MmERi§(’ h FARHERl^i’ JOVR^TAL.. PKISiTED AM> l*i;ilLISilKU EVKRY SATMIUAY, BY THOMAS* J. IIOLTON.o.ClIAULO'n'E, MECKI.IiMIl R; COl NTY, NORril^AltULlNA. I WILL TKAOII you TO rilRCK TIIK BOH ICI^ OF Tlir KARTII AND BRIW 01JT nU)M TIIK CAVKHNli OP THK MOI NTAINU, MKTAI.S WIIKH WIl.L CIVIC STIIK.NGTII TO OUR HANUE AND Sl'BJECT ALI. NATl Kt TO 01)11 OHE AND FUEAB'mK. DR. JOHNMN. VOL. IV, 8 iTUHI>AY, APRlI. 18:>4. BiO« 186. From the Aaiericsn Annalu of Ediipitioii. youth Wn HOL’T t;HlLI)llO(.>t), Mf worlu, f,om early Mdkmd to Comprises all Ltd rucul-1 or Di ,lo«( «*e ag, of ,etfuteen. Dr.wn up from lo- ; childhood au«J ycuUi: ' ! to rei pldocumrnu b, Anulm \ on tu.rback 1 .. 1 1„ ,tol of one of .he H.v.ri.n ( ourt. of App. .l | j, Nureu.berp ! vm.c. A.. I jiW rr-««tn lifjk I ■oriiiA n •^S#»f*(iriii ^ _ _ . . ^ t TrtiidUled from the Herman.—Sfi-onii fliiition. Uo«ton : Allen ind Ticknor, 183.1. tain this idea unassisted. In the cas« of| At a lat« term of Wilk«8 Bu|>erior court Caspar ilauser, hit biographer oljserves that KJudge Strange prasidinf;,) a catiae of con- * he brought with him from his dungeon not j aiderable intereat wai tried beiweeo the! the least prewntiment of the existence of (ir>d, not a shadow of fuith in any more ele* vatod, invisible ejistence.’ It was hot un til his faithful instructor led him to remark on the things which huhtard and »uu> within himtelf, that he could l>elieve in at»y objects but tht)i« of the external senses. Two of the most intelligent deaf mutes we have ever known, were for mouths, utterly in credulous of all that was said lo them of an invisible being. But the example of Caspar State and Alfred Doolet and others fcr ntaliciuus mischief upon th« property of Gen. William Lexois. Th« cara was, that Gen. Lenoir had been appointed a comnaisnioncr under a late act of Auenibjy, to make « road from the valley of the Yadkin Btmse the Blue Ridge to the Afibe line, and the set tlement alons the proposed rolite beinjj'Vfcrjr sparse, haods were obliged to be called from a considerable distance: a snow storm hap* fjening on the day appointed, the men be« I enabled ('aepar to clothe hie own ideas iu jecla and ideas that crowdcd upon him c- I words, that any light was tlirowu u(>on his . merging thus suddenly from darkness and fiSM» «« early hihtory ; and the followinjj account de- solitude, led the police to exclude all visit- in a dunireoii, »iyarnird fiom all-nmntuni. ■ whose title is ut the j ors, and place him in the fimily of profess- ...I .1- e. k.^.. f,. . . - . i Duumer of the Nurciiiburg gj utnasfum, receive such an education as he needed, the courae of a year, ha was sc. far ad- Nuremberg! vanccd in the knowledge of lanj:uage as to I that Iw came into the world. Here he first * commence a memoir of himself. An at- llunrnl that, besnles himself und the man : tertipt by Stimo unkiiov>n per»fn to take his I„ passing thrw-}ih r.crniany m the year there ex- life, exciicd, p?rhaps, by tha apprehension ]'!», we heard ol an extraordinary Ltiiij; | „f,(j oii,er creatures. As [ of disco\ery, np|Kars to have Iv-en the only vho had “ come into the world,’ as he sub- p collect ho has nlwnys ; interrii|)tiou to tho course of training by (•q'jeiilly fxprpRsrd if, at ll»€ ago ol se^eii- , |,,^j jj, (a small low apartment which wo are told he came lo Le ‘ reckoned Ufii—•* youth in form, and yet as igncrant ^ h«> loinrtimc.s rails a c«g‘,/whore he among rivilizf’d and weli-beliaved men,’ in- oi laiiKUujf*-*, uf the use of his liml)S, and |,y,j Q|«a}« sal upon the ground, with bare 'eluding, of course, many of the artificial ,*pn of the most common external objfCl>, | clorliid only wiili a shirt eml a wants and fashions whicii addei ru-ilher to ylli« infant of a frw nionlhs. Ilo wom ob- i psir of breeches. In this iipartmfnt he never' his happiness or worth. ‘I'he narmtive lie- .rrted on the evening ot the ‘JOlh ol May, ,|,g jieuvcn®, nor did there ever apixiur ' loro us prf9**nt.>? a vanely of intGrestin-' de. near one of the gates of Nuremberg, ^ brightening (d«y lijhl) iurh as at Nureni- tails aud anecdutes, concerning t!io child- pih“ posture of one inioxicatrd, who was e- f,(.rg. Me never jioiceived any diflerence j like simplicity and aiBiahle character of this unable lo Mand or to move. A letter, bctweeu day and n'ljht, and muf'h less did youth, his angular views of life, and his pe- i .iJihe htidoul addn-seed to the Captain ' |,g ^ Mghl’of tJie Uautiiul lights , culiar propensities and habtl.-;, which well ,'i »|u«dron of cavalry, g«*e uo infuri'ui-, j|,g heaveus. U heriever Iienwoko from • desor\e perusal. Our limits only allow us liv) rscept that ho was born in 1^1 .i, aud i },(, found a loaf of breidand a pilch'-r ! to fjlance at a few of tlie most promiiient ihji he Irid never Is-en suHered to I* | ,,f wul« r bv him. .‘^•incliiiies ttiis wslcr hud [x it fs of the description, aud the principles I'.i! lK>o*e, and that all imjuiriesconcerniri;^ ^ bad t.i.ste;* vthenrver ihii ihu ciiw,' wIjrIi they illutitrate. ;..jnri"tn and rt.»idente would lie in vnin. ,j„ |,n,g« r keep hu oms o[»en, hut 'I'hedafknessandseclusion inwhichCa'j- Inffplv toall ll.eyirslions addressed lo him coin|>ellrd t» fall aNlo.p; and wh;n he par had been kcjt, pnxiuced extreme s«Miei. iAindiudua’s and the p«dice, a few unmean- awoke, he fou! d thnt he had Ulity to tvery eiteriml iiitpregsion. Alter ,r’ words and iiic»««unt moans weio all ^ , clean shirt on, and that hi^ uails had be n he recovered from that torpor caus>d by his 11!,..I he eoold utter, and he pointed "ith'^y,, |Jp never saw the faco c.f iho uiim i entering tho world, his smses, were acute r , ks 'f eihauMion, lo his blistered feet. bntiight him Ins meal wh! drink, in j to a degree which vias paiitful. Kvery ob- j; ■>! which oll'-red lo re»tore him, hit ,],j, w(«>deti iRtrses »nd ject cciivejed odors lo liiin, which were, i;i N.jrfiel with vit-ihle horror; Uil ea;:eily j(it,.nil riLboi.s. With the»r horses he liad a great mea.surc, imperceptible lo others, .»ilK)m-d wMiic br> ad an«l »ater; and on ulvka\» amused hini^"lf as long a.^ he wa." .uid soinc would produce shivering, at*l nau- U";;conlurtcd tothe Stahl'* hlrfti.ii« d him- a,j(j o,jiy o xiijKition was, lo ^(a,and liver. 'I'he touch of afiimals, or • i^^:i the straw, and Icll into n sl**rp so by his Mde, ni.d fix or lie of iretal.-J, ihrilled through his frante, and ('crHiiid. llial he could »:arcely Iw awnU t(,e ribU'i:« aU-ul them in dilf. rent direc- ififn|>ro*iuctdunequivocalsymploiiisiifpaiii rinl. Ills f»^ t were a : aortas the P-dms 'J hu-i oi.t da) !iad paijMsu as llio oil*- .omI dn*fase. llis tiearmg and si^ht were L; h.-haiKls ; his gnil was that ot a ( hild, ^r» ; b it h«-l.a l t.ewr foil ihe want cf aii} ’ also unctHnmonly acute ; and several re- i. ii • . IjvjnUiCiuing lo step ; i.nd it onlv nevf-r biea suk. and—«iiice only mark:iblc iiislnures are gufMi, in which he jyeceeded by deep sadness, jjg gunk tiem- r® • I'.a uii. nM? Mitrering lhal he c«'uUJ walk. ' —had iievrr fell ihe sen»ation ot pr- v^d that be could di:^:ovcr objects and i g diair, ahd asked with a hurst }L'® fncultiee, mr/Ual a* well as eorp^enl, • t IcCii ...... I «‘ti I. r>r ... IPUa maa w ft awAuI/ t»a flu ur n 1 rn at A an A I .ml rf. linnser, like that erf the deaf mutes, also | came ciucb dissatisfied and protested a proves, that the idea of a Supreme cause | gainst going on with the werk, but the com- commands itself lo tho reaeon and feelings ] miseioner had been echooled in the Revolu- of man, »h*-n his mind is cultivated. A | (ion, and although eighty odd year* of aoe, touching Ihcidei:! which occurred in the ! waa not to be turn>^ l»acJ{ by trifles: su hd course uf his ehriy education will illustrate ! said onm'ahd! as he had done at King’* this pjint, and must close our extracts from | Mouniain and at other places where men’d this interesting volume : i souls were tried. The hands became exas- ‘ Mis inMruclor showed him for the first | ^nd on that night they atlacked lim- the starry heavens, llisastonishment , ^ut where the old ge.ilk-man slept with and tran*.port surpns.sed all description. He | stones-tbrust sharp sticks at through could not be sulmledwilh the sight, a„d |‘^“bin-^ut and d.sbgured vvasever returning to g«^o upon it. » That,” horse and carnage and otherwise «h.i«ed he exclaimed. “ i., indeed, the most l,eaut|. I ‘Tf *“* ful sight llmt I have ever yet seen in the I lo court, and Ur of the party were world. But who has placed all the*, nu- !convicted, viz: Alfred Dooly, Jesse 1 np. be.lutiful candles ther-? W ho lights jt wo young men by the ftame of Ihem? Who puts them out?” Whenhewaa Dooly who was the ringleader told that, like the Sun, with which he was luiprisoued. and the others fined: af. ter u severe reprimand from the Judge for such a disgraceful attack upon a venerabi* gentleman, wbo had gone from his fireside already acquainted, they Blway? continue t» give hgbl, he asked again, “ Who placed them there aliove, that they may always con-, - i i tinuetogivehght (” At le^tb,.landing mo- i«‘ I*-s«ge, and in such an inclenienf seasoo tiunless, with his head bowed down, and his ! a pubi.c duty .n fc€ mldivne.s, eves start.o/, he fell mto r tram of deep and of compen«tion. serious meditation. When he again recov- ^ g«>llemaa appeared in Court a9 ered his lec.llecti.n, his transport bad been “ was somewhat surpnemg avi-nied The next we»*k we eaw him at Ash* Court, p.iin.— r(>«>u ihe wh'de, lio had Ui'ii jj.uch colors, as rea('ily by night, ashy day. i » ^^|,v that wickcd man had kept I ir..r*,' aud pa»cd li.Hjn* ami dava in mov- (,« had 'I'be great printipio wasestabhsbcd in his t'hirh k-aves a humarTbe! 1 I*i”* aiKl ornameming It, a, .f ,u„.'„cv.r did him «r:y L.uai. cas.-, a. lufants, that forms and d.s- „ «c. lha ooh iK-mg wbM.h Cudcdlor i. Yct.'ncdav,Hl,orl!v b. fore nas takon a- are rot d.Minguishi-d i.utd the tou.h | ” ond si^vfu: other gentlemen t^k a ^c.l r.vlm^-*. ...V _u. h. K.ul-..,, ins Lor.-fl ha, coirectvd the errors Vision, lie .ta-:“* tra/A-fo^ciAcr, and when he ruurned he wa* t.f idi.^'V, f't Ihe Hliin» h..oa*.-, or lu liie }k>- f ri»on. placed a small il by hr.iidiii.g them. Another sinking il and the priiK.n. AlUr vmu^f- ^„.,othmK lu‘*ralicn of iIiih pnnriple is descrilxxi. | expressed air-rtion. Oh' what will bo the | " l,:tMo.h«t-onielhiug troni him as l« his ui^xi il. which he now recollect* lo th -» Cin-he called a bc>autiful summer land-1of thoj-c lu-mghl^d lyings whom > I, r iJei..a . r c..on-ciion«, to nhi.-h he re-■ j,p bei„;,d ^capo vd.ich was se*n troni f»'«opnressions of civilized and'* J . J ,.n!> ui *.n,e pitu-.ia in.Miu* and umn- ^ by bun, look huid ‘ u^ly ' u-ly '’-b'-cau^. as be aflerwards ! l’‘^3 intclTectual ' i.;.u;Ue phr..Ht, h. uan commitlcd ly a ..fbu IkuuI, and moved it back-,varcU and ter- sa:d. it appeared lo him like a roll, ction ol i when ih.'V ace the glories of that j i.neroverooeol the gales iiixler ihe car-a li.mj led ,K^n- | .t^ U various colors on thu- vvmdow. ^^^icb lie. bcnor.d the lirmamenl! I ; 4 huiimn' jailor, aud upi-eara to have en- j he had aluik belw*j.-f» Ins lingers. I wo or three \ eurs of inslrticlioii correcUO j ifoiNcf whu h hik ca»o ad- v,;,, u: \ .n iN'a^e mhmi n la\.‘d the mightily pica ed. « genlle joulh to such ' caied some others in his account of the of the n.-\n lo vvhuni on other occasions he , transaction, but they live at a distance, and might be the greatest injustice to nanio them lo the public on the authoritv of such the neg|tK:t nr oppressions ol civilized and :, miscreant.—Cflro/i«a IVatchmAn. :dl tl*e cuiiifoit ...;!pd. (’iiiiim* • .Trity ®f till! Lw ; and lie was ir* i lingers, what It vvais; lh’^ crrorf.un.l reduced his sciibibilily, ihcii ho siw inaiiv poinH, to tho common kvel; but he r«ecivcd I,” iigure» «hich U^iin ionp|.eurup. ct.niiiiiiini able lo see disUntlK al night. NOTICE. The subscriber havingr rcinoTed his stock of ItOOKS to Stafe?rille, and having placed his notes and ac- i'annexed ns^asrap^ fronVthe Her- ! counts in the hai.ds of P. Tliomp*on, Esi. a. the i» I- ; surne due hinj are g.nerally very small, and as ha •lie ot tVcember th, appear. gfcaduu any unnecetsary expevte ASSASSINATION OF CASPAR 1!Al'SER. Hy Ihe i lin Cazulte • - . . . I . J *»»v v’i«» r» ^ p. --ri I ill al ‘-a - v^,.. — , -{r AiHn uk\ w to occq^uju u Ti V unuecessarij €xpens tt.e fan.tly wl lht*jailor»« a i.ewrlc.J lii-s u hue iM{»rr. NMien Lc fill thut hi-s llu r.vlru'»rdir.iry aieniory d» ciiii-J with ) p,>or Caspar lliuser.lho mysltfrious im«, he rcfipttiiully and earnetily bo- h^lplt »'* ehil*l, aiiMi un!er lli«* in*trurlij(i « as fret* aii'l ihe w a** (rocii tiMs arulf*nc«-' ol llio al the I u hose case has e.xciled so much inter-Mjciu iinincduie aUention lo his humble claims. DAMLX GOULD. - hi!drc-n, in "an to ieurn to talk ! |j,. pU.,i^,.d w,il, this new . limiilti:U his frame enlariz'd ; and both were ^ Ktiropeand America, has at last fallen taxed i;,at he could noer grow tired of singularl) coincident ith a change in his, outh, i wf ntiod him »llluo^l to twrtui*’, b) ihcir l!o \».i» vt'il.d by cro*»os, who taxed i;,at he could iioer grow tired of singularl) coincident itli a cliange '!> 1 by the stroke of an assassin. An attempt, 1'. :r III: fiuiitv 10 eiaiiii.w ^ ihe po..r youth, Jr3^^,og these figures rep«--vlc(iiy iqwn the dut. (aspiir obsoived. in regard to his j jj1] ^^1,0 have read ytarch 14, 1834. p.ijirr. This occupation uliiiLMt naO«'. him lieurin;', that ‘ its aciiteiicss had iH'on con- i; jj.^it .rial ell .rts to discov»-r sKJuieihiiig. 1,„ b,»rs>.i aUhougli ho did n.-t know sidcrahly diininisht d since h« had b«-gun to l!.ilhev culd Old) H.erlBin that b-wi- i,.u ilu«e tharact«-rs signUiod. 'Ihe man c:it meat.’ Ticfessor I>aumcr, in his notes, n II.M:;! . f adult age ; in ih- cxpr. ssivc repealed ht» v i,.U in liiu simo manDcr, aev- oUsrv. ^ ‘ all. r he had learned regularly lo lUS;;** of a l.ondou Ucvi r, an exam- | eat m^'ul his iiM-iital activity wa>diminished, r« f V'jiilh vMthout cbiloliv>od. He at- ^\ni tJ.rr time, the e^imn «"ain lifl- hise\ei lost iheir brilliancy and a'xprostiion, '• >;.kd, like an ii.faut. to soi/.e every glil- ; ,|^ pl^.-c ^»(,pre ho liy, and aiid his vivi.i propon^ity to con!.iant activity ' li, (.1 j’ 1 wl.n-li ho saw, ami criod if he bis I'w l, and cudcavJred to whs dimm.ahiHl. '1 he mtcnbo application " I'.'rbnldrn ; uvl even when u lighted bim to sln!t.l. ’ of niii.d cave way lo aUsmceai.d iudilli3r- ,i,« ,„,n once, and the quickness of hia apprehension also coiisiderablv diminishid.' it is Wii> place.! iR-tnr.i him, he lri*‘d lo til* b* aulilul (lame.—-In the lJnd^t ol At his fuial ■p(»^arance, him over his shoulders, esmtnl him .ns he ■ I - l„n, over MS Fiiouiuers. esrrnHi mm .is iic . - . ming luhinev, howev. r, his 8““^;; p,„re d it, up a hill, nnd l.ioucht him lo 'peMioiicd hy the aullwr, vv hither it was .* W. re iiMonished, eu putting “ I" ' .\„rrn.bcrg. IIis rec.dl-cti^ns of hi: j-ur- ‘7 **' : K hand, th .t he caild turm h lUrs dis- .ndiM.ncI, an.l the C.ct lhal citom. ni. He now exhibits nothmg ol ge- iti'Hirable Tmrn Praperty FOR fSAI.E. (At th( head-quarttr$ of lie tlold-mininf Region.) HAVlNi; purcbaa^d, and being anxiouf' i to settle a t'ariii lu liie n>un ty of Rowan, the sctificri- bir olil rs ii.r aale, on the ino^t l.ilrral aiiu act mod&ting Term*, his prt-m»iit rdsidrnce in the town of Charlotte, on Church-i.ireet, with Sixly~siJt Totrn Liofg attached thereto. The Mouse ih new and clspanf- ly finished ; iitiiated in tiie moit ploaeant part of the village, and large enough lor the aceomutoda- tion of a numerous laniily. There are all the ne- itif negwn.) the l'.i>lory of this womlerful case—and who has not !—was made u|k»u the life of this mysterious being, not long alter be was dis covered. The allempl has beeu repeated, w ith but loo much success. It has recently Vien stated lhal some disclosures had been made, respecling Ihe history of Caspar, which It was exiK-cted, would lead to fur- tlwr developments. Probably the appre hension of such discoveries has hastened his end. 'I'ho f.dlowing is a letter from Auspncb, dated ihe iMh “ Ci'.spar Maiis*‘r was not ablo to speak much during the last hours of | ccasary out house* and convenience* that comfort : r.., i.j,iM.n, u- «ell as i!,e,. U the ""^‘,"3!^e\“5dh.'K>d and youliiT’wiIh - , hniH. that titne m;ghl CP-.blo him prccui.ccvrd notions to the authority, or ■ ".n...n ni..tains and convem. nceH and no- , , J . , j oi oriLnii t i U'slimony of othere. Ho would "I i.rc .1 1 "■ .„d n-.b.i,.vo .1,. ,eco„„. or.,,,..-. t'.. hmginse of his biographer, but lo | ..roduced bv Iho multitude of new ob-• ‘‘'® tfrovvlh ol plaiils and animals, 1 hiiii a-t tho inhabitant ol stmie dis- ' • until ho saw and tell il. '•'.t I'!;.!)'I, or as Olio bui icO from his birth,! .|*„,ul)ly water mnnl wiih opiuni. j 'I'he same disposition lo scepticism ap- it'jw jti'.l emerged into the w.irhl. Im- j tlnr^i rnt newnpaix ra, vvo fii.d ihi' following prared in his reluctance to hcheve in the *.’ri.ii.,,n wai t.rtiir'-d lo devise Kome niwlc , parajrapha. . . i i i , existence of his own, or any olher spirit. "1 »''c„„t,lirg f.,r hiH character and ap|K.‘ar- ’ ol"'il>r» cxirawdf Indeed, he did ik.I sw m lor a long lime to ti>«. ^ .iu dreaiin .lofauex|K»riiucnl,mado i j, m 1h> in a way ol «-x(jla- be nwarc ol iho difTerciire between animate •' ii,m1.tii Ihori.-ls, lo ascertain the slalo j nation. It k.-im* aecordinjr to nu arcojnt which and ii;»niiiiaie objects, supp*i»ing all motion niiiid, lef\ to advance to maturit> m ut- wa lind lu an llnchuh prnodicul, t^iau .iK|>ar llau-, jj,. vohmlar), and behoving all inattar *' r ijnorni:.;# of the world, and thus re.diz- i ^\«V!irirrrof ^ cLlnrnm i capable of it. ' th« funry.picfj.-e of a (iermau at-ry. JJ t.nh, ,nd t.nnlly en.-lo«d it in j His case furnisJiea some evidence on the '■•l.'T* .iipposed him the heirol iwmoe»lale ,ub'.''rrau.t)u» hole or vauli in a (’onvpi.t where , long disputed question, wnelhcr man would ^i.idcm, of which he was unUvvfully de- tic «a« rending;; that ihu. ini|irinonrd and shutout ^ naturally arrive at the idea of a Deity. Our ln».-d. Dthi rs still cm.jcctured, that this t>oin all human ii.tire.mni, the u>.h«|.i.y b. u.R 1 ,„torcourso with the deaf and dumb, and ;>!T..-..ii, and dangerous plan of biirv mg alive, m'the’h'.tVol- hu Ufo i «>ur .nquiries of instructors at home and a- *iK'en adopted to conceal ihe crinics at- ,,„biinhid, when the i-ncKt hiinj ; broad, had long sinte I iirfiii,'^ his birth. ^'ith were llie crmjectiire* (loaling ®n the ’"' 'lio niiiid in reference to this smcular when wo left (Germany, unable to ) ‘'V our route so far aa lo visit Niiremborg. Cot uutil liubdsqucut education hud I ha \\ il! litvoj- the I, .1 I d.llvl. Iitt!.'doiiht that thi'true i btrii h.l tho i.i.i ujHiu. 'Hic aboT« out lias liaa Lci u ci,';iiiuunK ;it('l ,■ i no traces of tho ass.»ssin have been ohiained. j any in the country—in complete order and in Lord SiaiihoiMj is now in Vienna, or in I'p- jcnoi/ rqwv; it contains fif>y on.- vaia, with a tan p.. A».r,««,:ro«d ,ha,. .» »o«u „ ; f|”“ he hears ol his favorite l>eing wounded, he i money i» required down, and the terms will hasten lo return hither. It will be a se- I u^^st favorable, tho«e wishing such vere grief to him lo find this ‘ adopted child j proi>erty arc invited to call and enquire for a bar- of Kurope,’ as Hauser was once named, no S“hi- more. Lord Stanhope had ali-eady writleu that he siiould shortly be in Frankfort, on bis way to Auspach.” Pv>6session will be giTcii forthwith if reiuirtd. W M. W. LONG. Feh. 27.1834. 78tf The assassin of Caspar Ilanser has b«en arrested, and comniilted for trial. His death is certain ; and his confession, lest he perish es with sealed lips, will possess the greatest iutcresl. $S0 REWARD II.L be given for the apprs ww hensioo and delivery of a negro bey named J.1CA, recently •old at the aale of Il^nry Foster, dec'd. Said boy I* about 5 foet 6 iuchea high, ooit'plfxion black. Hs _ la in Provident^ S*ltIen.ont Any Th. co.vrNT,o» M cf\ our claims on Spain, which the President . besides. ^ BOYD announced al the opciiiug of the present ses- | ^ sion as in progress, tras signed at Madrid 1 ^ on the 17/A of Fthrvnr)/, oad mny beslKrl-1 AW-V H I’v-VN'T I’iL* DKKDb ly cxpcctcd ilt Washingto!i,-67('.V. ' K ' uv vr orncfi.

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