k FARltilRS’ JOUR^TAL. PKl Vl Ej^NI) I^IL «V^ni»f AS J. IIO|.TOlV.».JirA»tLyiTE, WBT KI KNHt R« COI Kxis WORTIM AROLmA. VOL. IV. I WIIX TrAfH rod TO riCRc^ Tiir. v}wr.L» or tii* ea*tii anh bkinu mt rROM'Tiii! cavfrnh or thk vmrs-r.iva I, ^’X.-l. T. .1777 '^r.V::. - - - _ - .■ ... —— — ^ u - ■ py THK M0I,NTAIN8, MCTAl.-j WHICII WILL O +0 OUR IIA^U^JD^tJilJKCT AM. NATURt I'O Ot.R LhE AND riJCAgt'JIK.—DR. JOHN^.% SATURDAY, 3IAICCH i5, 1831. TIIK |«in ater, but I’ve got a notion out on’t Hilierw’Ai Farill»*r« .lOlirna which I’ll begin with: Some years ago and publ.ia.cd evtry Saiur^y .uornin^ ,^6 Yankees got drunk and cot ui. a kin- .1 Tieo MUtr$ |>cr «nnuiu, i» p«nJ m advancr*, , ... ® i • i^ UUUr, and I'ifiy Cmt* If not pR.d until nu lihcniton ; there warnt much in it fa»d b*lls, ond hltl« Strips of pnper—and cunuin came, Major, aint it 1 O, says 1, did tickle me ainozii.lv ; and for a 8|x;ll iis nothin us I play it here—you should iet puzzled «ne too—and I ihuu|[;i.t f’rt jf*'t Van Uuren at one eend ofa table, arid hon- sliow the (iinera!, nmJ are if it wnald tiekle cst Ainm at tmh»!^ and wjnieof the folks NO. J80* fiVr ihc expiration of tlirce monthij 7V.r« ] ••rterall,accordinijto n.y old Iriend l)wij{hts iand puzzle him too. And 1 thuutfHt I’d from Voik Slate with the “safety funds II... CJ I .i ... J Ht the end of the yr.r. No paper will | book—but folks South thought there wa-, let th« (Jineral see if there wan.t a l«etlo cups” t.>o, strung dround the table, and all y IT i" ' ‘■n> under.taudin the jrame nigh upon as i»’"P I Swth got drunk, and then alt North kept; a hull arm full of ihis mucltinory. Aud well ng Mr. Van F5uren—and then they J^ALE AT AlC'l iWlLL sell at Public Auctibn, oi\ Sulurday, tho 22d of March ne»tj oil a credit of 6, 12, and 18 niouthii wi.y says bring in tho • |«,rty cup’too-and stich a ti firii inwriion, and 2o ccnu for •Mirb »uc., • ^®rfb aitd South and hast and West he, i\Inj:*r what t.n earth hnve you »«t movin and hi>cus |k>cu8 work, I never sec ci!j.ne —Of 1 for thric wpilia. for one j i»ll sober, and all shakni hands, and ; I her#.—Why pays I, its a trilis and I’ll alijrc in niy born days—in Iwkin sometimes A librraldiicount will I* tiiiiptoth ou »ftt movin and hi>cus |k>cu8 work, I never sec ilis 1 tb. y siiv i/'c have beeti takin a drop too tell you all alwut it to rijrht't. And fo I I wouldn’t’bet I had a head on my shcul- sijppose iny hand Itetle bet. as you ve s»‘cn in nmny a liay—them cii}«' ter, and the tJiiK-ral t ouldn’t c' c the trick , ... we'll call Iw'.ks, and tlieni b;!!!^ m the rno- no way—for when J’d find him watchin ; pie, and the people wont be content till we r.ey w« tK)k from Squiro Middle’s l?ank, * ph.jry dose, I’d Pj.rcrid the cups as far an I , pive It up—that’s pretly much the n«A o! the next thin;j is to show' you how tlun;s ciudd reach, anti inik a!»ont “ Glorv” like the l«isii»e«>*—anl we shall have |)etlllotl^ are fiouifr to work now tiiat we've g»( ail p.tli, ur.u (h|| alj*juf the people’s l>e"in- .. VII communi. tiiou. to tJK'F-lHor niu.t roiiK-’‘ikc ft wolf hunt—they all say m.v have 'frtrof/««f"ir'.ur Ihiy iniiy not t>r alteiidrd to. taken lb** money that belongs to the poo lluwiiiii;; C'orr«*»|M»ii€leinf. u ,i. la'n«»' »rdol>K^^r |..lk.be, e«>.-cij.lly H.or .4 tl»' op|'«»i"''«» 11'** *.neral he be«an to git in a pashm Mftflli'i r.^i.d—and uult-.-^ w»- —iukI nays Ik-innj..r I’m (|iltiiimad. S t- ' D«.llificuUou there will!ry nt-ll,vi\s I, •;ii>erul I’ll k'-.-p co-.l ac- Home and lAtt^ on Tryon street, adjoiti.ng MrH. Laura T. Polk'l and Mr. JumeH T. .-XKbary’s lotK, all my lloxtsehold and Kitchen Furniture which in nearly all new. All niy Farmin;;: I 3 llort^es, aikd Cie:ir, One Oxcart anil 1 .^ileli t ow anil t'al#; and Kundry other articles too ttdioMii to mention* 1 will at the Bame time rent a field on thare* or Jtaiidinj; rent, about 40 acres, one-'ialf of which is new jfrojnd, cleared last fpriuj, and the whole of it ploughed in the best oiannrr. Thia field iS well fenced and in gool order for a crop, J am determined to sell without rcMTve. 1 HOMAS .\IERA. Chnrlnttt, N. C. Feb. 25. K14. 7K3n NC^ICK. ^ ON Monday, tlie 17th o! March next, at the Court-House in Charlolte, 1 w ill sell to tha li.jhest bidder, a very likely yonno’ »nd of good character, belonging to the cs« and I doiit know sartin that I ran plav n« eral couldn't see irfo it, and he rub’U his ;^ ^ I . » . I . . I on ihe uiv of sale by wf*|| H% Mr. v;ij liureii aiio Amos aud s;kc*ks riion? tli»n turijiy liinfs, Liut lhat * D. R. DL'NLAP, ■‘on.i' II ore >1 them ne folks, and f:jp*Ti i|. dirtn’l the dii-t out of his ey»>, and then Fcl/y. 2j, 1834. *3w ly the 'I'reasiiry fo!I;i, for they have tj»-cit I tnrit* d t« and avplriiifcd all I kniw’d about i N. B. All thn«e who hare demand* auainnt tha indowupritty quick. fill ;.'tt up ainMher command place on it, witlicut al tickh d, and »ay» hr, Ma- .Now saj « I ginerul, sui.p..«- b\ or (,al- be»-n like old Ri.in..n« lK>rn to kir\ litctioo!!'. »a\s I — K-f, swl i.« I said aloii. il the one of them Irllows would daij^.-r.m 0 r’l i.ll tb.-.r g.^Ulur«^ Bi...ti.er *to>, to tni.t wuh any kind of power. Well f ^i-te« l.«j -lore we are a iiiwo.h '«>'* > '«*> 'N t.owev. r, tbnt the law ..’r ti,-n.’ «•> I. • I WiK.w •iou.in on roi.’ i'k un to tiuM no lw«l>—and us I au. IlouKihold and Kitchen Furniturei Oru Good Road Wa/^gon, Farming Utcngilt of all kinds. Out Cottvn Gin and Scrcw. ^ The Gin has a new Metal Cog Wheel. — ALSO i (hie Thrvshinfr Machine a7u£ .1 1 . .1 .1 1 couldii’i with;: pir.m tin^ile tup—ai.dseein! \htnl Jlnrxr mill , lli re, s;t\s I tiiiii lal that * the eend on t. , , i . I .utiai iittrbr imii. WelU-iv'sihetJirern!,! doi/t s'.‘ much n. ' ‘ »»'uinpd cm about the single ^up,;w.th n.any other th.aga aJramon to eitenaive tbev are all at wiirK now- in all parts of the j larms. k*i it, Miuir—i-iu 111 vou ! sa\»l — then so. * . . ' I 'i>u_ unuin, sine >)ua tj.ii; I’hcre will,' at the »aire time and place, be hired. I uid to *i*:n f» lMn*ns to t «i»-'rt -«». _ "•> l.l'e «tn l kh\s lh‘(.Min rid ; and wb-il'.-. ■.'•(I.:; Ii bat kiuthe |!.iik all tlie de ill, the (Iineral, thi re i d-Mne- tnore, IM slake tho f.i.'^tcsJ hor»c lu my Ma- - u Riiiiin, il d lu ftthail*'! iIk- Ik.nk. that mnj«r—but ».i} s hr, I cant ble, that ever) ouf of ti)'-cu(« has yot a ' U til- (iiiM-ral, • mnt that t*K) l««d *;i'e up tl.» def«>».il» any liow : Au«»si.\s hall umler em. S\ellsa\sl, (iineial it JI.j I iiiu«t ci«e the I'unk MN » he li,ul must h*ld «*n to ’em, and all our f»«(ks w otildn’t l)e fur U ltiii, and .!o du voii go to pill, tbfM-I-* iiiithin w di a«p »ni but '«> too. ^esi»a\» I, (•mcial, tlsliue woik aud l-.^. .\ud the (iiiieral he lilted t 1* >Nit) iMiriut,'^wr some xich u iMiiM'tbt‘ '•nuirtli« hounds have i;*l llif s!;i" down, up one cup, and (hi re warnt nothmg uuder ti.'u ral a!l« H.; .Now, ««>s I, (•«.'! ral ind I g«*l a mi him afoie t!i»-huiitrr«: ;i but a pte^ e of [>;!(>*'r. I’hetlincral hf I pH I'll siv-* i iIm re is •.ii«- thills: |»i fou.e up, and I ^uJ>Jw*^’ lliere will 1)« lielli- »;is stuin|>ed ; Im* looked at me and gin ins \\Jtinrtj al any rali. .M.ijor, ciuu n j come, forward and make payment; and thote shnntbc, lhat I m drteruiined u;>oii—and | i.aung demand# »pain»t the e.-tate, arc tequeoted ja.'t fhen in cornea linll raft of our folks ! to prc^nt their accounts within the time prcscri. I'niin (’oi;;;res, to teil fijo (Jmcral w hat I J""' w as g.*iii on there ; ;ind ns 1 had lhi« letter 1 »'> »!' ukin iir.m s—ii ui> i in iiio n.itui - - - ■ "w*'-—u.i--1-u",,,, : •' ihin:;s «.a\« I, |.>r .''.piir*- Hiddie to britie *•'"** " ell > I, I g i.-« ibe p.»jH-r will ti ll you; I “ tiriiOs i(( th' i^.;ik, f>r thiit wnddb^ at'trr, I d>nt f,n w Uit I «lii»iilii lik* to nnu the (iiufi.il t-M.k up lhat aid rubb'd !ii ;i H.,, . 1, It n U'l be tliat he n I’teMiicnt m}'lf; for bdks rnii,bt m;.k: p4»,k> and n-ad. ‘ Tiaasf'r draft .No. 1 (U.’ I’liiii fi,p » ot llu-llai.li, and liial's laws, and all I'd ha\«; to do wmild b** just to V\clllhen, I su(>pse s;iys llte (i.neral, Us N..«, (a\s I, wiii v«ai («• i h> uixN rtand em ot corthn:; to my notion. ul| ri;;hl—(for In-ji-t l>e;;an to take tlie iio- to unto (o vou 1 will it!to tho iipni looin, and whilft ! w,ii3 within it, !M h.ear (iietiin- eral ortre and a wIm!«; s'ormin n-.v.?\ Hboiit iha* pla^N game Pt “^rain/'v ’ am! “ nickrt - iiuirri/." “'I'here won’t l«' a d *Hnr IijO,"' s'Ns Uie »ineral, “to pay the *i|il sogers iheir j eiifionF, ifwe d'ln't put a stop to this PI.AX rE«’S HOTEL, Eifiiirastfrviile, >S. i\ Sl’BH HIRER ten, .1. derF hts thanks to tho public in j^eneral, for the bb- era! support his House has re- ccived, aud begs a continu ance of jK.st favour*. Hun ill): purchased theeslabhshment of Captain tame,” and ih.-n th.'V all got to hlustorm, , ^Vn,. McKmna. he is now adaing large and con l.i'Mors. He hopes from strict attention to bnsiaesis and a dusirc to please, to merit a continuance of pub lic patronage. LKROY J^ECKIST. Jnnunrv 1RS4. 7!l83 I « n .■ ri.o-id r..i>le ab* ul lbi>« br*l>‘it b«j>i. horn* and Irtiltwrv ; but, sj\s 1, lici a twisi, uud tnen be liKiked in the cup r [ ahouid hke lu kiiow uhu lh*-\ right, and the poople will tell us so tiao*>k it. W til s.a)s he, M.ijor, lh;it i... »'> ai' ukin br.bi's il ui> t in llio n.ttuf "•*'>' ‘^‘‘P*''*** ’ •'* p'^S' r>dd.—what h.is U’come of that Imll ? ■ ■ ■ ' ‘ ■ f.' „ ^ anfi jrr miisl, and we niti'ii t do tlf’^and ; vsnient improvements, which will enable him to that.” Ulio, thinks 1, w h ii Iblk-J talk oftff ' make the May ot BOARDERS and TRAVEL, ils time I'l.r n.e to take a hand ; niid ii-^t as I i comfortable and agreesble. . ..II 1 .1 «■ I Dmris caa be supplivo with sale and secure was goiri to Mart 1 lieaid the l.iiu ral n.ar: ^ J ^ , , f I , \i II I* II tiort (kl tlu' hhiI of miip li;itl i viider furmshed 4l as low ralee an the rcarktl will u. h. ,rr^U i:ui our \mri\ w -u* li ^ I duui nev Muj >r, says Ihe (nueral, Imw Uou oi lla ^jmc) Hfnl o! oii^ball i . * p* I ot It ;tji lu tiikr it m mhi gil »m li M aN*4U |»ublu- Uh* r»t \l liicrt' is lut»h:flK ^ 1 ui nut ^ flash ; aiiH would V(hi \\urX it ? i TABLE shall be furnUhcd with Ihe best y ^ 1,1 wiiiM, Olid w i:ti tl*ji I I know I rant l»e luistHki'n, lor h;*\ s 1, mimI you d iRller U>o.t. Anti cuore t!i.iU rtlfv iVllorrs our ■ counlry alibrd«, and h‘s BAR with the heel u.ip. U1 ;.iorv I ...iiM ^;.l r..,i„d Ih.'.. r. .■» ry I.Uer 1 htt»e lime to read flls me I m. the (uneral lill.d the next ci.p—and „^d some-m em from'Congress loo, all j ’ •ro, !•,. ...b-e I aud l!.e t.imr.il v us ri;;hl ; and 1 lead Hm: (.'loU. Irom one iherc wnrnt no U.lls tber« nother onv an- round m a rmu'. brow Uting the i *;;;ii. I «jl d.iw ii and said n"tlnii— eetid lo l>i|icr evry dn\, nnd ihst pu|)cr other piece oj pa;*«*r. 1 h; (imeial biokeii ^ hininot to lo lh>s, and I:r;i|.-1 „,v |,.,.|iia S(n!l, Uil lhat d..;n’l (.|ls evr\ lhmg,aiid I «e nolhii. there tlmt u *,,,11 hI m.-, and opned his moiitb, and „ J ,,n,l no nn-ans notlobreak .rh u.,.d—I I.H.!, mv kn.lV and w.iil- lelU me I am roi.g—U eil. s..y» | C.treiai I.e stieachtd his he.vl, and t.s.k olf f„r. it seems, the (imeral had J liie iiililf., Uil ihal wurut inii-li t> iler, ymi know \ou hamt got lime lo reail mor« inssjsr»vs ; andrtibb«l them agm and Ihen n„ij sure enuf, ’l.f onv wi,\ lo ritiiU liiat put im- lu a liian one leiler ii.ii hundred llial coii.es.— l>e I’• ‘ as s(Kin as he saw me lot tlrive ul em with’ r^d r HiiH Ilk v\IiimIiU »oui* iltmi 'ritnl*!( true eutif, 5a\s iIk* (•iiicral, but i ji:id oi» luli»er s of \ ank-e UkmII'-, f.r I dnhi’l iIumi our folks do. nnd ih. yiell mi- sidr was wriilen, ‘Mnrqul^ oft'armarrm n.' '' i‘> ».v H Worn I > liic tiineral whdit I ’ ' mH (.r-M..n. 'I hr (Jiin-..ii V..IS «li llie . _ . . , « i!-.iii up «nd li'.wii till’ ri'iin—so ai a sjn ll. ‘ No, No, s;iys the n«>t seen bit ol ‘W hilc on tlie paper—the ’ ■ ri I j;t,t iliriiiijjh wliisjhn, sji>s I, (linoral, th«* op|>0‘>iti0n folk-, throw (lest m (Jmerul he,hliii1c\l nt il a spell; and says p,| ' • 'il. 1 ”iie?s l:.->.t Mi\ nothin iiMin- _\our e\es ; you ilont stH? things us cb-ar as be Major, what 'ii.'io, ■ I ; wlls.i\s III-, Miijir, the rest of our folks aU'Ut us.’ I jest was snvs l.tJineml, | d.ai’t exactly know my. . ,i,id’he hamt said a word to me ! N. C. and will be happy to attend to all ''>.-1 .Tri. n.hi.lot ibi-n«.iK.n in ver I" I'"* •'""I"' "•> dan.ier was M>lf, but I suppose ii.? all ri;:ht, tori see ai>„r,t having dust in my eyes, and 1 lietm j orders (enclosing Ihe cash,) sent to him, " > II-- ili.ii ib..i kiihli-r I lilts hits lifting 1 1i.h1 logo to whiitlm asm, «imI it ' heie on one corner ‘ Amos Kindle.’ (),re- the” (iinerul finds he has had ns ; as they will he attended to with puncluali* ty, and the t'andies warranted fresh uinde ('IIR5S. HENRY WINKLER. Rihm, Fc?>rfiary tilst, 1H34. 77-3ni. P. y. The subscribers carrieson the inaD- ufactory of Lf.VSEED OIIj, and will give the highest pin-e (or ex change salt) for any quantity of Flaxseed tiiat may be brought to him. r. n. wiNKi.r.n & ro io5l«mvARi> tfufii uui I'JiKi (U>. niiu iii«yiru ii»r thing.’ ‘Tell\ou every thinn’’ says I— S,’dU,dOtl—1 p.-rcenl.—P.ist«Jlhce 1.,u»js‘ • but no fiialter —and w.'l wliistl. d \ ankee nn-l all kivcr’d up with figure*, so \ou could WIIOI.KSAI.E Susnr~Candy • nanulartory. . . , , ,, fB^HK subscriber takes this method of m- .‘irs hirkory, and IH* S.M, tine raps and Iwlls i ,^,r„„np ihe citizen*, of Stokes, and into more Hum a fhons.nd bits. •• Stand , surrounding Ciunties, that he has com- hy .Ma^ir, sava the Ciiueral-neverynu ^nd intends carrying on, the man- fear me (.meral, |^%s l--bul afore I t>ad > of lime tuspit in my haiidx, the iiiiu'rnl hnish- "V' rfc 1 ■ ed Ihe war; ihers wiirnf a critter left. C A ^ I# 1 lli ^ dfM'-^ this mean . Well And ever since, llie (Jineral nas bin blow in *i e*ry descriptioji, in the town ot Salem, ■1 our In. im'h, for l.H.k uu- muh u|Min 1 u mimts to git right, ry well, says li.e (un.Til, if lhat pa|>er has |„d’n as iik.sI folks, and so ihat’s all lhat iifd brihiii. ami I vi^Mled evry niinit I would have to |>;isfd uml‘r ihc eye oflhe ‘ 1*''*'*^-''* Amos,’. the present ; onv I'll jist tell you its no use for ill!V one to aftrmpt now lo deceive snva Ihe ■ ' ;i the h 4il> ■'•T the ,iny ■ f I, tiiiKTtil, fe-t II i.H \»Mi iiud I I'll m% H.\ and split hik-r\ a >|>cll in the , uiy htt*on I il>all iijzhl. •'Il Olid la;k ovi-r Ihii Uim.ks.*, ii;id Imignin. Now s;i\i | Umeral vtai aic the is the imll 1 p'lt under that cup, snya me ,hp (^;,,„,ral with new pl:ins, and a new Iwnk IlI likr a lioe fi i( nd, i.ow thecal oiilv m.>n on earth I d look Ml a iidnit, and (iin-ral—aint it under one of these cujxs ’ have the one we've got. made a liltle I 'liip. ami if It doiii lurii oul u* I li-l him say »o to me. I got dust in my o>es. Not as 1 knows on. says 1—ond with that hitter, prifty murb arter .Mr. W ebster’s '•1 li iivp \ u my av and llirow in ' savs I ? 1 nol know- what is gom on m , the (Imeral he turned to asin, lifiin the (h;,t meets my notion, becanse ■ II. the lmr;^-.im ; mid so the d.K>r» :inJ out of dinars? wh\ m>s I, bow mps and shaken on em nnil looUin into em. rounlr\ ishig^**r llian it wasOO years ' i II- M l ,:..vii,;;nd hei.li.!! w. til at il. yiKi lalk. N«'w, sn^I, you ji>t se t siill a and ilwre warni a ball iinder any one on em i.j^Mii’l btf no niekre.nancy ! '■ lll^l ^la .• viy-; I. if 1 ;;it iii a p.i- minil and I’ll shi>w jou sonifihmg rniys I, ^ —only piei es of pap^'rall full ofhgerin, and j, |i,pre imist U* ■ ■ ■ • • • .... some on einmarkfH'Tninsler checks’and p. I,„lls',nit ; Ihen there ‘t oniiMgent drifis and * 1 reasury war- |^, hix-ns pocus wulwiut seein the ranis’—the meral hiiNsled em aUnit to .see ut present. From if he could find any of them Imlls among your friend, III—and examim-(.‘all the cups agin, and ; ’ j, POWMNG. Major, >' ii imi-i k -rp iiM>l— iitid if \cri git wiirtli lookinu inlo—nnd I went into a room I 'l'in I II kn p iiK.I, hut if w»- both ' where Mr. Van Huren and Amos and some "I » pir-liiii, Ihiii itM-ie U no lelhn— 'm.re of our folit.s git togrlher every once '' I,'■> I'.I't i mend that is u gisxl not on nnd a w bile, to managfl and lalk over mnl- • i .r t!i ih»-wM\ ilii- Iii^Hiis ters, ami I've seen so mtn h of the games Dow nincville Mihlia, 'Jd Hri>>»i'*e. k CoiistitmioH of VuroUna A.M> «»1' THi; IMTKII STATIiS \ l-;iri( wisdom fiom intur ;)ou : phiv’d there, and l>eing naturally curioia. j he looked imdir the tables—solo rights, ■' uu Iii;;i’n und Ills s|u.«\v get lu nioNt timllers, 1 can pbiy s‘nie on eiii .sayslii*. Major, I m 8tuni|K!d—I knock un- ^ i .-i llici — v\beii oiii* gi Is drunk ' ni;;h upon as sliek as Mr. \ an Ihireii him-I der—I’m clean l.»*’nt,B«ys tho (jineral: that r k !•[ •, s.iIkt, ahd so ||,« v tukc iur« ^ self—Imt be is a ma«ler hand at il.—'J'lie ' l»-ats all lh* rest. Now, says the Ciincral, | . i • l , lt:il III..re. bat I Mip(M>.v) tho they , wad als.ut umnagin tho public inoiH'V a- W ell suys I, (niieral my notmn 's pretty : I Il *."*X t''’l‘Or w lull ih*'y are Uiili %>ber. mong the new Dr jMisite Hanks, anl sbowin j iiigh lhat; but Mr. van liir«»r> says there nrrlomtinn nf Indfin'vitrnrr. Priry.| .WrtirA f., t>^.'t4. - \M t;.- ;iinei:il, iii war linn* that i>t ; how toiiso lhi'“ trun.ijW chnk»" nud “ co/i- ' aint a bit of nirkreniancy in if—its ony fi- .» \ |> \ V'T'f'T'' I i li' I K P'. lilt 1‘ot ii, In-:viy tune. WcIImvs! «/r//7«” »o as to pn/rle folks in time nanciary,—but 1 suppo.>)e itsa l.-elle of both ' \»AJil\AA I I'l Ti muin.r, tliat uiut vxaitl^y wbal I ' v>f need. It wat iloiio with a parcel of cups oo cm—"'ell.sriys the (iuieral, its a plagy roR s vlp. at this oki’ick. Ih' jivrn lor the »ppre. ifiision and delivery ol a nam.'d .7.I('A, rccriuly •ule ol H. iiry I'oster, .Said bin- is 5 iWt 6 hichi’s hich. coni|>lexiou black. He in ProvidfTii-e S tlKiiicnl. Any person delrrerinjr thi- same ti> llii* subsmher, liv. inp ill t harlotu. aill rcceive the above rewaiu - - J. IX BOY P. HLAXKS, (Iftnriovsliitdsyforsal ti'