MiPf: j®uawAi. I WIM. TKA VOL. IV. .aiiusiir;,> Kv^ col^vrv, somu^ x^i s viu «I>A\ , IVI.VV :i, I83J. JNA. NATL-RK TO OI K IJSK AND fMCASLRK.—DR. JOHNIiOM. rcoly exfiuifjiftl; “'I'liep by tiiy khail buve uhut you so «ameiitly the ^j «•!*• ^hpu.lud and un,.ri,K if.lcd v.lliun. Draw j king,” muttered ll.u old umn ; •• they «re a pier, liercel> IV ...nil ..I.",- kfinj ^ is™™ , '•’'•'y '".y ■" “-i >'-i f , 1- 1 you niroufjii. itiiictijn thiTC iK'tweuii the tKior tnun and 8«'ck NO. 187. Messrs. Allens advvrtised a day or iwd since the loss of eight $1000 bills of the U kin"d“in ex|>«sel to tho black liliist*i of the rapief» mIk-v wero wrfiH tlv cVmVi 1*\v!f(l‘'or and st«id btfere them. There north «*a in fn.nt, ar.d the h^uvy drutk of; c„V-ctId nn’d earh narrHrai.d tl.rusied 1 V'"" 1" ' ‘ wildnc« m h.s eye, an apparent from th« m.Kintain8 in the roar, ..fiers ,he n.rest preciMon for a foL time 1 'l‘'T ? '‘h«nf.,«*:.red ..l.^trac.o,, in his countenance, h.s cheek M in.»u...nM.«,s as a hab.tat.on of du nrHi“ut^ o l.c^. ,t..,d, «as ,.a . us ^„rl>k, un.l h,. hand wh.ch . -I K.1 .1 - I 1 .U. “-nilLnr» wtrt in ' .jnd for ti moment ronfront;d the old man, j:ia>^|)efl Ins naked swurd trembled violeiitlv. Nor doe« tli« castle relieve the UtcinJ l»y eiihi Ih. hoh Urn. .1. ,. i„. d„id u, ,1-, do,„;,ic„ U-«a„ c,o.d ,L. mankind. A niiui^ of frowiiMiK tiwertf and battlements ^•r fwriy, victory remain«!l iwi- | v^|„, g|,rQ„| t|,p i^iuc —Give way there ye slaves!” shouted he henablaulutlemi>ted Blouf)ue, ;p^„. “ I)., you not remember the child > ‘ lilfdilanidated and overffro«*n with iik.-** i i I\>or own Hcsh and blo(i.j ? ’said the oflicer. entrance, and then tuiuing to liw followers l,,irdil«|Mdate.l, an.l overgrown with i»..^s j j,ad disarmed him ; the ti»hcrnmn olloted , *. l',,.l,er d., y,„ |„n.H yonr truant l’..u! l-e exclaimed— ,nd ivy, und on winch a c»iiitury had «-how. ; i,e„^, ,,, victor's weapon but (lie no. I erd ith Hu'kmes* and decay, stmj{ to hy ' pcr.yjly 'I'iieold man \vns9lu;ii|if d, his eye roainetj, ‘“To the beatli my men—on to the boat, ^,r. mrw, or the nMsin of the Nortl. . J forVive vorylr ufX'” : L "'T ► H. It ri:.Kh. s aganiHt the r.K:ky shore, .h | «s> ward bo,. I By the time .he ofl.cer ca.ned his ship, t «ii>ht illv rnk iiUied to cheer or enliven ; ««*•«»*-* thal nifjht w hen the li-her. I'or a innwuni he (lou!,If.*fl his senses, and !''* was calm,and all tracenot recent passion tie feflin;:* of u Hjrt-ftutor. I man n turix d to iim w reti.bed Hb>Jn Biter' pay«»d hii hand arri HS lii-s hiow. w i;!i a be- his countenance; his orders were tlif shore. 'I'h> Tf wan I ho void of an un- ofctipied mind in tlie »-\pre«»ioD of •hinK l» npi'fiM* linii of hi^ pr»'»*-nce, he eirUim- ‘ l’,li“n IS dead." Ttie voice uas «l‘rn tnd ir"iiiul>us, and tJ*« bluo rye uf I hr %(xin^ t>'in*rmaii w ilh a tierp und troublf-d rin ii'ii; but itpa^'^dawa) and lie (M :ooi'd collecti'd, awMitiii{ his coiupan- lOJj’- r*'| lv. Till hunter «tart'd anil gr#w slijjhtiv n* hi*e>*.ff|l u|xiii the tirthiTinan, til *niKklv recoveimg his equanimity, h* Mtd ran I mail) insii'ier allay j-ur j.Mief ? ,\| shall ti** iwid f'if her repM»r, and h''r>-, P«iil, I* gold todiM haree her tuiieral nut ; tnke i( ninn,and if it isuot sulHt lent )''^j iIinII have a>i«re.” N»>, Str Jaiirt-s,” returned the fisher- ni«r. viiih a n'(.ol>«ivi- wave of'hin hatKl, and I tiiiil** of bill''rnei« u|iot) hi* rountenance, have i-uoutih from th*- hard e«mei mi. nn^r^of imr daiU toil to t)e{x>«iie the v ic. 'I’he mariners stationed in the gallery annexed puragr&pb, from . I ihe Boston Ccntinel of yesterday, commU" nicates intelligence of the recovery of th# money and the detection of the thief. Pont Office Robbery by a Boy.— On the lUth J'ebruary, the New Orleans cor* respondent of Messrs. S. «fc IM. Allen A: Co^ renntted them *iSIUO m eight U. S. Hank notes of SsldOO each. The remittance was due c»n the lOlh mat. but did not come to hand until this morning, when it appeared that the letter containing it had been stolen by a boy in the Courier office, who Went to the Post Oliice here with his mail papers, and whili.1 inside stole a bundle of letteri from New Orleans which were Jying on a counter. After opening the letter containing fha notes, lie threw the others into the firai Six of the notes of 61000 each he gate to hi.s brother, whom he told he found (hem; one which he had got changed at the bank, he gave to his mother; the other, on his presenting it to the bank to be chang. ed (while the oflirer was comparing it with and fi-arlul moan of tho troubled deep, that ' l>,? iHughi d m.m.J.* rHlcdy ; lor there waa i *'"'"1^ «n her course, and in'a few : “ '‘®“ription of the bills that had been left allayed tho storm in his bosom; i.lo;,?, vunitv and d li^ht a tthe «,|J man's heait. * fi'Oiijeut^ wa» moving majestically forward,: *" P*^s«ession of the bank* ■ ’ ■ ‘•IN^cehiiuon l«,ardsuidthe ol^^erto «ave^lhattc^sedl\'^^‘’">:'‘‘®’^"':">««'^i,"^^^^ oU. tr to path; and whan “ ;»nntmg office and by an in. that evenm- illuminated the dash- I f ‘ North Sea with her H^-t.ma beams, h« I several offices id the city, the !o(U sh,p far on her vsay to that j urn suoal and ^itfl sqtMi, anu , (he f’oorier oflice ajipearing he was recog^ iiized, and subsequently confessed bow hd liad disposed of the money and the other Iet tors. 'I'he money has been recovered e»^ ccpt fifteen dollars. 'I he hi.>t ravsof the aeliine win wera uil- ! dis* omfiinre; he had M»ii;.-ht the wildest uildered air, fiut >:ra(1uull> the ujilencfita- d with his customary coolness, and d'nL'ih-dxrk st .no towers rtiid I i/htm-Mts and there seating tjon b-anM'd iipon his ui.di-i>taijdin^ and H >f «lte fierce storms ti.xaiiy fiall" and KaUrie* throui/li the frei- •'* li'‘ cla>pmg the ofiicer t. hi« breast, exclaiii.- i '*l'ith iiad but a little while previous raged fedr«;.mrnts,-h attired in the ‘I.'*'''T.l’ ta.herV ii. ait.’’ >« br,.«n>. fii,f>t carb of a hont.-r and followed b\ a l>»-aeh, and the heaving of his lie ernld fiin nk no nioro—words could con- * I'® K'td'^r was drawn np—the white bra.-^ of Ik iimN i»«u.mI from tho cai^tle qmvered m. \ey no id. a of its reelings, und lie adjured canvass ftll from the yards—the sheets were pt. nud titni liiscui-elHtle.sU toward* t>*o «ihi | th. n.; oi.co he wept l.ke a child, and then firmly home, and the stately ship niru**, i«»r i»i a ii»«iro lUH rr'muiij • : • ««v.vvrii«^f«tijiwu io a ii.c , • ' in.| en aam» »nbi.n. I're^ntlv another “ hslier- „,nr,ner« (te n |.n^'. e(Vd tov^a^ds■ the cas»le, “>1 are born equal, and .p,«,,cl b.-1-.ke liiiuafi.fi- *''■’"'V"'’calm and .mpnr. „;q;.:nng for ^.r James, he w.is shown "'is ever extended tu „u.aa. a.ivanodand i..u. hing the hunter, "'^‘^•‘*••'“'1 » deep rr.olve ujK,n lii^ into the oratory ; the noblen.an r..se at h.^ protect tfie [K r^e. uted nd unfoitunate fVom cunntenance. that seemed to throw n nntdv .f.jr.mre, and 'bowin_r coui tuouslv. d^-sirtn of despotism and tyranny noblenew. over his m«iI he entered the al)-Ki*- |,,, visitor to be st-atid. ' —^ \ ^ ■- - - the p,v«rtty.si„ckeu and be,»rt-broUn ' «. y^u do m.t recognize me. Sir James, i/lSl'i/ of flit her. , . , , , ^•"1 the olficer, " time has ell-iced my re- *• I .ul. I aul, exclaimed the n;:ed parent, memory.’’ who had bc.Mi mfornHd ..f bi^ sou’» eric nun- » «;;uin .Sir Jame,'; exan.ine well, ter, w.ih tfie nobleman, “ ha^ not mis.‘ry p..rceivc in the hard counten- en«i-fi thi- day fallen U} .>n our fion^e. but coulVonts yon. the that v.m ►b. iild add more to the msupp-.rt- |„„.un..nti-of tiie mjun-i I'an! 1— able burthen, b\ ii.piltina hon, v* hose ^ene- i .. j|„ • | j„u.” s.„d the n.hle. r«Hitv atiord* u. a -h hertr. m the siorm ! ^ |,uskv voice, while hi> eheii; as And wh n*t vill.iny Lis broU"ht dis- wi!jt-crilK.rs an now n I'rivirif iiiidopcn- Ja. ir>2 n iirtv and nl. iisivf a«forliiivnt ot'nea- soiiabiv UlXIDS, conflating ot' a vanity ol' ,tinrri*uii. I'.urttiwan A* Intiitf ;Drw tCixn>X!S5, li.iTS, SSuM‘«*, fiSaotxi. Jiridifu, Solr-U'ithfr, Calf-tkins, ^ Lis bron"ht Ills- un ash\ puleiiess, tmd his hand gn w ;;race upon our oau.e exciaim-d thes*.n. ,p.,„„lous the le.afof autumn: t«ice he' •Oil l ^thfr. It la imlsvilil> that prompts ..slaved to si^ak a-ain but, ns oft.-n hx^ Hardirare ('i-ff'ry, ('hi'un, ('rorhry ^ Collossal Hronze Statue of Thomas Jrr- a de.-.m r-i Of>iX! tnirCs I'niiitit, Uvoevrivs, STATUE OF JLFFERSOxV. The following is a copy of the letter pffe. sented in the House of Representativca I frorn Lieut. U. I’. Levy of the United ] States Navy: Waxhinft'on City, March 23f 1834. To t>ie House of KeprctcntaiiTei* of the U. S. ; 1 Ijeg leave to present, through you, i6 \ my fellow-citizens of tbe United States, a v.m to *p. ak thus of y.4ir child's murde.er. iv K-e f.ih d hin.; atlenyth, «,tb Can v.Kiaitlberviindchidcmcforaeekmg .,ie r,p,rt, h.; broke f.,th—“ V.,-, I'unI, I revt r.Tdl«‘et ) on will; but you have been tor- “Hoy” internipted the par»'of •■•ternly, tjiiate in voiir aU-ence.” As the nobleman . “ leave ri-venjie to hen*fn; .*'ir James is ciHieliided, he attfir.pled a romplai-ant rxjw a fx‘.‘r id’ the realm, at.d tnusf not l.e -iiiile ; l>ul it v\u> aUirtive, ar.d died ghastly v.Kir a»«*iui:U»i, in tfi« buaom of our : “‘^'■1 hkeiliet-; he ha-* v^rongi d lijN.n his ti»in and Colored lip. ’ j . mother earth.” d'Tplj I allow; fnit it is uot for tliy “ I or a time t he . flirer reioaiDod f*ilantly I r.i.|l, had Dllt n live.!, I thnuld have*hat wrong.” rfi/inif at fiis com(i.ini«.ii, who sii-med to ■»l ndr*»H Ji.ir honor,” Mid tfic Owfde. ‘ “ man, from the b»>ttoin of mr aoul I “-hrink from the |ient;lrating blue e\e that D.nt. vi.,f.:\ afVrtin! hv the deep and un-'"‘'r infatuation,”*nil ttie son—*• l*e« r pierced (he inmost depth of his soul; at r i-'iofied l« lie* i.f ih«-fi»Ueriii4n, which ve-* r aim ! And does that emptv tillf, length breakiiij the sderi e, with a low, i;,4-d to i«..)ie from III* min«H«l fiavc "hich mu-t pa-s awa\ like »)thr earthlv !ecp intonation, that his voice aUva} s woie ' frxpp-ittly iiKxfilat.-d n>|>nraliuO, and tin.il. hini;s privd'-K*- it-* weun-r to wr.iiter death, « h'-u e\ itcd, he said, “ And 1 bios it, that Si'hoof fioiis oii'l f^fationory, whiili \vf ollV’r low lot cas!i, or to punctu*! cbs- tulllLlli OU tllllL-. IfiWl.V & FT,MS. Chiirliillr, .\pri’ Ifi. 1'^.T l. fj-i;t K r.-».|»ed U|if>n it ; it is the trutli, I’uul, :* hxs*»t truth.’’ " 'f he d--s( rtiflent of I>iik«* and I' irl*, » 111 ir to a prirv-i Iv name and foituiif ■. iH I hini>-df with the ihiu;.^iter of a me- I 1 said I’.iul, »lernlT ev.-ini^ lii* cmii- •'leri; “ Sii J.nii. •! it it n-‘|e*>. to add the I of« bar If that of a «illatn.” " r.oil, lht’.^i are hard terms for thv arid mn'»ter,” etrljini. d the nohh man >l»;\ ri-ln.k*-1 ; “ fuit vour li^bngs are ' Cvt'd,J|||,| I forgive tliem .t- the wotking-i a 'leit' i| and im«li-d im.ii^iiiHtion.” J.i'ii*-«," r*-liiined the rt-therinnn “ I veil mi* the |M)«cro| reveiigmu her l -Jfhn (.j.lant ami ,1 , , t Mi-|‘ln n Uiillutil, 1 ijs ifje victim of your inathcrv— ‘ J roKSALi:. A N'excelli'nl Italian Ul /7M/I’.uitlicasccom- pitir-. I!ni(iiire at tfas olficf. A/iiti I Of A, lr;t). 4w yi'ATE Of' ji-cauull\a, M);rRI I.XHt HG 1.01 >TV. Court ul' r.ij'iiity, ^uventUt Tinn, ic33. 'l.a TItoiiiu.s C. f'ulk h;kso'\, author of the Declaratiou of our In- de|)endence. 'I'his Statue was executed, under my eye in Paris, by th*celebrated Uavid, and flon- ore fionon, and much admired for the fidel- ity of Its likeness to the great original, ag well as the plain republican simplicity of the whole design. I It is with pride and satisfaction that I am j enabled to offer this tribute of my regard to jthe people of the United States through their ne|»re8entatives; and I am sure that I such disposition will be made of it as b'st corresponds with the character of the illus trious authorof the Declaration of our Imie- . , f ' l>Piidence, and the piofound veneration w ith b I apiH.iiiiiic Ul the saiis'artion of I lie Con rt. i ii- u iil i I tUtvh. iv,ea.t«„t. iu U.iH case.iio not re.ide i >8 cherished by the A- ii'MiUlKin aim mi-» r_v ujM'n the thr»'»hliold it hns civen f thf un!'niii.ati'? H\ hcs\i ii did he stl «tio «ilee| uf-t*n thv throne sorroun()>d by all the m- Sir JhiiiCs we rnu't li^'lit ‘ M-n* and pomp of immactilaie rovnliy, I “ I'li^hi.•cho. il the nol.lem.in, solemn- lutljiir'thriiuiiiVoi'thu^-^rto, 7 noijid ai t ifie brtioe. Sac ritn'o mv li'e, uiiii tv ; “ is i! n.)t f'elti;r, Paul, lliat tlie p:i»t iLut l uliliciiiim lie made six veeks in tfie .Miners’ | ith profound respect, I have the hooof b.•)*«', inv ait, lor one single moment of' re- •■hiMild U* forgotten’ it can never lie re-*--'^ l.iniurN’.loumal, that the suid urfi ndants ap-1 to be your obedient aud very humble ser- venr-. ’ ealli tmd !ho death of either of„s, would ‘ "•'/•'Iv«ut. . » t f«« .1. ) I I . . .1 .1 , Mt cKlt:r-i»uri; tount\, 8l Uu Court iIou:*e in (.’har- •• ^l -nfo. unpiooH l.,v thunder«-.l the not asiM^t the c-.e a par'ii le ; many years ! ,;r.‘\ ItaiP-d |>ari nt, •• or if\i u i.uiu. t bns;i l.itve Ijllon over tliat transaction, and U j Mnnli, 1-:U, tlien ur.ii ihert to ttiiswtr saiii iJill v.Mir treii'.oii, *»ut of mv Iioum*, and »pt ak it ‘•teeps almost lijr;>ot: then why awaken tbe ot CoHnliUtil, otlicrwisi- juiijrnunt will be lukin, ecollcctions of a I'ireUiii-taiK'e, w hich w ill pro ™iiiit.«s against tin im. ,nly s..r^e toenll (-...th paii.tul teelmgs w„h- r„;i; to the air. “ l!o It so father,” said Paul, ri-ing and moving townni-* tfie ifoor, “ I would fain M-e mv si«ter laid in tho eurth, fiot I will • V-I, , 1 jjl, todr.ve me mad, Mark, •'"•'■i.'o tiie »in»,t nt thy eommand—mav "ii.t-Iliad; hut I thatik G.kI 1 have re- ti«xl grant 'he health und han.m.s^—C.r#- well.” And lha vouny fisftermtm burned tPi’Mii’ftOlv 'lou n i’rojurty FOK s.vu:. I have enjvri.'tii-eil many vicissi- head ifiiaitri»>j the (•otJ iuiniiip Region.) 1 S^tatue is now tPm|M>rarily placcd in the Ro» Uin> I inv reH*jii. 1 .( kiL.wlrdge I hive n-M .icted honor- monnnts lost lu the t iviril'i ymr si,ier,” nsumed Sir •* lait Pun! I um w illmg to make cv- r'-rKiration III\m mid voor oldfa'h«'r." " Uepiiration’’’ exclaimed th*! ti-iheriiittn I" his eve» g|o;\ed with indignation, "»!i-*t ri'iKitnliiiii can restjire my sisters ' ^"*r—Son lin\f miirilt'reil her—alin’d b-r larktiess of niaht. “ Paul,” sh 'uted the old man—for then- wiia love in hia Isiy, " Paul, mv son, io\ dear andols'dieut son—come Imck ; I did not mi'an to hint thv feelings, and if I did. can you not forgive an old heart broken father, whose lieud is turned with misfor- ;;s wiin- • ■lit an attendant to alleviate them.” “ .‘'ir Junes,” nn'v»eri il the officer, and ■ his \oice seemed tu lu ave t'rom his lnmo^: ' I tiest, iui!e> of (urtune since I (led this shore, and eiM-ont.iered enout^h of the storiii.s and culms I of lift- to efi!ici* the reiiienibrance of nifuiy oeenrrciues. but that one i« tii-pplv, tM» deej.ly fi r my equHtnmitv engrnfted here.” \s ho s|»oke he placed his hand emphatical ly on his breast and there vias a moment U. r. LEVY, Lieutenant in iLe U.S. Jiavy. A donation so munificent in its olypct, and 80 patriotic m its conception, is euti- tled to more than a naked record of the fact. The donor deserves high respect for his mo tives, and public thanks for the valuable present he lias made to his country. Tha E ¥ A\ iN(i purchusni, aiid (icitijT anxious tundi) of the (.'a|ntai, and is unquestionably the finest work of art (of the kind) in tho country. Indeed we do not know whether the country p>.-»sesses another Arow:#-statue. When to its value as a vvotk of art, we add its association with th« mi'tnory and scr* _ viccs of one of the most illustrious Siiges of •f pait'liil si’es'ce. He aj;nin resumed : Utt.iclifd th. nio. Tlie House m n* w nnd tlcfant-j "J"’ .Ml mv stnif’i'h's for distinction have Ih'Cti Iv fini^hrJ ; situutiJ in tlie Illo^l (-Ka.-aiit part ot’i ^ apital «f our country is to be emliellisheil to se ttle a fariii in the conn ty of f?inv:ip, th« siilvsrri- tKi »iiu m mr »a)v, on the most Lihrral ai.i. ,n lOin- niodatinj' Trrnit, hii> prcfit iit roiileiice lu the town ol' Cliurlottr, on (■ilurch.^lrct, ifh SLrltj-si.r Totrn Lota lih a t^ul Mild blast.-d reputation— ”r • «'!l ti" '"“'1!” msiig^ti.’-.l pariially that vie mi^ht meet on r l.» f.iro her (i.Ml.ihsrolM-dor her vir- (’••‘•>^‘1. un«l ‘I'*- re»tl. ss North 1 an equality. —W hen we \wrehoth young»M, I.',""a7v*out*houl^^^^^ . n p.irity—with the gl.iw of shame n(M)ti •'f.fiii K—ilragtird the gr.iy hairs of her 'I lie;irtlir. ki“ii (athcr to tho verge of the —-‘taWH.Iiiiv jK'uce of mind forevHi ‘‘li.li «(irld—iind v.iu now talk of ie|«ira- • Ml lii-iiH ' friend' 1 wonder that! iiough Cor the aoi’onwiioda- ■''iu'fr arr all till'nr- , , , . L ' • • 1 , ' • ...u I'onvfiiirnrcs tfist conitbrt .'sea. WHS the sole r. S|M)n»« to his si^-eeh. «r er..ss. d wea|K.ns ; lliert-was disrejKincy and evrn ikvance c.ul.f require, not the leaht of “ Paul shouted fie n;;aiu, but (he sumo hu- j ijion in (Hir station ; you was [H-er to the »iiii.h i» a ( «./«/«/ ttV//, man alienee prevailed as bi'l.re, and the r,.n|,„, |,pir to a pr neelv name, and I, a ffe will a!'0 t. II his wi ll fixri^ and profitable iiiisrrahlw old iii'in sunk l>ack I xhaustod dis |w»()r dispised tishernian : but time has ef- ronmilati*, and altiiiw*t maiiimate. | f.-ete» a ehiiiit'e m that respect, you still There is nn interval of manv venrs l»e-' retain \our honor and distinetion, and I sttuat-dai a oio.nient (litnnce from tlic dwcll- iiijr fioiisi-, (rithi r wither without thr Htock on TA’N-YAEU>, by such an addition to its ornaments. National Int. yanify of Vuuilits, all is Vanity. A most solemn and striking incident vra3 narrated to us a few days since, by one of our Bssi>ciates, of the death-l)ed scene of ono ('four nnitual friends:—lie had striveu I'!' li-' iniiig of lieuveti d.H s not blast jou fore we again mtr.Kfura the j oung tislier- | have the h.Mior to command the navy ol the j 8M*r*pa*^d bv | ot to his bst illness ' ' man to rair readers : it is not necessary that i thirteen States, comprising the Uepublic of country—in loinplete onUr and lii •> acquire wealth, and had succeeded m an ‘ I’aal' p.uil!" Hriiil lh« n.ibleman w bile he should lie tra.'ed through all (ho depres- ] nienea—all obj.viions are removeo, hikI ^ ^ro(,u tiyiite; i! coiitains fil\) ene vai-., w iih a tan I'I'lii i-k jjrew pale, nn.l his lip ipnvcrid suf* und(-\allid eireuiiislaiiees, whu’h iit-i d }ou are a man vou catuiot refuse the , house and^^ill tlur fiinient.s, wiili a gvod Lcatlur tend'-d his indeliitigable struggles (iir dis- satis(ui tion I nqnire. ’ tiiu'tion. ~ I 'I’he n.ibk tnaii was affnin nliout to remon- \ eonntry Ii.nl thrmvn of the yoke oC iMitii.n, “ tliiH i« tfrf> mill’ll t.i l>e en- ''^"'1 : It I' mdee.l, —Pjid, reclli'it your **»'|'>n.ind mm.*; think on tliat Paul.” "•I.’ a!io-it".| the ti-herman vehe- ^'iitlv -• t|(, tliinl; t|„. iiirtiine und title ">l iirx.n yon by vour ancestors, li- i'll t.i di'lile th'-V nine of thnae, w ho. tJri’at liritaiii ; thitlnT be hasten.'il, ani-j pression o| his compam.'ii s countenance mated by the h.ve of liberty, and hatred ol tliat told him that it was useless, and chang ..jipie-wion. He ranged liitiis. If in till-ranks ing the subject he said, , of the intrepid and hardy col..nistH ; fou-;ht ' “Siippuse I will not engage with you ?’' '"''''-I* |”’or and despisi-d b\ (lie arisl'H ia- ' and filed with them ; and in a few ) ears e\- I ” I li'-n v .u w ill ('erish uiiresisltugly, an- , - d voii m geii.>rositv ; fiave souls, ; iM-neneed a succession of hoiit>rs, w hich ’ swereif Pinil. "III Mt as high III heaven. Draw, sir, j nothing but heroic valor, patriotic zeal and , " hat it I ring for mv attendants? said ^ i.\~.y,„i . ii^^, spirit (ifu mur C'ri.U flous. and erlliir. At no money is rcqnircil down, and the terms , , I w ill 1m inHilf ninst liirorabio. thofie wi'ihinrsnch trate, but there was something in thu ex- in.itcd to call ami enquire tbr u b*r- isl«T cues, rrniifrf 1 aul, I nm inaNter of the «rea[*.in, and ' 'iM SiMltl ' VOO mivo reeovereil I” Rold at the salo of lt.-iiry Fokt. r, «l?c’d. Slid boj i» ibont .*> twl inches hin-h, rjn pli xin.n Ma. k. If.' In the crowd to g-t a peep at Mr. Biddle, saysthe New^'ork Star, a voung liishman at work at the ('ustoni House, ran towards the exchange w ithout his hat. “wherear* the res|>ect anil love of a mijihty and gene- 'or ra(h’r askt'd the iioblesnaii, for he gazed rouH naluMi wouhl have awatdi'd him. ’ deeply m (h.- countennnee of his companion | One niorrim-; a lolty vessel Is'arm? the ' to mark (he e(li*ets of such iin event. j port thy lif- at ph-asur*-,” said the no- i (tn(; o( the I ’nii.ul States, anehored otl I hm- 1 “ Aly f.-ll.iwers guard tbe entrance, ’ an- i >on hiivo recovered your self piw ' s. utiili} . An old man stood upon (he Ik-hcIi, sweied the ollieer calmly. Sir James sut-, is m Ciovid. rice Sittlfinrnt. Any ' you running to Teddv said a countryman. ■'"”1; rernllct, Paul, I nm now.-rful and I watching with intenst tbe proii.l barque ('.-red his arm to drop, and fora nioment I" '’"Vj To see the m.eK/fr, to bo sure,”—“Well roNrni,,., | ^ ,|| I that ll.nited .so j;raeerull> and gallandy U|«>n stowl regarding Paul w ith n ffnze of stupe- I that's him.” /f a inon.'Urr ! Botheration, ‘‘•''ir James,” resumed the fish. rman, ' tin-water. “ |, „ vpsm-| i f th« mighty faction, but quickly recovvrumg himself, i * J. D. HO^ I). { man, w hy he l.mks os mucb like a cbriftlWH “I uin uot tube IriflcJ with bv ti puopio that rciK-lIt.-d tbe «oldiv>is of our'he rusLcd to tiie table, tind grasping his ju. ‘ 1.:, l«3f. J.Mf as you oi I, Parnev." f’ossi'ssion will be given fortSw ilh if rcquirrd. WM \v. f.o.Ni;. 97, lsM(. 7Nf ' H I. Ih fiv«n for llie apprii- * * hi iisiitn and il. livery of a iM'Cro boy iiHnii'd JACK, rcccntlv yWL einment degree; When ho liecame cer tain that his last momenta were approach ing, he directed his Shnnid to be made and broujjht to him: holding it up to the obser vation ot th« friends who were standing a- round him, he thus expre.ssed himself: “ 1 have struggled and (oiled in this world for forty years to accumulate property; I thought I was doing so, my struggle and toil is now ended, and thinisull ifrnt iv mine.'' Carolina Walfhuian.