THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’ .roURNAL. pui$#M«d «od could not rtKun • gciKnl po»«r over lh« others. The *u«hority nixi arf^ment hpre re sorted to, if proving the inj^eiiuity and pat riotic antiety of the author, on one hami, abow sufficieatly on the other, that the terms “ common defence and general wel- •r amendments broiijrht fortvurd in the otit- it pave nsthe b»*8t currency in the vMrld— | n furrency more \uluuble thnn gold, Ix'- ; cause It \*UB ni»rc portable, saier, a ml would cverv wliRre command gold. F.\cry b«K]y waH wiih if, until ({eneral Jack- j svn, for (wliticJil |>urj)ose«>, revived nRainst i It the sumc old cry of corrvption. bri!nri/, ffitvi.'i/ir, which had l>orii used to put down the I'oriiter Binik f^ome twenty years* before. I Hut tw return to William !I. (’RAwroRn’s sjieeeh, of which the futlouiiig is uii extract: | “ What are the cireiimstanccs under fkhirh we nre called ui'oti to reject this bill'? set; but the Juuriiats of Congress shew thnt in the progress of the discussions, not a single proposition was naule in either hraneh (>f the LepiNlature, uhich referred 10 the phrase as admitting a conf^triK'tive eiilar^'einent of the ;;jraiiteu powers, and re- fare,’* could Dt>t according to the known ac-| fiuirm^ an amendment guarding ngiiiust it. Ceptntion of them, avail his object. i t'ln h a forbe.irance and silen «* on such an That the terms lo question w«re not ini- ] ocoa^ion, and among so innny meniliersi peeled in the iV*n\T>ntmn w hich fernied the I who lK>|onj»ed to the part of the nati«in Constitution, of any 9i;ch tneaninp as has which called for explanutor) ami reitnctive txea eonctructivHy apftlied to them, nm\ | anirndments, at'.d who hsid been elected as l>e prontHjnc#i with entire confidence. For ! know n odvocales tor them, cannot be nc-1 The great infliieiilial States, induced by It exceed* the possibility of behot', that the! Hiiitt'd ti-r, without supp»*inp that themarieo and ninlition, interpose the weijjhl known advocate** io the Convention for a trrin« *• rotnmon deferice and jieiiernl wel-1 Mutlmrity ; ulteni(>t to pul a vetu up- jealtMJS prant and cautiousdetimlion »f fede j fare,'’ were not at that tune deemed Misecp-! yoiir ri}>ht to pass such laws as are ue- ml powers, should ha>-e silently permilietj, tible «'f an\ such consiructioo as ha* since coiwiary and pro|>er for the peneral welfare, the introduction of word* or phrases, in a' l>een applied to them. tiirouijh the inbtruiiieiitality of instruct ioru, isense rendering fruitless the restrictioos and- It nmy he ihoupht perhaps, due to the (.y deprixin*; iiwt only their Seuators and dofmitions elaborated by them. ' ^^lhJect, to advert to a letter of Octoh« r 5th, \ IJepn-wntatixe# of the exercise t>f a s«.iind ConsnJar for a moment the immeasurable ; IT**', to Samuel Adams, and ani'ther of' honest discn-tion, but alsi) by intimi- iJifft*Tence between the Constitutioii, limited . October Kith of the same year, to the tJov. j jim «i»ight of their influ- lu Its powers to the enumerated tibjwts ; j ernor of Virgini.^, from U. H., in It’th j '^nd autliorily. The presses in these and expanded as it would be by the import' whieh, it inseeo that the terms had attract- ^ have, f.r more than two claimed for the phraseolotfv in question. Jed his mitice, and were apprehended b> • mt>nil»« past, teemed with the rooet scum- The difference is equivalent to twoConsti- him “ to submit to Con^n-ss e\ery object of j |cj, nbiise a' every member of Con- tutioiis, of characters es«ontially contrasteo humane le»islatinn.” Hut it is paiiiciilarly ^hn hn* darei] to'uttir a syllable in with each other; the i>oe potisessing power* worthy of reaiark, that ultho’ a niemlxr of I |„yor rf the renewal of ihe Hank' ebartcr. confined to certain specilied cases; the oth- the 8ena!e of the I'nited Sfstcs, when a- j |,p ,„oml>er who dares to give hisopinirn er extended to all cases whafsnever : For' nieDlment5 to fhe Constifotion wero before fy^n^ of the renewal of the ebartcr, is in- uhat is the case tliat iv«mld not be embract d | that lloine, and sundry addition* and niter- I «tantlv char nnl w ith bem" bnbe.l b\ the l»y a peneral power to raise money, a power' ations were there made to the list «!ent front ■ jjrcntii of tluj Ririk—with*^ bfin^ corrijt, to provide for the general weU'are, and a the other, no notice was taken of those ' vuih liavtug trarnpUd u(xin the ri^tiU power lo pass all laws neocfsary and prop, term*, as prejjnant with danger. It most |,bertic# of th« I’copit;—wilh b niug cr lo carry these pow«rs execution; all 1 !-« in>i rn*d that the opinion formed by the | |),p i,,vereiginiv of tho rmteil Male* Rich provisions and laws superseding at ihe . di!»iin(ruishrd it’eniber, at the frft view of {„ Capitalists with ptijhrif lU Mnte time, all local laws and ('oostitulion* the Constitution, and before it bad l*een | },nv:ng violated the C\m«titu;ii>n. Yes, sir, Gt variance with them? Can less b»> said{i'ully dis*'a'i.sed and elucidated, hml j* are the circuui!.!anets under which With evidence us, furnished by the ' changed into a convicti«*n that the tsrnist, ore called upon to rej»^l the bill. Wl.en Jijurnal of the Convention itself, than that did not I'airlv cdmil the ccn*fructiiu Le had ; «». compum the circuiiisiames under which It IS impossible that auch a Con.titution as originally put ou th«m; and thereton- need-1 are new acting, with tboMi which txi»t- the Jailer, would have been recommended j ed no explanatory precaution against it. to the States br all the members of that i 1 dost* th^se ren'.Hrki, wbich I fear maj bodV whose names were aubscnbed lo the ^ be found tedioo*. with assnrauces cf mv instrument ’ K^eat csteeiu aud best regarris. Pasiing iVom this view of fhe sense in ' w i.icti the terms, common defence and geu ^ eral welfare, were usH by the Framers ot j fhe Cw slitution, let us look for that in j which they must have been unden»to»xl by JAMts MAIHSON ed at the time the law fi«>ii«‘d lo uictirjHirate ilie Jiunk, we may well «ii«tri)i>t ur own judpmeiils. Sir, I had alwaji thought that i a corporation was an urUfM'ial Uxly, exikt- I ing only in contctjiplaii> n ul law ; but, if we I can believe the ranting of our editors in I these (treat Stales, nnd the denunciatn»a't of our public decLiu.ers, it exi>t» uudi r Frim the Itclau-urt Staff JcrurnaL THE TAS'r AM) THE rKLJ^K.VT. The subjoined article is an extract from ’ the form of *»»t\ and baleful bwast, the Coorentiona, or raltier b> the pe-'plr ; j,p«>cch delivered by \Vii:.ioi H- Craw- ' bird, and cret thing, it is an IIvdh a, who, thro iheir Conventions, arcepte) nmi roRD in the S naie of the I nited States, in ii is a C|.fii.i:Ri it, it a (Iorcon, ti is a ratified it. And here the evidence is, it bill to recharter the old IJank Vi tri ke, it is a Mo>'-TtR, il is a \ ihra. possible, slill more irr -sistible. that the the I nited State*. W e n-p*jbli«h it fl.r i Y es. sir, id their ima|;inations, it not uuly terms c'xild uot have b^n regarded as piv- p'itp'ri»*—Firaf, to shew to ihe old i as^untes nery hideous and frightful f'orni, in:: a scope to federal legislation, infiititely ('rairf\ird Purty \n thi.« St^te, w ho are now [ but ii [lo.ise'nws every pii9A'.ou». t'eltten- more objectionable, ihaa any it *be speci- loud*-st ;n d^cUrning a;n*inst ^ t»us, and'lesiructive q'wlity. Shall wr, sir, fif.-d })0»er* which prc^luced such streououj ‘•Minster,’’ what wore th«» s«‘ntHnent.«. suiT'T « ur iiuaginatioDB to l-e alarm*d, and oppos!ti.^n, and calls for aiDendmcots which „(• th».,r quon'i-im leader, the *• I)erDocm!ic I our j’trlgtnen;- to tje inrtuer.ced, bv su« h tilljhi b« Srtieguardi Hgaitul ihe dan,jers ap- cawJidste” of in relation lo a Hank ' inisr rablc stufi’ .''hall wr Uniely act un preh^nded from them. ,,f the 1‘r.ited ^u»t'"l. when tho excitemeni ' der liie lanU of this t\ninny uf fhe pre*i’ W ilhout recurring to th? piiblished do agairj>l it was of pr^’ttsil) a‘•imtlar chamc- So man comrlaint cf the di»cu"ion in the bates cf those Ctinvenlions, which, as far as jo pres*nt; Sei\ n-!hj, to draw the newspapers of any fii>'j«'Ct wliu h coint s 1^ fbey can be relied ou for accuracy, would, I y^^„ I,^;;;slatiirc of the I nK*n; but 1 It IS believed, not impair the evid-nce !ur- up wiihin the l.isl twenty-five years lo the I rro»i * lemnly prote-it agiinst th«' cur*e ri*rad by their r*«ordrd proceoiiings, H that the same factious and nnprinci which ha»'TJ''en [.urMxd b) th'»e Mhtr.f!* in w.;l suffice to consuit the lists of aineud- (4ei ciann''r w hich i now raiv>d i"nini>t the ' relation to thH qn* .-tn-n. Iu» of rm- mcQts pro^x»sed by such of the C.inventions pr^sf'nt Bink »if the I nited St,ite«, wa» i to prove ihe ui.constitiitiM!.:iliiv of a= c-nsidered the j>\^'*er'i granted to th*‘ raiw*d also lwentv-four \o3rt a^o aj;a;n‘i 1 the !«w ; ihe\ charge u^'iiiber-* of Coi.^r' -'* Ooveriiineiit, loo extensive, or not &afely Itank oftiie L nif^d Stai***. Then, j willi biMOg Lrxbt-i or comptri!—and tl.i' define'^. . liow, tue •* (ireal States” of .N'ew York ' is what they call I,i!«*rfy of the IVe-*. 'I' l the re«lriclive and explanatory .jf,d others, were dt-adlv f c* of the lijnk, tvranny, under uhaliver f.rui it may l/e B.TienUincnts to the text of the (-oustilutioii, ,f,,j i,ppf.^od to a ren^wil of its charter. xercis* d. F d'clure open an! iriteriMiiMlle It ii 3y be otjser»ed, that a long list was pre. J lie sirije course of a»»ai k m m^nibers cf war. 'l o me it is perterily m.lirJi r»i i R;.'C*j under the n.iiue and in the nature of c.'iingre*vs, iheKime friul »1.id1>t«, evt-n the whether the Tjrant an i»Kt'fM>«iBLt ‘‘I>clarai;ons ol Ki^ht*; ullof ihem indi- epit.Set.«, which are now d.iily at,d in-1 tufTon or a iJ»'spotir ,^lJfiarth’'— cuting a j‘ilou?y of the f ederal power-*, through the pf.Huted and Tl»e foreaoii.g were the .. ntiments of and an anxi- ty to mu.tiply i^'curities against pr>fl,gato channelH the (loveromei.t preks,: U ii.Lt v't H. Ckawkobd in nrruinstam es a constructive enlarg»'njef,t of them. Bui y^^re at that day als-i pnjred up«n mem ' preci-^ly similar to the prevnt; and let it fhe aprxral i* more partituUirly rnaCe to the, Congre«i who d 'eraed a Bank es- ' ho r^m*n.l.ered that thi« same W ulum C iinber an ; nature of the aiiH-ndments, pro- -r, a sr^md rurn ncj nud lo the fis. : U. Crawforo was taken up a frw venfK to be made fpec-tic and integral part, ral concerns of the (ioveroment. Members | at'tfrMards by M\U I'l.N V\N III HF.N cf Kjf' tori,tiliitK,i,al te^t. I „f Concress were rhurgf d at that dny wiih ^ and others, who are dov» l.-»drr* m ih»- No less than sev-n States, it appears, being pt rjurea and brit>-d. Jamu* A. Ba-' Jackson paMv *s the I>F,MO( ft \ IK c.jijcijrred in adoicg to their ratihcati-ins, y\rd, of this Slate, was one of ihov; mem- C \ M)1 D V'l K lOIl 'I MF I’H l>ll)i:.\- B of amendineois, which they deem bers of (’ongreM. Thev were chor-ed i-ki. ( V’ " r-HUuite. Ofth^-se amendments, nine were s-.ver.-iguitv to “ Foniyn pr.,|K,i^l J.y the Cohventicn of Massa^i.u- c.ifntalists'—yisi as ihes are now. Tt,e b“tts;/rf by that of S^.Jtl. C.irolma ; firr/tr jjank ^ i, ^aljod then, a* hv »-verv Ly thnl of New^ ; Hy by that f,^,| mon«ter,’\Vc. 'I he slang, of \irginia; thirty tnrte bv ttiat of New whangers and M-o.lers of Ihe prr«ent dav, ^ ork ; Uctniij y\x by that of Norih ( aroli* hnve not eten iKr* rTj**rit ol* oriyinalitv ; jih iid ; *h'Cuty urie by that of Kli'*de Jsland- *if.iit,.te r»ow as ihev were lh*'n of ir,> ■'•m- IIjn are a inaji>rity of the .Stales, pro- hieiM.e of Ir.jth r.r argument, our lilj»*i!f‘r‘ posin;: amendment*, m one instance thirty- are cf>n it rained t>errtU-lv to draw u;>on the l:;ree by a single .S'at» , all of them intend- nunt of ti.eir pred ee»-«.ra of the la-*t g'*ne '•d to circumscribe the (K>wer granted to ration, f-,r ihe whole «to k of billingsgate til" (i'oerai fiovernriierit, by explanations, winch they are now lavishinx upon mein- i-.strictuitiS, or prohibitions, withoui irjcliid- l>ers of Con:rrevs, nnd others, who c'Hidemo inj: a stntrlt (>ropo»iti'>ri ir»in a sing'e .Mate liie nuconstitutioiml, unprincipled, and vm- ffctemr.g to tne lernit-, cofi.mon delenri, and dictive prc-e«jingi of Jackson towards (general welfare, which if understo-id I'i ttie Bui.k. Well, fhe old Hank was put co'-,vey asserted pow r, could uot have down, ai.d what was the result' I)oe» anv j 1 ^ »»d> thh hk f fdii^d to l>e the po*er rno^t ^■tren'Jui-.ii)) man now lof^k back u[x»n the slanders of j ■“ iiif lit» turned at, be^au*e evidently more ai.irming that day with any oKi»t •»«*niimcnl than that i;j 111 rafi^*', t.han ail the [>wers ohj«cled to of di.^gusl and »c(jrn^ 'V ill any .lar kson yi' And that the terms shtMjid man now say flmt IjAvakij, or l.i»ve pn-vv'd. alt>.if lh‘'r unnoticed by In* U iLLiA.n II. Ckawi omo, or any oiher Kiany ey whr h -aw Jfing» r in teriin and member of Conjreiki, w oo eiipfxirled the jhra-rf’ii ••;oplo\d in *ome of the u>'»»t mi- I’.aok, was bribed, pcrjoretl, or willini; lo xniri:. tl.I. «hot)«trnot tixr^ out will catl *t»i iSu II txtKrcn lliit aub 'lori'.'iy of lilt i;'. Tt ( oiirl. J Md (i.N.N AK;il»;V, Sutnf. Ai"urt C. I'.'lt H .NOTK'i:. 1 tutur of • |w td n! 'I fi;*l !o IT**, cxecutr*] l»> N iVowoilii .ur n ruii. tl.rreiii iiM'iilion. 1, I «ili I) on Ihc l»«l dij of Juir in «‘»nt, on till Ihr llutiM- tiid of li i mmI .S I’ebwi rih, W kj ifir Ac-tfli rrijr loU on ore nKia ind iiu iLf by I’tlrii k rar»«r'. Hi U- Miix liiii» • i.-onaiilvr:!!-)! quintilj ol (xraof.kl frro'iertjr—Trrm» I ••h. \v .MOKRI.-^IN, TrutU, J',ly -Ih. I'-:’!. ^B’lII- k(i« it fio»ljcr.(ii uiilil ti.e -tlh M- lu Auyunl. w. ,Mor;iU'»N Truiif, IjOoIi Out! j^.wers, .iicnhce ihe country to foreign CsintaliMw ’ ■ f" r»«n «U tx)frow*d Oo-n fn^ “ Tom . ^ ,1 , 'i‘ iP L 1 • * SAi9^ in iwo \oIuii»r«, will return ion, th.t hie vry mipp^.sitio.i wdt be rece.v.d „,,et kr.ow v,h,r« .i r.'j'.e and liir.;> ] of tiic numer:ited rriusi be rezardo*! hs a deii>onHira»i it was taken f r ^^:lnt^d, that the t' r:n- with the same feeling of 9 orn, with wiiicij, may U found, or (..Jthiriw lU/ rn»v oet Vh^i" were harmless, r* ( H'j *e exp'iin*.(i and liin a f"w years h^nce, every rii'ht thinking '>i il.-Nkw.piiper. AI»o, irver'*l oiiier o( r.r.'IS III the " ar!i le» of (."nr**deralion, man lU th" country will luoi back u|*on the j »'«• iosumI out ir. ih* »»mc «« I v lU'; enumerated p*jwers wuich followed slanders .f the pre'sr-nt day. 'I'he Bank wa» ’ * "‘X 'r''-mof.n- • jii f. . 'i> I J ,'■■'"II n.inr. M.ill .1m, K. ri.»e« r.t„„ put down, and the .States Banki were mnd- I :,r. >• a,v4l >kitUU i„ tht S of K.hJ. KJ 1 p A Ilk" derri .n 'ration, that theso t»irm» tl,*> (j*cal ag'-r.t. of the (^overnmei.t—anrj l.Vt.. ’ WM.HI .MK, wcie ni'l tjiider^t .>^d in any »»ns« that c-uld the most caianntoiis p.'ri«l our corntry ev. I 2, l-.'tl Con^'reiu- wii'i p.,w»-r» not otherwise i r saw, smre il had a «overiiinenl, came b' -t -.»«d by the (’oii»tituii inal l hart**r, up,i, ,i. The Slato Banks run not, th*- iii-.iy !*•• ff,und in wh;-.' pi«s d in I'le fjrut -es- country mundan-d w ilh -purious (mfn-r fi »r. of iti" first rt . wiif n tliC » jhj‘'' t —tra'l^ -*as p'ostrat-d, l>ankruptcy sprf'ad I of jinunduienls was takf-iiu^. ^Mtli the concil- o»f r the land, ihe Slate I'.anks d* fn»iided | ia!or\ \i w of freeinK the C/r «,*i!ution from Ihe (i vernment i f a million and a hall o! oljoci .n«, which had been mad« to the ex dollars, and m five y^ar', the eountrv w». tent of III (/'jwers, «>r to the ungjard' d clnnioroos tor a new li.tiik- and a new f’ank terrr.k em;loy d m des ribtng th-m. Njt w>« reated witli three limes the i apital ol only wf re the terios ” common defence and ihd f/ld ow'' W ith the aid oftius Bank the geijt'fal welfare," uuaoliCttd ib liic buj? liji muuiry huJllouimU^U U-youd ull pr';ctdfcut. KSTKAV. I,'’I.IJaII HAKI.K,l„ir;- .. A Unit »tx iiiilco mti ( liurltitti', t,ai riitrrrd un th* N (») 1,1 iiiu I'i.tiiitjr, a )rllow ►orr'l iruirf, A Ith t wliili . o!or«i| lotiii .nil, Ibiir jfrar« t,lj' iilxjtjl fo'iili rii liarid.t hi(,'b. a in In r Ik», nenr hind I'wl wliilc tl>u\t ihi- p «lern joint, n uh a •‘•.Tilts IliS wpalh'Tt. A|>(iraivi(t bn lh ."I’b Jii'.y by Joiifi t .uni.b. II ’I I,., || Al. tii.d. t at I'Ai r.l^ Ole d'dlar* jni.v l» WIS, r roa TnE joussal. 0= To the rrrrmrn of Mecklenbvrp. Fkixovv.Citizkns ; You will plainly per- ceive, by the changed aspect of this Jour- I iial, that some great event la at hand. , (Jreat importance ih attached to your decis ion at the coming election ; 11 ighfy ^ff>rls have k'en ii.aue, by the Federal party to jcouviure you, that Ihe U.S. Bank, is es sential lo our national existence. On this , slriiij* they have slirn'd the eleroeiils of I |K)litical strife lo perfect madiiesa. The) I have again and again asserfeil, that no per- •ton ever denied liio Constitutionality of the iFiiited Slates Hank, till Jackson started that objection; and for which he hne b*»on \lulled by them with tbe epitiietsof I yrani. Despot, I'surjK'r, Ac. A:c. Now, iiiy fel low ciii«-n», I will quote from authority, the ButhenlM’liy of which, they will surely .not deuv : tliat the p>wer of CiHigrcee to charier a Bunk, wa* denyrd, and i.pjiosed, uarmlv, bj the fnend* of hlierty, to 1701, when the ijr>t Bank was charter^. “The S-cretsry uf the 'I'rcaaury, (Mr. Ilaiiultini) next apiwarid wIlh a r««oiunifndalioi for a .National Bank: A bill cooforniing lo ' hitf plan, being seat down from ll»r Ht-nale, was [-rmitlcd to prog res* iinmoleMtid m the House of liepresenlalises to liie third reading. On the final readiiij, an unex- peeled oppceiliou app*‘ared against it, ou the ground, that Banking sy*lein» were u>«Ie>a, Ibat the pr->p.^»d Bill was detective. But i*s[ ecially, that Vmgreu va$ not ml- itl by the (Vn.«/i/»;f»i>*i vith a rt Kpt/erU f\ trrr to e*tabliih d .^ntiontil Hiink.” It IS further staled by the sanie authoniy, ‘•that alter a warm and prutraclcd riisciia- «ion. fhe Rill wascatrndby a majority el nia»t.-en voices. ”—(llisl. L. S. by (Jood- ' ri h, p.'.'UT And further, llw sotoe iiistorian informs us, ihat “ when Gen»-ral U ushingluo r««|Uirvd the r>piiiu>ns of hi* I'ttbmtl on this Hill, a majority decnledly prouounc*^ it uiiconsliluiioiiar' (p. .O'*.) We will still borrow ao ihcr stalenHnt , from this hi«tonau which we opne will I be altogether j,'rasaiil lo M'liie of our Rank friends. He remark*, ••’ll»e (Bat.k) Bill which had now posted with ihoee relating ’ lo ihe finance ol' the cuuntrv, fh« aMuuip- ; lion of the State di bis, the futMimg i>f ihe Nalioital debt,ic. vVc. greatly cootributad to ttif compl^tr or^itiitalion ol tiame distiorl * nnd visible partifs. ^te ;eral a’ld rrpuUican) which 10 iIh ir lung ainl ardent co«itiicl for power, huV'- sirw' shaken the (*niled t^tale* tollu ir centre” ». ‘J* -.) .Msrk il, iny fel- low cii.z* ni, she parues w hicb were orgaoia- ed lu cta.lrnoing I'wr and against ibe first ( • nited States Bank, m t.‘>eir long and ardent • attHicl for power, luivc siixe at>ak«-n the (. nitid Stall's tu liieir centra. And m\ fellow ciM/>-ri-, IS uol ihis the case at lb>« raonu nt’ Isih'IILiis e.npire »haken from one extremity to the olher ’ in order if {st* iiMe, to su'^iu.n an ii->iiloti'n, which the KepubUcau party always d'nisi to tv con •tiiulional ; nd ihrou^li Ifi' t orrupl aui: jcorrupliiig influctKe ol which, lii' ^* d«Tal I parly hoj-* i- r**;.'sin that power, which 'ill') lost, when Ihe iu.morlal Jt-f.crsMi was G'.et:ted over the elder Adams. la fact, ' le.h w cil>z/-ns. It IS as touch a struggle fur Lifiertv, a* it was in It >■ K*‘voluliitinrv war; then ih»- i»sue wj«, 'l ue King v*. ihf People, now It w, ihr Bai.k v*. the Peo ple. Our faincrs vanquisficd live Kmc, ir>d DOW let II. be equally united, and failh- tul In our gl>ri lis mitontanrs, and I luve no doubt we will uproot ihu cioo ol Kuro- pean ly;;iliaiar) alao. I do hope ft .low c;:./ao«, that voti are not liiir.d the low nnd di*huiKirab e tr.eas- ur*-* to which fiur Oj ponetifs aro r^s>»rtim;. loil'j(rade Ilulchi -f r. and .'1 ( laar) , mere, ly bccnu'e ItHry are »upp'rled by iheilrnKH:- racy of ihe couiitry, rnjr lo the rnsi/us de vices lhf> use, in onh r if p«»sibic, lode ce,ve yi||, BB.i blind yi.ij to the liuo is»ue between you,and Ihe lrieiKlsjf (>owi»r. Nime of ilie CaiKhiiale* of the fippoaition, proti-ss lo be opjHined to tl.«* r charli r of the pre*enl I . S. Bar:k. but wish the present liurter eitriMh d,lhrc', six or iwclvr y ear*. i'ecauliius fellow citi/riis, du not h«doeeiv. ed, the man who would be willing lo eiteod the Charter three years, is willing lu ex tend It lo ihe end of time. I)oyou not p:r- ceiv# the di ceptioii ’ Suppose you were to exti-jid Its Charter three )*nrs, befrr«> that tim** Jackson’s Administration wr.uld expire. Ihc- Bank wi.uld exrr* every meaiis, and by exteiiriing it« facililK *, would endea«or to got a iiinjority in Coogr»-ss, and by ri.ul- •tiplymgihe aiididntes lor tho next I’res idciicy, def-at the olectiou by the peopjr, Ihe eledion goes into the Hi.u*o of llcpre seiilatives, where otio mau, such as Henry Clay, c«n defeat the W'i*h)'s cf a larg** mu. jorily of th- pe(,p|o of thini onli-iloracy. A re charter 1 I th« Bai.k, will thi-n Im certain, and in twenty v'ars uiore, it wilj hava ac quired !*ufiiciit f»ntrolover this rornmu mty, lo peri^tuate its existence to the end of tinie. I,ook at the ol FngUnd, n bus exi«t-rl lor IJdl years, and has licen to*i strong for the King ond I’fople together. Some of the t.pjxisiiion Candidai«s, U-. come mut h irritated al bemgrailed ll-dt ral 1st—how are vru to know on whsi mde » nmn stand-, unlcHs we pidge by he^ voii s nl the ballot l^ix ' that wa-, and hasolwayi Ijci n considered, an indi*(iiiiahlc tut. But ]» r- ha[is the gfntlriii'ii wisli to he «.luv.i.d wilh Clay’s iiMMlfrii wig*, >r whey (irmkers: Hut fellow citi/.fiiH I lorl»«ar lo tiro y« 11 U'^iijjer ou a aulo'd wLitli La» u:ic'''r^''i:c •O inuch diacussion of late, lei us be umt,.j al the (Millsandi>ld Mccklenbuiu wiili,^ „ .bat she atauds, where .he *h«. ‘^1?’ stood, A pillar of Constilulional I if-„,.* A CONSTlTrniiNAM^T uK-yy’ ioMaiL'NieAiii.11. Fellou> Citizen. :Z\ few day,*,nee I had placod 10 n.y liamls a “ hsniibiH i,„ der Ihc signature of “A friend loTrl.u". which communication for bold efiioui,..’. tore faced asaertions, perveraion 01 lacts de«p rooted, malicious and envious fe»i„,™ towards ni«, la aeldiiui witnesaed in civilized aiMl moral community; and is cir culaled throughout our County m order to defeat my election. If I had been ati«ck..-d ooly upon niy iiolitical doctrines, I .bou'ld not have aiiawercd tho communication, but I BIO assailed in uiy private character, ii*iin qualified lor oflice tu |k>uiI ofvtuierMtundtrw Ittrsonal eharacltr umi tnrlh. ’l h,», eiiil! iiaiing from a man or »ei of UH n(op|«,^ me only in |ioJiiica,) who were boiha.Lam. ed and alraid lo |dace their names btlura the public j who appears m the character j ol a rniJtttght atrnuia, to *i«u mv reputa. I Hon and ercnpe res|;«sabilny, whiili p,o>,-a j the writer to bv without hoiiorabk: leehnij. , This slate of things has been produti^ uy I declaring myself a candidaie lar a sent m j ihti llouw t*l Coininoiia ol' ihe i>ext tiwmral Asaembly of North Carolina. Yes, 1 e!. I li>w Cilizrns, I am a candidate, and my I quahficalio»»s, character and political senti. iOMiiits nni ail bcfur« y(Hj;_And liie cor. j reel principle «1' action, ou ihe |«n of the ! people 1 bold to Iw,—Is be hMu si» j| h« 'cafkMblcf Is his political duclrinc eoun«lf in loCs*; st ales 1 aoi w lliog lo be wetghad, I aiMi will cbeailully abide your deciMoo. 1 aia denounced in tl»e hundbiU, m tbe I most biller lernis. Why? Btcau.e, mjj I the writer, •• I have planiod mjsell n..»,n j lb« »upp«jaed po^^hirily o( tien. Ja. k*xi, ' and Ihe suppoaed ob(x>xiou«>eas of the K.n k U'f the I . Males, lo |^«t into tflice; shsrt. .* |(/lsA«fio*.r(2fc/e lo ii))iieif, atid ungrniT^%t 'towarda Ihe oilier i'aiMiidatcs sho at« a. gainst mr." in w hat school of pfiiU«*.ph), ' religion or law, this uuuisinsti , tau|(hl, I am al a loea lo ^coi.jrclure. but judg.i'g ftoai lb« pLntti U hi* inoii*f», m |»-li*e »uch aa taughl b) iHitf Cjrern—u« organ of' i>ii//ijlrut4i>^(tsle* iV ^i«.i(4i J Hank pvniy Of NV«bb\ .Nu«h,ot ihi t-".',- : Ouif lo«n iiHUiery, a* ‘".A lair I lrar«sat liua.” How ung%nerou>, untair tfrl uogeiilleit,anly, is lb« sentence abi>*eqii.^. h1. I bax« always n ittr frietM) ol livn. I Jack*^>n's Admini.tration; i n iiftiur turn in I *'•*'4—in 1—and in l-a-.’. Ileiiet* I tbe alwwrdit> ol lae cuargc. boi'ii betur* ■ sod SUM e I tircoair a csr^lhtate, it w jx pr'» > lain.«Nfby a portnwi of the ffiri,.^ «.i iha I liaiik, that llierewasnol •i’n itM-n lU tbe .C'Aiuiy in faveur of toe " nid i yrai l,'’ in , coos* qiM'tiCv of bia oppwiti n lo the Bdi.k, j ilic removal from oHice vf Uuain*. sisi I no i rtUiX'vai of the itvposiies. I brt.xii.r a , cantiidale reluclaully, at tbe pressing' * 1. ' taiK>o ol a runbir ol tbe firm IrienOs of t « J AdiuinisiralHtfi, lo rtpt.l Urfoie ihe p» -!»» i lltc fd'aa and slaixterous eharg* * a^ hiio—lo reprasetit Ibem in Ihe lei^i 'eouiicils ol' liie Sialr—ai»l lo sota>s his .\du,mitraiion in tlie election ol s Senjt r , lo the I niled .''tales Congress—In so-*, I by such a coursc I lirlitvi-0 and \^t U-||.’\», I the prost«rii), ha(>^>iiM*« iimI libritie^ "i 1 the people wl ihi* nation, ar* U» be a^ltsly^.^, ! protected an»l prevrved- How ihi* f*jt>o , was di’Avm^nrtib/r m me, ami *n;rs»rpj t I towards Ihe genileoH a who are n \ • cr*'- rients. (artd w ho diswpprove ol the rim-'"! t of ttie i>*-praiUs, aiMl ar* in favHir ol i**- , barlerii g tu« Hank) I am at a Iom tu u:> der^iand. j .\gaiu . Th»i writer observes, '‘in r.;'’ I llieir appears no net essils l«>r brmifinj,' m I mailers so foreign in li.eir imi'ir*-, mi'' , ( *iuniy ekriians.” How msmcerf. h’ ! liypot riliral and false i* this •Ist-ui'^nl ’ Il I not wh) has «ur Fr.’sid-ni U'n iiei.'-u'W' i ^ throughout the |a»l sesae.n of ( m a n.anner n flecling dfiSiotior up>-n tli" na- I lion—||i« hue arxl cry ol “untr*'** »ed iwi.le spread rum" b) the rrmovil ot i!'0 I |)ep.a(lc* from Ihe I uitc«l Ststes I’unk. ■ I and wh>, Ihe «io|rnl efiort leaking tliroti^h I lh»- public preiikof our town, in ihr priiiiti.g anj circulation of fal*c an4 slantl' rnu* pie rs againki I're-idenI Ja k*»)n—«ni 'be »rur. rdous iilMisive I’amphkts snd han!bill»i circulated ag iinst mvM-l!', b*Tnui>e I gainst the Bank. — And ln«tl), why ni* j coiiibipalii n of lBl'’nts afid nn 'ie), of'ur I town, «rrr\)e«i against m ’ Tlie»*- tlm'tf'* I ar« subnilt' don my (>srt. to sn hoiie*i, jimjHirtial and loteliigeni c anmiinit) to uQ* I swer. I Again . The w riter *' I* t-*sup|sjsed lhatth" ircwlnr , ne aiauK "'.V circular) will have any iiillufi.c- in sMirny, such of the citi/'-ns ii» lisv "P* |Mirliiriity of r» adii g ' t'* Ui-i'' l.'. ing a roi r»'t I judgmeiit." 1 h'‘ b’'' P'*^* *■ m> MMHarked upon, w I J"'*' ^ ' tbe I’lesidcnl in the r»-in>'>.il Ircni ft • Ins .S.-cretar\ /fi.artr, upon c.iisiitulK’n-' ' !.>to.inds.” V\hal aotliority d x'* hr bring ! n.rv.^rd to dis|.rove this HS-«erlic.n I Bill scribbles alH.ul tho woid m.v ai.'l So r'»tar\, «nl it***' j pc‘iitij» tho I’fcinlcnl liml a rii;!'' i;.« S..:rctary, and mi,.(.-mg '1^ "f isoii base,lahli,UI H. wImI has tUat to ^ .with this County." OlHrrvct e in.en «* Itytoijvado tba I’oiiil, sn l hliu()l« f'* .pio.fion- l-b..notg.ultvolasMppr-';;;^ ct th' trut^t, lu uot )

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