& FAHMERS" JOURNAL. -r —-—* khvjha rifKUA\, »\ riioM vs j.^it()f,T(>.\....»:nAHMm i;, kj i:mu ut; coim y* >m'i im auoujs’aV^ “ vol.. IV, SATI KO iV, >i \\ *21, J H:n. NO. 100. iutertuil tmitrovf-mrttl, A\ Al>l)ltt:ss ToTirf: pwjpi.KoF noktii.caroij\a. Written by thv ('ciitral (^oiiiiiiittec MpiKiiuUd by ihe Convention wliich am.uibied at Kuleigli in pfgveoilwr Uit. Flouring uod Saw mills and a very (ew I’a- |)cr uiill:* und ruacliiiiofl for Hfiiiining ciisrsc cotton thread, cons'lituto the tutal of our iiiMnul:ic(unii:eHtubli>hiH'i)ls. Our Agti culture, oti w liicli tli« w lu>Ie ol’ uur la! Ihjcu ex(jtjnded, is far, very far tiom iiitichdiHtiii^ui^hcd fur prartical skill So much intfrfist has been expressod, | ence. 'J'lic laiid« lor the liiat thirty yeura on- Ihroujrli the Pn;** and olherwiae, in the Ihave bf-eri, in jjocnu jturtsof iho'btate, well priiceedintts of thi; Conv«*ntiuu which mot ; till* d; hut iiu stem of a rutntiun of cruj^s or Bt the of (iwvernineiit iu Nnvoml>rr of munurinij, by whicl improved and improving condi* her hifjhwiiys by land and water, weblth durived by Nsw^York aod s' • morf w'Mglii ufwi ii» l« f-aiiKr- of iliL- mori’ liiiiii« (J ^ [>rus(H i ts, it is thut we arc, and itiijst coriiimie tor I'ng!und from iinprovementB by Roads and tx)r liui *nl (o»tly pro.)uLtion v illi UH than in ridiff 1‘oiln ; not lt;H» tl.iui a c ntiiry, i liufly if not exclusively Tnnals, is vcrv encouracini/ to ua who I b«Mllj; and war.T)or( l,nmtei..aniIcHtM ciiil)y inll.eSluttslan nj-ricullur-l p.«|,le. Nor let it b-forpottt-ii, wish ttt enter unon Similar entprnri™-’ Rut 1 or Hci- *"»tli iiil wp8t of us. 1 ho more Soutlirrn States tiial, of all tin; fni|jlt)yiiicul» by wliiiJi man enrus i , • i , ■ , Oterprizes. But U'il, for the purpoac of deliltrralin^' on the ex|*«?diency of iiiiprovinff Ihe transportation of the IState, that it ia almoNt uniiAre!4«ary inunuriiig, by which the lundii might be iiiaiituiricd lu tiiuir original fertility and pro- ductivoness, lias ever b«!fn attempted. J’ar lens has it ever been thoiJ^jht of thul they to call to your notice the fact that by a Ke«. | were capable ol' ix-iiig rcadcrcd every > ear olutiunof that iMKly, tb«-ir IVc'iiiilent wan aii> j mure productive. thorised to apptaint a Coiniiiitteo of ten, to j With a total a!iseiico of cominarcf*, of liissemiriate information od the lulijoct of In* ; mariufactureH, and under a dclcctive systuiu tcrnal Iinproveim'nt and to publish an Ad- j i»f agriculturw, it u surprising that there dresa. 1 he appointinent of that ('ornmit. | should b*- little uccuniulution of c^jpital a- te« han tie^n made pijblin,and in ()crfor(nance i inoiig us e\co[>t in tliu inrreastt of our of the duly gi»en lu charf^e tu them by the j riluvus ? Our iiUiids have had forced from Cwiventi«in, they reepeclAilly a^k of their: them a support of our while and colourotl I cllow-t.iiiKeiis their eerious consideratiuD ' population, witliout any »iew to an mcreas.id to a well ineani attempt t» bnnj; brfuru jcotwuiu|>ti«n, and hen they would uolon^'cr tiiem io a plain and unpretondin;; manner I support ue, our liillow cili/(*ns, with tneir the cau*a of the admitt(*d dejiresMd c*ndi> children and sl ives, uiiiiuut wiiitinT for tinn of the industry of the State, arid of the • the slow Injt ccrtairi approach ol’ po\erty, remedy, from which in Ihe opinion ot the j havu, wisely for theiii>«Ues, und, undtr ('(Mivrntion (and of iho C'ummittw) relief | prcdeiit circumstunces, lortunuti lj for us, may be eipectcd. A* this subj*ct i« of vi- . »ouj:hl coinjitlcncy or wfiilih lU the fiTlilu Ul concern to youraelyoa, ainJ a« it i. in- anti Mild lands of ii.e csi and S -ulhHest. c>nrei»aWe that the ( onveDtion can ha»e || i« c»(ife.'«edly the >;nal and cr)iOi'c\tl tiken up*n them Ihe trouble and rr spoiwi- i of the Slate, itiat our labor, ^ilie oni\ »'urce l.ilily of devising ami rec«mmeniiu{; a plan „f »..aUh) is unpr.Kluctive. and ilmt there fir llie improvement of our inland lraa(Hirt, i is a conscjuent wunt ol 'apital for the pur- frjin -L- - -> ■ 7 Ul U.. 1 HU more i-«uiiic rn nmies mai, ui an iiit; tni(iioyiii( ui» by wliicli man earus i i . • , T from llio htrcripth of tlicir soil and the a(lapt;itii>n ■ a KubniKtuiitc, or luoks for prulil, it ih the moFt ^ ,P J social Condition, and that of tf'cir cliinaiu to flic cnlturc of cotton, witli le?i (irimitivc, und (iiotwiili:itan(Jiiig niucit niinrcpro. I iNew-1 oik and England, are so dissimi* Iibor, rtccivp a ihdi Ii groatpr return from th« ucrc , titiilatioii lo tli- contrary) umong the niobt |>rolil- that any reasoning derived from their lliao w« do. and of (ifitr ataplr; and of toursi' are 1 able and (leculiarly favorable to hfolth, »o inno- example has only a general annlication to to soil to the nianulaftiircr at a lt»» pricc, ci ijr:«, and lo liapi.ip.ejH—to iLe rultivallon of the ns Fvf*rv nn» Ur.,. = k . • « ith irreater profit, b'roin tlic great law of cjr. ! doim-ntic aiid public virtiics—lo make us g'lod j ^ • i • /. imtnenHO ' banircable value, they can receive iioti.iiij; iftjin uicn and diHintereniMd pati iuts, (*** ropid increase of wealth has been tha the maniifacfurer beyond a fair profit on tbcir cap- i All prtiiiiiliiro all:in[ita to make iis either fo- > the great Canal in New-York, and ital and labor, and we, wiio enter into (fimprliiion rei^rn traders, or mechanics, w ill not onlv certainly I we need not dwell on it. There are facta with Ihein. niutl of courae be content lo sell what f**l. a* we ba\t neither aequirtd tapila! or nalurar connected with the imnrUTenient of thn cost UN more, at lesi price, and niutil neceMsari- liint ci for tliesc occupalioiiii, but are nut even d» j.i- „_.i / i • u i j ly rrri itc! |e«» profit. J)uf as wn i;iuiie lurj/er i rabie. as nolliii ir in lu In-gaiTitd, cillier in jioint of ^ n ) i SUalS in r.nglaod, not 3a gen- profilu on lii« culture of cotton, lliao we reecive : weultli ur ii.ijt; iiii-ks, by abjindon/rii; our present •‘''""'D, that hold out to us the m«Mt on other eXgiurtk, ue lid\« tiir a biien-iision ofycRrs purhiii!.4. Itrade, niecliaiiical industry, and animatiDp encotiragenient. It may Dot bo roustanlly iecnuntd our production. And a|. 'lie eulluatii.n of tiic soil. a« sioureo of national known, that in Kurland all roads were re ,!,.d u, to w'^lth have ..ueh found, a. d.IRrtnt p. ri.HJs and in , pa.red hv contribution in’ h.hnr to th« R..J lliougli our skill in llie eultiln; lins eiial lii*«en the coiia, ibe lilile profil w- «r- abli uli/.r froin it is the muni prwiiinent causa preajuon of our Uliour. ; 'wo; r.nu on aiomntof itj Biijiprifcod pre.eiiiincnce, j ^ 'o«, (jusi sixty seven years ago, ^ 'I’he ihiid caus^ ari«-p from the po«* of frans. j' '“‘''" 'I li o:ii (iov. rnriient boiiniies fbr tts | svstein Ol' improving tho j^reat roads in that pfrlin ‘ ' - rivcrh onl fall* aimoiiitr o[i.ii ueiion«, po tful ltn.y j.) not | u ' i ^ admit of inland IransMjrt f.,r any di-‘ai,ee fro,i. | [“■ "Iber, or all of tlieni at oiicc, , >'Car there WU9 but one Coach run tbi ir nmullifc. 'n.in e.il i» tlir ;rfcuf« r, as the n'a pi.> i/tlie t Minlry arr rally of pr at wui/»ii ; y "»vo os nature or an, lor a succejslur out once a month and was from I'li to 14 ililed u» to VMiuitn nave ..ueli Jound, al dilKftiit periods and in , naircd hv fvinlriliiiii.w. iti l..l.>, .k, D able to re. . d.rfe.cnt . ouMtru ,U udvocaU a, wlm have extol. I 1.7 *'> ^ .oft;i«Uc.'lc‘Jibeia»ouriiepu'iuit,atilieexp«iwoftl.cother I . and that not until I two; r.nd on ai omntof iu Biippofcod pre.eniincnce, { (just Sixty seven years ago,) was tfao „ » of frans. j' li o:ii (iov. rnnient bounties for its. system of improving tho j^reat roads in that rtinj oiir products to a n.nrket, Tbe j,„Ht ' duties fbr its protection. We Kingdom, by tolls ^aken for carriace and .^^►wl,.ehlWfromtl,eVV>,tt«lhe.s; ,.thro.iirh. '"'f'lo advocatc agriculture. ' jj, j eeneral. Il IB I the .suti, ar« int. rrii|.ted in tbei.- eour*ea t>y , ‘ «i‘'Urccs o weallh are looRcd U|k>ii , rf.m»rtihlA .hot IU andotb.r ob.n uelion., po tlul they uo ^ lin.K iij tben.sclv.s on a j« rrcct c.juahty, j‘"at late as in the _ . ' V i'lmlll,,. *r........ A. .Il.i'al .. I...A _ 1. - - ^ ^ P«'>|>1''. according to tliu ning between Edinburg and London ; it set i/tlie t Mintry arr ral.y of pr, at wuj-lii : 7 havo b> nature or art, lor a succe(s1'u! I out once a month and was from 12 to 14 and tiulk, and » lien they an |,iou(;l,Ho mark: I a ] “ are of llic number of ihoae (Jayj qu the iourilev liilS'J'i il.oro uio con.i.leiald. ,-irlof iKur value cor.H.l* in fi.e eoMt I .'' ‘7,'’' *■' *' !>'!“ -d.vidu ,1. .I.ould be led ‘ . of the ir tran«|)orlalion; an.! in very n.anv yf tbeui, I ‘'y ^">'-‘'-i>n.. i,t to to.iow tbeir own interests, and ^'ady Coaches, and they lako of llif rji'*ip'*t [iroduf lion and III ilie grf'ati it de-: notlui.^ more 19 ncce-nary for the foifV hour* between the two cities—distance nt.d, abrinHlar.re, wb.aland Indi.in.eornnmdo‘^’"*“''’‘"'" !*an tqual laws ai.d an ' 400 miles. AII the provinces are now tra* n to«-m.dd'e and W.iirn ^•oulllle^, - tn^- c.,.t ol A u exception u , vorsed by Stuffe Coaches 03 Turnmkii mport, fr.mi tbe ..inie caiiio.. il ik apn.rrent, 1« ari f'> '>« niaue Hi Ui. d.x triiie ot non-in- . V -avily 01. manv ol ti.e bulkv articl'!, n. ee,.arv to i !> «^t ol tlie (.•. vcrnmenl, «he^c there , Pe» passage comnuin ej,Kn.se. 1 orlifi. aliens, i\a\|j», l>orl* s.» arc torrieu and Tullie ways and ti.anv otber tiiiiiga, in their' them at a S|>ced ot trom 20 to 30 miles, t c**iiiur_\ and a hall has pa»M'I B^ay »iik:*‘ ' ooe oi tliciu t» i^u into oit^-iatioo. if tUe I advtni*;;.- lo u». ai.d vi t, * rJi i|i ter. i. l!l)M jrelniKAi" frf-etlom. Saire our indi ' apjicurauce of &o l:ir^'« on anionnt of our , ", "e»iil now ni.jtire,-fox far our industry M'J III one of the I'nited Slates, we havr at-' lHtiikif.'i; ^ anit.il; eilhcr it hat l/ .’n Witti-1 t t i..,i i oi.c-k is o.d innsi di ir,i . bv tlie adoDlion oi a s-y-iiem ui Lined m an unpamlelh'd short Iimk* th-- drawu from tna hu.-*'ues» U makitij lo,au« ' c^ve./a d. U o7pai’r'!'nV'MVom"t'reV.!^^^^^^ ''3' jnrk of a first rate Power. U’c have litt!. jon intvr.-*!, and ve^ted lu pro;«rt> in tnis jri.i.uM.t. it i, . lownofnJi m ry In::), rank m binder Vll t^rruul,’tLn^'\'vom C^e nnkin-^ ofCa’' Irrawn lo ex|ict't a foreign war, and nothing I .Mate vkhich witti the «amo ruk uill j icid l"’l"*'““^'^^l‘»ve.much [t f-nr from It, ami «a are serure in our ; a lar.-er pn lit than ha* U-cn hen.tof'ore •-•H.i>i..ry rf-l-'riy arxl perwns by our rilien Cnn.Mi- j made by bankini; o{«;ratioi.i, or Micoinlly, it [ I .iV^.m'UiaTZrart tb?' nco',mu»i"‘o,' Tsui' Itjliofi, from any eiartiou or oppresnon un iitual be snppoHcd that o\»jiig to tlii* uiii.in- I e. ->iu! *t«ti- of manufacturen and apni allure, or t t tlie laws, nr under colour oi' them, nni j i*hi d profits to bv n.aiic on the cuiiivaii>ii J 'b^.i ib. v hd\t hr: n (onsiqu-.ut on tbioi; and ilu>. lowed by our (Jeneral Assembly to the Post« master Ueaeral of the Provinces, for es- lahhshing a mail for twelve tuontbs from .II..IW uii vi.. .iui»ium-.j,, ifoni t.'.e nnmn;; Oj I.a-' Southern boundary of thia uals or ilail .am or losj w ill flow from an i i probably, the enly mail thea exiK-ndilure of l.ibouron H.tiie 'vorku, as in all olb- I Wlthlli our limit*. ' In 1765, the followin'r «rci.e.,astl,c «.irktliua.^!ve, may In; needed | year, a Committee of the Assembly wag or iiol, and may Ih' well Ol .11 pl.inneu and eiecu- ra ic.l »r. ..'.I >l li . led. Nor do t/:- ruble, as lla^ Ih-, n sun etiiiies er- 1 ‘*‘® i’ostmaster-Ge. rl.^oou^ly iniagiued, ve.U'ire u,ion a public work 1 "‘■‘''“1 a niail Irom Suffolk to Siuth CarO> I.. . I _ _ . , . ...... pr*ht u. i.a.in I I- gf,, J h »ur. ly arc not, a prosperoui people. ' 111*; capital «ill I*' hereafter U'»s; »r thirdl>, o. an; ,:,.le, a..u must coi.tinua u. k |prt from our p^diiK al anfl our ,tlio inusl Imve g>nv lo ulhwr tfiuit-j' jlf'-doin under them, aud of the rapid and v»here it isrx)M.ctc(l to be more products e. increase of tiur popiilntion, in what do it will be for‘igri to the pur)>o»c ol this ad- !'»'dilR r Ironi our aiicei»torsf We have'dress to pursue this topic liirilicr thau lo ili'*? *'iiiie noble duinnin, the sam«* l>eiii^nanl ' kIiov* fioiu it that capital is at once .-carcc [f mate, btil uhat havo ue doiio fir iur-' and unpriKjiictivc, ainl it is only necessary VV liat monuini'rits lu the u>eful or' to »aj that ihne is no iHisinevi now fojloutid [(!'*» ar!i; whit (’itien, what lar^o 'i'owiis, ['•'■'1! Il.irbours, what Canals, itoads and,., II.rul;;,.,; wh.it l.itcrary or tiuiiiaiie ln»ti-|S 1; what liospitnUi, what |«uhlio libra- ["'•.what CoIi»>;r** or ScnooU, what I.it- from the new l!anks, und it is soli . passeui;er*, and a lUil Road ib>;.luie 1«>S ot l.oor ai d ni..t.-ials lo just the I extends part of the route from Petersburff - , ifiificut i u-it i)ui fL i)ui(j; ( r till 1 iU”»r ai d n;ait*ri. i i ■ * , .® M lt nr« «H4d (4ijU.>& ihtj cau Ui runovcd or cwuji- n.it-i.t buv. Urn'applied to a work tb.i vsould »f‘*anoke river, on which there is a tcilsiianc'il. , r,.i,„i,„r^rd Iheiii by il« profits, Witii n.iercst; iaverage speed of fifteen miles Tboucti (iilhrult. It 1* by »o irn an^ ii).p i.?siMe, and the puiilic having paid lor iJieui and inisap. ! P^r hour. And, inclusive of the rout# lo fii.d a reimdy li.r a.'l ih« >e evil*., Mumn; toe plied ll.i 111, has lost t.'.eni. It is not other wise, witli ' through llaleiifh, there IS nO less than SlK iimI II i*all VM* h«vc‘.rv-ii * ■] toiii- «ti uidtvuitial. 1. he liis uor'^ done, he puv» for ' lifipa P.vqi «u u* « inunily, wo b.i>c ib.iie ik.nielliinc for our-t.M s un. the laljor and materials, and be wlio.'.ots tbc'lalior i , J i crossing the btatS der II.. wci"lit of all ibese (Ji-ad;aiiia*.n .s, and we j and k IU lb.’ materials, lH.iii/ naii', is no loser. ' ->orlh to ftoutll three times a Week, as- It rlainlT, abundaut ability to make tins chaiij'e. ■ paid by the cilizeiisof .\oilli ramiina, or of any | and there are lateral lines connected witli l''"4ry or .Si'icnlilic works hove uo lo U.- cribable to tho i.ther two, und princinallv ‘ ,h iv, as li.is aluidy btrn s..m, an extmsive particular dnirict in the State, in money or lal>or,! these great routes. I3y the Northern lines .m li..ll “'-i"■“"••‘I’'’”: b* the i)as«!en»ers reach \Va«hm.,fnn r.»v tord.u inuili s^are w.allh, lias siipporttd a large ihown wfiat will b. tlic i.-ivii,jT ftTicted by any I ,1 ' ■' ^ m i “ rieb,ure R..1I r^,ad or (W1 that ha> Uen proposed Xor ! l'-'''®® Philadelphia lour, and .New of’ iKiI^ IS our for«n;n coin- to the latter. It is but one more melaiKliolv , lut our very cna.>'lin^f trade m car-j prtv>f of the d»tprcs,sion of the profils of U- in.pulauon m tomii.rt. Ojr lands, if not jliej oil III a preat mu isure by N eaucls | i»or ami capital umong us. not 10 ho(H!» siy st« ril. but Ibul, bv lnl>or and ca-; can it lie conjectured, whjl wiil be the increase of1*^*® thau five days from Raleigh. ‘and navi;r.i|.'d 1 y the CitiM-ne H our i It ^ero alike unw ise and unlrteiinir in us !»‘i‘ i"fly .ippbtd, Kiev muy U> inade pro. produ. non from suili Hoad or fanal. Tiiis iin. It must be, that a system of conveyance ■ " " " ‘'"I’,'"'’" H-rtani imiiri. atum can ouly l>e obtaitud from which has sprung into such consequence as e.tl.b.,r..v.e„a^cou„. Surreys and Ke.nirta nude ui.der le-n.lalive e. ' ,,^1,,,^ convenience, and on which such Sillies « I 11#. n.» ir>M .la .i I a' . nuciivt. 11 oi*ro v\ r caii im piovi our buU lo an ^t»rtiiiil luli r n.' b.. Il .. . ’ *»•" "caknoss ol o.ir native we .. am„. Surreys an. 1 L I ' ' lnis«!rable cuahleis, bikI a ' Imxi, if a *%ere not n(>rov.ary to truce our ! ti rbalance tlieir ailvai.lajjes m ibe t-rottm^* of col-' iiaeliu. M».; " ^ e**! and sii.ain boats o| iiicon.siUeiab!e ! maladies to their remote cau.scs, that they I i'*n and other siapbsi, bv lessening lue cost ol Our abscnceofs '"■'l.i' n and vuliie for our inlaiul trade, and I n,nv if possible Iks cured. A* lh*>e caus»ra ' •f»“^|s>ri to m.irki-t. li' we can thus gn ally in. ! us bv ourla« le.n and at tlic pulihc cxiK-nsc. !!iii in Ihs ! ... ,, .urliuseiiilkiiortle.li.-e, a. tunlly denied . amount ol capital has Iftund profitabla last Assetnbiy, wc art not vvitiioui (acts, •t>'’’st*i'cnt in the short Space of thirty years, 1'•caHe the value and aniuunt ot i.ur ajfrimltuial 1 bolii as lo llie iiliel of ininroud w avs in other I demands that It should be further improved product*, »e will acipiire a capital in lan.ls and counlnesand in liiis, to show ll.at we’may ei(K!et . ky MdoDtmj' the U>st nuid* nnil money, anJ at no veryr.mote peri.Hl l« able to ; the jreatcsl adv.,ntajres from the improvement of aUoptmg the Ust riuds and machines coinnienee in ii.utacluie.s, tor w hicli we liave preal out means of transj Kirt. U> know that almost the " l"ch the genius of man has i>ptiliide,e'|M rially in the mildne«s of our climate, , wb.ile ol our produce t'roni the middle and western devised. it, in this short period, We have ill.. lii.n|iiie«s of provi.-ituu, anti the water.power ; counties, is earned by wayons lioiii Ihe f'ariui on passed from the humble convevanca of a wliich is afV'rded ny our ruers and llieir tritiuUry 1 nhich it i» grown, to' some town m thi- ;:|ate, or ’ rtir on a Single road, brincinff a fcw anti. •Ircaiiis. Uur a;;ricuiture being freed Irom >t.s 1 iiiort generally in another State, a. eessible lo river . j i„,■ 1 j embarrassment*, we may, even attempt, with a 1 Ix>il5 or sea ve.s.scla— that il i« sold Uu re or“deliv. i (s‘«PPag«» itlcluded) possible ■ iM of ih*.w nro own«d in a nei^-hl>onn^ i„re well understood, and generiiliv admitted, j > p. ^ him> iiothiiig that il'-*erv«‘s the I |i vtjH l„t sLiilicicnt lor our present ar;;u- 'III. ol nminilaciures. No proccssca ti^r; to omit nil nniior oues .ind to point • the value of ine raw mateii:iU | itiuao only that are mor't iiiijmrlant. • ^ a,n.>nc us,exwpt th.«.e elii ct.Ml | ,,ur first and nr- ate.st d.sadvantage i> ! ■ by u.,„ual ljM,r or by machi.-.rry ot ; '•■nplcst and co.nm^ue,! coiutruction. S attered ..vor our territory and espeeiNlly on our l{iverN, vvc havo tracit of lands of siirfMissiiig fertility; but th»* "encrul charac ter of our hoi!, if not ubsohiti ly .sienlo, is al l(!asl churlish und iiiijfratel'ul, making very scant) returns for the labor expi inJed on it. riie second cause of the diminishetl and di minishing profit ofl.ibor is the low price of iKir gmit staple cotton. 'I'ho wnnderlul iin- nni|«'r»tK»d by the I’liblie in pressinp t.i u allriiiion th»- want of l.iteraiy Institir ' .Uiat ti,, I iiii,.r«ity ul .North I'artilma ik iml ^ br n». W ,th all w ho !ovr the State, « e yii(»rwitli piruviiro, and a knowl.-di'e v»ilb I !>' d bt ol I'ratitude due to the Truali •« and 1.1 iSt. IWi..-,. ,„e L.iiverity for I'M Ul. y |,av« r.enli rred oil the State, 'l i. tirai-e Im- it imution.ul, tlul ihey tiavr uiani "I I* dc\i,l|.,!„,„ worihv ot' ihe u.kvI rauw 11 lii i'i..» h V r "* I provemciit* made in inachinerv tor the gin- y hjva iM'en so lonir eii(.’affid wilii wi ! 1 , 1 ;• f'-'t lo ihem.elv.s. and lo ilioir I ‘-•(dlon, and c.nvei ting it mto thread ■'» ' .||/1 ns. Tlify have, not only witJi no ' a'**^•a**'’'®*''’ j /'^I’»tby from our public men, but ai^ainst every made from it, las mcrt'ased th.; consninption '"I'much jood wiiii Lf tln'in many thou>iaiid fold Imyoiid whot \i ■ k.. ji I**” •*> the nrglcrl «f lJio»»> who, ^ •inhlitution, arc entiuaUd v»ilh Ihc sarrrd pioviUii,,^ iiialruction, and only l*„t '‘''N"**' the hoi* and b. litf ' , ' * ''"‘If. tliey will (Rt. iiJ an .flVcliie palroii- *i i.| r ' ’•’hey may then .Mablnh *"*!.|i '’'-'‘t it bad b«en an early) elaim ^ .g ilio )>iouiciieig of uiclul kariiini' ainoiij; lair prodjMTt of siieei-s, the iii.provemeiit oi' aur ; ered to a I'ommission inercliaiit, to be sent tu a ' l>Crhaps not averaging a nillo an hour, tU ports, and the 1 oiiimen.e,nent of a tbreijfn com more favorable marktl. Tins ciirriajo o\er land | having every considerable town in the Stat« meree fioin them, or p. rhapa, what will b« iiiorr j la exicediniily expi^naive be.eauKe ouly very light visited daily. Or at most in everv IWO Of leasil.lo aiKi equally pmfitablt, an nclixe coasting weight cau bt? draw n al a very slow paco ov. i ; three da\s, by Fourhorse Coaches loaded our ill niaile riiadi^. The cost ot tho vvaaooe and , .1 ’ j ’ team, employed in fr8nf,K.rlation in our we.stern I'®'***'''** «««» C'ery quarter and 11 iddlc eouuiies i.s nut a liyhi sum, but it is a '»e may (nay must, we should uiere iritlc to what is etjiended in the sii|)|s>rt ofi say,) venture Ujwii an expense necessary to the horais and the hire and »u|>|>orl of the men cm- construct Rail Hoads, travelled by steam ployed ou our lubmd carriage, If an t.umale ; ..^r, w hich Would not only carrv US and could bu made ol cxiit-nses, we do not hesitate tu ; ... , ... ,• believe, that tho saving whirh mij;ht he rtUcted Periodical llteratur® in It ibr a lew yiars, on au improved system of. at a speed ol Irotn 2-10 to 300 niilcs in tho 1‘ubhc way», would b« iutfieicnt to make all the 24 lioiirs, but Would transport hundreds ol' iiuil.ro.tds that h.ive been projected. Our Kasl- erii pt'opli) lire '■ i lter otT; llley have very (feneral- ly water cairuirc, and yet il has bt'en shown by trade. (»ur fir.sl .sicn In improve the rcsourers ot the .State—lo inert ase our profits, and thereby to rrrale or tiienlarpo pur capital—must be made in bctterini; onr ai>iieullure. >ur extent of territory, a lar)o (Mirtuinof it yet covered with the native forests, invites lo the cultivation of the soil. The prrdileetions of onr i«.iiple are for a farminfr life; thi ir skill .ind cnpit.il, rv. r since Iho settlement of ihecoimlry, have b*-cu turned lo it; our iiitcrcats, our inelinslion, and our habits, liave made us far. mcrs, and will keep us so. It it alike the result of our nitUiral silualioii and the dictates uf sound the inoNt udliouinc illiaglliatlOII could havn |that imr whole ener;;ies .should b'diritctcd ^ _ anticipated thirtv \eius since, 'i'he demand ' J" "J,'; nild lands to the doii.iiiion of daulalion, tha industry of a llw Kustcrn foui;. • *, . .. , I rloujfh, \Mirn w»^ havo • prmler capital, nc- lor the raw niiiU*nul ha^ ul cour^o in- quir,.^ tVouia RuuHHfcriil roltivutitm of our lantU, crea.sed 111 exact prnfMirtloli to the coilsump- | tlnmean b. pr.dilably re.inveNtu l in their im|.ro»i-. lion, but (imil as that is and although con- | mi nt—w heu our population begins to (;row iarjrer stantly iiureaung, tho plant i.s ‘ ' ‘ iH'ing grow II ill so innny Intitiides, ties is U.vad, annually, lo th.- largo sum of 000,in delays and iu overeomin(; by lijrliterajje.cVc. tons of our product# and of our iinports in foreigu necessaries and luxuries at tho same rate, with perfect sal(.ty,and with the most defuiito ceitainiy as to time. Such an a- . _ , _ mount of Stage Coach travelling conducted a sinjrle obsf ruction. In s,H.eulatinB on ihe cxpe- ; inorc Railways fn III Himrv uMuiprovii.;^ o?ir ci»tuilrv bv inaKnijr lund % , , v* • caiiahio ot j m^luHiry ujH'n | .iiuU'aicr cnrnnxn*. n,m. k .uni r«sy’, it h«K be«n n ' to pr*f^r on our Aortem and « ml owr I native Jie'IriB—il' wc »rp a |rnff|H>ri>ws Mni-I ^tml to iimkc > roinpauKoii Ulwri-ii tbts aStati* anJ boiilnern, h,a>lf'ru nnu H e^tern bouDciartcd, ... I I * 1' * ’ inuuity our ( xrrsn of capital uiid ialx'f will he Ntw-^'irk, siu*o il,c of licr yratid raiia!,' woiild surely pa\ ti Us on pai>»eD£«rs aiMl iw lar^e a jH>rt»ou ol luo earth, th;it tuo fcup- turmtl, uudtr uidiviJudi onlcrpri^-, toward* mt- l>cU\ccu iL.b Suio ui;d T in lUc ;*rc» ‘ JvttviS uuJ at >o liit’u a rate that o »