MINERS’ k FAMMEKS^ PItlNTKU ANU rt HLiNHi;iJ i’VKRY MATLKDAY, WY TIIOMAM .1. !I01,T0\....C11 AU1.0n |.% MW KI »’\III U(i COl'N’l V, NOIlTH-CAttOMNA. I wii.L TVArii vou To riKRri: rii* kowciJi oif tiis eautii ani> bhinu oirr Know Tiir; cAvrRNi ok tiik Sot ,ntain«, iMfTAi.s n incii vviix oivk stkknutm to our iiamus anu hiibjkct All natuhk to our u»k and plkasirk.—dr. Johnson. IV SATl ROAV, MARCiK 18:M. SO. I8i; TIIK Hiiirr*’ A I'arim'rs’ Journal , rinicd «nl (jubluhpd ttoTf S*turdaj ii»orniiij( I Tuv IMlart prr •iinuiii, if p«id in ndvttfiuu s *' l’W‘1 ““‘'I ft ,ln fxpirattoii of Uirce nioiUbs ; Inrrr at H>e ‘■•“1 »•' y"' ai*conlin0.x) until >11 nrrtrar«gin are paid, Hi ili« option of the Eiiiloi. iUVFKTlSF.MKNTS will U- inserted »t F\fly I'tn'tt pcf ,1,. fir,I in»« rtioii, «nd :i.vci iiU tbf eiich iuc- vr*ck-or $1 for llir« *«ekt. lor oii« A litK-ral ditcounl will I* niadi* to tliow Ihat Ifiisure mh lin ought, instead of whiling f it uwiiy ill tritliiig uud ui idi«rtesj. I’ut' TIIK VIC ISSl'fUUi::s 01' Ft)K'rilNE. j A Wdcumr. Tbnat. Eve ry l>>dy i Im» auiiuxotj Hiifcdotu uTa !isliii{:uisli«;d lintAvs that “ iiiuney U srarce,” tliat is *“V' tlieini qm-itti«ii3 to yourselvea, und a«c if American is reirtted in a recent Icltnr of tlic ery body wha any body—and lht.se who you havfi oo IfMxuie. How tnaiiy evenings cnrr(.s|)ondent «.f the N>w Aiiioricau fiJ not linow it, arn in a fair way to learn, do you vpend in idlrn««»i», in laughing, in M«mim , tlie fcii« of tlwl'rench town jf the present pressure coctinuey.— We iiB»*i*-js talk, in beating tlie streets { Ilow «'f ibe luto wur, la Michigaif rcirilory : of j were mucli amused last Satilrday, at the innny inorv h«iiik aro dc-votfd tr> uleep than fccvcii liundred Voung in?n inurdLTtd i ready wit of'n poor dovil, wiio iiad his IS necessary tor jwir heuitb ? It is a fan- bore, the greater part were (4udents at law, I (hoti9.inds to inert on thr Monday following, cil'ul idi'u that people have, when they say phy>iciuns, and nicrchnrus, and the Up vvas loiteritig ab-ng the walk in a brown tiiitt eduratiuii canuot ix; oulainod witliout ^ opuki.t lUrniorn, and In short the i sfudy, his profile making a right angle with uiwiey andleachera. flowt.rs of tbo youth of Kentucky. ’I’ho ' |,is body, at»d hie C30ii—any where but A iiiiciai - - I ub(Mit the want of time is a 'threw the mIioIo of lliu Stale irito ' nliprc thnv would be of nrrvice to him. As ^I'w^tdvcrtiw l*y tl'*^ y*'’' all adxi-r. i rnrn* pliiinton. Franklin I'ouiHi Iiiiio in tlin infiurniiig. yjx'nking of tlic trojp>) wln> j such a inclliod of cariymg nne’a self in the Jl^nirnt* con.niiinnat(d ft>r ptiUication, 'I*'-, i„iH«t of all liisiaburs tu divc into the hid- 'v rc coitcernf.d in tbf cartb!^’o|K;ralions of sfrPot is not the surest guarnntee against puiBbtrof loiMrriMMi* iiiurt be not.dontbo um^ pij,i„5,„j,hy, ami lo explf>re an th»»tte legit.ns, I have h*-ard 4 number of in- (;r*||,sion with passiuigrrs, onr hero made jinofthemanuj-cnpi.or ^ i (*«‘b ofM:n-nc*‘. 'I hv great Fred- •'’resting accounts froiri dititfcnl |>er?i>i.rt t>r not a U w nnintentiundl assault upon the , Tul ^'muuUatio* ■J’tu il.o lUl.tor ii.u.t pomc j crick Mithaii finpufl at his direction, in the tii«; fcnnation of the several cor]**. Our of |K;rsons«.fthusewho,ni,nwareorhisrr-vtrie, *Veofp•»l(r^or may not be aticndrd to. (j,,d#t of war, and on the e\« of battlen thcic I v. ill venture to repeat. A graduate imngir.cd Lirn cnpubic of kt epin}; clear of _ ,j"'" , v»hich wt r‘ to docidc tlic fate of hit kiiig- ‘*1 dliu »:4’ C'ollogc, wii.^indliccn recent!) them. At length lu- encoiinlcr-da cu‘*fom- idoin, luiind litiie to revel ni ail tbe thurnis admitted to the liiir, was r^iiinj;,lhrougii the jer, who could not brook iiSMiult, and was Siaif of Kentucky, ptsrhafflrwith theiJN'^ign ronwd by the followmij threat; “ LookVe from thr 1‘ortlaml (inuttf. a!«i> vEriiAMfS. frt|'ii]iiic»ophv.undof intclkctuai piuiisuic mJm?. '*riting, nt^l the trade to ,j^yaM««l!Kl. «b«y have all th|* llC»Jlllrf B,l•nt^lb!lr buunew deinaiKi* Mce, amlg« n«ral in.orn^^^^^ , ^ - i„bor-''nvilod the >oui.k udv.K^ le with all the frcu- kind !”—A. £. Calary. cry to them; 8i»d b «f urithil etic »'K 'b« ii make u^- of the iMKirnat th.Mr of «rHUrn hospiialify to dine at hit i l«j»itlilbecoinni>irf ^ ^ ' do-iitnMil. 'I’tiey ire the blo«Kl of the com- hoi Jc the tollowmg r'jy. 1 ho invitation ^ .S'/oOT^rrft.—'l'lie following are some ^ munity ; I hey can, if tiiov pbriise, hold m pt*‘d : and the cu-(ern gentlonian i of th« resi:lts ».f cxperitueiils and observa- \V1 t*l'i-»Tc tlietr hands the ileMtiniesol our npublic ; arriving nt ihe ri.anf.ion of the unknown host.' ti(,ns mado on the human stomach by Dr. - , l/o.rumm ti**-' on- niiij.er..u«, und resf*. ctubl', and found a large pnriy co!K l d ; tiiJ nnj-.riiy H-a-imont, ..fih^ T. S. Army. «( tudo, say ^ . , ,,r iM.vJerful; thi-y ba\e only to be educated "f "Inch were well ;i (ii ttinted with f.icli A dry ntmnsphere iiirreares the tempcra- inJ history, with IIm* ♦ efx’r rnnr it a i jmj,-,,,1^.,. jjryfcosiona, to I'ufm oIIkt, whib* injinj were fcii-!.nir'*r.s, likr-him-' ture of the stomach—a uloi^t one diminish- iLiiUfmalics, til** art »>l companion, r.i . , . mII', and iin iUnj nii\ in thn wn.u nnn- cs it. It does not api)ear that the sU'inach cufncfl. &c. They httwj nolhn.g to do i- - u . . i.:!i our j.rofi-*non, »e arr to ^;ot oui brra.i , l V t,, ilie ^ tbe br. w ; nnd wc h-ave ^ l>hul!Ml.D." -las, l^-;un to circul.ite freely, i*li felt that «„i9(x its sccn tion. In fever little or n« l.vr- bnincbri of eduratioii to th« uiinis-. Ti,^y arc apt to disr-^aid llie %-nIue ot c-4n;!.!>jice in tiic fellowMnp and go'K! gastric juice is wcreted—Iience the pr«- tcr*. llio •“*** ; kno«led:je, paitly, mc I. ar, fioin the i>tr- f. ehng ( f r.irli otlier wiiu h is the bouI of priety of net gi\ing solid food in irbrile Nuw 8S •'* •eulintontJi bk'‘ tb^se c>nMiinrj witb which icachers, *x ip|\. 'I'hu h'«.-Jt then ri.>i:ig de- complriintx. l)i"ction is completed in a prtviil ainorg ni^rhoiiRM aiid tlwj lalh>ria;: atni ^uaniiHiu **iKlt;4Vor lo K/i* *]\ ilit, stal^ c*( tltc norli» vspsl- shorter than pliyf»inIo^Mstrf generally IX CIIARIAVnE. ivathax hkow N return* bli sin. rerc tliankx to hii t'rirnii!! and the pnlilic at large, for tiic liberal encouargemcDt he has ro. ctived ill his Imc cf busineas, and brjrH Icuvc ti imbrm tbtm that he still coDtiriuea to oarry it on at his New E«tHbUsh nicnl, one dojr north* westol Utc Jiil. Helms on band and will con. tinue to make to order, on Hbort notice, or rcII, oo uccaminodiiting te ■ »nrh vohirkii as are a.'.ually manufacturt'd in ibix part of tbf country, all of wbieh will be dis|iot-i J ol' it rrujotriblu jtiicea, for cash or j^ood notiM, on rieniaiid. lie is now procurinjj a vnpply of th3 b« iit tiriibtcJlu; coUDlry^allfirdi, and his (iiateriala are i«fc-clc(rwllh carc.ariii aa nc gf^-vrvrk» - ni( n id hii employ, bis work will be eiecak'd with nvatnet..s, d'lrabiiity and dt Kpatr.b. Ordc r» noiii a «]i«tar.ce Ibr work of any descrip* tion in liii* lijic, will be promptly attcoded to and thanlifully receivtd. RLFAIRS done on Ibe shortest notice and oo the most rensonable terms. itfurcA 7,1?34. 79tf A first rale BiackKiiiith will inc«t M ilb eiiiployiiirnt, ii a|iplication is made lok* inudlatcly to the subscriLer. XATllAX nROWK. Frigate EiitcHaiiiiiieiit. 1 1 ’ III' \ *'*' dof*ni**l to bij »tf ipp'd >1 tlicir p~ »K, a.nd to be ridden b> auibiti.u.« and (! *. .:v nien. Ikmi ibex an* reall\ cKiMiK-H that knw»b«ln ‘ i* tJiit l!ic (dncat'Hl pnrt *.t •tociet) £Hi;»luA-. I,)tlie rt'^t. thay will »akotr«m tlie sliijH.r, *.•1.) bcnir tl»en.K:lve*> t> g' I tins pnwui mio- tjfir o«o hands. It «s not the Mi-ulih) t.^i.t rule in our l-gn.lali\e councils, in p.bhCA, lu t. wn meciiius, «nd ew ry d«i) (■•^•ernsof life; it is not th«* nris*«iatic furt ol* the coinniuml V tb.«l h ue sway over I. V r'^t; Iwit It IS th« educatisJ, lha a ti»c, I •; mil I'.it" »t: wb.‘ arc the hmj-n.r* and Ilf ten tliiiU'aiid pre -^;its «hich are con- Hiantl) diiifi' i! in hu eurv from inliiiicy u;>- w.iidJ; iImI, at In*-!, t’le truth bccom. » III* .»iiirit aiid uhno‘'t detesttil. .“^till it 1^ a i.lK-r tni!!i, ’!' which everv ^ilE Kiii>«oriber would inform th-3 iier. 'I’iie din!iT, !M)»evt r, was'4it tiiriiiigli r*ontoir:s «'.ist ric jnico wh«n ailment is not M. public that be has taken the bonno V*ah s.o« iab:v rnou-h; ai.J by the flioo (he prew nt- Tho oxitement off...sJ mtroduced |i ryon-.ireeNlately occupied by .\frs. Jan. L.-ru " - - f - - ... I «'iun, ar:d 18 prepared to accomuiadate l'iMvr!lrr« and Boarders on as reasotiiible ternia as the present price of t‘ro;ibiuns nill atlbrd. N. PEBWOKTII. Ff6.2T, 1P.1I. 7y-3ni Of tiirahle Tottn Propt rUj roR hwa:. (.n lltf head-quarlfts of the (iold-miniup Having purchased, and being anxiou^ *0 settle a farm in the couii tv of liowan, the subscri- «of the couimuiiity, Xi h»o" Will the) ,t., i(u-»uinttbl«f nortli. ** Know- pf„ and produced a c'innii3.'ion suppose. ^ enioon is tliii most digestable bf ti' r.i^ to an int' »i*eliial and puhtical |, bi tter lh;n House or iBiids,” n» jVoin Ins pm lu I to raise a cor|>s ai^J iiriri.h ofnnv di*t of the fibrinous kind. .Milk and V i%fr> 4 llie l>ctter rdm att^ c.tt'w.s; n- of m, of lln'fi:st picture btmka at onn' ihaht r. '1 h v enlisted to anmn; hread sfunotiiiio* mpiiio a longer tune than presi'iiied til a child, and it is the ifljl>st.iii» c t!|».|r eni -rtain' r pr« \idtd thefn on ih'* i«put m at ti rlii'est, and evi-n licup it it be thin, .th ti.e nc -s;ir\ .'1T and i!iiin;tion«, reijuirf** to Ix'formed uifo a harder mass and the Und uf viihmte'-m starti d i:i a few |k foj-e if :« artnl on hen snusagr, in- huur-i on llieir nraieli to the iKii'lrT. '^I'he closed in r 1;m* nsi'iin was in-j*Tted ^ n ilne ol’ ll;c ii'i'ule 1.,'St «.li Iii-t li.* Iilinlt> d, into th'* iJ'oniHch. the g:i.Nt ric juice acted f>n LiTTaTT^ ir sale, on the most Liberal ui ^ I'in. but the *-:ivlorn d.ivei;iur«‘i, ho v.as «-!e"lt;d I ii tlir*u;;h llie ha;:. !?“Iid bone was di>'-; modatmg'yVrm#, his pro»tnl residence in the lowa \ ‘utig i:i’';i siioiild feel ilie iorc«—that, Ijirtiii'; ai-,: ori liif i«p‘'t, and lr‘c:iiiio r^nlvcd lihHi^li it t(Kik a longer poriud of oi Cbarlotte, onChurch-strcel, with witli tiir 'iiiglu exeeplion ol a gomi c *-.*'n(e, no jx ' »i,ii;n can be so \3lnabh’ na -u il slot k of infuruitttiou.—S moc jntr liiifi of It iM iilw.ns enining inti> !:•«.*; and 15 hi'.rrllv nn% kioi of inrormntiun. a Ciifiaio. Kiid to hnve Li i-n In tter iiii;', by the action of the juice kn»u n so «as t Oionel, (lencr.il, (JoVlt-j nor, and !u;:ly .\lr. S ir !ary ‘ A touch of the sublime.—Some years -inee, at,a certain town in the I?iate of ken- />( in.;r,vu.W« /.t.ni.ev 'y.— .'Iri. R» t.^y ijckv, !«>mi; yoiin:;!:tors, late one evening, whuhiiiav not b>’c'>iiH; u-if'fal in tbo c»»\iisie 'I'raolhi'm, o’lod in .'1 uirjr courts, in this vvent to the resilience of an old dame, who 'r an active IiJh. \N hen hc «|« *k ol in- >iuie ,n, il.e ItKii of Jaounrj , I''!; 1, at (he ^..Id eider,for tiic puiiiom-i.f t.>kiiig a Irol- Si.rltf-Hi.i' Totrn JLots att.iched therelo. The House is new and i lr?ar.t» ly til i^hed ; situated in the most |«li asant j)art of the village, and larjre enough fsr the accomnnHla- lion of a numerous family. There are all tiic ne- rcssary out houses and convecii-nces that coiii/ort and evtn cliffance rould require, not the least of whiUi is a i'apitol Hell, lie will also si II his well fixed and profiliblo TAN-YAR1>, nch bar- Ku'^s, of our country, tntfa Ol su|*r»or in- we J,, ()„t mean that merely uncotnii.' niv advanced sige of ovkhln- ic, and demamled the cidtr. Hut she re- t ihg* nc«*, wbo fril tl:o pti.»«r wIlian tUcni, |-«-rern»cc to .t inaij*^ irude pro- i,j)j p KifTV lorK years. iSiic w«s AjM;d to i^t thi-io have it for l*veor nic^icy. and who I xurt it to »«*a\ the rc*t. ,,c«j or bu^in' ss. Tu U* skilful in these Imrn in (.Jornianv, anJ emigrated* to the Thev, however, were not to be pul otf. h ,i As nmller. are m.w arrati^.-*! in our „ a matter of bbsohno ti. .n>,ily ;much IJnt.sli ( oloni. s in A acrica, at the time Cide'r they bad come for. and C'‘*"‘>'‘7 ' Country, llm Uwyars urr t.V only ir.cn ol oxaio,.!**, a tner- srit|i tne!i5 w»s made in North would have; amJas she reiuwd to draw it )°“Tiiireirtablishmcnt i* not surpassed by »fioin we haTC lo cHnpl«i«; they gut in lH'j;iniiu m thr «.>rld with noother ('nri.iina. in t!ie \rar 1710. ll is a n.iitlt-r for them they m;:de fret* with l:er barrels country—in complete order and in I all the scats of pow r—give lawslothr n char;vctt. r and a th-.r- ,,fhi,!orv that the pro(viciors cf (’arolma am! dnt.v it for themselvef». She, on the it contain* fitly one vaU, with a tan Cf-mmunilj, a id tlien -t aUrtit executing j,m,wh dc'-. of UisiNe»-. hihI ^i-'t dily „Hj,„.fd n nii'nl.er of I'.daiints from Cer- next dav, uciit to a v.^mg lawyer and com- house and all other figments, with a good Leaibtr I',.-in; t!,.y are mvrstrj with UlH the ^,a th and re-iK^c: ibilit>. v. hile ; ,„uny en.i^rate to l!».tr lands in that menred her suit for the trespr.,-.s. j required do«-n, and the tcrma Irjislative ofKi *vculua powar, tbo abili- who is not well inforn'* d in his ( olonv, ;n order lo give value lo tbcir |mis- the suit came on for trial, the la’'y«*r, very | ^s Into m-k« wlnt 1..WS th-y plc«r , atiu b«.}£Hi-t v.ilb allirtuiK-,fuils in evcrj sc'smiis. for tins pur;.n^'nlii-s wore pre- s.ilemnlv, arose and thus addres.sed arc iuTited lo call and enquire tor ' l .i-power toese* ut. them as thov pl.ftsc: hf tn.ocrlakes, caus«a h.*-^ and dis-■ p^red to convey tbo en.iirrants, and ni>..ii rv : “ Gcnti. iiien of the jury—Geullemeu . gsi,,. ni, IS y iVame cur lav**, an in our council*, are ^l.o ate engaged in business i|k,i arrivaMJovernor Synte was diretle«l _|i vras in the dark of night, when nature I’ossession will be giren ft»rtn^ n^i . t-rpidg^H, our pr.'^idents, «ur govetuois, him. aiul o"-" »'* bluud^fnuj; to the lu g,se each lUO acn s W land. Aimm;; had shroiidetl nil things in her sable man- f.r Mlc.*nu*n, *'ur over'e.'s; thev trerp ,.,.j of tho i liajil. r. the nun.U'r of those w no emigrated at that tie, tbe>e myrmidoiisof iniquity i^ued I'ltn I’very »eal (f imvvcr; fr«.ui the |i.w**i.| a thorough knowledge of one’s hii- time, which was one himdred litid twei,t\ forth upon the peaceful b.ibilati«n of this { ,i >, 111! th'-y reach the !ait gn.il of Ibeir or rMoii is n- t comiph of iIm H'; jcai.s aco, was .M r,«. 'I'ninthans. At the veiierahle matron. (Jenth men, has not an ' .n;>i!ii>n III the lii^hi =t oifice in ttie gut of « hat is calUd a w«dl informed j.r,. l.i r e\ e si:iht ln-came Hlino.-it ' old wom.in ti riybt to sell her cider to t'-'The ipiestion n«o* arim s fn m Un the conltary, otw who p**'^* s--«es but diinug l!ie i.tsi twenty years of whom she plO'as.'s .' \es, gentlemen. I’ll » It »'.\ircr do lh. y }»ru»' Ins iiniuenw p,- ,i,foriijulion onl) , it get^m ly |,er j,to, she [M«-^es.-ed the p.wcr of vision l*ed d if she baint.” ;■ i;r’ I, it fpini ihe su|*orior lalenlnot a tiric inachinc*, untit tijr «tl\ .ih at the iigjof'JO. Tor manv I t e proiVssion. from the »u|s rior worth, or rati.joal r»iju)iiient. A mar. yonis pr«'i"us lo her death she was ima-' Orifrimil Ancrdoic.—A traveller cross Feh. 27.1831. 71^1/ , VI ' ’J / I-' ^ . wc«Uli ^ ^ thuik n#'!. I tiin 5|j(ouJiJ :* HiinKJUt of liberal to walk, arul n is stni n> li.ive n qiiirfd m;; the (Irecii Alodiilum:? in > ermout, lu I ' •■*•(1011 IS iind.iubt'’dl_\ the nio*l lutelii. sco'nldic ml'ormution, to wh;ch he aiK.ntiou in h*-r friciKls for many tlie month ol .\u*;ust, diijcowered a bare- f' i.t pirtiof* ol tUe ciituioiiniiy ; nml tit this Sc adding''um tlnng as loay: to pievent th;* temporatuie of h»-r ticadcd and harehsiled urchin, with a large nny ll#! tr^celallits in.liit-iK-e o»«r country be (•|,,in fallii >; so hiw ns not lo sustain tin bucket b\ hisside, digging into a deep s-^iaty in j:ei)i nil. |)ivin sand physicmn-^ „n,kr himself aciiu.iiuted with his a„,ujal hffl. i'nr this pnrpcS»e, she is "iitd isnow drilt^; and \«ry innocently put the • r qtially inlclli>;eiil; tvul Iheir av.H-ations Mt»«Mii;al riglits. to have U;en placed Itelween two feather , (picstion :* i j i." not !• ad them to niini>le Mi mut h in the *• Iveep a ihit^'seven \i aiti anil you w ill |,cds |. r main years leforo her dc.ith, and “ My young lau, what do you tnteiid to Ul'Uhkx, ilm uproar, and the exeifeii»«nt of u, isan old nn tto which will j|,j mt-.itm to hnvo retnineil the natoral do with that fnovv ? ’ , I n* world, and as they are less at livoj the\ apply ^Jmiralily well to a!ino«t any branch u;,rii)th of her body. At the time her ‘ W hy, sir, Mother wants to thaw it to • a*e|u-ntly have less inlluence. , of knowledgr. l, artf nliitinil any s«‘ii'nce, she had ei.lir* Iv lost tite seiiv ol get vvul«*r lo wHsb with.’ Vrsan-not only lh« mmt mlelhgrtrt part |„j, art, and in a lew ye.irs yon i.i.sii, utid In irmg. l or twi uty years U;-i “Tiienwliv tu'l tnko if from the top ol "I the commimiU , w ho tning!« in tb« af- ^,]l (j„J jt of si rxiee to you. 'rfwxtriith is |,pr dcMh she was unable to distiii- llie drill instead «fdij(giHg s«i d^-p . Ciir» ef the world, but they ar«‘far the mo«.t\^, uupi.riant, ttiat I w.mid add to it, bj ,!.f. ditlereiKe Is'twion the taslo of ‘ Why,sir, thatonlhetop alht so pnl artiTe—they cxeit ibcni!. Kes the ino^t in t oinmenlarN,—employ tbal leisure ^,ia;,rand vine::ar. At the nge cfsi.xty-five (?*r any thing, the w-irm w^'atlier, has riricti ^ u’hii is uow liviu);, all tiu' tcatvr out^—ijiv* Mircury* onk-r to obtain the iiK'Ct influence. which others wa^t^ in iJI»* niil eoriupting j|„. |,e-r only chil I'ariimra might K.ive lliis yea. > uf ll,osi* branch- .,,,,1 pn.im..: s to reach an uneommonly iid- t:>iirh iiiori'. f«r lh« f'elings of th** iiiMjoriU „f know lodge which strvc to amust', as vancid aco- " doubt wiictlier the an-j A 'Inniifocturing toirn.— A sturdy I«c»k- till* World are on iheir udo : thev have an , in-.triict; naturiil history, lor ex- cf modern hi>tory can produce nn e- jng farmer from \ erniont was lately pas- mterist Us., in proppinj: up their own pro- or chemixtry, or astronomy or draw- ^^*11) remarkable m.-tanc« oflonjevit\. ; ^mjjr along onfe ^fmir at re**UfTiBt as n host kiudred bran- (Jirn liook. ('vntral (7 mn.) Monitor. *• >'i n, and now if they b.nd ll»" tnforinalioii ,,,• t|„. numerous k I’lfn t iheir energies ari;;bl, they woubl uf ^udy.— Young Man's b've Within themselves m irresistibU; inllu- ' •'no;-.v-r the d.•^lln»va (/others. rarii>»>rs, I nRMFMlY KDItTlli; Hl.ri: do lint hold thot rai k in aociely, they i „ -j'lip sovereign’s! thing in the world," » i:;t.l hold if they plen«.c«l, which they are ; Shiik»|>ejrr «n\s, fur the Ulue Devils, i«i • n!iil( d to hold by llie j;* 'sl 'bey do to man- j,, ^ j,,,, j trotting hor'«*—one that will ■•''■'I- itul imko every kjiii feel lh« d.'ep of the slirni|»s at «very step— ; cp*»ity ofcullivaliti/lMs mind, ami 1ruw. 1 joii lo hold on lo the i^^-ioie the man hud an o»pi)oilunily l ‘ ;;eiit ins, htdtlen tivasur^Hpnake him feel w,i), hoth, if vou himself of an> pnjp*-rly. In jiriip- I'lit hi-niciitn! puacr# over iOtiety, as in ^|,;,re them—one whose inoiions are i.f the window to oscaiie, the man li'-l It doe:4. do|>*-nds upon the qunntilv *>f; violent and so ternblj up-and-down as to l;„*,t'Kcd out a stick of wood, with which it : of uproarious urchins were let gut ol school. I'l'wi) or three of th« larger Isiys were A (tiMxl Trap.—An attempt was made a j dra^gine along in bigli glee R huge wicker few nighU since to |ilunder the hous^ of basket placed on a sled, in which were dc- >Jr. Stone on the D.Tby Turnpike. The thK-fgotmto Iho hou^e through the win dow, into .1 room .s'cupied by Mr. Stone’s daughter. wlio.>o screams alarmed the fami posiiod for safe keeping 8>mo three or tour of these mmiulure editions of men and « o- inen. ‘ IW golly !’ exelaimed llie Ver monter, ‘ iVivvell i.t a manujiicturing place —Humph ! cbililten by Iniskets full. Loircll Journal. .•t fio'rcr furtkn, judiciiHi«ly laid out and ta«t fully arranged is one of the lovelieM ' For Sale or Ri nt. fB^HEsubfccribcr w ishes lo sell M or rent, bik House and Lota in Chaitolle, on Tryon-strei t, ad. joining Uie Academy lots. The IluuiL i.« new, with a good Kitchen and Smoko IIou.se. For terms, apply to the subscriber, nait a«,, to Boyd-. Hold. pEBWORTa March 7.1S34. 3vv ^ >OTICK, ^ IN connequence »t inv residing; out of the Wate, all [.•♦'ri-ons ii)dt'hted to nio for }\ A^Hiyir MACHISES in tlie county of Mecklenbiirtr, are resiKCtfully solicited to make payment to Piar*. all Thompson, who is aulborized to colioct and give receipts. AU (>eriiot»s that do not pay at- (riilion inu!*l expect to find there acco-jntb in lh» hands of an ottW-r tor colleciion, on or l-e 'oro tbo first day of May next, as no longer mdulijenco will be given. r. N. ROBBINS. Charlotte, M. 25, lf34- 3w n. Th*' copartnersliip of Robbins, Ilujhes vt Co. in the manufaetorv of. Washing; .Machini s for twenty five counties in this State, is Ois.solvetl by mutual ooascnt. All persons indebted are re* m ctfully called upon to make payment, UOUBINS, HUGHES & CO. ' F»»Hi;V. iWt.'• - KSTRAY. Robert b. hoi’ston, liv ing 1*3 «r 15 miles south of Cbarlotte, on Four Mile Creek has posted on the stray book of this roun- ^orici borse, about 15 Team old,btIi\ecn 14 and Ifi band* high, has a Ull ticc, a vvLitf. nr.der lip and 8 white saddle spot on the nnddlc oi his back, shod all round, swclh d at the tiams. Ap- ^uistd by Wiu. Lucky and John Kirk at fitteen JOII.^ nAVIS. 3wp >'l"ttmilinn b»« aeipiires; Ul him b*-_«yirtiwisn for liulf a doz.-ii hands at ^vas propjH-d up, a»Hl the Fash fell and cnuglit „Tt and a pretty woKiafi ‘•I’'be ; two wher of you would employ in |,i,„ t!,ofoot. lie hung dangling hy the L p,,H p,.pttier, when training n wild '1 't li»i;l Htid hhill,and u knowlciljc i iti'in rlisraclfr, art* a« necessary t«» him •> :i knowledge of his *'">l man his due pn "•th llij world. '• a« necessary t» him ; ,„,.„n,j.|ng the roiiis, two moio in grasping unable t«* reachlhe ground or sup i i,„„ev-suckle, or with a hoe draw mg fresh 18 tools, and vou giveaiiimaPp mane, and liiul us«'for the himM*lf.x»i as lo release hi^ fwt, until ihf, juts of a favorite tiower. ri|M>rtioa ol inllueiitc ■ kr'cpinj' your insides in their i |n, v\assecured by Mr. felon*;, after lirsi lr_\- ■ ^ oottag* by Iho way side dablius near the I pr.'is'r places. Such ii iH-rse, umler full ,i,p stiength of the. imm's liickory on j jjcraniuius’and rosts in the win- Hut wc nrestop|s'd nt once anl told by ! motion, will make you forget the blues, „f jionor. The man is, we believe^ dows, convwyji to the passms? trateHer the idoa ol* purity, inu'iceiice and relinement M > ui.WAKD y% ■ • • r . , . ing in CUrlutie. will iecti*3 the above rew&tw and bH.wbi«f>ers to himself, as the ; ,nd thauks besides ^'im, that b« baa nu leuuro to cultivate his I ,|,.p^.„d upon il. It is a harsh remedy, we n,|.—;\f,r H,inn Journal. iup|leci; Ins every day vocali.’ns demand j,rnni, hut an nili'olual one, at least, wbil.M ^ ^ ^ |'I his att ntion and lime. I'.very man, j y,,u «rc utide.r its operation. I W AUn \ N I’ilK DEEDS I wheels rapidly alon^ “ ih'Te »happtnc.*3 in j ^ven ihc biisitM, the tuosl induslriBUS, has ., i rou s u-t AT T«is on xc*, | ihat cottage."—.A>tirn«/. ' -"re enough, if be is du.?vs,eJ to »pcud lUu.ila f all knds for sak at ths OJic€, I roK s.vi.l at b Il.l.bt) given for the sppre. . - hen>iou und delivery of a nefro bay named J.H'h, rw’ently sold at the sale of Htiiry t^Ur rfc c’d. Said boy is about 5 tett G iiicbi-shijrh.couipK xion blHck- llo is i„ iVovidence Settkwent. Any person delivcrii.R the fame to the subscriber, liv^ r . th# nKfiVa r«>war4„ Mrrch 1”'^*- J. P BOYr»,

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