MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOVRNAli. l! it 14 . . S\TI 11% i HOMAN J. IIOI,T)N.... IIAIlI.OTTi; HIM Kl.lCNHriKi COf JITY, NOKTII-tAUOUNA. ‘ * “-i: Y r*^ ^ ’*** **•‘■'■11 ANj^iMNli OUT^KKOM -niK C.IVKH.N’ 0» TMK Mol NTAlKiH, MKTAl-O W IIICH Wil l f.IVK KT KrvC III^O OInTilAMlli ANH HIUJWT AI.I, NATt'llIC TO OI K Ulir ASD ri.KAirRE^IHI. JORntON. >OI« IV. NATl IU)AV, Jl I.V 111, NO. 108 'r '^1 fc': (iV »tWlEST.J eftiic Ignorance und l>rutnliiy of tlio Dotii- iiacan iii.'oks" They wi*re entirely i/j- nor»ii«.” «s ju»ily n'niarku, of all ISr.XT/: OF yOKTII (\\llOLI.\A, 1 Surffiral Oj„ralioM.—\ very largoTu- >1K( Ki i:nh» I(i: rr.r.M V. j mor was removed, a fnw cluys tiincc, from Court of I Uat and (imiitfr Xrigiont, May Ti'rm, jhc Hide of a youn^ ladv, hy Dr. S(uil«V, of , . V L *'■**■ I Ulis cily. Some idea IliaV b« formed of IfB on«; on . or elf » , diin»-i)sioos from llic fact, that ofti r the op- ()fi;;ii«I Alltihnimt. Spirit of lh« Pre«8« {at RIAVUT.J PROM TMK WnrERII TIMKH. In the electioiieeriog cainpaign« whirb I cration, «liirb diiiiifiislied ono tliird of ito | rosulted in the •lectiua sf Cieo. JackBon tu jdm)rs, and the clanking of chuiiii. TL« THK INUrjSITION. ■“'* ‘‘'‘''y • I . . I I i«„i, .f. Mil i torclicn fcveaU the vulien aiul taciturn The Inquisi o la ^ iolikrers and the fuaniur.s whoso counteiian- cps, n;t.uMiny little of " the huiniin fuci> di. vine,” frown an eternal scowl of \engence | s«uniicr» I’r^ievA on "•'oJ'«yetiie miner) of coining near! -7^,si/.«, it measured twelve inches andahalfjihe I’remdency, bis 8Up|rort#f8 kept -ir) « minim oiird «»(;arii'it.hi«. j in circumfcronce, and weighed only hull an continued cry of corruption and profli iie hud »yH'P- extravagance in the adaiiniBtralien of i.ir lady liu* cn> , Adams. To make all theae ekarges tru9 r the «p> I (hey lustituted the '* MarchiDg operation/* occurn d luiandan almoet uuivorHal proecriptieu from loiic, oti tlio Uht >loml«y in Atinu^i n«\i,aii(l thin which an operutidn of such mapiiitudo ha» (iflico of all the adbereota of the formor nd* and ihrrt- plm.l or iin.wrr, ju.lcn.tnt pro roniif.iMi attendcti uifh 50 f*w bad etfects. mintstration. What WOT the result? What :i,nal proceed..^, and ».»nd luw. Thoy ^ ^ Oiilv thd Tribunal ot Fenance, where I... i: II.• ... . ^,pecfs. contmrv lo tUe t«eli,.j;. ol humun- ■ ,,y, and tbe plainest dictatc^ol cqui.j ^nd tortured \ictiui;i, justicc. ’ 'cannot rciich the air ; or if iHirvbancc thuic .‘The Inquisitor cThibits the spet imon ‘ rticrcjture made in Ullage, desti. I ,„e ot thu least lec-liuj: of humariil>, and a | nm»on»uale knave. Hr stinles onthe rno*i ^ Tlir thrmwivMi, knJ fctiJ, horrible torincnis of a fellow b«'iiig; the. 'rh't(>inuoriii(>>inriiId.«4 ' Brians of b!ee»iins. I.iceraled, aod d\ inj fcl- , IWin.mi.. .1 ili* ir t.nii. nit Uw-re:’’ low mortals, are the music cf his dark cave ; , I’.ijt if my reader can loliow mi*. let m» b«’ 13 wbicli fax b*;Io* the >urUcc ef the eorlli, niurr- minii't in i)»-t.iil. I 'hall deftiil to the in close liungevms, where tho ear of man public tlm toru.enta uf cn.r\ day * oicur- finnot heir bim, he practices his horzid vo- ^ rtnce. (ition, after the tnatiOer of liii master in 1. 77ir Tvrture h>i Walrr.—The vit- (> dark rejji'fls below' will !.« I -.«I). Ui.iU \ 11..us •■iii I 'oiiil, lit tiiiki, till lilt .'Viii'.iituv 111 Mj', , i» i-.it It. i»A n:s,. .c:o. j t'rict .'h, iJ r."iii I ,S'I J I F. (>/’ M IU)I.I.\ .1, Ml I Kl ».Mil Hi; *01 M V. of I'ltat a iil Itnnffrr Srt4taK-‘, .Vi.y Ttttn. 1 .'J \. ruik \ (V I Oii;;uial AtUrl.iiid.t, .1 hrt fVn”nr'. ^ l .«tirJ VII . Iiart i>r IaikI, Om- j.frp^rlv of ilrd M _ ilafil, lycijr on the p «**t»oI' 1-' .\|ilr ml. litu i, laid oil a fable, and tied down si iijiht- 1 j«»iMi*t: tii. l»i»H« of ilimn Mu li»« I I’oll.. rut through the llcsh j •‘•‘iAi«....n U. No. l;-fi [ .N ational (iazttle. i iho flagrant abuses ? Two or three default* -— j frs were found anieDg •owe four or fire bun* rv\r\‘Trr, T... Ji*m; 13.—; drcd turned out of oflice. UiKm them Iho ous A circuiiiHtiince cnnic to honest iiidignatiuo of Preeidenl Jackson and Dur knowledge a lew dn\« siikm of fiix»nta- Amos Kendall fell with unmitigated fury. neuU5 coifilmklion, whicli ihsteml of ihroiv. W e ai*k wkut sentence shall be proDounccJ in; nrw li^ht ii(.oii ihf ul.jeri, iiivolvMi it in or whnt puuishmoot inflicted upon thoM Hiill i!trjK r ni\s:rr). Alwut two years who have e»!utudered millions of the pco* viin i| • l.ttf' Mr. C. May milker pre».^n. ^ jle’s moocy ? fi-d to .Mr. Adam Heigirt of fins city, a moM-mr new voasroMvncuL ADmnatK. “iiiiill piece of wixkI, ivulenll) cedar, which | 'Jhr FoM l>ffi.ce Ihinrtment.— We must htt hnd d tuclM d from a lnrc;e piece, found ' ngein invite the s«ilcma attentioa of the peo" in r\ a\utiD" the diop rut i4 thu rail road, pie to tbe dnlwte on the ntlairs of the Gen* eral Toet Office. Mr. Clayton mfcets tho In ?pa.a where this tribunal tnumphed .ly by con!.^ th.t th. ;, ru, u.ro,^„ c..unt>, aU.ut :5!) feet «the rei„'n of terror, over reliK.oo, morals. I into tl;« U.n-, ol hm arm-., thith-, and lees, i we.i^hm^ question with equal truth itid boldness, and on »»iil p„, ||,4„ two ounct», wax broken in the frauds, deliiiqucDcios, and corruptioos I'.rr"! Vi '.h". **'"* ••■“J ‘M*®" ^ P“"' **“■’* rotten coiicern, are placed before the K»-i£riir» cooiiiifij! r. • III. A‘«»ut thrte or |hiI>Iic by this distiii^uisLed >SeDator in such r. iir (!u\8 U ruif ll.e rlikCoTir) wn» mad'', strong and bold relief, that they must com* nliit h i urn hIk ui to dk'i nU', Mr. N' hits- mand the sober conbideration of the public. »n'ap»7r.^ ii« ker, a niiii;'-iii»ii who i.-»idi >■ with Mr. K'.i- Ft will be seen from tho ro^iarks of Mr. ^ il surf, on whipping tim duM from the bhtll CrutKiy, that »e fool end manifest are tho \i,ilhumilitT, thero were eighteen diflerrnt The nostrils of the witfch lat i.tuird wiiu i;'..iMtoriul C"i:rt«, w ith tbeir aposlohc lu- a thick pa«l^; a narrow fille":# iii'«'rl*d in And besides the legions of ufii- hm mouth, through whn h qiinntitiei of w.i- »er. Ill ihcw d^ns, there were twenty thou. ^ »er ore |«iured. At e»^ry i cfatli In- l^ y wi>!*niih«rsdi«p« rsedovertheland. Thcxo forci J to swallow a inouthlul ot w.itor, till t r fj'od, as ^pies and informers, in all coui- at ln't his svclh n i.!oiu«ch awl lie iMn;> 1 *ijie!; invadvd tie sanctity of families, vjd hr''t«t »h"» th’ uteiit of the lorture he ru- ail Bii>«|ieclcd persons lo the cell* dure*.—lio slnigflts t'eutfuM), lo ev*|>e I iSc Ii.quisilion. They would come up t 0 UTOili' I. in the ooon d.-»y and at the mid t .M hfcur; the^ earned otV Uie wife and uff*T». ^ a • 1 I I V • I r SI uiT » iioiiwr iii • umi ■ , froju hu but his bUu^'^les ate ot ,„d • no avail, e\>''pt t.'. iiicrca'o t!io pwiigs he ^ t*'rr« pV«.),r r«'j>Jrtjr, i.t by d- f*ult .Natiiie at l* njt»h i •ooii exbauit ; «ill U n iiATf tv > J A TF. (tF N >/»’ / // I m>LI.^ .1, WLi KM.Mil m, « Ol MV. ( iu I -f /'.Vdj \tai TVm I ‘m II. llu'cliiMe »‘.d .MiuM* 111* wi!-'\ ri , “ J J.;i I II,rA. »da,f o'* M• J I- ! "j. 4 lijU. ii» u «. VV n. >! >■ «.i), ( I I ic:« Al*** ». d Jit « l.i» » |T», J JiO I! I ~~ J ■ ll-. Ml,f*c'.t.O oi H r *)rr tr.l W oi v\ fi4« ;r/* tfftintl K.rr'. \N i(;M 0«i, fron the of hu-baud and chil-, ril, anu t'.m thr^ diahohcal . ^'rati..n. are j rmi. iv,.t r,ib«. lU tU. .M«n. -rr.; tbc\ woUid out the blooming I' r i ■ ti», and tlie »..r}iTCr i» j'* '* and tlie voung man, the stay oi l i» H‘k’d il he w ill Lonfe*. bus crnu*-. lie run- t.dojred rD‘>ther; aod the bride, from the not >{icak, l.ut with what htll* strc-.j^th he ' ry circlo uf her gay friends!—ITie great- has niinainini:, shiike^ V s h* a.i. '1 iitf tor !*;Mrlu>saDd re*(jectabil ly lu s.ciety, ture nOi;aiucoinineiired. H.v»k alltr * •« 1.0 shield agairixt the invaders. .Mrrv of wa’cr ts aj,airi jMir* d down tin. hulb r«r« •.-r ^lon. or a [lersonal quarrel, or ibo thr-v.;!, to f.r.e h:m to cooi'-'u* a rrtin'tl ot a volijptuoin inquisitor', eve on which hu is ••otiroly iiiiit«ei t. I hii ii ot- 1 »r)d innweiite, w«ru »ure to s« ud f ien coiiti:i'.;i il u;»til t.iv vkIiui exj-ir^i uiuer prison carnage, al the dead hour «> hm irurder* Iniids. I .to t!ie p*»rso«rs hfsjse, to carry thi im an'»’h»T f rm of tort jre by w« » :imi •.!> tr.H tomh ot' the li»in;f. t'lx h ter. Tho victim’s nof»tnl« Ui- • rl-»ej w.th w*=i;e t'tf'.r inspired by th^'ee iwarnate p^tK*, « i;nu inuslin cloth n p: i ovor tii' !>;vi.».lti»'ll.e }ir*'*:t aod the brother would ni>oth,utid •» .!>‘r p- ;ir»d in a i'irr.-nt on i , IviTry, »ith inuiUmg s>leps, lo the door.— until the cloth i« sriu^iHi, carrud dovtn luto And ttti-Hicier tm; ap|nlling wonls w**re hi ..t>j.arh' '* i»dr» 'n ii.» hy hif iii Icnr-j—uute the loquistioit' uninan t> r.i>-r !oi., wi'ii ii.^vpr* »r-.’>l'’psm. —‘ l>c:n' r up your wife—your daughter t/■’n''« h:* c r in u.il d.tt:^ r of‘n’i i —vi-’if‘0’', to liic Holy Inquisifion”—that I he victim often * \pir»'s »o* ncr hy thispio- . .-■■ t »"ild tiw terror slritken relaUvc, n >«* than ly fisr^ otii. r j.r-t n.«':iti' i:* I. s ti. jl iJaf uj; to t 'i one question, or •.*. '!i-rlurr hy / irr.— I h«» vutiui is of)»- ii.uruiur, or even imp'i>re pity, pldC'-d « i the tl'n>r, w .th his fc« t l')>v*ri!i . ■t. tl»e >ictiiii« cut, and deliv«-r them up Vu tila/.ng f.re ; his >o!eit art lix’d r.iar tlie rti! •'I ' O-Is' The bereaved father or hu*> » ali; the ‘,rc is plj'-« 1 al-tn! t!.*- wh .'- »- u:dnext ilay g«i into ntournmg, m>l li-ngth d his ii(ii(>'. He is ctmif.-i! 'o-sn n f f t'le d ar lc»l onr, as no more '— t!.'-\ i»n ! h>'~ s to the P h r. ■ f o'Tnndnr lancuolly were sproad through the t.iinil.afs ii c>/itintially eu.j.l.,) ;-:ti aijii tuo r- ii»aii..- of hojie wur' I * 3 up i« th>' bittariM dejpair. L- ;:.«.r ttarA and their iKirrows had thev ,il. Ie,i tt.ty should be the ueit vn:- ' r.'-'tiv sii'j.i'i'tn. A c -t r r .i undiy st-crel do these fumil .* 1 ■ t iie.* cotnluct t:i»-ir muveDieat', V.ito i;.etr.!r».-f tlie •mtn'' I'auiily wooi-1 ■ • , t.iiog of out anotht r'«apprt h»-u»i'in. I- »tati s, that a fathir a?:d thrrc • . . ibf's !aughl ri, livin;^ all in tl. . ‘ jte, w»“re curri'il pim»fiers to »h i I.- n, wit.40Ut knowir.^ of ur»->tii ! . •>.. T thrff, until stv*a \ejrs after- H ..;i ;h s.-' them wuo were ;jli\e I i . A.;’.o un 1 *• —f’h«r*, ulter m ■.•■r ■ i '‘U' *"'• d' i'f'Oii’, thrir ev'-s I* il ^ u !■, -s '-, iil^.ut to Of C' ii*uni».l III ti.r ..■ 1’It.i»t'* sr.«nd human sacriltcfs ■ .M. jedf»». Vol. I. p. iS'i'J. ‘. ■ .r!.'!« V ictifus viz/*d h) the familiars, • r- iiiirrn-d into th« tluii^'eon cells an»i 1 ».! i chan s. Il ft-iii4l s they are • • ^ . tiic bat*”!!!.' of tnc sacerdotal iimiii- *'’• *1.1 revel ou tlif h‘/iior, tin: jita. c, •“ t.appii,*''.* of tj!iiiii'‘, aiid subj* t r. I j i.i»;jrac«-, wor-.e than death to the r " »t.i: vift .o is. 1.!« pi .».)ii^r* aro not confronted with the ' r- »r lalorriier-*. .No wiitr^+es arf- iinii.af* II c./itiiitiaiiy bi*'i til*' p-fr rUrisMsi'x !••• I *n'. witlt '.4rd au«l oil, wi.! -’ ai:- tli r tgrn.eutt r i "lirrin^ iiji'tf.^ firr in'i, the i:iteii'« ‘■t f.'.)/" ‘ I Li! tiirii.i nt In te)ond ci>'t‘ej.tn/n ' llii ■ at,d htiii.- ar > t i.tn.LnMy r' l-'in"' tiii.f > Imv lire l..iL> tit .^.ji.-.iin thf dry 'Dm* viciim i« poJ ii.lo a ■ nr^^v ! Ol' uwii or c .jij.cr, .ii.d the In. i It b u' nth it. a..d he is lert licn^^aiU tl.' Iiu. i-j tlic L j.miii^ rtf.d sv.ir-»taiii;,; an—until li- ' x'.ire . aL'l I ■ I ■'ij i* rfiured '.u a-ii's. { j . !> ( Wi .s; AJ/: M>iym ( ai:i»i.i.\a, V M K I » '• Hr Ki ' o| N I •. . ( «i. 1 '■ /'....J tr. • II'" ' 'f i I- I *»ui I'rnin.n. u, oft r»t l.ip l’.'r.(iian’» i-.l-:rr .» in i lr.« I ol UnJ, id t.y .''«ii>i'3.«a \N Ol!, (Ml ibr i*ttii,„. .. ... . . , , • ■ « ; - l I >• ri ,ect.i4iiiirj; lU.ut 17C. »r.r.., and kr. 'uii 4mI K^-iiriM's cooiitifij! r. *111. A‘«»ut ihrte or jHihlic by this dislingUi»Ij«J Jseoalof in such I iy..yi-!i -t I* iJ * r> rnan (...ill Minii.j 111 I |'..urdu\s Ufuif'll.e dikCoTirv wns mad'', Ktrong nud bold relief, lhal they must com* kI11.|>'I III V I'fUrl, ll.tl pubi.i Alinii l>'iiiati. »li» III Uir A J' ur np). t.'iat iiiilrta the uid IViiin.n :ir»t i ourt III I .r»* .141 t^uarti r -- — _ . . , . hriti ita •11.1 .Minty .1 tJ.« I Mtr( llnu«r in har with a wi-t cl>th, ti.*.k up the pKce. of wuod, corruptiunsoftlic Department, Ibalcren and aft^r hav II';; dU“t;d the hlH'lf, laid them lendiug friends of the President dare ool at* a» U.'. re. 'I'hrre d.>\•• :ifit r this it w as nc- tempt to justify them. They only rtriT* to • iJfutU f'iM?o\ifid U:.it *»i*e of the pi-ct» |>alliale, to ncgse, to cover up, to conceal, had i.;niii d, m l coiiil.uHti..n wa* progrr^s- But all will nol answer. Allbeugb the ini{ ko riipidiv tiiat tho i>h*lf wuulil hau‘ treasury presses may exclude the report of Ueii in a t»-w iiiii.ut* • wii tire ; ai d, if it had the Cocnmittee, togetlier with the speech' happened at night, tre cu'.seijiK-nce ini^hi es of .Messrs. Kujtitard, Kwing, and Clayton ha.e Ueu m n rrsjs. (>u e\iiiiiiiiutiun sub»tiluting the false glosses of the Depart* a I" r'.KHi of oiH of th( piet'f. was foui»d re- rnenl and its preMvs—yet tlie truth will ul* r!ii-iii to a^h.-s'ol A !.iik (>ray colour, and Innately in.ike its way lo the people, and ir 111 vni'' r fbc euter fibies bein^ kouud,. produce thal just measuro of iiidigoatiuii .ii.d S'* > k lod^'f'l in the inlerKir under them, which nu|ht ever lo follow such dark kQii .t would a| |. ir lli.tt t ..iiibuntioii had com- wicked transactions, monci d, not upwi the out. r part riT the wo>id, r»ox thi *i.»«st rrrM>o w*s»u nor uf>« a the .idc wl.ich lav in c^uitact witb Tur I'onT Ori n r. Rtrr.KT.—V\ e glv. ‘ the s;^r!f, Uit la l!;e interior of the sii k- document eutire to our readers. lui ti.e KJiroundir.i; liWrvi. Umg di«int»„iated contents will asttrtind the people. It is tho ■ ’• l,y tl.. s. ;i..i o« li,« hre wilf.iu, aud read) ®“« .ppalhng exhibition of official cornip- •,o f.ill to i.iecti. *''='■ ‘»18 ... . f nation, for years post, have been deceivcl I he sh if wHsaili a«t six fret frem the , . , . y- /-.i i . , . . . \ij fulrroBrtalrrporft friymonfof the high iV. r. ur;.; Ml utiiatr.j tliHi IIU »i«ark from a *' ‘ / e caiii-e or laii.p c> o,.; ha'f coiuinuuu ated uiU, ii.aii l uj)":i •'i.uiiiii.itioo it I. i». id'Ot tiM' lire •»»* IK 1 coinriiuuicated oxter- ! iiuliv. .Mr. K lynrt ha« laki ii pro|r car. toprcs^rvi I:,.-r> iiu;n» o; ili; wood and the «* iirarlv a |k'*«»«i*jJc lu the hlatc lO j ». Ill It I If V M l> -O'). ti»..i^i«ir—( itlK ular!> t'lose whiicon. Imd fit i-al, tt'.tliT r.iilhfacitt^ or hiiuii.ioi lie, i> 11 li;.".»ui oiigiii, and wbo I lit' iten.* u -^ei;!ti''u oj ;moi:s upuii tha i iiii-» » i'l iti ( arU'iii/aiiaii, n;a) fiul i» tin. sir^ii!ar e.n ums-^r.r’-, iiii elucidation o! fj. I!...! Miiii* ti|' I..fir lhoi,f.4, or t_ruuou tur llit V! r..l J.rt b., 1 !*,i> *'.1. .H" n'l ll.:r >■: tlfUctf, li—t pj: * lo l/>r t.rr:»r. Anil II II r n. il t. nr.', ' il.il 1.1 r • -1. ..I .1 W .• M »r ic.'-, • n I*. ■ u »• il l;; r . I',I I fo • llri.) I *•»'.' >. • •'» «jl *'.1 • 'Hill, «l I *fj c Ih V .tiu., .Mi-, \ l> l-.il I I* t\l K' r - nn \r^ Juar r • I :n I! r 1 *1 Mvntiii -1 r pirsd r.r , ..I. r. air.r : « '• ) *ri’l K t.illrn «* •• th..’. I'l' ; 11 I 11 C 1 • i ATI. or t in \ I I . Kl > MU MO I >1 \ I V . ^ I -,J Iaiv. >^1111- irrm, l“.il } »'•* ^ IVlil.-m r f II. of l! r,^|.i If «i if., .I. '.1.1.1 ( I ti. .s, t !- .f I'l rin.in .n » If. s lie .Ml.ciiii.rnt. 1-1 iS« •nl»’((t|, f I,.).. :il III ti. • 1 .. -• Ik I.' -'.'r, l\»fl¥tr II 14 ..u. r. Il *'1. t' l • » »n..» in It.v J a. U ' !f. -4 id. !■•... • ur n»-il r- ;p«‘fi.>f I '•..'i "I • •"*. I" '■* .1, .,r l:» (' ,i.l> .M' I '• • !• •. .. il '’■I' • I.oi.*' ml ».«i.'4li: f.n ll.i U«l Mji dJT in .Vii-a-l 1 I l!. I'.- r »l.d ll"'f“ ,'i' ij Ol «»•'• I t lo ?.'• :-i il' l.H • I . I . .11, rl - I. •Ill r "111 k* l.»i. - I irirf dri ri. r.Klc if' iTi, \\ iln s K 1, j.-uf.. I .. '► ». ■' I I''. ' :■■■ •. !■ I i.arl/dO-, O'* ''*> .:i'f llt« till .'iwiiil*^ ..1 '.Uf i., A I* I IV 1 llo'ir '.s. ' ( l- •■■h. 1 • I |-'|. . l.‘"» si Kll.nl \tUUHi 't»:f Kt.i Mil IJO I Ol M ». ( »urt 'if I'lmn au . W.»y T’ltr, in p'op rtr r .lAiil, l)in( on III' W4trr«of I ! 'Ini' • i* ». 1 fjiii. igi! ' Uu"^»«i' \\j . *11' J; .,>*■, .'Ill '•,.1.1. ■ !!.«..a kn.l clhtrg, fit lot. No I *n.l 1 iM I. . Ujv.r.f.l ' irloll. . -tu rt'y o-* n D» l»f 'I ,i, li»in.«tij IM.* '.I«- pii-i'fty • >l(i I’- I..Oil.. ,\i .'J. -'I l'rljl;rtll • till' f' »l 111 * tf • (1 I'V "* ill'JrV-ll \\ f»ll. O'l III I .1 -.1.1 iiiimr •*>•■'.1 !"•*' Slid «i d M*ry I!. I^.U. O df ;■ n ». vj 1 f ' r:->'»rt Sl-.^n »n.l Ki.lli h • wi;r, W ii.iiin 11. »ty,-•'.tin H«»lj, A'n »ii»ii', VV u' 'Uhiul.-y mid ■''sr»Ii l..« wific, wii fniU ; Al n il»»ljr. I r»nci» .M *t>, I'iJiid, Torni. rl) OAit . H'.lisil \ tt'iJy, «|rrt -f I‘.’ Milt liriiry l lii.lf.n «n1 li:t w if*-. Jl.ir.il I «» '•) .I'-hii l>!il')T. il. •• •. /iii»(K.l lo li. !'• aii'iii* 't'l'! Miiiiii, lr«t m i ^ .irin,{ i.» iik' f- 1) !ij I ocrl, th*l piibli'slioa t.« load'! | ^.ai Wui, McKinlry and ^itr«il h ;; V. ti ll* in lii? .Mui- r»' I trmrra' J )-ir j],, J ihii M*il -ii; [»'f t of a new on*'.—J ’l i n.i/. IJS'I* Ol' |,|”i'ri.UN i*ii..inii.i; III l„. 1 ...I • ' • ( II. I I.JI; »!•, •>II Uif 1 .1 of J al) \ . .v.i |.!' X.-Tni 'l' . Mr* M«rj*iil Aiivii, \;n. . I r..i. ), I'* . \ ■ t.. Ctv. I; J.M. . It. .!., \V|U. K Ik ;. :i, I'aiid Hr/, al’., II 1 ■. . 4. k. I _ \v , I 11..^. I t- -.- r, .1 II!! C#p|«i. Jo* l (,nnr«». I., \V ' HI«i.i, I *fi.iil . t i.j I !;«iii!k I*, t I .h: ». 1 . I 11, Am'.m « I iii i.ii.. II \i 'irr jt II I iji n, s 1.. 1. .:.n. Ml.. .Mil . IK...... J- • - I |liiikili«. -i. i..o-i-t . I-. 1 - ll.nrv i; 1 •.(. .. Ml- -I.. \V Kill. it.Cht I ^4llMI, Mai.hu tti lUirartmtnts cf tht iionmmfnl We have beitber room nor locliuotion to d.iy to commetil U()on this sickcmng detel- opmeiit of corruption and depravity. h»Q Jackjwn wajelotlud President, the (I’etteral Pokt (HVk'O was seir.ed upon as tho engine>to make Van Huren bis " trciTi St VIK !t 11 i>son.” Mr. was re* quireil to make roum for .Major lUi; KV, t'ho imm»‘diate!v commenoes] “Tlir. W UKk tH' ItKKDUM." And these are the truilM! 'I his report shows both tho meatik used to elect .Mr. Vau lluren, etid i(9 ron^eijucDt Ok • 'I iKre ts nil lucideiit following this expo* sun; wliicU justifies the appreiiension thal other departnM-nts rf the (Jovernment are e* quallv rotten and corrupt. Wo allude to the course r.f the otVicial pres*. 'I'be Wash* in^ton (ilobe and .Albany Argus apitrcn of ntvl jiifltf'j thrte corrujttiont ! If there wai n s|>ark o. iiitegrit) in theso I t.iiri • icin'. U» J'^urnals—if all cuoiiected with the admmis* !.«»I. tn), .V I trntiBO of tbc (fovertiioenl were not aliko profligate niid d«-prav»‘d, they would instant ly duiimnd the purification of thal .Augean !.ul Io. P.ut the course of the Collar I’rcHS klious that fiie People bate nothing to ex- jioct from the Adiiurtiktration, where all aro toil deeply iiiiplica'.ed for one to CK(h>** fhi» other, 'i'hcm is but one mi de of redress kit. li the people fail to apply thisrciuedy, the couutry is h>*t. moM Tilt !*»wi»’*vro«T iii;*tij>. \ .Mo^s^R ixiiMi niT.vti VST.—Tha ■ n r, Ji*. ,\. k 11, .inii.iiii, K .bl, , Mr I t.lliott, Kiiili'n l.iiii*. »r' \ It i .1 A 111, Joi.n 1>. W. l.ruiii. ; and the basest if miiiikind arc t.»l, ii.it nr:*** •*"1 I'.nnm »!*K»r i« I- .1 t t,, rl i.f l'la»ai.d CJ jariRf S.-..i#,ti« to I* I. jpii t ui.d cc u^er.. I.VCD the ^ ^ couni), .t it.- • «.i.l M. u.e in ( liar, iii j-wl agauiiit them IS not iiiaUf' p.,,. „„ 1,.^ u,t .M-.r.i: s; m Aujn.t r.«>t. »i d U.-'i. i.titii'iii. He umit iiiiike out the bewt tl.. i« pi'»d o* f ;'1« • Jf. j'dginn.i by d l.i'ij (i» run, nnl eonJ.i-.s his owu rrim** • ii'.i, 1.^ II p’lt to tho rark, a'ul a I'n I \t-)rlerl from him. “ I'liis pro " ■ t!i' liihlorian \ oltair*', “ un-' ■' f t.i; th» m«fituiion of the IfiquiM- .1.1 .S^.rim tremhle ; suNfm ion ■ ;’i iill L'jHoii'i.; fneiic.Ship and quii t- ^t iiii I'liii; brotiii'r dri'.ids brother. tiil Ix- rrii()rr»! #riii.*l I nn. NV ili.t*-. Urtl/1 w il, bi ir i ill. tl" I il. arr i •. in- (tiihr'ii ihrifj'irf, lh.it in thi' \Iinrf«’ «V I ariiK rii' Journal, tfisl iin!rn« lliiy ap;«.if al tin tirjt r.jiirlijl' riiaa.lid IJ‘i*rt«T .«ioi.» lo I#.- h. ..1 lor».ii i roiii.t* at lli « uurt lion*.; lu t har h.i^.Urit* ol ttii* ."lalp. {)ii'.li‘ati''ii kr mad' »u w I—Ji.lii. t I ;»Dii.iin, .\i dri.» rianiken. Wal- Il I I am* I, I;. t(l. W. (.aidni r, Wn. (iairrtl, I>r J»r I (.lliii>t. 'I f,..i. .1* II. lini.li.c', .\iu,rm A l.uiil, Will I i_>. t, J I! i;»r..: ir. II - Ili»>d, .lUifafrt It'ni!t.r»on, I! |{ MiHKiiio. I.d« Ji lire., .Ihiumi I’ llinnrrM.ii, nieii have been, for two or thrco M|« J-Iic II Ii*m Joi.1. tUil \v m IlKi.., Ml.. ...hibiting what they called t • mon- I.Ih.\M:i Itftii-N .''•H’lul I lliili l,i...n. I II..II. ’ » .Tt. . .1 J I*. J Il.r>.;..i,T,..«i,a. li,H,i.r..'..iiu lUrii., kter of cornjptuHi. 1 hiMnon*.ter they sai( . i.uii >r i!.f Ci'iri. ju4,u I,, ii.*Kin«.!l.‘'in« v\ I,..i c. 3 wa.sthel niti'd Slates I5ank ' and they called ■ I l>*ii K- .^lary 11( ;.ry I.«» .‘I. ' •iiii' I I ..vli > ^ ,M-J.im.-« ,\l(.iiUi,’t«i>rj:r \V Mcori-. .John , t'l.r their lives, could sen nothing sti very .\|. |jii:,;l.l.r.. i;iij.it«ili .Maiwrll, I(.». John .Ma j ,|,on«troiis ID it. Tlioy declared, if il was tt JuIiU •. ll>-*Kln«. l.t.l t'. ■> wn.silioi imi-« uoim aim I uaiiT-n I »V J — lir John Irwin, J* »i»i’J.ihimtjii, Kiu ujKjn nil the jieople to look through ibcir >M J..hn»U4t,'J, J. .M J ilri«», 1 J JiUuii. ' M urv\ gliisV ' ami st'fl it. Well, a great States II ink, but uw d thi ir own e>es; and, ^ I »at.-., I I. rk ol' *nd • 'irl. al .(T.c*>, lUc Iln Men d.iv III .M«v,W I '• 1 K;ii prn II l'\'l I'.S.r.-.r. Hi.i, ., ( lirli I'nn: «df »3i ' .S7 \ TF.(tr .\nin /I C M{ff/.I \A, Ml ' M.l • HI «'■ ' • /,V \ -W-/V '/>r,n. l-.'l. I. I.’.liart ^tlCMU iiid wlit and klli.r* 1 , r iii> f.wri soti. IIi Dce fh* tarifur ' “ f IN iiH'i f->r =1 I Iifciiiliied with ;ill tin- rival It) i John n»l.iniK.n arH «.i>'*f* tnlc oi I and. ' \ J.' '• iiig a'ld fruitful clime."— ;j ai.i '-irii.R i- '!• •iti-i«'non "f 'h'' '’uit. that John |{ol.in..,n. o... of oi. i'kI my rw;id*-r into tho inte- f l'.*^ Ii.'pji'-ition. I .'•hall follow " of i;.r iii‘.‘-t Hpprovifd authors ii^aiioiihof tl.e o h,|i riiul I rilm- !l. vol. II. iii. 11"*. Joiie.’ I.lib. .1. p. !'!». .u...„n ih, U.yM..rd,iy lu A.icuat "'‘I.-I'-'l'li.n , Nii.ury, Thoiria. A, M.ra.^' Janir, harmle.ss and lid th. rr [.If ad .r an«wrr, Jiid;;rii nt »ill ta M.rlin, m. McP.imrl, J> iimi''> Maxwell, „ , , ' , I M.Uon Mil !. Und. H. niv Mi vlc, .Mi» i:iu«b. tli "ell disin.sed m.mefer, and thertloio nol an A Ma*. n, vv IM. \;iiii.iih ohjoct of Very |iaiiicu’iHr curiosity. In short, > - s.il. n .Vorw«*.i,';foTCr Nicholn, Joafpli |i„.y fMi |f they had been impost'd iipo.i ■ .nf*-i>w» •• tl* th'-iii. " ilii««i, Mrair) of itid wiirt at hTitr, til* Ith M'in- jy lit Mar. A. U. ls:tl. 'l,.t I! f)\ rr>, r. c. I . I'nrr ailT VIJ (• \uholii.n. i Ity ihesf pe.We, who were mres-santly shout- S. r«,;lS!’jl-r,’h'r.;n" A i.lo. NV V iri S An =” > ‘ .IIKW I) I'arkfi, Uui^» 1’fii.i-. .Mi.» .Mai) I’afk., ; that this hue and cry hod sMue innisiler oh- Kh/alxih I’arVi.. "bich was not allowed to see the light. _ K - Miii Marv flwi, I.liTAl>»th Hatwriw'n, I And, true enniigh, tins now o|>puarii to ba l.„ .«4pr,i.i; t a.nii V" '"':'/""/11''*’ »• '•* IfTl'""'*- Ji' ■ J. ,1,^ f.ct. All this dm und uproar has been ,..„iMir .■« tl,. RroiioH. may ohiain l-M. |,y a,.pi, „ ra.s^l lor llio puriHv.,. ol i ailing otrotten. catii/n 10 either o( tbi- miharrilr. r«. 'I hr lol« iiii-a. S- It. niJinin It. Smilh, Aia Si.phrna, Adam tion troili U real monster, in order Ibal the Mi lliofliisl r.'iiiip tt AMT MI.FI'v. *ill 11' h.lu ahoiil fix inili a I'rmii ( liarlottc. al a plan l allrd tin , 1 • xt. rior of tho buihliiig is eulli- ihr U-t Mon.lsr m A.ir-i.t n.M. f I, . I . .1 I 1.1- i„ -,n««.r. p!..»l'T ilfmur.othirwiM Ih-Hill will ' I'^lr.liM t rror iir.o the 1k«moib o( th»- ‘o » i ,„i i.irrtd ac . , 1 . ht l.kii. !>ru I ./iii».»»o and juOu’Ii.i'mI '‘■'I l.iis ai.«.i» troMi-ii thi* *>oil ol ' I h" iilrntii i » ire through long, , 'I ni'-fop ’• j. jiEa^'iSI iirvu”li poudettfuj I riitc L» K I)IM,Ar,c.*«.r t'lJl UM. W IM lAMSON. hRAI.V OA I t.H. ,;«7v IM. i n _ Ulunkt rf all krui$fi>r salt ui tht OJftrx. VN_VV„1, f„ Walkrr, Imar >ViN.n, J.snejr o »,.r,uiuemocjklerofcorrupfioo,’ Willet, Howard hill... k, .iii.aa Iv VN alliK, .Ma- | (here is no mistake—has beer r,r" i «■ »■.. .n.p».,bi. llj II tl ILLU.M^,/' .'f ' for the it'ople to gnt a peep »t him. tlui

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