TIIR MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOtJRNAti. «xporUaD«i im|>«rts might b« carried nt a | nothing to fear «n iIiih bi-am:li of our iiidus-j ns we nmy w«ll cull them* ha\e ri’rt iveti proportionably low rate. Th«y might thus try froro any con)|x;tition. A ^rcat nianj ! their kt’Ciii'st from the cotisiil* ration , low iw rdiered from the er^ormou* l4X with articie«>, the ruitiiro ot'which tWs not outer > that they ure in part the i!fccR.'snry, the ut pr»*!»t’iil coin|x nrnrrt'»nnml which, according to the preteftl raod« of| into our ri»rnl t'conomy, wiMiltl Ik> fulitid to J hitter consequences, of n siijtini* kih! nnrrow ted Siiitcs is by tlie hs iing o p carnage, they ars bitrlhened. Ou this part yield great pn fit, wlien they couW Ije uent legislation. As a iieo^)li!, wn have literally •f th« sul^ect, it is pertiocut to remark, that lu a short tune a«id hy a cheap conveyance i taken no thiughis for oiirs«‘l\e*, w hat wo our Internal Improvament Coiiveution had to market. Nor is this all, it seenis to iis|».hould cat or what we should put on. NV e informatiuD hefwra them, on which they that one of the ^n atest of the improvments could iioplicitiy rely, that the S?tock of the to he expected from the ap|>lication of steam Petersburg Railway was profitable, and that to the dnuvmg of great weights upon a rail- •f Its iJaily or weekly profits, the larger way is, >hut it will alter tho location of large •bare was received fr®ni the transport of towns and cities. {Urtoft>re they have pasiKBirors. The importaoce of this fact grow n irp uj>on the seacoast, or oii large riv- have lelt the State to grow like the lilly ol Si uule c/ the Vnited Statrt.—The fol- ; know, but 1 have not been an incau-ioi ^ ving hru f sketch of the iiidivitluuls who | der of classic oratory, and what hiitn^®' prest'iil comix)»e the Stnule ol" the I’ni- told us that the orators of antiquitv k done, i httv. seen id the Amencai ® PiMol and Cartridge Box enloflherotllarid Advertiser, oiid wo think will not prove unacceptnhle to our readers: , ^^u,n-uige aor for yi » Leigh (pronounced Lee) is a lawyer of />‘»tfmn^.-«oiiHj wag at great eminence in Virginm, n puted lo * »*'**« »ron pi„,,| . the fifld and venly it is not arrayed like of the »=tron* men of the Old |)omiuiori ‘Ji'nension for Maj. Solomon iu all Ins glory. I.ft us fallow upver before in the National councils, but '® k . countrymen, change this wretched policy as the writer of ‘he celebraled es- wth a larg# iron which has boiind us dow sent us exiles from >ur native lo our luquiry cannot be orerrated ; for we •«rs, where the heavy articles necessary for , in the wilds of the est that , - , *' t • I i l . *•' ' — "" *• have the power to cxteud this Kail KoutI Iniildmg htiuses and for fuel and provisioiw our own want#, and estublishmcnt for our (')ay,t>very l>o«ly knows,and has l>een heard i ®'® n'aou actured. Thecirt. Irnied lo our industry of li.eie twenty five years iwit. He aits in ;'"‘“K® ‘“'■'’•■hed with cane^le5,,, I’WIIVJ Known as nn; wiim > " , i ■ " , - - —irqn _ kn to p.verty, or savs under the signature of “ Algernon Sid-‘*nd ball a horse-shoe fora trig.,, itive land, lo s»*ek ,,,-v.” I.«Mgh 1ms ofien been swkeii of in ^ '* mounted, and is one of IliecuiMt that provisK n for V,ri.ioia as a candidate for the I’rt-sidency. sp«cimens of >ankee ingenuity and wit «. 1 I 1 . A A* _ ^ • t I _ -_ji I bavo lalfilv mh*!! lhn>u{h R country as rich as that brlwecn for their dense poptilalion, might be brought clnldreii which w»s clrnied patronage. Thai the Petersburg Railwav ;duct of tiieir lal»or could l>e eiisily sent to I mil th*> fate of yourselves and children, that ;„j, jg ^ lawyer in Ohio, of high reputation i ” ^ /I * * receives from the carriage of paasorgers i thsir customers. Now when from t>> 200 they w ill adopt A’oinrschfoie ol improvement au acute reasoiter—a sell made man, who protits larger tn amount, and at a higher tons can be drawn on a Kail way, ut the >coniimMisnrale with the wants ol the State, arisen from oltscurily solely by his own rate, than from produce, is notan anoma- rale of Hi or 15 miles in ao hour, b) ihis new and llmt they will be^'in some public work .jcrtioDS. Smith i« a lawyer from (.'«>ot)ec-j 1 i*K ju»t rrceiYinj frwii , f/' loufi fact, and confined to that road, but it j application of stcnm [xiwer, the location ol' of micli magnitude, that on its cotnplelinn a gt'iilkninn of the old school, w ith n ; J\ •iielphi«, » f*ner«l nMorumot of ibc IS in coincidence with the experience on cities w ill not dejiend altogetherrn the pro\-' we may know from an actual txperinKiil ^oMden d head, breoclies and w hite topped itylcs of other similar works. Such was the result,' iaiity of the sea or a river, ami assuredly w hether the .State can be improved. If such ^^,ot» the only link “ the grave and reverend I Spi’itig fttuf SuiHnuy contrary te expectation, no the groat Rail-! large inland towns may und w ill spring up plitlge l>e taken generally in the counties, senators” now have on anli jiiity. Tomlin-| way betweon .Maw'bester and Liverpool, in rich agricultural districts remote from the we rhall at last have some legislative action g(>n is a law year from Connecticut. Wilkina , , . as It IS also on that between Philadelphia ' ocean aihi the great rivers. In tact, in i>ig-' on Inteniul Improvement?, and it seems is from INtlsl.iirg, aiid whs forinerly the I-. * ^ T‘‘*! prr«t Tkfivijr i'aiicy and lloiiiritic HATS. ll4M>U COMBS, tAOOLXS, Itooi* and I‘aiirr, llardHart*. {iirrit«fiarf, iiil€>VHKIk:s, ik.c. Thr j arr tK'toroiinnl U wll my W«. urj eengers, that, from them excesaiTe pntfiis injj, for fuel, for provisions and tor the pro-^ im|>ortaiil cri»is; throughout the civilized f,f the adtnmiFimtion than any other being made, as light a toll as possible may lcess s in ibe arts and with a vent for thoir world, and in our own I niou particularly, (\,npress. llill was former editor be taken for the carnage of produce and'fabncks of tlie |.»«m and anvil by arf.fn lal the w*;allh and talent of rviry community of(|„. llninpshire Palriut. Swift is a merchandise. For it is our great deside-' Canals a-id latterly by rail-ro.ola. Th:s are turned towards the full developm>nt law\cr m Vermont. Hlack wastaken fretn ratuin, in the pursuit of wealth, that our , seems lo u>. to lucel f)nc of our great w ants, their ph\'iral and moral r»*K>urces aud il tl,e ’bcu h m MiiM>*ippi, and « nt to Iho agricultural products should not only be re-1 If con.-iderahle towns can le Iniilt up in the you stiiid l«ck from the glorious contest, .Xj, Kran wa.- Seen tarv of .''tale lievei^ from the eocbantn»ent of their value mten >r of our State on the routes ol'CanaU the less an«l the ^hame will be on you an«l IVimtrv hsnia, an oflice prolviblv inor» to us, by reasons of the greater cost of their and llailwavs, the elP-ct on our wealth will, your children. But wo ho|>e bell*r things ol |j,rrative at.d itn|orlanl than the like ollicn lraiisp»rtalion, but that, as tosorne of them,'equal any sober calculation. ' you ; ever) where among u», the mind', ol State. Talmadge is a lawyer our scaotineis of crop from an unfavorable I IJm desirable as these results to our all who love their country, are turtK.*d wilb in N»’w \ ork. .Marris is a lawyer in Ohio. eoil and climate should be countervailed by wealth may b«, tliey are ver\ light in com- eager expectation to a g' neril and united \|angum is a law)er lu .North f'aruhna. o,„riiiin«i w kh m m B cheaper and quick carriage to market. : |«risoti of what the iniproveim'Ot of wir efi:.rt towards the improveiunt of the Stale,; a lawver in NufchvilU-.Tennos****, The plan devised by the General Conven- tran.«.|«»rt is desi^md to have and must have ainl wc will not uuticipate their diwippoint- ; ('nngrws man} years. Tbo III* tnd li««r Ui*ir prtces—titcj Icvl u>_-njiul tion does not admit in our view of any ini- oiioiirsQcialandj>oI(iicalcerHjtiion. Wealth meiit, W e will hope Iroru )our p«ilic s*nr- f,nn of * Jolin Holmes, IVhi (,rundy and ,*11 «li* do c*o be ioiwd. provement in Its outline. Its details luigbt is prmci|>ally desirable, not for itwlf, but H. that our legislation at your cornmarid j)—w«l| Known. Tv ler is a Uw-: be changed so as to obvi.ite oljections that for what may be eifecteu by it, and the hit- jshall be changed, ami that the State will, \ irginia, furmerlv (iovoroor of that ; SAI J’#- “ ' ■ " “ I H I(.l.|».m»rl;Ka«V» I ikj of li>» *' *■ M«)T «l lllC l oMTt iionM .1 I b«rl*llc, to lb* hi(h«l tballiM >t. aod l41T la wblcb (.». Jou ^tu »»« U«r*. Alto, bi« inlrrctt Ui (it« M^utotttru tUinc AWo. have been made to them. According to torj of nur race will *hew, thut without tx-; ^hako off her If thargy and rise to that this plan two routes of traoeport from North ception, no people ha\e ever be«'n distin- w«alili and p«ilitical power which Imt tPirri- to South, are proposed, the first j>artly by guished tor retiuement—for eminence in the tory and population place w ithin Imr reach. Canals and partly by Rail wsy acrji>s the arts—for knnwlfdge and science and for a I Lasiem {»art of the Slate, and the other pure state of morals, wiih'«it a c- nsiderable , passing through the centre of the State, portion of wealth. An mdiijeiil people are , These line* are to be"intersected by a Rail aUvavs barbar us aud *a\a^e ;thej niay ex : way, from the head of the western wrtters, cel m the destructive art of war, but they iin:; 8ti\ tbin? to the ri Ni \N t \ MF.R» >X. ( 1 i: n\iK,i,i£, i I-HVKKIN'.KR, | ^MI.I I \M i:«i\ I VN. I W in.l^M II H \VV\(M1D. Jr. ; riivki.tjs I. IIIMD.S, I (. W IN J\Ml>i AI.UCI II JMM.S IIIMiV 'I \\V I I f., J in this Bute, to tide water. The calcula- are not caj«M«» of adding eiij tbmg luv , lions for the cost of theso improvempnts enjoyments i f [»earc. NVe desire therefore,' fnade untier tlio sanction of the Convention wealth for our f ■llow citiZ''ns lhal they may j are dotibtlesa correct and can be shown to be an intellectual and m >ral |ie>{)le, ahouiMl- >»—— ■■ „ n.i.ii.-u, up be so if any are hardy enough to impeach mg in all the r>ecessaries and luxiinek of Cttton I'uclvnj.—On the K.iitor’s r* th«m. 'i'he sums lo be rai«cd for the pur- lile, and adding their »hare to the ariK thal turn frw.ni a n'crut trip to the Wejtem part ,q \Va«hinut>n ln tw. cn the Supreme p-*^ were alto shown by the Convention to improve and aJorn it. It is obvious lhal i of tl.e State, hw Fp.*nt w.‘veral d iva in the Court and the Senate (’l.nmbor, and works | lie entirely within our means, nay, to be a this will be the eirect of increased wealth b) tl*Mirishing village of Oret-nsboru', in tlm hard in b->th. Ai«k him, lie w ill eay, inlel very light undertaking for the State. allowing class's of men among us to devote ' Stale. h^lc th*-re, he vi.sited llie t.ollfwi eaii>encft is not to lie w*hi in this Kane is a liwjer in Ilhnoin. Hinton is a lawyrr in St. L mjis, >!i«*ouri. Sheply i« ja Uwvpr in Mnio**. Liuti i» a phv'icKin in Mi-..«.uri. Port* r is an ln»hii>an by birth —cair>e lo this r«'unlfy—o[-i»ed a law of- i tice in the Attaca|n* ciKjntv, I.oui»iana, arxl ' w«f taken f'r»>m that Mar to the Suprenie - U««i>cli in Ia.u. and sent t'rom thence lo the .ICrt*% Ol Iail4l ,.‘«.'n3te. h^xjthardi^ a law>er .^eminence mNewJer^v.amlis v^llknowoa.S^re. ‘ • • , , ,1 . »“*• turniUrr lary of the .N.tvv under .Mr. Adarr.s.—««rK , ii,,,., knn»n on i»^. )«)r m • ^ler a* n bnvor and a .'Vnator divides his ' .V. >V aLIA ».H .'L-'AX it only remains on this part of the suS- themselves ei lusively to the fine arts, to factory of M»-ni) !lumphre\«, Kmj. which untry, without h.ird lah .r. Prenti«* i« i jp«t to fax, that the experiment may be literature and scicnce, a:»d by the cimIow. ha-. U-en recently erw t.d.—Il h-s been iti ^ Ju Vrrm.mf. Kre- made at ver>-inconsiderable ri--k. Let a Pf'*™*-** >«• lint‘hn>»i n is an rmin^-nl lawyer in New 3^^ Posiponemnil 1 Im »bot« plw«p*o*4 OBtil Ok lUj uf Um o* tU'otinljr '*url, tb* • .s w. alkxam'Uc. r ■ made at verj - „ , ^ Kail way be ext.-nded lo Fa)eflevi!le, or to '“*n of »'Urid lcarnm». And what is of es- nol more thar, one half ot t’.e spmdl* » are »rll kuown for his eflorla in Jiehalf! V.»» Ks l-ll our Soulhem Pxnjndary fmm the h»*ad of sentml oece-sity to the rxi-lerk:e and perfec- employed. It is pn.}..'lle.l by stram, and ,>f IVmfieraiK'o aud African (‘oluniAali»n. the Petersburg Rail wav, and let It also be of our fri-o institutions, ww .hall be a- the mrtchmtrv, »o far as the i'.ditor is ca Naudnin i-* a divlin;;ui»hc.i phvsician iaW,| connected with the Norf'ulk Rail way, so a» kle, by a s>»lem of general in«tructioo at pable ofj.idgm*, is of ti^i I* st kind, manu- to embrace the tr*n«pjrt»lion of the I’. S. ‘^*e pu*>l>c cxpi nse, to have Ihe children of factun d princi|>elly ut Pull, rv.n, \.;w J. r mail and all the IraTcllmg on the cetiirc ,l»«»’er classes, which must cmtinue to sey. As yet the machmvry f.r spinning routosofPo« Coache* and such prirtoflhal *a everv communitv, properly educa- cuttnn is only m o[.er„tiou; in u -h.irl Im.o on the rr«tes easi and weM of the centre as ''“d; not according to the nmagre .- heinc that for w. ttv mg will lie «dd-d. 'I Ik; h iiKin will be invited to it frora its superior aceom- il'common schools in the mere . leinenls of eu.plo)*-d, coi.si>tuig priiK-iiwl'.y of while of thnt State. Hrown »ms u lawyer, bui is . modaliws, safetv and s[>efd. Lei it als.. learninj wily, but with tbeae they can be and co|.Kjr»d girU, are. with »he exrc-i.i.un N,.nh Carolina. Fort)lh th* be undf-r-tood, if this road succeed, that a *r-f .;mtd on Ihe subject of their civil jof two workn^n Irom the north, unskill. d J” ' minjtno, Ik laware. Knight wa« a farmer in Uho«kf Klarid. Ch»niti“r* n a lawyer of r»*putalion «i the eastern t.!ior«* »f Marv land. Uohinenii i«i a law\rr m lllinoi*. Moore is planter in Aljl>ama, f.irmi rly »u\on.or TO Tlll^n lll.K . IKMT. J. M. nAf« e*i*bii.h»«i »n INHKM^RVi'i a >1 Kl.|« Al, W VRI» »i fw'-’- Utt Ih* »r •oid.u4*Uoo rf »il roininit (hfinwlto to hl§ i*r». l.*Ubli*hn>'tit of thi» Sio*i l.i* i-r.| ^ Int. frxMp ti.» oatur* of fwrric*;*' -nu«rv With Ihoee from IViersliurg and Norfolk CKiorny, whereby they can oottr on lif* Humphreys dt.8«rvt« yr^at cm dit f«ir his will Without doubt, not only rppay Itself, but kfK)wlf«dge, »kill and habits as lil»era'ity and ••nterpnze m • llmg sog«KKl will afford a large siirplus to be expf-uded will }»ut v*ithin their powercomfort and inde- an example IjeiDre other individuals or com- rm oth^T improvements. When these R.iads petHleocc and uaefuloesB and resjieiUbil.ly. j panies of moividuaU, having capital m dif- |^jr»i,on to ih from Petersburg and .Norfolk, to the R'^a- Nor is it to l)« overlooked, in the rec m- terfnt f».'irts of the Sute. tioke, are extended to Fayetteville, from the menrf^tion of a plan of iTnprovem**nt for Ihe licnu arr t>M miin*«ii«uljr nan, nir the h, tn ai no Iml* Isil ycl the kir>|^ f>«riU«oi for tin rr. fpiKC King r.f Alabama is not unold man, nor the Idi'it in' Oili'r in tho .'^ri.nle- „ vldf-1 of the Sennto. II» w»i Serrtlary of m«j tMnmii ihiir e»»« i« b>* ' “ Ihe ( .Uri of Si. Jjm»« uriler u> 4«..il o® lh« ""P®''*'*"'' I..1 ik.. k «A tut ir U ^ • NV« duubi n.it IhjI ih it this investment succ*^ or failure of the exfierirnent, everv r^pid transit of f*erv>ns, that it will, of it- «f his fund^, will in the erxi, prove to be man will be able to see and judjfe in what s^lf, huve a mightv infiuenre in producing A'l^ree tlie State is capable of a svstem of an iniercl.ange, among m^n. Our towns highly b«rietirial aini prolitablf. .'anii..t some of th»' wealthy and enlerpii^iii;; i ili- improved transfvort. If this first attempt and we.ilthy comii.uriHi'’* a'Ml our remote wna of lliis s**«tion o| couMr\,do nonic- |y succefsful,the p^'fjeral plan rn.TV 1)0 grad- and poorer districts wi!l Ix', as il wrrf, 'hii.g in ihe Mine way fir th' ir own and unlly execu!.-d in the «ime cnutiou# meth«xi, brsight nearer togcthi r, l,y the increaaed the (wblic’n g«..d. U e ho[ie tlml ere long bv wjecessively completing such portions or ease aud »|uickii"?.s with which diitance they will.—Milton Sjxriator. llV'«Tieril plan or of Ihe particular works, may Iw lrav.*r««‘d. An e^chango rf idean ■ - as promise lo be most profitable. Nor do will thus li« brought abxjt, hv which know- ‘‘nct' i’r I he nnnnis of mn'ri- we wlK.«* inl-rests are in c.mmon with Mge will Ix; imparted, ar.Jei'r..rs and pr.ju- n'‘*ny sHd..m lurni.h a more r.iuiantic i,i. i- yours, wish to^iake any public work that dices removed, ui;d tins w:*con !ary cHi .:t il will not pay fir itself with interest. It is improvwl wavs w:il be o! pn-iier cwjw.- l>i'lrirf, tlr«* north wi- t coriHT of Siuth (’andina—a man n^iir, or from among the inoorjfain... Pr* hl«.n is trf»m Columbia, .S, I'urolina—a lawyr I h’li»-»e—a monl ae. r»mpli.ibed s|x aker—the tisrru k of the S«‘nui-. .''; r.»gu>' IS w«ll known as a law- )er in 'l:iifi^. IVII was fonn»‘rlv Govern or of Ni'W Haiiifiahire. Mh w s a law jer. com*nrt,*« wtll •• ibr lm»l rr»ulto^l^' Of c««« ii.drr U«»lnK^nt. 1,1 Ihi Uiii. nt*Mr (»cl lb»l liitl'J' of lb»l aft. iili..o which ihtif •ituilf’" •' j Ini which i» J'tiirtl thptn, hjT Ih' ‘^'“^1*'., ,yj.t iirrunisUnrM of>4«r wjm h • codnlfT ’'*] ‘ ^ Isburi and w hw h ufi»»oid»!>l)'. howey f • II.- pr. »piil him fruin imjiarUng. - louril, for. r»B Iw ""J . .. innlilution, wiMie ill* th« I”''''"'"’’ !'l’ Iinoer t'l daily •ll*'nd»n' 1 •iil niton lb«l a liicilcd Sorfir» »«>jW f’T acir.u*. i>r. iUpr’W‘ 1. iVf hif »rrvit>'» lo l!iS pubtH • « w t ■ niav M-]mrr ckw' «r Jail* J •, ,r, l.cablr U. b. brourlit , . , , or 01 .>rw iiamr>»iiire. iiHwasa M r»*»-nik laki-n i.lace in Ihn* im. . .. ' , , i, , , ,, , C laytfHi IS the m«r.l emitv ril Inwvor 10 l>* l- s-clable mechanic was marn»-d „ . n ■ 1 1 ,■ HWare. lli ndrtrka wu^toriiHMlv (tovernor in '»ur opioif»n, no bad test i( th** utility »>f quence than its immecfi'ite or j riir.ary on»-, •‘j"'*'* tiionlhs sime lo lh« lad) of hi.» Indiana—a Pnnl'*r I b»'hrvc originnllv, e work that it» tolls w ill replace the exfjend- as intellectual is prelorable to Ciaterul were o corrt'*fH»n ing j, * • I f. > I II I _ I . .. nr?o. nnil 1i4rtrMilirtn« th«> u/u. llor» maile on il, with mlere»t. It is cer riches. It has l^n well faid, somewhere, “"'I dM|Ki»ilion«, the match w«. lainlv adviK.ble thal the lolls should never that the application of sieam lo land und pf'''"''>f»ccd a gj«|«i one by their fm nds tnd be r'aisod muc h li^y.mdwhat la uec/-ssary water carriage, has reahwd the Poet’s con-,*'>•/> went on h.r- for thispurp»(M. as*hfv »iH be (iftwo high) ■ ception of aiinihilating time and f|i«ce. : monioii-Iy aud happily, until one oay wiihin an inconvenient and probably a verv une- 'I here is a {s-culiar po|ili ;il advanlsge *•"' •'’•j four w.-» Its w hen th»* wif.? ap- qual tax or. the industry of tlif; Ciliz/n. If whirh Internal Improvement holds f..rth to husband dreH«-d apjwrent- • o- the Per.ple of North Carolina. At preaont 1She staled in a (-w words anv work l« a n%i:ful one, l>^sidea the pro- the Per>ple of North Carolina. At presont fi's from the tolls, there will b»' according iheir only bond of union is that of a corn- to all experience a great iner.*a»e of Ihe mon country anl common laws; lli«) have, w ealth of ihi* Si;t»^, by the enhanced value as it hBsbe^-u t-lscwhere remarked, no busi- that will lie f en lo all real properly in aud ne»«i m cofnmon, and no knowledg** of each that *he waslhen to leave him, and,forever,— Jiid «he could give no reawin for h»>r con- lijrt, other than lhal s!ie disliked the mar ried hf.'—she had always been tteal>‘d kind- DMr the Mute ol the Rmd or Canal. j othf’r. One portion ^f th« Stale has all its “‘>'1 aireclionaloly ; Init that her dctermin- imuu Il is not eiisy, if w** li.j.J --^pace for it, to trade with Tcnnf«>*ee, another with (Jeor- “I'J nothing could swfrve •niicipiito what would U-the r. suit of sm h gm, a third wilh Siuth Carolina, and a '^roin it. She then retired lo the rf»- el.Kiu-n e. and iwdii 8 planoflnt«Tnal Improvement* as haa Ijeen fourth with Virginia. 'I'he projects for If'Sist- probably ullMJr|nl^.s« d by ai proi.os'-d bv Ihe Convi-nlion, executed iic- improvement, r*comm«>nled to you by tin-^P»‘r'uaaion to 1 induce lifr lo change „.n,l,|v ,1, u,e worhl. 'I'her cording to our sogg«'sti'>ns. Not only would Cofivenlion, if carried into rflpct, will link '‘'■r purjK)»e. e think il would pir/./it- our C»tton l»e lelievcd from the cost ailded us tog-lher by iCitereat and aflection, us '''•s st heads lo account lor Ihm sincuUr to Its prrjloetion, bv tlie pres/,nl iuconve- we!l as by law. ; freak; e-|)ecially when it is considered lhal pient and expensive mode of trnnsjKirt, IhjI Arul now lo bring to a conclusion an Ad- thing prcHCiil and in prospect wotild ^e.H-,„ldbe r^aWed to divert tins labor of dress which a d-sire to advur.ceyorir wel^ H Rook,. History would then have eml,almed : .. n'^nur middle a.Kl w^iern counli-.s,lo therul- lare has drawn out to a l.*„gth far b»*yond , l-itunhhip—/ror. j J ^ii! b.> ture of hr.4d afiiir., Ibr which of our what was intended, p rmit us lo say with j ^ i,„,.„ry by Mr Wilti.m, ’ iished iheir fame. Looking through the mist o.joy lb. comjK-t.lorsinanyoftlw-SlaUshaveamoro frai.kn*-ss, but in Ihe kindly 'P'rit,; v v th. Hou«-of IVi».«-,.t.t.»c. .,n'rt.ur.- "f antiquity, they would Imve hiM med forth 00 th.'d-..l ""f f.vorabi.- rli'iiel. ; and if our soil should b^ that thf depn-nsu^ti ol our industry, and our a»y. Mr I’..ili auu d ili«t th.-rp wrrt :io,(s>o upon ua a-* the iK-inohthene* and I k eros f ' improved bv ajuJi-;»ouahu»l»udry,wt have want of fi-ditical iufluoii^;e, gur uiufyrtuu'i#, ■ i»f„r, tht I*'i.»ioo ^thcr ceiituric*. 'i lna i:. s'.r .f" |ir:ii>c I Warronhr Jkuln/'f lawyer.—'I’lpton wun fur- merly an Iiidiiin \yent in Inhana. Kobbina was a lawyer in Rh'slf Island. Poiinlexter was a hwver in .Mi>u>»ippi, formerly (lov- ornor i.f ih*' .^tale. Silslire is a merchant in Salrrn. King ol (ieorgia was a Judge in lhal Slate. I’ibb was a Judge and a lawyer in Ken> lucky. Kent whs (Joverner of Maryland. He IS a physician by prof.riMion and a plan ter by practice. 'I'hus you will ser, whni were the starling (HiintH of emiiwncu with all these Senators, and through what grades IS a b>iy of in- (Mditiral r**siurces, any political ns- re are m»;n in il, who would have fillnd the worhl with their names, and who would have glillored hke siars on the Historian's page, if they had livid in Ihe tlluntriout days of (Jieete and Rome. History would ti.en havueml>almed rhrrr I vrry «IH>»ilion «iil be ,, lu anjrw iw l»nd l*> llie couiforl >r ^ . . 1 (ulinil. lilt F'KhX »dl l» ^ »i U !»• than for ih* >»nie »«r»i«i r.i >' rf.rllmr '>■ 'I"- !*«•«•««• , ^ infortrVn I f.ji.i lha kl*«nt"K'-s of ^org'f • ^ j,, ; ,1 ilrriT.d frotn s laiirtt of •' , C«ll. |re of H..ulh l aroluia and •• ‘7 . A of »•. nn.yU.n.., l«ctlh.r wiih lb- ;r'‘ , ... I*. We yi«rt’ praclirr Slid t..« k hithrrt« all. mliiil 00 hii • m»rit a bberal palrvnar*' pf.,‘ The «»un..l and rr„,|,„„n.„rb.gh and «ill hr obuincd Ml ea»« i *»•'" bran. I.ca #1 hi. (.rolcMion 'I* A’.r.