ASI'KOXIMV. j l»y a fwa OD a circlo feet (JiainflPr, aud the earth by another in a circle of 4:)(» feet. MarH will Ixi a pin’s head on From tlie Boatoii Courier. "Aik to "liiil end (be liisivunly boiliea ihinc ’ I **-**•> Juno, Ores Vetta, and Kirlii, or whi»*c utt? i’ttd* aiitweri, luiuu." AstroDoniy, la a »ludy, however, that ih niure favorable to buinilily tiian pride, 'i'hr ‘Treatise OD Aotrouoiiiy,’by Jolui I’. V\ . Ilentcbul, i« the uiottt uatuliictory une in comniou intellects that vve have ii«'en. (jun- era! readers who cannot follow the demon- ittrations,nuy yet beMtifiedas tothe rchults. 'J'lio tir»i !*tep in all Hcicnces is to rcliQi{ui«h ull errors that are in the iniod, aud to dr^> cerlaiu conclusionH that may come from IrUHlmg the doubtful evideucu ol the seusi*. Th« earth, which t» our senses iteeiiu firm, mutiunle^, and immoveable, is tu tb‘ | astronomer, a jjlobe turning sn it« centre, | as It movesonwiird through space, with \ast velocity’ I h« stars are centres of life aud ' Ii|(ht tu myriads uf unseen worlds. Intbllow. I inK the treatioc, we niu»t t^kn for j'ratilid tbe copernican system of the world, for it ! atF'rds a natural solutiuu uf thu h«uveijly pbenoinena. | The urjefjualily of the earth’s surface, the hij’h) »t mtHjiilains and the dcep-bt vu|. lirs, art cuin|t«red with ils general muss, but as the roughness on tbe rind uf an or- thi a j{lobo of sixte«'n inches in di> siitfter, the hi^b'‘si mountain would be rep- rsetittni by a protuberanre the hundreth p..ri ufan inch, or tbe thickm ss of orduur\ }>(H'*r. A acrutch, or a pin hole, on sui h I jjiobe, prearntm^ the doepeut uime, could i.ol b« •ven with out a lua^nitit r. The «ict p- t!>t ou!>« exi«ting doTM nut (M-ut lratr U-low (!j» uirfuccs half a iitile. I'be portion of tbe tsiib \isibk* from the top of tiliu, is a- Uiut i lour tbouftaiidtli part. A cc^iot law ID astronoiuj le that of pen- »licil\,or rejfular and slated rsvolutKiiis o( the beavi ulv bmJies .ind ruprotiuclion of cle of 4.)(l feet. | rjlfll' •■iWriber rAYvjit for sale thn rinntntion a ci rcie of fir. J I ■- t"' « bich he now rftidt«. gixteeu mileu from Pulian, will b(i ' in Providcnro SettlriiKiit, coiitiiiniii^r ’Tm lor ^rainsofHandoMCireleiioffrom 1000 lo I'^Od . acres of good land. On the jirrinises thf re leet, JuDiter will nlmu/ i;i/o , •*' .^ trutnu Itweilin;; Houkc with ail ncccs. Trr e of 7ir " J'™ ^0 « i «ary „ut-houH.... 1, in .|„!;„«d unnecessary to g.v. circ e ol half a tmlo acrosH. Haturn on a ■ “ 'IcHCfiiUian. us tlioic winhin^ lo purcUbc circle of lour fitths of h mile, and lira ns a . of examining ilic pniniM N. cherry, on a circle of more than a mile and a j « on itn JOHN X. HOLS'loN. half in diameter. ^f»./:W. IK34. tD lp l5utnooiietukeHnpanewBpa[)erto8tudy n i TO LUT, the stars; the fiict admonishes u* that men | i One or 'IVo ji-ar*. posscHslon prefer politics to astronomy. rr—‘he m w Hiorc K'ooni rec»!nlly oci-iii.i.d l.y Danii l t;juld, in the relulj;»-nt from the »liok j o( ( (P'i*r’« tiili- STATF. KOTTF.ICV, roR TIM liKM.riT or tiii; IM.%11 in\ u\\V. 1ST. CLASS—HIGH AND LOW SYSTEM. To ht druKn uf .\,l,Hl,uiyun th» IO(A uf July, lfi34. vUA'j'J'i'AUi I8i:WA!81). nAXAW’A V from the Kubsiri- bir, living in the I'ork« ol th. ■■ FROM TIIF V. ILIIINUTON PEOPLE’S PREsS. AUDRF.SS Of iheCommftlfenf Con fspoudenrenf \-w flano- rer, tuthf ( ititmg nj !\oilh I'arulina. 1 ri.Ljw CirizKMi: It is well known to you, that atiKiii^ other important proceed- iti^s of the (Jonvenlion w hich met at Ral eigh in Novemlwr last, to delibt-rate on tho suiiject of Internal lniproven>ent, a resolu tion W03 pns:>cd, authorizing the Preeident to appjint a Committee of ten meoibers, “to disseminate iniijriuulion on the subject of internal improvement, and to publish an Address.” 'J’his address has been anxious be obtained where there ia a greater depth of water than at either of the places already mentioned, by tVie construction of a pier or breakwater. With respect to inland linvi. gution, no place is more favorably situated than Beaufort, tho bound luto which the Neuse, Roanoke, Tar, Chowan and I'as^ quotank rivers flow, being navigable for coasters and steam boats throughout. 'J he only objection to either place i» the want of communication with tbe back country, a ^ point conceded by tbe Committee w bra ^ I speaking of Norfolk, and this cammunica* ly l.mLed for, «nd after n delay which af- ' ^ ‘^e action of tlm forded the tricmberfi ample time for exami- ', Legislature as easily with either «.r nation mid rtflection, it has at length ap-1 „ *'’‘®'sburg or Norfolk, pearl'd under the sanction of some of the ^ Committee assert that we bHv« most enh;,-l)ien»!d and dislinciiibhed men of' marme beyond a few raiser- the t^lale.-'ihe information which ,|,e | In reply we can only 1 Prui* of & I’rizr* i>f •I I’riii-* of 5 r /I • of 10 t'rum of .M) I’ri/t » Ilf •>i) I'ni. » of I’nzi ■ of tJ.'O I’nzv* of SO.IXMJ rrii. • of SCHLIWE. l.tXMl •VMJ 3u(( •.>•>0 I'KI .'.'J ‘Jt 10 4 70 *3,nn.) siijoo a.nco a.oii) 10 3,'hhj a.fJO K'O.tHH} ! him in any Jail so that'l cen ^ct hiin, or deliver liiiii to me. NATHAN CUM I IN. /7' irnn ro. X. C. :,th. i .i !. (I» f ;)p 20,t^j Prii'-?, smotinlini’ .MOfa, I'KI/,I>T1I\V m.ANKS!. TiCktT^tl-ll*i. t^LAr.Triis 51. Committee has dissemiuated in this ;\j.,been stated over aud over di...s IS so very extraordinary, and the con- , of 5,000 toss of ship, elusion t.» which it has come', so ruinous in : P'^’S' registored tonnage, are our estimation to the interests of North ■''''carrying from 11)0 Carolina, that we deem it our dut^ to ex- i "'-*0 tone, consisting of a fine new shiji po.« its errors, and to call jour nuenticu i ‘"'•K* "nd schooners calmly and inipaitialiv to its leadmc fea-1 T*u^' ! ol these are engaged in foreign trado, witli ......... H'cy 11 advocates. The 'ludies, Liverpa.l, ports in tho ubtanreof the Ad.lrcs ts this :'“r " ‘“r u"t; Carolina is in a most deplorable | United 8^ . I or the year l>2l furnished to Congress by the 'I’reasury department, we find that tbe permanent and temporary registered and licensed tonnage of Norfolk was 11,894 US- 100 tonS; and that the same tonnage of Wilmington was 9,179 6fi 100 tons; shew* ing a dirterence of only 2,714 72-100 tons, and that the permanent registered tonnag» of Wilmington exceeds that of Norfolk by , GO tons. So much for the correctness of Vidkii), Itow au county, N. i • bont the (irtif of Mnreh a Nc- j;ro .\l«n, by the naniu of JKAN.S, almut ‘.'•i viarnol aKf, bijt fti.liiitli, not vrry bli= k, round iliouldertd, has nn imi)Cftimfnt in hin upceeh, hi* elcfhin" un- . . known. 1 x;K;ct hf i a lurkin;; about the plan- •'*'‘‘'**1 that you [must; before you give vour 1 , «. . . in loruigi tatiori of \Vi;i,.ini W. Ixinjf near ( hnrlot'e. Meek- ' assent to the tiiiiil policy it advocatos. 'j’he ' j T ^ ,L}''®*‘P°‘^I« lenbur;: county, N. I.', itii lie has a » lie t)rloii;rinj t>Um and .‘lih ^ * to Mr. )*in~, hy till-iiami; of M irriet. iuiil;,'ii>' the above re«an) to anv rMiri wi g will ft-rurt r ' condition, diifilitute alike of natural advanta- (l>‘s aiid the resources of art, wiihont Sea- [>ort Towns, or ll.irU>rs, without Shipping, with a totiil abs-ence of Commerce, of •Manufacturers, and under a dalfcfive «ys- tem ot A^ritu.iuru. ’ Norfolk, in ^ irgiiiia, “ is undoL;btodly one of the finest harbors on the continent, if not, under all c ircum- Ntancea the very best.” 'I'herefore, as the time lias arrived, when excited by the ex-1... , . - amplo of successful experiment and ur-ed i remark that we have no ' • I inprf'^ntilo rrturmA i _ MOlif.til l*K\\V INti.— I Ills Si lirmo, foL’ml. ■ d oil the lliuh and lx)» S^.tt-tii. iia> l'i,IH)U fi. wme phenum^iui at e,,u-l tutor vuls ot ‘ - V I I . 1 1 , ofih- BumU 'fc wi; tlilK*. No ch4l.ce t«kni place, or wili |t« j,ui „.t« . «„d alt ih. pnz,. a!,ox. lU tail* pi li e U‘tw«en •UCceat.«Me returns ot 'i'-no!uiii«ti..n ol ‘t7^i m anutlx-r; tJi«y will b- U\r )>l«r, to the (tame pLco in th« skN. jdr«*n o-it altum.itnly, tir l a Iiiiiii!«-r and li ti a Thn ,Milk> Way b«s otcupied to'r iges '‘IVf: »>'>«* * “• ,L , I Jtt.ixiu. II - e, ;v.. ,r- i.w, arid in.tii yi).(MH) ii, III. thf MCDO rt-Ulivr .ituution am.wig tho .tar,. li tturircleii the whole opheri-; itiid thrutjgh j i» *wa/ii d i ili. I.14,, or low dn....ini. u> U d. P'X'erful tele^opra it U found to con*l>l ol , >'-riiilned br Out «:inh m'ly dram thi- r;.j.ital *:ars Mattered b) millions, nuuiberU»« a> 1 1 fn ytn-.. of kj To pnaUt in tiiO Mild ujKiu the bhori'. aim KK i l^^.»lt ^ 1. | sr.Kl>s. 'ihi;ks A.>i IIAi .S. I.MI'LKHIA IX :tOOJvN At. VUK bAl.r at Tilt A.MKf{i('VN I' J>i Am.isfnii:.\i', Ao. Iti, .V ( Iiirirl mhtrt, HatfiwoTr, MJ. Tlif »uU.cribcr pr. M nl» his rt'-;M.ct« to firirUT^, :;ardi-inr», and didlrrs in tiiron^hout the I niU-d Slutf., [«a:tjtularly hu cuploinen lornis them tJiat he him rtteivrd froru I'roiii his cHii >• d (iarcl' ii, a oftlim lutjiitr) , hi«. ai nual .iu ;.\l.’fl|.N and tlmi I.e ii. (irtiian.. liiiute orrt. ri., uhoitsale and ntail, with i.riMii|.t-! "‘*y be oxteiided . u.oi.ciic, ui . . 1 ■' I.cs ..Ml iicutai ait low prin •, ui.d on to our Boutiieni boundaiv (soine point on I " ® a refutation, but as it 19 our purpose i-.x..r,'.!. t.r.i,. .„nlK-aiioM d L, a y dcal.r tha S.utb Carolina line)'fr..m the fiead of 1!° e'ery assertion that \vc oiakfl liil ...i,dsin.v./„r/,,t,,i(.^ IVtersLnrir rail wav-\fter which i «Pi>eal to tacts, we again call joutr 1. rr^^^^ | l-vu!.d tlu,e.xK.r.ment succeeds, a gener: I 4!.d »tia»berry ^,:.Ilt^, b .IV,u» ai:d otni r ilowe.-' plan ot iiiicnial imi.iro\eineiit should be ! I 1 eople s Fress, last August. ants of the whole I ourselves ron*'iJiiiit thfc ••'••I'*'- ^ Aaiiij uriitjcj > .1 • • nur^ and III i h\ the iiii'ktious nature of our necessities, |tr'anne in North Carolioa be* rom h.ropc,, North ( nroli.m must arise and perlbrm her 1 coMars!! great M stem of Internal Im-',. 7,."® ‘he Commiffeo Uia e° ria : around us ; a rail i “ T. “’Jf ' -to Favetteulle, or' «“ch an assertion scarcely • ’ I a «>^4l 11 o 4 1*>* ..... .« 1.. '1 h*- iniHni IS bett« r lniwn to im than a- py other hv.iv^nly bod\, tor it i« the eurlhV ! tie.tirni n i^hlHir, towtiii'h it mIwm)s ^howt tbe .liiinu lac*. IU the tel»-'-*>pe, we iii«\ j ff« in It mountniiiKi, tdllvyit, and slindows ' ca.^t troin m«iunlaiii«. From ttn* shadows al j liludru hae b« en c4lculat*d and tlie high- j t^l ol the mountains ot the moon la m height I !' • and thren l>urth* uf an t'ngliKh intle. 'ib«re aro many mriuntaib* and aliito>l ali j trecup »ha|>ed or volcunic. 1 here are ii'>' rlMid-. or indiratioOH of Htniosphere ; hence, the climat» iH, fur a fortnight, oae ol' buru in» Miii.liinr, In rcer than the inoon ol wur ** V*** t- KrU III tlie in »t >i Iiir—ail mb. r » |».iv» !>lr IU i»li f r'.y d.iy^ »‘n r tj.i .\1| ,iri7*-» nobjtii t t*> a ilc*\.ui tiu.i ui 1:. » n jh i cciil. I .Ml or'.’cri from a d.flim I',.- t,. ai t.« ;». •=. .t.!«.|ij t'rl4»h, »ill In- Ihii.kiully if. c nci,»ijd prunijil.; Ptin V,! >«. if addnd to \\ .\1. .V U »1 Wl.-i. K.. U), .S. ( . An/ e.M-.'ll. !i. 1.V State Hank. tXlk.S.ii H it .. npl'iin lor S|,,. k ir, t'lf I S I 1. H \ \ K ti t taSi ti, » :l| IH O. ,nid 111 ( i».-i.,iti-, on Oil 15th oi Jum- vrxt. I mil Iidini; In la^^■l^llK k wi uliJdo wi ll In t\i- iheir ii.ii. •» (iiUr.diirly .i' il i~ ill lh' Si ( k HiJi U takru ury ►non a.'lrr 0| .n viiii », khi u'jIk-rrv, goinlH rry, ra 4!»d ktikM berry j,I«nt-, b .lbju» ri>ji», wiliat tt.u ^irfifcr .sta^olJ», Le prdcund to j aduptcd, equal tot iifd.r, .-.o.n I.:, k-1 ^.urrrK. uMn; all the : so as IS priiicijiui nLr- .'I ai'd .,ardi ns in ihi-toiinlrv, lor iiKi t 11 u ,ih the hii!i>ciilKr u a^i nt; uIno, ri. H (.11.'^, h irr v. ii, culljvaloi*, .straw ciittv rs, «I i;«l .aiik, nH n-kii) liti«. Iiirei>iiiii^ uikriiiiiii., unu «li ot/icr kind> o! .■.ytn;u!lur«l .mu 1. ri.i.ulti.iul iiiifili w ill Ui' |iio ui«u troui *hi lA■^l .i.anu rHct'rici 111 H.iil;iiU/rL-, it li.c lijjiiuuclurcrs’ |x *MIC .AMM '.pnrlifiil.irly nitic o. the i\>.d J>urJittiii Stiortiiorii, tiic l>e»i>ii, ar.d tl' llol'.li in biK-d-; .'■hn jiut tie Bjl.i-«II,.South- down, \»iii tine wimli d III! id>, .''u .nt ol -rvt.-al \..iiini.if Hiuuk, i«li, V, ll.r ];,irfi'.t/ htitil; Ikji^B of foiral v.iui iK>, tor llie 'nuu.r ! for the correctness of the statements, that the exports from tbe port of Wilmingtoa for one year, say 1S32, were of Lumber, Timber, PtaTes, Shingles, - Naval Storef, Cotton, Ricc, • inat r—aud lor a lortmght,«lv, I ■>^»»iriiy of frwt eiiftt-*, c»«-»>«ting that of Mir p-jlar w mt#rs. '1 ni lubabitaiil* cannot voiiktiiuti'd as we Hr*. Aud the author that teletfcojies iuu«t bo murb iia- ynned b*'fore we can *oe iigim of them, aa rnni'.e^tefl |.y t)Uildm^'«t nr chan;;**!* in tho Kfl'atti ot tho M il. Ammal liie in otb"r [■•ner^ mu't b«buppoitel by ineuiis »erv ‘.il ront Irom lho>**‘ which supjKirl il on 'irih. Tlic intensity of aolor radiation is • 'en JsmeH gn'ater on .Mum.ury than on • :trili, aiKl on I runus it la tbieu bundrwd »J tiiirtv times lei^H. I he inten.Hiiy of gra^itj m rejirrseoting •iniial ,i tivitv It on Jiipiti r, H tinien whnl on the cditli; on the moon it is but one • ’ih more. I n® denmtv ol t>aturn bardlj eeua one ei^'htli of that of the earth, -xi '^I'lt It coiii«iKta ol materials not much luuvi- 'f Ibtn twrk. Ill Marn may l>o di«'ovor^ii r.utlinea of ••iliiK lit* aiidwas; and there are white yis at tho poles, whii'li, it ha> !>•*« n con- I'ln c, are »now. Jupiter liaN u diainotrr •i^litv -H-iven thoii«aiid iiiiIom, and has its t.'>ns uiid M' \ piauet4. i Jos M.’O'NNAKJMLV, J „ JtisiM \ !• Hnvf). f J'HIN IKWJ.N, S ituH.ii. .V/ve-1. i'JI Ultf li\AII l-'or .Vail*. i> « 01.1 uHi \ (Ol N I V.;a. IIK »u!w nbi r »i-hirr to r lirn itum ■ vrry ■ aclivi lani.ii'j; lif.. nlVer! for un!-, ihr I..'- low inp prop. rty. I> in^ lu iherounly nf t Vilunbia, ; on I.:tlli- Kivor, ulmul .1,') nii!rs frniii .-Vii^-ii^ia • Onrlr’.rtot find 'f about IH ai n *, niiir.h ron-I ta::tk thit rirhr»l of all im ta!f, i I' t, fni ihe «ur. •aif of ihi- i^roui.d, ai d at a n rtaiii dtplh, by diytonj;. I Amillu r trarl of nlioui 1 1(10 arreti, whicii con- ' taii.n that iml.i! 'ii Ihr »i:r‘n. e. ' the local jealoii.-ios. 1 hut this Committee, cwnsisiing of en lightened and distinguished men, profess- III;,' to im;iurt c irrect inlormation to the citizens ol tho t>tate, with tbe means ofob- taming the most precisc knovvUd^-e of tacts wilhiu iheir reach, and abjiidant time for tiie resvaich, should have so misrepresciited tl.« case, and calumniated the yiate, is more incoiii|in lu nsible to ui, than that i - ; > - — the\ t-houid sacrifice State pride on the alter Clour, beeswa.t, 1 allow, Cow Poap, .. ‘’-a«s, I>eacuts, Tanned Leather, Cedar (^•; kuicU Ol Touitry, sucii 4b ' kh I'aroliiiu forover tnl>utary to \ ir-• ' iirnish, 1 itch, Kosin, A:c. nnd all ■ " - ' ginia. : these are//li/jtrnt/m calculations. To this 'rho Ccmtnillce represent North Caro-■''® , *'j|lowing extracts from ths j books of the Custom House. 1. .\s liein:; destitute of Seaport 'J'ovvns i ' = * 4th quarter 01 lf3-2 . . . 405,1 tons, '*’• ' Ikt “ oflb33 . . . 6056“ Korcipn Tonnage entered ofi63j ... is: JS milJion feet, 17 million feet, 3 millions, .50 millions, 100 tbouiand bris, 20 do. bales, 10 da. tierces, resides Rough Rice, Tobacco, Flax uhi;.- lurKieh, liniiicn and U\stplia!u littsf, ja.iH' arid t-'le r fowls, and .h.vTjI utln i h,x,cIi‘soI ^•i. na.?, a:l m' c( on e brtidii, tinii no m/ins,, ar eillit I Kr,.t I'.r fsl( at the exjii rimi-i.Ul iiid li.i-d. , me larii; m lhl^ i->lii.Ii>hiiii;i',or lan !x procured I iVo-.i t^r iKkI k.iiirci R to Older. I lit •'lIvS, »^i uiillural, horlicultiirul. and liotai.i . ra!, m imii li yri. lor \aiuty than ut tli« lwk- >i'>rr« ; f iim- ol ll;i-u r.ire and [lurliLulaily \«iu- ilili’, are kept ron..ltti!tly lor or liarboi ‘J. “As possessing no mercantile marine b**)ond a lew inist rMble coasters and a tew keel and steam Ijoats of inconsidi'rnble bur- ;;Tr«ieucrH in the jiro.,.culu.n of thcir bu'iiuh^, .iro ii.t. 'idi d i-iliii r lu In krpt on liaiut, 01 procureO » I r n on:' red l'..r a nuiall oo:nini‘.>iioii. J Vnd Ihmii’h Imt in orii' r heri', yet rm.'T IN iMr.'R, iM I to every tiller 01 the voil and ku p- er 01 I'o ii'lie .\nlnlkl^, thr hutif(1 iln r ull'iis lo ii.voi 'nil; .'i.rii'- or know i,i:ix.i:in th. ir \..i'.itioti', •• iVf sh trid ^’1 uiiiiii ha Vint l-i tii care- fiilly t;iilhiriil .Vuiii l.'ic In Id of r.xpt rit tire, aiid thr ^’.irdi II of M irncr—the whole dim up in /«i- ;-o..uiidlaU.‘ 'l 111, l Ak.MKK A.NlKJ \l,|i. (M rkon. d,Mrnu.of luuM.plh., pri.p^rtv’.nd'.n. ■>'7i-r>.!ny m th, .(M tting thr or,-, ran jo.i... for iLiL lu... '1 « "eekiv \cneultural 1 ajnr. at M a year, vi in« ari-»idr ind tbi (ir apjM nr in f r».it p|. Mv. It It lM.lirvrd (('ai |i;r mini k are the riclii ut that hiivf Iw I'M di«rnre'.'d iti tiwirpia. I or Irriiiinjj. th* land it (i-rlilr and very pro- S.iecner, of ih- ore taken from M.e F^cml*e^ | t"! m and hv havi- Urn d- I'.Vv v’l I 1^ V , Ud at ti.0 oil,. 1 of tl.i- . .n.mnOoHaliKt, «her. ^ Vl“>«i «hc /,i oi/i,^ .1 -I- 1 .1 I u* ll'iN I •.ta.ilikhiiii nl every I rjdny m the loriii of a Heekiv \c*ieultural l‘ajKr, at ^^'i a year, parable in aiHaiiee. Il •• >'• ii'--'ance-, as during tl.e us compare the trade of VV il mine ton wi’tU ..iVhi'rhha/blui foi .o..,^iiuio‘V^i.Vt'u^^^^^^^ pa.^t w mttr, i; fwt.-l luehes haxe been the trade of Norfolk, the port so highly ex. Addn.-a carried lo thewhaives. When tno tides tolled by the committee, and for which all 4lh quarter of . . . IS35 lit “ oflKi3 . . . 2310 •• Total tonnage from foreign countries inlered 141rjO Tons. .Vmeriran Tonnag* cleared tor foreign conntries. 4th quarter ofl!?.'l3 . . . 6S06 “ 1st •• oflc33 . . . )17tiS *• I'orti^n tonnage cleared 4ih quarter of 1’'33 . . . 704 •« Ut “ oflf33 . . . 3itjj .. Total Sl,9t)6 tons cleared for foreign countrieg. Uesides the coasting trade, e.xceeding for |»ort lown, aud that it possivses a safe and the same two quarters, .5(1,000 Tons, nia* commodious haibor, protected by a most 1 king the whole tonnage, Foreign, Atnericnn, lormutablo Foi t. t)ii the average of spring and coasting, in and out 86.415 tons in si* tides, with easiei!\ winds which prevail ‘ months. W ill the committeaagain venture during tho winter, vessels drawing 12 feet the assertion that in our State, there is a come to, and sail from the wharves w ithout total absence of commerce? But further lot In khbit, u// aitirleg Manud by farnirra end j then and value lor our inland trade, and] St ino ot these as owned in u iieigbbormg St.ite.” H. “ n it!i c tctal ch.svnre of Ci’inn'crce Now kt us advert to liict», |i How cilizens,: and «iett how thi-y will on examination stis-1 tuiii these three |Hi«itions. At.d i I. \V e aliiriu that ilininjiton is a Sen-! duilne. It !!■ Ill a hli,lily leij.'i.v d alalt lor eiil ', and all tht appurlfiiaiK • ^ well improvrd I’hr hnilnint* eoi-priMix a l,U"r eoiiuniir.'ioiii. dwilili'i; liiMi'r, ami out liolim ii, mr net »'irp:iSB il by any in the eountry, and Ih*- nr/ro linu*’--* an in fiH'il ri |inir. Tlurr nre mm m a hij;h*.lalr of iillivation fii>;n '.ViO ti> .'ilO aere» of liolliiin land. I . f 1 al.iiM, line of the lilllu pliinet^, hat a ha- ! I he pro|H riy m will liinlxTrd, and pr m-iiK evi ry 7y, nt bulous apjM urance, It is but little cun- J'"lm "mrnl tor any p r«on «i«hinj touiidirlake '*■ ••vd, lor amall ih lh» gravity of so .mall : V'“"“ °p . piircha*i'r. I er»uik «Kliin:; A placed here might opring. L,„rf and Mut ihr 1 I. IKMNK l!1'l( .\ l arnur rislabiishuient. X*it*.—.Vn "rxlra” iiiiiiib. r ol the rariiiir eonlaininp a prn-,>r. tiis of the l.'nta!'i:s;)ineiil, and a rr.tali’L’ue of S i ds, nnd othi r arlii irs ti.r mile, will !«• ci'iit "r.ntis to aiiv ptfMiii wlui shall fur- I ni.«li hi« adilri kK. /m*/ jxitd, iiir that puriHiiK’. j \VIIO!J:s ALF ! Su^ar-i inutif tfMOutt/Hftorif. rail IK siib'criher takes thi# method of in- ' foriiMng the citizens of Stokes, aiul . the mriouiidinp Counties, thut he Lns com- inniced, and intends carrying 011, the maii- ltui*ou^s, lo iHTonir li> purelnse are in prmuM’f, whirr Ihr j'liipriitor will i;ue r\ ry iiitoriP'liiin ri.juirej. '■'he term* will lie made an iniinodatint. JKKiMi \n nv. Columhtii Counly, Ha. .Muy 30, lh3l. !U 3t At so, ' ufactuiiiig of One ollii r trart, ot atxuil arrrs. nf n liieh 1 1 ’ 4 X’ ¥ I-'* V 11)0 Bcrr.t are ollrred (or ihe whulc, ad | - , ^ ^ . lot .perif.rd ahovr. Thi^ l.iud ^ 'l'‘'’‘'nption. in the town ot Salem, the name qiiaiitiiv .la tlie | • C. and W ill ba happy to attend tu all oitti 1'Hne, sixty feet high, aud coiim tlown un klitl) is be w'ouhl on Ihe OHrth after leap- ' i * } .^rd. Tim huge unimiilN that ret|uire ''' 'III) f .,ith the iHioyaiipy of water to sup- I 'M theni, nngbt there live on land. lf'theuniiienHit\ ofaMronoiiiv the imag-^ *'«liiiii iNclt losij It IS Io-,t III the distance ; jummg the Id ai re ' till! lixi ,j si.jrn. 'J l,„ | roulaina gold, in tlie name qiiantily .la tlie ‘ riii\ rttiiimt Ik' ho little as double thatorr tiinnd on j orders (encl.v-iiig thec.isit,) «cnt to him, ''f"«ii out b) the »uu,aiid the .miii to np|M * U'« Bst^iriuM, inu»t be removed to 1 II,ICO 'I'lui It., present ,\re the.s> \u«t *'"1 cuuiiilctw bt ingH created but ns u pageaut _'liJiiiiii„ ournigbts’ or are they the *ic»tb j . j| ^^lj,’**^*''^'*f‘^*'trivuiiee nud design,udopti'd to ' J J.M. ■ thn. trart ran U .eon ut the oilier of Ihr U. or^iu ,l,ey will l>e attended to With pniictuoli- ( onuiur.ionaliit. K K M \ l> I) «;i{ I KKI,\. . j . 1 . 1 .• 1 • r,U,ml„a .V„v 311, ISU. ! '> * ‘ ( M iMn. 11 r.N K V *V IN KI i KK. nill' milwcritier would inlorm the piililii- that he hax takrii the hniiKr «'iii rent exisleneetj and stales of happiness ’ i "" ' f.von-.treei, laii Ij (H eiipied by Mr*. /.’m- o«n httle 8j,tem, of which the .sun ,s | centre, may bo represented on u very ! Trjofllor^ »ll(l lu tlie niiddlt* iilnce a tmrnpkin, 1 r aHonn»»lf icrms aa the pnmit piico of • ' rroviftionM u tl) Htlnrd. fre* ni diameter, this is the auii. Mer- Will lie shown by a grain of mustard /u, or the circumferencn of a circU lUl _ _ . "‘'Jiametcr.tts Ntuuawill be rcprcaculcd H iir/u-i/i* Ihuh for sitlf at this OJict. Feh.\iT, ls.1l. N I’KIUVORTIl. 7S 3,11 ^tlem, /W'l Mury "ilst. 1^31. 77-3ni. r. S. The siibscriberscarrieson the man ufactory ol on., and will give the highest priee (or ex- ehange Halt) fur any ipiantity of Flaxseed that may be brought to him. (' 11. W INKI.ER & ro. BLANKS, 0/ various hiiu/ii, for i>alt at this OjJUr. are low , and westerly winds prevail, the our own perts are to be sacrificed. In 1S‘.J) average drati:.htof water may be staled at the foreign trade of Norfolk carried on in ten feet. With the highest spring tides I American and Foreign vessels in and out, and the wind favorable, vesseU drawing 15 was according to the records of Ihe Treae- or 111 f'ct can pass safely over the main bar. I ury Department 30,570 tons. The same On average tides, 11 feet can be carried trade of Wilmington that year carried on in over. This is U tter water thtii can be the same way amounted to 45,662 tons, ex. found in .Mobile bay or on .Mobile bar, ceeding that of Norlolk by upwards of 15,- wherothero i» as much traiie carried on, t»00 tons. In 1;32 the amount of the aam’e as there IS at Norfolk, and .Mobile is well trade in Norfolk was .‘>4,010 tons, and in known to Ih.' a Seaport of great and increas-, Wilmington 31,si)5 tons, shewing an in- mg importance, 'riie mam biir t»f the !M is-1 crease of the foreign trade of Nortblk, occa- sissippi river has V rry httlcifaiiy more water siotied n» doubt by the influence of the rail than IS teiiiid on tho mam bar of the Cap« road, and a decrease of the foreign trade of Fear diirmg the period of the highest tidc.s. Wilmington owing to an increase of the it IS evident that VV iliiiington is oHt Sea- coasting trade, yet atill e.vceediug Ihe for- port III Ihe Stale w ith a safe harbor, su|>erior eigii trade of .N orfolk in 1*^29. in advantages to .Mobile, very little inferior j After this e.xfwsition of facts, how can to Orleans, and wanting only a commtini-' wo account for the reckless assertn ns of tlio cation with the interior ol the State lo place j coinmittce ^ Can they lie ignorant on tho her in the lirst ranks among the sen|>orts ot subject! And if they accept this alteroa- the South, l^ut the advantages ol Beau- live, which fur chanty's sake wo will grant, fort as a seaport are even superior to those how can they justify themselves under the of VV ilmiiigloii, but we have sullicient testi- plea of igaorauce, professing as thsv profess, moiiy to us to state, that Heaufort to enlightan tho public, and enjoying ready may bo rendered equal to any Seaport in acce«»s to every source ofinforniation. Tru- the Seutbcrii .States. 'I’he overage depth ly, in spite of all their talents, and all thoir el- on the bar IS said to l>e 20 feet, and the otjuence, and all their sophistry, on ont born l>est watei 22 feet: 14 or 15 feet can be of the dilemma they must remain auspcndei carried to tho niouti) of Newport river, to thepublic view. ’an they be ignorant of where the harbor is perltitly safe, and 10 theaddre.«sto thecitizeiisof llflAc, Johtisoo, or 12 lecf may Ix'carried to North Point.' WuMie, Sainf>son, Ihiplin, New }lanover It is prvbuble that stcurc anchoragc uiny aud UjuuswicpuMi=hcd m t',19 I’cople’j

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