RKPORT Of M of Dirtetorw •/ tie Bank #/ lA« L'nUtd Sut*».—('oNTtNCKo. Aod a^in, with equal wuaimity ia Febnurj, I the foUowlttj t “ That the Senator# from this State in the Com- f res* of the UuiteJ Sutea bo instructed, and the. KcireaenUtiTe« rcqoMted to ua« their exertion* to obtain a imewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States during the preernt s«c>ion of .'o!i|TeM, with aach sltarationa (if any be necea- enry^aa n«j aocure the righti of the State#." Such a belief, roorcorcr, ia opposed by hi# own declaratioa in the Veto Message, that “ a^new Conf fees, elected ia the inidat of snch diacussion, and furnishing an eq»l represenUtion of thr pcuple sccording to the last crnsua, will bear to { the t'apitoi the verdict of public opinion, and, 1 doubt noi, bring the question to • •aUst'actory re sult” Now, that Conf ress lo which he referred the dreiaioa of the question, had not ye« assembled. In aooic parts of the conntry tbs memberB had not been cren elected at the time of signing this nanitestoi and yet be new ssserts, that he •• eont-iders it as coaclnsiwly settled that the chtrter of the Bank of the United Sutea will not be renewed, auc he has no reasonable greond lo b.!ieve that any sulntiiute will be established. Being bound to regulate hu courtc by the laws an they exi«t, and not to aaticipab. the t-.ltifer. tnct 1 li Ci are, in cafect, made gradually in#toad of th« whole ‘ tcwporary pi)8l|K.iieiiwnt, with the conwnt ol the mass beiDC Uuown at once Bpon Uie ujoney ! holder* of the payment of fite millions of the market, which might produce injnriou# Aocks. j three per cent, debt, bcinp now »ul»sUntittlly c o SofntdeiiOy in this and othtr dotf the j »ed by the auriendrr to tlie GoTcrnn.■n^ of the BaTik *id the tpermtimi of paying off Uif debt, that certificalcd o( stock, except for a small amonnt, co.sc.^n.s, ir-ud the whole ,/ ’ ciovernnient at an earlier period than It 1* probtt- ugvin/reu. , I blc it would otlierwi;iO have bet,n, this question And .Mr. Ingham, .n like manner, on the llth j p,.e- of July, 1839, »ay» : j „f inquiry, or lo cull for, or ndnjil I Uke the •ccaaion to eipres* ths groat satis., ol I'otnress upon it faction of the Treasury l>epnrtin Mt at the man-1 -j |,j, ought to lie salixtactory, yet is the rohject ner in which tbs President and Ihrwlors of th; j now rt vi\ed witli the addition of two distinct er- parent Bank bare dixchargcd their trusts in ail | rors in point of tact. The firit is that tlie Bank their immediate reLitioiii tfl Uie Go^ rrument, so ; “ was conscious that at tlie end of the charter it far as theix transactions have come under my no- would not be aWe to pay over the dc|«»ile» — ,v .J J I whrrea* tin-btateof the Bank, a* above etplain- Uce, and sspccully in the taciiities auordcd in j ' . I i-d, proved It* entire ability lo make this pa) inciit, transferring the lundsofth. Uovernn.ent, a.rd in „.,erpo»it.on w«5 e«luMvely dieUt. d the prrptratinn f«r the hfiiry papnent of the pub-\ ^ ,di!iiional IrotiUe at a II. _• -A I - ^ . . ilJl W Sail ntritfd fnm ^cr■ York, fcr orrfcr. Siipe-fine Cloths of all de*criptif>o# Mrrinocs, Satliiielt»,C'irca**ioui White Flannel, superfine Red do 1 1 • I A variety of handimmr style cheap print# tlinghams, Kauev Printed Muslins .« i»s Miii>lins, p>ain and figured Jackow tand Mull do. .Siipt-rfhir Hljek Italian Silk (iron de B« rlin Black Colored Fancy Pm de Swa B!ick Crosd’eSwi^ niark French Koniboiiuo Ularl; Kngli'h do ;«r»;nfit» Hlack end colored (Jrern Silk A variety of Faney BelU 'ILo J-et ia. Dial as soon . / i-vm . . . J I.adiis snperfiiH- Ulack l.loTe« as that puit o. the arr»n){eiiunl wiiich !««incd lo sjHj jo i ooiithtt »ith the cl»arti.r, wa. rcieived, ths doler- j colored Silk llo«, best qoality Finally, the President himself,in his Message I c*ccuUnjr it bclore rrentlrn.an^^.lovei. toCongrisi, of L>ectini>er, 16:2J, says. i puMicaiion of any sort was sicii or kno»n in •• It was apprtheiidcd that the withdrs^&I ofso rpg,rd to it. large a sum trom tlie Bunks in wijicli it was dc- j '|’be evidence of this is so cl'ar and so sh«»rt, posittd, at a liint ot uniikual prewure on the aio- , that it ifr*er\rs to be eittd as aii example ut Uie ney market, might cause tiiuch n*jury to tue in- j p.*ncrai inaccuracy ol tins maniiistiv. Thit.’oui- lie debt, SB tf,iJirtt «w»f., »/.if* ha$ brrn tjfecltd by meant of tki prudtnt anvngrment of yur bi^rd, at a time of se vere depression ou all the seusoa of pestilence. Tiis sieoiid is, tUat the part of the arrangement made with the agent of the Bauk » as not dibcovi red until “ *on>e iner priKluctive emi>loymcuts ot’ the country, witliout Jeiits connicled with this scent nepKiation, ae- causing »ny scn«l;le additions to the pressure, or j cidentally camo to the knowledge of the pnllic even visible «ffcct Ui>on the ordinary operatioiK | and the t.ovtrniiient of tlie State Bank.” leistire duting hi. »bs«r.c#, and was Uk. h^t proof of his confidenc* in tliem a# w*ll aa.him. N«lf. The whole subjAt was before th* Commit tee oflavestigationof 1K32, and U«t Commitlw aekno«-edgod. as will be seen from Ihe ftillowing extract from their re|«rt. that this postponement was not the work ofthe Bank. framing new systems. It u proper/or Awn i««*or«- tais evil was wholly a e ^ ^ ! •• Pul w hen tlw i-ontraet it^t If r. ached tl.' Wy to consider U»e means by which tlie servicei. pation of it at the Treasury, «i t y t/ie iuui.\ (j^tolcr, wjd it appeared rendered by the Bank-of the United States, are Cie„, arnf«-rmf.,f*sf of Ihe '**'; j coinniunication of .Mcsur*. Haring, to be performed af\er iu charter shall expire,” I mUU iiUlet." j |;roiJ,frs A Ca li.at the stock w«* to he purchas- Tht-re ! It tj«d thu» bctome tlie habitual policy of lilt „„ account ol'the bunk, th^y « rre nnmcuiate- I'liis sesms to inrolre an iflcoa»istciu.y. vas a Congress aboot to meet in ninety days, | at Uie api.roa4,h ol any larje p.»y m. nl, lo which very Coi-gre^. he had referred the btginiU prei.urations tor a Iom; pcr.oU m uu- qu. Mu.nof tbeBai.k. There was a new cV»n. : “ “ I" coi..ct lU. re«.urc.s R.aOuali>, gr«s to me«t in iXeember, IsSo, before the ex- oi.lributc lU disbur*en.cuu ov.r as w,o. piration of the charter. Yet doe* he now de- • •P*i»^''e a» po*.ibie. clare that since the people elected him and he i y instructed on the l'>th of UcUJjcr, t^iat the liank had no aiitliurity to become owuera of the slock," A.C. iVc. VN hen two of the niembers of that Committee were exsixiii.ed on ojtu b". or»- the Coinu.iUee o. Ways and .Me\u», Ibey continued the aUUuieui a> folion * : Had tlie President or riehange any in'ention to disavow General I'ad- ^ of It^.’and chooMf* to consider it sltled ' C‘^^ ^ eoiuiuunity kivirt lo pay tiiatoebtoul j ^,|Ud^.r’, autJwrity, ts make the cofitract h^ did. 111 tlieyear ItO:.’ tlie country was heavily in- opposed to the Eanll he revokes all he said ' '*^‘>'^‘1 J “ #>3ut the Consress of lc33, disrejards the Con-‘=^1 ! •‘^1 it wa.i parUeuiarly dcMrable u>| ® • I 1 v..i » .... wiihout any ** iiitetference of the Legii>ialive Gentkmans Itelian Crsvals, bost do Fancy coli'rtd ."^ilk A vari.t> ol Silk Ilandkerchu-ft A varirty of Fanev do A pood assortment of Bb'srhed TVrntestiei Isrpe d* Brown-1-4 to r-4 do^ A do Blue .Stripes Hamilton nnlling* A pKoif s'sortiiH iM of »*n*w Gimp, (or CoDnel# A variety of BON.VFri'SJ .‘Sonne firirt rafe, made to ordi r by SC John A tir.t rale a»*nrtmrtif of Ciirand IVIaiiimoth Loitri^ YATfIS 4 MelNTYRF.Afj;;,'^* 7b hr dn»n at Bsftimsre, Fn6r«sr, as j 75 Number Utury-H 7S PrixeM of looo l>ollar« hS oraOtt Dollar"! ‘ ion:ME. 8o,ooo IBollarM-] o,of>o Doll- 4,ooo Uollarn-3,oo4» Holh 9,49o I»ollf«.-7d of 1 .ooo D hS of 500 thHtanf Ttckes OHitf 10 Ho/lam Csrtifieate of |Mck#ge .f 25 «hoJ«TickeU will cost . • . l>educt on taking puka(r« Warruiled 10 DcU Cost of • Certifietts (.VrUiiciUes of package# of Utlxe, uid q’ iu proportion. Address s.a.>%rM.ri:sT£K i:iO hniarl»«j ,N. The School (uud Lollerv draws rtrrr V- ‘ —Tirkels Twe Dollars. Ilass 18 *101,^^*?'. Mundsy, FebtuM'y iMth,—Capiui priaiv ' CeiUficatc ol tfU whole tiekela will ou»i i.rtura ID ev. ry inktanee are deemrd cwitJ-'.; ai>d answered by sanM- mail as rereue^ Prixen Kohl l>> ^%lu»irr 5 04H> IMUmts sent oi. the' luu « . ’ ^ Id Hostuii. ^O.OIKI wf*' on the I6th ofJunn n tingtiifig, VeriiKMit. 7ii Jof/« al all Prictt from |2 to Ha Il’Gl.VlA Stale l-ellervCU^ 1 J drawn Feb. 14,1034. ‘ SevtiUy Fi*t I’ritet *f Fir* Hu%irti — atso— i rorhrry, tilaKs^ —tttd I icaets only IM, I hint read this letur, 1 soitl it wai a>A pro^r, and disavowed it Anttctrol' Mr. Matthew I,. Bivan.—I never letter Wuk rc«:eivtd ^iiiiig iuiorMialloti of L.( , )>rocreditig« in rvUtion t« ihjl nr;;ot»atioi., thv Fresioeiit i f tne B-i»k, witii liie a|.p»ot*U«ju ot ♦>,t>;!,000 I u,c Licharje Cvinmi'.tee, immediat-ly »ro*s. j disavowing ttie nature of iImI arrangvui' nt, ii 2.j(J0,lJ0ty' t»avm^ been m«de uudcr a iDMappftii.i,*ti^a.” IS o: ttM sanH- thu IK j[oLialioii of tlKir aiiiiual earnings, and Iti pr«>«.ni any a«l- j uutil tlie apj-carance in the Nt»-Vork pajK-rs ol diUon lo tlie lorti^ di u.and of ls3J. iSo* tiien | llth or r,'tii (K;iub« r U.!, of lU circular of tue o-u ^ i. .K* nn.rt«,ne- >*«« more lhai. twenty five uuUi.^s aid a hail ol 1 Waring* to the Inrcig., h.JUers of tbe Luiteu The next head of complaiBt h the postpone- , , i ...r .t ni n;.i m “"““"“'''’S mentof a portion sf the three per cenu by the j i^ ' * ' ' ilul th. y had the autl»ority ofthe Bank to pur- Govcrnnienl in-April, 1S34 ; and of aaotlisr por. ! Irom c , , ' ® .(>*»*: or nrgi>iial« a pofluuociaent of tiie stwcks i- 1. r> u • rw 1 . i«'w v„- i. .. leW—of which uicrt tlian hiteen niiiiioin uer« : » tion ofthe Bank in December, I'K. ^o«,ltIs I iicld t>y Iheiu 7 \crv remarkable that both these subjecU were ^ ^ oetw-tu e.ghianu , Msnuel Kyre.—1 can say y«M fully exan.intd-the f.r*t by the Committee of in- j «•'“•= P'‘ ; ^iliv.iy. I recol.ect it r;e«.tiy well Whru Tet.ff:itionofl63-’. andthe secondby the Com.lP*'‘:‘i^‘^»‘‘« Piitt.e of Ways and .Means of’ ItSS—and both reporU flrr in «rfuiedeonfr»dirt.onl« tie B..er 'i“e't^l*B.iiksc.:Ph.;ade:?hia,.Nc«r K ' ^ ^ 4 Vr ! .1. ~ h- roin ! V ork ai.o ilo.-tou, 0^1 _o to Uls I^ii* 2,2«0.000 did see Diy self. tHe i,otiL. ri.erred lo in the • of I'rtBuitnt. for instance, be com-j York p-p-.r*. but .elJ r. collect t],s i.K...H^t IK plains of the first postponement, which be im- lUsp.‘c.e at t^e«, pl^es alone s.. • putr. to the Bank, whtrtas the Committee o; In- | it* •“ Te»iication thcmselns declare, “ /.ejf ore fuUy ef vuking of cash in Und, or its eqoiv- ejiinion f '.of tie Hank mritker nought (»r iu>r re. , q>itHtd a pMlponememt of t'.e fnymtni ly Utx V\ iiii an open crec't m E'jrope, on Ootrmntnt." He coraplaius of tHi iM?eond po*t-j wlncli lodraw u»r penement yet the Cofnmittfeol Ways and Means B. «.iuv* not k>s tbn twenty millions o; dcUlj, I The CoropKuit in regard totli« pw.tponeinent rcprrt, that the noin;nal port;>oneraent had, in to be used lor tfiu purpt»r—wUile Uie wnole pat>-, * facl, closed the payments wonerthan if oe post- [ Jic deot lo bt paiuou tlic IsllXlobtr, *as 3,6.^,- ; *** “>• p.nejjenf had been made ; and that “ this qoes- . a;c,.j7. t.Mi no longer lo present any important 1 lu uiis state tlie Bank, bad it con».deri-d only Hardware \ fiillrry, T.aaies Shoes, Pruuvlta, I'racl Uobiawn'# make warranlfd I.sd.es Seal do d« Shoes of all kinds, J. TolliuoDs .'‘hoes and Boots. eonsUntly on baad t oii«taotly on hand Hpaaiah Sole leather Cjuiekstlver. by tlie jar Loeillards, Maeeaboy, #nd ^ectchfi>iiuC by ths pound or bottle atso, Prlrr**' Virginia Snuff .V>t»r.(C. tr.'e best green Lifvara) l»e»t Ti »•. Lump and Augax .Vail, and MnJii>si» MIIJ r.iRY GOODS. Sfhitol FttHd iAttUr^, A Class ol' ihis Ixilitr* sill be dravs day-.Tkkcts 1 H(» DoiUrt. CLASS 16 aill be drawn at Protk inUi. 1^34.—66 .Nos. lU draws baiku. I6.IM0, U.tAiU, 1JMW. 0OU. die. A eefltficaic ol' # package ef 30 «W i cosu only 37 Dotlara S. J. SYl.' Iv7>“ ISO Broadas), ,\. V XOTIti.. TIIR nihwHbrr havtrig eorelcdni ia i III M his Book Morr, IB ('bario(ia2 IssU lus H4N»K.!> and 1 ATIONaBV air ; peioM tior CA.slL lt>s stock of H>an m lionary ArlKles bring laigr and uluiw, , ,, , y u 1, , bavinf been pureikisAd lo Uts Neethir.fit. .SVorrf., lIolMrrs, Jl^um.n • Cep,, HtlU, petotw, tbe to iku «(• t;r country may not w«n b,e so^nsits 1‘iMuli, (fold unti ^t/prr Lace, Milil’.ry Buttons, »| evtry dewrription. All larrMms that wish to bay GK>DS CK,-ap, ;o>r I *>u or '•host ertdil,} • 111 do w>-U to Call st lite South C*in»er ofTrvon sirset. H. II. HJl'l lAMH,.'**rT»wsf PAKT.N KR OF S.MIl Ii ^ W ILLLiMS. r Fth. M. I “.11. ifiistf o fv/Z ^^MiK ."uirtt nbiT lulorins hi# friciKfai ami oppi.ftuniiy lo purvkasc a *>!|4y of lac.ktM lrr-allii| Boolks. rw«'ie,/>» 31.1fi33. «r- ” ^ Atmti-L To alt trhom it uttiy mu* f IjMIt who «rs imii m t; m ,Vi I lUtuk Acc«nnt srr re«(nct.k.ii ’-v.* ct^i.e toraard hc'lwtcn thu sH the !>•' • t a # U ifWK * I a^ ■ iM#*s#a#a» a#av i» s wi rw > . k , , , , . I iir»«, and seltle Ihrir rsspeeUK .fnw.H fuM.mien. ihul hr b iH rru...»e«l hi., *,u oot K ,ma SlOft,' Oi imOMlM triHii hi# uId staiM ti tiK* fn>U'« ian-ly «ctuj/ied by Mr. J»»hn • itk« UiMiiri!i will tutreanrr b« renduci«U un- jhad couiiiienced, toe SetreUry ot the 1 r^asui> M.Tritmn ,V. Arc. iniurrotd the tiiat it was hi» intcnti'jo to pay i g!T (M>e lis Ii ol tue tiirec (wr cents i>n tlK.* fiislo;^ or praclical object of inqairy, or 10 •«///«■ or «rf. M,owi. interest, mould have b^xn P'f’w-H.v pu , su.ountxd to about • f7.,l of any aclwn of Vongrem opon U." „vi, sii.ee it i. perieetly at ea^. Bet it had Uh- -j of Ui. Bank. alUK^Ufco T is would ae* m to be perfectly sstisractory ; er and higher uilerest* to cou»uit 1 .orn tlie coni-• Cotoi;iitti-e ol luvestigalion wastheii looaio;; alw do iot a»iil lhero«ri».«of lhat j n>af, wtlbocl tbs ka*l dHlin'lnat fre'Si. Ill* wiHiki ttlsM ii.iorm thr;n llial 11*** •« W •• * n»«(iy. I'Ll i.R *. Da*'".’ J-a.l6.lH33. S. B. No persMt way expect t« (*t "• laitbark m the spfmg. M H wiU #n x n ior dsbt. due OK OS*, s* n al» a v* i» • rw* la pay fcr any thing aiter it u ot.i«f^. JDII.N >1. Jiii^KKlJXi.V Charlotte, Feb. 6, l?3t. .XI rX^lIK Cjf)artn«r*liip ixrelwHirr existing ba- B. tw rn iht.' siihac(ib r> urdrr tU fifui ol A»r( j'f, Wt the revival of these charges may mislead muiiication a ilh ibt- 1 reasury in July, ;t was pro- fl'.ur at l'tiili.ut.'lpliia, cauic liumeduUit j ^ .'umii'r, 1 ayillrtillr, anu Jmtpi .>iina«r vy a. tv nn>o.^t-!.cting. it may be well to refute them ' hable that llic lunds of the- (.oTernmcnt iwigl.t b. ^ WaW.ington, and upon reprt-ntmg that U.. i * »»»»olU, .S. t . a. ibis day .H,«4.e,i by D.mual again, ai they have been ofN n refuted before : iii>atlicii ;4 to i>ay th. d bt advertised to be desilO'js of accuminsdating the liupsr j *U paniwHaiktl."?to t*be «ii?^'aM' andfu.tofthe postponemttt in October. He .-ai.d *.hat even il tl.*>.-funds aere adrsuate, tii» . saysafit: 'operation aou'd exliamit all the meuisof I'le to (|i«> interett it»>« 1 1 parwMis i»>kti«l to tWm, Wilt pK He ’ —aiid *.hat even it tlirri- lunds were adrijuate, tiir . merchants at New York, (which it failed lo | (all on Jom.j»u tjiuuMr, who is duly sutlwrisao lo ;lUc the sauiv. •* Corif'eioos that at the end of that quartfr the Oovernmcnt, and rLijuire tnat tbe commoiiity i j U,, ^jl,, („n-j JtisLrU p-.nk aould not be able to pay overllie d. po- should r. pay tfie whole am^nt of the publi, .uUalion «ilh the Prtsidcnt, to p-Mp-me tJie paj FayelleriUt, Jan 21. l-:i4. #!te', arid that further iudulg-nee a as not to Ije funds dutrlbiiUd among tl»em. It was lurUier Qu;„t U|« (uccet:dii.g 1>I ofi’t luUr." j .N. It. I iir Bosiiu »s a ill be continued at iht old expected of li,e Governm.nt, an a;rcnt 'was rie»- manife.t Uiat the ability of the Government k. j impression her. inUnded to be conveyed.! **;;,l,iVin^!'all ' ai»t la «upply ^1 uid«r. * iiu Tut arv, al ahiaMaK «>r II util, vebtcli lie may be lavurrti ailh. JuaLI’ll M MNLK. be lore. t M ptched to tngland secretly to negceiate a ith the h..UIers of th''jmblic debt io Kurope, and ii duce till m by the offer of an equal or higher iulerest than that paid by Ihe Government, to hj!d back th' ir claisns for one year, during which the Bank meet lU engagement., depended entirely on the j I'rcwdeni of U>e Bank, in oro. r to re punctual payiiieritoftiiereieiiiie in Ihe commer-• tlie I.H-iitution froai a demand whi-h it cial ciUl-s, from July to January, which w«s c-j could not sustain, a»k dan ludul^ence a huh wa« tiuiated at aooit tnelve luilluios of doilart. | coitci dcd by tlie trover nine HI. ^'tw,tbe truth is. That resource wa» thrf aten-id with Uie greatest that tba (wvernme-nt aiistird k. ii.ake ti.e (i-jst- ex-^ cted thus to retain the o»^of •j.OOt'.MO of danger by tbe a;-|)aara»i*-; uf Uk- Cliolers, whieh ■'pooeinent, but coold not doit witliotit the aidol fiubiic money, »bich the Government should set h:.d already hc^;un its ravages iD.Sew-Y'ork and i tbe Bank. .Mr. .M’LhifEie. Chairman of the ( oiu apart for the payment of that debt. The agent Pbi.adclphia, ,• ith every indication o‘pervadii p -'mtu^ of W ays and Aleans, and .Mr. lan bre. tr.adean arrangenient pn lerma, in part, ahich tbe whole coemtry. Had it continued as it b. gan.'«■ t omii.itu^e ol « omine,w, were in direct violation ofthe ehartcr ofthe Bank; and all tiie appearances in July warranted tlie be-^'ne'nbcfsol the ( uiiiiniitce »l In. liefofiU contmuance,U.ere can be no doubt it!'‘•'“C''''''” “ «'ol« kiu-rs t« tbe ard w ii»'D some incident# connected with tliis se cret n> foriati'in actid'ntally came to the knowl- edf*- of th' public and the («ov»rnmrnt, then and «f!l before. Mi much of it an was palpably lo viola tion of the- eliartcr was dii'avowed!” Ifthfre Ix any eoe matter in regard to which the Bsnk IS inore tjrnehcial than any oUier mut ter, it is preeiwly thii sgeney iu payingr off tlie puhli'" debt; and if there be any can* s in tlie would have pro^tiaUd ail oommercial credit, and ^ 'I r^asury. di-suading the Go.. ...... ernment from iiiakinc tlie |>a>iiicnt 'I'he only seriou ,ly endanjercd the public revenue, as in aking tlie |>aymcnt 'I'he only ditliculty in doing it wa», tiial the C«mmusi>ners Nea-York and Philadelphia alone, the demand on account of the foreign thiec per ctuls aas about 6ve raillious. 'I hr Biiik, therefore, made en arrangement with the forrii,'n owners of this stoek, to thea- riioiuit of 1,17.*>,373 02, to leave thir money in course ofthkt agency more useful than any other the country for utu.tlktr year, the Bjnk assuming , Tlif letttr« just menliontd were aecordiiigly cases, they are preeis«ly tiiese two cases a Inch to pay the interest instead of th«j «;./Vi rMmeiit.— n.itted to the Pn .idi nl. a ho never saa tin S. r „e here made the snbjeUof reprcacJi. j Having settled thu. the Bank resumed iU usual ' ^'Ufy oflh. 'rrea.ury on the ...hj. ct, thst p. n- Th» whole eoIVctlon of the revenue is based on ! fatiUtier of busineMi to th« communify. Of th- the ^y.»ew, that luud# are nenr ae'-umulatrd in w*iol« million# po*ti««.ed, the int« i>-to:. 3w f'imtUttt. Jan. 21. I KM. laockt finer Aruil4*ui)'. A VL A.NU mah.kmaucal j‘» S H N.>l.has b'i n ojwiad in an Arxiemy lately huilt, If.rotrd Hear K»* liy Kiter hurcli. 'i lie year will be divided into tao StfMiains: (*acb hvi’ month'',one e^juimeiicuig Uic Islol July, till. 'Jlier ihe Islol January. 'ruiti'ii at the rale i» ^fu p^r sessions. l->»rd cau be obtaiued in r. ~;wcuUlc lamiliesat tiis rate of |>«r m'xith. 'Ilie sulMLfiber promiM-s lospnrs no paiiM In de. velopr tit)' laeiiUics, and lo i(ive a fnaltliy luae to , , ,, .. J . . , the iniui.*oi the youth riitrusM'd to his care. Tlic of the .smk in? frond had no a.rthority to postj^ne nsivr. .u.braeing iIm, psyim;ijl,asthey would be obliged lo pay the r.li branches i s-ential for enU rii.g the Junior rl»s« 'juartei's intrrest during the lliri-e nH>iiths Cclay — and tliis dilHculty was removed by the Prrsi'tcnl ol tbe bank, a lio agrerd lo )Miy the ii)l(rt»t as tin iiHjiify would rim.iiiiin the- h^mds of the Hink. !ih- the 'J reatury for a Icng p. riod,but are principal- j H'e"‘ l‘“ c ased, »i.d at this momi-ntihe only cer- 1> lent out lo the rsmmunity, and only called for , tificat*:s not yet actually returned, are these in sf th'y sr-- need. d fi.r the ptjbliz-eervioe. When ‘he name .if two persons, amaui.ting to ’,375 Ul, ♦-^r. therefor-, large paynimU are made by the , ai.d it is r'markable, that whilsof tlwr wholr a Gr.veiBti-enI, a^it ismeL..sary to aithd.-aw from ' »u'Hintof4.17o,3T3‘J2 purchased and postponed, ll,ea«. ofthe coi.imuDilyC'jnsid'.raUr sums, thisf'"*”' "'>1'“*'^ only two owners, Imldiiig j :'/r, .-s rfqniressonv d. li- acy in recalling fr.jm ' 4:2,375^4 ; ihe amount ofthe unpofti-^.ed three. di-t-:it p«irt? ofthe Culled Sittw as rri.i-ts may ‘ '•‘H outstanding is hve or ten times as mueh. a aer lU iiumcdiste exigency, yet not eno'-gti j Ih"*•nticipaV^d in the r.-port ot TI.,. IW ..|.ei.L l...c.»n of 11.. Ibr.V. Mo. i 1- iUj..,,..,nL | ^ ^ ^ welJ il hai suca-edcd may be inferred from the' All these thingt were fully explaiiud by the „f I'.ve'^liKation in full f>o»s.-ssion of the Bank and testirrKaiiais of the suce»-asive Feeretaries of the Committee of Ways and Means, to wliom tlist ^ from U ing a subj- eJ of Treasuiy. Tho«. .Mi. Hush, in his'Preaaary R- j part ofthe President’# )lessag« a as referred, and j pfoarnor suspicion, in the surest mark of hisentiD port Ol tht 13th o( Jjbceiftbtr, IKJ8, says : that Coramittee aecordingly reported as follows: eonfidenee, that there was nothing in the (^ncerns ••Li this tnatnar, heavy pay m#uu of tlMdcbt,! “'Die wraofeincnl oiade by th« Baiik tv(al«llh« Bauk which they might not eiamia'; o' tieman was'ick, and a ho hi!ii»''lf drei'lwd on Ihe prntjioiKnirnt aft r heeiiig tin- r. ci;iiimendatMn of ■Mr. .M'Htilfie and .Vr. Csnibrelenif. .Murb strti.s IS also laid on the vibit of Ihe I’riiidenl of the' liai'k lo W ashiiixton. ahik: Ih'- Coinliiillei ot In veiligiilion were in PhilBdcljihia. The truth aas. tie letter of llw acting S*,cretary aas rr. ceiv) d w) iiiiiM>-diiitely b fore the p riod fixed for is>uingthe nolleeof |>ny iiienl, that if any thin" ae.-i- Ui be done at all, it Was to he done ohly by (•'iit'/iial coin in nil ica tion aith the Sei-retary. a» there was no time for correspondfnre. 'I'hr jj. r,. tieman of the Commilt'e were aware ofhu goin;., i:rii.g I in ( filltges. Tii» disvijiline a til Im' Ihoroujjh. ■''l«o» Ills can enter nl any lime and a c»rrcs|sm. ding drduLlioii a ill be made ui Tuition. , K. I. .>1 IM>\Vi:i,L. ('il*irriii fii Srpl. ofl. 57tf Uoyu-h of i*out Running 'I'lin'f ii wuk a.ut (Mirk, hitircrn ( harlolte, iV. ('. n’tfl (’awilnt, S. C. ^0| ^ II I. IVoptii'lor of this linr in.'oriits the publie, M thst 111- Inm lili ly I'lirnished himself ailli new com he«, ni.d h tbat hr will noto b* en- at'li-d Ui rend, r sBtulaeiion lo th'is« who may tra vel (iti his line. 'I'hr inajl Inves I harlotli' every Sunday and U dnrKi«y morning* and r« 'iiri,sev. I ry .Monday and 1ho»-,c'.iy i\i ihiikk. I’ rse>iis w ishing to iiiak^ an ex|M diliou« tup lo \ew-\ ark, are inioriiieil thst by ( hiirlestrm the sholtesl p.is. K :i;i- eas lie m*d'. a sti'sin lioat startin;;^ for N>'\v York every other Saturday—th-' passajre l« ii.|t t> rt'jrmed in V days. 'J’his line inti.'rsef u with tliv ( harle#l>in lino at Camden. 'I HO BOYF). Charlotle, Aug. 20, lf>.'1.1. .lOIJ l’Uh\fl,\(i f>f all kinds, matli/ crccuttd at llii$ ftfirt. €!rMfrnl tSdrrrti^rmtii^- SF.KIfr.. tRI-;F>. PL.\NTS, |IOVI>T10 A ,MAIA l-MPI.KML.H’I^'. HX'k.'.^ti' / sr .W* at Ihe AW»Rir.\> lARXim Aq. 16. .Walt Caleerl .VirrW, £« * >UI1K swhwriber prts^oi* his re.i^'t* '* air *iirr",e#fdi*»r».si>ddealerfi«S.iJtl» out the I uifed SUIr*. partu ulirly •"* ^ and mlofnm ibrm tlisl he is nerttiof »«•- fr.an bis own .N d i.ardt-n, ?i7n A of this romilry.hisannislsuppl) •> '” *• t.-AHIiEN ; snd th-t be a.II b, of Novemlier. U pri ,.sred loexi cute ora 's sate and raUtl, with prompitJess ami s- ^ ss k>w pricia scul on a» faiorabk sflyfiifJ by sny dealer in the Luitrt A’rs/ role atfirlet, . FBI' IT snd ornamental trees and M" _ vines, shrubbery, bulhou* and will be procured loonWr Imm ‘"J " pal NurserKS or (iardens m Uus of ahirh the siibsriiber is sgn.l; ^ PIXJl GMS. harrows. cultivsW rs, .tr» wheal fans, corn-J.ellers,thrr.bmZ •II other kinds of A«r*«“‘'"'»‘ liiiplenKnis will l» procured Uu*« ' ufaetories in IWIti.i’ore- i.i, IX »MV>-nc Animals ^ ,ri lm|»roVod iHirham liuUteill hrt-'d*} sheep of the H dirtrn. and variaos A U’' Kfversl valuable kind*, -,.i, s' hrwd; varioTis kind'-of turkies, Ilrcineii snd \\ estphuhs g' • ..th.-r fowls sr.d sevrral ..iwri sUofrhoie- lor sab at tli.- cx|" LufJ Uiis i:,lahli»hiiirnl, or can be proe are kept ronManllv l..r sale- lnsho,t.«//«r«i^^* d. ner. Ml Ihe (,ro««e.iti. i*ol > eithrr to b. kept on hsnd.oi .hen .ailed (of., _ , ol.l irn f »M« « N»r. . . olti *• " And , ii, ri"»* I Riiown VI I'll loot kiii'wlei.; , 01 I a!leomm.Mliti-»;-r- “"‘J/’ , j ^-.-. klr.si iI." I H AN l AlrMl'.l^isrubh.li d 111. »>*«* • >' .omi.ninieation« arneajH' . ^ „„)p ed,as ail letters m ft II' ' in- M, aini n ^ r^m Ihr sale, will Ih' .ent p,ir|.^ forniHh his tt.hlrels. r*'

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