of I'lll'; l*KF,MI>KNT »F Tilt: lm'I'LU s'J AThii io iiii: .sknatl. To thf Senate oj" the Uniltd States: It u|>(M'ar« llie joiiriitil of the St^iiulf*) lljut, »u tin- (it Deceruber last,ate. Hut although fur the bpecial purposes artsoluHon mus by tlioStiialr, which »hictr liuv* been mentioned, ihtre is an oc- I’he Judicial pjwer ib vested exclusively in the Supreme and other CourLs of the U. Stutes, exccpt in cac>es of impeachment, for which purpose the uccusatory power is vesird in the IIouim* of Kepreiientativeii, and that of heariUju and dutoriiiinin|i' in the Sen- n,h i «'“* pron.ulKalion of the rcso- , The consi.iutional n.ode •) proc. ( .V,’ «n,l “‘"'"P' ‘V ‘'""K I has not only btcn wholh Huiise ol thf renolutioii »i-em to be jndicial. Its I the whole j.rocewK of itui)cuciinicnt. A inaioiity Prcnidfnt has a Jiimtd I!!!', i’ pra ticBl otkct,! of llie IIoubb of Keprt-feuiatives mubi think the , and powor not coniLrrcd I7 the to-iMiiuiion an5 .U. a protracted d.bate, .a., on ,h. twen. j cH.ot.al iute. mixture of the po.;;: " Z ‘ n^i T" ^ niov*»r, and paaw**! h\ iho\oltn of tweiity-MX , lKin«, each of the three great departineiltd 11!'ii'icunhLil and adopted by the -- • ... . , J le nrt.iinti oi ilie ot. {viiaiorn out of forty.«ix,* who were'pie. : inrivpondt nt ofthe others 111 its sphere ofac- 1^ '.““'''cB,,ac4»>, U. uyu olhce, t\.fi|{hth day of .March lu»t, modified by the j difiereiit deparluienls, yet with these I»l6- , iiKfv Hi ui lilt? a iij iiB owiicft; «>i ic* I t, • '* . ■. ' ^ , • HrntlfU, 1 hut t»ir I fe«id«Di, in ih«- Ulc Kx-' not rfsponsihle to the others, further than ' ami tiiat in.tanct* itmv occur in whic h thu I'n «i. torb appe ar by tlic journal to have be.-n prtsti.t I tence-»thc nature and caiwc ot Ihi H. cu -atiou’* w_h. n the vole on llie resolution was taken. If, —sft out in the n.unnei r.quirtd in ll.r ( onstitn- iifli r all the solcinuitiui ot an iinptachnienl, tha- tion, belhre e\cn tiie h.imbltst individual, tor tho ty of tliose .Si;natorb Jiad voted that the Fr. sident : au.allest crime, c«n U cxu-wed tn .on.ien.nution T ^ as KUilly, yf I would he have been atiuitted ; but, iSueh a apecilication w la dnc to the hecuicd that lutioii, It in nuliicieiiti> evidrnt that thecen- ' ^ responsibilities ofthe i’reaideiit are | for, uud coumiion of tnu»on, biii-ery, or Muro It inthcttf hu8 'intended for mvhelf. ! "“'“''’ouxand weighty. Me i» liable to im- 'fiat the W ith.mi notice, unh.-ard andunln^ri, I Uiui.; l>*:“cb.iwnl for high ciim^s and nn.demeaii- -\n,i^udwn’rr^ i“n«t.^'‘‘^Ul‘l fi;id mvitt-lt charjted «u the records of the | '''■^ '‘•■“w”. to n-moval Irom |,ave the bule po^tr v, tiy all ini|tca( huieutj’’— SmiuIc, utid 111 u tbrui hitherto unknown in perpetual diM|iii liticntiiMi; and tfiat “when s.iiiujj 1; r that jnrjjosic, thry ihall be otir hi!«t«rv, with the hiifh crime of viotul* ‘“^Iwilhitanding such conviction, he ti.av al- ; tin oath )r aiririuui.-iu”—that “ivhin thi-I’lnnd. nt ^ 11. It >. .* /•*’ l)i>. I Ct.t. .. .. •t... . —,—only one, had po.ltd from the House ot {cpresc,iitaliK_i, was a , bti n e«tiimitted, could aniitiil to itj iu- Iai;(;u«2B point un whi h the Senate had no eonbtilutionul ' [» yet broad eiiouffh to include several kuch actH I riglit to »|>ciulatH. and in resp«'ct to which, even j and so it may hare been regarded by some 01 tbos* had It po»in.s»t;d the spirit of prophecy, its antici- ] w.'io voted lor it. But thou-^h the aceut-ation is phliouM would have turnished luj just grouiiCit (or | thus comprehensive iu the ceuhurr> itiniplies.thAro this proceciure. Admitting that there was reaaon , is no sucli certainty of tinie, place, or circiim.. to beliive that a violation of the coni>titu!,ioii and j stance, as to xhibit tlie particular coneluMon »f aw!. hnd bcfii nciniilly cciin.uitud b) the Fresi-| fact or law which induced any on- P.-nator to vota Ui>lbelaw«iiiid(\kjitit»rti..tiofiiiv counirv. indiclel and panihhed according "f. n'y * ‘ a i t 1 jif coiitLriPiue oi tv^o-thirQ» of the u^tni* vyon.->tituti(tiial judi'ps, lo vs ait lor au iuipt.'acliD.e2it . 01.e fc^'iiatur beiievt-d that ttooie imriirnlHr ur*t • .n ptrtinriit «( thf (.oternnieiit, when u«^alle|l '*»>•> may have been injured by 1 U r» pre.M i.i"—and that “judi-ment -h4!l not ex- until thr other lluu.c should think proper to pre. \ braced in the resolution, was an arbitrary-and i n. rx .......... Il ...tXt,.. ....^ r., '*•..* »»• I . Ill . - / * Ktt“cuiive M.i^istmte m, b\ oii> o( the moat iiiipArtjiit liiiiiicht'9 o|' tlte (iuvcrnmetil, in Its ,t.K iBl ('n|ittcit\, laa fKjblic iiiaiiiKT, and b\ it« n-coriied w.itfiM'c, but wittKiot prece- d’ III. I . p.*iefil aiittiurity , or ju»t raim- de clsit } ^oiitv •! a bre.K h i| tuv laws ai.d ( •’ruii4i. It 19 cue to hiH hiation, to pub- !:■ •ji'.iMi, niKi to a pfop r M-lt rv»|»«‘ct, tliat of public opinion for every act of hib aduiui- ii.lralioii. Sulijevt only to the restiaiijts ol I rutii uiid Justice, the fire (icoplc ol tliM I lilted tilatr* have the undoubted ri^hl a» individuals or collectivily, oiaily cr in v»ii- iin^, at buch tim» *, Hfid 111 mich iangua,;' and lorui tlit y umy thiiiL pro[>or, to di» cu'-s hit olhcial conduct, and tocxpiea* uii t:u . Ih.. r tl.ui iteii.^inci d -b. uld proii.ptly |'roii»ul(.'dte their opinis/ii» concmnn; it. »">.>nni. 1 >adtr.’ari e\,• ■v' the wr..nc wlmh his U**n Oonr. liidiucily, al»o, hi concuct m.i) c«>ni«e un lu tilt* pirM'iii CM»f, iiiort'oVtT, Chrre uteitltcr braiH.h ol lh« ^ |,| « ttiiiigrr tjcctftiiitV lor lujch a v itidi- I "f n* ibe Senate v^ h*-ii acting in ita 1,\- c .’.ioii. I!) an e*(*re*« proviMun of **o tar a» the executive Miatitn'it.11, U'tbn- the l‘ri*niJent of itie I u;lcd Can enter >u th(‘ex> cution ot lilt I tiiTii, liv I* rei|uircd lo take au oatli or atlini.aiioii in ihe luhoMing uordo: “ i do M>lrninly aMi ar (or allirin) that I »ill Ijithfullv »t t ute liir oIIh e ol I’r***!-! >r lejjihUttva proceedings ol tlas^ 1>*kIi. » ma v reijuirf it, it nwiv tie examiiicd b\ ilieui. I heMt afeU lievi-d tube the pfojierdtifl ui- ly inutien, lu which the rrcttidcnl of the I - oiled r'tatob im tu b« h«'id acct-uulabl'* for his otliciai cpndoct. 'iVnted bv tln;»i,' pruiciple.i, Ulution and laws, ana tnat lu doii.^ so lie violated | ine the olFwidcr beferr the justice of the counti v- I eeutive proeetdings in relation to the public reve. botti. -Any furh act coni.tm.lt> a hn-ti crime—une I The eoT.Uarv prtbiiijiption would involve an impii. i nue,’‘ had violated ihe constitution and lawsl ol tlir Lijrhe-t, ijidctd, uhieb th. I're.-^idcnt can u«lion drrof,'iiWry to the iiitesritv kn«: honor of the whilst, if a se|>aratc vote had »>een taken in n«. coii.ii.it—a etiiii^e which justlv ixpo«f» him toini-I l;Li«re>Lntttui» of thi I’eople. Hut suppose tiie i |M,-ct to each particular act, included mtliin 'he ,'iachiiiei)t hy th Ik.u.-f ot Keprt s.utativ-«, and, j -u-.i>ici.in thu. implud were actually entertained, I general ternie, tlic accusers of tho rrecident mii-ht, uj-nn due eoi.vK ti.in, lo ren.ov^l tVoii^ ofl'.Lf, ai.d | ur.d tor ^.jod . autf, how cai. it justily the assuinp- , or. any such vote, have benii ttmnd in the minority to ihe c.•ii.pl. I- and iniinutabl. dislranilustirieiit | tion ty the ^er.aU cf powers not conterred by the 1 |iill further to exempiifv this ffature of the pro. |lre^crlbtrd by Ihc foiistituluin. , cont-tiliuion 7 1 ).e rewclulioi), then, «a», in substance, an im- , Ji ig u„iy necesinrv to look al the condition in x-tcliL.ti.l 01 li.e rresidenl; aud in il, passage, , vij.ich tnv .-viiate and the President have been arMionb) a majority of llie.'^eiuti, 1 placed by this proceedinjr, t. perceive it* utter in- -.1 an iiiip aclmbU-«iK tice. As | , ,,,„patibility with ttie |ir.iv;»ijns n.id the i-piiit ol pon the journals ol thi oeuale— t);p coiif'tslution, and wUh llie piaiiicst dictates of i.«lh,ii auu Irf ti.e wurld—luadc j humanity and justice. ,rl o o ir cii .«r mgan hivcs—aiiii ineo.porjltd in | j, (i,,. House of rcpre?enuuves shall be of o- ' iiHl. ,y 01 It.e at”'. 'I’ht punithin, nt ot rtim.v,.i theie is ju»t grou ’U tbr the c.nsure !ioi:i .1,.; tnture dis(juul.tication, does not, 1: ■ proi.ounced iiik>u the riesident, ■ ki- n will it l>e the i» tni., till decision ; in r would It have !t>l- solemn dutv ot tnat House to pr^'fer the proper : .«edth. li!,. u.xis.un.i* ll.'Ti sularlorn.sof pro- : accuHati«.!i, and lo au»' him to t«. b.ought to trial piify iiiis tfHture ol the prou ceedini^, it is iiinKirtant to be remarKcd, that the re^elution, as ori^iii&lly otl'ered to the Senate, ipa. cilied with adeijuatn preciFion certaiu acts ut th* Pro.>.idtiit, whicii it denounced as a violatiou ot the constitution and laws; and that it was not until the very close of the debate, and when, perhaps, It wa« apprehended that a mujority mijfht not «us. lain the specitic accusation contained 111 it, tlitl the resolution was so modified as to assume its present tijrin. A more strikiii? illu.straUon of the i^eundncffs and necessity ofthe rules which Ihrbid vaijuo and iiidehnita generalities, and require d. nt .,1 the I nil. d Stati ^ and will, to tlu : '=* '* »!'>>> uouu- k, ~t of inv abilitv. prea. ivf, pr.K.tl, and de- ““'"^**1 oi.si,iuti..n, ana m deiog.i- leiKl the t'o.,.t.tuti..n of Ihe I nifd Stutr,." *•"*'"* ’“P'/*'- “ Tfic dutv of il. I. .Kiiiirf, ^ far a- m him Dfpailioei.l iir-., thp inte^ntv of ihu Cui.Mitutioi.. tb^ puriK.M-ol a public censure, ». uid iiHh ed h-»r' re,ult.-d from the very ‘'f I .lur^ of hi. oJh. .•; but b> thus expre^iug up, cHi.Mh r, ainl decide up- It i:i tlie ullii i.d oath or uthdoation, uliicli, et t di: t( im.. Ic t n purnw d, utau»c II.i rciiu.>;te i,y the constituticiial tribunal. Ii.jt in what eon- I reasonable certainly in all judicial alligations; and i.iii. > ' UK. ;.u! co.i^ or 11. tin result I', u i.,d luo- d.lion v.ouia lie tiad that tribunal 1 A majority i a more giariiig instnnce of the viulj^tion of those r«l iiill i. :.c', ol a wni. ii>n df >-!irati(ii., b, .i nr ioritv mcniuurs have aln ady consiui ruii tl»e tase, rules, ha» Bcldom been e.xhibitcd. 01 tt}r > -I Htr. Iniif (Ilf lit m th'j ol- ar.a liuw not unlv I'oniicd but cxj*n .-iM d a dciiber- [ In tins view of tlj€ resolution it must certainly 'Ofl* :t to ii-itl.. a j'.i , i.ii IIll u' “ly.on lit, Aelc 1..111.) ,uukti:ou;;h loeaii) lliat thin rn| ?, dilti r-friin that of en ry tt''T lui cti..ii;irv , ihe foundera of «»ur Ue- ; l.,i\e HttCkti U tlieir M'likO «>f iIn iiii- I 'ltxi.c**, dittl III.VC (|;i\»-n to It a pfojlmr so . ..nii\ 41.d loie«|. Ui iilid lo the fteil.^riii- f.i e 1,| lliin dul) by ih* iMtli I liuvo tuki'll, I; hiji>n;.N H| utligaliuiia ol ^'rattlude to \iii*rri. .11. IV>i| h , and bv lh«- lies wUicli j:iif m> evur) earttily intcn .si with the » 1" Slid jjli.rv ol my countr\,and |»er coiivmeed ihat thf Oim u>mo.i uuu (.1 ifif ubii.e iP'litiulied rckolulloll »'re r,»it iiiiiy uiiuUlhoi i/.* li bv IJii: l-'oU^tlIU• ^ 'Xi, hut, in niaiiv ri spi tlj!, rrpugiuiiit lu it« i.ns, iii d .ijl v.■r^lvp of the rn;hl!* *e- h_v ittoolnci co-ordiuatr du|w«itnieut, 1 ■ .1 It Mil itnp>‘rMtiv* dutv to m.tnlaiii the -'''••ihh v 1^ Ihat hacrrd inhtruiiiciit, ami ' •• .mriiiinii.t s of tiic d* |i.irlmeiit intrustfO I y Crtte, |(v idl iiiriiiia cuiwistani wilh ui\ *'■ iwtiil i« wets, with the ri^jhlaofuthcrs, •»l With il.r ;;i;iini» of our Civil in»titutiuii!>. ftins I In!, I hav r i aui«rd this, luy jtJt mu / a^iiinst the a(oi-raid prtMX'edin^M, lo ^ pur*-d on ttje lih'H ol iht Kxoeuttve l)e- ' ‘'tairiit, and to b« tranainitled lu ttia Scu ll lb iilik** due l« th’ ^uhjerl, ihe S'tiatu, *'-d ttie IV.jpIc, (liat ihe vti wlm h 1 hav- '“■-’'II III III). proetH-diugs reli’ired to, ond c.iin^jrll mete r.jjanl Ihem m the -ht timi hn.s Urn ionltoned, »hoold U* ev- HhiiJji j. rij,»th, and with the lr«'ed>ni and ••fmi.eMt Htiu'ii reipiin il by an occaaiuti ► 'ii.pirj rdi iiicd and |»eculiar. iider the ('otiKtilution of tiie Stiilo, *■" jHiMcrs and tiinriKinN of tlie vnriou!) de- . 'fiinrdis ol the l''«deral (Mtveriiinenl, ami ^‘"{‘‘•"•■•bilities for V loiatidii or iH'gj« i t '■ tijlv, [ir‘ cli-nrly detiin d, or rexull lu im- iiiti reiie*', Thi* le(;iNl.«tive power *■' J‘ 't l«i tin? (Jill, ^ "1, i \«'sti-il 111 Ihe ( oiigri'.s!* (if t Ilf 1 iiit'-d ' ri.injKisi'd of tin' Senate and llouw ol ou, the oiucisl act.*, of the llvecutivc. La', in uo pari of the ('onslitutu n t> t!.c l*ri-.i iJci.t ^iilije,.t( J to a:._\ su( h n >jH;iiaiLi!;\ : aiHl in 110 part ol ihat iii.-truiuent la any .'Ueh jMiwcr conlerrcd eti cither bruuch o! the I. gi>l,iture. 1 he justice of thrs»* roticIuslGns will be illust jted and cotitiiiii'’d ov it brief analv- M.s III iliM (>o'.vefs of the .S nate, and a con., the n 5 .Hi- i ; tl,( i(M>Intion d'j« s n^il 1 \;l.t ^•l^ al'tgr ihat ti.i -1. i ptiuiiof po'N' r iii.d i.u'', ,ritv, which t I......fi'Ui., n .-i^ inteii'!.j-ial aii.l i iinn(.l, is no a'.^ .«r t’. Hit p.-vci-diin.' viiw 1.1 .!.. cl.ara( l»r and ■. iVc t. I'h. act ihus ei.iiuiiiir.ed. I:ti ■. Kuri.y im- , I. X \ u.:! Ki;i uiid di It. 'i.e iiicl.\ iu> a! to tv liu.ii ii 1' iii i' .ud, and. Ii' 11;' ui.in'.vlui ni .i» ciii.rai U i-ucli a tru! :>hould be secured to ti'.e highest ot- ticiT ofthe tIoV' rmi.ent. 'I'he t. iiii»tituiii)n makes tlie Ilon^e of Repre- ►eiitativcsUiee.\clusi\f judges, in iho first instunce, of djc (jucstii.n whethiT ihr Fresidei.t has lom- milted an impcachablc otfei.oe. A majority ol the S' liite, ivhoso iiiterti rei;'e with thi. preliniiiiary ijiU'tion has, for the b.-I of all reasons, b«cn stu- precise to bring into discredit the conduct and motives of tlirjKxecutive. Dui what* evtr it may liave been intended to accomplish, it IS obvious that the vajuu, general, »nd abstract tbini of the resolution, is iu pertecl keeping w ith those other departures from first principles and settled iniprovf iiients in jurisprudence, «o proper, ly the lioast of iree countries in modern times.—. And it is not too much to say, ol'the whole 01 these •“ ■ oioiisly excluded, antuipatc the action of the j procecdin^rs, that if they shall be approved and r. li.ius'e of iCepresentatues, as-uuie not only the | sustained liy an inlelligcnt People, then w ill tliU till ^.a’:.- coi.c lo^.on n*. tt al it «u. pr.jii.ntfd i.tneliuii whiili Ulonjs i xclui-ively to that b,idy, ■ great contest w itli arbitrary power, which had iiiiiiriipcr ii.d'hi « anil ciiiri.iiitl. d tt illihi. uijUw lul lini eoi.vn t tht-ii.sehts into aceustis, tt itnesses, ' tHblibhid in statutes, in bills of rights, in sac ii.ti ul. I .1C eharg. is lu t ot a ini.'-ttthi- in Uit- e.\- ! tuimsel and juiii.ies, and pre_udj,e the wlmie case. J ehartirf, and in constitu'ion of C»overnment, rs. acred tit i^- ol »i)p|iOMU jKiwert, but ol tl.i. assuiiipti.iii ol i ‘1 i,us prest iiting ihc appaliing siiectacle, in a free | right ol every citizen, to a notice before trial,’to a |«.»tr» iiol ( unit rri >i bj tl.t C unsiitutiiHi and lavvs, stjiie, of judje.s going through a labored prepa- 1 hearinjr before conviction, and lo an inipartial tri- |.ariv>n ol ihcir recent ptocvidin^s Mith l'«'h, ami n»ihn.g i» sujrg»trd ration tor an impartijl hturmc and Jieision, by a bunal tor deciding ou the charge, have been waged tho'o powers. '|>alli«tt the tui|iiludf ol li.e ael. In ^ previous tx pjitt investigaiion and seuteoce a- | in vain. Itii'atisi in-eol aiiv siu h e\cu>i', or palliation, iheri uoiih rot'll I lor i>n iiifennct; and that ik, tl.i.t li. ii.u 111 VI as i;i.ian fui anil corrupt, liesioi«, tne ri »oli.l. ii. I. It oiilv coiitaii..'' no iiutigatiiig tu;;L'e.'>- I..Ill, iiL.t,oii the ( unlr..r\, it holds up li.e hcI 1 uni- plmn' ii Ilf a* J||^t.v ptuM'Xioii.. to ttnsure :n.d re- , pi.iiial'.ui, ki.J til.IS as di.-'ic.t tl_> stai.ifis it ith i.n. l'U:.tv •' a.otivr, Q9 u lii'- slroi.gesi epiLhei. had tKrii u>tU. ' '1 h previous tx pijiU investigaiion gaii.'t the supjioscd olVeiiO. r. j if resolution had bfen left in its original There i.« no more settled axiom 111 that Govern- ' form, it 1* not to b.' presnmrd that it could inoiit whence we de.ived tt.e iin«del ol ihis part ot juyj. rereived ibe assent of a niajoi ity of the Sea- our Constitution than thut •• the I.oids cannot im- ^te, fc.r the acts llier. in specUied aa'violations of l-eaebany to thems. Ivef, norjoi.i in tl.c aecusa- ,[,„ eouslilutl^m and laws were clearlv within tiio tion, Uiuuae thrs a,c juil-rsr Ind. iiciulently ol . of the Fvecutive authority, they are the the "eneral reasoiih on whit li Ihis rule is tbunded, ^ .. dismissing the lute Secretary of the 'I'rcasufT, it* piopnety and importaiie.' ure grt atly iricreased because he would not, eonlraiT to his sense of his ,, . I 0. . .1 r , by the uature 01 the imiH,achmg ixiwcr. '1 he n duty, remove tire iiioneT'ot'Uie I’. States i» I fCHiucnt of the \ nited .‘^tatcs, therefore, : j^jw. r ol aira.giiing ihe hith otLcers ol (Govern- , deposite'with the Hank of tiie I. .Sutcs and its I'he high functions a»sisntsl l.\ the (%m- -titutiou to the .Se'tiale, are in Iheir n;iturc ei- tin r l.f^i-dntive, l".\ cuti\e, or .hiJical. It tr. only 111 the ex' fi i^e of its .luitienil jkivv- • IS, v.li*iu stttiiit' us a Couil lor the I'lial ijl I liijx'ut hli.i Ills, th.it the .s.l.:ite l> e.XprON.',l\ uuthori/.i d and iiec vsiriiy' rcijuired to con- •sidtr and detidc up.ni the cou^itKi of the , , ^ , , 1 .• ^ ..v rr.'.iilenl, or unv other public I'lhcir. In- , 'us coi.Min.tioiul tru r.s, „„nt. U ;bre a Itlbunal wlu«.. sei.tence may exjnl , branches, in conformity with the I'refident’s otiin- dirivtl),howev.'r, a. has ulieadv been mi >■ f V"' ,'?V. I and nppomting his sueeesw toetJ'ect such , 1 . , . .11 .1 '■ ; I'ot III no r-.1 Ml mis proe-efliiig linve tiie . ,s eniintntiy a popular reniedy—a remedy ue. removal, whieli has been done." Hut as no other ^e. ed, I ma\ trefjuciiliy be called on ti. dir vti.-i.s o' llit l \.i,iu:clii>.. bcin rved. Ligmd tii l»'employedior the proiielion of private specification has been subslitnt. d, and as thee* (•erlorm that oliice. t aj^-). may (X:cur m : h. imp. .cl.m. I.t, :.-icad ot l« ;ng preferred | n-ht and pnbhe libertv , H?ainst ll,.'abus» s of in- were the Kxrcutive proceedings in relation to the the ciiriM.- of Its l,e^is|utivu or r.xeciitive ‘"I '‘'•( '""■'•‘'''''•S justice and ihe ejr.futi.im nts ofarbiliaiy power. p„bl,e •• re.t-nne," principullv reternd to in the proccedincH, m which it may be inlis|.«iiMi. ■7*;cour.se of the dis. ussiun, they will doubtless be Me til the 1 roi*r . xer. in.. ..I .Is iw u.t iI i .jr . onturrenee ol th other llunso. | uovil.tedly aware. th;:l this lonnidabl,- instrument „,.nerallv regaided as the acts iulended to be de- l b. 1.1 t 1 |,ro,i«, , X n ol I. IMIWI r», tliat 11„. .,.11. or «mrmutio.i pasenbed by tlie Coiisti. , bad U tii, a..d luight U ahus-d ; and that, from its "ouncea'as “ an assumption of authority and ,.ow- It HhoUtii ifH|tiirr iiilo, aiMl dtciilo upon t(»r tunm«.is iiAtti.kcn b> t.atiu hu‘j | \ery UHlure, uu iutfeachinciit tor hijj^h crinui» and confVrred "bv tiie ron^Utntion or laws , CotidllC 111 till' I'resuleiit or otlle r publu; ulii- -Iu»tiee »lu; not prt n.l. ; no notiee ul llie el.arge | misdeiiieunois whatever might be it.- rcsiiit, would «ers; and m every such ease, u, coii>tilu- """'^'V '» ‘*ie occasion that a . I . . , . , II , , l.irdi d h.m to rrs|K)i.il to tlie aecusanon, to meet h.mor am! repiimch, solii itude and sutlerini:, as lo tioiul ri-ht lo do so IS cheerlully conceded. ' I5ul to authorize tha S.'iiate to enter on Mich a liisk III it-* l/cgi«iativc 01 I'xcciitivi- e.ipacity, Ihc iiiipiir) uin^t hcIiuIIv grow nut of iiid trnd to sMuue Li gislatue or Ivx- I cutiv** action; and the decision, when i x- pH njied, II ii.>l l ike the form of bomo aj)- propnate I, gislativr a'I. "I'he n'.'i)lutioii IU niiesttiiti wUNintroduct*d, ,, , . j . . . * “1 ,.,l|y Jinri j;ardtd, in ihu e.imiiiBiiet'inenl anil eon- dii*ciH.ed and jKiKsrd, not as n joint, Imt as a pr.ii e. dints, but inthtii reMilt 1 lind M'par.ite rCMuhltlon. It as.sTrls no legisla-| ni)self coi.vieted, by I. ss Ihun twn-ll.irds ofthe- aciiise.-s f«e, lo lac.', locross-o.vumiiu the wit- 1 ni.ike the [H.wer of pr.tiriiiig it one ofthe highest ’iH ssf, lopioeuri couiili racting lestiinouy, or to ' KiileniniU and inii>orlancc. ' l>« hi'i.rd in his deltnee. ’I'he salejjuaros and ' ' ' fiirma!ll!v s, w hu h the r.iii>titutitin has Lonni .'trd r> Ith the ixiwi rof lin(>cuchiiieiit. were doubth ss sieiiHi'.-d b_v tini fram. rs of that inslruiiu lit, to bt , essi iitul l»i Ihe protcctiuii ol the public si rvant, to the altainimntut juslue, and lo the order, im- I fiaitiiililv, and ihuui'v ol the procidurt, 'J’luse sa(,.|;i)ards and l.)ru..iiilns wtn not only pr.ieti- I ry nature, an 111.feaJiinci.t for high crimes and „ „ot conferred 'by the constitution or laws, no notieeol Hie el.arge | ,„isdeiiieunois whatever might be it.-rcsuil, w ould, i,ut in derogation of Ixjtli.'’ h is thereibre due idensed suininary of hie vitnvs of the Fxrciitivc la rcspect to them, should be here c.\hibitcd. Hy the constitution, " the Excetitive power ia vested in a rn suler.t of llit I'nited Sldtejs.” A- iiiong ills duties im|M>sed ujion hiui, and which he is sworn to perform, is that of “ taking carc tiiat the laws it faithfully evccuted.” l^ing thus made resi>onsible tor the entire action of the Ex ecutive Uep.irlnient, it v\ as but reasonable that the power of appointing, overseeing, and controlling It was due lo both tlieso conoiiler.iti.ms, that ti e imi iRclimg pover shouUt be lodj.id in the hands of those w ho, t'roin t!ic incKle of iheir elee- tion an.l the tenure of their otVices, would most a eurately ex|'rc.-.s tlu fiopular will, and, at the same time, l)c most diieell v and sjieedily amenable tothe I’lople. 'I'he theory of these wi.se and tic- iiignanl intentions is, in the present case,ctl‘ectual- tive (Kivver; prupowes no legislatu ■ action; and neither }io!)SfH»eM the loriii nor any of th** iiltnbuteji of a legislative me.isure. It diM-s iiut apjx'ar te have l>«eti rnteiiiiiiietl or p.isv il, with aiiv view or ex(>ei tiition of its meiiilM rs pnst t.1. ot an im[H.aeliBble otl'i nee. In vain niav it be allegi d in deft nee ot this pro- ct edii.g, thal the liitiii ot the lefoliition is not that ot an iiiipeui hinrnt, or of a pidk;meia thereujian , that Ihe pui.ishinciit |>res iilH'd 111 the consiiiution dots not tii!low IIS adii|ilion. or that in this eusti, nil ini|»'achineiit is to be vpocted t'roiii the House of IJepresenlalivro. It is lieeiiiise it did not as- ■' ^■^••«-iit:,|,vr,. 'I'he Kxerulive (H.wer i d ''xrhjii|\(>|y II, 1^0 I'ri'Didfiit, except i " I’* rt.stdutioii, or ill 1 ,|,j, iiii[K'achnieiit, that it is the «l.e e..n,;h„,on of treuli.Wuiid I,, ,l«;;iMativo artion more palpably repiigliaiit to the eoiistitntioii; for .ignant intentions is, in me presen case,ei eci^i- , ° y dt ealeo by the pr«et>edmgs ol the >tM..t.^ 1 he „ecutive-should retnaia in his hands. It is, nembtrsot that iHKlyepresenf, not the K^ide, therefore, not only his riaht. but the constltutioo ' i-t- II l.»lu.). 10 W .„d.„k but ihe Stales resjionsible to the Stales, yet, from their e.xtcnded term i)f SCI vice, ihe tlii t of that res^ioiiRibihty, during the w holo ptriod of lliut term, must very much di pt nd ui>t>n their own iinpressioos of its oblignlory t>rce. \\ h 11 a body, thus c*oastituted expresses, b«.Uirchaiid, its opiuiou in a |iartieular qise, and thus indirectly invites & proscention, it not onlv assumes a (tower intended tor wise rea- soiis to be confined to others, hut it shields the the advice and consent ofthe Senate appoint," all “ otViccrs of Ihe United States w hose appointments are not in the constitntion tKlierwise prov ided for,” with a pioviso that the ap;iointmeiit of interior of- ficsas niaj be vested in the Fresidt nt alone, m the Courts of JuKlict', or in the Meads of Departments. The Kiteeuuve power vested ia the Senate, i« neither iJiat of “ uoininating" nor “ ap(K>mting.” !t IS merely a check upon the Fxeculive jiower of latter from that r.x, lusive and p. rsoual re.i«nsi-1 gp,,o„,If individuals arc proposed for ap. worth J cuoi* ilicial otlic *’'| I 'lin Mrlvi!^' ^ I'O'g.Ot I iitmii, Hlld iioBmu iti a iiuuiiv a« b»i"'h. i-'—j - k ' - — - ■ j '''iil»i- 'i'’i V‘"' .oiirris, Kiihinsoii, i , 1 them a* the biilertst imrtions, if nol the vory Cb- ''ibll-u l'>-''fo«ding Hi an\ way be- , „,■ punisnment. So far, therefor^, as 'long to lliv clus;^ ul iucidculul fv;>9luUvu;( imhus vf iW luaUiital pvU lus coucwo^d, th« was pasaed m a public sciikioii I story of h.s disgraee, were doubtless rcj^urdcd by ten st (mrtions, unisnmeiit. So i UiiiUlftal pvtii violation of privilege, us it resp>'Cts tlist House, of; ~tgnt men. ' justice as II regards the rresiueiit, and of the Con-I * . . stiiuiLm as It relates to iKith, be only tLs more > executivo , ower beiof vested CouK|>iciiU'j» lUid luiprcwiyc. iXi tbc \\lio ii» refpoQIlblv fof it9