SATIJRDAY, n\Y 31, IS'M. |>oHiiiii«: CorrfMpondence. To mjf oldfrirnd Mr. Dtright •/ the Ntv> York Daily Aderriter, (.'hamrkk, I W»ihinj;U)n, April 5lh, 1831. ^ I wippose you’ll all l>e prett)- considerable struck up when you come to see where I ii«w Ix*, and so I’ll jc»t t«*ll you in us bhort urder a« posuible, h>«v it cutnc about. A DAY AFI'ER THE FAIR. A somowhat ludicrous scene oecljrred yfstei'day morning about 8 o’clock, at a boarding house in tbs iiowtiry. Two young men arrived there the day before, (ohe of which wk8 the nephew of the lady who keeps the house',) and engaged a private setting room and b*d rouni for two or three wcfks. The nephew introduced his com panion as a fellow clerk with hita ii a mer. canlile house at Hartford, Con. (which sincc turns out to bt^ the fact,) and stated that they had corn* to New York merely for the purjMise of seeing the pluce and pay ing thiir tc.spects to the aunt. The old lady, pleased s^ith this murk of affxtion cu the part of her nepiiew, pre[)ared the best bed room in the house li:»r their reception, set before tiiern the best slie had, and did all in her jKiuer to make them comfortabl*. Being fatigued, as they sjid, with their journey, they retired to rest early, and did not rise tili near 8 o’clock the next morn- ing, anil h:id but just .;ut down to breaklast, vviieii u hasty knock was heard itt thedojr, ut which the \oungesi of the two wis ob served to betray no sligfit degree of uneasi* neiw. In a minute *r two afterwards the room dof>r was entered somewhat abiuptly by an elderly gentleman, evidently in a violent pas-sion, wh« advanced towards the eldest of tlio two, and after applying divers undignified epithets to him, was about to try the i!ti;*c:3 of his cane upon the shoul ders of the young man when the noise brought up tlic aunt, who fluw at the old man like a ti^'iess deleudiog one of her culm. jyo. 191. Judge BKAckENRiDOE, iu his “ Keccllfc* tieus,” lately publuhed, in speaking of tliA convenience oi a knowledge of cookery to travellers m the Western wilds, relates aa anecdote which be saye, was told him by that able and accomplished officer, Gener* al Bernard. A French General, in the un« fsrlunate Ruihian campaign, was taken prisoner by a Cossack Chief, who immedi ately recollected him as his host and enter* tainer on some former occasion. “Ahl” suid he with a joyful air of recognition, “ you are the officer at whese table I ata so many goo«i things.” “ Do not speak of it,” said thtt French officer, delighted at be ing recognised, and expecting some grand display of gratitude. “Donl spt^ak »f it— a mere trifle.” “ But I will speak ofit,”sati the Chief, “ and you shall be—my Cook.'* The Frenchman, surprised and dismajed, and finding that tho barbarian was alMolutc- ly in earnest, protested u|>«n bis honor, that he bad oo knowledge cf cookery | but tht> Cossack, not disposed to waste time in ar gument, ordered the knout to be adminis tered, when the officer agreed to make a trial, and was duly installed in the kitchen, where he probably led a more comfortublo though less digniGed life than his comradcf in the disasturous expeditioo. time»-the tail got a little ralhy, and a lit-1 lion, along with the Major, bis ax and bun- tie RHbanaed, and did’nt like to toll. die, be laid on the table for that night, and Wlien 1 gut so far io niy story, the Gin- if the table warn’t big eneugb he’d push eral who had been all the while sittiu and . his’n along side on’t, then ronie a leetle kind lookin right at the fire, turn’d round and gin of a tusscl and pretty nigh the hull on Vm rae a plagy inquirin look, and I stopp’d short I had something to say. W hen Mr. Clay -well, M'S he, what was the eend oo’t ? 1 got a chance—he is a mnster hand in quiet- why ses I, Uineral I baint gut time now to I ing matters when they git in a snarl—lie tell you, but I, the next time w« meet' said there was no doubt a large majority of I’ll Iho Bloiy, and with that 1 made the Senate was in favor of giving the Mn- Kver since 1 wrote you that last letter a- j the (imeral a rale cabinet bow, and 1 walk’d jjor a place to iay his head, but tho great dif- bout the Kakowi ^lory the Ciinerul tolled .strait out ef the while house feelin pritty firulty was to decide whether it would be tue, and the Old llni story 1 te|lel him, imich, I sup|>ose, like a gwMl many folks . an Act growing out of the conservative pria- (lie folk* ab«»ut the (nueral hniiit give me I afore me, who hu«e had their say there and ciple, or tho princifile of consolidation, so a- no time to eat or sleep, and 1 have had j then cl'.-*rcd cut. As soon as I got outside, | hly statod by the gentleman from South iii|(h u|*n the hull (Jovrrnmem to beat off; | was a leetle stump'd to know which way |Carolin:i; and as regarded the constitulimi- iMit so long us 1 had the (jinerni eii my ; to steer—1 had some bread and cheese in ality of the measure, he was desirous to kiiJe, 1 did not c aro nothin about it. But ' my pack, but I wanted a pbce to go for the hear the gentleman from .Massachusetts at tiJlirr day tho (nneral he began to shake ^ night—auH there was tto many Committee an early hour tiic next day, and he had III the winJ n leetle, and this ftas about the folks in M ushington, every tavern waK no doubt that grntleman would ablv ex- ciuse co’t. lie and me was sittm talking chuck full—hut jest then I see the Hag go pf und it—and that he should not differ from ever luuttera alomi, and firein red hot shot up at tli« capital, and thinks I, I’ll go there him—but says be, the Mujor wants a bed, at the oppoMitioa folks, and especially at ^and try my lurk, and up i i^eut—but owin and it’s now almost Led time, and I there- Sjuire Biddle when 1 telled lit* Uineral, | to my being stop’d so ofU;n on the way, by i fore, snys he, otfer the follow iiig nisniutions: ta)s I (iiiK'ral, it i» well enuf for us to talk i folks all Mitnlin to know what had hapfiencd, I W hereas consolidation is known to exint among (oiks whooome to see us, for it is ; by the time 1 reached the capital alt C>n- ' nt one end of Tennsylvania aveniie, and the me iiatur of people to give one credit for j urfss knew it, and all parties was in a talk- ( “consorvati\e principles” sometimes called honesty at least, though be is wrong, if he | ui aUmt it. I went tir&t to the House of and unjusti) called nulhficatiou al the other onv »«ems wann anddet*rmin»d,jcstasT«ii RepresenlHtiveh, and 1 let em knew that all end. stfs * hen yuu cut down the old man’s liee I wanted was ji»l to bo allwwed to stop there j Therefore, llesolved, That until (he Con- tree, but aaya I my alate dont tell in* that ' over niL’ht: and there came sicb kuockin ol' stitution shall be diftiuctly and clearly «x- tbe present tn.uble all about the country -Mr. Adams sj)«ke for more than I p und. d, it is r«alKst for the .Major to'luke o»in to the bank folks. And | half an hour in favor ol having a cot but up up ht-i night's lodj^mg just halfway between thsi I readied do*u try stale ami I 'fur mo right otf—Mr. Cambrcliug Ironi th'“»e two extremes. k!i(>ued the Gineral. ^ow sa)s I, here|\ork City ssid it was altog'ther a great' ’I'he Rcstilutinn was then p*Jt nnd carried, «e »ue tbal the actiwlly has been | party qiie«tion, and inunt bo handled care- ‘J'^tol'^. A rrmimittee was then appointed I lending aut iiH>re inoaey since »e took the lully, and bi wanted tunc to conxider on’t. to inoas'jre the Avenue, and reported that rrpositi s away from ii, than it had lent a- ! ask’d Mr. Lawrence an«.lher New \ ork , ♦•adshy’a Hotel was just halfway, but that ftfre that tiiBe. Tlie (iineral bo lookod member if he could’nt gi>e me a lift—(irsi was full. c«rr tlie figers, and sure eiiut there it was; , he thought be would ; aud pick'd his teeth ! The Senate then a!journed, and .Mr. »li\ sa\s he, Major, how is this f whaton;ou «iie side, and ss.d bee'd jist M e hir. Clay tlirn come round and teli'd me that as. -- - — »— tttrtii than, *i)s he, art Iho peopio grumb- friends about it—wben he got back, 1 found his rew.lution had got me in thii. ditficulty,! was discoverod to have fainted away. The 1 pg al’ .\ll our folks ti-ll me, xa>s the he was pirkin his teeth on tother side, and he could’nt do loss than put up a bed for juuth was lifted on to a sofa, his stock was (•im rsi, that Biddle is cruinpin the )>ewple ^ jMud ho was afraid it might not do, s?rin he ! me in his own lodgings, right in a line with ! removed, and the collar of his shirt unhut- ail I'Trr creatiou, and here now you show ; \»as now a csnJidate I'or .Major up there in ' (iadshv's, and 1 might sleep there and wel- j toned to facilitate Ins breathing—when (oh, s> rlcar as daj light, that the Bank haint Now \ ork and he inusit go with his party.! come, till the conMitiitioDal prnnts was nil ^ *»hade of chaste Dian ! tell it not m Gatli!) j with a glow of attention—and guarded with [ at all; and with that the tiineral I Awl so aAer nish about all the sfx'skcrs ! i* now, sUep at Mr.' ' I he beiran to count wn hi> fingers, and though ] g chance and .Mime of ein wa« jn«t b« gin- ^ honsa and knock about through tho U can soiiK IIIII. S iiptr out a roasi lerUe ^.peiik a «cimd tiiw, Mr. Ili ardslj '^"y "'’H I ’«n, und most of the time t ;fT su.-B ttiat »Tay, tnu puzzeled hir« a •• if (’i,osre^s und Crwlii and Banks iu the in nate Chuiiibcr, w here I find upon j anzio^ly. Si to rights, suys ha .Major, ^nd Canals all p-ri^h’d In'd vote agsm it, «he hull, I've got a good thumping majority, [ »‘li3t then I* the cauw; of all this trouble ' ; ,1,* ,„aHfr rhort, h« uu.v'd the “^“rc Congress go«!8 h.ine, I calculate ... , V.*-ll,.njTi I.Gim-ml, 1 mjpp m: wc shall '\|,.\andarpoolfn.m will change too; ,-j Jof the old gentleman, who with ' discovered by experiment, that dry rot la kn..** row pnuj-*oon. There m a C4.g isit Kinder*o k (who 1 lh«ni:ht was tho on- bhaking in their !■> P-w"ni\. had caused her to us-j oak can be prevented by a simple pracess, U tji« wlwie aa>s I ; ac;d as the Senate i' who wnite tiiat I>ut.;h le tter to me) he a*s** ll"*)vrnjr jkeeping his bojks—the . and at a ra^erate e.tpense. It consists of •Trrh.’.whii the mill perhap* they'll find it. , ,t waa all a •• tiunibu-',” and he '^I''«-'»ton'> Hud the Virginny elections go as coupie, thus thrown, ncthiug loth, j steeping the timber in a vat prepared for the iiJ h tu* know.—And the words wamt ' t.„„jej ih« motion. U hen’'they come to * ^'*1*^ they will, 1 calcultte on getting a !"’*'* use [ purpose, with bark, in a mode similar to .1 . . L I . .1 , . , ^ of thair time, that the old gentleman, on I that used in the tanning. The time re entering the counting room rather unxe-I quired to accomplish this object varies from pecte>’l\ one morning, f >und them keeping | twio to three months, when the timber be- tally w ith their lips instead of ttieir pens ; i eem?? saturated with the bark, and its dura- u{x>n which he sent his daughter to reside ' bility and antiseptic powers ara rendered with her gratKimother ut U’eathersfield. j such as to be capable of resisting decompo- Oa the arrivnl of three or four of the boulders, something like order was restored; when the youngest of the two strangers Matrimony.—The following beautiful ex« tract is from ‘ Family Ijectureg,’ by Mrl. X. Spoat, of Taunton, Massacbuselta > “A great portion of the wretchedncsa . which has often embittered married life, 1 am persuaded, has origtnated in the neg. lect of irijlcs. Connubial happtnesa is a thing of too fine a texture to be handled roughly. It is a plant that will not even bear the tovch of unkindness,* a delicatd flower, which indifference will chill, anJ suspicion blast. It roust be watered with ishower of tender affection—expander! there was revealed to the sight the snowy j the impregnable barrier of unshaken confi- bosom of as pretty a lass as e’er “ brubhcil i dence. Thus nurtured it will bloom with dew from lawn.” fragrance in every season of life, and sweet- “ The lovely stranpcr Iny confess’d, , eo even the loneliness of declining years.” A vvift ill kil hct cb.iniib." | . It w-ems tliHi the young lady was the | A Prevention for Dnj Rot.-~-lih&ahefn J. now Ki.vo. r.itjor, r>ownin)fV!ll€ .Miiitia, i-M TO I IIE 1*1 IJI.Il. II r.-,.r* than out of niy UK»uth, when in ron>*- (..«ini over the nauMi, there was n tie, and '•‘•'‘‘I pvery pint ncin the folks Kmdle and Blair I.H.king as though th*) had | the sj^j^ker had tooutie the hull on’l; and s., " •“> »l*«’MUCial in keeping now. St b.. ii -Haked through a gimblrt hole.' jo, up.nd n.sdracoiisirl'Tjt.leofa *p«H-h t Yours, A:c. t:id tell’d ;be (uiieral that the N-i.aie had „p by 5a)ing the ('ht ir \ ^.'t pa«f.'>d ( laj ■ rrnolulion. It wout do ; never been eall d iKt to ck>cid« on a I,. g.Kid to tell wbat folkwod, but the Cm- ! ,„„rr ,m|H»rtai.l pint, and that though the -r.Iwushoppinmad, anditwaantorethan ( hnr cmld give nine^iiKJ reavm- «i. hour afore he got throuch slatting tbiiies i,e uas about to give, »S«--ut. .^nd ah It waiabout the time whenI would giv* but oik', and that whs I .« w(.uld U- ci’Uim to visit the (tineral, ||,e >laj„, rould not have a bed jhere 1 jct Mepp« d .Hit to tell eu. they must call _|,p |Unk aini Biddle had h hai^l • ifin, for the .,i,4-f«| »qs bard ut w»rk at «rf,dii.g the Major there, and that was c- • I'ahiiiet Kouum-I.” iiniffor hmi ; nnd the ( A.r decided that VVh» n I got hack I fi>und the t!meral the Major aiukthis bundle oit. \S ell, « th |>riity iiiith all the uteam Wwwed «>H, thinka I, that was a pretty tight vote, uuy t.if m othar two critiur« writin iwne- how, ami I wint over to the S«-nnte Cham- .the mi)rirtn:ali:iijr oT iiujiartini: tf«i mcekwiri ihiii to collie out in the (tiobe next dav. I ln-r. 'I'hi re they wTe all at it too, as stMiu »iil, (*nii m nio-.i HMjudml) niuntion) imp«Tiou»- l.ird the (;tii. ral nghi .:es I I walk'd in, Mr. \ an Buran rail’d Mr. N Hr tW whonr. the ...bjriUoi .ur- , , 1 .. I 1 . I rut . . I 1. I II CH*1 »•»■« or ucculrnUl iiiiur), ttliere tlie I*. •oiKrd wr ho tter keep an .->•■ *«• what we King of Alalwma. to take his place, and 1 undr the .je of tho vd\ HI print, lor we hav«> trouble «:iout;h ,cki d only ait n gliiuiist on him now and Surp>-oi', h h&K bixii at ito liitk cxj>:.ii:m! in cna- *.!:i wi,i4t He sar her* to folk*—but ses 1, then, d»>dgiii about and no crittur cou'd tell , kmjj im(>aralium> ibr the rtctpliou of tlio«e who IXKT. J. M. II A1M*)I.I)T \S . «iHhh»h.-H tn r.YF IM IIt.MAnYand » ?>t'Ki;i(’Al. \KI* al his tor tliO sc-i'oiimioiJi>tioii ol' eli |«rrsoiib who may ixMrmil thiniJt'lvi'i tn hii ciro. Ikiii viii^ that an F'-‘'.ibai-liiiitPl o!' till* kii; ilrd for, frmii thr iitlurc She contrived, however, to send to and receive letters (rom her lover, in which they planned their elofieinent.—How it was put ill execution, our readers are already uwiire. They left Hartford so as to get ' sitioB for on infinite period. The wooJ ought previously b« fv^rmcd into the shnpo in which it is intanded to bo used. This system is not only moch safer as regards health, and more economical and conve- drr tht'in kiitrr'ilul mid ihi- apiMHlkto iiiitirate thi' p«ii{h Ilf >tit!> riiii liuiiiuuily ; ui.d aware of J fiiinit—aitd told ma if that w,ui my | ('oinmittee wou’d never rejwrt in creation prarMuoner i» not onl)mrifsary, but ol mcalcu I b-tt. f J.1.H up and qii.t-for the afid wl.Hi they did they’d perhops find t«-n..f.t to the |-.t.,H.t a, r.-cyd, hi. ea.^ , . ' . • ' . ,i . .1 I coi»f'>rt. a^ vull 4» the tiiial nsull ol the opcrntion I'W’ had now |or everv man t.i take Mr.jor s namo scratched out. and s.>uie one ifcatci.ct. tUily .;»rH,riPi,c« prt.vtx '>»n kitle. and if I lhouj;lit tho S-iiate i else written in tho place on't. ^ the lanifiiUiblr iict that ninuy suti'i nor t.'ir want l ii.oro wi.dom than he had I must clear { Mr. Cnihoiio said be wa-f glad tho .Major «' '*>»' •H'f’ti.m wiiuh tlinr kituaiion e.mBnds, '• !«-'I••c-»rv,„vo I pie, ’ Wiys he, is now g**ttin«: to la) lietter ’ inh„r, „l.i. h uiiavoUably. however disacr. e- lllidcrstixxl—States nIiou'cI stick to it with t.K ■ pn wut Ima irum iinparUin'. 'I'fin aii.'. «o I reli riMiee to the (ieiieral tioverniiieut— loudl) ivlld tm, c.iii be exptiicJ oTily troiii an ' (-.ainties to St.itea-'I'ow nships to Counti.-s of ajracti. ” tKnicr to give uaily utleiidanoc. 1 rnrn the con- cafc. tkiiiviiipthatan I start of the father, who did | nient in its application than that io which i:d bis Ion? sincr lK;cn ^ i v i i i t t i .. . i . -o'Sur-ical n*ach \ork unlil pix o clock ' coro^iv#sublimate isnsod,but aconipartUvo ihi Mitn.iupni uiuniiun reiiuisii. in orii. f lorrn. j yesterday morning, and suspecting that j trial will prove the remedy proposed more the} would put up at the aunt's house, niudtt'effective in its operation and certain ID ita his way there iuiinccliately on arriving in i results. the city. He was however, too late—the i Axxapolis, May 13.—A capital haul J oung couple had contrived to have the | was rnado at Carpenter’s Point fishery liTineiieal knot tied in the afternoon of their 1 on Wednesday last—875 Rock Fish, aver- arrival.—We presume this step was taken 1 aging 60 pounds each, be-jides smaller ones, to avoid tiie risk incurred in publishing' their iiitentHHi to marry, which mode of! procedure is reijuired by the laws of the state of Connecticut. How the affair will terminate we know not, hut as tho par ties ull left New \ork for Hartford yester day afternoon, and as tho father was in a double sense, “ a day behind the fair, we would advise him to pocket tho ati'ront and put the bebt t'uce lie can upon the matter. j\. i. Transcript. * ill th‘ hull CaUmrt togeihor on thia Liiiii- ' . i nhiu't ! iM s the tiineral, what more I w lilt ' .iiid with that he turn'd and piiit- •'> Kindle and Blair, and give me a lojk k as tfiimder. W ell hcn I that's enut —and Hk I hnd k« pt my bundle ready lor At the late dinner given hy the young men olT‘hiladelpiua to the lion. .Mr. Pres ton, that gentleinan, in tlic course of the olMjervations which courte.n required him ; Altriilioii! Cavalry. The Charlotte hi faytUt Troop of Cavalry are commanded to appear in Charlotte, on !*at- — I luiiilieN to 1 ownbhips—and Individuals ,„)praiton timt a locatcd Surj-ioil l>tpartnurii to make as their public gU'St, took accasion ' urday. the 7ih of June next, armed and equipjird to I'amilies—so that philosophically, and would l>*-desiraM#, l>r. Ilnppoiut i» inductd toot- •i mi \e (or some ilavs paM, all I had to do lui tupliysirally, and, ohove all [lolitically fer ins servu:*** to the pubhc and hoIilH* such ca " '• !•* -tl( k mv ^lat« m it and poke mv ax I MtK>akinif, th- Mujor had as mxHl a riirht to "''') r. .lUirt-clo*r ur daih tre.tinenl (where ; * "■« "II-I .M- U.OSo,;.., .. u,..;™. ■" l:ii,l roitwirn over iiiv shoulder, and was j,>ral ttovernmenl, ami here says he is the ^ *ny»!«■'i*mt to the cooiiort or bcucfn of the ‘ ivk ai>Miii in the Cabinet afore you could | but end of inv notions of milhfii ation, and I paiinit. II Ik rUIS uill be roaiuinable, and much hofie tho .Major oiid every man now fully , •'■»s ihan h-r ilif R.iine sarvict* rtndtrcd at the iinderstaml me-at one end of the nvenur, j Vanina';, of S.irgieal Information sajs he. >.tand« the whitw house, and at the »i M.-diral other end the .'^nate chamber. "I’onsoh- f,.Hci,-e oi' SoulJi t arnlina and at the I'nivereity . L IliihlliHtill. N'lw M I (Jiticral, I nnd you are going )'iit- hut aft.p- I uo I should like to tell ;i a Htory—nnd llio boxt uu’t is, it ami a ■ 'I? oil*., mivn I. And mi I tell'd tho (Jin- ■fj!, thiit spakf* story you’ve hcarn me l*-ll ■■‘’f . Ili.^v I wasoiico walkin III u lield '■’*11 their to Dowiiingvillc, urnl heurin a I «Uer, mill -3 J;;;. Jy ri^litS Hnd- '■^ihrtt It all come (rom a lug bla k snake diition” there—‘Consi rvative hero'—and he wounil up by saying: that lor his part he was ready to contribute Iiih chair nnd desk lor the IVIajor to spread his he'd upon. .Mr. Bi nton was just gom to liegin, and I wii«i bIkhiI swiuging mv pack on my shoul ' "■fe than hah'a rod hmg, the tail quariliii der, for w hen he gits hold he hangs on like ''ilh th# head alxait takin the lead ; and say- tlin hi ad hud led h ng eniilf, and the tail ''chl to try Its tiirn a sf>ell—and av the •tU'l ;;ive up ami let the tail have his way — *’'"1 followed on to sen how things v»ould '"'fk that way—so after goin agin the scales and mukin the things grit considcr- “i >li*) tad ti it d to go threw u alone feuce, "“1 gittin jam'd riggled and twisted and i^wed uud could’iit go on, and the lirad of Ktiako wanted to kaow what was tl»« , , ''inttcr, j,n,i v» hy It did't g« threw, and that j notioas, the .Major might lose his night’s hud gone threw tUe auuie fvow twenty i iudgin, and »o he moved tiiut the upplica a lootb ache, and woul'd a talk'd all night— and so Ihev called question like ull nature, and he tin.k his seat. M r. Webster, lie got 1'« ^' ^ote ..mch of h.« to Sur«try. tl.e other _ braiH.hcs «»f hi8 prolission sliall receive due at. )f I’l nimyKania, tofilh«r with flu; r\|Hricnce uf Iwdvp yi.-vr*’ (ifaituf, and the (!*'•*r«l nueirns hith«Tto att. ndaiit on liis operations, h# ho(Ks tu nirnl a hlx rai patmnair*’- 1'ho ( iiun« 1 and «H»i(ilanrp of a prolossional l^ntieinan, uf lii|;h and rt-Hpidable qualifications, w ill Ilf oblBiiifd III rancs w Inch may rt-tiuim them, without any additional chsrjjf. Dr. II. may !>• ti"ind al hi* r.«tnbli»hment, 8 niilcK below I'harMlc, on ihe I’rovideneu road, where he may br c*ii*iiltrd. Whilo hu propose* up next, and wna just going to tacklu on and take a pull n}M>n Mr. Calhoun's Con- (-ervative notions—hut he hadn’t gone far w ben he took out his watch uud m-«iug it was gittin late, lie would not take u|> the constitutional part of the question—for if he did, and seen that he must sift the hull principle of consolidution nnd cons«'rvative l.'lilinn. I'tiiriilfrifr SrttU^ntnt, Vnklrnlmrp r'ly. AC. N. n. (>110 or l» o Studenit, of pood atlainments and aioral rhsisi'lpr, will b»; rect ivod, who can rnjoy tbe advBiit»"‘s ofdmseclion. with opcratians nn the dead *ubjcol nnij piKt uiorti'iu exaniination nnd a well i»^li’rled l.ibrarv. BJ.AMvS, Of mriouf kiiulf, for said at this Ofice, to advert to the abuses U' the Veto power ! « , ,, 1,1 -rL I 1 c ook, A. M. UeUnquentB will cortainljr be hned. by licnenil .lackson. I ler« were, hesaid,; ’ ‘ J. N.I.EES, Ca;rf/ii». May 14. 1S3I. N. LEES, Captain, t9*2 lour distinct species of ^ eto. The first was I the Veto direct, rejecting all bills of which 1 — —^ ~ ' ~~ he did not approve. The second was the I A* Vet.* oh'.que, hv which he puts tho act in : 4 KK just reeeiv.n? from New-York and 1‘hi!- ’ • , , ,r 'I'l I -I* adf Iphia, a ceueral assortmcat ot thtt Ultst his breeches |KH kct lUid walks oil. I he f third was the Veto divided, approving of j Smiumr tho act, although objecting t.. sonw of its j ^ ^ provisionsas being unnecessary to be car-1 ried into eilect. 'I'he lourth was the Veto [ which has been ■‘elected with great earr and aitn reserved, bv which he reserves what the »■»" bouffht unusually low. Their stock i3 lawyers would call a contingent remainder, i con.i.tiag oi and by a species of mental reservation, re- ■ C'lotllS, ^iilii 'ailllcls tains the power of vetoing the decisions ofj llrilllll^N, iIm- judiciary ou any points obnoxious to Ins I and a Rreat variety of Men’s sumpier w ear, purpo.-es. It has Ih'CM often said that the j |':iliry anti llOkllCikfiO powers of the many are ahsurliod by the | few ; und a word often comprises volumes. JL^yJ^ 'I'hus IS It that the word \ eto with the President controls tho destines of th« nation. Charcoal sown on the lop of the earth, and mired with it, it is stated to bi' very useful where onions are lo be cultivated. It will prot»»ct them from insects and in crease amount of the crop. The charcoal dust is also said to prevent cabbages from becoming chibrooted, nnd it will increase j ho do 0.111 b^ cim the wariutb of cold «oiL? MhvI,':31. iiA'rs, Mjorsi, lloolw.i OOMBS, SADDLES, Jfiwkn (i/ul PaiHT, Hardware, Qiit*»*ii»»%vare, iitsoi Xc. xc. 'I’hey arc ilctt riMineii to sell very lew, and wouM . invite their friend* and Uie public lo call, txani- j ine am! Inar ihcir prices—they I'ccl a.sbUreJ that 1 -11 .. 1.^ ..4.. rtati