I MINUS’ & FAIRMEmS’ JOURNAL. will XAT> Ki> AV, IIV Tllvt.MAW .t. llOLro>^...«:il \UI,OTl K, MKCKLE.MJI llC Col NTV, !NOimi^\Koi 1\ % yoy TOritH^r^TIlE Brtwtt.i OK THK KAKTU AM. II^VQ OUT UtOM Tl.f CA^KRNg'oK TIIK >IOr7;7;;;;;~ ~~ ^... VOL. IV. [kV RE4L'UT.] S3 From the Sno Yoik Ohstrttr. the niOTAIIJJl AKltAi(;.M:i)^.NO. II. 1. A vrnHer of ardent itfiirils oo bviiig' aiked tthy hi conliiiui'd in tlic trBHlo, rrujwiHcd, / am iiiitatntd Ity the rtly aulhunnrs. Thry huvt li. | rtntfd ihf tiadr, and I /*iy urrr to thitn a rrrtntn i •j'fduui I) ih advutircrt nmny a cau»c it niuy poufi fitrl of tht yrtfjUt, I can *huu> you thtir hand •tnd tfal. Hut hare thry pl«(](;rd tliruiM lw:* loaniwnr for am; N^TruK TO O.R ,,,K AM, !S.iTrH!».lY, JIm; 1 I, in:u. - A NO. 193. iivt» iiH in u Iiwlul and pro|>-?r manner, cJfiy by ^-In forrnur limes, when nut 8u prompt ia tradesman from tbe roun« money, found with bi, ..1V...C. n-t tl... cau»e'ot t.„7p.:;a.u-c7 j ' !L if hLtl’nn!‘Sl tS'illout’ i amTwa^^rtf^^bJd •i. Oiie bruiiri^' nn.rrliHnf, tnridc nnawcr wlicn ■ led l)is rituni. lie lied, but wq« (itcd upon iiuii tlirou'^li the heart Tlic'Voire Vun iPJ“ *« ut'd. On looking out in the , "I.y 1- coui.nu.d il... ’n,„fiood men and wounded, lie rcnt.hed a cave au'.ut wt. i a-Zr ^ ! f : »*^rninR,he«bservedo,.,K«uetohi8w,ndow. you when ;od shall foinp and make uniiiiiiiioii in mamijaeiurine and a »^uarter of a mile fro/ii his house ' out of ‘I*'-’ a nmn hangin fo, I.IOO.I 7 Au.l whnn the v»;r.t,ond hu.band will. ; >P>rit,,n,d »„lt had gor,, ,o hear.n. f1 ' bit liajri'aril wile and lucirurtd ortiiprniif, •tittll cry in »vhat inighl br for- i . ' ti . he was ^ bidden o( (J.,d providid u would be (xjKHibli; to o'ld murdered. Having done this voirodvin^ awav in the distance ua he van- r.r.!' 7 des-patch i.is ' i^hfd into Mr. ''I'rotler’s plantation. Wo lobi (vuii lur \L'i.|;cant’)',oii ll.cin that i.illerixl llivi.i ol'briad, and clothcii tlicui with ra|>i>, and Luvurcd lijfni w ith iiifaiii)'. I know they nmy hav. thrn pone out of oirirr, and olbari may occupy tbrir acai*. 'offioradunK, i know havL' their htu tmir, and tl.eir otho (ban we hi»\T, uiid may ha\e done in a rii' k>ur( ■ *>unbu id, he.ird theio t.ilk- noon; liul 1 aiu sure llio fun.ily never were hariiilf»(ly,wbai>oun.uy d.. uiipHrdoiiably. W j,at ["o oilier as thry ap|.roacli.‘d the so gLd to got rid of a party iu all their U) all tlif»c poiiilji, but ax to tin- latcfulnin of the rKtrrptiir in the unit of (iod h*Te tliry under. ! n riltcn her.7 Or bavv thty Ictt )ou to aettii'lliK i laatt'-r «itb i'od. ! And brtiiic It ia aaid ror|iorate bodira have no •oula. or cuiirM tlwy have nu i unaciencc, and | nillnol ronie in'n jud|;n« ill, and will not Ik pip. »ent 10 re*pond for you * htn yo«i al.ail l>e rli«rg'-d •••til fwjurinc k iilr>-«Mi of di«th thr«ii|,'h the «ttrrlf, and lanea of oiir brln«d c ily. 'I'tn-y will f.are »unk duwD inlo roniiiioi. nun and Mill |« ‘ ^iidtid not ai altiera.m but na piitatu ntu>m. Hut to b' oerioiia, O w hat a da) th littf dai/ m ill U'wht'n rrcry oi.'’ mint answrr for lltr aina done in iIk hod». Mut It ihe n an who »i{f».rd your |«- l« r thall be ocndeinncd v llh yon, a> i;iliUy «( rcim. })iicr in thi Milk ol dr^lb, wliat Iht n ! t aii )ul .^plr an antii!o*t tn the tal;il anW fit.si inutaki m I'lat il tiMir ’ I « mild n rtjiiilv handle j uur I rn>i«i.iii-e liut 1 uti!,d di al Mitii it Aun tti.y. I'- au>« I be at tbe rourt on that o«) 1 »r.d n ii»t loncrmiird with Tf>u, if I bintllc bir had m-v( r liv. d to Si lie did ot tJie triaa i ' i th.it v**iy inoruiny: ance oi !i'.*r lx;au, had forbidden liiii suit, and ...eroy ofi-.Ki. ’'‘ariied how th« double tri^:oi r of a rillo One eveniug, when the old ge.itletnnn was Murtot-r, no ii.w.nhi^rla!.( rcn...'D would act w (• —I'oilunalely, tiie children were from home, Jonblhan riftsed himpelf out hu'^l'jnd. criii,. » palli.ii d l-y tlie f%i;iL arj-ijmrnU th.U . Of* a tree; a^kiny a servant the reason of it, was told, it was “a(Jlasgowr merchant, who had the impudence to coma there and dun the Laird.” The tradesman calling immediately for his boots, vrent off without unfolding his errand! The Laird had caused the elTigy of a man to be hung up in the night, and instructed the servani what to say, wbicli hud the desired effect. The Main Farmer tells a good story of a \ ankee who, believing the “ black tongue” could l)e kept at a distance from his pren)' ises b} a compound of bad soielle, set his in* "enuity at work to sa’ e (he expense of pur chasing the remedy in ihe shape of assafoe- fida. Jonathan fully accomplished this end by nw-ans of a full grown skunk, which he imprisoned in an empty hogshead in iho centre of his bam, and every day or two ‘‘/.oc/«Tf/” with a stick—in resenting which ’ indignity, his skunkship would forthwith -— , placed n?ri-Pif 'iirectly (ip- buMiIe the object of his soliritiitioiis, (after! fliscount a ^wan«4/m si/C of the desired per il,.. ,-iu.i,.. 01 wndin. tl.i. aiiHlc ot .p..Mfeiheoi.n,ngw hRn wtuldLemudeby the fa.luon of Jo Funk* r,) when lo ! the old j fume. In this way, Jonathan not only diat:.. n,.t n,a> li.v. don.- u, I,.. i.:nor4..re, . v,iorcinir (Im dinir. It IV. V. Iial lo do now wohlcl to^^ hiin lij Jler huslmnd came not, ^enileman arrived at tiia door. itiii It *1 I >t > t Johiialhan j protected his own cattle Ironi the disease, in nnUMi'ul (udii.i'-rre, it p.> ail". I tM.old »liar*- ll.t ;>rofit» Miih ni 1) A C. , the «»ord of li.e Lord, or cry i>. an jnd “."“‘j’" ^ hwl a* ;o.n|dii-litd i4t.ii 1 M'lk »tMn »ud1(n dr-ii.H tiaii conioi u|wti )nn. , \ *e I'eri* n n ar^-urm nt prdvin, liim I I «ri!., r^tlicr U,»oinr ►rruiity fur rn t\ «it rujnd I a^'O ry t Uiiii ihut iua\ coine a|;4iutt \oii in I I ;..' ri';or roi;rla, than -.rii-«r (or the iliar-njf ■ I r.iuu.f ono ilrunkarrf. or Mie Ikmii. Irk* and hoji? I k>( itid t^s'tbond cbiM, ur une brn!>> n hrartn) I r»t^;.ir. I li«d ratl.i'r U- jour c ity .'raviint, i i I t.^u. )uisr Ma«or ui )cur Aij r.muj on ti r[^l^ liki I ll-.T. ff ibe U i*n.'-«‘ jou ln»f, will l« i iirriiit , it in a human roirt, .iid hrav. u'» Kinf will j I nr« '!>« It. I would fo, and throw ii (.'own on tin i I bi.ic III tf.e cwrporaliuii, and nould go out, «r(i U * I ik'C 1 cn(jin>riii ii iJio a^K , «i»o!d oi.nand a imw ’ |Kv\li>n fioni lira»rn, tli I *h»i!il toiiljiii ,.1 I lt»»l a r’ta»e liWc »(;i»--7*ii« lU l^td, j [ *7 ’>» irA.i If rB#r Mirra to commit tin arr jn. I I r.Ji.i'.f (»r t\f n« and ihrtf iUini,tnd ht uU /«> .An>.t e on keitijf a»krd '^r I' lJ. , fiiide ai;3«pr. T .' t if i/«r» pn-filti'it, ut C l.arlolte, nn ( liiirrh- li> u ith tnd thtt hr rhntr fj iSf profitt « h ut on> Biipht (x>*ir«t'y iiitrrp;! I liit Ui.(ua)^. h- cared l.t rot .njaL'r , ..y- u.icvi.wn ui;ii iiau ueui sliiing »y;ne liu.e—iiic ten ;»‘irewo i anKce iiaiis irom, l)ut it i9 prc- «-!•> that U! 'I'at were fiee|.iufr uiicon- nut likin;i his presence «» near lier, bo^an ^^umed the facts traiupired at New Bedferd, K-. 'i Ik ri'K sciwslv around her. 1 he Indians,,'iishinj,' to pick j.iin (.n ihc shin. Jonathan re- as they bear good evidence of a relationsLiu - -r'"'-- moitu 111 iioait; irwiii ills IIIUIII^ piace lO >.r ^uiiicic|itl_\ wide lo attempt an (••ulrar.ce. the great a'-tonishi'ient of t’ne oid gentle-, dollars a piece by swapping jackets with he b'Kivc.l one wa-j thrust into the ojKT-ning man, and exclaimed—I'm Unukc bit; J c\i ' ' " -- r - J ^ relationsLiu with great violence, gradiially rijici.cd the treated iu haste from Ins hidini; place to to the Inide of tiie two boys who made five dot.r —' —.. . - . r- I ... V, II.il ;.o«>.l Int o IIINV l.gvc ni:»'akcii th-..r diilv, .r H..I V ii4K'n tiii ir duty ai.d, for a l.iT.r, ha«i , ■ . nut »uiri- i.ni iijuril toti', ii. Co.iid m. J''**' strii^jiinjr li>r ad- don't cafv nho kiums ii." »iio» lUtM-«> -Hutl, i;, u rtili iia%. of Ihe miMiinre. 'I’lvo or threr'more dir cll\ be- ♦iT.ir.i.l. ,1 c/cL —A teamster lately lost 1 *’ - ••*•!**•» Ihr tri2L"Tol the riile, ful the muz from his uo^aon a keg of butter, whichS'S’vveek, overlook, io zlo nejir th.e loreiii'.?!, and in sucli a iJirec- -.vis r.imd bj^a man, who carried it half a : evening, a [lerson on foot, ii.iii that th*> ball, tiller paifin^ thrcii-h I l^ mile «.ii f.mi’iu the tavern of Mr. M. where i appearance of a resf«ctable fe- ■IhhIv Huiil.i p. i.. iriue ihoM; boiuiid.' She he found the owner. Air. II. (the landlords '*'*® l'j!itely asked him the favor of L'uch Other.—Boston Morning Post. leware of the petticoats. A Gentleman w ho uras proceeding alono tPthtnthh' 'toirn i’ropirly rUR SAIJ!. 4/ thf hraJ 'jitai let $ uf l/i> t.vid fi 1 A\ IN; (Mirihased, if B and lirilij; aiijH.ijk '>( tt: a : iriii 11,1!.. .,11, ly o( (>'n* HI, li.t kill. ri. ► A.v, ..n III.- I.u,-l / r„ ,,,/ hj hr contintj.d ni.Hl.ilin;» I'rt-mt. Iii> n-i -« ril r. -ii't ncr in tlii- towi. Si.ift/si.f Toin: K.otn kitarhrd 0 lirtd. 'I he lirit Indian fell; the next on*- observed to i;im that he «tis well paid-lhat i “ genlleman readily graut- uUer.t! ihe w r iini of mortal ajff.r.y. This /A«;iA-r/oi,’wa3 worth 2.j cents; aad ihanli ' alter the vacant seat became oc- inlraj.id w,vi an >hw ih» policy ot profound i;ou l.uxUy worth '.’>1 I ’..’ cents. He ‘I'® ‘urned his head round .-il.ncft. She i.j)>f'r\id it. 'i’ue lu-iiausin (the foi>tnmn) siKjn called for a dimvr, which j hissupposed female companion, cons* ijuci.ce wi ie led to btlicve that nrmi d was fortlnvith pro\ idcd. Afier finiihioi; I whisker on the cheek, min wen- in the ht.use/ 'I'ney withdrew the nmal, he inijuirt d the price—the answer somewhat alarmed at this Iron, til.- iiotj^f., nv>k thn-r horses from the was -J.) cents, ilc then t^aid, “ / lhank you ' oi^^fvery, he purposely dropped a glove ou ^lable,np.«i w t it in. lirr*. it w.is aft. i wanl> kinJly” and moved ( rt’, 'J he landlord im- I road, and inimediaiely draw up, rcquest- asi . riam. d. ih It this high mini’ed widow mediatelv railed to liini, “ Here slop, niy j^ as to alight r«j» *il.rih.r It wa-rifht or wronc. Hr »..ud »'«‘’h'd 0 . r, Uj Tl.i 11...,-r h nr« at,! r|. cn-.'■ had saved herself and childtTu tVoni the tnci:.d, aud lake vour change ; there is 1 “l'»''ould D»)t stand havr Urn ii h. ii.mbt Imv- u. „ cents vour due—your bill wus ouly •*"« This scheme had • I- ■ ■ >• 4- r •»«' *“■* •ak. a jond f-u.. «: It he .ouid bu) on ti.c fi; ■ ' *''rni i.t-. !.‘-at .oi.,;ort ■ { | gentleman instantly drove otfat a rapid j"‘», that H fi- J. « inf.) to U- ii»*d in burnini; a ft’il I! i- tMlK iifl tlt rr arr »rrv f*'» »'irli iT>, r,, w I...I tf.«m r« -.■irtn, Hcjw and hrinn. Ami n'h l'i;« lew we will iiul •jKi.d our tiii.e al ?'•-■••• 3 >'r, on fniiij »»kfd. rcidii'd, 7'4r fradt e , 'i iiy f r 11.'^ and pro(ij'.. bi« arju ...■nt l » . ■. t •• Ii ;ai |ir(.M(; i, ,t |V.r III* on II, and I ’ v ‘i>r ihn-t ot hi« • • II h ii-,l»- bah .‘r • ' il. lailh, !.nd •• >m,'~ than an inh.M.” II. = '• ' r. d hr iitl. i.«i Hir Irit, nfiiiKij' to ili.iiM ..I \lii I (.'Hi in>)>llrd ll t » !f:it. I llir I f|i;K o.' • I • ;*. A M f v •iiiij !e roiiiiiit I t » nuid, 1'. II,U t ! uf «I.(|. I .111.. .;'I .- hoir \%t I.'-. M IT a .'.an ?.'»■«/In- .md pur'diii i,«riiv III l!ul w ariiK hi;- liiiuii I. ' Miwinav r t I'Futii.r i..r I. » Uiii.lv bt i;aiiiMi.i|;, n-.r t. '‘Ion. •, nor b) ri.!.'ri, nut hk u.urv. iJy lhr»r ii;i ai.», 14 it Irt 111 > 11 ti.al oni could h' :ll\ tnr' r tli> prim»io.i« eiijii.mi! in the li xl ■ t;.( -;f;nrtn lit fi-n tor iinlliii'c, il v>. an r.. 'J lo list I brialiaii liiairi :t«in lu I> - m.in- i t It. « '^i ll tbi« |iru«i>i«i. al.ail b ii.aiJt, W r ’ t 1.10 1% ll that rood may i o-nr, iinli n «i ' o'lf i!,T;in«i''f jii‘l. "I'll, rill/» ill nol ‘ llt> thr nrant. 'I iial i lid whirfi i> ii.,t n i'lt A>|iir> ■ nf I >;;li!. i.iiaiii > >, la n I pill- •' 'I I* ;; in; to Uir . iiil.oi :• i i t (.i-d. t- \> oiIm I lr*il r ri pli' f. 7'm I'lr liu’tufm i if.Z/u. So KiPi; All I;iiii!i r ami lln- Man ol I -X,i: t i;.,*! nnd Ni iinai Ik rib, « • ti- piU'-lmrd «•* br.it 1., Bfl ol !j!;it!i!ig o .t >. .iiuii>, and '1'!’ I Ml liiitii.iii i;.>ri. 4iid iiiii>l b' >ui>laiii( d ’ ■ "ll i.| Mi« 1 I" rjii-i' till k w I ri'bn d lo It. Al 'i A;, \srdi i Ihr i op('rr si.ntli niiihl op|-»-- lIu li.r,m;. l Uit hi tl.oiililt.ixc noiiinn hbrin •. I'' 'nr li..iti« llul lir lla^oll ui'li, nr tl.ii *iiij |in>r I,Ik mul ’ ; I « a» bn d In till- liiToiH »» ol 4nd .11. ill, lit* I r.-i'll if.^uiri, not thr liajt 11 Hliuh Mt' efnlel \\ H, H- Mil t “ «■ li ll.- w>!l fi\rd Ttid pr'iftable T i Vl A821), pace, leaving his late companion at a dis- tauco m the rear. On afterwards examin ing a reticule which had been left in the ; gig, the genlleman was horriiied lo find that • llu*t l[ll> ll. at a c'rl^ 111) III ilistnnrt iVmn t!,r d»ell .»r, 1 itlii r «iihoi vMihuul llir »lf ( K c!i '..Ml, I i,i» i»t„!.ii ,.Vii,i r,t m ii.'t fuipK.n d bv iiiV III till loiii.trj- 111 roinplili. Of ill I aiiil iii It ii.|if .:M, t>;iy lilll' VI itll ii tal ill'll I aiK* all i.tlii r liMiien|.>, w itii a fo.>d !-• alhi r 11..^;.. anJ i-,!ar. ,\ ‘ 111. ii.i.i.i J Ik ri ijitiri d dow n, and tin I rii « wi'! I. nm;i ii.i.vt f..\i,ir;-lili, t!,ii»c vMhbit j; iicii W .M. vv I.O.Nt,. /v/iM!. 7-ir l.iiiKi lor vnlr. f B ^ III! n'lf'M r.lx I '.rt. .•» iiii K..;i- till rianlatmn ■ I’ll w liich hr iio-.\ ll mil ». M\ti 1 a null h t’liiin I t ;rlotIr, III i’row.iiiuf .-tUlrtim t, c i.nla :iiin- 7HO K "••• oC I'lnd. t 'n the ("-rMii'rs tlir ri t« « J- ^.mI iVnrni- hwrllin" llninr \Mth nil n ri kirx iiiil-liMix «. 11 1. di rirt d III -sBry to qivc 4 furtlu r iliRi iiptiiiii, as tln>i « islun; Ici piirrliUki tNiil t>c ursiiou.^ ol ixaiiiwiliin Ibr pti-iiiii.i h. JdllN ,V. IHH.-I(»X, ' V.v^o, I'.Tt r ii- Hr_\ Full. « ill fxjiij I Ith !i\ nf July nr llii ii.iifl H'> *lrrrs of #. A serious conflict lately occurred at Jack* son county, Slate of Hlinois, between a par ty of couiiterfeiterB and citizens of that quarter. The counterfeiters had been over taken by the citizdis at the house of one of the inhabitants, w here they had put up for the night, and were ordered t» surrender; ] nlr'ih-HjXiifm.—U'edinei! al “ TliP llui.- e mentioned a few dajs ago, as a sin- tor’.-i Jr\'l«-,’’ and spent the afieri.or,n m pular freak of uature, tiiat a li-male mnie lii!arit> ; but sucli a iiiglil of fan us Mrui- bclonyiiiig to n gentleman in Sutlolk, had Meiir Akxandie made u.-, I ..ever w ,ti:tv..cd, prosed will, f.«il, and actuallv broujiht forth, a brace of loaded pistols, uid i;r\rr stiali a^ain, Ou litre 1 no net bem^ doubted bv sevfrul penile- I h.id c'ftiii seen him, his powers were tx- ■ tnen h-re, we have ihoughl it worth the tracrdir.a.’^v, and altogelhir ututjualleH; trouble to inquire more particularly about lliat wrt.s allowt d by every one ; but t!ie ef- ili and have now before us a letter from the t'-ct there w r\>i not to be oi inpared to that proprietor of the mule, (John T. Kilbv. which ho produced in a private |iarty. '1 he I’.sq.) fijlly confirming our statement, and fiii.ilv at tiie inn coii>i.*ttd of the landlord's givinstheliillowingparticulars;—The mule pr,i,.ri, un in.iudtocallaiidcmiuircio, abur. v‘^v I'relly girl, niid wa? kept constantly at hnrd labor, except on i.io uigui, anu were oracrea to surrender; • * Mlri-.>-ed like a l.n.h ; but I am sure, that the hundajs, when ?he was turned info a pasture ; bui valuing iheir liberty, and determined to h,».,i.M«n will bf giMnforthwiih ifr-:i;ir.d. ■ afternoon of.^iich as- "i which was a two year old horse between : preserve it, they tired iipon iheirassailants, lotii^hiiKiil uiid terror from the li ly tiie\ which mid the mul.- an intimacy was con- j and wounded one, though nol dangerously] and the nice. P.iit AlLxandie made [K^ople of all snice time it could not sta;id ; but i« S'kmi j counterfeiters were wounded, one supposed ;.ges and ?exe> .sptak Jrom every part of Ix’gan Ir. ihrue, and is now in tine order, [to be mortally, 'i'he battle raged for some tiie hoti*-r,rioi;i iinJer the kds, from the ba- It approriniates nearer to iho horse tlian ! time. 'I'he ccuuterfieiters, fighting wiih sm -.ti.iids and t'rom the garret, where a the mule s|H-cie,i. 'J'h.> pmprietor uf ihe j des[K;ralion, compelled their assailants to (ireadful (jiiairel to»ik place. And tiiiii he mu!'-' ihongh ht; had n'l-.arked herinrrcased I retire, when ihey made good their cacapc, pla-rd a b-.ttlH mi the top of the clc'k. and buik, htlle ime.miiej ilti 'run cause, but be- carrying df their wounded companion,' ' tnade a fhi'd scream out of if, and declared lieved it to have f.roceeded t'rom overfted- ’ ‘ ’ that Ihe mi-:trr«:s had corked it in there lo .ug, and continutil U. keep her conslatilly i*llhii(* .Hair «»l’ l.aisti. murd»r it. ’ihe young lady ran. openerl at work, up (o the very momert of partun- IWil.l I A M 1*1 A\ 1 >K, tiiiniuiuii oi llupli the iK'ttle, and louked inlo it, and thi n los. lion, the signs of Vi hit h actually occurred ■ Singular. We were last week shown a Hr>F.iii. «iil to iiaic,oii .Monday, tht u,ir all jiowfr with am:’zement, fhe l*'t it while the ammal was m gear! (*f course worm, or snake, about three inches long, !'.\t, at tiiu d*i lliiij house cl' f,,i| froni her hand and smashed it lo pieccs. lie was nol a little surprised and puzzled I aud about as thick, as a coarse sewing neo- , 1 ie mnilr a bi e buz round my head and ficc at the discovcrv, as well as hurt at the re- die, which a married lady of this f,l.-«ce drew iidinj;' until 1 struck at ll ever:il limes and luarlv tlecti.n) that he lu>d unwillingly sul>|ecled , out of her eur ' She has, we leurn been ! irii.. irin ii.vi.iii ».,iir | «imi« in i;ni.t, hini' «.n ili.' honth Kidc of iHr planoiiion of thr mysclf. Then tlisrc was a drunkcu lii'f lo laborious duly, cunlraiy lo the laws ' occabionully iilllicted with a pain in her ear I n kn.i'ri/iwol'r 'n'^Vri'l)\Ty»,Vl.n"“ Kv'i t'n^^ door, and iiisHted, in u ol nature and iho uiotates id humanity. j for iieaily two years past. When viewed , 111. i ri't oiiii nt l.iw of \ii I kl. nlmrf loiirty. Tht '"ougli i.bslr» ;w'rous manner, on l>ein3 li t in 'J'he dam and her youngling are kept in ! thro-jnh a m.ignifyinj glass, the litllBani- loiiiMiniiiii unit terror trom the i; ly tney wiiicn mu ino mun-an uitimacy was con-j and wounded oue, though nol dangerousl were u.ii'.i'd until di atli parted thrill—ihoiiyh tracted, vvhicii led to the rtbull we have al- ! the ball passing through his shoulder, a iliiv may bo all living yi I, for any ihitg luded lo. 'iho ii.-.u.'fl the mule at the de- , striking one ol his comrades in the eye ; l lint 1 know, frr 1 have never been lliere livery, was so j'tor and fecLie, that for | battle then becamo .reneral; two oft w hoic iiaui‘j,il is said, was Johnson. [JN. 1'. Ed. IStar. ‘ '• . I'ji in «(i i,'. r I iiur I allnii. invnl ‘ w Ilf Iiijiiry ol till Wnrlil, h In Itii r y , ' '!■ I.i’llt',, !t« I hafui 1'r aiii! niiiifnrt, oi ili- 111 . U lit 11,1 r jou aid i:« |«ip ilation on to '■■'iir iHii'iiimi. All yoi I kuiM ratid Irmii «'kIi If.i 'iiry ' y.,,1 i;ne u- 11.1 II III.' »il) ■' r ll.i! ill, |,|| |.u.iy ii.aii Hi;i, I piirviM till I • ii !■’ ll to. Ai d «III II ymi limi' .m- >1 !!i« n';;iiiiii i.t iiid |H r..ijaiii ll In in In 11 .in I'.ii. I will Ui-. I, .III ri i-sji.i., aiid ciiii\ii.i r ‘ Ill'll lull ouj^lil iiiiiiiriilaU iy lu atlniljit h.illlf All .till I tl I,:, r wl.in iiiipiirril of «|iy hr " d 111 tlir trridi , IMiiili an^Hir. 77ir;r I* ;io ' I'TT., -5 I ,f,i. VJy tlnill 111 llii.. nitii ll l:n rnly p'lHi In ,'.ihi|h || Iicy, \\ i- niaV lin n will III. jf you li.iM tiird, and M't- -lii.i. iMyond rijiitioM rk) , llial you - .1 rii ,,r .t 11 Vi , lli.iS |», you lliu.it do m Iial ' fTl.iil ,r . II' fi I .■ ?jii,,| ,, iinrk lli.il (ini* j|ioiild not ri>in«* ’^’i' (I r,i li|v,i,ii 1,11 he li.iB ii.aili' an ll'irt. ll '■'"loin ti:.p|,vii! uiiil'-r tin- iio\niinii'lit o: •h 'l Mil II . ;iii d(|..;i| I'll Irniliii,all.' nil an* ot llioir l-rrml. Slimilii itn ijiujihlrr, ami ^ lur, and tin nIm- ili .ili-r, and ilir privnli > rn- " ►01,1110 ruiiMii,, J iliat II,nr imIIhh; m mm. .tnd imk t.od to dim t lliriii to an lion. ' ll')od, vvonlil till ri !>• nothing tbrj could •-'I''.' V\ (Miiri III IrJUr 111 lii.)7!;ary or 'l ir •he man vim wiig di.»ouily priiynj,-,— ,110.1 lo -ulual-l-. am! lln- |Kri-iiiiiil pr. ptrtv ron to shoot Mr. Hogg: on which the landloid a clover lot, imd h>okei.l after with the ut- mal presented sotnewhal the ippcarance of 1*1,01 llou»c Mod. nnii llir.i.i bold and Kiiclii-n rin to the door and boiled if, and ordered most care and tenderness. They attract a ! ihe garter snake, w ith rings or joints along uri.iiuri. \\ T.-'F (.'uaidiait i ‘"r there ‘ great many visitors, f'roin the generally re-1 iho back.—IChumlHrsburg liejtosiiory. Jtrxr e. I “i.T t .1« ro I.KT. as no room in the hous', and there he ceived opinion thal I’lules are inca[iable ol'i should not enter on any account. U e all brtedinp. ll is curious to observe the fyiid- Itcmarlnhle Fnct.—gentleman of the heard the voice ot iho mango round tbe urss and solicitude uf this crealiiro for her utmost respectability and vcracily writes ‘ ^! i\rn'nnm.*dn'trfr'i'tio mr.”or" Scumbling, Kwcaring, and threatning, olf^pring : she will allow no one to go near 1 us under date ofTurkev Creek, Buncombe, I.-.HIIII nirnilv iK.r„,.„.,i b'y |t„„',i'i Uinl’d!'ili tl?e **'• Alexandro was just standing it, nor even to approach Ihe fence, without j county, N. C. Mny,o, l-a t; “ ."Hr. Joseph I.IT". Ilri'-k Huildin;:. adjiiinini; Spr'"^' I'*n with his back to us at tlio room door, always llying at them like a virago, with liioks 1 Worley, a neighbor of uiinc, had a very kin’. It hai> .viry ronvrni.me Ibr .Merchan- holding his hand to his mouth, blit nothing' which seem to say “begone if you know Uick family, caused by the scarlet lever; else. ’I he people ran lothe windows to see when you arc wtll ell. —She is ul n g,rey j and among ihe rest a little daughter, aged Spring, out of a i 10 or IVJ vears, who was taken w ith vomit- I till ili/in.;. I HI liiitlii r parlirnliirn i nijiiirr of 1.1.UdV ^I’ki.m;s. r., i-.Ti. ^»;lf the drunken inHU going liy, and .Miss Jane color, Ut years old this _ ! even ventured to the corner of the house to Dixon mare, by a siiihII Jack w'.iich be-j ing: ihe contents of the stom.ach wero I look alter him; but neither drunken man . hmgetl to Mcs.-^rs. C'ohoon and Mmton of ^ thrown where thev were devoured by u pet I’liMir i« hfri’by notified not to ir.irie for j tior any oilier man was to be seen. At Nuu:«cmoud county.— [yorj'olk Herald, , pig- ’I ho pig soon grew sick, aud in alwut tlw llor'^Knnd LOT,pri-tendrd tn Ih'own I length, on calling her in to servo us with i liilf L'lr ! Ill br TIinninK A Ntira, na tlii' nni|rr«i^iiid hnN in liijiiity ri(lit lu tiie >an>i', wI'kIi lie is. (IcttT- niiiird to UKM rU .iDiiv vMKiDKi rr. .■t/.M/17, I'.Tl. ^,■.lf ITor Hot iSrittfs *t Mttutrhf, n r.>T I’lililihlii d und lor Kali- nl tiiiii uliivi Kud •.F at (ONcial .Stiifcs in lliu villin>i'. ; ‘J4 hours after it had cat the tilth, it died ; somo wme and toddy, we heard tho drunk-j A lUtirprisinff i'urioiri/'^.—Cut gave I and what is still more remarkable, whero en man’n voice coming in at the top of the birlb to li ur kittens on Tiiursdav night last, j the hair was thin, the siirliice of the skia chimney. Such a state of ama/.ement as all united by the lijiamenl of the naval j was broke out with the same apjx'arance aa .lime was in, I never behtld, “ liul ye need | strings. Il i'* mdevrd .x liisus uatt.ra', well a huuian lieing laboring under the discaie i niie he feared, gentlemen,” 'aid she, “f«r , w orthy the allemion of the curious in sucii, of scarlet (ever, 'i'he mother and daughter I’ll ih'fy him to win down. 'I'he door’s boll-j mailers, ai.d they are in\ iled lo cdl and | have since died. I pwards of forty deaths it an’ liM-ket, an' the vent o’ the lumb is nae ; msptct them, at the I’ortcr Cellar of .Mr. j have occurred in this neii;hborhood within «a wide us thal jug." However down he :ou J^iitle \\'ater Street, a blioii time, from ihis disease.” came, until his voice actually sccuied to be I 2^crfvlk lii.uion. 1 liutltf'fiTdton Spectator.

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