THE MTNEUS’ AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. POETRY. TUE BE.\UTY OF LIBETY. * 1b all thiip that b««aty to aiu Biare oom«lj th»a literty Wh«i the d«nce of the At day-brrak ta «k»e. And tb« cheek* of the mentinf Are red with the Min; ^'h«n he eimki is his {lory, At ere, ftoro the view, And calli np thr planet To blaie in the blur;— Tlim ie beautj. But where is the beauty to eer More prtMid than the sight of a nation vbra free ? DVhcn the beaatiful bead Oi' the bev u above. Like a collar of light On the bosom of love; \V bee the uioon in her utilJneM It floating ou bi^h, Like a bauuer erMiver {lunf out in the akjr Tlwrc i$ bMotjr. But eerth ha* no bcantjr ta see More proud than the thiat of a naUun when frtse. In the depth of the darknes*, l'n*ari^ in bue, Wben ihaddowf arc retlin^ Tbe breast of ibe blue | When the voicc of the teonpeat At midnight ia atiU, > And the apirit ofaoliiude Seba on the hiU:— There m beauty. But where ia the beauty te aer. where would it be then V said ahe laughing 'The HMney would go to tli« chtircb, Fur noue could claim it.’ ‘ Pcrljaps you will fa* ror us with an acknowledgement.' ' It' )du will wrilo it.’ An acknowlcdgtncnt was written accordinjrly, and she signed it be fore Muster Uartoto, the villago phyntcinn, who had just callod by chauce to learn tbe newi of (be day; llte gold to be delivurec' friendaand relations of ike English Gram mar" and drank »)ff hi» glass with great aut- isfnctiim before h« percrived (hat Ihe whole (uIiIm was in a roar.—[Nd/cm Obtervcrt TO TIIK PLHMi’e ^ * I),- when applied for, but to be delivered (those (or ihe accoinmodation of ail pn*;: frtv i words) nc.t to one—nor to two— i roinmit thcmiielves to his care. Ik- ,7k. but tbe three; words wisely iutrtxluccd by t> ol .1... kind Ija. lo. e ahadows , . . ^ , , . . • Ibr. trmn the nature ol Suf*u IKK-T. J. M. Has est«bli.hed an KYK INFIK.MARY aod , a sriitWl’AI- \VAR1> m hill rc^dtucB, j pnt^unu who iiiuy lk-li« viii(T I lonjf since bcrti i Sufj{ii.aU>i>tralton», j eOBRA? cramn\td, of bad debt* J'm those to whom it belonged, knowiny Ni hal .ubscqucui alUn»on rc.,ui«ir,« i.i ordrr lu reu they knew of each other. '1 be gold they fncicwtut and the apiKJils to iuiH|{atc had just released from a miser’s che»t in! the pangs of surtirin* humftmiy; and aware ol •• ,Wy tnmi* iit lo nut teant, rm rttfUrtd th0( in fuiurt TH tiol tru$t « cent; Cning riYJU to frinidt, often fntndtkxp ta- dunxfit> , , , , . And I Asff nt'er again to U chtattd by tiran- gtrt.'' WII.IJAM III NTKK, «eivrd from ('harlcaton, a new articles in bis Inio, such as Ten, t'kofotate, departed, than tli« Venitiao returned sny- i art not immcdi»ul* umlcr the cjc of iht j ^j^^iaNT or ing, *ffive ine Icava lo set niv seal on the Surgt^i. lie ha* bttn at no little expanse in ma , if n'W .1? W1 \ b.g, f. .h. oiuers ha.o ..J ^ -1. «a> calliid iway lo rweivo » .avulicr, «1“" , „i,,„ j„,|, o„ u„ .f .o 1 ,, , vi'lv'l'M > Carrinse niiiktaK Bu«h,;«, Perugia { and tbey were on a dceiit dial' imi'MctnMbilny ol iinpiiniin: (Ui m-cm«ry ' . ' J ^ mJ. (and in most caws dally attenlioiO iinpet.ous- V I .VS ju*t rt-ce 'rfl prpinised more. i Jy dt iiiawJtd l>y tlioiw wlio are llie subject* ul »ur- J M su( ol artiilei 1 hey and their shadows were no sooner ; or acwilcctal injury, where tJ>e pa-, i'ofli't. I had just di:»wounted frotn lus horse; am), ^ d,,, to tlie fuUjt-cu of ^or^t:r> cuiulort, — sn an agony of grief bhe fell on her dauyh-j orcaiie andrrirratuKnt. Daily cjptrimce pro>c» ' ter's neck, ‘ what will bccoiBe of usV Are i t)i« lamonublo fact ibat many suflVr for the want we agaiu to be cast out inlo the h ide WorW?' of that attfntion which their »>tu*tion d.ioand^, I’ L I, I 1 i4ik ..I, I I but n hich IS denKd th« m, by the di*atlruiilat'Oiu I Ilham- cbilcl «culd lh»l ibM hadil nocr; |',„uu>,i»t A t*»irr» OF VikES, CRM’KEHa Jf BrSCl'lT. 'uhappy been W>rn! And all day long sIh.* Iunenled but her tears availed htr little. Tlie other* vtera not sJow lu retamin;^ to rlaitn their due; and there were no he had fled for awar witM WrU. L(‘IUoiin, €’«u*«in !\ial«*A:c- AC' .MoUmch, lirer, Ciiier anti l^don liMleJ VORTER. i circujiiaUin;««uod«r wwcli a cotmiry i racuuuiic. , i of t lH ORi;i) ; labors ...d wlaih (m.avwd.bly. bowcvrr UiMgr.c! Al^ ^ 5 bl., pr.v.nlhua t/^m in.partine. TMs a>d. «, HKA1»S. to make U atcb , ij* Tiing to Claim ineir lojdly calk-d for, C4n be np. ct.-d onl^ tront an j,,), .1*1 I u , tiontr to *u« datly •itwidamro. Irom the coo ■ « obm y . itfT nis plunder. A a'locatrd SurcicaJ U«pailnietit % B- A» I putchasid at Ant Like tbe brewl.bea*iu| brow of»oai»«nwhenf*eer process a^jainst her was instantly begun at i l* ditimble, l>r. H.ppoldt is induced tuut In the breath of tbe snominf, When Nature'i awake. And calls up the cheroa To ohaunt in the brake; In the voice of the echs^ Lnbooad in^.e woods; In the warbling of streanrts, And the foennnf of fluods;— There is beaatr. But where ia the beanty to tee, . An I piitctiasid ai Antlion a Urje ^nan ri) t*v / 'II liK> A V 11V A ii i Ks-^n 1 IN t HARLOnn. mATIIAN BROWN r.h.m.hi,,i„ eere thanka ta his friends and the wibii large, for iho liUr«l encouMfenent hs hJ, ** ceived in hia liiie of busineas, and brn I*. inform them tliat he still continues Ucin,'! *t h« New EiJlir went, one dsor no,T westof^j,il. » hand aad «iu ^ Uiiue tomake tooZ' •" “^ce. « ^ such vehiclee aa are usually |*rt of Ibe counUy. all of whirh will beduajl of at reasonable prices, for cash or good tMtT demand, lie ia now prevurin| asuoalTrfiu heel limber the country affords, md u are srU-cted with care, and aa he hu mmI , mrn in his eniMey, his work wiU bt »ietuic«| neatiicsa, durability and deapatcb. Ordera from • distance Iv wrjrk of ia« dnct lion in his line, will be promptly atULd»J in thankfully received. “ HKPAiRS done on the ahorti;*! iwjcj „ . the nioal reasotiable terns. I MdirAT, lb3t. Tjif I ~ Dlt.C . >IOI{itlM» Has jast received a tprinc 'UKl*. wg a larKe stock and varlMy tf I neallv put op in sites te suit Phjitciant, Fior^ and \lerdiaitts. Also, a »rry tiUsiiia lacrt.. lutal uf coarae and hne | Copal ramijA,,Vff.l it for all; and inevitable rum awiiit«>d her. i l»a» than for the nme service* rendered at Iht , ‘ Go, Gianetta,’ said she !•> ber daughter, of the p-tient .,o« , I, , 1 I L .L I. Iroiu the advaiitapis of Porgical ln!ortni>tMJti - ;, • take fliis veil wbicb jour mother has worn , ^ ji.jj,,, subwrriber iiilornie his old cuslinn- or* and thr {KitJic in ceneral, that he has renwvt-d lo CoiH.i»rd, where he has o- failoriiig Busi execu and dura that his patronaL'c Me riwiiDer Monakli cannot reluse from door to door. When tbe thunder is up From his cloud-cradled sleep. And the tempest i» treading The path of the deep;— us. .Make baste, ray chihJ; but reinetober ; i^entlemaji, of h>^h and rasperiablt qualitiniioris. The counsel and asauUnce nf a prftft.sioBal ,he bu¥ine*e Slid hi* c>osaul per ms ui-oiiueoce — ' chapel as you pass by it. Nothing There is beau^vTBuTw^ U (he beauty to see. prospers with»Hit a pra>er. Alas! uU* went. Like tha iun-brilliant brow of a uttoo when free ’ , but in Vain. These were retau.ed against 9 I them; thoae demanded inorv tiian tbev had I to give; and all b;ide tbeui deafiair. What ~.was to be done? >io advocate, and the ’ cause to cenie oo to-morrow ! Nuw Gianct- ^ ■ ta had a lover, and be wa:t a student of the •• Tke«“li»^ ?nVhe foiirtwntb centun-, '• «««" of great prom,s-Urei^ war Boiogtia, a widow ladv of the Lamber- ^ad studied -nd diligeotly «d w ill t>e obtained in cases which laay rt-]uira (hem, withoat aoy addiiiona! charge. Ur. II. may be found at his F>tabli»hmerit, t' miles below Chaxlotlc, on the rrmidoiise loed. «ocal attealioo in bis r*t«bli*hmeut will en- aU«i h»n» to red«-«'iD all pledge* made to tboae who uiJ) favor bun with tiieir cu»toni. Me reccivestlK* L\ !1>T FArtllfONS a niSVEi.Mj*§JVEO IS. THE BA« OF UULD. s= A tal* hj mntld Cerdiael. where be may be ^ I.Ue b« propcji*. ,>o,p New-York alKl I’hila to devote much of kw time lu Jiuffery, toe Jlhrr ^ * i u .k . ^ branches of h« proic«wn shall rcc.i.a duo at .lelphu, aud wolka by tbe inoel approved tintion. l»J*triu*. i'rondrnce SrU'fmmt. MMklenbmrg cVjr. | T l'INO Ol T ami order* frnin a dl#- V . r »dl be pma.pllj atltnded to. And >. B. One or twoMudenU.of pond lUaininents^ ' , • l, , ^.n id moral cknrscter. will be receieed. who can' l"‘. »»'«««»» ^ Mar Boiogtja,a widow lady of tlie Lamljcr-; • • u«,-r (iiovat.ui An-'‘b-»dvaniaffe.ofdi*o=t*«,withopcrat.on. accoaiaicdatroa. tini family, called MadonM Liucrezia, wbo, I ^ i/.i * r • »■. - onih« d?4d po^tiuoricm ejuuu4fc*iwn AS 8. IlLNDtRSON. ia a refolutioo of the state, had known the , and a ..II seUcVd I.itr". ... .eMkAt an h«f ta ■ rtlfWirn r ^ .. - - - . bitterness of poterty, and had even begged , ber bread; kneeling day aQer dayr a ! ' .. .h. r««.rv m h^r L>« toM, the Li-ht o tbc W orld. I oder Cewrard, MartX iJ, 1>34. ,noRKKso,y*s sr MrHr.§: “> •"■ . . 4 KKja«trrcctTiDr from .Sew.VKk aud t'hti- superior si)ieto an> dona lo thu part et ri^e t:; .a •»«*"'■ N, ..g Wacb J a t^e .ba. ! •VW«* W r to the scholars uhva her tatlier wa^ other- Jl^ UHi t TffiM i'imtulry. f P^IIK MihscritHr* rrtorclfulU loierm the i'rin. MihiTit«r» rrtprclfully loJefi I. Ier« ihat Ibey h«T« f«x- atly c»>«npleUd a ta- ^ bench which Petrarch; and also under his li^e'had aTAI^'a'courtraDd r^^vedTl^ ^r^ld often lecture homage of a. many annneu as Petrarch lMis‘°‘‘*8 her tether ^ , , , - ^ r n..t r, K..I at toct eucaged, Llaciiig liersell U hiDd % which hai been lelrrud wnh trreat care and atten writleu on l^ur*. But fortune bad at last curiam Icfci her ^autv should divert' >'on wd booj-ht unusually low. Tiieu stock ■> r-iy of new u-i.f* -f kittf lo ite .i,l^ of the U rclcDled ; a I^g^cy from a distant relation ■ •Uno^l Ci*tinlj new, conni^tm^ uf i;*»rofr»r *tUc»lr»iUul lb» urn%- ” “ .t.t a a. fci-ta. .s«# ; fi>enl*l pii»»tlr» or la»tc''ul di»«'la». and Biakiii| t lolhM, MlIK € a»ortmet.i of I KI.S MI\a t W'i> unn- Tall-d in biauty, ett»nt *l*d tartclT. A Imoi oi I f^rcimtns n be ol.*wi''-d *1 the FuUiidiv, No- t 13 ('bsmSrr* t, n-y f 1‘lialliaiu street ll ma- laiiii »|.efiiiKna frotn Twelve 1‘ica lo Fewrl, corupriting to font* of Roman Capitals with Lowsr fase. ■t«'^7reVi;r Ior«he"waVnow ’^eir thoughu; a precaution in this instance liau corce lonerreiiei; aod sne ^at do« » ’ r j ^■tl* the reistre* of a sraall Iqd at tbe foot of^ry, Loret.zo hav.r.g lost Ins t l« I aiillrl tbe Appentoes, where she entertained as I o him she flies in her I rilirellaH. IlrillinU’*. well as she could, and where tba» oirfy , ^cessily ; but ol what assistance can be I* . ^ and a gr-' «> -'»-« • .umn-r wear, atepprdHhowerecoctcntw.lbaiitik. The ' »• »"»place at the bar, but ^ - bml« was still sUDding when to my youth I , k*" never spoken ; and bow stand up a- ras«.d that way, though the sign of the '“O® unpractised and unprppared as he.., H hite ( n«, :L sign of tbe Hoepitallers, ^ ^ no Icn^rer to be seen over the door; a | -*pe/.e.K:ed ? ‘ W ere 1 a* mi^biy as \ ajn •,gnwhu:b^ebadtaken.ifwemaybeUeve!’^‘^^»‘‘. the tradition there, in honor of a maternal “*« ^ uocle,a»rand.m.sterof that order, whose, ^uiaanetta; and may the frierid of the, achievenienu in Patest.n«.she would aonie. f,«*udiess give lue stren«lh u* tha botir' time* relate. A mountain stream raa '">• 5 through the garden; and at no great dis- raa i • . ' what will, whilo I hive a lonf lo share, you tancc, where tbe road turned on its way to atood a littie cbapel, to which a laosp wa^ alwa}* buruirig before a picture of the Virgin, a work of great antiquity, tbe work uf some Grecian artuit. Here she was d«-»lhnf respected by all who knew ber, when an event took plaeti wbich threw her into the deepeirt aflictioo. It waa at ooonday in Se ptember that three foot trav- ellerk arrived, and seating -tliemaelves on a t-'«ch under her vinc-trcllia, were supplied With a tlagon of Aieatice by a lovely girl, berenlv iind yoor nKjther never shall want. I wiH bog through the worW for you. The day arrives, and the cf>urt aMeuibies. I'lte claim IS Mated and ihe evidence given. .Aiid now the defence is called for—but none is OMide; nor a *yllaUe ii uttered; ai>d after a pause and a consu!tatijn of some minutes, the judge* are proceeding to give judgment, si- l-rice having been proclatwd in tbe court, when Lorenzo ri*** ond thus addres»ed them : ‘ Rev'-ren'] Signors, young aa I am. I'aiK'V anl lloiiir«tic IDUi'X iiDi>'DD, IIA'I'.S NImm*!*, Root*. OonXBS. SJUiDUU, Hook* and Paper, ll.'irdMarr, l|iircn«warr, uo4'i:im:s, A: r a r. ' They are dcicrtuincd to iwll vrrr low, and would invite t>Kir friends and the ptitlic to call, 'tani. me ami h:ar thfir pric's—tiicy feel assured that all who do can be auitad. M»» 1, Ktf ihuirHMr Toirtt i*roiHrtt/ FOR SAU:. , . . . . f ja X J ^ a /0k £* n . LAAXirf rii'uf**, i*»crr r r«r tkitii, Nifi* nuT*. A* .U afkfadr^rte,,ofa,(.*ld.m,n,ng R^um ) Hp.ce Hra- KuIm. I iTiiaraental (>a«ha, Hrares, nivre t^ m aiad^ of Unrckr*. and uM.r* than HM)U kinds of (*uts and )ri.aiti> ntj tor school books, inif'paperx vA Xirctif.c Wurkt. t>rli> fitt aoy ii,'. “ Italic d-J. do. *• 1 Ilk Roman do. do. 5 “ 1 itW Italic do. do. 5 •* Shadid Runvan do. do. 17 - Antifjue ilo. d.. l -i « lilack dok 1)4. - Open Black d*. dll. 8 - Script d*. do. i *• Gituiau Teit do. do O H t^^ien Tf It drt. do. 5 " l'«o line Roman Capitals With fif-ire*. n •* Twe line lulic CapilaU. 10 " I>badi d tJjf itala nt tarious kii.da. f. - (.^•n «»•. dv 7 - Italian's|>itals "nd Picurts. rx-fidesOrnanirtiUl l.. tUri‘. K:>eksl«(i*, 3Io«ic, Ham NO purchasad, and bting anxious toaetllea farm in thr toun ty of Kowan, the tul>M:ri. «ni:in . i\\ T . iCTrj v,i^uuin, , (j,f {,,f, „ »*lr, o»i thi loo^t Atiero/ aiiii iyoiri- nf winch, tn for t'oiutios’.r.f Stirks, smis 1ia*««. iMvun Ol uw •> gift, fn«y • venture to Speak belore you . I would n.odatmif 7>rm», his pr»^»rnt residence w ilit ti>wn \c will I. e««ruti d «ith ilte utmost prntnpiitude. V cLw, the unage of lier former self.! >“ />[ ^lO w ho haa none else of Cbarloei., on. . with -Jest spoke like a Vemtiaii; and bi*;*'* keep you long., Sir/fj-Htr Toirtt i a lar|;r tliirk bKine alwt^a tm band '1 b/'y will a-jtfi l,ie orders U>t i’lii.Uitg f’resai;*, I’riiiting i’s|M r, A ' w hich Lh y w lil turni*4i at llie The eWest spoke like a Vemtiaii; and bis j V; ' ■'*« ' “'-F I Oir»» MaHh L-«nl was short and p^Hnted after Ihe fashion *'»'d : much on the sacmJ »t„ched thereto 'I he II..u.t w new and .le-ai,l . * of Vetiice. In his demeanor be affected .L IVu.’t.i!‘‘t“.\i!.!*!!!!l„^!.^l* I’ruitrrs of new»pn|>rr( will plea«c ptiUiah thi* I and re. iiucs th« TAIS-VARO, \VIIOi.i:SAI.K ' Sngar~t'muly iftnMufartorf/. Wealth followed ‘^g bouM, (culver wiUi or wiilioot the stock on •MbscriUtr take* thi* method of in- lurnwl from yt^ra. His coiutianioos were i , , , . , . . i- .l . Huff and frank m tbe.r manner, and on 1 Ibeir toaguea had many a aoldicr's oath.j^^-y ZT > a , . . . „ In t»ip* wnrp a m*.ilal auch as Sought, none emplo>efJ, liut the siiWle,, .ituated al a convenient dutjnre fr.mi the dwell in their tuils ttiey wore a i^ial, sucn as , . i^renz*>. Wealth followed 'nj{ bou.^. (culver wiU. or wiUniot the st.K;k or k dutributed m war;; ^ ^ l hand.) Tbi, eiub!i»>iment i* net s»rpasa;d by -»• lorthing tlie citizens of Slokes, ami ^ they were evidently suUlterns in one ’ j him.” ' •'“! m ,i,„ .urrounding Counties, that be has com- w.H to «lled,.b«. a baltla »aa lilti.; S^«'''8P*^' j J.-™. 'ta w™! “ » V • I.- u more than a mockery ; and the slam, as on y.jung lady, who said her mster plajed on ] fatorablc. tl.o.* wishing auch an epera-etage, were up anti fighting to-I tbe “/nrano tAe oiscr^wrn o/'a trAiii. prcprrty i.-c Jmv.u-J t« *.«:! ...J fo» a bar. morrow. Overcome with l)>» beat, they ' meaning the Overture to L»loi»ka gam. threw aside tlieir cl«ak«i, and, with their i —reminds me of a laughable occurrence at, I*o«e*aion will be given fer^with^if r^ulred. gloves tucked under tbeir belts, cmitinued : one of the fa*iliioriahle boarding bouse* in | fvfc. 27,1t'S4. ' 1>itf * fijr some time in oaroeat converiKition. At | lioelon a few y ears wnce. I— ' 1 A eupper was given in'honor of *ome die- ^^ ^I’O Ijh/V^ ef every de*cripli«Mi, lu tlie town of Salem, N. C. and will be happy te attend to all order* (encln»iiig the cakii,) *enl lo hiin, as tbey will Ik> attended to with punctuali ty, and the Candies warrAited fresh made. ( IlKIH. UKNKY WINKLKK. 77.1™. be subscribers carries oo tbe man- IsTffth tbev roee to go, and the Venitiau A eupper was given in honor of some die- a_* _ III i.. I-.. I, | ( iiKis^ ur.Nit SddlSJd (l,.,r : • E.»ll.n. la. .u.p.i.l»d rtan. .-r„.:d ft.»n 1 rl 9 l.’OX V”, rr ^ ^ T' lTy.»ay« !».. »ud., ,«of, fo, a jdiT-A mb old .h„ ^ I 8 Tbc«b«„b.«c. dtly or two, tbM bag ^ ***ayt’ i stocks than book*, filled tbe V ict PreM-1 flrjck HuilduiK, ftdjoininf Sl Dm- ibe replied gaily, ‘ l>*t reioember, we fas-' deot’a chair—awl after the cloth wasremo- kin.’. It has every confemenca fot .Merchaa- a.,. - l.iz-h. lUre and bolts we ! ved. the President propo*el, “ 7'Af/■m/u/« dumg. For further j^rticulsr* .iw|uire of , ibe replied gaily,"l>*t~reioomber, we fas-' deot’achair—awl after the cloth wasremo- ten only wiih a latcii. liar* and bolts we ■ ved, the President propo*el, “ Thr frit ndn have Done in oar village, and if we bad, |ari/ patront of Ike Englith Drama f— where would be your aecurilj ?* In your the old naUdi, meoning lo the *enli word, kdy.' ‘ Bui wtiat jf I died te ui{jhl ’ i uieut al lU« Ivvt ;f lli« uWe, btwied, • 2'A. i Warrunttc Duds fur sak at (hit (ifficc. it has every confemenca f'jr .Merchaa> For further (tarticulsra i-iu|iiire of LEUOY y1pnlQ&,1h3i. «Gtf MjMA*SVKn Ott4, •nd will give tho liigheHt prir« (or ex- rhange •alt)fer iiny ({unnlity of Flaaaeed Ibat (iiay be brougiit to him. C 11 WIMaF.R 4t ro. onH iPtHllHt't Map F*nM/*f«f, OM hmt if 1‘mttUn Tm\. lie has ais» procured th« «ery rwtta.u isd oesluJ amcla ol' j \ftrdirine €hrnt$. which arc fvittialictJ to rat th« diartwiaf'^ cliaoate. Also, a food supply and esewUsM ',ualt;? d IT.Kl'rWERY, Feaey and ( a«iits Xmp, UeiiUard's S«t Vwci tMiutl, Hoteillmg !*wita, Faala Iiltcaia|. 1st, Luciiet MsIcIm*, laipto«sd FrsBiiTac/4 Vrusbca, Tber&tomsitrs. SuMt .H^vriaclea, Ac. Ae Awar* ef the per«icio«s rtfccu *f *d J’-nW Wines, be hw# precared a ^oalit? aliick «u. Ma tha weak siesnach aad lew caaea *f Mkauat- nMif whioh are l.«n4«o I'arWatM .Madair*, in bonla tl 11 Hrii and seroriJ d«v by ^ua/t« bc(u,tl II and al 7 j cents fotl per bottle oe^o«rt al r^ls TvneiiSc («r betL..- or quart at ‘i aiUt — *l>o— i»i UK m:.yio.\ -•*yrip, iieidk-iU Poweera, iu)ube Pasta. 1* ar*(ea, AraMMlic Spice», such u Mic*. NX me-, t.'lwte*, Atrwan ( ajenee iiutard, l'maa«vu«i Pu4», Ac A A!1 of wl.K-h will be sold al ih* *«»•« prieea tor e»sh. A short credit • lU b* »-»•* ••ily to raguiar aiMl pencteai .'ra!r« r S. Iho arttcia of M.N-SKKU «»II i-l kept coMtsbtir on haiW, aiid allheuftil Ui ly ri«»o iseprira, will I# ftimithed low, fc* A frw petsor.s «)h> have liou(bt an f*- ' *• 'f pasmcol—turh are re^uestf* ;e c*U *’>*1* *f cash or nou ol hiuid. J#.erA 14 I'-Oi % W midrrins ^on. I.^KA.NCIS A..M(»K ltl.\. taUiJiitCiif^ giaeor UeperUrent of lha low»’ who soate e'oftiHs sinra came «• A»'i '*- ^ was under Carr of .Me«of# Urssd. R»l*6. W lert that eity, as is belieted fcf the l» * boreby iutnrmed that kitera ka»c b««i fKei« fron bis dft/eesed father at takniu, the •ubotfiber to make en«)uine» rw’^-^ son, from whom he Itas kmf been oithBUt MJ‘*- Irllij. nee. If tki« advertisamani eye. hr IS earn* stiy re*jue»tcd to in'orm lb»^ _ •igned. where ha is, and how eoiplej**- in want, or other di*treas, be wiH fiPi • old fmnd. ever wi’.hn*, and p- map. him. .\l aJl r»ants it • ill felistc a parttl i ^ Ut know U>at hi. son is in life, and to n*'^ ^ portanity of aeain eommuniratinf •!« I’crsoes who miy ki>ow any ' ^ aboe* youof fenliemaii, a yonth of lenta,' thoufh to* prowe to throw i J l, adrar.Uyr*. will pcr&fta an sc« of bua«i J -J writing lo the aubocribrr . ^.. oi BV ^ akthi’k j ptanp' 11 (Idilotsarr rrspecltHilly re^ucud I* i' above ona or l«o toocrtion*. MsiAmrlsaf ii>, .Varci, 1*31- _ __ l'ri«alr KiilrrtalinHf"** nillK suUcriber would I piihlir that he hit tak^ on i ryon .ireel,l«lrlr occipied by ■ erson, ind i. prt j*r.-d to accowimodals Tra^^llri-. and ^ on ■■ ret^ooahl'* t^fni* •• I’rovisK^i. aUl aff'Jrd. |.(.mv()RTll ret, 27, I S31. 7,*Oin Ri:^VAltl> ,foa Vadk.n, aboul the first of aV;>'. g,o M.o,byth« n..ns ^,h.,b, Ahout Ub )ear»ot . |^,rr(i. ivol eery black. has an inipediincnt m his • , , the r**"' known, fevpect h. J- • Ulton of Williwn W . *’*' . mfc b* lenbar. county, N-•• I «.H «''* to Mr. Unf. by th.- nains of Mar „ lb, .k,,. »."n .. him in any Jail so that 1 can jf Ro,rnn r». S. C. May ”"sii«]ir t)cc'ls lor r

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