MINEJUS’ & FAMMEMS’ JOURNAIi. . ■•■'■>■■■»■»:•• «v™v »v..;.mvv. xtv, NonruiAHo..,* Voii. IV. SATI K2)AV, i8, IHtl ANI> DR. JOHNSON, NO. 195. ■ I III ruibiijtf Jxolii*'tHtiKntin^ Jnciiltiil.—Aiimng »l*e lovrrluiar-t, wasyhserv* i by rln; oimrter nms-[ A linn of brick iiiakers in Mount Vernon) ■I h., ,S a tr.te .sul.ject, and one, wl.ich ; 'j';'" V‘*^“ •' a lu..dl« of ,ui. redo states, tho very best quality of bricks iis li>cuvcri t1 III tliu Lelly rolled uiid ! out of dry clay. 'I'hero ia a prewurc of A.NUKJ Kprifite ^murks was given by Ai.i:\- li d up, (now in oiir otliei', und wliicli were inoro llian fifty tons ujion every brick; it ':jt il. h\i;Ki:rr, uiid n-|)hril to in u sMit to us li\ ihc commnndtr ol the I’ickle !coii.ea from the prcbs a.s sinoolli as nlatM •I'lK-iidcd a Sliurk nboul f ur fcrt luti;,'! On iniinuliictures, as the .Mount Vernon Gu- I III3 n •• •■•— ^.L II- I ... "I—■■ - i»-'. uu>3i>|ii\I-. .» IU.I»V Oil llir *e jre b.is U'eii long «ince wttlcd i. ‘V" tJUl wlucli elucidates und ox- siii-j. tl ..f Poland, followed by some \« ry pers «as cnitivators in ull countries. P secrelH ol vc.ointion. J. I.. iipprupri.ite reiimrk i[ ,s v» r\ I’.tiiiilidr to (gardeners, and ti*o ,iisj I.! ilie \eiy sufKinor priHlm tHini of ■'UJiiK' ovrr tiold eulttire iimy l>e attributed 11 |)url tiio more fie»]MPiit npiilieatioii of (fit hand -'padf. \ et it is true, that ii verv lUiiuUr of laraiera di-ny the r-find di>auprovo tlic |>ru».tire. ' ;,i-v Uuiik a d niijerons to p! ;;i tile ii.no of e\tti tiio droii ttiiilo oiir oiA-n cx[K'ri?iico luisKnu I . r; ...» u:, i._> Uic commnnuer Ol me ricKic eoii.ea irom tlie prebs a.i fcinoolli as plat«*a .iT.t.J ... .... ■ ! .'i n>‘‘Uiier by ,Mii;m tue ywiiij;- tun n::li our tepoiicr) ilie^c «ni cxumination ' of polipLed steel can produce. Oue httrsu ‘‘ •' I'llen stinj; at the w. re li.und lobe »lie [mpnrsof the “ Carlut- makes twenty sucli pressuics in a mi lUte. diiaier, to see tl.e } liiiijj ^cidle- la," iitnoti;;?;t w Inch lire the private (••ijpiuls ; ■ ' ■ TO Tin: PUILiIC. or t»l t!if pilliv. close of the A.Mi:R|C\y F.vH.Mll* cordially taken (>y tlic liainl L) two iliey uI.mi |ro\e ilmi the Carlotla ivn'^u aIiv- :\u. It>, X t'alrrri t'liti, Huiimtvtr, MJ. revuliitioriiirj \eteraii>, .^iajur Uii.'s**! iiiul ■ t-r, ami liad on board a cur"«> of 'J'.ir* nlaves, iiiU.'.riiUr p.cMiiis l>u u»jK.i» !i lUriiicru, ^"‘neal .Malouii, w!.»• had l»»ih mtvril uinler wliitlt i ar»o had be* ii landed about four \iiiir h(iiii.>, Lcl.'ic e!i« waa discoven.d by the rabk- IVI.le. 'Mni'i were llii> hopoK of .Href's-!, yjng'ilnr. •^,is jrt jier nt i rs-iiiy for the aj>pJic.ifion of ,7 > druu^jht than at j>nj ^ ■ f. I he drou^.it w as u.,t only ot loii-er i r... I-, w il! ut tf,. ; r. >c. ;i., i o prwui. U t. ('III it toik place, when plants whre i'*r(l f. Ihmii t*" b.► .in s. ini !>ni,nj. a;j i \ X- I't ^I'le t'’ resi't it, not liavini; tlifir • nur»-tus , .i>,' nr ^r. tlni roimit) r’I. .Mi.'sf of u'.urishui-iit far, >vt')e, atid . '* = =• ''‘'■ . iti-e:,r.y f..ha;;e. nl.H> is more I'a-! 3,,^ ►, ! I w :i u’tii'-ra »Mrehn)^’•‘iiri or drying* «l! nt tr c:' uyi I'ir.il a”.! I.. rn> IMX-I-. J.M. II\I>I*Ol,l)T r I AS iM.:Wi«hed an KYK I.NFIUMARY «nd C ■ ti ItCilCAi. \\ Alii) itt liiM rckidecice, lor (lit tti'curniiiuiiittibii ut' ull person* who may oa.ii,:t ihfiii.tlvtM to Lis care. Jklicving that an iincM of this kiui hat kiuco been r, Irom the nature of Kur^iial >|ieraliuifi, KiiUni’irnl uttciiDoii rcijuikitf ia oiOcr to ren- ti.i'iii Btjcci:»iul and ihu ap^KuIi to niiti|ratu punj;i' of nulVuriiijj huruanity ; and awaru of .' iiiijiiuctiratilily uf iiii[mrtiu(' that nicensary „ , , , , ■ . reii.li armv.uho u:s t.k.n !Vi>M..rm ^ I oil-1 1,\||I1.1 at .Nnv \ Of k. H Iiiir '>n »e;il. .i . i ' i . i ■ by tl.osc whonre iheaubjeAfcofsur. mi.,r i.n, ^.nii.p-.i^tl l.l.drtakr,, b\ ^^.ui d,.ea>i» or atci.ltnUl n.jury. aUre th. pa- ,^a])oler’ii a)i;ain‘>l Ktis>:a. Me .v nt in art u«)i iniiimiliutLljf under the i-yeof Uio lul^'lieca, i.Iid ouriti'r tw r.!\' \CiirSit his "ufS"'!!, he La* Umatiiu little cipeubo iti ma- ei.i.t.viiv nrwr (..i.nda Mie k-oi.rH.riumtv turti.e rec^i.oii of lho.c . ‘ 1 • ' coniMl ticir cuBvu lo hin Uirccuon. It u o! nhv tummr.ti.i' nUtitn>t Ins p!oui;h und h.^", tiiroa.. 1.01.1 th^ Ko« iu^ko ui.d K..11.. “1 knew n. >U4ht and heHt, I f/nU iWu.'VuT ®* >ears from hi, o^.,. S.',: ;aiu n,Mid fro.,.va.ilM.^•,.urlJ •'•“t'"'". •'•‘••d I l-M'd them Vi . :-.nsw.-.r. - ;.is ouaviiiCL'd ns. that It is nnieb jj[ieiior 1 •""•'"“'“Ioi I K.I,:: kno li )on visit the mloiior,romo and jy ui d'tl.e ti lth as t n-'ularlv * i r.'i.ail'bt drou-ht, than Nvater. ^"''1 >'-1*ha\e u bluit ol what ' i ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ • cttiUd Ibr, .. •|.«h •». t;: inu't aUvav> be upplit u. 1 here has never r.nordf'.L-un c^n ly utlcrdcU 1 v any rf »Icr \ i iv !• A'rm(;;;rf fr;/i(»//,(/(•.—I’hiTt'hnslate- p^nj;i' U't a a- ‘.'.S' fi ini'iir mciu >ry in uliich tlieie *'i H '-> "ji'■! tlif^ n.mier ut 1 aiiend l!;ill. no^ron, |y r i'im.d to I’aii^. 1 l.ieutenai.t of the ‘"‘1"“' H>1 I I’uiiii iiri.aM;'n:j|I. eiiil ,il;.r,t«, pr»(>e. '*n M*>liday la«t, ttie J )‘|'illitinii Ihhu the ], ia iti > t Mr.iordin irv stasori, I h'nl ‘H'l'- ''I uf.. >1.11. if^c 1~- i n «in.. p ii h f early pot.itocs plant'd iii a *; '! •■an'', purp'iaef\ to pro. in [ ‘ , rr p: tl.e soil wnn at !(at thrwe • »:i!h!, mixed w.tli tiome t’v= h1 :•> a;nong the sr\nd. 'Mil* Bt-vfru ll.rtatened a total lo«s of the cn :i. i;k o;- ; I I. r I IJ:. ■ -l . I. ' >k-. 'll, >r. In... '■-■veiil r.i aii.Ji; ,, -.11 ' ‘>f' 1*1. I • - ut ‘ •..i!.*.* b’.aUs were drawn uji,' .^n; ^ . iar_ir ti.aii and I ex. ii.ri.'* } “\rry d..y t'j K-c tficm w.tlu r; ail' c-•‘-r J>i a i r.>pwt r» :iband.Md. 1 th '; liji.* fnir sii! j '^ts of n t{f tw'Tuv'i > \- >:i oiii! of th«- httl’*--t a:il d.i- ! g ive them a thorini jli p.iAi"lii:iir, ti:e pl'i’jgh I’t’Ur tiii.e^ ti.ri/ii^h ''nrl, t plon^hin:* two furro*-: fi >iu tli*. - ’’ir t’.c ro-.ti as jKi,"ihle, 'vui.Doi J ■ ;,t t!io fie-^ i« !aiK sin! then r ■ ' tl ■ |(>u’n, or earth, last.ur.'y ba« k ' : r I fiov,V. \,j rain i.it* rven-i 1 ill litree H ysaiti r tt e poia 1 r color, the_\ r-l.irtvj i!t>i . Il l . r'’'e;vi!l thi; c r-, n"l 1 ilr. j» ot'rni.'i hud till ii. i. w I ;i 'v fi- ni.i.uri.iiit, vttb-*i •:.p 1 A t-;'..i i ■ arm, v,',r.iu iw'iori -'.-it'; ii.id ti.' ti aji »u- l“>Wr.N| Ji- \MM M.v, tli«- ii.-j.ruv il Duri.ar. ^ :(.>■ !i .1 , a;... tllc I,. ;.o:'lt :%jym ilo«n. .nj \5. u ‘ hn -.v u.' t • ■ ■ i'.i‘v I./'t..r Ikvri..!* ■ r.ii vi..,'It., ii,i ilic i%rri'ti Hi-l'- l.ri ,wu; l’’> ’Ar\, ».> . i = >Tltn I'.J , H, am. w «rrji i.il.'-r •:m ci> ■: •h ui Ti:!. ; i>- «.f 1. . ;ural. fli n'li;.- .1, a- fl ' , il f » ;ri>Il IT ir . f l!i‘ 1 rwrr »ii.'. i, r.-uiit^v ;t.r >..i. 5>t f.; ■ri' . (•r iit,«(. r»i t; , ,r ' , 11> b- ! 'J! M ‘i.i., j, u.‘ f‘ . I » .11^.. ■ w 11. ' jfi. ;i 1 •'! : fc.... r f, V • t. ■ t I., r ; ‘J.e .t.l .i .1 ..t. f . tin} I'ohow 111/ lim.>t xv.iti 11;!'!-! il by .\li, ,V. Ii. I.vi r' ll, prvi t i ded b\ h short j.|HL.cli; J h«* l,.\ileh tr III I'olaml—The ^mII.iIiI C" untr_\ lliri; ot I\|.K-UI ko kltd l’lda^ki; tl.ev m: itt vti;in., ure lu aitdv >\. let.ii.e to our c* ui.trv . Hi. t!'*‘ t'a-t i.^iii;^ di.ii.k, i-ne >i the I’ul.'a rij t*, ar. 1 1:1 (I..,- lum.c ol lu.i ci-iii- pjDi'.i.-^ ev j>re.>» U hiiiis* Il ,i>t b.iltyw r.: ••Vii.’ Tiju:'.': I ti.ai K _\ u m ih*- u-nie ol It y roiji.ti \ (I.* I. i. r I .IS j.r. .,t 1,1 m ur inier- e l III Iin jii. It 1% (I. t Ii» lii ■>; I i:i* v»L* h.,vV had, l»iifi( ^ t:.e ia!f stn.^^L-..’.nr ci.im- trv I'.f ll'-='MV, VVf lit .lid liii- ViMtC ol i>vn;. |..it! y vn.H’h \Hi i,t U' ro's (lii- liuiiiie ; Wf (••III* iiiU-r «iie M.iiii'.iri.H x«hu h ytiul .r- uiivi .liiii.^i.j^'b tiicj (fill i.i.t ri at 1. o.-. I'l ll.i.n t.( |. ul lis .i^jiii-it the uiifii^v, the'. •vcjL an v'lul.ariii” pr.Hit \ .,ur >yiiij :iii \ ; no r iii> ii.;»T, It ti.«> »i;i.-riii^ it t«>oii of }'>i.r cixiiitrv ii,«.ii f.ir ttur o* 'i'ikii to lUr iMii-e. li ap\ tin':;; ea:i u.* m f*ile from cur Uk v.-t; 1 ,t 1,, ihut we i.iii at e a-'l m.;!! l«i l\ iit ii,- ii.>tiir ut ir«e- '.I III. it It p'fu-J- Ut lVfl! !.i «• [ ■llj'.r I1-. l.'f. vvr iK'Mi ur nativi biuii, luii ul ica«; r'-j .ce,tl..it .\i;,.-i:. » I" lo tH‘ • u.'to.- ui -jor uO'i If.ij. .V..-A ii.c lo t.ii^ ^oa-t: I i.( c til I I-. titmi!y, V. ho Iv Ii«.vi-d I iin to Ik- 1*1 — ( oiiM jtit iiiK , 0(1 pff.--;»iilii';.' him- if, ills lulii'r und moii!'r l>o;n r. je«-ti.d him II..* an imix-iier: |iir 111 a Id.tioii to the ctian"“> ulii I. d i>v turn- ri» d re.,/, he lilid >• vi-fil M .ir^: 11 hl» I:; e, vv!.;. h vwrc I'urth'-r (iiM 'juie^l by a ! f.r.s,* n .!n n metal. A eiii.ar i.,aik 011 ti. > h i; arm, howrver, Ir-.n • r. l.v lie' m-ther. tiil'y iii. n'ltW-.l i.i.-ii, ai.d M-eiirni l.stii »ie- knowleil;_n:» i.t a. ! thi' n .mvi ^Jn.i i.t ul hi' ^i'« r.iii> i I.4J di.u bf' • 4. w.ki. tv , nr..f^ »tx, thi* ).o'.-a «^,l^r. ol '»iiic!i di-!i\( r l! i.Vi r t.i hi- 11 1 .tior-s u .-itmpii.ii 01 iif (i'-.jili. Ili» « il i^st li.i.; i..k.-ii to 1 ‘ .11. J] i!.d h i> I .-I t.i.: I- UiriiI l- II 'I '.r i>*a;ti uli. rd u«.(''i|',.tiuu tor ;ii ' AV 1 I iH.i ■ li»\ - tl. I'l I \i; Sjf.u A.N|“. \'.1» ^ I * h 11. , ;-i K \ SI* _ J - r-- t.r of I lilt. ; !ir.t\ , tl ■ \ u, t:.o -j,U.' ■ .: e t., tiic ;.'T-e i!)«r 'ijtlf n- ' it j-ie- r\ ! i?i t'.;i ir it -eem: ti.v f': -r, fvi- /; r:> r. till Cspi... • ill, toWl. t'l • Hiiji'l' i..- had i.' I \c a fi:’- i.r.iir,, ,/' • / Vfti'.'I. - \ li I. !' a ii,.:ili I Mi ; N b.-ei. II tliH pre- 'ioriu',' iii» a .‘.!li»r bus- ■••>1 to re- ih. e will ti • lrii>iiii‘'N. i.az. .1 'rrrfiiicr. y arn siiirt*. i.v 111 II c r iirrUa-.ss tl. dwtil ou tiiv ui.puttaocc ot' an F.^itab- .ulii.ji i.t it' il.i> Laid tu the kubjrcti of isurgiry Jiid tlir ai.i.iiit3"L» which »ucli iDty darivc l'ro> it. .''Ltlli • it to say, tliat the daily attention of tlio pt»clr.ioti( r IS not only nrci-ksary, but of incalcu* I .bl« I" iirlit to tl.e putiLiit a» ri^iirau his sate ai.J Loii.)L;t, vn’ll »k ihc liiiai ifsull of Ibo operatib.'i i,r c i-o ui.drr tn jtiiitnt. l*ail) « X|«.rieiii.e jirovcs ■.11' 1.1 lulc fait tliat many kutlVr lor the want lli..t altt-iit nil which tim.r iituatiun ccniaiidi, .ul ul.irti It ki' ni.'d ti.ciii, by the dikudvantai^euus ciicuiiihlaiii.'t t ur.cicr wtiicb a couulrjr I’roctitioDcr ,a.^ip &i 1 M i.ii .1 .UMVoidabiy, liunevcr disagree. ./It ;>i>> I.t liini *iom iiii^artuig. 'Hut aid, fu ' r-rtly (■ *!!• il liii, cuu be tiprcted only from au 11.*litvitioii, nl.t i- It 1“ the provinet ot'a practi. IIV/I.I.T !•' tliiily alttbdaiicc. Kroni the ceu- • ulit.i. liiat d iocauj .>ur|;ical UcpartiBclit .'.I i-.Si.rjolc, L>!. tliip;iuit:i i mduccd to ot- iVr I.K otrui" » lo the puLhe aiid rolicitk nuch ca- -t!iB^iiia\ r'ljUiii lukcor diuly trt'tftiurut vrbere- \ >.r ) i.t lKaL.’/ tu br brciU(;l,t tu hii> «»lubiikbni(nt, r...tit iwiy uitriit.oii will b« rendered tbal will lu ai.y\M>r I'nd to l!.e Cuii.t'ert or bcl.cril of tho P4t. i.( Ili» 1 I.LS »ill be reakouatile,and tuucli ' it.aii I'.r ll.f kan:e anviccs ici:d(-rt.d at ll.o •Iwtila.i' ol the pstiti.t. I i.iiii tilt auUKCD of Surf ical Ii.roraifctitfn d'liM'd Iron. • o: «tudi«» at tlia Medical N* w llniiii w‘.n> felt ull * i'!l'';'e ol Sujtli.C i.ri.|ii;a and at the ln.v«rMty e . ft:..- !.iL:i"-a'inn t9^^^uch !-.a;>i*. u...;,'.l.cr VMih fht-c.xj«-tience cf .tl ,, r*---! !\'cd to linr.\r Mur»' |'r;ictice, and tl.e (general luccris f.ith..rlu atli iidant un liii i.peratiuns, ha ho|>ed tu t! H I- 1' t I.i :t s JU.I- V. .• • rtiTxrt't have r .. >t r,lr^ t I . r' 11% r-d f -jre.'; , ru r-'•.It) : 1-■.'iii. f’i:\ev |•^ t) lit- r>.- ly. it a ii.d rf:aii:'\ ;.-riif .li''■ -t r-/ i ^ .^rii.'t> tli“ ifi.)!-'.ure tl ; , : b'.t it H I, .t set Ul .j f'"' ■ ii:r>. tl t'i- n:.-L'r ;ri-, 'I'l..- : *. •, '• Hieh I* •.•hat » ' r in -. . 1. I’" -'h -I ,.i- (>;’ t!.-- fX'« lit- Mfi_T . ( '11'.'-vnxrli, Ilf, II': i : ' wr'.inJer d Inn- It I i il.-. r :ri.;r’w ui; -! w, liiJ', lit. th* -■ : .■ i>, t'M!_h It H liot ■ t ■ \ iu.r>- tiie tU' -,1V, . 'i;iri *h - !e'!ji nil i:i’« f-t in the , in - . I.nr, -' If, :,t or.C'-, I.; H U..- ' . •. I f* rf earth 111 tiiiic 'f I. ai, ifii, (?.I**.* i.«;t I'lij'i It lii t!).’ • i.' ' , • -I wii!i lo-’Ktiiie i'-!..n tl.- - ji'imd III Its iic.iaiy, I I iiiiii ; .'V ' ►■.VT. •- r. 'i t r fiin:'.', and it 1 • or.e I 1 . ■ I ‘ St r ■ • :i 'tei', h\ f I ‘1 >«!!rri: ;; mI thf Rur- I .hi ai!;’ ;"if, i|*. b* II- . ■ 4: It H t: li;;ht ; I 'II 1 ot ii‘-..t ; I .. : • r V j.i.*i' 11.--re riir !► •. r . 'J ^1,. f ; ‘x. !i ■ if'•;ii" .in i 1- • r •- « ; liif ^nn, •!" tu • (*‘ir I .‘II . '1 li'- ' ■•..Ilj,^ •••I 'V ill f* T,if ‘ «• t : f-'i I 'II Ill' Il I-; \ . I'l'! :i! Il' 'f r. '•;! V, t'J ' :rl' i.-e, I !t -li'-vi; l!.t le. ' ' N.I- '•I;rf-i>'i-. riiwl k ej'Ml/. • I I'. >] ■ ’ , fni' ih!'-' It to I i'll :. (V r'i) ■, ili.it au r; '• ■..i, r;ii fli (.nii.ii;'i;. :it‘ - •. tl. 'II tiie [''jr:!..!>‘s :h' id- , n in ( i- ■• c. -i(,-i' t, Ul' -11;: IhiI { -III. an ' n»’ -i'’.- c l • ' ''i'tiu.-t ;'i":i, I I'l' 1.1- 1 jia'iii;; 1t..".t a I ''f haif :.;l r.i'h ( f bea j ' I'.r; iiiv .'tr r\ ‘ ■ me!, 1V1.11. i I «':,;y an-; IVmn it^- I. - .I'l' f, I l.',\ . Ir' tl l''(f I' -I d i.i-i. d I lf I, tl.-: - 'ii: : -•••'I ..I..;.' 1. I'l.-. di II t-f. :i i-e, t'l w it, t,.- “low ■I '' ' ' ;lar r.iv are romiiiii f' '1. I'lijt b«' l!n‘ tiiei.ry M aill |H-r'‘U'idi il ihnl »;v- ^ ‘ ' I. .it tl.u li et' ii'f /l' I'l*- ' . I mil - i.f ,1: \ I n ilr'uj^ht, * 1.'.' tf. him, Il'iifi a- iiiin'li I . '1 ; . I h IV • Ih '•11 I ' ■ :i'!iii mv I'VV'Tic II' «' ii. 11 ■ it 11.. gr(.,il i,i f'-t 11;! u :i- 1 \N » \i; ^ -.r. :vr >« t:u I. r\: :riTf n* .. an . oi’siT «i! tu kuy 'n ; .-n >■ •t ! . K, .ii f:/ /..I V(j. r.7 nifi, h rhri' . — ‘I’L e.M..';- • ; III'. i|.,'l .1 I'l' I jI. : •i». , :..,:vi''v > -I .» r.-'K- '11 . lli. ll ‘ i ' 1^,1 -t.icc* 1', .11 1. - 1 ' 111 t.ic I n.it ..;i I.; » U . Ii...ik r-w, bi'..'t li*.i^lt'..-'ll’*'li .ituV. ill H'-.ert-* taal tli.j pip-.’^ a.!..ii.l l-i iia'r,.iivr iie 111 l;i.* p.i",. »>i. it. ai.-i h " ■ ail.i. I .'•* o! ..If v'f.' VI him^j I it.le t.i,I. r. I, r. 'I in ti.1.' tiir.l III ! I.nu I l\ tl'r \ V .-;tl I til' 1’ urp 'I tiivir 1 Ulll' l|. -va , til. % I tiDia t..*- 1ki.»c1» o! lii'J f I 1 r«r ^H! ;l -, r.; r h .» ii(- uikn.. i|ii> . ij i!,« p. i. • ' - '; t! ■ V..: ... .V ( .... J,. . Kii r .- M I, iifiM.T,^ . ,. .1 I ; m; , ,ri tl • f,-.. .1 t» r:ii» Il .1. Of a f.r^t r-*f ' I’- tl Kan. 'I'U I'f • , 1 . fi■ rii I 'i'.! I n- I n » t’ |:.. . II „'i •». »*fii !)-€,!( -.1I , , ! . )'.«i s'- ,'t.s , , iji. .a.fit r. ■ ,tt ‘••r till li.iii.'di .1.- .U..Il ! I,'ut'/ I i'f. 1 :r - ■ • \r . ■ .'.--I. irir.’t': nil'^r ;n!-‘ I* ..i- i:.j -a ,-:l >1 i.if non '. n I'. m ..11 1.1111 u’ III I. 1' ' '1 . I ■ I 11': t. ...i ll i.i.'i t.., 'i.iV't 1-. c(t tii .i •' iii'iii.ir-. :i - I tin; u«‘i j.." V , ' '. "' tier 1’ kh , l.l* U- i'lt I! -;, 't. (..ii;i.,' Il r I'.'t oiiii- .'ti '.t;f: l-le «,! I » I'lr !h" j.lir> -fJ "( Is i d III the ."i iV" I f !*■, atr! viiii.-t l> 111;/ in tl.e si^iit I.f • ' :|.e Iri 111 I', . ' r»c! a ' iT,,'e n h' . ii' r i iio* r Mil iii'iiii- till Jiili.iii l\. VI’lckh- liiiii. i(l'i!«'I\ «i 1 -la -J Tiii tii.r, ii'.nii all ii.iil 111 cl.-i '-. iiiitl Ir'iiii a harlic''? nl'O;,', %* rv -m ci-ii' viiirre ! tli'- •drai.^oi th'it ai.y r>lt"ivj t t" i-*- v*i.'i'i ai»!i lii'.'iy Ir'i.tli •■. I iie >itr:;h;'' r .ii i'-:r»; 'i;.'!;. a!:clu.r.i,ta' i' !._v L'lv- I'. • th' I’ll i,.e an I , j» 1 liii..t_\ of I- It' 1 liis- !.wr. S I.' w 1., (X H i-iv. d t" ■ »i ■ r\ liir IJ Mil •.! .''p:.:!!. w illinut a ] i-n il.iat. I .n't, to:.'-til'r with ii'T LriMi.i. !' l.l- i- '.i.; ati\. !le t .w •! o!' i‘in l-n.-.'ith •of i;:'.I.ii :!.»• iiL'» --ar) sr- l. l w 'ii I.;t!e *:.ih. u!ty !i I'l t’. d.l J [K-r I I. w ho 1:11, >•{ Mini. :.«. «;!» w.limp ! a ^ .;a N' a'" •. 0:1 >tnii k. am « I' •' 'l.l! i'i",’/'‘(l >»iih I'e I-’ i.iM' *■ h. I'l I •/., » !a :h can 11 d III th»* t k . t the \m* r- u ..a li : 'i-. ui.i] p-il'il. d i.h til.' ilriim. II'- !e;;;a:i an i\p -i ilu r,—.’U 'l \»ii.- ti.Id l-_\ lh>' t! ,.t that w tl.‘- e M'.e i f the «'ap- ;.;i:iot till'C.iinpai.v I.. w !..eh tli-ilruin t r- uierlv ! ■! n^' 1. “'r'.fiin iti.i't |.'alter- f'l." iiusly." 'I'he dniiii wn- aei or- i.ti.iiiii; .littj^’.v t'.iki nf'. i ; ninl. i, aiid the iil.ji-ciioii- ■ihl'' \.i rd ^ II V. wen eiHsud, iii.l i.Ji.r i w ,id,. .- .Istitul.ii III th ir I'late, I'lir 1: mv \ « ar' thi> .liUii. ( irrii'd at thi* h>' I'l 1 I the I \ ii',"*iiv • the ( a;;'.’ pri''i'l- ’y ' '‘ •im..’ "tl h'.' t k I'', -o rI il. lo \vhn.h \.n- a'tai h.''i till- ii'iii I* of ti.e brave und wi-ll'li.i .iiiia, 7'.iii'/k ;i ' .1 t'l t.itf dimn and luonl « iib. r^l palr^nafji '1 .’:r Louii>i.-l iiiid a*i»!ance nf a proft^>iunal jriiiJnnan. vif l.ij;!. ar.d ri«jwi tali.V i|UaIifiraliuns, «ill '/*■ i'l,imu.l .11 c;ikti« »\ la> Ii u.a\ require them, .Mtliuut tiiiv adJilJuniil ilisr^'.'. I'r II. II.a) li« luund at la» Kktabiuliinrrt, 8 . .i.t. U-iow «. l.aiiiytn.-, on the i'ro\ idwnce road, ■ l.'-if hr limy fnipull'd. W Lii* lio pru|KW;s Il 1)' t Ir i.'urh of l.i* tiii.e lo S?ur,;try, the oliicr 1 rai 1 III-* ut liik p'OlCk^lun cl.all rctci^e due at- !' I.l.l.l. i'fi.» ii.'iIff 'Irck'.enlurf c'ty. .\ \l-.j II. I1.M. eii'-lm N It t.-.r c-r iwo .'Mui’tiiU, r,f good sttainmenti «i.d m.aal 1 lurnctrr, will b«- rec«.v«d, wLo can ll. >y Ibr aiU«iit»;;i i>ofi!i«nt-i.tion, w ith optratioL^ ull '.III. d> '.d I and I'U.-.t inoiUiu cX&Ji.lLatiuit a ur',; »*ln'id l.ibrars. >1 \i I.\iti> RI rii lASSli ,il. M IIOOL. vi'-w ni.d t'i* mni.U r of m ’ii wl. • eiowile 1 i.injimfir. iit ei'yr.ivin;: 111.til iIm’ fiimm».nce. A ( I.\'‘Slr\i, Si'lUMll. hat l>ftn opcnfd, . n at .M.'.li.ird C'lr. k I iiurili, III which tlie I,d> '.in aniii.rc. k latnffua^i •, VMta l'!i:^-Ii$h (jraiiu ,■.^r ai 1 lin'r^fi.j'hy are tau„’hl. I'lir fubkCfiber li»,K>by uiiliriiip ai'itiun, and coiiktanl atuiitun •r. ia- I'Usinrn. to nicril a porliuu •! the patraiia|>i 'it Mci i-.li iiburc and tilt ►urroundinp public. A- wari ul" ll.r tii!.i-rt pan e that too often exists be. iniin th.: as.-r.".I IIS iiiadi. lytiachcr." m their r.^fiK T!!V) :;'i'frti> irU't and ihi- actu.il miproM-nici.t of t*n 11 piipil^, !.o iiiakf. no uluoriiiunry proniiK* , -Ilf kiixwn no ri.yal way to liarian;;, a faithful A\ e ar>' -rat;':'- to I- .tin M. it the pro- ,,j,.^hgr;;t ut' hi. ilnli.v «» a t.u.htr, and patient P’l' t"r of fhi- .N.-*"' •’^ ' ■1 k .Mirr..r has deter- , and \app!.ration, on ll;>- part of his pupih, niiln-d to [ t.ioti^ t.'i.* ptl'i'ii ation I'f thit . •!>' ni(»>ui.a l>v «h.ch hr h->p«'» to edvancu VI \'r/. or 'I’Mf 'II, t M I l,l» sI'M I ' ,iT( osr !l f In .i tl ;r 111 !l'- Cl' .1.1 ..I,. I/. .I rt 1(1. ) V i!; I II' - li. b J, ' l"//i, I'.fl. Ii'Mi' ..I I. thr iinprovi inrnt i.l llnn>- toimnilli .1 to hib carc. . .. Th'' Vcadriiiy, is l.KTut.d mar tl.r loail Itadinjy r 0(ck ‘, exni 'I} eorn ••ji- 1 v. !li tin' uii-nt cit t'.i»: i.evl vc.lm.a; ol nia e\ri.llelit Cu,,,, t (nrlottc In » onrurd. lilKiiil, l‘J iiiili-H I'reni .. ripti'II »'| I V tiiij ( \-iiiiii iHiJ.'r Aoik. ’I'iii*-h i -■n doii'' in eri'cr to j;ive 't hi' m ichlMirliood ik hiaiihy, moral, and i'..- I'l. k!" Iia.l pi' VI Ii-iv r"'i> ofk'-i, the niti t* 11 fair • ;':>i.i!imitv ..f pre..enimi,' ntind. The »tudi-nt», will be oxnos.dto »» lew ai;d ..nve h-'P'-i of r.ati^'-.m- tl.e .‘ra.-r the pnl'ie vviMi a .-.a 1 ime.i .'f IIk- line nrt> tnniptatirr, to vicc or . pr.^.-ality oi iimr^ ‘ I ’ ■ ■ .3 ' . II 1 IIIIIM rlni huMian r.niMion will admit of. ( Ar» lltii r.'I m tli!« la. IV. N I* h.ive 5*'rii in ii.s.,i;ilinc the n.in.l, and give a a [I il' ili.|.ti''ii'ii ..f III'* I ri^'rav 111", and („ iiji.y ion., nf monl wnliniint to thi»r who ►hail ill) li"t I.r I'l.li: I'. I r II'mil C It the iii'-.'-t .at, n.i ;i.i. mHooI. n.jurdiny r,it. In had 111 rr.'*. |„ ;;ntt''..l .1 i v.diia'.'r ihii'- uf liio I Hid that pectau; 'amihva. at ihe very icducedrate of $50, with u hroa'!ii'l> Mh. ic.i .! r ’.'ti hv lir^r shivi-r^ to s;n;ni 'I i.v l’ii:!.!r iiiv.nr l.ati-ly r.Mi u;.: 1 fii'h J ii-p'iicii to r t'lrii III" 0 : .I ' ‘.h'.wii ' t' M iir. ‘ . r ■ li rn. !i;’.i!!( -i. J I I n i> A (•" 1 '.'i ir cSiafr tSrn!,. 'I- S -i)' ■ •'.; ..1 I .. ' lit I • I '.Ti: 1; ',.M. II. 1 ' 1.;. I,« il.U aii'l ancli'iri'd on her ipi.iiI't Mifhiii I i.li h."'.; 11-! i. i^t-I r our i;oli'I hi de.-n,;ti i» pi^t>l shot. .V hoal th n '■'■tit I > i ai- I I'-r, ii.d e* oi;e i t h.s ii:r'|.i-. -t tu;i ■■-‘p• ll.f:’he ■.•1 ;.iri.;! ■ lriiti,;'r, wl.en I'.i |.|.'\e.l li.i;.s; 'f .'• | a !i:n‘ i'-i,' -''i;> the el;'^ ol the Sjiini'>a *“ ii"i)iii r '*( 'il.'i' . . ir- .m aj.’iitn. ':t 111 I'u; t .,p.li>!, i' ' rii'i! with two IiM'irndfi s,'V itii a ri/iii| !'11.'ht the jHir'iMt'I't W ii^hiii;itoii, .h'1 T .on. Mn' l.V lbk.1- . H f I. If.' « I I tl ri il .-.riv ' .»..1 L" *' 1/ ill ■ ifl'iit iiit'-ii III-' I Jill. \t. . ii'a .I'. W' .11«. it I. I,. :;.Mi: "AJii allef o;.u. j.-- \f,((i\N .lu^iii \ I' IlfM n, .luli'. IKVWv, . li;ii. ;*I/f .•/l.'.'ll*. "Ill n. t'. I '• .'I .'i') II.'I , Il 'in .''■.*1'''1 M,ii!;.i to :liv II.i- v.l- a. I tie ve--.'l h iv;n;: an ti'-ii'.'i d n'jinh' T o‘‘ wati'r c.ivk-t I a I- I.Ill 1 and 1 li.;,' l.l '• ll't w.tli a s!-ivc di e!i, 1 rr.il. J miieli .Him;'!i-ion on lie' pait ol lIi*' t omm .iid r I'l Ihi’ > i'’':!''. who Mil- n t alte-' thi r‘ati‘l" i wH i t‘. ■ ari-om-.t the ,Mn-.l' r of the -lavi r ;: >.vr- liiiiiHi"!'', imd Mint ! ai k to hrinj him on I'riC'- of tallica a* f.IIotti; Th'' iri.Tk anil I atin jier »fs*ion fll) l:iii;lii.h i^run.iiiur and (ieogrupliy 7 'i'l.I III!!'.\v ini: SMrh«, and parts nt'hooVa w ill ho lnu"!:t. I.alai — l.ou'd'k idilum of .Adiini'k I.atm Mil Id-I V'iiiii'i Ma'il'iti, ^ll't I 'e, .h.l.n !'T-aiiniar. UiC i liapttTii in llntlorm. Sacrii', Vii 1 ii.i.n; ,,..,.il .lae;,M.i!,-In tl'.e ■•''’'-•i' K'tl,. tiiKt IN.nu ii war.-1 bo«ks of (a.ar’. . , . ai ( urmih I'Irn* 8, N u vmI • nucolu k**, noi;»ick9, utia ■ h.'t.di 1 ;-irr T, relifCtiiijf .e. j. y|'t;,p J'ni ui, all of lli rr'.rp, with the ex. rt'(I'aou of i1:.ijC pait» not K.iilable lo be read, ■f.tii (■ ..! I - I.f 1;’.' rtv, •■'je-lm.'' on a pt-dt -tal; ;. • V -.1- ai'- d'-i or.it'-ii V ith l’.;:i:!er.s .'ii.d iit’i.iT -a ' ;hi" d'Vi CM—'l iic .\ir>'rii an lia ble. t\ r. 'I'l 1! llkein SHI'*. :||I' .strn t!y cot I'-'I. i-r.l h ue I '-n pro. III"! ..t trtci! .'' t ami , Kf il!-., the I'. il' I-. of tlif Min 1 ;..t. llVIII(f 1:1 !lli> .■’t i;;'- rna'I 7IIOM 111- kt'i! !' "I th'' I'll!'*'ri r, im I'le iii’.’’ I of !li- I'Jlii ,i!.aiiii.i I'uaiitv, oil in. ird immediiitelv, ti't;illit r w ifli l.|.i pn|ii'rs, dt-fiv'- tin' thii'lc* o! tlieir lonritrv iiifii lot io>;!K»ok, ehari.i, vVe. vVe. l- r..iii llic «i d.ic- nments nothing l ould li.' « lieif-d t.' v«nrratil till-detention of a vi s-,11 un !er Hii.irnHh rol. till- 7.'m1 tlfV an- I I>:i.->t...itiv evmeili;. ill the ni,M- of \nieneiiii i'.'tt'Tf ,ind Ihe line art--, r.vi-iv I'lxly '‘hi> has tho least p.vrtiel tlllll^l. throiiHi till' ( utallliarian VMir, C'ii'rr.» ! I liHli >in ' 111 r'ataliimies Oraliu pro .Miauua, (t ' l,.-i;r M-inilla. »li fk —.\iitlion’K edition of ValpeyV Clreek. ir.iniM.ar, (trwk’I'oataiari.i, .lohnV yosjx*! and t'lf nl’ the tliaia !Minora,—all, 1.1:1 Ml ^Ill'ora ihr.HicIi tiie hikturical paif, and l>\'. l«>.'',^or\ aiiphuii. r.ni.'li>!i (iruiiii'iHr—.'Mitrrav' liiiodrclmotirani. ' ii,ar.t.e.ii;.-ai'liy-.laf)'h 01 Suiilc-)’n, ilut.y vioulJ ; rt d ) .1 »pl .Jrf 'h "tl'Kl!. i l.l ^ 'iii'ili l.'-'iy ^.lll«l h.jr- 1 I h-.n': 1.. ,i.. ':• j ,-ii;d .fi n- :■! " ''“f "" '' ■rn. \ r- --. .ol "1 ’O" ■I'lllal. mIIIa. ;;iv>-ii In Hliy ,1, I.1.1-’ I. 'I'i iif'! - a:i'i 'i(>|il' I t■ n ; lli*' I II I, nr .1 -V 111-.- ii.'ili- n, ■ l! at i iiiuy j_i t ihe l.ijrH ' t* d I.i * I'M T'l. ^ . Ju.NAI HAN II- VUl..N(-' 1 ;i. ;';i.'t ./■ dlloh fir nite at of national pride Kli.-nkl lb>-t*}r and encotir- ' 'Mu- 1 \t «i'";ionHin roinm«nrtJ on the firsl ni’e tlie woik. a- tlie ehi-ane .t and ’.e,t m‘- ' '!•*> •''»>) >'• » holustic year contains , V \ V/,» I 11 1. iTiaiiUiK, uiudcU lulo twa riiMhtal uinon^’' u.-i—>. 1. / r. ■Vr.-n/-n£.irc, .V-JV Tho iti’h 1^ causid by an inierf, white.' I'. S. 'IW* »isluof; to ..Mon inr.,rm.iiion. in car^o of flaves and whu h, fciibseii';ciit cir- 1 w ith eij;ht re.ldisli to the l>,.ur him’ ■ D I> t'ti Afni'Cf 1 fully jiivtilird. one.-, of which ii> apended a bii'^lle. It ma) MiiK.rovr, to IJev. \S .M)''iit two (i’cioek in tho inifidle of ill. be (li‘'tmt;iii'hed wilh a mii'r.'»‘*co[.P, III the y; Will' I. on tlin wimo iiij'iit. It fisl.my liiii vi.iiel'-h, iti t!ic j'.ilil!*. 'tli.tli occosipuny | whr-h Iittd I’C'.U iJ-.r:jtt!i'. '. :'.lly !' U ttolliay ' iLr d'lor'lvr. •i> .viii 'i.iiry mar ora, and which '.vai to ull appcarutn.e u \en. SL'l of war. j 'I'll*' * were ho'.vcvrr «:tron;'miHpie.if.n* on the tmad of ihe f'omniandt r i t'tho I'lckle, tiinl !he had very reeently latitii’ I n larjie i;«! i« i.»lon». \V. l.KU IN. 0;i If S. W. K. iilc i'. \Vj.r/irttrJ\}rr.k Ut l!nS OJfict.

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