I*KIISTi:i> AKI» l‘L ItMSilKO i;Vi;i{Y SATDUDAV, HV I KOM \s J; 11 V ltr« • m;, MlOC'lil.lC Itt; COJ NTV, .NOimW AKOMNA. 1 WILL TKACH VOU TO PIKRCK TIIK BOWKLn OK THK EAHTII ANH E!ll\; OUT KllOJI Till: CtVKIlNs 01' illK MOC.NTAIN.-i, HKTAt.S W'lH'll W 11 1 (ilvr !TRKNcrni TO OIJB IIANO;! AND SI HJKCT AI.I. NATI'IIK TO Ol ll I'SK ANI> PLEASIRK. r>R. JOHNSON. vol.. IV. SATI Ui>AY, Jl lA ri, in:ji. NO. 196, THE SIAxMKSI'] TWIXS. AN mSTOklCAI, AC'COL'NT OF TIIK siAMEsr- Tw iN.iinoTm:Ks. KNG unci CI1VN(J^ aro iiutivoi of a Email viliitge on tlie sr-u-cunst of iriam, callcd iMaklong, about GO miles from tbe capital. 'I'iiej were born in May, 1^11, of Chinese parents, iind uro united to each oth er by a ligature or band, about three and K half tpchcs in length, and eight in circum- feranco, formed at the extremity of tbe treast bono of each, aud extending' down- VJrds to tbe abdomen. Tiie upper part of 14c baud is a strung ca rti In ;inous bstiuicc'; llia lower part is soft aud fleshy, and con tains a tube or cavity presumed to b«* ahnuf nu inch and a lialf in circamforonce. Ou itio lower edge of the band^ exactly jn the centie^j* tJ(o..^bitltiis' or imvej; (tliero beiSg but |i\k in common between tlieui:) a pr»;ssuro upon the lower part of the band when thejf cou^h, laugh or snooze, would cause rutu'iderablo paiii, w hich would b« equally felt t^y each, li the connecting link be tt'udied in tbo centre, both are e- |iiully scnsUile to it; but if hnlf an inch from thi» cenfrc, it is only felt by one.'^ There is novcrtiiclcss a consiikTablo dpgr«*e nf nervous sympalliy between the two bo dies, Imt it is entirtly overpowenid by I Operation uf the miud. 'i'h;s was stroni:!) , . . ... I'roved at one time by Dr. lloTOt, Secretu-l half tiie cii incc to st:e wbicli oil). «t'r- s: vi-n iy :il) cUil hy roij.s aiidcmi:;'. ry to thf lioyal Siix;u;tv, by tnt’ans of a On secitttr a cripple who had li»: in from «ln. h iIk's suniiiiu- 'aiiic exjirriiiiont. I am clearly ofoi iiiion 1 P'*'"'- rf” vrid. niiiii;^ (hf liiuli aiin tliat tlicrf! IS a dr:;n!0 of nuHLulur power !*hey had roiir ha’ids l‘';;'.'y d \wi iild s.uiiintinnN tako a i:i the band, and that strcn-'tli is soinetimeB ' m)i;e, it «r-.s n it only a ;.'..a?ure, but lii'adci.i.-d cal In m ll;i! pr.i(e, and Imldiii^T (Minmn!iica;ed Iruni one to thf* other. ’I'liC • their duty a^!'l^ t him. it up, call it iho suti; and th'' li.iv f ^\ibi!lty of :l,p cnrtiiao*; is so L’reat, that I «* !'in" *'f l-’r:!nrc, rharlc-i X, once ' after tj.eir .iirunl thcrr, it Uici:.; i;e(v>?-iny they can readily (urn Ttiose sliJuIders t->. |' i--ited tlieiii in f.iverj I, and on jr.mi;:,- to have li-ltK'd raiidli-hi the diavMi..-r.ji m v.ards each c)thf.T w!iicli are outward iii i thi in, inadu them a pri.'senl ot a [ ii.'te I iit ii'-'oii 111 ci iiseipiciice nl atiii "'ilkiuf'; indeed thcie probably would have ^ ‘'l'‘-''‘ri i'd tli;it ■iii"k •, ih'j went to h( d, ii.s.'ii i j luiil it bi'fn no diiru-nlly in liieir walkin- citlier 1‘•'•’y vipin.s-d the r(7s..n'«;.y he g.ivo was !!■ t p w^ibje ii could be da) lii;-.— wav, had ihi-y lerinaai lu do so w hen vouii't. ' >!‘c i;oid waslx-cause he !.a i iiocroun. S.iow th'-y had i.i \ . r seen till tl;i •. v.ciit i.. ’I'lit’ir mi)t!ier had 11 number of children l"w ||.i viit ti;em, wl.o l.n^dat withriut any pcfuiianly, all. whom except M'^eapo tinar noli'«•, n;;.'! the\ "i rfrilly a- aiid’Lng, aud u brother and sister, 1the.i.M !v( ■; ai.d iViend^ un h. ur cr aie dcnd. ' •>' lhi,^-v-mn^', by n latiii:; snine ru'tiic 'I’hc:r f tiir'r died when th^y w»'re el^ht they (;av»! l.raid i!'i- years of n^-e; about tii" same time they !r'‘‘/e,a, and in remnrks upon iiio:if were scvt n;ly allt-el^d with the sniall po.\,! have seen ai the » vliih.iinn rc oin. nnd f!: r;!y‘aUer\»ards tLe measles; hy '1 Vir f. Im-s ar>' \\«rin ;>nd all-' tlion- Loih tlaso (ii>orders, thev were »>(]uallv ill, til'"" condui t amiable and well iccuvcrcl at the siiine m'onien:, and by the rcgulaied. '11,« y are-v- ry •'u-vpid.!.-, and same rrini'di:',-. timco that time the’,- liave *’* l.iiid;n>s or aii 'liioriate tn atnj'’nl ir.'er suth.-red by c jsion illy a slight S' voral iiiontlisat A TjL prr*‘nr.9 iiuU htMi lo the late firm of A. H. i » W 01 J'l NU'J'ON \ ( u. uro hereby rciiuiFit. cil lo reiiic rcirwBi'd uni) *ellli-. It is siuccrtlv dc- nirtil tlnit uil | iTboiis iiidi'lilfri lo Ific huid linn cosni)!) v\itlithii*aiivi'rti$FiiiiitUH mioiui-i (icksiMc, HU il u ul.'holiitciy m.xtBii:u)r iliat tlio busiiicsn should bo tlostd. A. 1{. WOM’LNGTON. June IW I. 9ju‘ superiority over the other. Th« wisdom tb»*m, that a tr.iicli upon tlio body of either of l‘ro\idencc is herein strongly manit’ested; will awaken them botii. ^V hih.* in n Ix'd, for did any mental superiority e.xist, it they are not confined to any particular posi- would iipf'cssarily lead to contentions and tnai, hut re^t «,n either side, as may tiftl stnigples for pre ominence, which happily ' suit their convenience, generally howe\er, is so far from being the case, that many | w ith their faces towards each other. 'J'hey who have visited them have left them un- usually fdi'ej) nine or ten hours each iii^ht, dcr the impression that they were actuated ! and ipiite soundly ; when they do liel jt-t-1 by only 0110 mind, so simultaneous wete I less, and de.siio to var\ their po-^ition, the j vnTIf'J-’' they in all their movements. They play one mubt roll entiiely over the i.lher, and ! . , ihc cHtatc of 1'lioma, at chess and draughts romarkably well, but they have freipiently hern ob.-erNcd to do ' li. Su;ttiii, dci’d. nrp r»iuiicd to come for- never in opposition to each other; having ibis willii>ut eiliier awnkeninjf or beiii" np- »urd and wiili; iiiimt.diHttly. 'rhoae who have been nskeil to do it, they replied that no I pan-ntly dl.'-tlirbrd by tho change. i dcn aud.s «iil prirriittli.au pri'ptrly uttcsUd with- moro pleasiue would bj derived ftoin it, I pon the possibility, or otherwise of sep-j^ \t i\\SI)I'.U, Ar/i/i'r. than hy playing with the right hand a^-ainst nratiug tlr'iii hy snrgii al ine.iiis, some tiif-; the hd't. terenco appears in the .scientilie men; nine- 'J’hey now dress in the fa.^hion of this ty-nine in an hnn Jri d bfihovo it aitogeilier connlry. iuiposMhlf, nnd u!l, that il would be an e.\-, 'I'hey are so conversant with the I^njr- p'-iiment of sii'.h risk as V'l lo be warrant- _ ^ lish laniiuage that they can uiMltti>«tund alH ed, UtTliSsin thft evetit «ii ti.to death ot one ; i;,,;,crl kiid «iio and oiLers 1 , ,f!ikt is said to th>*m, arid r.mvorse with tol- an.i that it is consider»>d an alicost au in.pos- w. ' jnd erable tlui'nex : thev are al.o verv desirous sibilily, in conseipicnce of tliestroiig deitree li»l in>.n ntid oiWu. . S ^ ^ * to make themselves g* nendlv acnn iinled «f cin ulation which is l/etwceii them. It i-, g 1' ui>|«'ariii)r to iiie of the (,ouri, with the manners and customs of our coun- , however, to them a very unple.i.ant snhjeet, * 'il.c i-n'i.V M-'t!':;! try. ^ land they leel (piite aveise to h,n« It spoken o,,t,n'l, (liut ;'.'.Iicn.tion t A volume might be filled hy ctnimerat- of. They have o!'(( 11 remarked tiiat they |„. „.ru;e ji.v m th.- i ;inn»-rs’ Jnji' their shrewdness and kei-nne.'S of re- never saw a'i\ slii;.!.' i)«’rsoii as happs as Jouniul, ttiMt i>;oJ Ikti i.d.o.t iiin> u|.!.«ijr ti >u anark; and lo menUoii one or two nislam [hero may not be deemed improper. A vis litor once came into the room, who had but 0110 eve; up"n which lli“y ohseived to the it IS entirely overpowenid by the that the gentleman should have on their arrival m liuilar.d, U.iiig uncous- Loicnirl.T. tif the miud. This was stronL'ly 1 half pri e for admission, as he iiigly damp hiuJ l>>;g\, botii in coiisrquence vi;'i thf H til uhutjtd, hiihii n"nil }itn. tnn. J„no r.M. I'. If .s7.177: or M>L'm ('AiioijyA, Ml.i Kl IMlt l!; cot .NTV. /.V l.iil n it/or/ Tinn, 1^01. re- never saw a'i\ sliv I.' o'tsoii as happs as Jouniul, ttiMt i>;oJ Ikfi i.d.o.i iiin> u|.!.«nr ti >u- that «lay, “ liad an csi u-s thev are, thereiof Uicv Lavo iw iea»cu to ^ -I-I'--'!-- .'U'lwcn. restoring public aod j V I • I bu»’:r rotifiiV, Rt litc ( oijrt llouac 111 ci.:iri‘ui, on nouiitrv : £ind ^ns ot MS. wi^hb.rachHn;;e._ ! iW Ju,l M:„d..vin ti-u ard ll.. rr ■ but 1 he hiiTiidit) i-l a north'-rn c.iinato did lo uii.'^'AiT, [illi.ii III li iiiur, ('till ru I r 11 ' I'll! « ill ' ** Ur8 ^ p the not at first a;.'ri e with them; tho weather, !..• lakti. |>io ioi..«... und ,.i.';ii.nt '.ni-r.d tc- ““h)Ugli it was tj 'I'riie I 'f.jiy. I'll. ,s7'.i7y; ('/■’ 1>. Ii. I)i S:M\r. M.i:. Ilxtract from tho Hon. l.,cwii W illiiros’(lircalar to th^ Voters of 13th CongreiBiunal District of Nordi-Carohna. ri:i.i.o>v.CiTizKN8 :—The timo of Con* press, at the present Sessioni has been very much occupied iu considering tho question growing out of the removal of tha public money from the Bank of the United States, wheru it had been deposited by law for safe keeping, and placing it in certain local or ^tato liauks.—lii order to decide this quu- tion correctly, it will perhaps be useful to take a sbort retrospective view of the origia and policy of tbe Bank of the United Statei; the objecti intended to be accon:plished by it and the probable condition to which the^ coimtry would have been reduced, if it Lad I not l)cen established. 1) may be Faid in'- jdc'td that the. Government of the Uflited Stat^-'ii tfFrsnevw rihie »o manage its liscal concerijs without the aid of some in- stilution of the sort. Tbe old Congress of I ho revolution (when nien w ere know n to act with views solely to the public good) eslablished the Bank of North Amcricn in IT'l, which according to the opinions of that «lay, “ had an cstraordinary effect ia restoring public aod private credit in tho irnmenso utility ia operations of the finan- begun w ith the small capital of four hundred thousand dollars.” riio (lovcrnmcnt of the I'nitfd Stales, un der the old articlos of confederation, wna \. riu I tri''ii).il hnifiiit. aud ;ii llr't v.' wi i:; il li.ey n- :i-ich a.s; .:i.-:iiii, ii;i'.i4; mg wi,i :u..r i> wa- or ■■all. r.ii! arri\ :d in thi; I ..ItM! fiii;ii tli;ii iii.t '.o ciuirti v, in Ap.u t 1'-' riiiiMini il 111 Aau'rica i'i_!it w a.'iij ni;- :'.T f. 'ii'loii, will re the_\ ;.rri\-i| mi tlic l .*:h NoM’ii.t.’r l' .low lii". 'i lie} ri - n inwd m lin-.t I’.utain uiilil .l.Wiuaiy, i'^M. Ii.uii:!: t;-.'. . d iipvanls of ‘jr;.!! nniori ill the kiiv" 'I", Miiil iri'' ivi d tlj'- t >U 1 I .1, 1 .-upcrstded hy tho present constitution which Ml. hit Mil)! j was established in the year 1769. Cen- I'ims iiiiii’i M y Turn, oral Wasih>(;to.v, whoso love of country, I and \?liose wisdom no one can question, ia[ipri)ved and signed thechartsrof the first I5aiik kf tho I’nited States eslabliehed iit !7.".T:.V>.; U,d..t„' ,ro.'r.vor.icin. 1^1-l.and sent a message of cougratubtiof, hi. ;r 01, tl.e ^.ul.r. oi i-.'.Mii- Cr.-.K, ;.d. ;to ( ongrcss ‘‘on tho blllDg up ot tb« ii'ii.iii;: t:u uf W u. aiii , .Mit had i'oiK, sluck.'* ''.ijir.. Ml r.ti r-*. on i-.u No. iiyu , \\q cn a mcml)or of the conveiitioQ ' •* "' • " ‘ I'TH il> o\y'cd ^ ti,e constitution, and roust bo -',i’lVi.i“"rV\:pre'sumed to have known something about Imic .'.Hiiic I. 111 mru'i oi.-ii.d, f.uiKil) own. the woikot his own hands; and when he i i 1>> >ai:.,Il V. I ll lije wa’.* r^ of 1.Milt upprovi d and signed this act, was President r : .iiiii -ul.. ut 170 amii:,d known uiid ,[,p L',iitcd States, having been elected . >n the .V run tr»-.lour, his fellow citizeijs. It has been ascertained I. .1, n-i! -- till ^>..d iin.an aciH .^r »t tiif that “of the thirty-eight luorabers of the \t Court id i :-«. und lurtct ^s..^^UlI..s to Lt- convention who adopted and signed th« i.i Id lor -aid «.-'ii..) 1.1 i.' f i ouri Miniiic in ( liur- ■ ,.onsiitution, exclusive of the President of 1«'!! •, on l! r Ia»i Mt.j.day in Au:•u^! ru xl, aiiu lhei4 ? , v i .w • . i ii' u « ..d t;,.,-. ,.i..dor .r.i.vy, J,id..i„.ni i.y d.lu.ilt »■>“ . “•c immortal Washington, six- wi:l V Iiiidri^d li«ii. vv.iiRks, Itruly tticn \\ero members of tho Ccncrcss * hiiico tliat time tlR'V tiave w.au.'.. .... \ i .. •> I , ^ w.-.... i I. rk .,i ...d c..'ui>, ut uUc.. lU iili Moi,. , \ ivany illu.-ss, c.vcepting oc-j "'“*•> oecMpti.n is nev. r lorgoftcn, whdb Ns ot a'-viil .5,"J» m„iviJ..a.-.l.ou ,nii, ^ U. 1-a I. __ . r, htcou.-h. 'i'hey have lK;en af‘ •'-ne w e- .t t..> ii»^«"cnTos mh{th.(’aholl\a, jc. 1 uiili enrh other, lyjcnnse t)4.ssc«VinL'. as bo- nnd tonius m the Kinf^.loiii. _ 1I ho oim v. r. ,, ___ ttmiy fl'ur against anrf , i.t' thesa has sinre expressly avowed th« i constitutionality of such an institution. Th» ' real voto then was as thirteen to three. on the ci-.n'rary, lh>'y were always remaik t '•.,i.i;l 01!, U' ' i'l-p'.nitry. I'^r the ^■r■•l,'!t I'f tiiiir liiii.Uy. A \i--ilor i nce K iii'd thrin wl 'it w;is thcif oci-;.;'aticn in t!|.‘ir iWi f'.'i'.try ; when th' y fic Ik-i-iv iiiiS'vr ir.l t;..'t wre iiirrcliants hu^ • ia.r ti- Ii in tin; duck uii'J f.v;g l.j!'’. r'ifI' ft ? nn r.r. tiie ] ^.t of V pril. 1 “ '• (I. ■ ;t' titti.'in d • Alid "I’ii'- wi b; .liii liio "ran -l.iti .'■■a. li' iii, wlnri: V. »•: C l.!' I \n. tiiiiK 'l il t'lC! t.I f;-. 'i'i i . . w ;y i. ti . r ( Vj,;' ' ."to'!' ui. ihf.i 'i ;,f . 1. 1/ i_.I'l I, Ol’ li.i It i I v liiiTi, nnd v i'.o had i t. . (• (■ • ( !'t of th' ir parriii. niul ' 1 Ti.rii' -il to tiu'ir 1 ii;" ( ".in- I- cioth' riind fhilili";i '.mmo ■ I nit.I t! '■ \ a-: ^ a'llli'-lfl'' } i’,;' i.cr .'-i;n;,ort, ;;iid nil ’■'•.ni a- ■ ; 1 - ; of Kiov ill V. iio'-" . •. V. I I ■ ji'.i' il. 'I li" s nu’l.‘: 11»:V- . . ;,,;v r^!'.ir:i to t!i'':r ’i:i- ’ ■ V. t AC' i.li:lg to Ir It ill' ir 11 I'T.I' , ici’i tiic\ ti"p.- t'l p'l'- til'' p ir:.ii;idcr i.'.i.- .u Kiirop" or Aiii iica. ... I..-. ill .J.'' il’ fio-jilli!.! tilO ;. .; Il i.'t twu III' III tirf! lii.'-- .. Ill i.vi'iv ri -^|.: ;-t, a.id pn:,.>‘.-.•s a 1. (. id' II.'.-fiil.ir j i,’.'.(T for pcrri'MiH 1 !i im: I nov.i; tlietn to P’lriv S il"''.' .H• oi all liijiui! 1 I I, w lioi-i.' . 'I ; :i:. ! !•! tow ol!l- i,oi.; atr, Liiir.'HitV.'iiv.-' \v‘ighl ■M;' til!-ll , W 111':’|I " H "!* w.tli I.. iii"i‘ i: - ivi-d t'.K.t a 'iii.plo f'-’i aik n .iy Ik- i.-.idt I), o:;: III t!ir otl.'T, bul 1 iiavo i.m r kiU'Wii Hifrt - n till ii; I. r'liK r i..:o cun' isati'.n v it!i e.n li ru 'v in ullii r. 'I he Htt''i,';i t h.u l : n liciiiiriilly riiri'^; II’iln in in •■ep-ir i!n .• .m i-n- tiriii-, wi'li i'iii'j:'i:t miir. ihn!s Imt wi’.h ui -111 C'", a- t''."'. arr» invari'ilily incli:.' il ti> litre t lii.'ir atlciilion to tlio s^iae tl.oi" lit II;!' S.'iei" tl!ll". Ill l'..-. ir ;no\.meats rir>nt'' t j'li i tii- i.iuirti'tv I.S iiI viTM'd, t!.'- I>ll'‘ ;!l"i(V (■'•n- I iiri Ih_’ a itli till' oii.t-r '•> cx.'.nly, tii' ^ :i;i|'.'-:ii r.:t :i:'il h\ oi;>' n i!iin''ii niitu!, am! it i' IV \t In iiii; •i.-' iiile, h\ th' >tri« ti -'. i in- I Iiiiv, I l lii'C ''’r w I'ii wliirh tl *' Hp;'i' •' or- I'iintiti--, V !|. ii' \'' r thf'N arl'o of th' iri''n ,j,In tli> ir II'r''f .-ir^ (-nil I'lVii ' iiis i of hi'i', or 111 ilif'ir aii.nseiiH'iiU, ih'y li ivi' iifvr.T !i'"'I iuifwii ti pii'---an a:i!i:y \m r;l w !'h rac^i nti-.i r : :ir;d •.vhcnvv. r cither wi- II ^ t(i iiiir-i'o nnv p.irt. iilar cotn hit nn- I iiiciiiati iv iMIow.s t!ie hent ot ius i;i !ina- llon^, uitiioui ih" Il ai-t iiitiinalii n hy word . r in'd n i ■ i! *‘ oihT, who ni.vorllr'li-''-, it'U'iiK i i iM iii's, and without the 'Mi:! ti-^t ' hrsitali' II liiovi's when'ver the v. lil i.l the ti.rin'T m y iiii'.'' t. tln'on** alv a\> . ^I'lit- !•> li " in 'Vi iiioiit-; of til III. wonl- 01 tw.-i II thfiii, it IS i iin 'is lo iii'a^'iti'; how ‘Hi-'h n''-;i’iil i*- 'i l;; ;r a[ipi'lit(-. aro rcniarl.alilv , l„,t »!,. r a li w pi.iiii- 1- e.M- f.n’itiai !v/. f .\ini'^l ty I 'I-., r, 11 'l .'y L • ol.v iMii li„.; the n.ofi i'';i.w.. ft'i:..,''' i'i lind p. 'I It t’l the ' X- ,1, ,11 !., Hi.vr I I.I r H“!i r • t- ' h:t;.’-.-; ■ir~ of tiie lir.t latik. hoili i:i I .urnj.i' an- ■r,i tin iii ih.i > la gi' nl uiiii hi r.. imI tin in r ,-,.i| . aii\, Il'li' i'‘i'V .tiipcar'-;; l;li ,1 l'i:;l,' li.v l."t I.' r n't I’f .1 Milt, ate I't iidiilcl' i '• 01 I',, I ll . 1 "ill-ll''..' .11 . \ II. liif ■'ii.i'ii'.i I ■.''..tr •'.l•.or■ ,.( II,. V 1.1 •: ‘■"“f IJ,.; ,1, , , I , I. (ill,’ lor till-- . I.'I I . ,i;l II' . -|‘ in .. l-.y f. .\':-,'i't fi x', -.ii.l li, ;■ ' .. i,r dii'W r, .111:1-1 ui-L- jik'l- ; . , r 1, . X. I.! U tK. : I ‘t- I ’.I ,1 t sAlt. I Vilt, tl I'll.tr, 1 Mi tii. 111 ’ i\ 1*1 ■'' I •: i; ii\’rrs . I I-. ty .)1 -lire was a'i'/ptc.!, are the best judges ol w hai wa"= designed or intended by that mca- ,uie. l*ic|)oili rous and arrogant indeed would It la' 111 ot' ‘I'O present day, to .o|i|-0!-u t!iat we ki:ow more of tiie truo , ti..' .^7 \'l J: Hi' I lA’i-'/.iA I, ■■I,. I.I r\;:i I. ..-,1.' I 1 .V;v T>: i I 77,’ i>r ^ ' •'*7 .'/ ' • -1, S,ii '111. 1 >1. .1 iiiitl’. :i Noi'■ tt I'r ill I'r.tai '.l M! ■ 'n of ll I iv 1.,. I' ;,in i'-i, li.. I,, Ilk,111,y !i"i.i’, '-ai ; ‘ .it rv' i;i'.i' •, -'Hid '■ , I ■ j!' i''.ii'. :i ;ily hi; ii!ia;;iii'i' . II tir.'iii phn mg 'll, uti'l "i.’iit; : : h i\tii;^ j urn timv rnntfj af'cnvtoini d lo, ''tnd I ar. 'I'iii > an: j ',,.,1 sMtii.ih'' i;i'neral living of t'lis rr.uM- or r’l.i u itiijif, , 'i’hi'ir n-nal hr?v)rii;r! is tci. c fre. ,1 I :n, --lO •I , ..u.iJs vwMitii a j.i ar. '1 .i'} an: 1 j,|, "hr;, ;i s.'.mi IIS wi ll a-I (,r vvat'^r; w ine or spirits tln'y sfhioin I'. Thi-ir acii.liy can |„r'li-nit'"' for pHrlicular too'l hv liioo v,h> ha VC j jjff; thf Mine prt i ixely ; whatever p!*'HS'“s liattk‘ilor* :nd shiittli;- -i also th'i othi r ; and any lliiiig C'.rl;, a ol'wlin:!! tuey are p.titn'iilai'- niiplonsrii:! to oiio, has th'' s:iine I'tli ct tipou !'orVl, as coiohiiiiiig '■\oiri-o with lerre- ij,p „|'l,i., ori.lher. ’riu-* K-mark ap- • f '.n. '"I hi y tiri' '> '} I'*'"* of hunling. are „„t ,„||y in jliod, but al.so to p''isons I .,1,, (\.,(it with the fowliiii; pi''C', thir, > w'llli whnli they come in coii- I rr v.i-'i lilt la tlaar shooting appaialiis. ' mvarillv t'"'-! hiiiifrer and thirst ■; iii'ir h .ir wlin li IS al)"Ut Umr I' Ct in | ;,t ilio ,rnn'! Hhk',''ind i!n'ipi nilily o| foo'l 1 ng'h, I- i.iaul'.-il in the ( i ni's • st\l»'. In | f:t|;f n !iv tin in is nt'arlv ttlike a^ possible, lining tl,; -, ill w:i>hint', di'-s.'in;; r in an;, I |-> |l, i) ..! ti,i. ilr sire to-leeji slmnllaneoiH- I 'i.l roc(;i:i::ili 'n, they r. ijtiiie noa-'i lanci',! ]y^ ;i,„] il„,v ;il'.,iis ^ a'vak'; at the same iiio- 1 .I' h ^ictiii^ for liinisi'll ith as p!iluct ease , [ li.ivu o'^mt \i.t known ono !o he us w.itii'l an individnnl. ; -,lcepin:: and th'' lh r awaki; at the •aiiie '1 h' lr inti-ilectiial powers are very aenti'.' nvI.cm a- leep, so gre;it is the nervo'is syni;a!hy which ixi^ls Ifiween ' 'I'hey t.r riitil'- -O I ''V ii at'.K lii il In a 'lu S.ilir. 'irv II. .t 1*1' , I'riiiMiyil til X.l v ill.'I t'l I raii'.'c ai:ii 'o'.ui las cv^''.; ts ti A K : . \ ' ls in t.l' .'I ■■ i! J i.i.li^s 1'" fc’i'l ii. \i I ■ 'n t of I'l' .m 'I'lil !.i 1.1 lor 'iiid ro.ii.ly ll 111 liiltr, Oh *.lli‘ l:i -t 'I il.diiV ll Hinl tliei' I'i'.id or ;iilh'.' ill 1,; Idkn cid ( i.iirt, lit f: ,th'T, atni as ii. i-H L I’ri..' ndv. «■> _ f;-' .s7’ 177-; iU' yniri iI-(' \KIII.L\A, .>1 I.( li I v\ 111 l!i: ■' i! NTV. Coiirl of 1‘1'U.i and (‘••'nltr .Nt;Moiii', Mrj Teim, l-.ll. .lames T. ,\*biiry and olliers ^ I ^ iL . .If nil 1 • .!■ -‘.r I'l. .Iiy a|);i^".r .1 ti v >,1',I'| r Si : •!""' 1' I .'art-l!') 1'.' Ill * I'-ir- \ m; 11. 1.'' \t, uii'i I .i''ii 'i.'ii^iiuI I I’f'* i on; >11 Wuii'--, t: i") '.t.•^' IIIK u: , tin nil M.a !nv in .M ly, A It. O.A'l !.S,c. c. c. meaning aii'l irnpoit of the C«nstitution than the s:i;'cs who framed it, and were employ ed III the lir^t administration > fit. Kvery^ princii»!c of propriety, and every feeling of rcvereiice for the deeds of our ancestors, would foibid the idea that we arc wiser than they were, or that wo are riiore ubio I,) lieW rminc what should be the policy of ' the (Jovernment. Jf, then, tho framers of • the t.'iinstituiion, with U'asliin^ton at tiieir Ili ad, knew any thingabor.t theirawn work, r >i;rt, and that they did, no oiio fiir. pretend to "" duiiht, it iniK't le admitti d ihiit the bauk ij r I.» tliiit nt'ecscary and prover; that without il ' '’""'J' the iii'inied ce-.iucrns or fiscal trnnsactiona i, of the go-.einmenl and of the people, car.- i ii'"ir", :t t!'■ I'oiiii not be well inHnajeJ. Having in 171)1 I .'M.itii.'.iy 111 An;:>ii.-.t ,.„)r.rgej fri-iii the long and srduo'js conflict of the revolution; without com mi;rce and without credit; dcMitule of reie- nue niciiuale to the suppoit of govcrtuncnt, the I niti'd Slates, bv the fcitablishmeiit of the first liutik. Hihaiicod more rapidly thau any other people ever had done, in ail that was requisito to make them prosperous aiirt hajip>—Commerce \v:s invigorated and ex tended itsoif to the most distant part oi .'Olirt of ri'Or urul l> .’,rln Smsw.iS, Muy Term, , ut homO I”-- Kl I N ,:l l.'. ( ■ I '. I V. I I i,uil I f /-'.I", Torn, Il,.yirix 1 l\'lili..ii for I'ivorr'-, N {It i' !" >tin:' !i. t!i“ '■•J I:- fci i|j:ii '111' di ;' i il.ii.t ill I l.iil'it-i.t ..I till! '-I I'-" IH I,., d- ■: r ..|\ .ll nri'ii!, t'lr lli( ■■••od di li n.l' '• ;.rt n f «vv, I !., lii ll.r 111. t'oun'.y «; .M'-r! I!, i-m' 111 I 'hni;.''t. "o tin' I i:. llirn Hl.d ll.‘ rr ],!':ii' .11 IiIinW.T t'l It '' fl.lll- l.:l's Iition, .'lliTivi-. til' s.iii.i: ".ll 1' lieird • i.:ii|.-,!in.| dr. ri r in n!'' .n i ordili>.;!y. W HIK |.' '1 C'..r:. of .-.in: C 'l.it, a! i'lV.r“. in I |„.r:’,,rr.'t!..'Tt'i Ml.. vIkv 11.1. r th'- :-.U 01 .MarJi, A.I>. 1^: !■ IV 'niitMV'ftN. '• •' B-i I- Juv, :■!},. rii'-r- Iidv.‘V.: rJ'nl S JATi: or \Oll l Mi l (vl.lMlt l:‘: t Ol NTV. I'H) 'lary Hi uty rs. 1,’otirit S’oiiii and i’litlt lif we' Willi-iin Il'Htv, .t.'lin iSi'iity, S:ir.cy .\riii*l/m", W ni. .McKiiili y nnd s’Krali liis wifo, \nn Heatv, Imnci.i i\l l!t.il>, A. lA .1.1 in inr 111''11 ui ' 1'*.Ik-' |{(di( rt \ llratv r. 'I nom i.i llnrn-and > "« I"-"!'-r»v ■! j ^( U„i«n i.nd lili niir.r his w i:'. |>inM„m. AI-o.-mi i'Im A. un *"“-1 |..f .I-lm |:, .iltv, ,1.. V. int» r ni .«CM l.iiiJ, roniM iiy . and abroad, and hc money or ciroulutin* t nieiliuni of tho e onntry was in a sound, unt- itorinand heal'^by state. In this condition i wo remained till the year l''ll, when par- ! ty spirit p’jt forth an etlort, nnd among it3 1 disarter ..ua aciiieveinents prevented a re. i new a', ,,1' the charter td the Hank. I'rom i Ih',. time to tho Near l^'Kh lt”'P «1'° ‘’"'y ' f.erio.l the I nited States can be said to havo ;.Ml II, tin 1 respect it ha.-f not been ol)‘'ive., (,i.- |,o^-i.-.;-''S the .-li-ht-st il-;.;rLo o • It n'l'. 'll'-oil'.rv'd iJi^il Kf' i il dr. .Mt3(hint nt. .Iftiii I', ninn'1. I I.T ui d im u IraC flTiind, lli. "n.pi rty of (It-f- n. duni, Koiij I'll tih- WMlcrsof I'.! 'lil. 'in ^. ad. ,,.,nm(i till- I'ind.Hof W illinn !’ ;io, M'lliai I I’oll.. ,sitinii.-l !• ' t and ollirr.. Al'-f. "ii li't-* N»- H"' iind llill in till't"" II of ( larloll'. Inriiii I'y ow ned t.v Or. ► :iid I’l I’l ninaii’-; int* Ill liy S.ii:!}' Wtilt.tiTt lltr \s * ct !'- !MlU' ( ri. U, r .i.l iiimt’ uh. 'it I'lti n r',11111 know 11 ai.d iliHin.''iii-'.^ 1! II' 111' l'i>i'"-i' , . I ,, , , I i », lllll.i;r.l»l,\ ( ourt, llul piiUi' Ilion ll' Iiiaii' l,aV.itunts id tins >UU : (.iiir - , ' r ‘ p,„,,,„iitfa in Coni’rcsa 4 t vur. io.inilii'Mni. -.'.\ T.iii.i,v.'J.„ir. , ii-iI.licHtn.n I..; M.-.d.'M.x w. .•.>!. »i tl-., M.ncrs’\ I statements of a committeo in ». on ri3» iliiil mil. s tli. ii'l l'.iniv;ii n,.|'..,r ut tl,r ' larn.i r.M.unn.I. that nnW U,oy „,.p,„r at Un'' in 1 r:30, the government Kst between n' I unit ol' I'I.'U'. and r !-j-M-Mi'i I.i l.r nrxt oiirt ol I'i. aM an.M.Miari' r Sirhiins lo b' i . sL-VCHty llllllion'j ol dollars during |„ M for -aid riiiinrv. 11! li"' ' ..niMI'Hix: in I li.ir- j li. M for said cimnty at »tlmi-to in ‘ ‘‘“f- | .'[nip w;,r for’tho want of a Bunk. Th« 1„„,, „n ll„ I r t M''ndiiy in Aulm..; nrM, and ll.m , lottr, on llie laM Mond' y in. Antrust no.M, and llicn ‘n- the sami and III. II-I'll ad or rr|.l'vy. j:i.i''in'I't l.ydi tauU will In' rrndtKil a^iiin^t line. \Viliii-i», llialy *r iijti'fiiriiiu t'* 111' it.'ii ol' tl'iC Court, j J n Bank, incalculablu tiiiscbief»i a tl,at\\ m. Ml Uii'li-y ‘■'■'''■ .i-s ; Mitlieieut to alarm tl;e uiieds of tho iv.i on ll.'’ I, 1 li:lr' Cliii-''I'vntiv nil t':'; !' • 'I in'if j J -.r'- ,in,'ii'Jiin; .d UL if jpi.ll la ai.J'.'liuii. l,i« r. t.irii l.iim'. H fur. 1.11.1,1... - I'''” 1"^° confi’^sr „,i tlinn. \Vitin;i>s, liral'-y l'»!i'l ■'"'•I'k of •* iid"( iiiirt, at . ilicr, thu -1th i^luii- 11 l.-li s, l rk o*' said, Conrl at '(Tice, t!ir Uh .Mun- ’ !ay in .Muy, A. I>. IfHI. II, tV\-r!:-5,c c.e. ! 'IVkf IM>\Ti:S,r. V."."; »Jt. ,llr, on int m-i •i..i'u-y 11’. Aiitrutt ni'.\t, nnn nu ll 1 tl,« c-.riin tiinO lid thirt jdiad or iiii->fr, iudtinuiil will lii.'Ih-: peof le also sut.cred d I >, ^ _ V J ^ n ! ' - . fin lin» day ni May, A. 1'. 11:31 r.'ii.'; I’.! . 'i"i III their commeri'ial tran^ac^ions to an iin. nieiise amount. There was no uniform val- ll" in the ciieulnting medium; the money yf one Stutg would r.gt aas'.vcr tho purposf

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