/ 1 (7 MIJfERS’ & FARWmg.S> JOURHfAI,. ‘ ™ '*^K -'’*' I-'«*TI'RKTO>.I.r ,„j[ Pl.EAUI KK.-^ rrm Tiir jourkai,. PRI.Vr^ ANOI.l HIJsilKn KVKRV «\tr R|> » V~ HV Vir _ > Ol^ l\. S il l KIIAV, J! l A 5, IHM. ABVS.S1Man ZtKJLOGY. lljiinbefo Th EiUifU from Mr. Ru.wll*. Work, No. XLI of i " i‘'' '•"^lil'lUelltcTlrffrmeJrv^ I __ - i tlieh.m.l,'Library. i «“'•*« of «he party contitiul d ‘ ' XRurs (.K THS llvKM—HyetMi!. gen- I *"■"'? «l>nt ma.le 'his aj.j^ar. irallv lohabii c«verns arid other rocky pla- ^ "" n*B«ns certain iht-v ccii,fr >ni w hi'HC# th«y iJMue under cover of t|io slij;htesl impression u{M>n any l» iiii!l»» l» fur food* They are gre- i '*'«> oUriUif«d to their h W. fsrious. "I’l so 'uuch from any s^ial prm- | un/tn hHlls, which are too Kott lo fipli’, as lr'n> » greedinctis of di«po8i!ion aluHwl wii(H iu-irahle kkull. inda ^lultonouiuistinct, which induce ina-■' appears froio »hut ihey witnessed ry 10 assemble evcu orer a »canty and in- t|'« hip(K,polanuw cnniic.t rcm.no ii^rJ , . . pitScii-nl pruy. J hey are »aid to devour five or sn niiuiites iiader water. >d« “ ihot i-verv the bodit'8 which th«*y fiod in cetnelcries, ,ol'lh« most mtcreMinj parts of the amiiv.j. *7** puard’. ind to dijwnter »uck oi are iiantily or iiu- ; oeiit wai to w itnr»* iho pt rftct ensn with 1 •“‘‘•v 1>K. JOIiN’SoN. NO. 190. L\r7- *' ‘ I no* «l>«und ? Tha |om of much for. ’ ' victori.jeign capital, driven from the'rountry by TO rur r - I r I .Icva.tation ; (ho hostile attilud. of the President mJnr/. H) lur. f ni/LXs,,-.' MIY’ril,i:M!niG could alone fur-;iuch capital, iu no Hi .VKK 1 ou l.iiiKK’l V. I '*'*•' ■ parallel to the uninraMurrd mi«chi (' nu.ngst the causes ‘•'’ifow C’ltizpns, I ap|.«mr not lM>fort> you intrreMs have auflfred? 'J'l,e clamor ayainht in ili8 c'lluinns of a publii: pi|>er, usin can didate for )our suirfiiK*-!., m a crisi* most learlul and alurmin^ since the fouutiain»n of our free ici.*ilitulif)n^, but ircrelv for the p(>rfeclly inhumed. 'J’here »eeuiB indeed, j "l*ich th*se sniinala .juittiv dropp'd do lobe a particuhr gloomiue ‘ .. . ci'disiHisiiion of the hyena in a Mate ul‘ c.aptivity are tractable. Like ever}’ other autina!, how- i tier, It IS periectly cajmble of being tained. been ninde up m n privui* circt.lur itddrcs« •> tlic cilizcim t.( ihis count).) easanU mali^uitv ’ *® the Iwttom ; liir tl.e Hater U in^'exrpn. i- ‘'f this count).) \ og will ' “ "’•■:t*urp, tin , and ita mnnner'a * tlii'Kly clear, th. y rould di.vtinctly ^t■e Uieni ‘'“'Z*'';* I'*-' fuHcd on siiorily i.. gixo j «roi > ravage and uu- 90 low a^ VO f«, I btlow the turfa'co. ■ n«-mber« i.f the l^*j.^slaion*,! f the President towarda no uniinpertuDi item a* s (if tb« preaeni diatrcsa. • i' V ’ 1 • ■•■•'— •against foreign capital, every licn^tho arniieaoj Napoleon, in the un- winaible man knows tu be abnurd. One of Hiiircd ati biiion of their loader, overran the principle reasons, given by the frienda Hii..ia, and the fairest city of the Empire of the Hank f„r its recrhni ter, ia to be found lion iof securing and retaining the neni » ,T " "»" V" i'"P'***' i«ve.ted in ita stock, and n ense, „,t it wus not greater than the fH*o- prew ntin« ,ta h.aa to the country. Aa to pie 01 (Ins country have KuUl-red in this (a-1 m.Klificatious it is not likely that any rea. tal measure,.l your‘•fj-y;,ru/.T/»/,n^,"rrcsi. .nnahle man can Le fc^ind rpposed to the «l« nl,--a nn-:.«urp, theaimol «hi. h is not to dccibien of any objoctionable features con- Rhi\o» i Hoa iTr\Ti>t;—The err* of a .Vc,..rad.c.or) f.a.ur.ba. becn^rv^ t-‘-en ..r,„ „,.„oro,„ ciuily ot .\lciers, the hyenas, according to dingtu Urure, he ’ Iroiii a for« |"ii despot, but laincd in the prekeut charter. It is not t* chains uf aluvery for a improbable, indeed, that the experience of and froman/ f»/ir now distributed, tliroii-h I'ofi'*** aiimisl ‘JO years may have deoionstratcd •’•j'-l"’confidence J,a !«>rn destroyed in ; tbai there are «uch features. >. ur institutions Hbmnd-cr, dit andcidi- Tl.ero .a another vio.^ of the matter, ia deiKi. have In en luined at honK-, and (rom I reference to a natiouul T.ank, which la tl.e count) by ono ..f i|,c caiiuului.’-.. un !b- a iittiik ur no t A .1 “bich 1 b.‘j( y..iiralleuli>n. Tbe B.oirs, hv. up..o large succulent bul- er ^apes if there a.‘Id" plum .Twl.n^r-tl'rr’ll^a t' ' '''' " y..ro.t.;e,pec.allytho«»ofth.frit.llar.a, a, to enable . hor.> to ,at in a.^^vance. „me har^conJc ! h:n th^^-ri!;. fie" «ei^hlyar.d impl^rtnnt one. an.onost onr^^lves wa are , The public treasury of the l^rlued States, .1 " .? 'b^tretis, ■ ainounliujr cctumonly l« upwards of 30 mil- H |mu!l. | in the hi>t.)ry ol hons of dollar* annually, muttt be deuoaited, I. vvhatevrr directton ,f„ot m a I nited Slates Bank, m tte Pel lliat itrr nithiul the cooiilr\. 1 (tc. io] he informs us thal he has known His pride ond furv then ii.dur« 1.,.. j ' .... t. . - . u..^u *:^ian.-o i>buh, m me rei arrpatcl.e*.fthc fieUi* turned up by them. „.,de ail »h..u^.ht,'of esoopm- In.t hv vi.t.. "'7 7n I’,!"''*'-’' '“'"i '‘‘® eo'fniment. whenever the n their serjah lor ooions and other plants, rv. Up «fur,di f..r a moment at bnv ihni i >r f’ l'>»t brevr •. it ,« uo I . “nJ ' j*' •••• a^ure and end cl our ^ ,n„„ey is collected, unlt-sa the Secretary of lie i4dj that tlwse «are chosen with such starting forward he suddenly char.'e* 'at ibe lhe '? ’ >»"er.tion to ‘ "j I’" ' st^utcbt htaitii when , tU 'J’rea*ury, UjK^n the » responsibility” of I «.-■. that after having been peeled, if any h*’r»o, aflci the mann.-r ol'the u dd Uuir ad.i ,ni irr^ ' 1 1 U il .I ? i \ i i Jack-«n, should deem it iriW and Bwll decay spot li*?came pcrte^tkble, tlk-\ uhich ai.irnal be ereailv rrw o.LJ,., ,,, h,.! v “ «p..u ti n m-tiUd p.-luy >'■ I" I'S* I’e-ri «lrnwn, «,y,r to pr*-pare u strong box for Amog jetB Wfl upon the ground. ' lui.de ofacti..n. Hut the horse ej^iU aro. I, I ^boll not titi U-rlakc •> ' ron-m l.o k at yonr f.-uri>.hir;:for- Kind*;', and appoint Lim the fiscal agent. Jn At.vxsinia, however, and many other his | .mler.,u* onset, by turning »h»,rl a-.d- .C., jrw^,'’''•H ncw bihI ».lujiiiii.;.. " m.H.th.a-o ; .hji I y | hc lailcr plau i» not at all loo inonMrous, tbeir habits ars certainly d-c- and'this .. ,1. futjl a-t n r* f 1;;' ‘conceptions of those who pretending * siris t;(Tie to fascinate him by a sen!*- ,»f^ a. The creature u a^.'unded by t■^^ md clare. and allowir.fr a blanket to V’ -.*n oter him is lh^s dragged out. Rru lock- J up a g'ai, a kid and a lamb alt *ilh a BarJary hyena whic II.: ■:l' r,., ttie inlefHj.'d iietiriis in ib*- ft r. » i Rnd uti'nMired. He rcj-^atad tnp pT>'r,.r.f: I, h xcxtr on aik.ihoi otca- 5.01, : iri-^’ I't I. »ht, »itb a young a«i, a C nt aiui a *, ai.d netl morning he v* r 111"'.. I ! I. ikd ti.c w>iol« of Ibetn, rn t on !r!.„, !, h:t a.-tiwlly d vt U(».l, Hitb tUe ij * n f « 'n;e of the a»«.'s botie*' A i:. f in IV llkiii:.—.M.^ty a : I'. i;.e r .;hl, wh»n lb.- kio^ bad k» p! - in K.o pabce, an.) it u«« not m\ t thtie, in poinj; acr'>«s iLt- vjuare (•' f.r hf"*e, ntil tnanv hun«]r»d ^ c»(i^uiiitk. ^of.ni.irv, ac- «li.cir!* of tl IS. 4,i*t ;.o»? in.n-M c-nt. It ti .-ort,:n:. !o but ^n•h as Ih .tcf the i-.io .r^,i.. - of (arc/»n nurlaie. ' d.i:.;;.d j*.:‘,.ix If t.t‘,\ r',e. . ol r.., .,ue.:, lo r. ..arj th. Itill >«f l.irje !.mi;i, hewn out by oalure i.i liif..'«, ai d ,.iiiii.( i:,. , (,r„ .r, a„ lhe in .112 nxk, »b.tb «r* »hadtc L\ ilnrk Ci.n«/iT-/’iii*y,t,ir»t.-.—\W’ Inn Maiamjall Irvin tv jpor.vm, r u,»- w«t,r..t hx vi.,|..i-,^ n.ne u b i.adfa.fted, exi- i.-^ivc r.ver, wh.th i ever f-ll lov* . r lu ,-ri-»: u - r. •• ..ci vtur it, »»ile ot c’ryr,. ^ ran mi; j. y ih: virauij.'tts ot it« tnuri;; ■tn n.a-.i. A* an nr- Ik le i I h? I- ill.' »* if n lii h »■ n ' i bv the ilia : «iMi tt.e i,| ho. i t, «!ii«h ore hkc I'l «• ot n ramel. ih.uvjI 1 cn».y kulrfif.nr.'. uro (Xt'i'nrlj C'-cc.^c. I !;■> rv-l i.f ilie b .iy i‘..it t t a b /. Lilt il II cmr«.r, *r a i« ; > j jid l.\ a M'.'.ll of n.;j'k. 'J!:i l»-r« .H ■ ti iii.— V',, ti t.t t .jrrii:'! ";- f;, » t,.iV - ’. « !1 11 ^ I Btr*»l . itl Ih*- vv’iiuet.l pinlt^.,ry tilrn«;d 111 liic f.jr- li ?ral • - il l.,:» iy lif.u: liiii r..'tr. I.I 1,. in^ u h.-.d . • -n i IC.Io piirtt r lo c-l ,! ,‘ij.;, f (i:\ , brt« :> 1.. >ii Uf.f nn',..l •«' (Ii'.ili..|r: : .,r- Un. ; , 'II,' I.I.II .■ i*. O. d.-|,iru:.(.i . :n t:.»‘ ' X(1-i.ili iif'^ t.| f'VI fi :(,• r,l ; I' in^ Vi I r. t;r.- ll.*,' bv-h- •' " n* iii .ru f .n iki- liigh. %i i vjici.m. !• II. A'k! bow have l}io»e evi!i U en m* I !l ;vv biive i!.»-y b eii rt ^^urdtd bv lhe 'Tt.in uiioiii \ii bnve appoioleo lo li« i|,e "fikl f»ii,^ 1 >jt.T ..I y.'Uf vtellarc f ll(iv* II. VC lb" iiii.M r.. c’fi.l n.ln utips, on ll.c I'iit cl yi ur ti.;'- H til // ii«, I'l r a r* dr*■.«-• ■I t '*-ir ^iii-v.iicKU*u r> .■>{> irjt d to’ II «;# ( ul.Cii'ii Jller il* i oiati 'ii h:ifita|. ('abinet l»yn.iaty. If no other evil could grow out of such a ijslrm, do you prefer that tbe v*ht'l* treamiry of the I’. Stalee ^bfH^kJ be distributed for banking capital amoiijist th* Hanks of the city of New \ ork, .ind a iVw olber large importing cities, or *vi uid yiHi deem it U-kt for your iulcr- af**J br«t for the weight that you ought II I. tl„ rrc.tid« 111 to irliace bu »l»p*(, i„ (tear, and are entitled to bear, in the and lo ki,vo bi. L!.-. d.i.p n iii.try Iron. rum. : 4.^,1 scale of the oati. 0 that the benefit of w hu!- h« ii.'4le.; th.'fw' 8i.,t4l!.—ttf p>al» ihi, lar^je }M rli..n of lU circulating medi- ir.'tii 1,'ie ln-eii-« nof \;i,Tii a, to il.c nmo uiii ot the c« unfr\ be distributed in nearly »bo .x:i.a ||;,,e *0 hifh, il.at Wa^h- e.,un! projH,riii.n«'every »bire tbroughoul ii'^ti.n 1,1 i.vil, n,e tai'.ir .,l Lt» cuuMrj, the m.ioii! I)oyou cI.oomj to c;ve .New- «a ni.l ! t r a hi;.hei ’ y. hill l.u4 L« eii Vork ibe treasury of the I’nilcd ISlales, to il.c ( II u.'i (1 Ar.Jri w Jut .4^on, u tu ii lliu«* lo its pre»v*iit Jnn^crou# «lr*ncth ? Do 1 uj^ n by Mid-rin,' ^‘'Uiilry 11. u ' y,Hj choose lo do l!.i« ll.t« be il lhe iLilii r ui.d IriciKi at \our expense and kiiii.n.;! ot ibi iiii.unl.iin I..1U.:i, »l.i!e ''*’*> "»f‘U '*• j: u «\tr >va-a:;t H H-e Il!:i. r ui.d IriciKl tbs expense of «ho*« that are fighting by Ibe lra»*'H«*r » -rv*M.. »uri' r-U. n'.ih;? n.iiii-^tral.cs v» bn!) ; r. s eti. J it. ’J 1,,>« v '* I'W bad c|.-vuird ban to ibr ynur ude—fightiiy, too, for a C4Tmnioo m- I ibeir.x Iv* » i.'i»r li.e [..ligue i,f a t. li-, *. euiluml by a In *' pr p • , I,.- *‘''•1 " vvi'.mii ili* ir gill; or l as u na ii rei-l—fiyf.tiug iiioeed,for the preservation ''' •{’i'f ”nciiMve HMrnt, and cn; yiuj; ii,; pb .Miir.'. f a li*.. I'lfn ■'!i*. ii.bcl.Ih'rn » >. .1 s'rf.iJ tii:>- p'i‘*o U ea in.-ulird and hiin.ili^lid of y our liberties ' i b vou desire to make > f'.iiethii.^ p:.M lir>iiii,d n o to- e o‘:d, b it ii(>.it 1 - kinrj rr und cnu'..! ii' lliini.'. Il.ivin2 I'nikbiu »bat I II abut. I » .Tit i.,'jI (,f nn t^-.M, re. •iiif' '.V lo fffu-n, wbir.i 1 iruutedi. . I {>^rci;v* i lur^t- iil ji ^ve, a .1 1:.'’ in tbs dark, t n.lcd u;» ii 'Vi.'I vuln d li'ji.t, UM'i ll;'r'» vv»»|:k- ') f * h j^f- 1'iCi.v ol iiivul -I :';.,.' / ni;b lbi b>.id of II,e l»*d, •r l;,r> r Inr^e b'ltithe^ t,f cantil' » 1 ■» h«'.- firi.i at him I w:n .• r K,’ lirrnkii " :nT '[uadru.t or olijtr • e Mi d hi‘ * unicil, by keeping ibe ’ i-,.,y in hi'« niinilb, t w.*ih ' •• r pr-y at IS:,I liii„>. As I... ' ^ '• I. iifil h« bad no olKer claw* '• I wa^ not aliaid .f bun. but * !r i':k i.iiii .!• iii-ar tb« hi'url n« J /'•. It » 1-* ii'.t till ti.eii li. • »•(((» of t;ori ; liat Uj-on ' ■" -i/uiid, be l*,t drop lhe cciilles ' iTor^ 1 |c, run up Ih*; nhalt ot l(te ' kl fi'»'; »i lliat in (■••if-de* I ,b!ij'»d to dra*- a |>ist.d from '• d: 1 »i)'».| birii. Hill neiirly at ' liri,.' Qiy servant t but »kuil ' an-. IV . . Ill rsM,.— ,V|r. .*?.»lt and '• •’ iiif.in-ij ii>enip.elvrs on a bii.’h «»• ■ 7 r ;tk, which command*-.I om-ol ;-»n, ** ,.i h ci>ii!aii.cd ,ije;ari /j f„r 1. .ici^. I indini.' liif |i iiij-'r~.'ur- * r i «h it Ii ;«!i. *r I. 1 I II '.■.«•• u'lu.t iii-’i lo an.o’i.! tii- •ire f ( l:i.il r •.•l.ti.i.. re- it '.!;.di.ei;h Hiilj''ri*vv lU 'liot. b .1 un- 111"!; .,! ly a!['. rwariS »"ti’d n;)'-n l«o larj^e pie f « wb.cli lay upon a vv.H!ri, [.i.itii-r, in- ?o vi!:irb It li.rti'l it-i I'lawn :uid »-iiri>*d I..' :» (»!;’. Il in .I ovur liie v :,»■ ol a *' (.[••'p tar|)>;iHii th k. ’ d'twu vv bit h i. riiit- ir.jl'* wtie Ihr.iwii and v»bi.s*; rtcnaii^i lufl ■1: " \ .I'.il vitiiLl.ve hi.'i rvin;;i!ul viur /’/A'’." ^ V.i :r)i.*, an yo'i iire^nn d •" fub i" tigbtir.;; by llie ude of the l’sur^>er, and "ti v"'i;,ei; 'V M ur I'r. »i ii ri ;i;; ni •! m.l to .'U. b lieatni.-iit .tu r::" ' .Are joii *be is fijjbtin;,' like a .''wiss merceuarv, for t! ' r.a.i. ; ii.«' 1 ! .!• li .'•l-.t-», »iihwul It; '‘'dbti" ti> iKvf'^fne t!,e l.« iL«: Treasury of tl.e I nitcd Stales. (live li . . V'. bi -t I'•• biini' unf it.f t- : •■p'>wcr, am! to l«- rii!i d wiiii u rod ol iron’ her yi ur aio and sucor, and, in the lapse ii'>n iM»ivf; fruin l.uo « ru-'ttiit »t f 're \ u*i!iii.u In Le ru-..d ai.d lo ru.n •fnliw ytarr, you will find yciirtelvi-s her -.•el I, at.v very -i 11> ii» n’»i ii;t t'» iiit 11 llir ' \“»r i i-i.ntiy , I .r lb f fl.imlin^ in ‘ bewri!. of wimhI and drawers of water.” 1 U rtli V oil Jl • r'll;k^ I'f Jiil k fOI l.-fll lo j>ai| .f a. d ri ll. ■ I. 'I h to »4ve y cur^tlvi H Mild c.iuiiliv—to avcrl Itie caliimily ai.il riiin li.al llirri.tm . ver\ ibing vai.it.b!« an.*.n^--l un. S;>. „k in a voioe that catinot be ii.i^uiidfr-toiMi. nrd ,t »;.».l a* a pl.i' e ot urn. ir III exi f. Uti. II ol iri.l'.*T I illow f’lii/.rn*, the train is laid, and ae ie p‘iw» r IS 111 you mjre ng, ifiict i'oHovvm cause,—ruin—irre trievable turn. Hill tali ii|i«n uh, unless you rauj** y«uiHelve« in lU fence c»f veur consti tution nnd laws ngHiiikt ibo otlice hi’ldors, and o(b c liiii.lerr-, and ^)Co|,hunts of [>ow. fr. v»h.» upon ibe p.puinnly of Andrew .lai k-...ii, are followin;; ol the hrrls el .Mar tin \ an Huren, and nr*- |iT;;iiig vourcbame II „’i*-«t ii.;t r^'-'i. ot ibt C'’iiiiirv, 1 *i>o;«l l.r*- y.'U loo liini !i t ili lljTT cut a,I the litcnli’iils 'Atiirij br .uj( t n!>-i;l a'ld ai coiiipiimeo Ibe i’r«*iioi III s an;;i V wai;srf H;;a:iikl llii'. ;;rj'..l naii'.i.al in‘:iliili -P. Tb* bo^lility c l iin_'ri *' liuJ !•'fi inv"k'd ac-iiiihl it Ifuin at-i. f)i"l imlned the biiJ In • t lg inrie, and a In al elbirl bad U m ‘l*'rc bv ibnt vm. e that y i.ur 11 nsiitution 'J ill irav. 'f-'**-**. in an apf’' al lo ibal UkJv, liu'tng i!» b>« ii.u-l l>e r'-'jH rieii. I’lucl.niii. by V -it, irn- ‘'••■'ti’Ti. to k.'ili--lv ll.'* vj'iijjiMiK B I'l ■>our voice ih'it .eii. J i. ki>on, 111 ln- arbi- iB*-di..'i'!y l..v.)td hi'* rillc, and it v*.i not v our rbiet inasi^tril', by p.jiting dow 1. and ; iary leiiiovul of iiu* [ i:bl c fioiii to lulUn ii|m n >our substiinceT ll is ihete ini g befure the gi;ranlu: bird i.pjuarttl; crvi-!ani; Il.c Hunk, U lore it« cIi.tH. r h..vi tbc pin. e wher.- lhe law n; ('v,nnd your mp,, and iheir fi.ll.-w. rs who have seized \« » t 'luft i.n I«ni i« t r. !. ' **•** ' I I*'* I’ "'k pt• ' 'luprfcioary j , prejud.cts acainsl the Tnited \. .1,. »J ii.;g» 11. rovii,- i ir-«r w .i Uroii"bl u;w.n it» »riJ, and lhe jirt il in- '-i' «le H«N a!»l loif, it.-d all your conh- Slate, |’„ii,k, and ar»* ende ivoring lo lusult g.iif Irfiii u r',,'1'111 nfMrr^"! [Uv, ll.» (!. »b t/l l4li't>« >‘t VI «riu.jf kid I >u till:* «h>tu lick* src liC, l!i* luK^riii Ofi.«n"*i nr Il .da.-w*. ' .r *ir..i-t'* . ( ro'ioiiii. -d, liy an n\erv« lieliniiii'iiiaj-lit) , i As lo tf e rft'slilulionalily or eV[K dirncy iI.t lbs senibljnco cf li;;bting for Androw Mill :n 111* »»x .n liir : iruii jjIhii.* , that the ISai.k »a*« « ^a;•t dejtoMlory of Ibe | of a • iiited blati-s hai;k, iIihI i» not li e .latksou, arc moViiig the heavens and the I M s. ri‘«na. V. hrrr ( liiiK T4 ilrMu . ptiblic ni'incv, ai.i that Its airurs had Ihtii i i|ii'»iion now lo b« willed. K.vitv Inidy earth lf> kaddlc vmi with Martin ^ an Hu- vv iih iki.* si.iJ wind ihfir cjiiy *ngun' Ii;,’bt. iip.'ighiiv srd f.iitblully adininistered. Here j knows Ibal tl.at ik in>l Il.c tnii' ifc-.iir, whicb . ren lor \i,iir in xt I'leMflent—that Arch- -ohmled lhe lan.merfeyer within t n ytrd* whs a decision pronounced by joun ive^, in , biii • xcil*' ! uial u;:ituli d a,'id abrnicd the Inlritucf, w lio woubi march over your con- of thf savor. in*’s«, |.(.t al*o wiibin an iMjiial the von e of ymir repr »entalivi's. ax public mind every wliere. I ini^bl wtll, siiiulion and laws, and desolate your coun- ibitante of Hiijce « practivd rille. lie in- that deci«ion rrs(xcled ^ No; No; the Hank tin refore, reiisin t'lom any f xamiiajtion o! try. to con'uniinale the uiihullowed purp see •iHully writ hiK hull Ihrirtigh his bmlv and must 1>« crii»hi«l if your liberties are cru-li- its .•onhliliiiioniiiity or expitlieiKV. Hut I of his ambition, 'riiese are the iiienwhu r'Oi.U, and ihey had not remain- 'he pond'-roiis bird s.nnk d .wn ii(»«.u Hn' edinHsfail. ('on«tilutional rr*«tr:iinl, rhar-i shall not even lilink u pi‘ ».!i"ii wI ii h i.af* have juit the issus ujmjii “ Hank or no Hank,'* "■ a ».i| |.)|Mt'fuiius ri w to the i.'ra»s with scarcely a (Jultcr of its outj-pruad ten d rights and ibo siifFerings of a whole ' U-m ci;niiiiij;Iy got up. I U ln ve lliat lhe whilst they know th.nt iLc true iksu« isujwvn 'am » of not iMire lb .5‘-0 wings. e..minnnity, weie n' t lf» !>e w*ij{hi-d ajjainil ner* *.sary i.ud proper,’’ piiwer. conlVrred a diin reiit and diMincl qiiesticn. is tho I, w .-I liroi"bl u;w.n It* »n.4l, and Ibeiirt It 111- '-i iiie inwt., ami loiiim-d «ii y .mr ci.nti- Slate, Hin.k, and ar»* ende ivoring to lusult qiie»t fci lhe naiion uvtard.'d § vi rrfirl ir» iii* di'nco in him. l’r'« laiiii lhat you wiil not yuur inlelligrnre or:d undcrslaiiding with r. 'l he sw nibb'd re[i xenl.-.lives o| -uff' r ) ur lib ities IUuh to be traii pled it,r is*.u.> wbn h they have got up. It * ' tbir!»H*ii millKais >| lreein>-ii dai ided and u(«n. thcso men and ll eir followers, who uo- * li I: It »I :iie loj at fr^l very (ontxi'-nt- '■ • tii.rifioii: h^ad out of the wa- violpiitly. At iho >-«mo r priiiii wi re dii'.’liar^-iMl, the con- ' ii..|i«an.-d lo strike directly 1 i, Oil * hitb ll turned its head ■'V -^1, Hi,d m;;king a sudden to ii,« Ijottoin, With a |H-ci.liar ■'. a gnjitl and a rtir. Tbev i! iMiti'H «'iit> rtai'ied a sangiiit.e ""I* kii.iij, and moiiveiitaiily ins iKsiy aM'rnd lo the sur- I'l ni>(.^,ir' il tlm» a hippo{K»t- • i.v kliiiu; I'-r be n>s« a 111’. I h.-i- ll, !h*) « HIM* spill, and " > ll r b tool • ir,»d al wb.il h.-.d '!‘u ihn willol one man, intent iifsin the pui ' upon Congi'ss to nmna^e iho likcal eon- presrnt contest between the people of the (M.sfs of an unholy and lK inuiies nmbitiun. ' erns of ibw goveriiinenl, b.it cloth, d that I inted Sliift* and iheir chief magistrate— I h'purse of lb« nation w'ls s»'i/ed w ilh Its : liojy wiih the right lo citale a I niied , a contest w Inch has cost your ci'iiiitry more .'Stales I'.ai.k, and 1 iil*'i Ijeli. ve ibnl it is inon«v lliaii «ll ils wars since the declart- Tlu‘ if.ti) «* l.tn iilur ol Ilia I.»«t V\ III simI I ni svrord, and 8-*Nijmitii; all anihority, and con of J^iiifk .Mi-or», ili-r’i). noiu - lo all jrfrwiri* r,in,jj w ,thni binis^lf the wiiole pobli- 1 |s-rffclly iinpos!*ible tor the governni*’!it or 1 lion of its inil''p“iidi nof'—is ibnl contest a lisviiie ,T'»iihu»*ihr iiin« "I'r"^ P^'^er of ihese rnil*d Sliitrs,) our I’resi- | the (>oo]ie to g t a Inn:: w itlii ul fuch an in- | '•trugtde Ik Iwt iii n Hank or do H.mk ? I>o Irri^ d'h* Isw^'or Vt'i* uot'i'« will Iw |*li ul m laf '■r>* led liis W ill into the supreme law . 1 ktitulion. I will end. av.ir to conlirni Ihif yon not Aaow ibal it is no such thing ’ Do i f ricfAcry »ud all |Hiri«iii n:*!*!!'*!! hy N"i« "f NVha.t followed ! I’rnm iho place lixe.l by i vi«w as I priM.ecd wiiii the pu re. ’I'beri* j you not know lhat i!ie tnic issue is another •ahtrwikr, sri- rr';:i'»i‘il *0 iimkr niiinrdmii- 'it jnyr laws fur the sali‘ km’[iing of yiair iia- is oiin a«i(rt-it of llie qutAlion, as re;;ards ^distinct ipiestioo ' The Hank (juestion wai ill e.rni, lr»i i‘if V »h«iilil fioH till ir-Non - iir.i. Ai;- i,,»rnurv, Voiir uioiuy was miioved Ibe fir.'sf-nt Hank ol the I .Slates, tliat is i already sitlled. 'lhe Kepublican Preai- cu.ir.t» in 111*- lisriiU I.I sn and scattered to lh« four winds of heaven, | worti.y to l»e pailicularly iintii;«*d. An oh- dent (so calld by bis freiids) who sits upon among'il innuinerablo I’et Hank*, mai.y of. je«;tioii is mado to lon'ijjii capital. U for-| the throne at U nsbii'jton (’’ty, bad de- lh*'iii on the vergo of insolvency, and all ■ eigii capit.-vl, uncwn'iollrd by torcinn luiiu-j dared, contrary to tlis voice of the assem• iinder the inlbience and readv lo do the hid: ; ence, any worse than foreign arms, pur-| bled reprcsrnlatives of a tree people, thal - r- ding of the b*-lrn\er of jour liberties, undicliakid Ibr munitions of war, it you have there ^!lollld be no 1 niti d Slates Hank, II,. i .•> ni...i II.... .1(^15 1 I .N ( • lIlO »ll counsellors who snrroui.d hiin. | not the m nns ol dol'ence at hutne ' Is nol Mud tbc Hank was about to t!ie a natnrak t’uiore "t-uUuui Of nil Un>h,matl,j i^^cuUdat th$ Of>ct. ihve )ou lell the blow ’ Have vt.u itll tiic 1 c.ipiul rather tg be »vugbi, wbtfu cnpital death. I’atri.ts aid ktuUHincn, a is tru;, I w ill ■llriifl 111 II.I Aiiuiut ■«! llsiiieiil »illi ihom •‘ i-.vr di » nU iJ- M Mo Jflli,/vVifu/or. ,Vjv"Ci. r-.'u.

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