4- THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. POKTRY. her mother. By ih# «stst.nce of the lar«e n.uch ama7.cd wh»-n they hf ..rd ibii. .logu- lookiug-gi.^ tUl huiix over lh« l-ble. »hy ! lur -xplai.at^^i «t the ni) Men.m. picture. .k«tch*d the outU.1. of her featuies *uh i Ma.lame Dor.val Birictly forlxM. iti ^ and put it into the draw«r of iier coloi-box, whith ihe consigned to its usual plaoo in th# drawer of hvr luble. Nuxt morning nnvicutu iu« uuiuus ui nwi - — r . ' . j what n-iis the eurprisv of.los^phioe, to find {fivat corrtcliie#s, uod ot\«)r having |>ul »n , coniiiij{ tl»e subji-ct o ionvcr*a ^ her picture slaoding npaiust the easel on I the lirsl tints, stjc put away tlie »orlt for ; sephiue nmdo vigorfiun H"* the table, atiii much farther advanced than that duy. J'he tuld Juim U' the new nic- i her tireidity in the prcsenrr o le uia er, when quitted It the preceding day, and ture which she had now b-^fuii, and of her j und in a «,h*»rl tiu>« she wu* able the faults which had then discuurajjed bcr | anxiety to ktww « heiijer her nocturnal vi«. ns well under hm in5|H>ction, a« nhe liaU dos.* ontircly nxiificd. She tried to recoiluct it'j iter would upain assiat her i!i conipietmf: it. } when alone ana asleep, in tlir g ooui • aii she refllly put awny the picture, aud Lur • Dtar ^Ilsa Julia,’sai«i she‘do tell ine the ' nij;ht. memory recalled every circumsinuce of bcr whole truth,—ll you wish it, i will keep ii Fr»m ti* Catket THE MONARCH’S WISH. Oh ' tb«t I ha4 lb« wio{« cf % d«va! far than WooW I fla*. an4 b« at r«L L«! U>«a would I .. . waudar (u a4T, and ramaia in the wilderaciiA. 1 no recoiloctioa of baviDg previoualy correc-1 my rhaoibor without disturbing iny aleop voal4 ktstan aa j Ncapi' i ram Iba wiody atoraa and lmt|>.;al—Paalm iv. 6, 7, S. 'ilM wearted Mnarrh aal apart, A momeat fraua hi* trauUe* frae t Baddenrd ia aoul, aa4 aick al Uaatt, With aartb'r pooap and vaaiu : And while witb burdniut|; carra ti« strr!'*, Aad jrrefa wera |faUierinn la his breait, lia ai|bcd for piuiaca iika a dove, To flae away and be at mt. Ha laofuiahed fcf a ealm ratrrat, SoiMc fai- awa) and paacffal attore, I'atraddca, tMit by aialasftfr-t, Wbara eartb should va bis muI as nen Uala had uaurpad the boa m of Icrra, And ariM Uia jikreat? of hia br^MI i Aad afa t ht piaiana Iika a da>¥, Tf fiae awaj aad be at reat *Tia iboa with li!a( iu arst eatale Is h«t a ecbla r%f mf jaj— Aa h«ar w ilh ^Mao bopa« alaia. Which aflaa ciood^ aad claruia i««tref , And whila tke haart raJacUnt clings, Aj»4 aorraws whalni tha labarinf brea.'t. Oh! ht tha tartla'a cantia «inga. To away (lad ba at ra^l! An t)xH]{b tk«^Ti of earth mtile Ta sip ib«ir natttriap ttraaros af paia, Wba, lhat tas ta.«;ad rarrh's dflicht. Would evar ai^L to tasta a|raia ’ It* parcft joya, iti fairest But wrT«Lla wouod the bleruiut; brrast: Ob for the turtk '• i^antie winj,'*, Ta Il«a awa/ and al rrat' B'lt t}«cr« sfaaU coma a {lad r«!aa.a, K’-ooi aU tiinstormalbaldarklv rail, Aad luercy's Taica shall »i«»f«r “ I’poo tLa t«npstaf tbttoul; For daatb t(j« i^vird tr'asnra brio^^a, Aad calna Lb* tarMoi.a of tSe breast. And giTra tha sptrH daalhitsa wioga, Ta 6cc aaraf and be at rast' aatvtMWiT iwai«H V a V • J l V UlilOl ll 'J* %i\'l w »a\riv »«i.»aaa^- «a / aw«» ay • ^ •- —^ _ shuttiBK It up in her drawer. Itut she had ; sucaM. Tell»» how ye'.i contrived to enter .iJt ^ no recullectioa of baviDg previoualy correc-1 my chaoiLor without disturbing try aleop, •il' ‘ i-vkhy i.nutam k ted anv of ber errors: and imieed nUe knew and how vuu wure able to paiut so well by I ' ' 0,.l.h.h.d..l:..dtb...nly.v.j,».l:,cl,!«ndl,.l,glu)” | ,,V THIM'fK OF TIIK she could attempt to wUe the mvstery. I Julia surprized to find her pcraiut in this i * ISowninr** iOnit* iTlnnir*j was to sup|>ose that aome o*a, with the in- 'Straiijje belief, cli'ared to assist her lo dis-1 7i> irhicit alrciuly wtcrr than Irn thvUMind tention of exciting a lau^'b at her e.xpensc, | cotcring the truth. • I’lace nothing; a^iiin.>i i y«r.wu arr rmdy ami tinxiout to tenify bud come into the room dunne the ui::Lt vour door to nirht; do not even latch it,'I —- aiid re.toucbod it. , , ‘ ‘ ‘’“'“‘f‘‘‘ I uV'.*“'d J. lo'JaL She mentioned it to no one; but the next I t«ctii.’„’ the inlrudt r, who ni'.iit, ot course, .pur,,,,, ,»,,taiioi>» and raunleribiia, as soon nigbt to guani aguiiiat a recurrence of th*» • be oim of the )oiing Utiiw.— W hri* dis- j public have d.itroiii cd upon «hr value and sain* trick, *he arranged every thiny in Ihe , covcrcJ, »he shall be rcpiiuiaudt d for her , cjcallmfa of a oirdK in»: aod. in order to w cura nrutest order, locked up her picture in the i luirl m this straiiyo drau.a.’ ! la .»..ltlun.;^he.«f ihaa.knaw- , a . ^ r t • I 1 - 1 rn J al J Merd»#f Ho»tod*» Imni Mixtuft, •»« ^e.-ret drawer at the bottom of her color- j Jowpl.me miuutely followed the dm-c I Bili.ua la b.ia, and placed it under her bul&tcr. , tiona givrn her. hen all in the hou«e j j.ter, ayanct such impoaitiuus, tii«- Out her afclonishment was re-douklcd, were aslceit, Julia Oonval placed a taper in ; ^rw(.rtcior lias cnncluii.d upon »h» nrcrssiiy •* when awaking ut an earlv hour no.xt morn- |a ainall dark lauleru, and proceeded with loi.fimuir the *^1? ol ilir imxiur«-, i* as trw m me, aho put h«r hand uinler the bola'ar tor ‘ it to the nasyuge into which Joaepbinr’a i ajmt., in d.flW. m ^-ct.on. af th* , ^ . I sj! I ' 1 >i'i I I I ouiitrr. *• are i»*t *1 tficiei.l lo siifpU tiia rrgu her box, and .*.>u.id it -.»ne' She ran to the ' pa-^ijye opened. 1 haie aha rcu.aiuetl pa- , \u.u toiv, I.e has Um plrv«r* >• table, aud there saw the box lying betide lienily watching mora than an bour. No [t,„^u„,rtuihc inUbitanUot .Micklcoburgroun II the picture, which b«foro was leaning:; ai;uioat the eas*l, atid evidenfly much iin oae appeared; lUe ilock ha began to grow very tired Stnick l'J,and Ju- Itr and ibi- cUii r of Ihr cauiiliv adjsr.ul ired. i»h«; waa on : ‘hat >!r»»rs Irwin A Flu.isu/Th*tU.tu, proved. Sbe was afraid to touch it a^'ain, iibe point of f'tvuij up ibe adventure, when Irsi her awo interior pcncil abould destrti) Mini* of ilsbeautu's; though eae still re marked a few trifling defects of whicb ahe bkd Do| U fura been corsciuus. I)»s bern apToinUd '•le »e»al ft*r lh« ab»-*e — mil herrsticr tuiia on h.kcd a ctmslaiti sjpply ul >aid uiillurr Sicn di JOHN R. R0\»AM» ■ lui.’Tj#/tV4, l*3t.—Olif /'ra/‘ I'lar. TIIH SI list Ui|{hit l.'AVt > trkis p!ic« iIms Caj lur Ni» Voik i and vii>hti tn sot»« his numrreus L»untri she hhs attracted t)> a alivbt noisa tn Jose phine’* room. She sofily fushed *p*n the door, and b\ tho I’liht of h>?r luntero, ah* «iw Joaepbine But mther than run the ri»k of ipiiiliii" !dn ss tierwilf in litr nioriMn4» gowu, walk the whole, she preferretl leaving tbeac liitlu din'Ctly to l:*-r luble, arrjii^r her paintiug iiD|i«rfectioa?i as they «er«. lUfoie goirg , ni.iteruls, » kct ter colors, wat beratlf U-- trieras of his prt«*M h»s\y »i«ek ar !'> lied, she took tlie prerautioa of placing fore ti.r aod be^ia lo paiat at her a chair ai'airist the Uoor which had a bolt nuiiMtwe. b.it was un->1 o^t^n- « the otjtsida only; the yuun^ ladies B’>i j i^hin^ af all, aba worked aithiiut a Itght' l)einj alloaed to fusten theniaelvcs in tbeir j Alter watcLinf her I- r a fa** rniDutts, Ju- •aiirocui^. When she awoke in the mara-1 liu todk bar lautem, am) Matched Iwhind in*, the (Jior wat still clowrd, and the chair ! her cl.air, as iib« paint d ; and ibe was aa- standiDS just as »ho had placed it; and tlie toai»bed at tha lu^c and skill aithahu u picture was a^ain fCi tho table, and some niyftertmis hard bad ctian^'cd all ila Jc- I fects into beiut.es. J'*»«phine was bcwilucre l. 'U'hit«ball •niK MYSTERI«n’S ri TI KC. '1 d^'*ab« axclairue.1. ‘If this M>»tery is f»' o o n s, Ar.d of hi* iiiUatuMi of !.»Ti(X 'urtb^r sop. p !•> at aitl be aorUjjr Ui^it sttcuUaa ta call aua I i«ni.o«'. ila oa I nw or> btmt sad la (.enrfriA*! lu b* fe wartted wittoiit d U», «l'» s'li. t»s b.ii».«fet,«lifidal II//*)/,/> I/./; uf Hi. I ML at.VEOM S. Trsjuial(j/raai tie Frtnrii, fv tkt PrtrL »T MliS L».'Lir. rba ioiiaviaf ramarkabla storv, abicb Uw Um spt/it CM act aith'.al the se&kas. is mkI by tha auOtar lo ba atricliy troa: XodjtM [)ontil .be guided ber peuci!, aaJtep and in dark- utw Julia Horiral waa twenty vears o!d, nnJ witb a Lr^e I' ud of perw ral iiifortoa!i'>ti, | ohe Mas not of course, igiiurant of tbc ct- j sJtttTod Uj go on, 1 ivar it will end in soina- i traordinisr) pbrnoiiien.>n ofsfoinan.bu^iani,) thing very Texutious. ^ .-t it maj be from ' ®* ‘he inc-t reiu.iikable and l>«st autb* t,- ' iiiotivea of kiniineas only that st-rtje uu tica:ed aD*-cd'.lcs of sle,.p w»Ik.-r». I’. ita kooun persati steals intouiy ri^om at nn;iit. all sbe bad ever heard «»r r»-i'i -u ibe as* aidow of a dis-• and wi^rka at roy picturc, »itli a »Lill af *, *be rieallotti.d notje more aurfii* (rn]{ji»hed French otficar, who bad died in I far sur’^as;»ii'g ui) u»n. i^ince 1 did not **'II than the ca»e now hrf>re her. Sue too aarrice uf bia oouitrj to aecura as locepenuenca la ca*e o» her Math, she was loducad to a- ; '^e ;*niDicG no more a! tlie f a« UHL.&1. Hn^»h«sJ« St. t '•«« ^I'ti AR, K •)" N . fit.V U Ir.dia .\lolsMS, I.Vl I I igiiir*, Ic.« ird I ub« t'w0tT, t altim l!*i.girf, |l«> Itopr, uckt l.ner>«( •'•'I, 7 ' rrr.t .\a 1, su# J .Ma'ktral, ; i.va*. l;. ^ >’ ra.V. >U't.t f :»*, ro_ t: r •ii'ta rrv-r.lliu nt t . r*tt*l A' -STBr^T o» TO = I>0€T. J, M. H A1>P0LI>t AS established ai. k\ F. INHKMARY ...i a SlKOlCAL WAKU u 1,« re J lor Iba accoain.edallau al all c on.niil tbemwlvea U hia cara. b, ►la.abl.shanrn, rf ,bu kiu4 ha. U, «lled for, troBi thanaturaoi SttreicsiOuer tba auUt^uent attenliou resui.n, dr thna succrsslul and Ihs aajK^sU u, 1 I* Iho paii(s ol suHerii>( h«B.ainlT; *na .V tha inipiaitirabilily ul in.|,*ftii,j tb«i nt.y* aid, (and in aia.1 casea daily att.wiui,) ly dtioaiided by tliaia ahuara iha .ub.fcu gical di« aaea ar accidental iiwila are not ui.o,rd.aUi, uuas, ,U ... „ f*; furieoo, he has b»Mi al uu iKll. king praparai.aas tor tiia r,c«ptj»n oi iw .u laa, .osoinit tirir c^s u. 1... d.„eu.,„ ,/• na.dleMiadwellMi thi w.poruac. o uV.l li.hu.eai of thu ku.d to iLs subj«u Ol 6u,« and tba adsanUgea Mhich .ail. u.., f, 11. isutfu-a It (o say, that ih« daiU *u, »i,„ „ ,u but 01 Ubla bauaht to tha paliaut ss r. g,rds hi.e.,, taii.lorl, aa aall aa the Itaai result ol oper.i-r or t asa under treal»eu|. H,,|, esprrirn.'prove, i^ Uo.rot.bla lacl ibal •f that alleotiw. ahich lh,„ ..iual«n ae»sud, but uhieb .s dei..ad lU«.. by U. dN-du,.i,„,^ oircun«ta..rw ..„dcr which • i^uatry I’l.tmiolci U«) prcT.Bt him ftoBi iinpartio|. Tbts n* logdly called H»r, caa ba ejipieted M,|y " lustiiuiwo, wbcfa It ta tha provwr* of s trscu- tiooer loeita aaily alltodanca. (roa. iht cti, ..drratioo that a localtd »*.rgir«i li..p,rtB., nl MMiid h. deatrsbla. Hr. liaiipaldt is laauted to. f» hw •erMci-a lo iLa public and >«l.ctu ,uth c» «* as BMiy rebuilt closa Of daU* l»» su,»t.l « h,,/ »a ptactirabW; I* bo btaocbt ti> his e.uUi.l n,f t • here isery atteulioa a Ml be rrt.dercd il.«i la auywite load Is tha coaitarl at bea.fiic p.t.al. Ills FKf.HaiUbo reasn..sl.;e.sisii , t irs» thaa lor tba aaiua asnriti* ititltr.* ,! it* ei>ellia( ol iba |MlNiDt. From tha ad»ania.'a of .'^affir ,| l /e.B ^ deritrd lr««n a cauls* a^ atuaw* %i i \|. • ♦M.rfa af K>aih.l arotiaa and »t ir.» I , . , of rii.as)lTsnu, lnj;*lli*r wilh ihe , , f i»«;»e y.«fs' prariua. and the fn t* , hitherto atlrtidaot oa hi* opt r*lKir>, !■': , « 'ij u'eril a liberal pal'aoa(«. The cMasci and avaiataare nf s a - >1 Cmticnao, wl hi|>h and laaprrtsbW .jt, • iJI ba obuined IP taaaa whi b ss. t r . e > • iil.aot any addii..Aal eliarge. Dr. H. luay b« fuand al bis F>uU'.tiwM, » m.lea balaa t tMrWla, um ibr l'ri>«iuarc t-a, • h«r» bo i»a» b« taoauHi d U ti.s be to iaoch ut h.s lliiw hi >utgttj, the f“. ^ brarrti'.ol bu |Wu:e«eKia .hall ruen* *m 4t t niMta I'lorultrr* .SVfi/rateiir. Mttklfmlwrg , 'fv • .N . JL'., II. IrJ*. K ,.a N b h»* or laa .'MiMi«ai>,of (oad aiiaikni^rit and tfi«sl character. »».i; U mxtwi, *a» »# ra ->y Ibr sd«*nt.*fe. afdteMfiwa, «.lb oa Iba iir»4 sst/^ isi d p*»t motiem nkwin'M • ad a aril ooMoied I.iarsit. , wuo nan aieu lO | g uiy u»n. ..'iin,!; i uid noi f. Baing anxious ’ ii“iutiau thii stury at first, I aia sure, were kn»'w, ul»o, th.it persfm-* ui.der Ihe mtlu^iKe : a for her cbildrcn, 1 I now to re'a'e it, none w«-u!d betiave me.’ “f s't'Kul.r luhil ah i;Id ne>er U' .liJ- was loJucad to a- ; ®^>e ;*nintcd no more at the picture, but ' d«»!> awaken'-’, a* th- shock ar 1 aurprtst- 33ry T»ooli.o» ijja>y rsn a U«rdtng school in the viciBity of|P'tt il away a« uhi.&1. 'I bat night »h; l-t.i tnouu to cauaa conruls;©:.^. or . ''•■'“'t. aris. Tbe auiatanca of liar two hi^ly | piactd th“ »a»hin.'btaixl againM th* door, j ^ »e therrjlore a»>id«*d Ji-turhmj ttitrthrarr, 1 for In r if, Ar. Jk’r. ii(. Uoal t. e - rUBI.iu;, «ImJ ho •uic.l* di«|/c*>0 lo pal a£coKp!i5bod Jaugbti-rs l.,K:ilia aod Julia, • bcr .-.oap on t!i ed^e, ijiat if mo- Jo»e^ ..iiio; ;:rd g’ldin:: qui' t!) lut of th laaia Ihe amplovnKol of feoaa'a teachfrs j5 and having e^nc to bed room, biie lix-L-d at Irr lor s-'jie tunr , ( \MI vir.L 'd on sll (’ai«n Vft aorr b * di a h». ••I', .rot o* , ‘ s' * :■ ^nl t* • niiy clo^in* \ *•» Of I ‘ »f.« laa II. 4. :l-a Vin:>eces*ary , iwl abe engaged tbe best mas-j'*fy fcfie auan cloacd uer c)ca in from ti;e ^a.-ijre, ac*i tii«-n g»f»ity cl ler* for oiuaic, danrirg, drawing and p«int-! her urjal sound slumber. ' duor, •!.« lelt l.er to harMi.l aiid rt ing, aod mMtt of tha fon-ign (.anguag'-s. j la *h» mon.-in^ her washing stand was, *'*'•' aj>artm«r.t. Her errfay SMoent w*a conducted an a oioet ■ *ull aga nst tlie door, the »oip (jiJ not Ull- . ^^ ‘*t n.ori, -.^, J.j.ia cxcii' great mr- l>Mral scale, aod each of the young iadiea eu, the picture wai finished ' j J-ri'w lu her motb-r «r>d si>ter, ty iiiforoj- . Lada Mparata apartment. Among tbe^^ ! the breakfasl lab « ahe stole inquinnp in;; tha.Ti af wb.it-.ha h.»d a«en. 1 Lev a- Vuun;; iftilics waa Jooepbiue Vertcour, who ^'lance!! at tiiC countenances tjf bar a h'>ol- greod tj witness tf';;*tb^r this inlen -=tifi;! t.>k ksaotia la niinuture pamting, wiib i'oaie?, but o«ne of tin tn locked particular- •" following ni^hi.—U n a view of eiercwiog that braacb of ibe . ly at Ar, and none avert*.-d their ev ei. \i| i Joaepi.iae ibitucenll) iiujgir' d ..f Juli4 ihe art« as a prnfeseion, tha circuBustancefi of aeemed to be tbinkiuf of tbe examina- reauit of her w«tc).ir{;, si.e wa* toiU aha [ b«r fanrly being rjch lhat it was tMice«««ry j lion. ben she returned to bwr room,, should know all to n.urruw. t'> • ' jCdl** her, in the pr *pect af turuiag ( »be dre^nrd berwlf for the occasioa—and j mn.night, u.e thre*: ludi'-s repuin d lo u Ihuu llint 'OII«'(‘ril Ler talents t‘-a protiLaljie accaunt. ]the p.icture m her pockt-l b.ird- the ehanibor daor ol Juwpbiue. ’I ),«■ sl^ * ■ NM >1 I.I» o>. . ia«rr, and pnai'.ti l. tiw is.i Her iiaa2''.*ation beu.f deeply impresaed ■ i.erch,af, the joined ber companions, who '•alkcr putiio^ o.t iser ge*n.— I h»-y ■ ti»i.e, tn’orp. : j^iw.o. » .« ye mi^o«'i i* wita thu aOj"Ct, sbe thoiiptil o('It nearly all I'talked to prjces»i'^n lo tl.e a«hofjl-ra.»m. Iher *-at her>«-.f ul the tah'e, nad be * * V .i Hk day, and dnrcTied of ll at oigbt. That I r betn,/ exaimoed la several other g-« •«> p«int. '1 hey appr-ia. hed . l »e "o,.ti r a I J,n T-*i"t at.a iiad rauch talent fir drawing waa un-j brancb*-*, ibe drawiuen;,tx] aimiature paict-' bar witbaut tha amallest n-'i.'^-j, ven-' tor .nd auilHjri..>id In MltU u.r ^u• «f It • e. ('•:U'0 Ki.ed, .fi* I =1 rt to -i. !i r« r •n-1 It tl su lirre > re lo th* if • .4. !.>.•’ \* , 'i*r(« • .i tir lo*. •. 1 ).e 1*' rd t* •• rein-'Ht a«t b-:*Minj» !b«l ttier» .. m dar.f«r ol I ol'.vf) rabSuoKa 10 nt l;a l>rrs.ii>| a I in sr:» fjsri »f Ihr 1 f,»u ll« »^r% i;,» .r ,,, Kui y u M.fis V \i:i) ( br :tif 1 ,1 | ,\ .41 j, « ul W . J *«.» aiit liLO piM.1' r»«if, VI t.l ^ll > F I.A .•'Il- fA^^fair.Vf’ » , .ll. I'.i ii.r f>uiue was tUe victirn ol a paiufal and un- i I> if* tbe fiiiitihiiig. ' ®r "f her pencil with tba utuioat drhcacv Jutf v -I'-.11. c'^ticrabie tiwHlitv, ai>d an entire waot of I Kvery one was struck with the fidelitv of 4i»d preci«n>n. Her e\*« w«.r> o,.i ,i, but ' — _ c*'Oti«k-aca in herstif. Tbe reinarka of the ' the likeijes«, painted aa they were chiefly ‘hn saw n«t with tbra.; thou;;h »be fjivju.Mil I JljOOli % w t91 I Xt"il'.eu>aa who instructed her, thou^^b very ! from metrs'ry; and great prai'ie was gi\on!ly »^ai*ed h«r h*»|, a«i if lo..kinj in the glaw. prrt.n *hn -rfrowed iVum » e “ T"** j'jdsrioua. ware often so saver*, that she to the jraccful and n.tiural lb! Ji of th* dra. | Somnainlnjlutsaee nithinj Injt the object I «/...f” lo i»« tolooie., *«iU r.turn w js fr*4;urntlr tefupiod to throw away her P^ry, aurj tbe elcarness an^ beauty of tbe i "tt which thair aiteutioii la dend‘diy fixed; •> u> me iaiu»>i.iiriy, or .rt n,« anaw «b*r« .t peuc.la. and oba rwver painted worac than j colorin:?. I T*-'* 'bcir |i«rceptions af this obi" t are aa ‘“‘J* b*'i' -r.d, »» p>rt.bsic> iit*r ni*, »-a liiair when uod'.r the eye al bar naai>t«f. I The .^rst prize, 9 sma'l silver pulelte, was I c^ rtainad to bo much clHnrfr ..tjd vn id lb«n (lii* morning in Ihe garden, aba was [ unhisitaf.ngly awarded to Jubtphine \ eri-,If'addressed, the) will goti.-. nrm.k attii the graceful and pictureafjuo at-, cwur; Uit to the siirpn-a of trurv one, thay un- titudc in whicb twa of her conipaoiona had ^ she •*‘iow*rl no indication (/fjoy, .She look' d 1 arid hoard, ii is pl.a^lb'q to hold iitiCO';*cisnjaly thrown theinsclres. One of j Jinxioui-ly round niLont; her c.>mpani/U», to ® ra’ional diah.^ue wi’h a tL,«fin iiavutz put her arm ariMjod the waist I discover who had paioled the laal |>art of ■'l'***P *’*kor; Uil when owak«, they bare « il»c o'liar, was pjialmg out lo ber ootico ■ h r picture, »hi!e aho i»lept. Hearing Ju ' recollartion o| whnt hr.s pnvtoil. « b^uuful htitl^rflj, lhat had juat aoltled on l.:i Ilonral C'xnroend il, aiie aaid, • .Miss Ju- j J'lha ventured lo ap-3k in a low voi e. a ra«e. Josf-plnne beg*ed of lae girU lo ' lia, you may wall admire \ .ur own v^ork. I * dvmr J*>-ephioe,’ said abe,' yau now rena.n in tbat position while (b*m on ttia blank laaf of a ftards alie made a aeparate dra of ih»;:r fit(;ea, ar>d then lransf«frrr;d tba whole to a large abact of ivory, intended lo rnjk^‘ a pictijre «t it in tbe miniature style. B'jt aho (Wteruaned to work al it in bar a-vn chaifilAr, at kiwre hours, aod not to allow II lo Mw?n till II was entirely fm- .. .w ...... w,., .,01 K. . r ■ she sketched j I will not accept praises whif h IjekiP;^ only ‘‘“‘J' '*ho it m Inal jwiiitsat your ptcturoa. .-,i,pg to bf>-k. -After- to you—to your akill in uuniature painting, j ' I> ')ouheaf mf t-r. awiog of oacb ^nMhc kindnesii of jr«ur h*-iirt.’ i mo ’ * Ws.’ lloes my proa*-ncediiturbyouI »iill r ii«f«r% II: tl.r .N'rw.pipar. Al».. a»ii r.| _ try Kiokt are Iu4i:>il uul ;n the -im* n.ai.ner si —thr >iorro'«-'/« na^'.c- »fr in my mrniuof) 'Juin 8«ni, nsinw, «h«ll «|.o b** n>sH« pi.h .ir, •• at ttfU thCtU l« tkr .,/ l;u,i kl.l.f. 'N.MHI.Mi.U ■?, I "11 la \ S r .>» I K K. * »' U’I'll, « ill t Hf : :l (tro hrr 1. snd •Till. iKmi h.l'tsh or N.lis "I lio»e du M i».ll f.Rci i;»«iri A I I- 'h.,*. 1;.,' hi. 1; lo . ■ ;-!'S*. i-sll bii or Let tlia band' roplinuf to keap a grne ■ i.tUl of J.j':a protested that thi.s lanjri^?* was ‘ J"'-*-’ ‘ liut lo-morrow, J.ia... . unintellizihle to her, and iKfged JoHeuhine ' boliew what I shall tell , ‘‘,T " to cxplaiu beraelf. Hbe did S'), and th*- e- ^ •* lac:iiise 1 do not ' '* * ** •'* a» nij;fn» became atill more incomprt-han^ihle.; rernctnVter it.’ ‘ \N ill you write son>ethini • ,/uv I‘'.'>t Julia poaitively denied ever having s»*tn the *“ J'f^'ate to y .u !' ‘C'eitaii.ly.’ piclii'o l»efare it was produced at tho ex-i Ji'^ophirie then ifHik up a peacil aod wrote JAMI„« T \Hl;rny ii'-i ui.cj. In MX wetka there waa lo be a ' auiinalion. Jo^'pliine a sUter.Tent cf.uld u-jt by Julia; jinvale examination, at which premiums be r*‘caDr’tl«jd to Ih^ riles of p.,*,thility, and i ‘ .Midnight—talking wiih .Miaa Jiiha Oor. were lo be awardod to thf^wf who 1 r.xrelled they ljr-/an to thirj h^r mind was allectod tval, and pumtin'_» nt a miniature of MvH«-|f. ri^m; SuUrriUf wi.hc* lo piircl.i.r, l.lhl.I.V ■ Sf XJI'J »i;s, from If 11 tolhirlT )»«K oW, sqc b) inleuae application lo her pict’jro. W uen | the exainmalioD w../i ovor, tiie ladies coilec. I \ Klflcoi K. . . ^ IQCJ w.ll pay the n10.1i hhrrj mCa.h All (aim have aiH h prfp. rt» lo seit Mould do well to rail an him, nr .Mr. John Jiiin%0 ln«. Afi.nt. lie c.tii b** found st M iheexaininalioD was over, tue ladies roller:. I Non rnorninjr J.,ha had Irr.ul.io in con ' c- I ' H^ftl. m ted in groupa, and talked with much f el ; vmcing of the f.irl; hut her own i h/rMu’ ' All I.* Iters addre»rJ Lim, or .^Ir. Jon« ,, will I'l It.e ifHn.ril bnnclieataiijjht ;ti .Madame jkurivai’s ach'toi. S«v«ii of tua vouog la- d:ea wer*- talking lesaoru m aiuiiature pwint- IB:;, all «f whom in tlie eyes of tl»e diffident mg ol' these hyrnptoms af m>-ntal derange ; hand v, ritiiiK w»t undeniobir; evidence. J.«x?phiii« p^'-^^>d fir more taienl than m«nt in tbeir unf..rtunatc companu n. I' .r, A* lhre n («>m.-lh:ny itrangu and awful ' I** I'unftuslly aitti.d.d i«. h'-r-«:i: .Still »bo kfi'.w liul indu-stry, ap :»et.,ra'. weeks altar the exammation, J.,^a. nod fre(|ij«i.lly dangerous m the habit ol ' t>li> atiwi.ciid an ardimidesirt iw «xcol, had phm« alh-wod b»T pamt box t'j renmin in wmfnir.huhsm, no "ne wishes to pos*/.a .i .di-^n wan.kra; hw} sho waa ex-• iha lacb'.ol room cI -m.1, and pninled im-! and J.>«#..phino waa anxu.us to get rid of ,t t*-eo.«ly aiixioua to gratify i.«r parenU by j dbr tha direction of her master hut lbrx;^-h as w.ri as prw^aible, although it cnabl. d ber l.’olsKRT liriK. !» if oij'.i.r.ing tho priM, if po*-»iij|e, li» tbo retir*m*?nl «1 her own ro^)ru sbe f>atnt«i with uurentitlinf! s-iliciiudc, but, as fiif thoagbt, wiib »ery ludillerent a»d on^ aftern'jon, more disaivlisri'd than uvial with th'- re«tili of her work, alie hast there were marks of daily improveinent in bur le>.aius, tbe miiiia'ure ahe miw allomp tad, were infi-rior to the my •,!eri>iUK picture. n'ing anvioiis to try again bow at.a eould •'ucceed in her own apartmeijl, i«he ihfre. 1 runH'iir’Ml a Oiiniatuie lo riaiut much bellar than when 34iike, ^TIM vi:i> I^^RlMI |),r (lUnl Itloll of tlir • >i(.sf f(l»» in ( .lb* riKioiiti I) , in Uie ii.o.ilii of April, I l.ik. lv Tfi. y wire «■•!) n-tir Mr .loaajili Sha wraild not trii*.t her pamtins ap[«. Tn «»•'’ ‘l'»»"-a*.d It la r.„ aU thr^Kflitsof hor rainiHtiire frorn her bend ihr pl.m.tion torni.^rly o«nH l.y il.. s.awcnh, r Any [lor-M.n brinrmr >n t r -5", t-ok tbe 1V»TT fruta her hnie c.i-ai, I if »utcefcs;ul, sfcs lUlOL I"' a." a i-re.oot irtmeijl, »ha tln se; as soon aa she went tr» bed; canneipioolly *he ( jtawU Kner.' of heriielf, wjiir;li,' gho v^as on.vhlfd to rest there ns Irafifiuillv «f si. trafifjuilly u» any of hvr »c;y9 iuiotcs, w'jo wcjc all • shall Im III), mliy i. wanl-il. rVi' W Ilf’ 1* ! ■' I W. lU^ )> •f ■ ' F. K»«a i-i.i reirofd Iraai lha Vsrtarra WW t.i.ir d.rrei, soa a. trt (kttrn.iura lo ». II lor cskb or Jlcrt t r^dil s gawl saMrtmerl ' .\r .?/.?/#;/; uoons. I *ia ,ni CO! !**• a •;!..! p«rl »f ot* •taek. »ij j?uperr.i»* B L .ek .>*d Itroan ri.tiTH .“■.:perr.-.» H:«rk « • ^ . l»a, of a ; Jrra si a ij«s!i'»r« •'U(»r frsp. I art.Vl, 'mt aa/imi'r t . li.»s F-Ji.h l'«fd, a 6r>» s'liela IU«1, \V bilr sad l.frrt) I vntfis I ir »■ xacvs, of criers, lij«.!s.I "ira \a» I'r!*,-■ . I o*iJ, lb'» a I I u/aP- « . I.'wa l's»»in>ert. «.'rro, L u* sM I uu I I aaMtnera, niu* J. ar.* , r llabMrj C bid. lor poii'f. .*•>«•, Il'ack I.,** i S bi*.iiitiil aii ei* of Irtueli I’rinu ila l.n{i »a spd Ao.erirsn ifa rsiokS I ran a snJ |ji.;li»b M".li ,s ?*«aia Iti.' s Miialm. tert har>d.«ea I .a r Il'ack llalias iSiia hit* and IIH''k >sli;a*. .'^tl.n I ’'taxii.oe S taiwly of r«!^»d .Vils. Ills, a l.iaa* aii>! f.v^d It-4.!s B.aek Itsiuii r*r«u. a vsrirty l.ai .MoeikS, n aa> bi l.u^a Ibtaia H\.K llaDdki fthni., s tsnali 1' K >’^s l.i«l.ra l.mllemen . ?>..• •• a'e« II aek and W ii.ir .Silk ar li ( =-ii*.a llwa I .ri.tieikrB's rai.'.^'^UI haii llnaai A var.riy af hsndsania iaiii(rLsm«, pla^n.V f; i- FUia ana (i|;urrd .N«i*a Mumna Jarsbet aaa Mull .%lualiu, |I|>I»,' l 4''r^• Iri.b l.ii.a«a, d« l.»» II. ano t ai' l*'" »• l.men » t«rfrn Vlmr.e *•»' *'* ' il tl. «.s ja.> Veil., H.’k A vy^itr U..Ml;ntU . » I'UiB and fi^urad lUt l.im't lUtd Tiii^iiij, Ap.'la t4n cka, I I to l> I lv,ni.itl.r*, brawn A nuanlili ol biratheil |kimrat.''S Pl .r ttri^'l Jr«(ts, ll. iv IKurr.lif ^ l..,ir l>in,>-*ttc,lur«.vcriD^ Ii8.br' 4«,food«rU 1 urkey H'd. .1 f.'oaJ •t»»arr«»*( *f ll.irilMarr A rnll‘«.'- I'alm leaf Hals. .S'ifaw and 'I uaiaii If/-'^ Smnt» fiTi'l rt!i »U*to tnd blifV ^ ' ii.li>. inwoufariurrd • \j.rr»*ly :»r Al.10, s f -th siiO 11 - r \\ l‘S. \ variriy nut. !-» 1 aV)MKN *1*'^*'* ^ I'i' Ht sdv ma.te loihi.it.’. I«r suiiiinfr .r a Ul asilTV i>» 4'rorkrrtf. Mmhh »V f/nrrt:^intrr Si Uo>t Ihwks, l‘ap»r. Ink, i. «\f. .S'all, by lh«- »ai k or bii'heU .V.i;4t alid t'oir-a. in l«re« or amsll 'junn'ili-'’' .'•loU’srs, Whlt^ llarsi.i. ai.i.' I.oif .Na^ ir VI U-ira, 'tisitipaii'ar, I »«• a v i.'i,; 'l *-u*rilT' A .V»i-«t Malfja \ .V»«r h. r.AK i;«.«l IiiitiioSiHl 'Uddi r, w-iri .nl. Al,o. a r. rorf.irdmi s Kll I I. •! »i»!d'or t'-i*-h r„Mi.n Varu, of nil No- hrfl ,jua ,lu .'il l'"'- NVs i.n lie {vruMis llii.1 H i*li lo t'"‘ *’•" ' • mid lir!,r our pnr-'. ih.'V mn..« put. II H. WIIM VM-*. .v.M.r/ SMl'ril A If I I A !'«>*• "'ai'V "■ s. otiiii. h*'*’ .lai.di.M|f !ofij;ur 1!. in him '-ar. nil »uJi ■Mr sri' ariTi iU. lo hnv rl«,-=d !■> ur .Not- AUo. a niiMil'-r of (ler.mi', li.i'* Wk^ im.d th.'ir .'•■‘ IIMI.. Al lli't II. .r'- . t to (..V i>.iiirliiiil n. i-il Ii"l