MINEMS’ & FAIIMERS’ JOURNAtr. s vTrRiJAv, Ai:;ijsr i«, ih;u. VOI>. IV. 1L/'HIi; .\A.Mi':« iia.\(;m». M:(.‘Ko^.s \vaa'i'*:j). ri^llK >ub>r: ilK.r v. i.luk U> purclmte I.IK KI.V M. iN 1.1.K0J .S, Itoiii iLU U, lliirty ^ »;ira olc^, aiid wilJ I'.iy ll:c most lilwriij |ira(Nin( iiil). f’KOl'OSAI-S For I’ubliihinp iti II,p Town ol Mnr(fiinton, N. C. A V.’L’I.KI.Y NKUsl'ATfcR. It! nr. i>Kvoret to roi.iTUS Moii\ijn, i.iti kati Kfc;, AM> in i km.k.ijn( 1;, THk TIILt OK tub: tioi iM ai-^ u f e^llK S«b«rrifH.f han concJudcii to nlUr tin- li. I lli'Ol'llic nr»i)i»(«r loin? pub- Ij.md by l.i. i in iMorj:ii(.«)ii, «i,,| t|iiiik« i( jirujwr U; ill* ic«»oii lui ko liuinp. A cwrrrkpoo- i.iiLi b) Icllir «»» lifld wall iiil«tii(;ciilaiiuj;ub- lic'piritcil iu(iiti(1u«!i III llurkt Cuuiit)-, on (tiu ijl.jiil ol till' jirobatiility ol >uccl’v» in llip uiiiicr. Ukitiei «'Xpr»**''l itieuiK IvcB mi confu d«rull> H'lrf llif HrtiiHulivr, tli.t 11^. oil lln'ir Milii'iUtioit L.f Nubxcrtlicr ku itiUuctd to i«iii tlui ori|iii«l (Mutitctut uro U;;liiv ht lull vi» id the f>Ur« ol Li« uiUndtil Iix'^tirn. >«.! jiut.jf iiitii h imporlnnrf to uamn, v»l un hv c«D»i.*-ntl III* piiHrpltt orlliodi/i, l>» fd '• ihr Moaiitolu \jmiOiil,' bt'CaUM- il t' l.iin t> b*. U> til*’ MLlion of Couiitr^ in»biiii il »a» prupiiM-d to lo »lf, atniil «■ to \>r) biKiiblr biuli«* u..icli t.c lilt would b d 111 tb^ coa!»uc ( ol tli« roucrro. 'I'lir .'•uk iivntMi. II («kr« Ibkt *‘(|irrr u Mtmr. t in« HI* and a ftn ol vtiil lo Morjmiitv>o, *b ri‘ l.i l)«d th ji’i'uufi of an int. 1I1411V1 o! i >. n n . I . and ...aimrM. »,il, |„. future p.ir..,.* h,.. I a..d .\law!da hi wili ^ ^ iridu..dbini U. chunjr »h« nauit nf hi» iiai--r lu i . „ 1 ,, . r .1 . I ? 00. r.orc .,vr.n.,iat, lo .1., ...uI1,,..kc aJd 'rV/Zb "r u V.V’ '• ? ? ul.i 4t ;jd i» nOciicc u! UiuM HbuUi it wi!> |’ob»r! *l • tl * *1 i " iV • ^ \V.;'i ri^’aidl.) |.-«1 an.l iMcUvr.*! iji). flt4ir.«. *! “ "3 'r^ 'I'HK si:Bs'niiii.;u •liily in, IJ3I. * ' M J .S tliis (Ware tliin day lor ^fw-Vorl, J.. Jt I. ic,,uosfH that Lcller, fron. a di^tancr be Hirfcl.d lo Suli.buiy, wiicic |J„,. Hi,bs-Til*r ul 1 °* prefrntr«id.a. li. M. MADKA. | € ^ i h i ^ IB! h ‘>uUcn/Uionii reciittd al (hit i>lf,re. I fj I -S^ I 3 9 And of lii» iiittnlion of layinjr in cncli furilier »iip- NO. 202. Thor.. \vTk,Juhi\,\. 1 he fullowing appropriatiens were nmdo iho pfaceof thisCiiy was las=t ni^ht at the late Session of CwgreKi, for Public NVorks witLin this Stat«: preserver!. A large body of the iiiilitarv wer« or- Fdrrnrnm.. Jor.d TI,oy CO,,.,„™c.a bl.n, cjk ’Cnh( w7''T, nU«,t .ix «-clo.:k .1,0 of,Hero. I dS," Oft«i, lbot,«.Lj ...lorMkcy w.^ f,o,„ Ori„.; M | Ko,' ^proving C.p, F.„ ,i„r, (.low » timin(rt/\n .i_ ■ I.'.I p-' plu ol Wi'.i. fi, .Ncrtli i'ltolii.u, li^vt ,11 • .1. iiiiiiiti'•, *rr mnff of !«•> di>,,i'd, tul, r, n.m 1.1 .N.luiiai I'oliU. Ih- danp^r lo • . t iiilil'ilinti U 'lii li»>* • 1.1 itMcliiu' ijU 01 pj». .• «'iil th. uaiuip^itrrl ■ '■.■'.l-wl' Ibr *, t t m.ly .*f. ^ ur I ..i' [ Uii •utiK f. rfiiiif, ati.oiij til. !• ifl. , avd l,.,'ti I r> I'liK (I (’! Ilir U-* Mil- u • 'II. l.«; oil o,'.iii> II \ .t. a dr. ; ’."n. |.t «iii ifc. ,1 r.,;iii( al ln>(l,.liutii. I •_ t I «nd |„ bar d ii u ii to lir, >•».•:.*», u .■ .rrt,r^.-J l.iUrl_. » I'.Ii Uii » iiilirtilfij frot, th’^r I'atNM ^• 1‘t*' li'»l iai,ui>), a pr. i*>«al «»r tl.i> 1 I. T~' ” .» U ;.»! *,a U 111' fi.ir.ir’ , 1 » - r i f !'.» (>a;,-r ’ 1... ,*sv.i.. f.ur Hiil giw tj . * r wiil'i.iit t! , '(.-•I f». r»i ( I '1 e.: leait I in \ ir|>inia, hu »irli *» a« »• hii iiialii:«t li uni'll a id 1 1.' > liui • a'r • n 'avjf ol I., A« ^>lili(4l (• m> ', . . »' i3 S. hi» ifci.gv. aitifi nj V f f-: Jtd o*> r t. c gi ii.i* 4,r. at K- II !i.'.r# ih»i lb» rr!ihr4t'il \ irjfif a ar.r I r . I>-oiiit r>i,i and Kt pciN tf Ir" »i 1 . -1 .j A»'i a in ^ I.) I(;i~» ([ifal ‘lal* • «ill pUoae call and do it bcivM;«n Ui.a and i-v-n.o, I -ow the rc-f)€ctive con.inaiidantu were in-1 W.lrninirton North (^1.^. fill .I’ . .\loiiny ol Ibaiirxt ( ourt. , Up has now on hHnd and in Oport'tlovrn to be ,with discretiormry authority to fire l«o liundrHrl’nnrl *hlr»v f . r if^r'vnrdtd »'ifhout rir|,y. th^ .i.IW.nu HtticU'H when tlioy should oet.ri it exnedierit or p A„n„„ r,, ^ ; Whub areoii. r.-d at »l,oU:t>.\LL or RLTAIL „t,-i ssHr% exfitCicrit or J-or a l.ghi boat to be anchored in a pro- iooaccoa.u.o.lat.,,.eurni.; , ’r,,e I •.jv Witch M«rsh„U ^t or near the mouth of ibe Roaiw [5^1 •''‘•Croix sueAR. we re’ilaf) convtTed nt at’ 1 1 1 ^'“''olma ten thousaod dollars. •^-2 17do. N.(Vltan.A \s .lo.liu , , ,, an euHy hour, 1-^ complctiD* F.rt Macon, (Beaufort 1. 0 b.,,. ofL K,„ aii'i t uU Ufloc, / V Hall. | Carolit.«.) re^.>10^ the iHer.n iwoatul three thon-und citi/eiis vo- f|,« ait-,1. „ .1 j j 1 lontoerrd. and u«re prov.d.d with bndges ' ««vco tbousaDi doU of iiM.„rfK.n, und a “ pss word.” or; The Newbern Sentinel saysWe lea ra I c f I • ' ^P«'ght has tiucceedfd la .,.‘‘'1 r' ^ "■ appropriatioo of five thousand s inblHJ ,n .umd squad, an.l «ornr.- captures dolluis fur the erection of a .Marioe llo8pi. ot tiieii) were madr. The cavtilry tra- •-■i -- •* - i-t - 1 . .. • _ . _ , , , verged the itrcets in dtlachnrienls, and, in tFfirthr arr, i rurktri/, Ar. eVr. two )r three instiinc’cs, where clusters of III,- lioiii IS ci.natai.tlr ruuuiii". him! be »olici'.K ' Ii^"'[>le were a.sscniLlcd, cviiiciti" disorderU I • .\^^l i''\;,nr>d on nil CoMonlt:'! umlcr iii« tii- | proinptl) Gi»[H.Tt>ed thcfu. ; » Robert Potter Esq..” had been I t-Minn f„r ^fllprre^t on o'Aiitr.’atcouiii to Nhw . I ,p. . - a.vsassinatftd bv “ Spencer O’Brien Eso ” i'l; 1:.: . r.„™ s.„. .0.:,,, J'1°:'ljsb t , ibii. AH wholiav.' Mich pr..|H ;tv loKiiUoiiId do well to tall on bim.or .Mr. .lobn Joi„> A;; ijt. lir tui. Ix („ !iiu M .Mr. SlauKt,(tr'i.‘'il.,ul, il, .Siii«bu;j, miu .Ml. .lom-i. ut L»i. ii,>d« lloli 1. in ( barlotl... All r,. lurii ttMf. " .rd i j or Mr. Jones, will bi' puiicluaily hlUndrJ lo. K^’LFiir in ji;. 'i. ♦ .|f .N7’i7/; nr \finn r .iA-o/.y.v.i, ' "U.M V. ruuuiD". ni!.; i,c ik,iici; ( uurl Ilf U.K.' S,n,rjiit, May Term, I'lfi; hi Iroui *uch fjcfbuiis aa arc cib|>o»td lo p*.t .'>0 I'uIIn IJ,iIc Knpn, lOtHI K.icka l,Hfr|KKj| Salt, : . UrrrU .\o. 1,52 ,uid 3 .Al.cUrel. •1 »i(T( Uice, .lOnpirv-Nt, ,;r r,in.p, l|.-. l!.;if,n, (ini^lly Bidr*.') TOiiniIHl Wnil * lilMllAI. .\SSi(JI'.Tlir..NT of jprj? C5Cil35l.«, uwiiuii, ,ui 11117 cii.-i.iiua 01 a i»ia tal on the Islatul of Ocracoke.” I'alxrhood.—We observe in the Rich- mond W hig a paragraph copied from the V a_.}« .111*:: III i.'ir -..iliKiicti'ir of ll'^ I 'oiirt. tiul l.ol> 11 Ai ;ti aiio .1 ii.i hi> » iii', two 01 I.' g dt.11,01.1,11. Ill t;.,., F .,1, j(,. ir.r,. Ii.unu o. [Ill* Sl,U. H^dnul th,., , tbot I'ul.; U m«'!' fix wit. -.ini'. .Mii.tr-W r.ui'tr«’J"ui iial, Ihm ti ■ V 1> and aj.jirar jil iht 1 . »| Court o: lua- ai'il i ."' .uii,., i, t,. |,t Id lor th' I mOI , ,M> > all lit II, al I'll ( V^uil Hinisc n, I iiaiiwtlt, 01, liir I kt tloiidjy 11, .\in, ,|-l in ,\|, ain; I ., n »i,i; li.i-rr p.i id i.r -i.»* , r, "jU., I ‘ .n; jitij.; >nt ;-or i,- v. I’l I tai.m ». I* ll.rn'. \\ ,1 IH a Hf*;\ O^Uti. ( iiiK ol •' :a t i.U' t, .it icf, . 4 .‘1 .Moi. ay III ,\ia\. 1> I'jl im » t\'l l:, r f r SI VUUH' .\nUHlA \lUfLlSA, '■I' Kn Mil Ki II I s r V. n r ( >.j.l ,.J 'I..- Turn, 1-31. i - n. I.iav at m.v -ia,c to stov thtir o . "V' 'J , “ , T i ^ assassinated nor m .n. No .l.rfc U.ll I- mad.-. Tbo .si.cd ai,' ’ “ ^-v ,any Way injured by Mr. O’Brien, nor has I. e.. >. Iimi, ,rybi iluiiipMhat lii.r. iHi.odinr- r Oiscovi ry, that they wert clout com-! there been anv mcnance or utteropt at vi. ,1 inll ,i^f."r‘o "t ‘ oirnce made by him. 'I'hose who know An.l s'M f tt'>i.l .n;,'c,-.pumi d in caff, oi fire lircttkinp _ — . ‘l.r..*;/..rnJu "uflv ul*rr ' ‘i'?'*; “ •* Mr. O-Bnen fee^l indignant «rthep’ro^'g;. ■^'w.l, honanie.d U u^lm,::t.i). J i ,s unncressary to add that under anv circumstances be induced to act the ,,|niitinj; vvns b..rii. oil 11, t, luuipli by the ,i,e part of an as.sa.MO. Thus much wa f«.pui.lCC.-.^. 1. M^. Afh. ; have deemed it our duty to wy; more wo r,tnt\ IV 1 I, .1 ..1 ■ *^0 to say Uiidsr existing 1.. - tl.at the circumstances. I Kev. ,Mr. NVt.'» ks. whohiisl^'eii recently 10- uciihitcd with the a:ral;;ai!iati'in infection, II Uii.L' .i' l !t in I'iO. A la!t'> r.,.n.o»rol Waf oiif tt li, II!... j I'i.U of ri'ii'i. r. LArosTi:. I’ll.,' ’.'imr S. C Ju',f uii, 1" \)\\' IS I 111-: I'l'i Hill .1 f .I-' ^!..)l•1 ' 'ilMnll !»'♦ f If ' ! .» ;• o: itif 1 1 J. firfnm., I. )• ii.« ■•'til i.rral »i.d .".i;i I i*i I -M tj II •A 1 M 11.1- fl Un : .r ri:.l : : .ic .»'.! t A J . r t : r^iT s Ont.jii fcr Il.cirif. • t.iii' 111 t;,r : • I. ‘l Cl.l. .lit lu I I' 7 -r. ‘■jrti of thf Pot)-' I' II I aii I. •I'i.'f.’f Ii.d •' li.r. .. .nr n \ « in r 1 M 1 m' Jo-jrn !. i,>r tii>- n .,. o '• i ‘in 1 Ui a • l,r\l -r ( ...iil.i' I 4 , lu 1- v«iiit\ o' .\lnalt c'tv.'c, at ihi I ..,.ri I ba\f just rf( fi\L(l a »u; pl> of I- d th- .-(a i'ri i, * «.'iu«.i; ior a-.'.ir.j • 1 !i !. »;» if.t i I;. - : I! it;i f’.s’i or ^’ellow Kt;s«,.-in I.lie i'Ui |)i.tfh f.i Miporiv.1 \ i-ili'w 'J.i tn, hihI I>ar •-'> N i.r*l/lk l'i».' 1 Auoi.p n •I -I to a - r.u li t r ,f. xi.;-.! . I*.' >U ' I r 1 r. '.r "f •.-. .!« til:.;.' !. .r;, • U ' '.h' I .. I ir t ' >. * i.i!jr I. ’ , t l.i( .i .tl, >,. Iiii , I «T 1:1 .\UJJL- I i'. ' L I' ■ :r j ', .. or ai -»t 1 ''i Il.t ; l«n ' ” ' I M ':i, I " ' • V .»• tli ran >■ u iii bi ard :■-.11 , - >11. ■)- r ' ;.,4r T. I’lllti^:,. \'i^l:k-., r I r ,...,(1. ( , rk »f Mid ( I'UM, ttl f 11, I I'^r.'ll.. Ilf .iJi alVr Uit illi .Vlandii ..I 1. ' . . \ iv 1' 1 ■ J ■ 1-11 I • . , . •:ki .•> I " -A l i, ,c» I ir u. ’f.h, Tor,^ ^rt. li l-«n. To prevent Diierepreaenfation abroad, wa ,1 Ir ,ii, , I . I 1 . 1 ' 7'. I Will mention tlie facts of ao oceurrenco .1 r due. i .1 c J.,n d man into h.s pulpit ..a I ^ 1 ri(l;o ‘'►'Iiir.::, n-uitisl the previously as- 1. .,, i-k„ .u . ai i. -.rtaM,edwilI..ftl.o",c«ple. ^ hen the popu- ir*’ d Irtco fcuiid liii-i out, the\ entered tlio C hurch 1' tl***h 1* *^ mtrre.-,t numLPrs. t. ok the latter forcibly brotnar ol Mrs. Potter-1 h. guu from the pulp.t, convcyid hiui to the jaiU Tk Uirr.,itenir,p I., tear it d^wn if the jntlor did i Vl, H '"Tfi u'’ ..ot recMve him. l-.ck-d him up.Ld then I J ’ the sk.n on the crown of I nJi ( urnih, {cfnap) r.Murtu-d to th» Churcb, hr.,l.e the windaws,,. ^ wound is not serious. Mr. tore dti. „ ,he ,'„l^iM and }h-ws, and reduced ‘ X ^ V the ed.lice t. a .Ul!.- \. 1. Ccr.m. Adv. ^ n • Ojcford Examiner. Tlie following apjallinj; description of ol li,.,.,1,. .\,r„T,co. \' ‘.“'t•' “'“r'?- ■; ) ,... I “'* ^'“ghsh paper, published id 11 I'rr-fi Hctin u til r't r.Ji i .-TA n P, lofttL.r w .lii r-rx C.JW S'onr..’.s, in li.;» niarl.i,'.- K in.'l a- .M. Ill -N 1 1:1;. (\nncithncc.—The ‘JOth cf .May—Tlio lay on whi;h (ien. Lata}eile e.V(>iied, is Vi \a ■ r] *. '-t »j * . , ■ ( «- t, il i-» |{* ' r.f t#r* M .J.-‘ , . o! ^ ‘ 41*'^ fmiiiinif i;.»* lif* T » * • ' tit rolhiiti; 4‘i 'j .1" il: in. h l/ff ft* I. n til ui ■ ai ■; l. 1 a i:....„ i.i.i,, : ..1 !,»»■, ||( i.fi-.,, , tl, and I- >.••• 1,1 1. . J, ■ R(. 1 (. , t...n II >|,V i. r aHi.i i, i(,.,r. ol 1 r..: \S 4-1., 4-r IJJ,, 4, ,i I '■ till l.l», ’ ^ij 1., . IJJ J,,, I if, „ • ■ ' r ;i ft i’' . B '.I .w ajj: I//- M'U i // ( 1 \ 1,1 Ml. I 111 1 \, i.Avr .NO! i(T:. 1 I.Mill'',, lo I. ly i,c iinr I, will ;.ii 1» lall on , r fy l' • I'll lintj,'! t >cf If and vti:. lull, l.'rt , h rr .Vi'iK"'. Tiio»i- I t..'lJ lh.lt day (•iici'js Failed fi’i his tiri’ \o\aj;e ol discov e/y, and that date of' ttie nit nth, wtinesjfd \ r \ ( / J I, I fi( III "I . I,t:l II..I «(i-f . at,J » ,|.|rlM fl I ' * lo V, • . i-*-r Ii4% » ili«» .««. . JMit ul • .t t f** ■■ k . ' .c. i*f 1 ‘fit*. M -.4 U. tl’r-h * In r ■ ^ . t;,r 1 f,|*. u . il • ' . --t. ,t 1. jn . Iv \\i th. - It. i.t 1' 11 * » •»**»», f » 1 ot ^^r ( rti. n- > rn :i ti - ■ •» tj ll. *J f.Mf-irr »* in r'l ^ f ll :u»t » • '■r. or ^ ,r i, !-ifu . of . : • * »li # 5 % 1 w U r.i p n .4,^ iSlK' ■- r-. ' I .-rr^r f * 1,1.r« ' .* I-IU* ll ii: f n;^ 1* T-i It r . r' ft' I f -r t *- 'V > f*r. • n f • Mkl t to ij • t %• i - .-OC" • f ‘ »>i CW 'f*. ^ 1-.- ' ■' • ' •• -i. •41 n ;r ^ (^.ji • «.Arti V. 1 ififtt ii 1' I'l at' ■. • • \ « jict.* * * r-v . - ll,' (. I* ■ • I I.! s!-. pr ll l.lillH II tl( Un H 111 I >n;ii. il \".a, h.iicrf. s l».ic.ii ii.j-l.'l la,,i;, K.e P- .«-v af dr*", r; I- . 1... »hI,-i.o; I', \{, t rn K. ad J • I ' !•■ 1’ \\ i.iiaiii .\|. .i,i l‘«i,~. i I- ' I »! ,: I..!,. j,n ji*i 1 ■■•III It, t..\t:ur t 't, St ViM,-, i,»ri ' r i V n\t ncO !•■. I*' 1 !ioir.j> Harr:* a'it i,on t! ' f'fojKrlt 11; . i I'••I If Hi. \ n I,I."I,';;. -o. oil »d l‘ iii..a' '• ll, I', ; ,:i * ll*. 1 '>( I iii.l, i„i iM 11> o>» n ■ .1 b> >4' >'-.>11 \> fit, ' . I;,i. «..I, ri Ilf 1 J .''i .', ' t.. ■ I : ,11 a‘ 111 I'l^ .11 r, . ,.iii liiH'V I' a:,J rij I' * . ll 1, !( r I'' I. :',ar •' 'fl liilli;' I >« * k K I 1 I. I .11 ti\ IMII I, III at fMI .ll. •Ilwl, !.■ m.^di * 'i: • -ml! Mid' r«' A 1 ., ■ :i i ri’ J.,a • li ' ' iiir I-- d I’, •.- .in a-f» «r a^ IIk 1 ' •! 11 r ■ ai d irl, r not ' In U- I l"> «,i ,(iiii.|> • II . I'iiirl III, «r II. Char. ' In*l Aioi.ib>• in \u; u«l IK'S!, and ill! I. Ij.iii' ), I • .ir i[.i. ^1, iiii i.t ii. ,ai,it. (. ') I . 1 ill..I I, W 1,..-. ' K ■ ‘ • .1- ■ :.1\ . iVi. '. , !Lt U)l ,\Ioil in Mit, \ 11 1';M It |\ Tl s. (• r. I. ric c a..’, r i • I J'II is ; \'n:oF \:>i: i n r \i:aij.\A, ■I . Kl • M:I 111. I I M \ . J t,’ i,ti! r .Sm/ii/'i.., 7V I •> !1 rui f . t" y ” w i].. N J W 1 f J 1 '.tli If p ^ j(^ I.'* I f' l[;)rnr-»s 11. luH lor ( 'II j\.vi>T \^::ruv. ’I i'(i> M. u ■I ;»'!i' n - "I,' 1 r I I ll u ll! (tl n III..I,.,11, ;i ' 11 . rl. ... 1 1, I \ I' !. 'niy .,:.ij ll. ,1 ,r ,, ll .•> tii ll ,- ,. r I I.'. . ■ll, ,v: it ^ri I. ,:i %\ l..j" In tl Jl'nal.'i: .1 III . ,li i'> t’ i d' iii \ t* ll', w 1,.,. I . I f; ll , ^ III ..I 1" I \i null d riiiiii ll'. i I I I(M' o; •■ II, • -I HI. ll, 'I Ik t,l'l ,|.|. ll I„ •V -, \1,, ,' lam •|ll|5,l, ibl 'f /'.' u ,1 J l.’ iitit r .Sm/ii/'i.., .llo^ ir.hi, Ir.ll Noii.c!t ^ '* I l.'i^’Uial .\!;«flimrn:. ".r ■ . |. I’t-i V ^ 1.' » u 1,1 Uif ll. i.iS of W I Ii.i'ii Ciui.i'T, ai.J hill, ‘ II,.Ill I'll, '1 • I. II i.i'lii 1, A il! I'ri; I II I'l t i.irl, li.jl I iil'lii I'l ).i I't I!)I dr Mr \ I • in ll I \f ,1,1 f'' iV 1 ariiuri.’ .f r. I.si, I'-.it mill'.* Itii (...III l“ii • ty a'i|v ar «• ll i III \t ( iir'l of I'll at :,'.d 1^ irlcr ,*'i »«ion* to In I', ; :.ir • ,ul I O' nl > al tIu't oiii I Flrii^r in Char- ,.. Ir, 111, li;,* lii*.| M. ii'iV III \i!;,-i|..l i.rxt, and thru ml I 'tf ri' pii ad ,ir aii'U I r, I'.i ■ nii til pro , 01 f, , v*ill I in It. V\|tii'.', lli.i i'\ t l,il|.«, C’l ri\ o. -;:id I •tiiil, at iilhti, liif 4tli Miiijiliv in .M.n, i\ 1>. I'.'lt. ll. »A I I ^t^ t . . I'll,' ai!\..’ r-'i«l >/ A J j: nr \oirj II c \uoi.i\a. Mil Ml MU 1:1 I Ml M V. t\ il }h.i. him, I'.l. K ,lwit ii.ui Ul. ' »III ami ull.cfn 1 , f r. ;i;ion (''r 1 1 I'M'i fl. ^ ■ all "I • ''ti'l. tir kall^ I lion t'f r,c Coiir! 'Ill, mil'Ilf tl'i' ill'll I .laiit' fl sidi witi.oiit tlir Ii;iiiIh of Ihis. rioif iiri/fiii/, lb.it 1 iiMiraiion !>• in till .Miiifih’A I'.iriiir*' paper, published id 1796 “ He was seized upon neutral ground, and ti-e la>t niortiil ugoLiKe of Christ.-pLer Co- ‘he mouth of .\u^'ust, 179'.,; buried a- iu!iil»us, I l‘'C|incold subterraneous solitary duntieoDS, . - - . i,iv». n the 2O1I1 ef Mav. (J.’nerai Lafavetto, ‘l^’privcd of ciercise, of air.of the light of 11,. to i.o will i;iiu liicii, in tin hsr.t'Hof a.n with an inti nor lone, b:.fil!>d the IJ.ili.'li heaven, of oil intercourse with human be- (i.'iieral, tJrant, who, at the head of 7,.')UU ! s'ripiiefJ ofall his clotliei before hi? be- :u n, atti iLj'tcii to surpri>e the Marquis, ul pluti^^ed into his last duiir«on at Olmutz, U.iruii Li!l. Lnl'iivette's rein at on liiut oc-1 like a gaUty slave introwxrs and casu.ii was pron.’uiiced lo be a raaitcrlv made of sailcloth, enduring la inilit.ir\ niamr jvrti. " coBditmn the memorable winter of It w-is 0.1 the -JUth of .'\!av, at a Infer pc- 1destitijte of every thio^', refused even nod, that J.ilia\t tie's h.ipe .if a free I'rencli ” ““l' scnnly comforts ol- r.*pub!ic, expi'rii nced a total destruction, ‘® •>« '« straw and III the certiiiuiiiai where Napul«i.ni Kona- » matrass,therehc of btsRjssiaa parte \v;;* dcrlnred l^uipi rur. prison. 'iiit.'«e ci.iiiijidcncos ii,;i\ appear some- what trivi.'il, Lot they at,? cuitnus, and wor- -“I hole for a man's Head.—A carpenter, thy Ilf a paidiii;,' nutioc.—Altuini Daily asl«-'arn from the Boston Transcript, fell ■ Adrrrn.-ir. j tVoiu the Pavilion erecting on the coiumcn I 'I'l’ th',' above hi^forical coinciiiciiccs we ; tor the epproaching celebration from a cen- add the liilhnviiij;;—\ I’.d.'i. Jountal. sidcrable height, with a heavy joist in hia ' 'i he CUth .Mii\, 177 J, is the date of the liaud. lie raaie down head foremost, and, art ol I'arliament to tiai) ; ori Anierirans as good fortune would have if, so fell as til r.niriatid l r trial. l>u the ','(»tL of .May, .just to set his heod tairly in a bole that was \i-i-. • r'a II.. d til I ri.,t i.MTii', f'xfrnird 17' 1. J>trd rcrnw(dlls nrrivf d tvith his ar- dug for a post. 'I'his saved his neck, aiij > ', l,nm'.:i lui n i; .i„ pu, (h.m-s ilu r.ii, ,„y lVtei>hiif^, \ a. Oil t!ie ’JUlh .Mav, his likull too. We have out heard of 90 ro- n-. iitii'ni f, i vui. M II on th- l -n dai 01 JuU in 1. . , • -i- 1 • 1. • .1 utu.u wi au it ^ ■' 11 lioiiapaiii. siiki; troin 1 oulon lor L- aiaruahic an instance since the day# of gypt, and that da\ TJ iiioiiihji raised the Jack iLn (liant Killer or some other enter- ,-iege ol ./ta/i i/'*1(/V. .prising rliaps, who, in coming down from ' the rnot'ti, stuck his head into a mill stone. Shockit)" (h\ urr, n,'c.—The Norfolk r>ut pour follow! his head was fixed 90 f;;i;t Herald of I'nday gives lh«dt*tai!-» of a trag- ihat in endeavoring to pull il out he pulled ic tK'currcijce which took jilaie in ihe town il —or rather pulled his body otfand kl'l of IJaiijptoii, a.) tjii \\ ediiesciar latf. and bis head ; and while he was gone to get wliu h rt'siiited 111 the death of TiioM.V' B. crowbar lo dig it out the dogs ate it up.— .\li.i;n, Km|., ol ^ ork eouiitv \ ir^inia, in Hnt every generiilion grows wiser and wiser. I a rencoutre w ith .M.ipir .Unix B. t'ooi-ri!, ol If he iiad only, like the Bustos man, lo«iked “ ■ ‘ ' post-hiilu he mi^bt have saved but V. 1'. 'Iran*. evpiri'd Ul three iiiiniites after, 'i'he alien-; daiit ciiciiiii."tnnce!» are of a shocking char-! Tlie United States Aimr, now consti ^RIIIIl |vriinwbii lioriovvc.l t'roiii inc, “Tam acler. it 1 ..'i,-. //•':'," lu tun \iiluni», wiU relorn ,,j' (\vo It la nif Intl.,ii.i Illy, or lit nn> know winrrit wiieutiiey saw the pistol, uttered a cruiis and unattachwd soldiers ti79. I'ho, To f/tc i*tf I,!,'(■. uk 11. lIliI.M N 'I Ii^f i.« tl iiofic* ly .lohn N'iioifriiir gtiiii; l!ir roiii.iS of vi.ur J.iur nai, u.'iiili I rni,.idi r ii,|,irn'U'I" m i l iartT .1, ii.l^r, »l, ll i« loUl,» iai,c, llijt l,f, \V ,,...lrii.7, r..» iii.y i;ili n >1, 1 i; ,il,,(iii, or till • rv. i>i, in nn -l,'l Ii'l. Ill> ri;,'fil Ij 1,01 \tl. «JOi''J a ^ lilt ^ (r.kir Ind I ' . «ii.xj, n ' V..v Uirrr- >ti 1 irii»i lilt'p .1 Ilf H li! in fiiluii; Ml w II.1,11. tic ak an imp>i>ili'>r.. ’ri!i).M.\.> A. vri;.\. ./i, \ .'’'I, i\i> I5\ ‘t»i,i, -ii.| I vi ll. M 11 on t!v I ',(i [ ,'i'iiiik,.s, tile II,).in uiid l ol, of Hit IVj'.K. rlh. loun-!- I by ih- .\i-atli im lot> ■1 1 I'f H,1- HI t; .in ll," nv'.i-r I \ I'ltnck l’,->rl,fr’- l«,r.>ii, I I , Mii.t liinf a Ci.iiH:iii raMt iiuiii.titv I |r»i,iiiii (iro;M ; ty—I 11,11s C,i-(i. " M’>hUl^OS,Tiu>Ue. Ju:,. ^'/'i.l'Sl. nudif, 'Slltl a'. \f »a,t Ik poflcumtl until till' I'Ji H. I'lioi.dat 10 .\li;;ll>l, NV. iMOKKl>".\ T,utUr. Ji/.’i, .•’iI.l-.'M t'JU SaOoI: 0:t!! Iljinploii, in winch Ihe latter drew a pistol out fur a po and shot the former through the In art, who head.—A. ■I'd in three iiiiniites after, 'i'he alien-; ciiciini."tnnces are of a shocking char-! Tlie UtiK*^ .-»,uit, uuw cimsii 'i he deed was done in the (iit'sence luted, coni|)nses men, \iz: dragoons lO )t'i!iit’ childnnof the o’eceased— lUi3; artillery 1,7'^:?; infantry 3,*J'J5; rc. nil.; i;; V,..,r.,l. or p.:;:uncV Ihcy’i',^^ who, wiieu tiiey saw the pistol, uttered a cruiis and uimttachi.d soldiers ti79. I'ho. nnni* ill tiir .\. ws,,Hp»r. M%v, f>*»wtu\ olht r ol' i>f terror ulul rail oti, r.xcUjuiuig. “ Oh ! i:uml>er ot tvcruxUy iiwludiag dm in\ wr»‘ Iimitrti mit in ll h pjtnu' titfiniitr he IS going ttj shoot t'alhci goons, from the 1st of January to the 3tHii ,il.oM --tlir I iiiiowrri. nniius r.rt in iny nit iiioran- 1 of Siepteniber, 1833, is 1,720. .1I.0M--II11 liiiiowrrk nniius f.rt in iny iiit iiioran iron U-xA—« I I'l' i,aiiiO') sli.ill also bi iimdi- piili. !ir, '■ IIS irrl! fkiHni mt't, Siuiicrn' /ifwt K i'l.l*. IM.," U iM, 111 .\ T1.K. .Iii^'iifl 'J. I "itl. MancheAier IhralJ. i: .'i, SI ,!(■(« II",' t ll lint .1 'llIl Iv'.I'll I itrdii.j^N. Tl II,■ ( iipv. I n.. ' P. K ITM Al'.c. .M.E. t’I'l of bepteniber, A Brot.zt! Sintue of the Duke of York i has heen completed in lAiKiim. It is to be placi d on a','eiumn III (,'urlti>n(Jardens. 'i'he' MoHres.— Alexander VII. having ask^'r I weight I'f file ^llitue is seven tons, and it is ihe lanious Loo Allatius why he did not en IXrBMV. , about 17 let I III height. la t.ikiiig it from f^r into orderi*, he answered, that it was* 1:1 ^ I 1.1 All H,M\ l.K, hwng a. | (j,e i'tiuiidr) , a woman in Iho crowd observed, order that h^ might marry if he choet'. Ti.o I I ^1 i"" “''I"* fl •• On ! dear the I Kike tvf \ ork was never so Pope then ilematided v^liv lie did not rra: • ( liarltillu. fius riiltrrd ou Ibt- , , ,, . k 1 «ii "i ■ , ItmiK 111 iiii» Coui.ty, a )el!ow sorrrl man. ' l^^ge a uiaii as lli:it. , ry ; to » hich Allatius replied that it was iii Hilli a «hiif mliitid mam mill tail, lour yiaroold,; ! o'der to havK it in his power to enter ictti ihHii foiiri, rn binds hitb, a bla/,c 111 li r fate, i At a lea parly, a ) "img gentleman l>eing orders if be should tbinli it proper. hfers died almost on dnking fron lu which A dead —— ; if" 111 Kiiiiiu. 1 he reptile had proUi- . - - _ He who cannot btur a jeat, ought never ‘ hly crept m the bunghol^ ietl cpcn for l5:o n j.'7i,i,'i/(t JJitds Jlr sulcal f/u» ' to jujke «ue. iuiuor to feruiuut. . ii'|iii5,i, nil,;. H I 1, , |i , rn ,, ri sidi w iti.oiit tlir Ii;iiiIb of llin. 1 . ’ n 1 , lar«e u 111 ii, iis th At." , rv ; to w hich \llatiu3 renlii "•11 Ik oi l ,|.|. ll I„ I „,F . I, , ; 1 .1 . . .1 |,„.|,„„ I':••• IlixiK 111 lliix I ountv, a )ellow horrfl iiiari. '» im 11 .iiiaiiiis rrpni :' a.r 1, 11,1. -o, I,.I,; „n,i ^ a 'r..rn:.r,':">', — I , ' “'f I “ H ‘r r' • '.M'l «|.1,;,I ii,,;,. b1 In lb. fill ii.u I'l I»'.' t (III- I Iliai lid III t;i diint Ii.av a-ti't ir at i.iir 1'’" '""r''r"''Mids Ini; b, a bla/,c 111 l..rlate,i At a lea part v, a ) onng gentleman l>eing iToers It be should think It ■'""•'"■a.rii.k.iitMwtii,,;! Il.iir naiot. .1 an | ,;„„v. 1,.'lio huid, n f'r M.rKltn ''ind lijol «liiti-abn, c tb,'p:..lf rn jr,,.|. w illi ' ioT a .'.■u''ji et for coiiversutlon, said ■ , , I I'I'K "" I Jury “1.^1.,I.'* Campbell niid Tbr 1L' Alt l‘audu' “ ^ two daugh ’ » ""■1'. Mpt n a f.'it 11111,1 la-i .Mo"il.u in -'"Ra'i ni \i. 111. n uiid ilii ii . re pliotl the \ oiinu ladv, " but 1 pt icei>r \ our mstuiiluiieously in b ranee, keeVs-calf.’’ la bairel of cider n year old. ..ar,p-yat'|. Iinllii rt.iii'l.ii'b^K.,. pio too.i^«oaod .ti,r..*f 1. ISM. ;u ,..^,Ut; i serp.nt was found.' Then '"V-'I.-Wil.'I,„ ^^,[l ,l„, jp. K ITM Al’.c. ,M. E. ~ ■■ ‘ ■" He who cannot btur a jeat, ought never ‘ hly crept in the bunghol^ i i.ub.tnLu*'.\t. " ' 11 .I'-i-..',/.. l’.,r v,ih „t -A'. In ....^ 1 .... r._