MIMEMS’ & FARflERS’ JOURNAL. V'** «•» V_VH tM> \ V, BV TIIOM j/uoi/ro.^.TTrvlVMnTK mkcki.k.mu’ik; foi .vrv, Noiti im arolina. SVri KllAV, Jl I.v 20, IH.M. [■»» *H4i.urr.] Tllf- INi1 'ISI'I'fON—ro«tri,[’Drn. i otuiiiut:iratiouH. KO(t TIIF JOIJKNAI.. er,nafrifly,llio benefit of being stranylBfJ an.l ’ ''"nx'd ! TliiH u.ockery lK*n,;r et.ac- 3, Torturf h/t/ir .V/. Marif When I’^csts, the loud Horeaiii [ B Imiiiimtiua was thrown opi-n by the ItKiiiisitor—; ' - - • - ^ “ Ut the dog’a beard bo mad*!” Instant. I,, ,, ly blo/liip torches and furze nttuclied toT ' , , Ixn- nrc dasbed in the faces of tht-I ‘“‘d latrly put into rny jKji'f martyrs, and this is continued until . „ .... ^ , „„ „uu a 'i'®"', to a citidor ! 'llru pi, l«l br.-u.Mtplatr b-ueaih her r«be^ Murk and tho roar- full of nordU'B, opikps and lancf tK ! The fu- : '"f.. «'*^'-"d und hlowly con^uico tho n,ih-ir H1S orJrr. d “ to mariu-uvro it.”— «•'«•'•‘-'f I And t.. crown the wboK, Ho did so: I. rai^d ... Hnn« a. T tocn.- ^ ^ ...01 this county upon.hed...nct.vcpr,n. ,.rure: a kn.,^uk w,, thrown ,nto l.e-r .. j ' V.l" n,lr. of h.s 1.. n.; al.i.-nd to .he pr'^n. NO. 199. the . . tf(»op! of Nnp*lean and .lostepb, in S|i;iin, an itni|^‘ of the V ir{;in was tound standing in a dark cororr ol' a cell. On in!»[»^c. tion, il “as discovrred by tho I’rrrjch ofii- ccr lo ho a «orturin>; engine; um «ho hud n MrcUcnbvrg Co. July, nouncrs tbrfirt thnt th>'author i«ucandi(iutit for n ieat m tbc n«>iidc of (,'oinnion«, and claims the swIirHfjoH cif the iiid‘’p«!ndfnl vo- stt up ; all merged in the all imftortant pre tensions, “ I am a cf till-* toriJient lhfvniiin infixed to a fx^l. itnH bin arnnare drit*n bock by gr* at force, until the iltoiild«r joiot^ or Itv another f«rrn, the roj I. (■•ri.fni* :in npe-fa*c-.fh-n tbo r>>j»e« ure in bi* lewer b»nS*t, and be is l»oi‘>teJ T.ilh hi'f h^addownwnrd, otid It t fiill rr-|i« at- f !S . >ntb \ mil nc**, uuti! his un- I .• j'lrift, nnd kr'-et, tinrf luin juinli ur»- .ill d ’ Ati(f «*>i, b«»rrilile ' tb*f *bo!»j I i^ht ofbv* hotly banj«, it r»-, 1 ■u>»n t!;*’ b>aM- Ib-nb nnd *inen r ' \\ b« n I X wrrti b'*'J nr.an fjinii, be ii burned in.o !> s roll, ami tlir»'w n r>n the roW, drnnp (ioor. j'lJ if ^e r**r >er ut-dfT th** »ur~-.»h'h rarv. wiip'* Il Tr.J I-.rt!irrs ar.i i ’ »c.eti on ’ m.fr m vrek in wrc-k, nnlil he r nli-. or n; ,n\ m tbeir b' rvN ' ’l"b«-s«» ar*f onlv a • rii' n erth" tort«ir'‘» wbich ba'” r'*:n lKi I f p iltlic e ir. ’1 l:ere halh lj»-en ^iirlt •• .i- »•, h.iib r.'t and e»r nt\» r b'urd.” Im-o n't r‘ r(iT»*r I'f t ."rn.— IV- rr n r'*;:i*t*r tin; t-.ir-. ni.: f i:i>? ? j'.iiT 11 br’keti b'.'I'lrd h'in:.iti i-'ir ('«l I' j-j't; at. 1 tb'-K- i.s , I ;'ni.d » «]o« tn lo »\e»»h"ltn i^.scj-, r . ^ 'ran l J*ti'rberor»>f th" iiiikh i>{, i’.!' ti.' ( hn't. 7 V- 1f'.> «''! / V.—'n.i-* rl i«r«. p^. r, , '..1 iK of “ t'l, 1: '■•.•i nl l n- lu- . ” 'I', if M1'■■ h !.:»s ;t|. » i ■II j'«r»-»»n 0 Lh.lh .’4). 'I h- p., ! II.1 --..it i,:, :, M i;ir\ !/■'■ til: !>j-«l for t!.^ t II - l*..n • nil. Ul.-!. tfie 4p'i .!» n| Itii- I '• 'V- ! i.; . • . U' il llr«=t. ‘jf .It ^ tf.r ti- - fc. il 1: - a!>: r ipriat*.' jivr I ratc e li th» r ".iDx'ire atni f,,crt v ’—'It' »hi. rv.ij).*. ;!ff f!f> ‘W U 1: l-’in > w ' .ut ► . ?»* n,*fid llir v arc niiirhc. N«‘Xl roinr* liik-^'uho ha".r I • rt ,[n «l, c’rt i;i li ■«• i» I. ■ r> r\*'ir 9 (>t lUiiii 5, tbp ar -. ‘ ' •! ’> i‘ • m. Ne\t tbr ii iihI r'-- ' ':b r*«l c>4 » t uriin/t’p- 01 ; t' T cin>■« •• 'I iir*-® ar»' l i 1. .! ciiii ,\t(d i;i«l 1,( ur I r^ri'i I '1, l ei! ar I’rotoiHnt*. ai.fl ( ht. s whi) ••II,'’ k ct.ir.uii brr- «\ ».i ■ ■ rv.’nrd lir-l-.r Ifi" f'-'Jielil ' • ■ fi I r'0 ii-nr-• .l tl .it.* '., • I f , «.|’ . j... ■ i uh>i ihr.l k, ;. cuMTi i(i«-ir 1 ! ' I Ml. Il t>> I \ ruii. it, c.jr p r '■ ■ '•■'i's ' ' ■ ir;:* :tri> n I | on, i - r li ■ rat.' ' !ii i,,eir r;mk-. '■ " ’ ■ ') i ..i f- ^ .! I'y l.,\,|-,|rv '■ ■ ■' ll,* u (... 1 I (I Ml u ;i r . • t ' \' l.;i ;n ! in \ (a Ci’ii 1 ' I • ='11 i.r;') rr :'u d li"' 1 r 1 t .■ •■UII • i.ull^' 1:1 (lit id ^ > ' ' ■ t (■ I :;il f. >1 ‘l'« !i i;i r: .i!.V \i - ■ i- w ,s It p -il.li- fir II) I I- • ' .-.I J-.n I.' Is , I'. It-1\ ' ’ ’ I I.m;i who rir-.ril It'' •• lit (■,” • * “ I « w l.cri v!i:j p(.,l s'lm t ■ r\,i ir, ,;i' f)f, lilii! liiiinriii.ilt i\ • ’ ‘ • I'nt l,- 1 I ! rt’.' --rf'-ik a \nr ' -•d in the all imfwrt.int pre- ; assort » as to the removal of tho Depos.tca a Iriend to tiie prcseiit ari-1 from the Ignited States Bank by the Secrf-- Jninibtration, I am an enemy to tho Bauk jlary ftf the Treasury—Mr. Taney, I ju:«tify and ofi;.r uf»u princijile to aasisl in put- the removal of the Duposites upon U-:.l imjr It down.” j grounds and upon priucinlos of justice ui.ii ^ ^ ^ l^eing one of Ibo “ freemen addresed in I equity.” hand, a ..irciibir, b«-arinc .be'si^mature' of! ‘Circular, and findiu|r „,y vote r.-quested ^ ,„|k of Mr. Taney removine thn .1-. .lames M. IJiiti hison, and aHdr*-ssed to the : "f**"' “ principle nitoyetber novel m our | positcs is sliecr burlesque. Mr.Tau( \ hM freeman of .Mecklrnhurp County. It an- “J*!**'" P"1“'C9, 1 have been led to ex- more to do in the removal of the li. o, s- " - “ ‘ - ■' ■ ■ 7'“"* and find in , Mr. Hutchison, except u to filbr r tbpin the stale a^rtions which ori^?.nuled 1 „p the order. He came into office to do u in tho (.lobe at \ ashio;;.on and which have , d.rty business which bis predecessor r. - bet:, run;; on at the cl.angcs fcr the last;fu^,| do. Mr. Duane bad beendirrctcd , ei^;ht months. 1 had found politicians, .0 by the J'rosident to cause the iopoHitr.s t(, . !la-ir (i,dei:-...rs to ku p up an rxciten.ent, be removed : but knuwmg that it beU>n... I purpose r exclusively to the Secretar>-to take cr"i. r ■ro’jnplishet^ allow in;,'| ou the subject and not the I’rabident tod.c, usbanrd (jf the wca-1 taie—knowing that Conjress immcdiatr/'y Jjilliedi l I ihmk j bffure atljuuriiing, directed ibat the d» pc- . , , , revived m tuis lati-, if^.g should continue to be made in the Lat't (od« and the li.orni H.nsc 01 tho community , of n,o l „itcd States, and believing tli^i I!, f.^7; l'''l'’'y*'"h.nc.."r:r.7i. 11,^ '"I"—«'-">'-■ II -pir..'.. •»« «, ,h,.,e„l I... proven, „.,1 ^ '* ■; J, .ciuallv n nd««rs n.»r. i.,.i ,.nlv prrsr.nal clmract. r nnd worth, |»i thecon rncrs, but when ; knowing that as no good reason en.sted (i.r intcllisc.it c.ti7.eu at- ; Hio removal, it would be a breach of pul- cast vxcinht. 11 IS not lie faiii, towards tbo Bank—knowing nn-i thec.ienlar will have , i,elievm? these things. Mr. Duane, in i □‘^tiay, hucIi ol ibe fnanner highly creditable to himself, refusi».,l opportunity of read- , ti,Q instrument, choosing rather to fo-- Klftrin^s of riin(i.i.:i rruijinils, i!'. in_ ,, i i- f-.r anv , ri.ne atninst the evil i^ws:—t^ucii ” f«''Hc.us„rv ^.Cg^eg In Jinn>, aiound a cuplne warrior's uiurderi»u> lira, wb n bo is put to d';illi b) tlioir ii.;;eiiinuM |.>rtur»*s, ba f \fr f'Vi'i‘'Il*''l till's- >'»n cf lorlure in tbo in.i riur ol ti t lti|iii-i:i( II, uiiJ tl.f !w-ii;:r tf‘J," di' “ of tli- A:jli«ia I f ! And yx, .(nu--I iin- krr> ! Jill thn bn 1 ; ri i.a t*-J iVi'iii aii> to o/c. inu r ibr lame eft! e b >1\ an i b*‘iii;;ini.l rr!i;;i >n rt Jcsim ('bri'l ! liven ihut rebel' ll which biraihis n ihin:; but I*»\e to irui.; w hu Ii (r.-bil.ilH :i!l \ u-ier.i r, i!nj cv.-'i co:!!] ii'vr^n m r*'!i ;ion ; w hi' b (!••- lh.it r\ (“i;,? fii,;i M lio bat>"^ )u r I- 1 i;.u K'rcr!" I!\ lh>» \ i-Ccl :I.i* b"l) ir iij- ; .ul rr! wbjt nil)-! ihe ii'inan (. ii!-. Iio j.r,. =• !.• [ if>rn'ij;,( i.!, »!io s,ii^ p f h.nuiu th»* M and l4.ii’l! r I!' •• !i_s bunJr' '' t.;''hi'U .indj ' 'l .. ! !l.i' I III li,C MClilliH i|'tii>! I.ICj’ll- ■i.ti' a vii I. \i rb*' kM>v.;i, iii.'tl t,.>. ii.i\ 1 Im.'il i> tril'ti’.i'iii. \i.r:i-r‘s havt K iiii'kL'- IX - t il'.wn. "Atiib'T'* of on- •I ^u!i''«l i r !;t\H ‘•l.a'f u!- fifii' >!,iiii w ::!is.',it *iij «.!iii r« xa^^cralimi. (tut in:!!!'UH of b ,m- b ta r.ii?;(o' 1»\ i;.., li.irtibb I .'’rii.'S tw.i; i ;i;i- iftsrj f,i rii .1 h.i'.iou at a titn J 1' > . I ... !.l bui.'in. i iL !i r.riJ .I w* '*'• i4t.\rn ;itt ) I'f.-i.T it .it flu'', :u.ii ;.I: t f.r p:>^,vf!\ —i II.: I. .1. ji. . I v p|»,(i.. - rr . , 11 IS irup, in his annual report respoclir^ enf.,|i!.-n',..in. -rution p..vv..r. ni.d the ! ''* ^ ^ Treasury, be tells us be d.rectS tbl warm ndberuit. and je-.ot..d fr.end, of the i ' ^‘^'"oval of the depoHites, and g.ves b.s re 1 ^lowc.ti- : ji,, J • are%mhrarrd . . /-••n.s "ivi.s them the njnc.iou of bis name, , j i • u nj n I lit I . .1 ■ I*'*® circL’Ur, and which were so unsati. nnd c.ntidmiiy app als to them lor con-1 , 'i'«» m» (I • ir a' p'“ ir« n'' nerc«-i(v fur j hr* m !i;u:Jer-. to fon*i^n in tiu ir i.a-j luf'-, iii»n t i.uvty electf>['5, and sure 1 uni j i)i:it tli*' I 'HI h« ■. ■-» > bi*i c!icli a ufK.i;! liie J- pf u,i i|,lr s, int. i!(jinr to :.rt up ui ll.cni, ni;ir .1 b(.‘ a pr.>!;i .Me and ItiTifiil rt|>re-1 , . I ■ ■ . r I .1 tac.orv, that the House of Represcntaliv' :. Iirmation. 1 pi-• e tliere'bre, briellv, to ,i,„„ ,r j n ■ . , ‘ ‘ 1 . . .1 ; ihoncb decidedly Jackson did not annro’o "ne vo'i trivin relation lo the rea- i. . “J t’" ’ • . • I , .11 . 'f’l'hem. Mr. 1 ar.ey m his report says Ko v-'!i roi.cLscci.dc": upon in the circular; to i , ' . / „ - V . I . .. V ' ! the deposites; but the President r..,u ,i be a pr..|:i ..ie aiM I... il.il rcpre-1 "^ .n his commun.ktion to the Senate Mi.tv.e f lie (.ni.ty f '"•■'j ■' expressly that he (viz; the I'resident) did it, lie n-iv l>e i’.^ rei>rf«entj.tivt* ot n «■»'•‘I't'r be U aves lucm ln.iut,t. rebuking the arrogance of hij! Seen.- 'i..ecircui!irn[j'-ns will) the anni:uciatiin, tary and divestina him of the laurels which tl,,.t uiiilifir i« a raii.ii;?.ite (ora sr-a! m he was disposed to wear. J.,rt us never ill.* Hoi^o ^.f ..iiiiiiuns. tof£* ther ' ith a hear any tbinp more of ^oor Tanev rcuiov- 'U:;ali.'e pn.il ^MylJ of v. h .t lie will do for in|j tho dop*fitos. (■ lili, .''iK'XIl! , ..:i n! \lr a.e ii. I - ; . ’"vr’ p. •,*i. i J I.; c>,-M.n I" in ih” \. ‘ f «* 1 il I t .r^.■ 'I' II. 1. K.. . j i' >i n I r. ’!i" r u -.'^r V.; ■ : u’tf l;iUs ’ 1 (J;: .. .1 I :> f I ..r.;;'* Ik-!. ;I’.i ;- I ..;,!. I 1 • ^ f ..t 111; 111 -I) .t» I. as br* i.pi'- a! - t’j p-iily l>> • U\jt - hi.n I ) I'','", rtiii; it L'* lr.\e iii!’.n'-;i’e. nj'iv k’i. in i.'.’'-m!'ii 1' ’ party p -litir into lb- .* i r L-i;' I'uie ; but i;i p(op >'t; u be is i •■icii o p; ■ •t-n:.', be n’"Iuc'h I'w s: li .«-5t I.H « iiii-iitii"*i;t«. 'I tiine^ di ti:anii ... sm! a:i»*nti II of t!/; prmic: t; i: llii^ K rv)t' ' ( 1 'ICI-i:. 1 (•■ip'tiallv I'i :.if >t c‘-(ciii i'*'U'i!:e«. : t i*k f'H - lit |l",v f U: I ; •'110'!, (; l^ht C I . > 1“ (■i-nif! tteii I.; tr^o^'• wiioar'' j on a |.t!;tu 111 r .n* r. I =■ m’Hi np^ri r, t.|i-iiiier- i-ht ei il:'- I fof.ti- a.-e .siMum inouniit 11. e\- i-'*;.t i.;il_\ .1' I ; y ii;-v ‘'■'vo l.u- .-ivppif':: 1-1 *y ii.-ili .n w' i :i Ii'.s ri.'...’ ir. \c.ir 1 1' I !•> ilic pri - 111 ■ 'I '*r: .hu to w ;it. l.'ie bis- p. n . ! ‘I (i I • •• - ■' $ . . ni ’ ! .. n*" (Tt %' rr » ,•; • •' I nii'iK.: ih»*Coiir ly i.iovideiiil.i-y give The circular next quotes from tbo If.tit iiitn llicir \..:es; nml ilirn tothew 1.1-tt-,.cd sccti.n of the act rstablisbing the Ban!., wi.i 10 svrve them, nnd by way of pb-dge lu , >• the depot^iles of the monies o'f’ths I ni.e.l ir miy ar-.l HI L li'jii-. I--II- un'icipntiOM, warri'tli;;m of iii.(*ciniiiP: dun-J States iu places in which tho Bank aii.1 i!.'.'T''-t f .N '..-!il arc,;r iK:..l r and me it?. ii\ preyct:ts Irmselfus U.e Hranrbes thereof may be e.stabbshed, hlm.l till lent |» r.->(.n to avert It. It issure- be made in the Baiili nr.d Uianehes tiierei t‘, Iv uTv Uioii_litlul to sM uod 'ho note of a- unless the Secretary cf the Treasury sli.-.il hirin, and prai-iewnrt'iy to s'. 'p bctnecn Lis ;see pro(>er at any time otherw.se to' ord r f iinw ciliz-i s a.id «!.iu;rr, and after !U ^ and direct.” Having quoted thus far, ti.a Iv* :.s :js tu(.iii;li be hr.s more qualities tor Butbor of the circular ffoes on fo ^ive'tho i r« pr">fi.tali\e, tiHii niendy fnendship , f„Uowini; comment, “ Ily the law Ttself tho r li.u) ir, •'.11.1-A hen tins i>, lo J.« !.» m, .■^i .1 cr.mity te the lJ.^I;k. I *‘3 .S'cretary has the absolute and uncond.tim. I 1.1 b'n_‘r r tncnv : fPadiiK ■‘S to come lorn a rd, at tho present‘al i»owcr reserved to him (which all ]!l.^ !;Lfi J. 1: I o.'.ti ci ti;' ^ ..'ct evils u h;. i« I'• itlnrminj iTU'is, ’ und when the ‘Mibt.rtics predi'cewors fr(>in the formation of the (.lo- a -i imi'i- f vivti. liilx ur ui.'fr, ;n t!ie Lri^bt' ol l ie uhuoh are in dan;;cr,'’ argues a lie- * vcnjrnent to that time claimed au«l exercis- J rp.!r;v |.» ceininU liieir iMtpp >11' ‘l^'dncss to tli» i.’iiercsih >t bis lellow citi-j«j. to ill'.i\D po itr irT'li-j aie like a iitid a i!iT-i;;lc:'.’ffteJ l. ne\olpiite on hij. Dopos.tes wheuever be pleased, b\” re- V i.lil i; at ■ p iiiir, atj:! if ihey’pait wii.cii «.;ini!t nine quited. ’i be ' porting fo Congress bis reasons—which bo It I- n!y f r ihc nd\iiicrn.ei t diM ruriiiaiii*;^ \.> on i.is *VBii!i:r the dan- *i;ij done.” t^uch a comment u(>cn law, ad- Il ir Cl. .fi'rtis ir.t n-' . I I .in.’\ h-p- r. a-id tl.'- r;>'ral C'jiir«''C jxunting oiii |,lrt).5ed to intelligent ctizens of a free coiin- tl-‘ :ro>! I il./.fTs of till*. (ioiiMiy w (II rii'l ilu* Mi'irce, w >ii'in-c it ari-'C'. call ft rtli lu'-t- ty and after the debates at asbingten, •|;.i nil i' IS II. , ft ■’>■(•• r fit J on b\ u-".i'iy «C ’’Il . It. I" i ir Im-Iow III j tnitii. I; , '.III 'If i| 111; I Ui': r i*:e f;l^l ■; > in I ' ii.i'. ;i iv.fi;., 'I .iri|u> • Il s i j*i ut.i' bi;i..'re ' lie u-;.: 1 ‘Hill I" i. u..i! r liie uiHni ■ li. I IN, I \ «• re liiuif-^i. i-r ; r II ' . iir I)’, ii,or .ti I \ i It' ll rui :i.= ;:n nl! s!i.i%r fjr I in p'litir ^urji .'Ir. J.utriu- m '■I pliinl 1 iiin.'*--il iip-'ii, to ei‘i«;r ;nlo in.* Ciii i'll-I lit c.ii t' l ilt ali.'iy nrul ei-:; i^i.-n- t . .y r.iii'ii]. r wlatis fir Int ir li.li r«'.sl>i. il! .1 I'v '.i ir i-i':;..»:;‘' f!.'\. (• In ciiii .> >,u II rtT-nrr t'iiiiiill\ H.’iil.li li xulb lii.-ni'Jw..-; iiiJ V. iio c .Ml 1..1-.C III. K.Ii'rt'I lo-'jbMiv.-. 1 li'. liKiMj Ol li, ir |r;,o\k / ■:.». li i>> i ' ihi iii'iii >t Cl . :irv Hi ll.i ( I'tiiiiv Ul ;mi't !• n, if w V i-i.iii fa' \il.iUMii;o I'i; art l! i 11 I’•':ind if tin'ei'UMl V I b K'l.^ of ;;r;;iuu'ie. Hi.w kw arpnes ibe iiust uiiblus-hirg elirontery. li oa llie i.a!uer. and bo.v lew j come to tin.'*, that after all the laws ei,- \ r i jo.N'i’iov : r'^ K i ri’ ^ ol i; u t ;Tr > ...I have Irnsi, i| tlii uui .vcs lo s[>eak of .nclctl and all (he safeguards erected li r :i, I. .'t 1(1 so di.mj; they woiiiil have become the pre-crvalion und protection of the [ u! - eoriu;-, d—i.io.-t wonl l hH\e shudder' d mr be a-uney, tbc t^ocrelary has a ri^'bt o\i r ilK ircur try on a-ci tn !->1 Kvecutive li-ur- it.—“ nl'soiute and iinconJilitinab" 'Ho I ation i;nd ly ram \. l ut ll.t* 1;. n\ i'v od jiu- n-.an w bo can set up such a c!ai:n, is a dan- i.mr ..1 111.' eiiciili.r I'lu.t o euMly deceived, rtcreu enemy lo tl.o free inslituti'His of oi:r a.ni Ic i:'i; a riaii i i' -r. .t moral emirate, counf.'-y. If the r.ulbor of tlic ci.'cular b.) 1)0 M-nuii -to ti il iis, «ii:.titfhe ii.iir ol serini.s in this claim, 1 jiitv bis jiotir inti i. liTtii:: lirilMi, ih ,t ilic ibii k i ti e smirce lect; and if he inlendcd to Viecene in oril-r luni. It 1'iiiaily I li t u-ii \m:;i ibi ii u .low t ill-1 >'l u in;:'’'', rii d iiifri |'rncei ds t i i:iLe « .dt to jj(*t r.'.to otliee. il is still worse. Tl.) ail; I. ur ‘. ro in -i c!: r.; re>ciil.Tiiie-. | ''Hb il.Q llai.k w.ui pn t!y mut ii t!ie .same Kvecutive in bis first pretest fo the Sciiat.j wo ba» e i!i' ;L !e »(i'i',iarn. ; \ iz. i in*' iion- i*i.'eci s.s as at If. di d 1 • n (iiii\otie in bis ex- claimed exclusive jurisdiction ever the pub- » ,'l\ a:. I i.'lij.iy li I if| re>-i.tat.xe . I'f’di!: n a;;;;i'‘1'.: e w ii:ihiiii'. I ju>tiiy eu- he property, but in a second ine.'^snge, dis- '.ii.il II III il i I Ml iiiti-M't'. wimii .ire ii.l;-' tifi l\ ('n ■■ In ; ll : l‘ri -ti'enf. in • i.e r'n’ov. c!n:med 'Ueli pretensions. The iSecietary i J»i Is Ofl i‘. p pfiiTiitial •a I ihi \i>v: "'.at i. -. \ •* - fc. . J I ''.i ‘Corn I Miiuk of tiril pirpo Hr UN If VM . :.i’ i iiei'parahiv cor.j Hi.fil wilii iho.>-i •'! iu-in t i.iee, r: iii>.''. i ri'lary i.l ibo 1 rea- oi III. I'li 'vv Cl'./ II"-. :-iiirv — Pu.ii e, ii;>i.iiri.;i'!iliiliorjl ::roui)d?.“ r ;t : .Mr. iliilrhi 'n I'.as l.ikm d.fii-r-! ^u-'. the a'.itlu'rol ibc ein idar n,t ;;ri;i:rii: and i laiiii' ihe 'iitir; of iIm '!■ I. ;« I' 1 u • - II'! Il irriii ii.l •I iltT. run, lii M 1. I.» 'I 1 f iii'-iM'iii, > il'i ' 'I l>\ S' I’ni' Ir. p ■.‘n':i1 w ;lli i| I I-iHi'ni'"iii. It) pr;;. •* ,ll Slil In'" ill - In p.: -il'irs," n;nl i f I ' ■> • ‘ mI «’ii I a' b : = .'I. ' II. |.i II ■■ 11 •;iil« til'll, . 1 I I .1- • 1 1 •• d .vi'qur .r^ > ..1- I.,- . ' ri' I- 11 ■’ .1 II .. 1 w .1 1 'a >■. D ■ri'tl ..^-r « hi:.- Ilf • I: '■ r . il III ' ' 1 '• n , ill ill t ! ' Iv 1 I; « ' .1 t 1 II* r |i ri: l!\ I 1 l!ie |. iiiiiii■•ii«, “ I. -.J iii.t I.. liiKc — 1. I 111 l.'irn '1 lii. nim ker\ ' ' 'I i;::. •! I. ,|.|r> b' ; .:r ''llil' ‘1. ‘ ■ ; = 'ir • 1' ,1,;. : I ; II,|. . .I, ' '■ 01 li iiriiii III, :iri' I t i-tr.iiis>lod ' i'Oi .ii il. I ni-i I .I'l I '.fir p> IV1- ’ ■■ ■' 'ir' ill -• -I, ' 1;,,( tl,,. 1.1,'h. * -'i;ili •, vv lin |i VI ri' in .iI.ki'-. ’■ • .iri' ( iiiiiiii i| ,,ti lii .'i •! Ill inv Itlf ; ;l : I I ; Ir i-' I .m .f ■ •' ■ ii'i I! Ill, I ,i 1,.| , ,,1. ■.^'iii iii I viiur- ' In f' ,I ,j|,, 11|,. 11. I I :I II, ‘'“.'euc till.. I'^iiij'ti hitfi V ul 111 Is .Mtlii .s; 17/; >/' M)/r/'// ( \/:or./.\ I, : I M f M I n. I'I N I V . f XIII,'.' (, 'M/'f 1.' .', Trim, 1 ; .Il l,n II Hull li.-on « ..) .M iliiila liiH V". Ill I, I.l! -, :.,i: .r. of Mo- J. IV I c = i' I.,.. vM -n.i irn W'M M N - Iv, 5 j.' • ' \' ' Rilil J .11 I tii-> M I.l', .lollll 11 j ■ “ It- W I.. '■ W II IV. -. J ^ -3 I' I ^ lt till ^•'' llftl *t 1 iC I 'Ml't, U li-it I,..I' ’I (1 m.il .1'1.1 liii VI .fi', I • I,I. II. '...I I* lit llll^ •ml, nil' ii>a II,.: li.tiiiiN III t, . v; . C: I't tii.,, Ul,:l - ■. ;; I.. I , . t \i I ■, III llir M iti.i r.i" '• -■ .1 f.r- I a!, till* iti ^ Ilf ai'ii ;>;'i' ir at Ih.' rn-\l l'.itT* 1", i« :: '.I .i '*r S -suin. lo U I." il li>r I;.. I .iiiiilV «l 'I" i rilimr. *!*'■ * ' lii>i“f ii> ( i. irluit . >'!i till I -Il .Mui.i'IV 111 Vii;.- i«t M .l..inil ri n .i;illin ri I.''- li or aif-•• . r, nil' rv\ t^c f .i!'/ II,, i,t ; . 1. ti'i -«,» V iM Im In'.', n :» li> ll i t i. il I'. ' I’r ly ( >:i!' ^ i)C .Iii I'l'UII, at llllut, ilir llil .Mi.miiji in .'111'., .V l> l^.'il. I rn|ilf, U ill.- I' :i Iririiii lo tile ii-l- in.i.i'Irilii'M niul an I'r.eiry lo lb*’I’aiik, we are iHun to li.ilow him ai J trl the valu'i- ly of [he ie,i.«oi> pri 'fiiUi.i. Surry wonlii I !«• Ill liad »’tie rev^ cl.il'ii' indi'Kaial fon- , lirinnii:.; iiidiMTiinin it. Iv ev.*rv art of ihe ailipinislr:.ti''n. but ro less so to (inJ oi.t* ^ honest, an i indepcnib'nl vi l»r approv m:; in- ' Ji.".! rinnMatelv if cver\ ail. 'i liert* have lu'i ii soil)" fi'iiii.l who wi le ready to pppl.iiid rvrrv lifl.lnt who apjvi'ars to have U'eii ; ac!n:ili'd b\ a doire lo commenil th'in- •ielvi to fav.'ur : hut so far as inv metnorv “orvi -I. Ilf. I'lii- biitiejil anti rfsjx'eliible friend I III tbe luiaHiiistnilion has presnrneil to jus- a Itclier .f u k'l'nn-an lb in J.K !.on bun- M li'. 'i'he l‘r'^nienl i!i bispri'li.'t to iLe nat'' had in vi ral in>t.ini iu?« d the I \pri >'•11111'• Si i-rrt.irv " and'• Ai.v'J'“Cie- larv." I.at tindui_' lliat this wa.-- a Mihj.xi of aniinailversion in the Seiiat“, a:;d that Ins own nil s! ;M.-'ereel frit in’' lii.'ii.ui red a^jii;.->l snrli a claim, he m'iiI Ins j.rtviite t'ic;it.iiy to i r,.se the i iii nsive e.xjnesMt ii-', who Mig- C.esled lo ihe Si'eietary t,f the bei.ate, thr pr'iprii'ly i f elmni^in^ l!ie word' " und “ for “/'if,'' whowilb n im.eil innrl.eii accordi";.' fo law has a ri;jht to vvilhho! i the dej'ii.'itef:, us^ijjuifg bis reasons toCon- ijret'j. and there bis light 0135.0-:, but be h.~s no mere ripiit to r.'niovo Ihem fioin tbeir j'ltice vvlien ihey are depo'iied, nor to fmt:» r a sin;;le dollar, wiilu-ut a sproial nppropria- ticn, than .^lr. niilcbi.«oii bimsell'. But the cliiiin here set up is i bvicu?. If It !.e cnci' cf'needed that the public montcs Ix-b'ns to the 'I’reasurer, tiien it will follow lii.it he lir.s a ri^lit to remove thcni, nnJ diss'i ah' them lo the f.ur winds of lb » iHilh. But sneli pretenMoiis I trust wi.l (ver he re-.vlcJ. Vi it!n4ii eoU ur cf law— witlu ul shadow of ,'.;ub?taiitiul reason, nr i tbeclian^cs letpiired. I>ut tiie aiifhor ol ihe f„r no other purpose tliHii to punish the Bank ciren!ari>-detern!in. (l!okeepJ,ick.«oiito the t^^.cansi' it would not b nd its iiiHuencr t.) Iravk, and liieret'..ro persists m callirg Du ane >-i'crelar\, li^,llMle^s sn’»poMi>g Itbo ciii/ens of All eklei.biir;;. lo bo meie itiHuencf to I'roninto the nmbiiious scheme of .Varl.ii Van Bureii, the dep. sites have Uen re- moved, from the snfe ilcpositaries whern they sli'inid have reriiiincd acc«rdin£r i'i law. 1: tliuie be r.ny money reruaininj rj lilt' Tren>iiiy, whuii i n aceonnt of tl 9 I’.iiikr'.ij t Ooiiiliiii ri of the (.it>vernn;i :'.t la nt jirC'i. lit a qiiev'iu;), it is lb alin,ij aS 'Ut la smao thirty I'lnks, selcct-.it b\ the Si'cre- tiirv—iiid IS'.ill', enU as tie .'(liecrs ot lin 'C iriospen.'ible B.iuk': m.;v ehoose tr* lifv cver\ act, at least ?s to llie«'\tw'benev. I ,liid::e tin n of inv surprise w hon I found Ihe j"ouid Lcver knov» Ihe .iiithiir ot' the ciieular prnclaimirg bis iin- ditlereiiee. reserved ap[>ri'b ;tion of thf nets ot' the ad- Well.'ui’posiu^; llie l’re>;ii!ent bail ari“lil mini'.trai!'>n, ^nd nppealin;' fo ilie cilr/.ens 1 lo remove the .S'l relaiy and sii|>posiLi|.' Mr. rf th" ceiintv for ihrir hiili'r.T;:»'s on tbo | liutehi.'on Ini'e^^abll^!u!d it, 111 tln se Ion:; I'roiiut! iifliiulaj'probalnin. Sun Iv I lhon;;bt | para;;iaj hs. w hat has that to do w iih the 111- ihore mii'l h>' -oine mistake. .No one w ill lercNt el t.i.'' Cf uiitv. 'I’he citr/'i:s t'i Meek- bave th« Imrilihocil to |i;stify eveiy li'atiire , k nbnr;;’’.re inditlen nt, w brther .Mr. Duai.- m the adiiiini'tration, anti allirm that no er- or Mr. Tiin'y act as S'eielary, provideu act botiourallv . .Man\ i f t^.ese Banks b.nvo ror has U'l'ii enmiiiille.l, iniicli less the of- tht y act i!i!elli;:eiilly and upri;^ht|)—at ihc not spe'.'ie to pay twei.ty n nt-on tho dol- (ronli’rv lonppf al to the eitiz"usof ilie coim- same liiae they see m the forrricr r.n h.ui-' hir : nnd tli 'iefvre if l i' v fail, it is evident ly tor their support, simply liecause the oiirahln and upri;;ht man, arvil in the latter iheie c;;ii he no reJn It h .suppossj eandiil.ite h)ves .iaekson and hates the Bank. I a pliant und siibsorv lent tool. llaviii;;cs- that fr irn sixty to ■^t'venry millions w\rrt 1 read It a"am und aj>iim, and eudeavored ' tab!i*-hed upoiiconslitutional frrounds, “ w iili ii.st dnriii^ the war, hi tw. . ii the expirali irt to tind an npology fir this new fi-atun'in i [iroof sullieient lo satis!'\ bone>t men,” the i.f ihe liist l iiitid .'''latfs 15mk nnd lbs . , ,„ir ifvst«»m of i»ililies, s.ill iiothinif of n-1 rij’l.t of tiie I’resicieiit to remove thn Store- cbartir "f llie rresei.t,— and from the indi W ( " I riiMi^'..'t ;;iirt lor !i»lo II lliiH cllice am) ' i ■ . .1 .• .1 t . • , . . ut *t;vual .Mon* m itu villnj.. ' F"'* o7 rtdccuiiiiy Ijuaiity ' tary, the uutbor ot the ,ircu!:ir goes on to cutn ns 01 fi.e prest i.l • x'^'erin.rnt, so *ur 4:> I. l; li. ll\ 11-Si I'or Hut §Uina a