911XERIS’ & FARMERS’ JOURIfALi. AM) rt'JtLiwuivu nvKKY 8A’iujrI>ay, bV tikijias j, iioi/roN....cHAituyrri-:, 9iix:iii cytJXTY, aorth-carolinaT*^^^^'^'^^^^^'^* _ * *'»-»■ yo" TO nm t THE mwRLM or nm karth awd imiNq oirr from the cavmn* or nflK mountains, mf.tal* which wiix njvr utrjcnuth to ouVHXNna and suw*^m.l natuiie to ouk u«~asid PLBAiiniE.—dr. johnbo^ IV* VF^NS or n BK MOl^TAINS, MF.TAL* WHICH WIIX HVI dTRJCNUTH S iTl/KD iV, 1, 1834. NO. 178. TIIK IHiorrN’ & FarmrrM^ Journal buriaic^ iixl pubinhed evrrjr ffaturtfay inorniiiff It Tv» DbU^>'$ par tnnuin, If ptid in adrnnre; fM Oollsrg mnd Fifty Crt>t» ii' nut paid until itter ll>o expiration ot' ihrM niunUja; Three p^rt It the end uf tJt« jrear. No paprr will ^ 4iicontinuMi until nil •rruar«{;ca are paid, mlcM al tiu' option of U« Editor. ^pVEKTIbtkMENTS will be iniwrted at I'tfly of mnii we wafttod “ to ride Hidille” anrl tip«pl him—flnd wlion they tcll’d of “ riditi” “ upsetiin” and nieulioned his name, I got H notion in iny head (hat 1 can’t ^et i>ut Lojigetity.—Atiecdoha of the aged.— The oldest {irrNon deceasod in the I'nitcd Stales WB8 a ne^reftH, aged 150, in Pennsyl vania. 'J'he oldest known on the ccinlinent yet, that he may be the anntc man I’ve I wasalsonnw^regSjofTurunian.H. Aitlerica, heard tp^on, who took n rid« once, and deceastul in 1770, at 170. fhimboldt men- then wrote m |i>uj( account on’t in p»ctry. H ell, says, I, I’tii n»t certain of that noth- er—but I’ve yot a notion the man you Ctiti per «|U«re (not cxcordiog SO liiiet,) lor i ■ • n-i » i !],« fir»t initTtion, and Q5 centa for each auc-1 “***0 John Gilpin. “ 1 hat the inme wrdiitf jrwk—-ir II for three wwka, for otic j man. Hint it,” says the Ginnral. No, says iqQirt. A lili«raldi»couut wUI btfniadat®tho»e i I; { guesa it aint, for he hved in London. vho 4d(erti»« ^ Uie jrcaf. Zjr'Chi all adver- tvm«fita Mm^unicaled ibr publication, tb« r'jnlxY of inirrtion* mn»t be anted on the mai- fi«oftit« roanaacript, or tbvy wiUbe oootinucd oiUi forbid, and charged arcordiiiglj. • • Aii commuDtcatwDa to the Fdit/>r moat come ‘ta of p»*tae0, or titcy may itol be altendrU to. Don nin^ Corrmiiondeiice. 0, that makes no odds,” says the Uin«- ral, “(or they uim^ to call i*hiladel{*hy the LondiiD of \merira.” Well, soya 1, then it must be the name—and if he’s pot on the ^quire to rid»» him, I gueiw it will turn out (>reity murh such another ride—for says I, the •qinrt' is a pretty pood horse ftir a tijjht pull—Injt I don't think he'd atund eaity under a Middle—it aint the nutur ui that brsod. Weil .Major, says ihe GinsmI, we must tions a IVruvinn Indian who died at Lima, while he was there, aped 147, after living in marriage 90 years with one woinhn, who nttained the age of 147. As old as 13t), he is 8«id by the authority just named to have walked pretty regularly 3 or 4 leagues a day. 'i'ho oldest nn»lishman known wns Jenk ins, who died at ICO, in 1070. lie was ori ginally a hard worknig fii>!icrinun, and «wam in rivers after 100, and threshed grain at 130. At th'* aijeof 157 he gtite tei>timufiy tn a court of Juntice of mutters tthirh hud j orcvrrtd 1-iU years hef>re. I’arre, who j died in 1030 at ir)'2, was a farmer, lir ; was married at ^0, and aijain at liJO; and wo find It stated by Worctsler, in tlio Me- nifiirs of tli« A'nerifan .\eadeiny of Arls and Scienccs, that lie had children by both »ivrs. I’eihap? the most rrnvrkalilo cni^ of sec- tionni lorig\iiyin iiiiKjern tinies is stated fron tba New York i)ail]r Adrerttscr. Wabiiinwton, lUtb J«u. 1^84. ^ .. .j. The pill 1 K*'® *be t abioel, aud the rest i f„|kb for ll»e ax any how, and GoTeruiwot here on th»- 87lb of last ; „ .^oo ut the Senate pa« up.«i that mes- j»ctb, »jii»t brgining to upenile, and ' we aenl rni t’other day about other iilthmk some on cm will want any 1 ,,r»rnts, yo« can have the h*.” Very i,k f..r a £00«J sjs ll »o p«n«. y..iue of (J.oeral, and if Congress dout, . «' fJks make piHgy u^fly wee* at nx*, but j upon sr>mflihuig H**, «ays 1, as to J hy Lord iS.M:on, w ho s'lys that a census of 1 HI em thot • sur^ «>cn tliey want fi«ik, ihmgs a leetle be tter in the money way, the terntorj between the river Po in Ita! vA f'"*! better to rijfht". l*t| w«ut that ax, fur we shall mU couje to | and ilie Ap(>enuie niLuiiiauis, taken in tl Ktopp’d ji«* wbe« I did m that tab- j-hoppin «;;in for » livin.” '70, anthenlieiilcd (he exivt» iice at tin paper, li*r my dander wasjmt litnn,afHi | ^ pnnted copy of this ' time, in that region, of lv'4 men i.ver the i^| bad p-oe «*n ooy ten minita l«^r. » d . makertof that ax, ai«l oi-lK-n ! a*r«‘«*f lOH, naii.tl>-51 ol lUO, .07 ofllO, ki toon •> •«> *hey would nt , to y*o prinlwl in a ‘i of 1VI5, 4 of 13U, 4 A l-’Jri, and 3 >f 140. , ho»>k, aend one of the books with niy tbank^t JJoston Jotrtuil. But thti tiol »hal I want lo wnte lo you , D*». I want l« thank tbrtn folks j j fKiUNlXCJ, Major (p IS C'trtbagr, in \*>rk State, (wr the av j r>owntnfvillv Militia, 2d bnj^ade. tVy B.«l* f*'»’***^ • hicb they tent t« “ tuu t‘>^ I" «>«'• I It bu me eny m >»t lo deuth. I ri-r irt «rh • present afore 10 my horn 1 i'4tfOihM, lo-uo./; .i .> . , I days. / rtarled right up chamber «lth it . rBlllG und«rkignd h*»mj b»«i dcugnod by * K. fi ,.,i,r~r.l..od wislu™.! .h,ll by S..'Ut).TOU, .he n^'b-r ofl MlkBrt nion. witb iDV a« oB mv aliooWer— «»•« 0*“^ of*''* ^otlb Caro-, square Icajiurs on the surface ol the globe, ^r 11.32(I,6US,7.T.5 ik.ts.,i.s to each n *!I* 1 M her^b, noufy Uie i-iMif ^,,^,0 i^t ||K^ miles be reduc. d to «irloikiomb«iUoU»po«^Ke»rruui,t,,pha. ll««ij.a^ the At/>^,.| JcJ.n Ir- isJ tnin tagU ibew atrail, which m a »in, l»r tbr purpo*.oi r.c«i».ij* »uUcnpt»«n» lo p o ,-,,00 i; k u U a..a ib fiu(Tj. l>—butnotiMtler—inlsn»«ah’d, 0.cCapiulSi.Kk«»aid ba.:k. JVr->u, dupo«^ be l,^o3,1.3,o0lt,000, wbich kinj, ci\idcd J - i*nlaVM«tM»k Ara* ini tiie tllRt Awful Calculation.—An inf;enioii3 au- ihcntic and valujible statistiral noik, pub- KOTICI”'. j lislied a few wi eks snue, caleulatcs (Imt \ Batik of the Stale of .lbr//i i»i'abitdms uhoj,ave hmj I on earth amount to aUtut ,^43,;^ o,- From the Stale Kigh's Sentinel. THE HOUSE Til AT JACK BUILT. The United States Bank. ‘ This is the house, That Jock Built.’ The Pvhlic Depositte. ‘.This is the malt, That lay in tho house, That Jack Cuilt.’ ITic Kitclicn Cabinet, * Thia is the rat. That eat the m:ilt, 'i’hat lay in tho house, 1 hat Jack built.* , W’tlHam J. Duane, • . ' This is (he ch(, I'liat caught the rat, That eat the malt, 'I'liiit lay in the house, Tliat Jac k b'lill.’ Andrew Jachton. ‘ This i! the dog, 'I'liat worried (he cat, T'ha( raijght I he rat, Tiiiit rat the malt, 'I'hat lay in the house, That Jack built.’ The Senate vf the United States. AMERICAN MANUFACTURE OF TOW IN'IX) SILK. '• MARRitD—In Pittsburg, on ThoradRV th« P.'^d alt. hy the Rcv. Franris Heron, Mr. William Silk, to Mias Lucinda Tow, both of St. Cki# townahip. This buxom damstfl made a net. Intricately ofTow, , It FRcma that she was folly set To catch the ailken beau. I have read the metamorphotea Of Cupid o’er and o’er, But Buch an unnouth change aa thit, I never heard before. What strange fantaatic whinos do dw«D In both hiph and low, ’ She likes to lianiUe ailk fall well \\ hile he prefers tha Tow. ' Now every day (hid new made wife, JViay lionRy rip and milk, And if fihe dout dress w«ll through life, 'Tis not tor waut of silk. DR. FRANKLIN’S MORAL CODE. Th*- great American philosopher and states* miin, Benjamin Fratiklin, drew up thi' following listot moritl virtues, to which bf i>aid con.stant and earnckt attention, and thereby madu himaelf a better and happier man : Temperasce.—Eat not to fulr.eas, drink not to elevation. SiLENr*.—Speak not but what may benefit oth* era or ynursrH'; avoid trifling conversation. Order.—I.nt all yoar think's have their places! ‘ This i«i the cow w ilh tho cnimpl’d Horn, let each part of your businea* have its time. Rr.fiOLCT!ON.—Rtsolve to perform what yotl I onglii J (>«‘r)orn), without fail, what you resolve. I Fr.roAX.iTT Make no expenses, but lodo good I to others or yoiiraelf; that is, waste iiotbiiif;. I Indi’strt.—Lose no time ; be always employed i in sfliiiethin;; useful; cutoff all unneceaaary ac> I tion*. ! • Sincerity.-^^Uae no harmleps deceit; think in- ^ nocci.tl) and justly ; and if you apeak, speak ao» ! cordiiiglv. Thai niihcd tho cow w;th the crumpl’d ' Tf ‘ omittuijr the benepts that are your duly. j ■MonERATio.'*.—Avoid extremes: forbear resea* ' tin^ injuries. I (’i.E*NUNEas. .Suffer no uncleanliness, in body, I clothes Of habitation. i TRANaciLiYv.—Be not disturbed about trifles, ! or acenjinisi comn.on or unavoidable. I Hcisiutt Imitate Jesds Christ. That ToSSKD (he 'l‘ha( worried (lie cat, 'I'liat caught the rat, Ttiat eat tlie riiait, That lay in the hoMse, Thai Jack built.’ Tki IIoru>raile * * * *. * This is the maiuen all forlorn. to lake stack arc inviUd lu do «>. at .in early day, 89 above, giv«a I'.f^S inhabituuls to each ii« twiw h«d got « notioo tn bW h*‘«d,«iMi v-uld ■ gone too, if there want 00 plut k in j i rn. lie *h% littdin tip witb bis berk I vF nil. or i83J, FUK SALI. AT W.M. lit.NTf'lK’S Hin th«* fnnntle trw, .od bit hickory in Ihs i ^Jgrdirmr t OtUeCtiOiMrU l.-J 1-1 • _ Und, aad |w>k’d fur all th« world m Ihn' a.ij jisl etprclin a fight W by, wya 1,1 C ,*ral, uhat 00 eiirtb mi all tbi* scamperiD (Ca^>tig« t r’ W ell, «\a be, .Major, I reckon yiHi j iJo, fM'OKfl. A*o.\C WIIII H ABE Tut roLLOWINO : fartnra\ do j^anfe Cairot ^rlirl do |lAnr Scarlrl EadiaS l^rTrt 8hari Top do l^lnion do •S. aiivi Turnip do Dlsi-k Hint«r do Whit. Hl«i lA'tUiot k akbagc llt »d do _ , , , - . MJrrruCoiled Borecole 'f>nrlt C'lr’ufl Hrad do | ant plants thrive best with an »qual mix r ehanjrd f-^r ,n . m.i.il, and it \wian Kale or Co«;l.arge while head do , «f sunshine (ar tell btiter then I c«n; sod witb that, i>»gar Ixwf t Wink’d at me umat blagilv—^od, aii»« i ^ K Mbat is toe »e»« now ? Why,' do • 1, thf-n- ainl nothin new Uit ibis en-1 « e>.»tce him) u, and i bni’l it IosIhiw yeu—iisa prt'sent I ILrljr l^idon Caole- to '‘H-, M)s I, frtim Siitika At f'u., a»a\ uji S' York Nate, on the Klack Riv*r. The persons and n rod b-iiig c- | ahle f bdtiy dividtnJ into I’J pra\es, it app ur^, dial l acli grave niii.'it have contain* ! one hundrt d |n.rs(.ns and th'' whoir* earth heon our hviulnd itnit'i orrr to bur;, its inhabitr.iits ! sU|i|>o- ■ s^i.ig ih-y had b*-en equally diilrilnitt d. ‘*‘’1 Whal an awful and ovcrwheliring | thru;:-!!!! Imt a levson to huii’on pride; , I to hutiinn vuni'y ; to human uutbiiioii! U hat a lesson to the infatiuited lieiiiu who j has ccnrrn d oil his hopes and alll-ctions j U|Kjn this truly trun!*itory life. I h«irn. That tossed the dog, Thai worru'd the cat, That caugtit tire rat, That oat the malt, 'J hat Iny in the house. That J.ick hiiilt.’ Martin Tan Buren. ‘ This is the man. All tattered and torn, That liftfcd the maiden, till lorlorn, Tliut niiik.‘d thn cow wilIi the ernmpl'd 'I'hat tossed the do;/, [Loro. '1 hat worried the cat, 'I’hat caugiit the rat, 'I'hat cat the malt, That lay in the house, 'J'hat Jick built.’ Francis P. Blair. ‘ This is the priest. All shaven and .khorn. Superstitions of the Swiat.—If a huntr* I man, on going out in the morning, sees a I fox cross his path, or meets an old woman or I friar, be immediately returns home again ; as he is persuaded that, in the first instance, he will meet with nogaine, and in the other i that he will shoot a man hidden in th* I leaves, or do some other irreparable mis* ! chief. The stagnation of the blx>d, known ! by (he name of nightmare, is called by them j T'keli. 'ri;i3 'I’okeli is reprecsented as a I ntth' gnome, all covered with fine grey I hairs, but of an elegant figure, who lays bimself on tho chest of sleeping men or tiewt il.at« d« do Jiiy and Sorrotc.—A» the most luxuri- ♦’ 'ike (he Sun risiiv. He tlep'd up to m»* [ i abb.-:r, »•' t'lok tli« at, and walk'd lo bit chair I a ebwicoarvitia wtf ««i down, nnd tbrow'd bia bead U»ck, baw’d right «jl. It 6i^9 me rooO, ,*^1]^. ^ j, c tUig iiiuos, tu aae lb« fiueral livktt-d at s^rh do Minbiog. I i«ir iiiigar Lvafilo .U aa the Gineral could aee any l^'trh U.pa). he Major, cJI ba.k 'raiH:y i • 1-ur) and Ainua, and baw haw haw,, do km th* (iuieral—and ji’it then, I got the («Ww»rui i >.fto»hy ihov all tcainperrd otr »>—and Spring Turnip I Mdotin ri«ht in front ot the Ginoral ; Sommer liu.h S>|uaah tally Oranti' or Sojar do firfrii Cucuinbcr Tarlr Ifunth do ,»r«wji . aier Mi lon, a tufvrior kind [t.ar|,'» .^lwk .Mi'loii ’(■{. uM»0}»l*;r lNa>tnrlH(n ’•)cnn' Pepper Inilrn I >1 •« HiUun of Pear Ualuni of Ap)>ia haw haw'd I tell you, for mor« llian ul? rti?DMlV‘''‘*d^ 'Ull 1VIU7'‘ ^ «n h.ur. And n> lo rights, wo got y,.iio„ do llv>.ii4r JVpper Grass and f.ha(ie, .siioHcn and j drv weather, and in a aoil composed ofj h;ind as well as richer nialerials, mingli d III duo proportions togethf r, so the huu:an mind IS a plant whith thrives best with a just pr(i(M)rlion of pro«|)i'riiy and adversi(\, 1 j \ aiiH sorrow. ! itaU^iLnaU Ijiiir. :va,. ttkin agin, atui ib« OiiM'ral he mpod Ins' a raro kind, I v*tnragua »?». »ik1 blaw bis n.«e iiat i>r all tlw world 1 'lo*'•«'! Ks" r, It aint «range ibey was a leelJe a- ' Utk ‘fiJol you, f.ir do jou know, jinI aa }ou ' Ko-md Spuutaga in, noiiio 00 €«;, waa i«iy in about tho ! I'fK *lr do I n-} l’.,.t );I«o accounts. It ihey didn’t . r'*mMrnil pntty soon, you would gil at ’ .>ng U hite Ochra Hlood l)Tt vine, run* 5*1 fix't or I more iF-arly Jan P -a jl;arl>-1 h»rlian do U hiie .Marrowfat do j.''ujar do DwarfProliftc do I Refugee or ‘.000 to 1. J'afHlrhop em all up into iiiiitce-meat— HI I' J'*t (lion sure eniif in voii come, and F.iirly Bli«d Turnip do F.arly China Beana . haw Inw, the (lirirnil, agin.— Manel. Wortarl do White Kidrev do - v» he. Major, I’m glad tbnl j ■e begmiii l~.L . ...... ..^11..' PTwn« srndini I do. 1 kts . } "f’O, Will I rir » «'U carnlHlly bo»rd iipftiid fori^ardi d. ('bcrtotlf, K. V. Frb.llk, 1KI4. 3/ i»iVis'vmvs 110 fE i '■ »re beg,n„r prvitv ' “‘ ‘'l"' - • ■ - - ^ ' - *•»'*••• •''•“‘•’iiiK C ountii-% with th» C A>II enclo- tk t ^ . ur Ihr adj«»iniiig CountK-s . - ■’ saya 1)0, ttie linn* I J ,nr„(ion, and have |''‘i'''>ii.e ^l„.a I '* " isiAhat when 1 got yini to Is! wilh 1 j ' »H\a ho. Major lot’s bK>k at -n, and thn Mnerul bo rubb'd his ^ ' *'-»ell, Mys he, this it a splitter aiut ^ “liv.tiflyM he, if a mnn ony got latln-r- ' 'fild sliave himself withsit a Uir- "Mtr ltn8i,x J ^ I n us bright at a lookin- ^ ' »t-u aliarp ns a rny.or ; nod her** is tiie A (V. (*ar- ’ I wonder now , \st if tliiit Hint tho miHK* (oQ y ,***"* Oic Hritish at i’»pnninc- u n‘" " I Bint certain” sn\si. HI uor I n.ither" saja ||,e (Jiiieraf, for ;v''^‘W.V:,jnrIhove been HI MMHrafiterriiU\ S. €\ ra^HESl l!St RlllERten. M. d>'i* hif) thuiiko lo ihr I I |7 IW piitilic in (rm-ral, fur the lil>- ^ I fi I L T eral mpport liis Houac has re. • ’ ct ivi d. ond brjf* a eoulinu- aiice of |iatf fuvoora. Havintf porchat«d lh«- r>U\l.|i«hmeiit of Captain I \rm. McK. i.i.a, he i» now addinu large and con- 1 taiiM'ut iinprovroifiit*. whirh will enulilr him lo iiiukc Ihe i.'avol B>VHI»I;RS aud TRAVEL- I I,|;RS comfortable and n(Trce»ble. I Iharrr* cnu (>• aiipplied wilh aafr and «ecnre j lot*. Wneonne with a Rv»d dry \ard, and pro»- *•‘1’'' IDV self ^iliiii t I en'ler furiiiahrd at as low r»te« as the iiiarktt will soine tiim* mix I .iford ’• here I Ilia TACLF. ahull be ftuniahfd with the beat * I am Ixjtlier'tl naiii^sjthe CDuntry allbfrf*, inrf hi* BAR with the beit iijjj 1 • ixiincrti at>(Hi Now*^ moat plagily. I.iquora. attorney ‘lUnli r/ "**’ *h*’n I appointed him that howoa jirt tbo kiud lie hopes fVom atriet attentisn to buslncas aiid a diaire to please, to inCrit « continuanee of pub lic patronaje. LEROY SF. KlSr. isnsftry 1«, I63i. 71l83 From Salitn, -N. (’. to litnkeiy, end of the P.tfrnhfirg Hail-llixid, and to Svjfolk, etuJ of tfu Portnnoulh and ?ior/olk Hail Road. rniHIS l ine will paw throiich C.rcenabitrouffh, a. IhlUlwrou^li, 0\‘i»rd. W urrmloM, Weldon, Blaki lv, Jnck!>"n and J> rii»Klcin—and will l».ivc Salim ivory Monday, W idtieJdny and S.idirdny niorninifa. at i! o’elook. A. M.and nrrivi at Blake- It next day* in time lor the ’-an« f«*r I’eteraburc. 'i’i„ d—froiii Suleui to Petersburg, two and a hiUf day,_240 miU«. I^avi! Blakely every .Monday and I ridny nioriiin;;* at o'clock, A. .M. and ar rive at Port!iioiil!i and NorCoik name days via Kail Kmd. Time— tVom Salora to SulTolk, three days—355 niilea. Persona frimi the ^uth and Soiith-Wfst, are iiifiwrncd that my I.me i^ itiierac. ted hy Peck & Wrilbid’s Line Irom Le.vington, N. C. to Frcdcr- irk(.burc, at tJreen»hofoupli, and will leave Greena. bonmeli every .Monday, Wpdnnd.iy and Sntiir day looming'' at\cr the arrival of I’eck \\>!. ford’a Line Irom Lexmeton. The public are in- formed that ample (irovisioii will be made at thia point for till ir accommotlation. The public arc further assured, that all thono who may travel my Line, will rc.ieJi any of the Atlantic' citirs one' day in advancc of any other Line. Tliis Li!*e is now in full operation, and the Pro. prietor pledges hiiiiKi'lt to use evjrry . xertion to render aatisfiiUioii, and make this Line ace« pta- ble to the public. The Coaches and Teams arc of tho best—dri- vers accomnuKlatinf: and attentive. sL/‘ All bajjjage and parccia at the risk of the owni rs. Psrr from Salem to Blakely, ®l I 00 Do. do. do. to SotFolk. l(i 00 JAMES W. JEFFREYS, i’lomirtsr. Red House, N. C. Jan. 4. t«) Warrantee Deeds fur sale at this Ofrt. 'I'hat worriod the cat, That iau;;lit the rni, 'I hat cut (III* iiiaU, Thiit lii\ in (ho house, '1 hal Jack built.' MOTHER GOOSE. THE TEN COMMANPMENTS. j women, and embraces them nearly to suf* 'Phat married the man n!l tattered and focation. A person who has l>een thua I’lito the maiden all forlorn, [torn, : embraced, is in expectation of soon finding 'I'hrit fiiilked th« cow wilh a crumpld-a treasure, as an indemnification from the 1 hat t(.>s.’d the clog, [horn, Tokeli, for tbe fear and agitation he bad That vvtirneJ (he cat, caused. 'I hut cau:>iit the rut, riiHt ent the niHlt, Toasts.-J. U. nEWiTT, Esq. 'I-/*'* !*' l'k Editor of the Baltimore Visiior, at (he re- a ui.t. c»*lthration of th»* Baltimore ’l’>po* Mrjor Jack Downing, I praphical Society, to which the Hon. C^ol. ‘ This is the cock, D.vviu Crockett was invited, gave tbe I'hat crowed in the morn, i following pertinent toast : AiHUcured thf*i.iiest, Col. David Crockett.—•^Anhonest mAo'a y\ll shaven and shnrh, j noblest work of God.” No danger of 'I lint married the man all tattered and l)j^ ev^r beine rowed up salt river, ram- I iito (he muidt’ii till lorlorn, [(orn, nqvaddlcd or ejjlunctijitd, while the people That milked the cow witlia cnimpl'd ^tund bv him and he can whip his weight 'I'hat tossod the dog, [horn, ; ,^,7^" ^^ts. I ^V hereupon Col Crockett rose, and, after I returning thanks, responded witb the fol* ! lowing characteristic sendmeut:— I A pair of cobweb breechcs, a porcupine saddle, ami a hard trotting horse to all th« j enemies of the Baltimore 'Fypograpbical Society, and w hen they get down may they 1. Thr.u shall subscribe lor the paper printed have t’heir to«(s chopt off, so as to be known iniliini own town. by their tracks. 2. Tliou nhttU not take a newspaper, w ithoiit j . _ . pavinc tiie prititir, lor pi inleraare a s..vage race, Tf ■ >ru r 11 • vKilinc their anger without mercy ujoii d lin-1 Chcnces of Mamnge.— Ihe lollowtng quint»- j curious statement, by Dr. Granville, is taken 3. Thou iilialt not Meal each othersi!cimb. j g„ p,„j,|jsh paper, it is drawn from the lh^.e^hbln’'’■^ "t ' ; registered cases of 876 women, and is deriv* ' V‘"'lLnrmVt7"the adverii-en ents and keep, >''fn ‘heir answers to the age at which th. printer hl.!sed with the latiiesb thereof. j they respectively married. It is the first G. Thou shalt not tmrrow. | pv»T coiistrurted to exhibit to females their 7. Thou shalt not bear false witness ag;ainst (hy nciifhKir. i "8. lioMor thy cote’npornry scribes, thy vote-1 ran:!, Nonh, Isaiah, 'lliouias and others and all | within thy gati t-. 1 y. Rf member the I.adirs, for il a mnn come | pr'sumptn«u.'Iy upon thi iii, the mngistrnte shall j bore his ear ihrouph with an awl, and he shall l>e \ taken to the altar, and thenceforth havi no more jM-aec. I 10. R warc of P« d!er?, I.awyers, serpenU, and scolds.—I aictucktt ('hioiticlr. A hungry Irishman, in London, latoly mistaking a barbershop for an eating hous«', bolterl in and l>eg!»ed to bu served. The barl)or stipposinir, from tho lenuth of his j fair readers may form a pretty accurate lK'ard,that he wished to h»' shaved, cot up j judgment of the chances which they have a basin of soap-suds, and placing it liet'oro | «>f entering into the holy state of matrioao- him, with a wosli-ball; wt'nf away to set j ny ; and of enjoying the sweets (we say no* lances of marriage at various ages. 6 females, (here married ; 3 at 13 59 at 23 5 at 33 11 at 14 58 at 24 1 at 33 10 at 15 36 at 25 5 at 84 43 at 10 54 at 26 2 at 35 40 at 17 nt 27 0 at 3tl 66 at IS* at Os 0 (It 37 15 at 19 17 at 29 0 at 39 18 at yo 9 at :xi I at 39 P8 at 21 7 at 13 0 at 40 85 at 2J Fr«m this curious statistical table, oar his niz«r. Pat, n'*t waiting for grace, sup- |>ed up tho suds, and eat the wash-hall; and on tbe Iwrbers returning wilb his razor, his guest coolly obsorv**d, ‘'I'hen* is noiKca- Fum for a knite, honey ymr soup is veA good, but your turnip was not quite Isiilei!.’ 80, paying his ^tenny, he bad« the aalonished barber good morning. thing of tho bitters) of wedded Love. I.Evi Lintcln, late Governor of Mana* chusftts. has l>een nominated by the Nation al Rt'pulili aii>! of NVorcester, as a (’nndt- ■1,1(0 for Coojire-vx, in the room of Jno. D.wts, recently elected Guvecuer, aa4 baa accepted the uominatioo.