc lut^uence of the fii-e, a|i(H‘ar. '.ji tH IU tiiis tit.d* thmi the re-chu,rtcrin;i > mg very weary till returned to kd in the | Iwnk of the l’nite«l iStates. And tin* j cellar, uniformly refusing ruiirishment of tiin^nt was produced by th« general ex-1 any kind during the tuTrfi of its h>t»erim- ncBceofthe neci-iKiit) of such an insti-j lion.—Amiruan Jtfurnal of Science. j lien. Ho It would be at tlie pr«M-nt p«-1 nj. Tlie B«nk might (o down under the kind of folks, people like to deal with any way who have got tnony to loan—they know that talkin politics, nnd gittin thingn into snarls jest to answer party purpases aint the way to pay iuterest nor principal not her, and politicians in a Bank are the worst I'olka in the world for the owners of tho Bank, for the most on ein haint got mooy of their own to lend, but they ure plagy ready to loan other folk’s money to brother polilicialts of the same party. No no, a man who has got his innny loan’d out (and its jest so with a Bank) wanl to see every body busy and industrious! and mind Mieir business and increase theip property, tor then they will be able to pay interest and principal too ; they dont lik» t* see tbinga all mixed up with politics and people quarrellin and disputin, and whett they do, they git their mooy back in their [HK-.kets again us soon as they can, for they know lhat politiLS uint proHtablu business. Then it comes tu this, that if the Bank ia what I have said it is (and its nothin else,) it aiut such a ruonster as sime folks try to make us think it is, and instead of bein a dangerous monster, I see and I know every Uidy else must see, who dont squint, but looks it straight in the face—that its natur is jest like the natur of any man who has got property in the country and that ia to havo every thmg go on in harmony and with industry and w ith honesty and accorditi to law, no jangles aud tangles and talkirt politics in porter houses and bar rooms, hurt rain, for Ibis man and pullin down that man —tlint kind of work dont ch'ar up new landu nur plough up old ones, it dont keep tli«i hammer goin, aud the wheels turnin ; &ni| doiit pay interest nor principal notber. But some on you say the Bank has to* much power, and that Sjuire Biddle mijh| U r h am that a new melhol of m.nking nr!, and the rest on you here presi i.t, com-1 fnui h a”;iin vs iih 'tia as willi the old fash- ' i«n'd •.,liars. Wt-ll the Mjuiie didn’t like tlifit notion nuthcr. Su to rights thej told ; W ell there is my eld friend, Capt. Klihu F uinorn'iw raiK«*d iig-JUMl it; but tbr e ■ fa-hionible tails ha# Utelv cumo in vo^uo i jxmn tiu (loverniM'nt ; I s|»eiik to yii :is | i„i,'d «>llars. Wt-ll the Mjuiie didn’t like do a good deal of mischiefif he would, an w'-uW ?M»l f«*ll round, b*-forr the I'm ui WaahiU”lon. ln-l‘-Hd of a p-rsonul a niati btundin ri^iit Ix tween you and the | '■ ....... ^ . to fay aiiit ralcii-I the .'•’quire he must give up the liiis; well j Bunker of the Steamboat President, runniit j«»:rv.iiit, i'ach tif which is of courso nn- laied to irinke any on \mi hati;'e v;iir il>ui he woulJn’t do he said, vv:tlniut orders i twut New \ork and Providence—he’ajo{ v> hat I am goin Sui'-anf Ameru-a would call lor the ^call, n Iwiskel of rards is *fnt round b\ a (-eopi* bli>iiu>utai'a Bank.”, '«»frv.iiit, rach t»f which is of courso nn- laied _ , xwflred by it call of th«* s;iine nalun; ; thii-'' ojr.nion, so much a" to make \i u Know j iVoni the owners of tlie leum ; ihev had ap-' sich another monster—there is no tellin making a vaM saving of lime nnl tattle., mine ; y>u hive pretty mutii all on von , jh-.mic.i him, and so long as they kept him i what a dangerous monopoly” of power, lha| Th»* altentirto of th»* rea«ler will bear- \N> hear iJaily mention of “tlie march 1 had\ur turti. and now c.un-s iny turn :, tluTe, he would go i.lung aud oo Ins dutj,! eritur’s got in that boat, i was looking in> vt«*d bv the rcm.irks of Mr. W'rbster. 1 int«'llect this wo suppose may lie called ii'any t)i:og I wiv has sharp corneis aiici jesi as he hud doi;e—und it vvarnl n^ht lo , to it when I caniO on with him a spell aga ^ p.irt which r*’lateii to the attampt to ' n,(. r/uirrA of *ihstiivtvji, since a bim key vrajx-s the skin a hcth*, it is iH-caii'C I j keep stoppin hinievei) day on ih'i road, and | and he was shown me how he managed it. fray thr p«>T aanit'^ the rich v*»h pecii-1 calls for bus ma^ti r uiul mistiess,' h'liiit had lime to file tho ed^es sinoc'th.; try mg to ijiakr him try new plan::. j It he was to fasten down the kivers of them riy f'>rc»Wr in th« manner of its ilHiverv,. which are returned by ithi.r black‘\ s f>>r ! I'll "i»e you my notions pretty much as | And with that, all our folks made a regu-j *'*» mortal big kittles ho has got in hi* retMjkes, in Pijvore and ruerited terms, their empU*\crs ; and thus jiettple form ac- you hrf ad irom tlif BHkers, and leave ],jp battle on lhes«iuire; si u.e toi k away , *'“‘1 blow his belle^sesa spell, he woalil y*ii to slice it or chunk it as iK'at may suil waggon a part of tha bags and j smafeh every thing for more than 50 acreg you ; nnd every man rn«y butt* i his ovui • l i.. . i .. i... tlice j.'t to [ le.'.so Ills lancy ; tiiat aint iny bnsini ss so as it is hisn. U'p aitj fierc not only to fix nn some plan to git tlie cijuntry out of troiildtf, hut >* aii*iii|ti tneiiliM the baser pnsNiwim and cmhiiily ol tbe l.itMring man against is iiivru wealthy otighlxjr. VV hai .Mr. '. cud la true. It i« the man wbi> labors, ;>o earns hi» daily meal, vv ho is nio*t det*p- mtereiitcd in a fixed and pernianenl irrei »y. It w your *|x^'ulutor« in otlie»*, (>ohtu s and Mtocks, wlio profit by ii> do. ngt-mcirt.— V. S. Ttlrifrapfi. Ftirfwrll to Steam.—Captain Encksoti, 'Lmdon, has conlrivel what he teniia a j lone Kngine, by v*bich air la to be nub- ituti-d tor Mi-aiu—the motion of pistoiik ■ng sustaiiH d by alternately heatmg and i(Mlrn»ing the air above anU U low tbeu quainlatKi* with each *thirhy proxy. C'uwtltn JourunL boxes, aud diviiied it louud among ihe dn vers of other wugi'ocp, w ho wa^ mixed in the s ufile too, •. nil away they’d oil with it. Some uiidi rt(K»k to cut the squire’s traces, they ihoiioht they vvns only leather to how It L"»t iiilu troiilde ; and I am'.,,„j t'raren;hiit the squire was tf>o j yum to say a liitio on both pmts. hen a ,|,.t.p for ein, lor his traces waschains kiver- j ci’imlly smnkfs at the rong .>iid w ith ihe jd, loather, and so they spilt tiieir jack- ,, .. , V /• # »; I r ;/•#». '«n»dat north east, some ft.Iks n;ay con-' gome wi-it on a head nnd rolled I rrm finhri, A. ( . to liluktly, t:ul of tni . ^ , ,, i . i , , , , , . . Pfh htire Itiiil Uot'd ami to Si fi.'lc oiK imi the w in.Uovs t ,|,p ^oad, end dug deep holes, and ,»V V/A. i»/A ' Itiedall ti.ev could to makeihe sqnirenpset, . o-i't and correct It ; so lhat the clnmhlv i i,orsps: but ihc sq.iire kept on, his horses ers of the Bank would serve Squire Biddle. 'r'lhlwXh ^ didn’t rimch, and as thev had drngM the And that aint all Captain Bunker knows , . _ . , lively, J.. ::;f :\:d ^ «.r.d bl-w any way. : b,. waggi.ti over wor-. rOads m ine.r day, j if lu‘ hurt any k>dy with h.s boat he run a bting furnished fruuj small »ub» s - Monrfny. Widnemlav and ^*-llIrd»J Now there is a low things we must h>ock ' ii,ey ^ve„t ulong without acciiirnt. \\ ell I chanco of hiirtiu himself too—he knows mnreiing tltc rylioders, which tubes are „K.rninr>. at S oVlock, A. M. and atrivf «t into a httk, and then we will know more „ovi. ii,ms out''thut all the waggons that j ton that it is the interest of h'is owners not - oa.trucied as to furni*h altrmately thn j l» next Uayi in inn.- for ihe an for rrUTtburt:. j •„ e,^amin— | ,ir„ve ofl’ so with part of the squi're's loud to have any accidenis aboard any boat !— ■I and heated air circulating 'hruugh 'rvTrrMo^uhy I NVhat kind of a critter the Bank of the ; are m trouble, T r the first [..C’e of muddy , for if people git scalded in one Steamboat. »mwith.Hjl ».'arcely any losa "f‘done. , A. M. ami ur-' Tnitcd States raly is. road, they all stuck fast nnd there they are i they II keep clear of all on em—and tho *(j p^Hiihin i»f tui*l prr hour Only, , rive nt r»)rti«»tipu!li tiu! Nortolk mnv \m W hetluT Its nntiirc is to (Jopf>o(1 or evil lo iufivv. One uaiits the other lo give him a j somo folks ihiiik uauks ainl hke feterinboata ir^ for a power of ou« liorsa. Ilis mod- ! Hi«.l. Tiu.c-froiu t.*lvni to ^^all•ul^.. Uiui i,,untrv and then w ind up with ' pull and a lift; but they say they all want j I can tell Vin that in the main thing they M isters and tlungs in general. j liHnig; the sipiire has jest como up with’em, fomnlpss lolks Viuvb not 'I'wrnly years ago the conntrv was in and now they want him to hitch on to cm trouble, a'nd’ fill’d up wiih all kind's of bank and drag ’em all out together; but he says - \i 1 VI J I I s; 1 ,r paiH-r—nigh upon as bud as old t’ontinen-' that’s impossible, the most he can do is to Mincrct irra/zA ,f Prinrt i a go..d deal whs a l.tlle worse.,take ha.k tiie load they took Iron, h.s wag- ■ r«t deyelopmtiits h^ve recently U'eii -ton. Tl M’ubli.- in- Ifimv body aint old enou-h to rememlier ^on ai d then perhaps they can git out ol . a.'a >1 aa n/4 I 11 n a4 ... * stones and mud at him and his round—D.>e3 any body want to know why ho don’t do it—be has been in a steamboaC as lung now as the Bank’s been goin and haint scalded no body—but he can do it in a minit il’he chusrs—well I’ll tell you why hedwn’t—it aint hiv inlerext and he don’t own no more of the boat than Squire Bid* die djes of the Bank—the owners of Ihe l)oat employ him to manage it becauw? they know he understamls his business—Ho knows if he did’nt watch over their interests they’d turn him out—and jist so the own* ers of the Bank would serve Squire Biddle. I ia ia succewiful •peratiun, and if his upra arc realiM-d, attain ha» Mco its bcbt jyi.~A. Y. Oiiuitc. ' dav milcn. I l*rr*..ii« fro-.!i th( S iilh anil P(iiiili.\Vr«f, art- inro|in >1 that my ! ine i« iii’LTM i |rd bv I’lck .V ^ Wi'I.oid'» I.:ni' from Li-xinpton, ',.1'. In I'r. iIiT. ' ickslmrg, al«tnei shoroiiph, aiid w ill loiivi (Irecn*- are exactly alike—for unless folks have got confidence in ’em and feel safe iu ’em they aint worth ownin—but when they all go on and meet no accidents, they are pretty gaoJ property—and the largest and strongest and cleanest, and quietest and best maDa^ied nit the most business. Now 1 think that’s enuf about dangerous inonopoliea for spell. Let us now sec what the Batik is about, and what wee've been about. Deacon (JooIenau—Has been in that I Bank as one of ils Directors ofTand on ever since it was a Bank, nnd I have heard ^v,ju iiuv, u.v .... ...w.. .. him say .30 times, (and he’s a man to bo folks of that day said we must have a Bank we’ll lake a look into the natur of the Bank,! depended on) he never heard n word about 1 1,1 r loru • lillie ir«n: « IT ( UUIK n" li IIUU, iiiii. .-.u « ^ . . . . . aoe, olino |os.sil, and mineral '*'f“lth of ^ ot luis ,|,„iu,„] xvants tu kiutl of tiie mud ; but it is more than Ins team.can I cminty. S:}oiiie months ago, Dr. for ilu it artnn.n.i'.iiiu n. monev I mean K t him *'t> to the Treasury, do, and he wont run tho risk ol breakin his h.ilun found onhn farm a coti»idcmble : The |.,.b .. a.r furil.r a.-.uroH. il.i «1! thn.e • him m:;h a mil- harness or injure los Imrsos to drag ’em all •dofniarl. I’urther development, h-e - „ half ^f dollars, not worth the cost, out togulier. NVdl now .hufs,.t about in ‘ the condition of things, and the longer they fO m;»dc by Dr. .'lorton, of considerable i 4li»ie». nil it has likewisr been found,; 1 othrr parts of the county, A: there aiu rii»g indicaliona that it is very alamdant. Near fHis place, (Farmville,) thero are' r"*- ' V , ; , , I lie I ona iraiDiareoi -ny indicatiuns Of copious beds of coal, Ol ... - , • • . »ery rwh and sufierior quality. A com-; 1 All bag-st-e and pnrcela at Use ri.*k of ihe (’„np,l States, and a gowi big one. ■ .„„i see what it really is, for to hear some | politics m it until aimut 4 years ago—and it t fltio pH[>er nnd ink u.sed every year of em**rprising gentb-mcn, are about owmm liu'lking a full test of Its charter. j Atojiper mill**, haiilikewis« lieen dis-1 ■'virrd, which is pronoiiiKod very rich, : and ttiore arc very btrotig indii a- j ti‘ir=^4 coul. I A* to gold there is no end to if, and ad- i •iciltoall, we Imve a %*il of great lifrtility. I It tho coal mine prov»r neb, it must be of, pf' al advantage to this re;;ion. Ff>r, ifj 'l*e Apjioniatox navigation is improved, as Ildimblle«is Mill we will able to coin- Hilli Bichan nd in the Pctershnrg cuil tralc. 'I'his would bniiji an ac«'es«tioii ol to our village.-/'’urmr»//: Tu. L'hron. F"re from Snirm to niukilv, HI 00 1)0. do. U«. to SiiH.ilk, 1fi (10 JAMI..S W. JFrFRFiY.-^. i'ri>p;irtur. K.d Hou*e.N.(’. Jr.ii. f. t‘0 (Ine stnm- ^r.uf to do the work well, and to ,„iUs talk about it one would think it was a ■ all came from our sendin every year since , clear out all the tra-,h—and so this bank shockmit monster, and lhat it is pretty much that time, some r.ilo pohticiaiej to help tho Was made, aud the first thing was, as there nothin else but squire Biddlo when it is no "■'•‘'''‘“'•a «o manmrft 1 « an was a vory little rale money in the country,. more the squire than the big waggon is, not Bank, went anl bo’t a good j'lg on't m „ prain more, liook al this long libt of •.•TIh- Farnirr«’ and Miners’ Journal nml 1- ,, i (o work here clearin away ; n;i„ies—well those are the owners of the ^ do o,„ - r„„„_h,.rc .1,0p,.c. ibrwarcl till ir acci>uMi» to me ibr iwymeiit. , h was a prettv dirty job to do so I toll, nation owns one hith, and tno rest is scat- * ...» •. .1 t .11. I . J . .-V.. oii^rkt^rT on ^finin of TiirijI',—The firat list of arti *■1*“* »ulj»*rt In duly wasdrawn upat Tniifa, you, and the Bank did’nt git through with i tered round, as you se^t; ,iere, among an it w ithout scratchin and smuttin its lingors j ever lasting biitcli of folks all about this rrctty considerable; and that vvarn’t the |country and some in forin countries; and 1 worst on't for the Bank. Tho Government j am glad to see on ihe list here old widdows IM.WTFiK'S lEOTKI^ Mjaitrastrrvilii'j S. i\ rHIIM* nSi'KInF'R Ipn- wui»»»»ii V iwt «»4v. - I - Tt 1' I 1 • t » H di rt hia Ihaiiki. t.i th. the Bank agree to pay filteon hundred j and old men, and trustees of chiluren, haint public in pent ral, for tho lib. dollars for tho privilege of doin j >;ot no parents livin and all«ur own people, oral KupjKirt hi» ■' reived, and T-*- anee oi' patl lluvini! piirchused the establisliiiirut nHllou»ehn,ro. • ,‘„ike it a"rc^ to take charge they put their money in the stock of this deacon say ..n-.pi.m coiii.lrv, «ikI I" p«y f !"■" i j™' “ " f“mgn»re, «iid . xr‘ ''““Tr*' f|»'“ * 1 wi.;: M;Vei;n.;“he U i«.w «.l.r.,.>rlarec. «„d rrn. (Joverumcnt told ein to, and to pay I the best on t is they luno paid our loUs a f/'fild M(s>rish town, and hence the word ' ^hich will m.Mo him to ,u,everv thina in the i oretty hij>h prennuni for every dollar out t.inir beeanie app'ied to all subsequent | th« May of UD VUDK|{S a 1‘Mjof a simihir ri«lurr». Dikay's Skvlfhes of Turkey other 1*0 directors to manage the Bank- the first go ofl', the Deacon says, they tho’t best to keep quiet, and make no stir about It ; for it was pieily much like findin skunks in the cellcr—the best way was to let’em alone, if they’d keep ther«, ond run the chance of their goiu out when they found there warnt no eggs to suck—but when they undertook to cum up chamber and smell about iu all tho cublwrds, it was time to snub'em—and then came trouble, and that’s jist about the way now ; and tho deacon says, and he is abi>ut right, that bank are jist as bad as " A vT i'" i all the pensions, an.l to do every thing in the | pretty high prenmmi for every dollai and j ,vilhout churgin anything fori—well theso are tJie folks then that This was a pretty I pose tho Bank ' tbe cellar—there aint one graiq of diflorence. Some on you s;iy we dont want a Bank noir—well that may be so—but wheu I got up this moniin it was plugy chilly till 1 got my cuBt on—now I ani warm and il may be I dont need a coat—but I think if I take my coat otr I'll feel chilly agin—and lam so certiug of this I wont make a trial on’t. Some on you say the owners of this BanV -:k,.nd the sale; ofihe Negi:;;;s'«v.;r„. | ^ a ! 3 • ::::tnt w^s hk:r;j^^n“bi |d;;^.i,le;i.h lum? not an atom oii’t. 1 never i haiiU the o»lnt'* of th»* late Coj. tiAH, ol rohimbia County, ((Jro.) took - on Mmday nnd Tuesday of last j the rouniry «tlord», and hi» »AU with Uie * NiM'plied with Siife and i«rcnro ' it to the Cioveinilient. - - _ . . > i> i. . I lot... wilh a (t«hI dry >ard, and prov. ,u(j- i,„rgan for the Bank—for all It got in i vvaiit this l>ank inaiiagid farn^.hed a. an low ruto... the market -•>' ^ • It-.A- .« in ln„n mo, TAHI.IlHtiall br l'tirni»hrd with the com- Now what way do they the imsinessof iro\. lyii iiiirnan tor me i)ani\—lui •• ••• — ■ o j • . . (urn was to hav.- the kecpin of the money, the Bank is to h>an money, nnd is jest t^.r u. , ' and when the tJoyernmeut did’ut want it all the world like any rich man whose busi- t,::,; ,h. Il„nk n,,sk. lf„a u It to»k. go«l I s Ulbre tbe Bank got things to last to dabble in politics or to let politicians upwards of (i-tiill each. 'I'he laimber " ingtiD^ 'nchiding old nnd young, sold for *'7^0*—tAa*. CiJiiritr. doire to i.leaM-, lo merit a rontiniinnre of pub- j LL'KOV SK Ulbl. 71163 lir pitronute. ' January l(f, Iblil. vvason drag nXt vvantcd a good many horses to ! knew one of yon re rale politicians who | had it hms.rnif-atid its time novv tohavea It, uHd us il bad a valuable freight io i ever could pay bis debts, aud they aiat the new bhufllo and cut-well that amt my tic