THE MINERS’ AND PARMERS3’ JOURNAL. POETRY. Th« Km9 WI»» «re •zipiiaSt», ud yet wt- will oat Touch for \kc pprfvci ortfaodniy of the Mnii- rncKt in the rioai^atuizM. We we Uo{fht to dMt tk« diaemMiftd •pirtt tlimt rneeli .'1iriM ia berren will be fiiHy suiafied with hi* bW--CW.5l>r From Frifni*Jtip'$ Oftring. THE8PIRITTS I.AND. BY Nft MRN MAICOUI. IV* •prit’a laod ?—where la that lu>4 Of wtkidi OUT AUiar'e tail T Ob whaaa mjaterwua;. ««ewk«« atimad Euth*! p*rlrd mtllioa* dwell! Defeat the hri(ht ud atarry iphera, CremXio*'* tpare remote; BeTond the meftauraleM career, )'Ik phantom flight of thovght Thera, fadeica* flonTra their blaaaana ware Beneath a cktoditiH «ky; And there lha latast )ia|^rinf leaf 1* wi|wd from everj eyej And aoola beneath the troe* oTtUii Repoan «{i»a that blaaatd ahore. Where pain, and toil, and itorai and itrifr, Shall nerer roach thaci aaore. And jH methiaks, a ciiaftaliad wo E'aa there m«j prompt the sigh— Sweet Borroira « e wo«W not ibrego Far oalm, oainincled jo/, When straina fram anj^l-harpa maj atra/ On haaieatjr aira, et mortal hirth, T^at « e have heard far, ftr awaj, Amid the bowera af earth. Ah ! then, perchan^ their aaddesinf apell. That Aon obiiTioa aavea. Mar wander tike a lorn farewell, (rwn thii dim iinJ of (rare*; And. like Ihe viaioD of a dream, Ntad on the diaeoi bodied miuti Of awrta) life a deinf (le4Wi, Aad loved ooea left behind. Ye*—yet. 1 will, 1 mwt belicra Th»t Dttur«'« Mcrcd ties Surriva and to the apirit cleave, Immorul in the tki««; And lhal imperfact were my hlin In beaTen itsrli', ind d*.shed with earc. If Ihoae I loTid oj earlh ihould muw Tbc path that ieadeib there. OOB To rrstore Tainted the last that the awful Mund issued from ' f«|| I procured an acquaiutance of inioe iii i im/ulurt n MijgthahtHwelwdistiHctl) heard ' th» countrj to pul up n barrel of fat b#el to fritndt, t Kjh Cn ■ lt*K ll*a«*a ' iT._ Maaks • la a aaaavklA* I ,Uy buoka uri tu ciamihul, of bud iebti Fm »ot $emmt, rn not irusi • real; rn friendilnp «n~ dang*r$, Au4 I "*’»»■ to bt Kketttd by ttnn- \VI1.LI\M iH !^TKR, NOTICE. fMlUE Public ia Itcraby aotitied nat JL the HOUSE and LOT. preie^J*f*r cd by Thomaa A. Me,a. aal an F^iuity right u> the aanie, which he U ininad to aaavrt April 17. ISU. JOIIN WOQDRl'FF 85tf '• * »>*Ha«c IVIakinK 5iSS IN t iiARixyrrK. Nathan iiROHNrrwhi,. c«re tliaiika tu his friend* «nd the puWil^j le .Ih nsive. ^ he Dcel t harleston. a new | large li.r tJ» liberal rDcou.rg,m,„, fine I was loth lo throw J|| , J, ,uch aa i ceived in hia line of bu.inrs., aod be« * CUOKK AKMMTME^rr OF SPIRITS & WIXFS, A TAaiETY or CAKES, CRACKEKS if SHIP BiSCUIT. (iiie d«)t * uZ tad »Ji ^ tinuo tom«k« loofd,,' •n ction fioutf, 81 ■ucb vehlt!.^ as are wu»lly*l5,^I^*‘^»^‘'[*» prires, for c»b or jond WKIX 4ftM>RT£Da part of U)e country, all ^ wh.tb »,|l of at reaaonsble prires, few cub or ^ nsjT^ demand. Ha ia m»w prarqrin{ ^ ’* best liml*r tb« rmialry aflords, sm hu Jl! ssAt»tawl walk a*A»* m L. i. isii.4 from that part of the church-yard on which 1 Pray, sir, what is the devil f An Officer ; tb« cbamel-heusA was situated. Almost, Why, bless you, it’s only a psrtablo fire- besiUs hiatself with t«ar, b« coiitinttedetuiid* grate. The clerk begged to observe that iDf still as a motise. Still Ibe voice contin* tbis was quite a iiew devil, the old one was ued, “ these ar« your*!—these are mine!— eotirsly woru sut—(laughter.] The pris- thes« are yoursJ"—At length honest H«ns tmer was fined £5 for uulawtiil pdsseisiMi su«iu)(ining bis courage “t« the sticking of tbs devil, point,” marched boWly iif in the direction of the charnel-house, aud lbu«d as he bad anticipated, that the awful ssund issued from theiice; nearii the rattling ot'th* Eoglish walnuts. Hans | fur my family’s use during the winter. I'he treniblcd violently ; be thotight the lastday ' barrel uf hevf wus sent to me sgreeably to was at hand: iind the rattling of the outs' contract but before I had used one quarter he took to be the dead selecting their re- part of it 1 observed it tainted, aod su much •pectire boues. lie coiXinued some mo-1 ao a« lo snitll quite *(R-nsive. The beef ments listening lo perceive if he was not i being very fat anti impesed upon by bis wandering senses; but > it awav. 1 made the following the awtui words, “ these are yours!—these \ \ procured a half bushel of c are mine!—these arc yeurs!” and the fear-! after taking out the beef and throwing; ful rattling of the bt’Bos, or which he to«)k ' away the odensive pickle, 1 repacked it in ' to be so, soon convinced him that he was I the barrel, laying the pieces ot' si**™***' * not dreaming. Taking to his legs be made i between the pieces: and making a new' the b06t of iiis way to l‘arM>ii Deideruok, | pickle, and adding u little Ball)>ctre;l cover- and thundered in his ear to gel up and pre- {ed the beef and in about six days found it pare for the last day was at hand! It was : as sweet and g««d an it was w lien first put up. Mm« time betbre the worthy Parson could i believe what honest Hans related, with (of Trfatmmt of Domvitie AnimaU.-Kt*p course) becoming ex«gn^r«tion; but when ) ^ ^ Haas assured him on his laith that Ihe own- ers were coooting tkeir bone, in tUo dead ,,, „ye, n.a, hou.«, I arson IVidero..k resolutely mount-, ^ p„^K ed the back o| tlieschoolmaster,(tor Iheal-; „„ Jkp,, and their ia>l« «iih iov ‘ »• ^.h. from walkmg three slops across the room Animals willl not Ihrire even on euMard Cha.l^u. A. C. W., 9, IKM. without t^he m^t excruciating pain,) who ; jj- ^ , ,a,,eh»si4 at Aucii«i a larja qw jv|| «, •. prweeded wilb him I. the charne h„use. | kkk.m If 'N^V, aod it tbra^ I ' _ I here the Par».>„ perceived he had n*.t ; ^ ^n,„h,|a„d by their cr«N. ;Co .Hurd t« b, me jallon ou very .^ 11 ^ J , heenirop.« word».“ti>we , ^ . ^^o we are worn to S4V, i» souk- H. ere >,^r^!-thew are >ours!-ihese are , „j- , ^rute than anvqu»d™ped mine! caii«i lo bis startled with re-1 u„derhi»care. iiesides, if any of voursioiK doubled lorre, as they were otten repat- | ^ d.ctonng, and b. bimsoU hrmly believ-ed that tlie , day ol jud5n.ent was at hand. 1 -o or three ^' riptions, if tbev are •ccuslomcd lo kind mom.nUf,,issedlLusloihehorror.Mr.ckeol„^ ,han if hiirsh«..s ™.r„. wnere ne nos o- GM hcf, Small, Sciui Pojr, (ilu€, 4-f. Sursien! n»ft thMtinTs Skpp FufnUmtt, (.old Fmi if 1‘nrtl^n TWi THE RHEUMATIC PARSON. | could make hinv Ihe paraon also lorgrl j The following as truth by eoe uan, who resided and who emigraled to the United States •ear he year of 1 iOO. la the village of Harston, in Germany, there lived Parson Carle Diedereok. lie was eo afflicted wilb lb* rbeucuati.4iii that, , , , , ... he wafc always earned to the church on the h*"’ ‘a‘“';SMre to pay bis (new ^ TAl I.OK'N SHOP of one if b.s parishioners, | iw i httHvUe. f Lciuonis, C'o«oa Ac- Ac -r* .eirct«j .,,h «*re.sod.. b» lu.,o^ , ,, to til*bta i*ofk iviil W• I Molassa., B^r, I .der and durability and d,,,..,rl. I iA>ndon Bottlrd PORi hR* | Ordt-n from a diilenct fer workefeo. I Alsn, the most choice awrirOiiCiil of fOIX>RKr) itan in hii lina, will he prwnpUy aiunj^ KL.XUS, la make Watcb (juard Oiains, tbat ha* Ithanklblly raceitrd. REPAIR!* on Ihe ibortct r>otee u4m, the mval reasonable terms. .VircA 7.1K3I. New Tailor’s Shop #H VottrorH^ .>* rV^IlK Mibscriber inforins his old rustom- ^ ers and the public in >:eneral, that be wh«o .h. .iK. K,a ,0 q.«l o.: „ the articles lor trat,sporting of the iiul.' ’ i nt-*. m ita vat uiade his appearance on a uiule, and as h*- jumn«d over a broken fence, cried out, “ Here I come for my skart f” This was a?i#:#if# f.v#;.s llf p-jl up in tixet tosuil Pb}..ri*n^Fi*,., MtrcLanis. Alao, a tery ctlnuiit um. I oe«* m tta vuriifus braiirhea will be ex«xu- Afif England Farmtr, Mntffar in ( rtam. Sir; The difTvculty , busineee and hia constwnl per I led in the niuift fiuhiuoable, ix-at aod dura-1 Sty ft, * b!e manner. Me tfallers biitiself that bn neatlf and uiral of loarsa and fna Paint nru»kt$, Copttl laraii4,.Yj.i H irw/oir (Hast, I’uttjf, HaUtr't }ia/eriaU, oyiMSCELJUt^VEOlS. i UK. „«h f„, .h, ► h,«,.u,.Mcr, .b. J'k' TLnt' wT'.i i ’ri •""■"“j." *■!'*"■ I him for the devil; he dro,,t Ibe ,«r*on from ! ?„ V. * ' *“ ' ments to ascertain ils method could be o»*- ^ fnror him with their custom. ■ ■ He receives Ibe L H>’l' F.VPHKl.-..-- mual mode. After lr>in« aevarwl bn,h f,o,n „rk and I'hiU- atfrfflriMT 4 htntg^ b) the moat approved ; whtrk arr fumishrd i* aut Uw d>M«jcio/i^ Itn.slr. and orders fn>m a dis- ; anecdote was related lo me! his rbeumalism in this emcrpency,.i.l .o..k ! ,h, ,, ,hat by addmg a uble.,po« .^ra 3 work^ who beard it from a Ger-1 !,V‘* all lh« ard..ur ^ : lull ^>ood v,n,.gar lo four rillooHofcreau..; d in Ibe village here twmed,! ‘ 1 ^ hen put into the cburn, 1 obtained butter , 7.’," ^11 \(; OIT the rLeum.ii-«m. O. i.U. f^^.u aevsn lo eight minutes. If ib«»-n- J,;,; ^ , 1 hard Chrijsimuii Dinntr — \ eertain ' ^ la***, tbouph m:t least, his terms will be very Ksnrv and « Soap. liMi.ii.rd'. f 7 I 1 ? .V I •^nbcrs, vtna arc at liberty lo publish il. 1 ?'''«>•». ^n.o, ?%i.^ f*.u iwk.a,. K o this Cl y, who had orteu ^rtaken ; ^ ^rV*. .»/«. i 3.1IENDER.SO.N. of the cabbage o| «ic ot rmr merchant lai-. ir - i — (Word 1"W. ^ * | Brush. Tbarc.4initi.ra. SJ%s» Also, a fwd s'ipply »r*d rtrrlUrt ntlf.jd vi:nv\ back of one of bis parishioners. j , . , • , ,. . - in the same v.llaie ther« lived also Hans »^at his sullerer was ub^t _ k,.»i — I... lo nave for his Christtnai dinuer. All his Sh;»ffkein, Ibe schoolmaster, appointed by ^ . u i ''"7' Goverament. In Germany, thrcburch, ’to the Udy ot iIk^ hou», rea,a-cting | j«rv,n«ge and sehooi-house, are not more fine turkeys, ic. he had ii. lhanfilVvards distant from each other,and f’T .\ '‘“I the church IS m Ihe midst ef the grave-yard, i ^ Po at least was it m the villa.. T/ HaArt,n. ■ “?• '«“■ .ko. I 1 PlPlely worn out, and he determiiied to as- einJn» of nni« nonr skalolnii' »h » I ^ sul-ject. ! “ »y lothow; who may lavor bim with ihtir | 6XpCnS6 of 0OAI^ poof SKfti^tOOy W QO90 DOIiCd 111 11 I J » »L J • ' rUfitnm .u ... ... .. . I He accordingly cadcd at the store, and at-.'“^rw,:i reoc.e the I.m>’T FASHION.Hre- rilllK Subacriber rr*iAciluily inferrmiha pab- l lie in t:eneral, that hi; has o|irnrd a shop ut Uiis |>Ucc, in Ihe l>oa«e i>oe door noulh ot Mr. I ar. »oir« Store, in wbict. the T.MI.«»klNt» hi >1 rsh.V' in Its vartuu* branch's will be xrtutd itt ti>r iitoot fashionable, and diirakle nuno' r. lie tUttt-rs hiuiMit' tiial his skill in tho bbsim-as ami lits constant iirrsonal atlenlton lu bis r-l.ib- li«h;iicnt will ^nahtr biia to rrdmu all pkd|:c*be _ _ . , HpitUS'f#. it N. B. He » deleriDii>ed lo di» work in a | a wars of i).« prrascMU* »ft«u of Mpenor at) is lo any d*ne in this part ef j iix-*. b« b»a prwartd a qoaliiT «b>-'k • kc Iba waak stooiach abS low caj«s af s>i>'«i- mon{ whtrb are l^^dasi Partieulir ^fada.ra, in bfttiJra »i V ’’1 Kir«t aud MTood du. b/ i;turt of Sx>. i the cr unir}-, and always warrant to lit wd|. $15 Ki:^VA«I>. •ere duinterred and threwu loto the char- * ter voine c««iiverMslioc, stated iLmI he liad i giiluly both from iVew.Yuek and I'nilacelphia, nel house, which, at the lime vie are speak-1 . , , , .•—/ - i&g, was oeariy full of these p,«r remains , T V. \ '7 "J'® r'.-T', v," V!! V- ’y*''"- _.i ... 1. 1 ' .u.. . .1 : cured one ol the nnest lurkies for the occa-! tllllNtfOM and ordfis Uoui a c,.iajn;. «A.N.\W.^ Y from the subarn. j brr, btiDj in the Kt*ks ot Oir Yadkin, H'jwsn rou/.ty, .V (*. i atiiiul the first of Mtfch U«t, a >r- ' of mortahly. it so happened, ibat at this time, there was la Parsoo Deiderouk's gar- . ,, den, at the eitre,,,. two Eogl«0 wal-“* Ime a gc« on mj Oh ' replitd t?n p 1 am sorry for that,' •*“ prouipilj atuiioad tubie as this city cun b«a;t of. A gooee e.i- 21. N. R. Me it dctarmined lo do work in a tjlc nut trees, the frijit of which was nearlv ritie. i * i , i *• n i i **• » utiwriHmcw •«# u«j wu*n m ■ nwic 1 ae Pariwo Itad congratulated himself on '* J lelioar, ^ mperior, to an; done ui itiu pan oi the time Umg near at band, when he could , all thin^— will certain- ,(.e country,, aud aJ**ys warran.ed la fit *rlL __ .nvite his fnelds tn pertake of ibe fruil .f “> , TO LF/I\ tiie wr&lnut trees; but, alas! for the frailty of j ’ 11 * V** instant a gooejt • 6® ■ j 1’“® year*, poa«e«'i>n human nature, alt our resolves are blasted i I J*'® ‘be world. givfn iniiiK-di .teljr, the new Stt-rc a> soofi as mads. There were other eve. * ‘‘""'P Ib) «Hn.. I t^.ui.J, m iU tkM. ^ i„ . 1 1J cut epnled, and h" hiton a lucky ex|>elieiil " •‘fJ' » ituildmu, adj.-inmj: .'i|>riot{« Ji W when Ihe w^nuu should . , a.„.v II I,.. »». r, c«...rr.,M.c-a tor M.rcb«.-, . II and at 75 rents Port prr bonU 4 jt»arl st ‘CJ rrfis i'cAeritrc per buUSe ar quart si 7j crnta —AMO— X, ^ . ....V ri Ki; HVRiP. fr® bv the n»tne of JK I ^ ■ . t. n c t. :w.ot ,r.Ts*t,« r.,i h.rb,' '«>“'>• / o«« ««) bUek. round sl-olderrd, , An.,nsl.r Sp,res, .iKb .. >Ur^ NJ- 10. i*. Lkass, AfrKsii Caj«nat .Muilard, ('innsmoo Bodv Ac. At .Ml of whirh will b» K^d it Uk lo*«lrt'lS pfM» for cash. A siWt crr«!il aiU b« uiljr 10 rajuUr ard pouctaal •! P S Tba arurl* of I.I.NSl f D OH. » has an iniprdiii.rnl in liia sy«-ch, his clotbinf qi known. I > ipnl lia is 1 Iurai0|' atic>ul tl>r |>un ' Ulion of iiliaiii \V near i fiarlMtr, Vieck , lerbvrj' roiinlj, .S ( . as ba has a wi;e halonjvine lo Mr., by lh» aanie of ilsrtMtl. I will {«**• ' tlx- abuve rrwsrd lo anj person who will sreu/a 1 him 11: anjr JaiJ so tiial I laii ^et biiu, ot del.tar him to Iba. ; NATH\V ( H^^■HV 1 f» \ f\ Mt$f M, l-'il («i'.'3r “marked them fortltsirowa:”il wasagre^-d that the oight proceeding the diiy on which ths parMO had delermioed lo strip the Irek's, ^ that they would do Ihe business for him Without his know ted;;* or coosent. On the night at'oraAid, these robbers of the fruit (jf the earth repaired to the walnut trees, and soon divented ihem ol' uhat Ihev had an hour ago m plentifully borne. But,' I>'jtclimen like, the thieves had them down, ^t bnd r>ot thought ef bringing any thing wiih Ihtia le cotivay tham home. Howev er, rffier recovering a litle from the evcite- iTx-nt of tbeir sacnUgious work, they put tbeir thi'.k heads together lo devise ways arjd m'-aua of removing their booty. They I at Ust kit upon a plan: they were to remove I tt,e niiti in mch vehicles aa they had a- bool lh in—bats, pockets, handkerchiefs. For fiuUtcr pwrtH ulars enquire of LLi:o\ .'I'RI.NGS. 3o, l".1-4. r»in' aratchiog the time , , be ripe. Three natives rd' the viliaee arrived, and Irue I. his word 1 •‘l*'iii;»e was at the hou.te. But in vain he ' ' u^ed his olfa'jlories for the purpose ofsnulf-1 me up tke delicious flavor arisini; from Ihe 1 ^ bi,.ed-yet he c(«soled himself with ti.e ,^V»r-IVirA' TtftH t'OMMlrif. idea lhal it l»d n-l yet arrived Irom ths ■ l»Jlkc ncHJ'*^- I hnce did Iw* IK'lp (o Jl tf/» that lliy hare r«.i‘ntljr cwUipU:t* J « T4- brandy and bilti-rs at the side Uxird, III or- I rii ty of (tew foiits uf lettir 111 tije of th*- Is dt r to shir(ieii his already k^-en apjx tltr. '«»* f’-uropnn •p*tiiii^i*, w. Ilralcnlated lur orns At length the dinner wa. aniKHjn:«-d, and and lie was not a morrtenl in reaching ihe other room, b'jl what viaa his iistonishnieni to find the family absent, and nothing i»n the table but the taiioi'a gooae—the iH;rvaiit tit tered—sponge prev/ pale—aud mumbling two or three incoherent curses, left th«* house, which it wo'jid l*e folly to kiv hL*( ;^ never after troubled. J’iie family who' r, were dining up stairs enjojed the joke most •'* heartily—and it having been told to spun;«f: A«r.\o the cbaTwl.lTou'^^^^ ‘hat live hoax had become ' was lo«e; and while one of ilKim was gono “'® :“> • 'j to obtain a mule and bags, the others were “ >' ‘ I ;) to divide llie nuta in three equal portioim. | i 3 They ail three convajed the nuts lo the: StenJini' the IhvH .\t the Thomas Po- H charnel-tiouse, aad he who was going for . Ii«e oflice, recently, Christopher Grant, **| the mule, \:c. having made an enchjaure master »tf a sailn.ig barire of Krith, whm ~ v*ith bones for lo contain hi* portion, start- rharged with having stolen .\Ie-»srs. Hartaiifj » ■] in qu-*t of the arlides of carriage. Tlif 1 S: U tl(;b’s d*-vil. A cleik to the rom- I »o reinsiuing plunderers sat down,arMi one | plninants, who are coal merchants of White- ^an lo divide the nuts III three equal pf/r-' friars Whan', aaid that last week tho de vil tivii*-, 10 an audible voice, saving “these are was missed from their wharf, and the pns- kimi* of «.,rrlrri. and inoro than Kjdo your*.-ll.e,e are yours-and these ar. , o.jsr’s barge hav.n, l.en l>.ng near U.e' wharf, It was exp.*cted that Ibe devil had of whi.h, or f..r (•.„„,„«inif Sticks, Ca«is. fhai.c., been carried away by him. The clerk prn- ceedi'd lu I'rith, and there fmnd Ihe bar^e ■nd the devil in it. He naked Ihe priwuier how Ilia devil it came there. I* which Ihe priHooer said, " I doo’l know how the devil It did—it’s devtisb odd.” Ha afterwards said he believed one of the men had taken , the dev,I in mistake from tho wharf, for ; wLicb lie was very sorry. Mr. C’ouiUj. AVic-iwit. .VireA W, iwi llitir aniortiiitriil of t'RIWtlSl! 7 )/'/.A'iinri- vsili-d in beauty, cxtriit siid »ariilT. A b/t>4 oi sp'ciiii'-ns may !»• olilaiiird at lh« louridry, .Nu. 13 l.haiiil>er« slret t, Clmlhani sirrrl. It run- l4iris K|ie’i(iiciis t'roiii Twelve Line i’ica lo Ptarl, compriiiti(( t.'i foiits ot Roman f'apitxls w itb lx>wer Case. 'i'*o line Roman f'apitals with fijtirca. 'I'wo line Italic I apilais. 10 ^ Shaded Capitals of various Kinds. “ • >,>'■11 ilo do. ~ " Itslisn ('apitals and I'li'urr-s. Bciiidrs Ornariienlal Ia IIits, lUackslope, Mu^ic. Iy>tlrry I'igurri, firii' 1 r.'irtioiis, Superiors. As- IrriiKiiiiicitl tnd other Si|(ns, Spaca Kiilcs, Krass hull s, I )n.«m«fitsl l>asl.«s. I^ing Kraccs, mure kfpl c«nslanl?7 oti hand, and altlxw.jb it Ijr risan »n pfira. will br furwi^W kj«, M A few pertons who hsrs b«*ojhl an cr»iit > v parreent—such are r««jm«tfd ta call si.w r««h or twt« i>f hwiU. Wutr A I 4, I U>. _ . I wiiorrsAiJ: >Stn:ftr-#Vihtlif %Unnu/offorif- K tubecriber tak«-» lbi» inelhod * Inrming the citiZ'^o* of Stoke?, •- the surrounding (’ouiitira, that he bw ni»-fKed, and inteods carr)ing on, lb* ulitcluriDg of f A \ l> I K S ,. of every detM. riplion, in the town ci>* * ;.N. C. aod will U happy to attend lbs vili^t^i. aiMl Isri^e ii»ii|it lor the a>.»itnniuda. iOnl*”r» (enclosing the 1 AJiH,,* sent l^i tion o( a routi Ismily. '! !« rr are all tlw nr. ' as they will he altl tidc-d 10 with I), and the f'andiea warranted fresh roa iiiHirable Totru i*rop4rty FOR jsaij:, krtd quatUtt of lAt l.oid mttttHf Rrftmn. nA \ !N>! piirrhtaed. iR'iii^ antKius tuseii.lra (arm in lh« .*.un ty of Kouan, the su’>«rri. . Uf oil r* .lit aale.e.n Ihr moal / n'x-rol aKU I nix)ai(,f TVrms, hi prrs'ni'fite 10 ihr town of t'barlvttr, en t Hurt h-strret, with TotrM ijotn sH.irhfd Ihrrrto. 'Fbr llui.t' l« ii»w and *lr»ant ly fifii«b>-d ; aituated in the in»..l pifaKanI pan of •-ary nut l)ou>es srid mriTrnin.rr thal coniforl »nd »r^n tle^'snrs rmild rar)Uir-, ii»t tlie ) ast ol • liifh Is Wfll, lie »ill also Mil his wrll fued and profitaUa Italic flo. do. “ 'I’ld* Ionian do. do. - '1 Hie lt*JK* do. do. “ SliAflcd du. do. *' Ahtiijuc do. do. Hlstk do. od. *• 0|Hfi HUck d«. di. Script do. Ho. (srrujtn Text io. fio. ** Teit do. ^0. ( MUIS IIK.NKV oSaUm^ Tflrkaryi7 3ni p. H. I LcsuUcnberscarrissoDtbeiB*'- ufaclory of i.i,Ysi:i:n oil TAINVAKI), situaird at a convenient di«fw.'ie« from the dwell • — / r ft- iiiU lioiive,'iilhcr with or wilhoiil Ihe aloek on land Will givs IIm> blgllChl pri^S {0 hand.) '1 liis astablishinrni is nol surpssiwd by jrbance salt) far any quantity of Mu'** any in ll„ rounlry-n, ron.plMa ord. r and in ' „ ^ ,,, J ( II ‘VJ - A ii- IlKANt IS A. Wnll'K'N. r,„or, ({ineer Drpartiprnt ol •**'” j, ul v» ho sfHnii months sin •• cams to .vtn' ' , , mine. Its* happened thal our worthy Hans hhoftkein, the acbowimaster. had bMii out late that evening, aud was returuiog throi;rh the churcb*yard, hutomiog lohim- b' ll a h> mu ta frighten away ** black spirits arid whits—Uue apirita atid grey,” when his son;' was arrested by baaring in a aofio- roua voice, “ tU'-aa ara mine !—tbes# are y irs'—those are yours!”—fla listened at- luil.Nc!; ,aod ib&u^ht the votcc proce«d«(i Food rf/ntlr; il roiilaiiis (Ifly on» »»ts, wifh a tan lioii««’ snd all otiirr fijiiuciits. with a (o>jd l.,athrr llousr and (.filar. As no inoiD-y is ref|uirrd dawn, arxi thr terms will be niade rn'r>l fatorablr. l)in«« wishing su'-li prop«Tty sre inviteii ta call and enquire lor a bar- Ram. I'fjaaaasion will be |»iren forthwilh if rw^uirrd. WAl W. Lo.Nt;. />//.‘-'7. IKII. 7^tf l*ri«atf‘ l^iift'rlaiiimpiil. sulMcrilM'r would inform the ■«- I'lihhf that itf has taken Ihi house ou i ryon atri el, Isti ly occupied by Vrt. Jmi* Urn- 'rion. Slid is prepared to ac.cuiiiinolaU' . . Tr;i»fll«T» and lloanlpr* A ' willt,eaier,.t«d v.iththe.ilu.o..tpr«n.|,tiludo, on ua reaaonahlo U rma aa tha present price of a Urer si.K.k I- iin alwavs on hsnd. : |*,on,ions will afford. lhjy will execntr orders (or I'rinting Prassi-s, i’rintiiij I'sper, Are. whuhtlx'/ will furuish at the ! nianufar turcr'a pricoa. Printers of newi>paprra will please publiib this adterti»«m-iit (with tins notc> three times and rr. ■ caiva payiiK-nt when they purrhan four Uiues Uic fVA.27, l%3i. N. PKUWORTH. 7m.3iii SIIKKIKI S' DKKDS, I^>OR F.sndM Wild for Taxeaj tor liands sold under a Writ of I'u ri Farins; and for Lnnds t sold unih’r a Writ of Vcndilioiii hxfKsioa—I'^r sale ' at this Oilier. waa undi-r the carf of .M«»«rs Hrnd. , lert lhat . ily, as I* b. lie*rd lor thi^ „ i hereby iiitonnrd that Irller* hsn- from U s« d father at 4I. ulu. cntK“ ' the aubacribrr to maki rr.q«i'»'ea ‘,, - •on, from w hom he ha« long b"'0 * , j, U lhfeiK e. Il this adrf rti.eii.ent aye. he is earnestly requr.K-d to mtorin ^ .omod, where h« is, and how „u,„, in want, or rithor distress, *'* •' " k, h»l? old friend, eter v*ilhng,and r bim. At all erenta It will i^hsve*'*'^ 10 know lhat his son is in h^. porlunity of Persona wha may knaw any U' C t> abora yotinp f. ntlrman, a ,U ih.'t Irnts, lh®u|{h toa prona to thro , „^piij bj iidvanlaKe. will p rforin an art #f wriiing the j, sTANurn; (ITl^itorsare resprctfolly rr'jueitt toC .bova Mie or two insertions. ^ ltV;i^n-«.in ^ Vv, Warf*. ’''

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