MINERS’ & FARMKMS’ JOURNAL. _ := »*«»•>''»» **~ANU I*L iTlJsllf^EVWlY SAUJKDA^^V, BY THOMAS J. IIOI/I ON„..CfIARU)Trhr^£« uTiTkI^^^^ iF^AROLINA." ‘ " ^ VOI^IV. SATI ItlYvy, >jKj»Ti;.M»KI{ i-J, 1831. “ — l>lt. W. >1. II. I'MKiM, I . . T» I.KT, Stil'ffron Orntfsf. po«e“i'>n n»viv,- .C J1 1.1- , . -i- >■*■ - given Iiiiuieuulelv, ih* Uiw Sioro A\lN. qu.lifi.dh.uucllbyac.urwnfre«d.; rcw.i.lly orc.i,.icfl by l>umcl (;ou!d, in llie ii.K .od,;racUce, under thr dir. ctiun«( Dr jarge Uritk liuildinj, adjoining S.rii.j. Jw. Oin- IM UW ir.*n I .ru r.«H*etlu.ljr l-nd«r» bi« ; h,n.*. li hus. . very coi.vrnirnc. tbr Mcrchun- .wvic*. to t(.e ,.ubl.c. 11c will , ^uimg. For urli.tr dmIk ular. enquir. ol plug, filemd ciU«cl Itelli, will ptrfrcl LWiOY M’lKNUS. u^>ii • n«w princijiU, iiid with luuvb loiiu p»in I ,-lnri/2.>, 1631. e)tl' tt,«* on tbe old meUlod. | ilr Will iiiMTl fruin un« to tn (DtirK M t of nat. ii ,l w i ^ i/’r \ u ir «„/. urnkrtal.ot v,c.„up,^ble -/cc/A. ou . tromth,JoHiKbcrcn>^l,{U^ ■i,(j iiu|iiuv*J )ji«u, 10 clua^ljr ritriiibiiiig ytiuie I StciiMtinat InriaLitt, I he eioMll-lxtat j>ul in l/»uiy and nyniwHtjf ol «r»ncf,«« u ■ oin offlo lake in three |miseo"«r» wLo had innde I .^Jaunce Moore, i plHiI/elude dHietioo. «n«l iH.-rlccily fomptunt „ig,„||, from the bhort—a gcotleraan •nd i i ,ur ibc puriw of j ^^awls and riblK)ii. lluttcr- 1 j-ugi,, c ' ^• Thf fullwiug it fhUu ( frfificait. I f,prce wind like ibe quivering of a j Lfiufuii—Joha Mc^ illiann, S. LIST or 3Ii;:MHKMKOr ri!K LEGISLA- lURK roit IWJl-5. i1r:*on—Al«xandcr I.itlle, S. A. \V. HraBdon aoii r. VV. Kittrrll, C. Nonb .M»*i, S. JoDitharj Ilorlcn and Toliver Witcbfr, C. Uuiirutiihe—Jmiies Lowry, S. Josupb Iltnry anii .Fa:nc« Wcevt-r, C. /J/aden—John J. Mc.Mi'lan, S. Atr.os Uicbard- •oil and Kbbrrt I.yoti, Ilfrkf—a. P. r«r«on, S. llarvi'j IVrkiiii and Uiiiunicick—.Maurice Moore, S. liuLt. M. Me- I a., crmr bnllmnt Hag at the umM-lieud. Th» bay *'"1C. ’ ’ time oiidrr my iinun^iai* inip-ctHm, in Jb« ca. ( e* i, ..j .i l . I CuAuiri/* . (;torpi; K lulls H. D M niy ol a SurgKi* l>mU»t, and frc.n hti> di *- i e.\cet'(?(Ui;Iy rciligh, and the white caps I Williuii.s (■ ' of time par tetiiy lu itir ,.rri«i...«o»« of tlM varioiM o;xra- caroircd ull over the watery uxpHJiw like i ( „m«iiB»/-|)uucnu Mc(’oraiick,.S. I1«||« on lb# 'IWUi, I bMvo no he»iuiion »n pro. |h,. flashiijjj niam s oC a trmip of w lld liont'**. I dan. jr. and J »avid Mv.Nuill, t.'. Oudnw and T. J. H. S. Clarit Harrinj/';r D. Jur. and 'olt'in to full. If theKctt Moon—ti.e Firfl (Quarter—Ihcj g Full ,Mi)on—or ll>e lust l^uarttr happt-ni j O A’clch E. rrnuf .a»ani«K«» -n/ wiiirn i pasHfUtlirB und pUlllUC out a lew ro(H troui and \>ui. IJyruin.C. ,Mii. .aber in ibi. r^olry or in Furo,*:. : . . » . lutoiliC hkf a tlfcliiuz cork ' famJm-Kdn.und J. Barco, S. TIuj.s. TilVt All »li«ari ' “•‘■•■'wul «* lib lb. prat tler ol JK«-; - » S ' and Ja». N. .Mcl‘b« r«jii. r. I,.trv, Viiow ih»l li wMUK-iimoo difticuit, aod irr. iip“0 the roujjli aica making uttlf or no pro- C-li.'J? £. C.O.Z.Z-B - c " T ! r ^ " e c or; I — , , . I f Wumtu*.. Caleb Stoni;*, S. J. Friak and M. q KMil^ imrracUcabM l«(4u; lb'irotti i*«tti. iiui gr‘h» tuwan a luo »toaiiil»>al. M'uwcll, C. V,I1. Itn> ii.»i/uu«-ol, anT lAoib Ib.a II not rcm., 'rhofturiiy rowors, tuking loO}.'and strong j r/ui-rs-.Rithard D. Spaiirhl, S. Abner Hart- , .M* lu.Jf br ..|Yanlae|«ii-lj filird i eillllO ttieo-th to tl.U f«r>. I'«>• and I rrdiTick i’. l-alha.n, ( . >'«’■ |;"»i !'■' :Kil,;rr,v;l.’;“**' , , .ur;»fut-.Darii.l I.ind>av, s. Jaeliua liarri- tho narnumii nraiust to him. I uh tuursictjt ! ^>11 ai.d \S iiiiacc Uiay, decii}«nl the •trugul*-'! ’1 iio uiiiltil ttiorto] Lint ,dt.uu—.iol.11 A licjan, S Oiorje Smiili ..fih.: t«o nid«-d l.y a huge waxe which m . , t .t I a r Tl... ... .• *v .t /MH- J L. Hu*-.‘^rv, »s. James C. Hill ] MfUt. k ihe U>al uii 4l» s;tJn, llin:» U oi* jrfiido 1;. Krn.Mi f. ; bal.iiic-, 4iid dil'pii g dwp into th«! t^iiter it | i,..uinly Ilo-.vcrs.S. Jclin W. I’ott. Jl '7 rn ri^ Fl> | FHI:sII Rrrni it •/ ciipMiz J, and ll:e hllk Cit >* «\er« dehv«T«il and 'I' iu.cr lUnuni.C. — I haiid^ he had inlln;.'t) htld, K nt his uiii fo iiii; CiiOLui:.^ .liOKTAie. iil «\«T lo tb* iu«*rcy «f the billi.*b! A aurili . I •linvk wfiii w iMiV 4i\er ibf^ r. 4itcr ; a luiuU- r«ii« udit f • ar« ihmU'4 to Ur in trt^ir . , , . / i i ji . im Ul.:. and hat ucr- M.iblP, (IcKUlliy l Uaic f inuif.e ai Iom j up»*u iHt* bul for ii nictii**t;l uolu I IOC ♦*l»e, the ki fl of ib'- boat rxcepli d, vra» III W« >«■(!. i iii\>rtuualH|) iiij utli^r Mnaii ,« fdH »ji attached to tbo htc iiiiU.ai; aiiu j — »i o— cn / St r^irnl f ,^rLmfn!t, St 1$ J'.rnitun, ti // /V-i/, / ..rripl.Li, 'I'ltth, ^hJxcine f'hr’!», 'I'V r t!„ T,. h rs, Hn-.iha, k\c. \c. Au I ■ t rf OtAKih »ud 1 IN! r ii.M>, (hi, rijrnr:^ 1‘uini //ri, «A»#, Pvf Stuff*, 1' rf- ntr^, J.ortUtinfs SrMih Snt.ft, I'UH-'I, Sitflf), 4-r. vV - *V^' Mi w l\| «r • (vr ti\r4 .t :l .i ,i>.i «•■ rotr -• »r*. pur». 1 li y ar« 1*-jl 4 ■ \t. .r 4i|t rri.l A'' Tr U' ' aOcalHin. *i-: 1 S, or itM. .1 :. 1:,! 1»'ur.fftr I J »I. r» ir-. - I I O’. |- . ■: .1!. 1 ,So.U' n. >1. I I • I • •: I «; .1 t> « ri • •\i.rt V.f» ' a' i»i I’.e M. ». nUiitj,. or I (» |.iU‘l\ .>raroc-, • - • . »! i.fr, :. M.-, Sr I., i;.- r- 1 ' I !in 1. (: V.,^ t|_ i't ■ • » !'. nii. • r ijit, pol'hawf f 'H'g t». ,. •' «i » ' im* *«■ u»il« M J U,l.\\M)I R Iv'm r « - .1 I Jwliu U. Hnv.ki',*, S. Williiijj n. Dultli: and Jutcj.ii Mar'.ii., ( (.ulti - W III. \V CoojKr, S. L mui.l KiJJick J ,lwi " lllfV, • liudfoiJ JiKiath'.u l'4r',.er, S. W'm. Ad>iiLs HI.I J' »-o l.iiidi-By, • . \lu\v,S. .Um.k llafper aud Join* k Jliaini, (.'lardi'/f —.I;!;!;"* ycliB, S. .Suxiy H»rrii> althou^'h *h« uiiiM-diaii'ly h led rcK.mi i..„j j'otifr. ’ and ran up tD lL* aid id the Hi:li*-rers, \ci 1 HutJuj -Jsbu l.ruaih, S. J. It. J WC. Ihj-it . i.’jN 0 Sj«,:ic>r, S. *nl Ju cpb .s.t.ndl'*, (j Hrrtl - i! (iirr"' U Mcn?;orner_v, S. .i.u Kaat 1 .:•>, ( . tUhtrucd—S. S. J..o. L. Sn.iU: ! up *e\er:ii [irrrtMis iult.Ot'*S tlripiMO b> l'»re (bl» i tHlid U- « ti d. U hen «■ cuii.n up, • I lh»* >>1)1*11.Ml u.it di.ir^'tug an elilvrls wt-n.an up. ri the k»-ei «.l tin. Ci-| k;Zr \i lK>al; the olhtr Wvi-i iiiaKinj* lh»' b»>t of hirt «av (..^aidilhe al»-auibi»«l, tuku «; i.-;.«cial rare ; " ** ".‘‘‘I.'-;'/ ,, I , , 1 . V I II -v-j.h ' S. u| \y., c,«n ...f. tv in the lit.t bile ^ j ^ n-i.k.» . « arrii.-»i ix » me i,iet4iK-« hv a r^ll^^• nt H •'f, I Mvr for a iiionteiil, (Iniiictly liiu itatun.n of a b«autitul (jirl, pale iiidcirii uilh iilariii, \»'l 1 apir»i.iii;{ ■ fuMJcct coriM'iounuPbiiut iinr »iluntion, ni.tf l»CMiiiui)(> \n'b ibo Ih>|kj aui cmirj.:^ t»l a Ik>|.1 lic.ul. •'iic wa’* suj (Kirtio fv>b') hj Itu- X •'On:: iiiaii, ii*-r coiiip:ir;itMi. »i.o ' Ilai.ti,! am) Hrin:.nii:; Watkon J»'.n.T’.i4 — Ii.ilor\ Ui ».>u 4nit .lcAi;..h ilti. i Jji.t- - !l«ru»0(>,S. .N.tl.iii, I . 11-1 !, —l!.irt!i.;t n.ij p, S. •r, • Jaraca. A Kiu^' r, S. James Tcir.hu- J4i:ue« How ard arid M. ll-Lc end H W. Ii„u» J. M. .. t’> liliani I' .M.htlf V, S. \V ,iil» U> id, ( . \\ 111. II. Ml I.rary, Win r mill .\I Mu'i In'*'!', ('. n.'.’i II. K’3 Fiunti.* Ix.ckc 4 ml l.i;i..ui.ii K l.illv, . Mi,, r .a:. >. U in. Wadsvkorla anti: \u U' '! iK-’ia.u, C. j . .1. l'«o|>.r, S. Fi.Min Si.iillr.vitl; . 31.0 kak'ijh Kut'‘Uk. . 1 ^fo ' (Ifl V I'rillttin 1 W f ^ • 11 rt n ' !? iuIn Ilf-M.'iril. \N \ M . , . .. |>. f '.n I t.sf ■»., '* II » 0*t1 • lit \'ll I : . \I K \ ' i I f' !(*• • I . . i«n;t Iru itirtof », : • • r .17. f..- . uh tir' l h- - 7 t,* V A' ho»rl b> *' ifl, liul I • * : .;i-u lo r .■« » at. llip •.il«!tib«r t " ' f. • bai'. I'» U» If) at.l1 !;••( >1.. pi V ■; I f I..Ill iK» I) - ..r • • II ■' . .,1 lr» 1. . r li ...t ih, „ • I.. Im.iii • , 1.1 ,.|v n I/) 1 I 1* in. . iitii at I w l«\«i r riiti o I..I- ’ oiiii 1^, ^,1 111' If .11 •! tw ni |i ir -.(...n’l, s\'!I 1.1 111.* M.! 1 '■ i . . VI,. J.'.l .1^ , »h«* »lni.':;l*l atrt.M^'lx »ith tt.e alu-d^ w .n«^ ; 1 -4i\ I •« w all tiiiK Itil II iiiou;fiit, lor I'l*; in vl lU.'t.Uit lIli'V wcl.t lowil mill I be »r.o^h «r t .e M-j, and n aut ir-tUing witj^i' dipjMxl iLcir hcuO* iii tic Walt I lir out o. »iy!.t. '1 hrre horrible minul-«f l«p«el, niid t^aiii iii*'V r> to (he 'Uriiieii; llii- yHjiij* lartir* »i,ii Tiic, 1 ..t; sni. C. ant) lvviij4«l cliiHilouud her touipiniouS .Nj«V .''ai. utl .\rrii jjion, S ,i,.;. •hiic v.ih'bi, l.lt arin round lie, uniHt, lif rva'‘!'*^thet.iillili»'-« l'iiiOnl,ri.n ^ ,,|,p jf,, viiiHucIv, willl hiB riptit. p'.ilik», ^ .\ .\\ illiaiii I: I.ockL'irt, S. Vr. \*fif now Ibnwn out •«» aid ItiOln ''imlli ai .. U m. 1.. fru.np. f. i.> ih ■ l>.*.il. hut Ml »rr\ rouyh »ero tho wavi-^ I lid the> IV njj.-iiin >. LiiilUin, S. .1. W . t.'uinn (ito. H. dcif.jr. !.. 11. :\Iar. A I'. Jos.j.h Alli. Oititii'f-- Wni. .'K if'p.iuii r^, , ,. 1 i,k »Q!i a.i'l .• 'l.r .'ii;i.kErd, ('. I ibaliilh 1-viable,UU> uiiav ailing, and the) , f,-i.;...r_TI on.'. i:-;:,pt, S. D.cul S. Saa- « •Hied in*\ il.iil\ peri.-hintf—that lic..uli!ul ^,,,| .s*()i,,iin-l I.. Miich'-ll, i' I'll fun ■ KoiH'it \»iibt«m,J>. li’obert J .if.Cf and j p. Any (j«f»oii b., ‘lor ^'iil,nnd t!i«l ii"hli* Im\—v»heiia sfutd) oN* 1 , mai (l.a ^-cr .u th.'Uiat, l.ikiD>» the end ^ • I Tb- abo.c r.*.,., ‘ •' ' *» , . ’ , I \Vh.l.liuri.l. S. Jobu C. anv n;,. vrl.i.. , -lasu.u!Ui.|..H.hi.ie^lh.ailddinH,tifif;one , ,,, Mul,cu..r. I i:.> r \ L •»l crrw 10 hold tho othi r end, (.luu^.'c.l - ui*n thti b'>ihnj{ w.iler, and da'lnni; tbein and.lo»i.li IVrry.l'. ..•..fir ilk. * giant. *»aiii tutlio mukui;,' pair, , ; i';--A!iu’; .Moxc, ."i. I.ii i liiH *.lrnii|; frraap on the younj; 1111111';, \V .itor. S. H i.^ MuUen Hi,Ml wim;ti k rou. .-.i ■ • i;.iii. I.-. I ryiMr I l.'ulc .\ibiit'.on ai:d J.' I vrciiMii, C. ( , — .V. S. Zibi’Jce Kush anil i ariii,undl.allooir;{l..lhe. re»» t..piithn,tli. i, wdr;t>k n to the ilde ol the ►U'aiuli”at, and 1 rl Martin, S. I'hilliji Inon j liAi du.i d.a;k, wx'rDingl) nt the l.ist ai>.l ill.iV ^ llia-wil!, IV j r I M„liii- lU» t'flHe' rhe.'fllii* 0l|teriilKMit bri'U'ht in , A-wtf. —Jobu licuid, jr. .1 ('k mint and l: ., * ana. I..d ;o (If li;e .!d l..(’y i.iid her prcserv-r, w r,0 ‘|;, u. I', it ha in, S. r..md Ilar.i-j r* I \,u Hi xmt. t , .. ii,yDti."il until r«li vevJ, to i-plain iIh ir Uulo , II n, i;.'or,!, ( . 1 ij *• ,.l t r> „|„,n the *>1 ol in* Cnp'i/. d h.»at. W h«n : Iloucil, S. Lcv.ard l.i* VAl ' .h.->.^un.l,,.lv.amet-hrr..lf,(whi.h.hc Ui;.,S Mcl..r.n.i. r : .V 1 ‘ ' **' • •' ^ I'lei’Ix / ' - I 1 1 I 1 . I ' i ‘.nriiiii- .K'lxv luir!''i,>. Jaliuk iilianii. 1, .V . ar..--* to U... f..r -Nd HI a niQUtc-. si.if lonk.il lUK.iit h.i . l».M,k,rY.f, ■ I I- -■■■* ■'••«i Iiifiv*. iio.i —raib (iri w iili n ilil ;;hint o, «i'd a‘'«i d twr hr r tiiiil bi'f. _ r .,\arJ C. (.'axiu, S. AriLi!>aldC. a U i. r mud 1 v*^Ui I rn.iiiii* uf I r.irln.l^ '1 . Il/-f,: .ei I will '.■ !i,..;Kd|it r. ,1 ■; ..•■ I« k. A M II. »• !iro '. • I I I l"l ' *■ I > . ' ' "uil. tnh.N I nil I 1.1.’. J II I'ht. Ur (,:rir'i..il „,i|, ^ rr\ if »id J.') tin) ru.Tlied Ililo \tunk Mild l»ic-ksoii .''li.an, f. n. h olh. r-’arin* ; and vnri.Mit as « i- the Willi.un 1 liut, ii. I.ronaid Zif;lar and ^ ll... ii J.V k oftl.iii lioiil. n.>l an in.hvuiiml Imls cin- , j.,, n«„g,,,0:1, r. i-d to rejjard It with the di'«’pe>t li*i*ill';.J. 7'.^.,, . . .ili.l.ra.ni Mam;, S. t.'lias. .’Ict'k'rsu * Tiie r..iin'ladv a;;aui h..kel np iV.ini her ^n.l .t II \f> ni.br,(. r;*Mi I' NO'I'!' ’ inoth'^i'ii h«i«oni. with i'»i n a un re alaniud .In. I I.. Ir,id. f. r ‘^I uir« ib.'iii Ik IoP', uiilil her e\r f.-ll npi'ii ; I I II I, I.f 1.1. ■ o (I.'► «.« n ,1„. hiiinis.iiiie f.-aliiri'i f.r the \ ouii;; M ll.' lilt. 1 . ^1'11. •; l.«.- *> 111' li I,I t. I- ;i '. f' >. • iii.in «*ln>had h-en the c.uupanion nl h«i dnn^er ; am! although I runt.ol in rel.itiii^' lhie;'(i/ little ini-Mdf'iit, adopt llio style ol tin: iind hhv lb.it they, too, rushiil to i.ii h oth«-r’a Pii-b'ruie. yet surii a look ol 4.xtrunie j.>y n 1 thnsi* lieunmiil ey»’N Midden l\ lillini uilh tiHrm flie iilii»tiou;ilely Ik d oiii'her hind to th.> yciilli, iiii:;lil rer > lainlv liHM' r\nl a nnulel for soine ul ibe ninst loiu hiii}; m i ik" of ronianre. 1 he la • he* rriired tolheirr:ibm,nnd I sii'v noiiinrti , i.f ihein ; hut if that \oiiii;; man an.! that b».iu- 1 til'iil tirl aie not innrrnd within three. . , . tin.mh- aflrr tliii* e\i‘iit, and if they arc not a 1 LJ iiiiilii'1-t', 111 I. . .N.yr.. \I.iii |,„|,],v , (ii||)|(i, llun am I n> iiilerpreler cl, i...Mi..lJii;. .1'. .11 I.. I jV* •’■•''i ,h,- l.’..,k.i and .:.‘MnreN ..f p,is.«ioi.. nnd then ' ha\o I noui! of ihc >pirit ot diMtiution. . . V ., n II .- I :V. I bv Ibw .' I .... 11 'i!.di'. I.l |. .t ti. .! r..;^’i fi) ti> ’I I'.' I l..i. II nil' It b ...ii lor \\ In. h i.aid . ii lu ..t. rn\ {CUT :i:iM fvi I P ^ V I'1.11 Tf'"! it;. •iili«crilp»'r. .SbiiiI. W liitaker,!!^. \\ ii>.. 11. Haywood, Jr. III..i I t.iy Jiin*t H ii\/'»-J:iin»'»»litxrn, S. U illiaiu llurton r.ud r>(i: aimn'r .Maitiii, 1'. l\.j iiii W( tdoii N. Kdw ardji, ?. Jchr. Fra;;j ■mil ’I Ilf. ' ^ J Jii.ikiiiK r. H —I’l arlc* I'ii. Ijis, S. I'liali Sw..n. nir .ind .■\b*!iloiii l»n\«;iifK)rt, I' l\ iji. 'ii - i.abrii.1 S'licruid, S. Calvin I'oor and W .11 I rrt.t J i/n. r ' • 'riu-in*,-. Pnkt r, S. Tilluion nia}Iock and \> illiaiti I'l-otun, ('. Tt>\\ \ 7ii'rn . ' Hi.’mr ..’Mn—I'.dunrd P. lliidlay. 'J'liirit i>» .\'irhfiii — .Mi»it!im» K. .Manlfv. V '.ii ii ill / ‘ yc//> ri//i—J.iiin'n Si-aM'i-11. Y.'ir’i I" .ifii.’i- J.in.'tb.iri 11. llau;;l.ton. 7'..trn M .sVj/i*/,HiV--1I. II .M.'xandrr. V'pini ii( //.i/ihJX—’I'honi'is >i|«by. 7'uifd i'l William .V. twaliaui. r f . n , 1 ASSASSIN OF SMOLENSJiO. lorforetelUn^ the W father through aU the Lurui- The following dreadful etenl lately occur- This table ar!d tho‘accon,pauj”in3 remarks f SmoleBsko, in are the result of many years actual obaerva- i tioD, the wI,o!3 h-mg c*striiaed on a due ; i *! u” ® con ,ider.„on of the attraction ol the .un and ! ni..oD,i„ their several po.itioria respectin-'J^ “* iSe earth, and will, bv^i.apla .ns,!Tct.on: > “ >oung children. Bhow the observt r what' kiodof weather w.li ^^ ?Ir?'' mo-t probably folloxr the entrance of the 8*^ moon into any of its quarters, and that so ‘^1*1 J u near the truth aa to bclldooi or ueverfouud , T ' attfMiisntnent of toe womaD, ssauoied a dit- ferent language, and with a threatniog Voice, demanded the money, which he knatv', bo Kaid, her husband had 10 the house. Th» wretch rushing on her with a large bread- knife, to force her to acknowledge where it w us deposiifd, she declared herself rea^y to pive him what money tihe had, and for this purpoM: mounted a ladder to a trap-door leading to the loft above. Aa soon as tho had Diduuteii, &he drew up the ladder after her, so that it was impossible for hits te get at her. Finding that the disregarded hia monaces, he seized the two children, ami sttore ho would either kill or maim them, if il.e did not immediately comedown acd de liver him the iiioney as she had promised. Tbe woman however, reoiained in the loft, aud eadcavortd to force a h»*!f through tha thatch and call for help. While bhe waa thus eruployed, the luouater cut off the chil- j drens' eats atid noses; and at last killed tho ' poor Biaimtd innocents, scornfully proclaim- ini' to th«“ mother the murder he had com- rnittt'd. 'I'he latter having with great ex- erlions made a hole in the roof, called aloud , for help. Her cries were heard by an olH- jcer who was pasaing by in an open car- ' riage, who sent his servant (while ha re- I mamed sitting in the carriage) to ecquira I what was the matter. The servant hasten- : ed to the spot, but on entering the cottage I \»as met by the murderer, who p!un;ed the 1 knifo in hiH heart, so that he fell and expired ” - - . - J without a groan. The otiicor, 8urprn»od at )b.s,rral,ons.^ 1. J he nearer the iiii.e , hisd«!ay, went himstlflo the cottage, wb.re ot the \!uon s Change, 1 irst Quarifr, 1 ull j perceiving the horrid scene, he atteiupted to sr;d last (iuurier, art to inidni^Iit, the fmr- stop i|,t, o{ the murderer, and with fats ir «ill iha weather oe duiing tu« se\eu days ^abre cut ofiall the lingers of his right hand, lollowiiiff. , but » as not able to hinder him from euibrac- •J. riie Ppace for this calculation o3cu- ,ng the apportunitv to est'ape through th5 |.ios liouiteuat uight liU t^o utst moru- doe.r as it stood open. The woman had, while “'p’ . I “'I •**"' '*'“8 passing, made her wav through a. 1 he nearer to or A.-on, the ,he ,oof, and run to tbe village, which was phast's of tlie Miwn l.appeo, th^ more tuul » considerable distance, to fetch assistance. 01 wet Re ither may Le eif-ected di;nn^^ tho ^ McauwhiU the husband, on bis way home, lievt eeifc days. j meets the blood-ataiued iLurdcrer, whom 1. The spare for this c.ilct!!at;on cccu- ! he rcco-nizes m the beggar who frequents pies lio:n ten m thH foret-oou to two in the I that ,xjrt of the eountry. The hypocrite, ali» riioori. 1 h -se ol'Sv r\a!i>r.6 refer prin- I concealing his Itart u.ider affected lamenta- ,:i{ui;> to the buiiiicer, th.>u, h they aliect ^ ,;on, held up his muliliated hand, saying— s;uiBfr and Btilun.n ue.irly in tiiC same rutio. |.. i^aste f there it in your house a niur. 1 ho llnotj s I hmi^e, i irst (Junrter, | Jerer, an olfieer, w ho bus killed your chil- l ull, and 1.1st (Jiiarter, hapjioning du- (Jron, and likewise' u man who attempted to rin- ait of the alteriioon h.mii-.i. e. from dufeud them, and from nhora 1 have nar- four to ten, ti.ay be lollowed by tair weatb- ' rjulv escaped in tho coudition you sea.” er; h-jl tint- is motily depeudeut ou the wmd ^ •I'he'terrifiod countryman, while the attro- as IS iiotMtJ III the tuLlo. [ rious villian hastens to escape, Hies, with hia U. Though the wi-aiher, from the variety ^and, to his cottage, per- ol irre^'ular c .u?es. is more uncertiun lu ctues through the open door the ottk er and th# latter {nrlol Vutiimn, the whole W inter,, ,he bUaxly corpse of his children, takes hia» and ihe bt^io.uj; ol ."priug ; ytl, in tl'.o main, j of course for the murderer, levels his piece, the ubo\c obauiAaliods will apply 10 tUo^e j and bhoota him dead ou the spot! The wife j.t'nod»a!so. 1 cemiti^ up with the villagers, hears the .. lo prngnc»-;icate correctly,especially sliut, sees the officer full, utters a piercing III those cutes » heie the vinJ is couceriied, | cry, and eiclaims: “ \\ hat ha\e you done ’ the observer should be withiti sight ol a ; Ymi have killed our deliver—cot he, but g..od ro.'i., where the lour earduis.l points 1 ,|,u i,cg-aris the murderer .four children!” ol ihe heavuni are corrcetly placed. With The husband, whoh« whole frame is shakea this pre. hutiou he will scaixely ever be dc-. i,y j^e horrors of tho scene, and still more ccivcd in dcpctidmg on the tnlilf. j jjy i^jg yy^,) y^sh deed, stands a few m«- ments petrified and motienless, fulli back iu A Vithy Si nncn.—Tl.e following pithy | a fit and expires. seriii.Mi Irom h pithif iij-t has Leeu publish- ; ed in Liifiluud, and has met with a very ex- i People in jr'neral turn a horse’s head lo tensive circulation in that country. It is „ bright lijtht to examine his eves. You >hort, easily cA-nprehemieJ and to the point, -an know very little by this method, what it tomes direclly lioiuu to men s hiisiness g„|-t of an eye a horse has, unless it be b \e- and liosonit., iind every man should rea.l it I ,.y defecti\a one. You must examine tho and lrua>uie It 111 bis nnaiiory-—['Ittn.Jnur. t,yi. (irst, when the hor>e stands with his ‘ lit nofu r^ rate,' —Tin 11,*’. | head to the manger. Look careful at tho I. There are threo tonipanions with i pupil of the eye in a horse; it is of un ob- Svhom you hhould ulwavs ktcp on good long form, cany the size of a pupil in your isrnis:— j mind, and then turn the horse about, bring I l.'t, our \Vif->, 1 him to a li^ht; if the pupil of the eye con- 1 »M, Your Stomach, ■ tracts, appears inuoh smallor than it was la 3d, \our (.'oUM'ieuce. (the di\rk light, then you mny be iure tho II. If you wish to enjoy peace, long life, ''^r*e has a stnnig goi^d eye ;‘but, provided and hap['ine>s, pr..MTVp ihtiii by lempei aiico; lulcinpoiuiice produces, 1st, Diiineslic .Misery, vd, i'remalure iK ath, id, liiiiilehty. lilt. Int-li. b. |..I'll -.lift .> .i n ; Mi.r. I'roiii >-i ^ in \ir,x .iiUBt 1. Ibi'. .'iiily. Till' r. rtiird Mill Imi I'll. 11 l> Miiy I lii a,'|.r.|i. ml ui.d rtiuliiii, 1:1 ibi' jail , ll.t s-l.J b \. I.ni I N Iir P'. ■ ’.’I, 1 .: I. 'UjII 'I'll" number of po^tiiui'leis in the {’nited Stallb, "ho receive u le.s-sat.iuialcotnponsa- lion thin ten dollars, excecds thirty oue \ Wtd-an. U illiiini I’evr, of llloures- ' hiiiidni.l. Nine of these ar" in the receipt ter, Ma^.*. eiili'reH on hi*> hiniilreil riid third of Hii inroine of ten ceots each. Thoit? nre v. n'r oil Itie ;'J Ul^t. lie IS a licio 0! •J.'> others w ho lei oivea smaller mm. 'I'iio ' pi^stujuatcr of Novi, Mich. oLtaiUa ‘J ccnt^. the pupil r»mains nearly the same size as It apjieared in the darker light, then the horse has a weak eye, therefoie have noth- lug to do with h;ni. ’i’here aro coutract- m.,' and dilating muscles id tho eye whic.’i „ , , , 1 r I- «ill filumly show You itt what state the ey© To manc thoac throe points clear I rcft-r ^ „ i,eihcr il be a strong or a weak ouC. you, I Ut, To the Newgate Calendar, the OlJ ^ natMiSUlp’s TEaT. Railv ("liromclu, und tbe Tolic** UeptUt*. ’'Tin not whil» the lairv brectr tans the prfrn Uj, I'o the Uofii.t-ls, lunatic asylums, uud 1 stncgib ot ib. l>*rk inaT be known; , , I I Alut 'tis not Id pTosprrily m hour that uu' iruta WOI king-hoil»es, and 1 Or the fi rvour 01 uicnd. may b,. i.hona. tid, 1 o tlio past ('xppneiico of wn:\t you baru tuuA k#c prov'd whto ihe icinpiU have si'en, read, uud sullered, lu miud, body, liiyli and Lbtate. Wiu n HMi;jfr» and mounlsm waves press; iii.iirr 1 1 wbeii tli« sturm ot'ailv*r(.it.>'« hijli, , ... , ' L ' -ri For Lla iDucbalone of rricudkl.ii>’» uiiU»»3. \\fiii fi v:Ii i/iu I'hooi-c—1 emperanee, j with happiness and l.uig life, or Inteinper-1 Spirts of tU tur'... \ .Vr. Ja Tins P Gorman of auce, wuh misery, unu piematuie death *',„v, in tbaObarlf* : ton -Veicury, a ■' to aU rnjti tn lie The heat in Lotidcu 111 the middle of .hiiie was proiieuiited so mIea.^e tli.it horm.* tell d.'wn, the tlierrnoiuetur b;;uig al 'i7 ! How would they Ljvc relithed cj: uijjhts a' 'j~> ' j.-> ay.:!.:’. !*.•: propuses to “run lii» n are t’rary Pctsey, froiu CbafU'toM (>'. C.) to I.(.\inj;loii .Keii.'i andnluru .li’cntjoinciy (.M*-) to Cli-rKttoa, a^jaio*! V

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