'1 he (iis- liiite riei^h- 1' ttoarcli -nil. C.OLDf:.\ .flOKTAK. I A crcumManre of ,n.e„,o intrrcst oc\ rurred rnoeiitly iii ilm Uf ij^hborhood of I f-niirel fj,l|. N. C. a s.^t Mr. Murdoch ImIIi«, wo arc ir.furcic(l^^B|^fifo yparH ''■i'nclcrtd iVorn hjsfnl^^BLu^e on Ihe JVSl Kr.crjvr.l) a HIF.SJI RF.CRUT ej niorniDj; of U ednr*rflay irvstej purenlswilb thfiriiL rhriiiciain and Foiiilirt «r.' invitfd to l»y in t|i»>ir Cfimmcncf (J1 Ti iuppi) lur Ihe MM.II1 l„f,rr till-i.iortfiHiil IK bro. •"!» willii.ul o|^". the hUt: km. 'lUjr cun havu (uauiue Alsdiciiiet at W Thursdfiy and I'r'jHnv, tbt woods, __ a wicliuB »i,lle4 r;t,w .S't/am;.,’ ,n,l ‘ lhoi> h\rmturt, (>’uld f'ml, fi.iirnplihlr Tirfh, Mfduin* I'hrMr, Vurmunu Ur., Tooth /irv.hrs, .yc. *Ve- j fr-^uirj.,, broken b.i.hrs, u here h. I.iui An .iwu«ve •.»,rirrir„i of n t.VICii: .nd^l INi: |mfPi.(ly cndcBVorrJ lo reliivc liie fxtr.uie r.l himptr t-y the gro^n buJn atni lwly^ (hi. Vamith, i’uint Urushin, Dift Sfufs, ” Ac., u iih J‘i i fumt ry, I.oriHanl't SciAck upf»«nruiic«'ti »if liaviijj su«u (lif*burtli>ur(i Fancy ‘V**- j “(it* ruusfoux rt.ni^'iits,—h«ih My \VI\F/cont,.lor . jo-xf f„r irirrf hw^MH fuilow. IIal u« »nil of coiirn «ft j,iir» 'l :i-) «r* I'uji ti*un thici) tifja’S acruas (iijiii Mtl M^c.irt.of dift r*r.t .ju.liti^,!. :»tnp nir.—[PMK!-in{; over ffi lors i.nt a( All .ro.rn .h.Il rcTHx- ^ „ll u>. d (or cr. kin- .Ltin "rou.s a... C MiMU LviN ilT0^b; on« p iSi.D, ui Jillejiijil- to P'J'-s ovr on.; d' tlif?wo 1.,^^, jVH ,„t„ ill'* «al* r. I niiiiy cu ttiii;; r.une; thiee UlirOtlillllli:; ' xmioDii haj pjswij, L I rpsl. It is a t)u:t IJKV1I3W or TFir: M;\v.iiANovijR addrkss, 'y the v:itlet of ihf hlenwl ImprorTintnt Ctnt,^ Innr^ll.m .L 7 ' ' --uu. •I^ua wiid U’e cotne to the statem.nt in thfi Ad-jour r^eail M^VcLnro^So^^riJfrJt« prejudicM. kliLk #1.^ A r tf* • . ^ ' I IMI. .Ai.» iiA",ovijR ADDRKSS, I lurng of SBrin' ^mld Anllm ncertainly repay tba capital ':a/ei ufihf Jvienwl ImprorTment Ventral el2n nf-eded for tbe r vi with internst; but thay have raeoiirse t« the C.mnuUcr.cos.u.,,„. I n f strr. ! " with tho« ,vho bar. na b,t- II. wi iiviii iui* ir» inilr«, by the uhole riei^liborh>€«l. j SoMie traces ot tho liltln MjlUTtr were oc- i«;aM«imlly 8«*n. 'I’lio uuprt»»ior> ef his An;:»>f J iJ. IJ-.U. Ki:c.l.^l K.Ni’A iroit i/hu.*.. yt Ain r.ns, f (V',r„fd, IIV! I, ^ fBMJh o11vi r» c'lii.rr • .jiiig tb. ■ c*'lip«i, • llUihol lo t\r /'irtf f’ — imrnfu/ .'\ort‘, rnn.!inu I will ji«ra ;« llw-ir r» Ptu*a aap jmi.i. > la t i>r> ,,r-t, an I IU!I. of K. jxtmb. r I *-tV a>]mfi Mt 'tar z i ii«. lot I' Kf ^’■■■tn>!i—fti !i pri * ■'^'nr. 4 to U* fiiri r. »iUi (•J'nffii.cf ' rtritit) . . I « /;■ .,ii .1 H ,:♦ b- (ornii'd prr t.M-ij. tt A. J1 U> »r '*r *f «MM I »( •«!«%. ('tl I- I'idn.ii, I ’.t drrss t!mt wo have no mercHiitile Marine i ven iV the tflWD7f \V,riinpTon)TrI!irN^ ' thVre'^r ^,'1 *“ l-svoiid ;i few (ni‘;er!ibl« cwistpr*. We art> i York atiJ I'hiluri**!i.lii« \naL \ f'*yto separate this pur- obh,odt. tholl3„ovcr ro.„.i,to. for di. th/r . .Vbe u ^ fo ^ ’ f:reu“o m tin^ r.ur attvntion to this cxore..ioiJ Cornrn^r... TJZ?,/i,?r/u^-nded by the Conv^.tion. There ,s n» h-a« kd us into no errfir ia urtriin'cn?, nnd, i iifh, i'r«*nch, ■■« trust, with Mif;h of tiur leadt-rs fi»i ri ad hut wc hav ,, I. , , J , , I . benefit they cau deriva , J I an •ttecipt to craate a su*,,.t.on that »l>c wl.^l* Adurf.=, wiihont o flc=„p,'to'fincj IoCeHlinff it by ihe pi«ce or'packHnc.“"‘ouJ 1 In.ant Iban mU I” V® l.Milt, has Bot subjarlH u ', any suspicion , t^rr i^n Ctiirunorc^ is wHi nigh ”x, Insive. I road recmn.anJs ir.sij.'t. the pMril if a. all tho I’riends of Inleroal JmpreverLenf, >m iiii intrinsic Taluo as n part of the h»Ie plan devi.««id by the General CoDven- ofuui'h -iHfak d»-y(jBr!r>!;lv otihe .State. ; ly witb the West fndies, in the evporta. ' all tho I’riendM cf Intorf, i i ’ i-iincipuMy, and in brin- from ii* intrinsic ralue as nTrHMSl; , ‘ . f « to f'fiy ta-iiii;? hnrk Hujjar, Molaf-ses, lium, and I’ruil. wl par« ol the bln rtf 1 i»i)naj,'(!, but we iiad the incviis nf: I'lii"! how herutdfo •mil the |.inTil« had y t no ndir.gs ton w . .. , , ■ - . , - laiiaticisiii has fixer- cotumended. i-ii 01 Hie l.a»t»‘rn . latt-i, and thit, in cised over tLie llriii>h I’arliiiment. We de- ral, cur own noa vf-f.WiX fa‘»ii»g that Uar, ' pcnd cn tli'jKt two Cict-, in foiiiu'ction with w«rc ot *imnll aud of an ludifil-r- the cooipurHive 'I'iibla of f'ur Imports and ciilcliari.ctrr. Our Lno-Ale lye of U ilmuii-. Dxporti, r.; pc-ndf-J lo KeMcw, as suf- We are entirely of cpioion, with tho Hanover Cnnunittfcn, that it skould be the ».bject of the Legislature and tvery friend of his c.ijtitry, to build up larj^e towns: snd OS iiDT luio;^ hul ar-cor'if#^. should b?) carefulK and dilic;«Dtly foslrrtd Ui.lr.>dJ('ti, uliK a fToii'iK'd tlie If-a;.! ht-.f.> ' mg our in M itipg i F’rrnvjy tht .1 K4jcc»'f'. ( b«- exertmnt »»-ri ruiitiiiu- il jl 'w of f.ur k!i but havir ciiiar- ■*iih no liflti-r fcutijcis until u, Hrl\ sun ri'l.'ed with nn ) dcuouncfd o;,r whole t)C- •a thi . \pi!in^» «,t’ ihs (uurtli daj >.{ «Lu . int « «s lo rii; | ,rfiji, rom;;,ircf, sm! Ti n- ■h.Ui i wandu; .i:j,(.—I!ii Iut!j«*r w.is tho ! r.o^-r;, and Tons, as i'jriri.iis to the .Slate. i»ri U)i.f-t to d(•^: r_\ hiui, in .m !p. n firjrl, an I .dly t.> \\ il;:,i(i;>t(.n. Wiibt.ut n iiiilis fruin hun o.nnJ hivm;- walk'.d' ntmiig uit.» tl.c inr'iarv to the 'prolflb!) net Li>s than lH «n!y-fiVN ni!!,.>j, ur |inMf^n rKjimrrfe ard. il.»'ou ...1,..,.,. ;hp w«o »,o b, I t oorsl.ui., 1 bo . xi,reunions aro n.anilcitiy ! sfrantMhcncd ; and thu HKCIMF.XJ’AL OU*>fOUf. irrAr*gr\RTKi;«. r. -,fm,4 V. r. Av.-uu The 0:Tk» r« •( ih# nf ('arilrr A (nth* I llh |Sr||at« ^I't |hriHMi p r»>. laa oitln •'tb'rrht Uri^ir, ..n T.-»J % tie- '111 „( \. Ill I ‘It • :ka!ltfr,« ar.du itl.» I ir rci roci^ icraictnr to l»t . f t ff-t i. ranjgthcncd ; and that, if they are by any siata I iltr^ I »tj ir ft'rfmd 'ble ;'vr(, narj '• i Iho lK.y wa^ cr)nw\“. home h\ re- -f I'lt r ?o»ti. is a \rn„i ino.anc^- u' t'lat Caf*'”’". "nl thoi.gh xt ry fccb:. ,i-Uva!a.t-.« fr..i,, uhirh i-m h t;,. «i.. „re not ,11';^’^ »ef?.—rA,ro;r (iamtf. >x' ir;f I—.{■ Jini-J my,.;, „;.portanc# lo „ ,, . '!int r„n. .-tris l arbefrmnus I tr \\ -r1 \\tU \. t f—U r d-1 ni-t in a th.' di's. ** to (iirniiii>-b their s,'.ti>!::riion hir ru'.,»*rr f our p«| r ri. ike tho a-., r-i m tb** prr-nt nr fniijre ppior.aor of U il- 'i' n I 3ltll\. %•, Ijf-n ul that the nujnri r;iir jion by .■(re tittle. Wc h;.>e r al 'WMi ■ - n... }«.« inter.s!s ‘ I vessel lu the system. Far inatance, it v e, tJtPt intHrests. [ ,s pipur ,f„jt ,| ,9 important to tho Stole, Cut lo wiist j"jrpoia is the whole reason- just to the citi^.ens of M iluiington, aa iog . ftiis Hanover Coojinittue ? ^ helher'P"r‘ parcel of tba State, that the river Joes It tend ! \\ ithout doubt, they are the the naiuro! chanr.al of trade, should ba kept frient's el JnlernI i T'prr.^enjrnt. Have : ar.d further, that WilmicgtoB «bould they hoMtof re advocated it &8 a njarttr of^ia'e part of the benefit at' Ra'l.ways, by mt-re oj|'fiiit;noy ni.'J convonicnce, or ai liaving a brucch from tha niain roa« from one of urpci.t ncrcssity > Hhs it aei uied to , Keaului t to tha Western waters. Imlicid. i d-pih of wa-rr in ll-eir ’ Ithat Ler ca'in;; that thojiu ccuBlir. aad cilizeua I. .. . • . ■ ‘ I A:ricullurf, ( .:i!rri?rct*, and .Manufactures, 'vhos-c convenienro or interest nmy lead arnm ;^i\( tv ;:.riii (..r liable ta li.cru, nnd ue ui^h thcni • U \\i' , if m i:i (: I ia t fid I >1 u, ill'- I -li'll.S IfI, lijiii. NO'Ifl'. r„\,h 'I : f itT. ’ - TV.. \ \i,^ ,v ' 'I !> rif in t;,r *MI ‘ , K ir II hr i» i).' nnll' r, li 'd tl:r ; up th;. i.tiK r p.ii.ers , I* I I. " .vipUl I i f . , 1 ‘'‘>'•'^'■'^’'^>‘1 'iMlh their former views. devist^J by a inajaritv cf (’oi^ffreics to Iht V.i..|,-sh.(.,.r; no! ijryn., 1I. .H iiol »ll ll.i'j-li«vo«;iJ 8i 10 ihe ll.i'r. Iba S0i:'hi.r» Asnc,.'liut„i l.„ (l,r p--, * • • ' i;i' ' ■’ !• ' ' •! .. ... Tho I ; i I .I-'..,*.r ... • ■» I* i» «"v I,,!'. J. .f-. i til *'! ri'A [. ,ii r • .I 1> I.* %; to I : LKittrri in ^ rt* *1 \ . .'.I- .. S ■’ I !!i I flhiii ro . ... , ,... . ^ that wchove trade wpalthv and (Huviifijl. 1,1. \ri or.iiii-I.. I liiij. iirc fur a lor^r t!ie «!.•,Ao/ioruA/t , as to the im>de of ex- direct bounty; by a tax on t’>treign gooJs; or by ' away at the public expense for one, .f V . f nui. !• , i>i I'l- ri.niili; >il I l.il , II 'r*. V wrf. ,r Ml. J ,i *'•>1.1 It l« t ti.iM 41; lll-l-- ‘ Il I 1 OHmd l.'ii ,iIk lii ‘ i IJur; \iu J. i.tiiijirij; In I'n . ! Il' r«*lv r wjri*'f) \\ . W, II \ \ ti?. i:. v:i it Wo come now to di>po.* of ti e hut nnJ muk II titojei.il.ijn. .M. j i, I’iut irrh, ^ 'is prcat as we expected, b;it not no gnat i vvr Coniiiilteo ha^e not veufured l» iin; i-n .ind ..tin r :inr,r„t laithor.-*, «iH>ak of imti. n.s ■ asi could de.iire. , rea'JoiJ by whii h the beK'.nr.ini ot this hnn'.fuir. UrstrictK n cf trade in III! for»^:>s ia in contravi'utK n of the groat law of our (.'n'ntor, wh» v. isely intended, hixfin". t iKTri iikn nf "hi', nf llto lime tt,oy wrote, knew not the j I Ib r ii'rt wild !i h.ul r w.i.^ ii»liiiii> uiit'iit • 1 Zt> SljltlJI '■ lt(irr « w |tl UM4> ||\ IIm- |M»JUt nl 1.^ ' '"U« 111 Hii, ilrtitiil, .S •.crill llr^l.Tnfl-s *«« h*irif> |,ii„i 01 :-urreH 111 iihkIi rn 1 Ilf fHi i- «,| H ll:.MMi' of the .'•'imtii •-L’l'in briin/.fl I.U.. id,, Is u Inch niV rii j u!ra "f lire. N ' nln .Suilii nt |,(ir;tlo, has 111 this “'■■II kiN»fd (luito aw«y. 'I hr |i>*M ot rlatiii ».| ^1. IVler, III the \ iiti- '•*' lo-i nnii h cl lU uiatal h\ tbn ton- “ ' "Pi'licHimt) )| the lipi and fori ht'.iiis ^ ''n nnd ii ii.is u-en llunul ni‘re'.--iiis t the fi,r,t ,,|‘ ||„, siiitiiM ,,r i,„. S.i >y MirhueI.in !l,r Miiici vh, tfyiii »iui- “‘j'lfy, by a lrua;i lipakiu. b() i piunien.-'uratc with our i^mpulation and tUnr Wiliiiin-ten r.ioneb orf cf ar(!,ni tcwfiir- cullive.tn it. In ill ease* in which a rv I'hiiul'i Hen» formerly eijimlly i^'noruiit. .M'ih ii pr»-«'iiti,» veil in our da\n, soiiin iin tii^ui 111 thiD (|(‘plonil)le stale. l\irkix (7»(.T(cu/ Essai's.