MINEHS’ h FAHMEMS’ JOURWAL. i'KiNTCi) A>j) iM i;\i;uv na ti isdav, jjv i iioyiw j. UA§it.oi'inu i;mji u; toi;M y, xoutiwarolina. I W ll.l. T>.» II VliU I'll CIKI.CK TIIF tUlV. KU »l' TIIK KJItTII AM> BIllNii «'l T mOM Till-. AV Kll\>. t'f lit JHOCMAtN-:. yi;T.M.'! V, JIH il OlVK i»TM Will H» Oin HANDS AM> ^LMJPCT ALI. NATl'nK TO OIR U»K AND PLKASCRK. DR. JOHMSON. vol.. IV. S.lTi'EO VV, S2-:PTl-m?iI03t 2J>, JS:M. i\0. 207. I li i: i>i: L A i> I'l/aiiil (iriitlnitrii of We Ihalirlw uti l t lidutilliropic Snrultrt: inusl dirvrl his willi a win" that !i^v- 1 lru-:t my jouii" fiiciifls, \i u v, ill r;ot l>e ■ bik] forinntiriii ot' jour cliaracter.— VVoiiiBU tii which some of jou now occupy. Would «r »it‘s and uii «?yo lliat iif'vcr hliiniburs. stnrllL-d lij llus rici iuiiK.udiUioiiorcdiislutil has Ixs'-n oidaim d to |i(irrorm a most im-j ibal 1 could ui.part to it the rich Hiid (iio- Metif.il jiuJiiHlry t« iho ptculuir cliaracter. dilij: uro. Y( u w ill !i»iin a inobt crroiicnus |iortaiit part in the tiioral govprninpnl of lodious and impressive times of el( qi)eiic»'la islic of cuihz d socK’fy. 'I'lifl sav:i;/f lut iKitioti, u ymi t^upposij you are thus rx- ^ tlir wcrh!. 'I hr molhpr fonfis tlie first ru-1 wliicb it liill from bis hps, and wliu h still Aud would I ii|»iK‘ir tufore you m iit)t*ilipoco to thf ^ Bcanly daily subhisteiicc, Bud liurd d to a lilo ot' {miii, of yloom, or ol irk- diiiuuiiw of llio infant tiiind, and instils into : to liuger on my e,.r ! A ,itaiioii witU whii II \«iu hoiion d me. *" 1 |j,c rest of liin life in »-|H nt in lv,diiy oxer- fonie toil, l.tibor (t ijiM rolnpldn. You ilic-inlimt hosom the lirst priiipiplcs of vir-1 that it might not only l)c fixed in y ci |ilin;{ in\Halitiii, J have j;ivi n you uporls of the flin«x>, in ferocious v.il! iind that J'oiir occupalion is on»- of liu; tiious action. 'I'he sister rofine? and soft-! ory, as it haa boon id ruiue, but inv acci|iiin;; >in" ............... . ..^.v ^ J'.” iii tlio sports liK- stroo'-. t.i proo( ol my drsiro t-. gn.lity ,„d..lfnr**. y,ur vuslif* and of niy willuign» »s li> coii- uf riviiiz-iimn fil^t iliunimcs the iiiiritl, ( ursuit of knowlevJ^c that what the eU.qui'iil' lent fcf.'iirps of ihe hrothcr.—'1 ho passion iribiit'* iny p»rlion, Ik.vvcvit huinbV, to lue „,a„ as it were to n inw oxiMm e. I’salimM has said of roiifjious wisdom is ' for ii virtinMi.s mietros8 purifies tli« stnti- VV lif‘u the s{u:ri l!s of happinei*. Vmi will (iinl in the ! ons ilif harshf*r tnnnners and nioro turlRj- riUvil.ui.iiioni'* of thfl day. I ll^kllltd in Hi' bi.couifs cuiiw:i.us of tlio powers of iii- inio, lo no small ••xlcnt, -ji ihn wiidoiii of mentis nud elevalfs thf liiouphts ol the lov- li**>- >..• ..1— 1- j vij,,,rail'd, llu looks alir.ind lljrJU;>ii mo r.i.^ rnorui \.riupt«. i ^p(■ali oi im-sf u'i>v iMiirain cinaniiix or f .iin.iffi 'H wliah han htrelol.HC ‘I* „nd physi. .il world, aud w-wvcry only as coniif ctpd with fi;y sni jf ct, and n"t f\i r vigiitint, and an instincti' lu'irji ‘d b\ j;‘>oiu« and taste ami .'l.Mjutiictj. dj.u:.)Vciin^' *jiiif' new scrn t of ii.ituro as rnj niid upon you U\ tht* hi„lif.'t ol ail ihut m-ver falters.—Such was t ll-iM.t-, iK.^rviT, no «*Vjeri but your ,.l,„ri(,s and inslrui-ls-tuin. One ois- oLli-jtions iho coiiuoiiiid of your (. roalor. of wgman, even in tho days wl lil.T.irj f\*-rfiscs, an unli* qucnt ""'■''•"I'" i ,„„j proud .of tho supi iiori’y they (Ins world—“a!l her ays are ways -f|il(,as-! cr; whilo f^he hinds liimin the chains ol l„ r m tln^ l»''opl''s »l itio .>lu!*'>, and unac-1 culiivatt s th in, he (x r- aniiit ss and all hur paths are po ice.” | dcspoliiitn only to lead him in the patii ol iu-loni»»l to ih.ntliar.ictei you haveafsi^iKd vi.'-.^s roh.'rtantly (.xteridinir and I I,* t i.ie iir;;.'i,p.>ii you, as another means h( nor., 'I'he witb brings to the aid ol Ihe li’f, had I an> v'uiiily to bf* mortiliod, ‘ 1j;,, U'con.irn; more and more iii- of iht;ii:iiii'i r’i^iiiictii.n, the piarlice of all hi.’sh.:f.f! a tender sympathy that never quails I,.lie >hiiiok fn»m a ta^U, the j v,j,„rule(l. llu looks abroad lhrou;>h tho t!i.^ rnorul \.rtues. I ^p(■al. of tlicse now iM iifalh calamity op distrejr?; a prudence ‘ ' and an in.stinctive sagacity the inilueoco ^ _ ^ ^ ,v hen ht r sole \ ,ii.dl l»o auipl> rt^.irOi'd lor all p- rsonal ^ n,;iK» s hiiii the niore (i is true there have b.-n in>tanc«*' iu w hir.h nth's to admiration and res[H.'Ct were her » i i.f*-'\ It j nin.thi;r. lie liods nf.thiny too subtle u»,e-' mdtviduals have jjained a iiiche in the'IVm- personal cliaims and the virtues of her r..M..n ’•hall have the i lUrt ut aniinatirn; hi* ;.'ri(*.j>, noihmj'to» swilt (o e«ra(>r pic if Kamo, «hu«e clidiat»ers have ix en |n nrt.— llajipilv m our tune, education, jiif vVtijoiiM priiKiple, ol jjivKig comiianiy |„irwiit, nothing i. o stron;;: ta rrj.ist his sullied by vice uiid iometimfs stained bv without dimini.-hti^y iheseclaims hns added oiip impulse or vig. r tu oim Ho 'I h'-rf-w%7os, md- rd, to U; s ;ir(.e triiuo. Uut with how much niore lu.sti" .,di('rs of the liiphest clmraclor. The cul- fc . rt i. ioiioti. 1^ irxl. lit of mtffllectiial would tla y have shone, if virtue hud b^»>n iivation of her intellect has left man but lit- I i „n ».ill ima^’ino, my ynuoj; „„j,r..v.-u.*'nt than that whuh is imposed a«-'.K;iated »iih thfir tjlenl.*’ The adnti- ilr of hi« boasted suiieriority.—W here can till' i iir.'i“i - y. ii iPel 41 thia iL.iuMi ut iliu I pr rirhinj tenure b\ which ration tnuy rcccive is i..ii an uumi.xcd ad- you meet united such refim d mteliigence; hiit.ii.iH ••lle,i4i'* Jnbil*** )'“Uitija-* pliRMri I’rovidencf that we si’iail hi'ld mtrali(.n. Wi.ile tl.eir mteHeitiiul attain-j such delicacy of taste; such purity ot 11.^ hou..ial.l> thriMi^b •iK.thrr %i-uf c.ipoiral teij. u . i.t. Hut remcmlH r, ments iu\ite us towards them, we are re- ihfcii^l.t; such utter h.athsomenpss ot vice , r. p>i iti-n lor Hie nc *\ dune* .'t 1.;*.— 1 friCLJ>, lhal our uiinda can culy pulsed with horror by il.i;ir moral ilepravi-1 in (vwry shnjrf'; such tortilude io every sit- i! I.iijii of I»k: fuluie, which >‘'U i,^Y-,’me thus vuM and comprehniMve l.v ij. U ho has not iMt Ihe ki. i.. si niortdi ’ uatmn id which we are called upon to Ijear | one fcupremo Lou rt, and id mch intfiior f I i-li witii all lli« oiiihu'Wuiii of youth. , ^ ^ isu and bv unremiiliii^' I ilsir > ation, in readiiijf the »lliisions of tii*- U(0>i ! anfi to suffer, ns in woniui.? Can you fad , courts as the Lejiislature shall tri m time to '111 r- ai* «'ther hfirts. which id th. ir sIom s. l>.i tcim* is mU powerful Ur.’s i.f modern da>s, w iio w role ‘ i,i improved ly an ussocialion which oi-j time ordain aiid establish. Judges are tf» 0.1 (III!. .H ta'i.m III »y ii.,atby '*iln y -urs. n. c«>^r\ U> pres'*rve htallli in tl.f with a |.ei) ol llre. tliat sui h briilmut penm.i |er» to you siu.h erampl's, clothed m tin ) be elected by joint vote of both houses of \ ,.r pirfi.N, )(.ur >ti»lincloi', the ^jumJi- IrfHlilv sv'iriii th-n It I-, to tjive vij>r)f to tiie sli. ulil have U-cn t>U.curoi bj vice atid too | most capiivatin^ t>rm ? Noi only vvillyoujthe Legislature. Jud^jes of the .. upn mg our mein- be chfr* ished in your lietrts and regulate ymir lives! “ U iiAisoKvtn tiijm;8 ark tuie; vmiat- SOKV 1:K TUl.NGS ARK IIOXES'I ; U11ATbOI;\ i.r •1II1NG3 ARK JVST; UllATSOKVER TU1N(;3 ARK LOVtLV ; WIIA'IS0KM:R things Aid. I.r ooou report; if there ue any virtik, A.M) IF there be ANY 1‘UAISE, rillNK OX TliKst THINGS.” Nabiiv iLi.L, AioistT, 'I’he Convention were yesterday occupied with the 5lh article of the refx.rt of tlis comtiiillee of the whole, which relates to the Judiciary, and »hich has undergone some amecdiuetits, the inoit ii».portui)t of which was the sinking out ef that clause providing that the Jud^'es of the Supreme ( ourt shall be classed ioto three classcs aiid go out of otiice alleruaiely. The Judiciary system, as it will apptar in the new con^ti. tuiiou, II.ay novf be considered as perti a- uently and definitely established.—'I'he Ju dicial power of the Slate is to be vest^-d la uation I'd which we are called upon to Ijear | one fcupremo Court, and id »uch infV-iior . . » - - - ^ | - * t-- . . 1 i.i!. I .tliluli.o putakw i l yur J') at |l „ m, ui.mulable law of c ui often [ lorliluted to the n;ost unhallowed f, cl the if fliieiiee on \ our n.eutal powers, but V ; p 't ami otdi.illv j lu in ynjf ' ,.„ i\jii..n is tho iieceh..xiv and purjKjSi s! Ilow mu- h more lul'ty would your sentiments will he Ireed Iropi all their i, . io; lb*- lutufe. If ir.i irj..\ i* .e^. loi ly, „„ ofsU.ih ao« indolence.’ 'I iiw have b eti hi« |m i!r-,ial,.tl he bail >utiercd ii | arosMu ss.—In v«iuth there can scarcely bt i! i„ irho,e«. art Irt-.. vivnJ.it u. b i ium- ^ t»-«juires. lik. the boiiy.its to ho biiMd on vir'u*! S^ucU ii.^tantes, : !i„ind a ni9rc eliicient corrective of viciou.' 1 . \ nr.i ii.iogi. d *ili» a derp anvi* !>—u i» J.. ,i,n. they lio ;ciir, Kte e.veeptions to a proj.rn«it!cs than thu society of virtuou- t(i* v l>ave travelh’d ..*cr the yf.Kjno And mav 1 be Court to be Ihirty-livo years of age—le Is elected for a term of twelve jear«, and lo be re-elii'ible. Judges of the interior courls to bo thirty ycara of age—lobe elected luT a term of en;ht years, and be re-eligible. Judges atid attorney Generals may be ra- liiiiuigcnce ol and tnili''li!'’ned woman u aeoCrul law of our n^iture. > ( u inu't supj'ly It w ilU tarts :i( d to turn for a ir>oiii«iit to our fair moved bv address of two thirds ol the mun- tli.j Uluel baO!llul l«l:U' ». with ev- I . 1,10;; to lU* |I. , a.lure «m1 lfir«.>b NoU >11 V 411 J iiuuv. I wilt o.’l ali»ii.pl t*'•♦•lurb li. ■* il'-ii^;4i:iil VIM 41. 1 wc.ulfJ not. f I cotiid, llii'i ■ 4—i.i_l« sl.ndt ovei ihi* bii^t't pr^ »,». ' tiV.'. It ti.i« b« •!», no dotiht wi»* .> »r ., Itvnt liu i;|.»«.uiy anlicijiHlioiiS »tiw-ulo y«.Ulh. Illdul^., Vpe I,l' otln r' lor lh.'U->tt.> ot' plodlKT [^Ilt:, dl'Cl.il! lit, fr- S, IV • \iiil v.ur»^U!> ol ihe- ni'r>e. iniii-po-itioii to ^‘Ti ..OB ociuiutioi ^ — .— • i i l .i. int.. ..r-ti.ius thuu-ht. The g-aou..lls -ur hearts, not to f-.rget their oestiny,not to Lhancery Courts to be appointed by their rt-speclive courts, for a tertu ot 8ii years. h wim'd U" .!• t;r';-s a f 'tlv. los^s its •.•..•■imi and «.uil, in an e.pi .l dt-- i,c^|ff;t ine iiigh cajiacities with which thej r vvjHo ui‘(i-ilak'‘.lo tiuv^T-'' -ree w ilh tli'* i:. ril (-riiK ipe. '1 ii' pr-'• i;:** end-.wed, hut lobe our brigl;l exem- Bhd r. llerlK.n sr.ifS. Nwl I '^.nlu U-, in ■o.ii.r li t a'lii-, t'-> rrl If It il II munn '' >; »r d .l.(ii},’«roU' >• as w idi.'Ut the am ..f t h.nU, whu II the cnt* and eb-er- »nttmi «.f ■ ll »•!>. ii.id pi'i'111 d. l»ol the ac- (ijiMtion of ki»>.wl‘_e I-. not uiwiii' M'lii- I’u III. It tj.U'l be a-lO-ed I v r !l c- ti' n. ri *• iiiiiid Hii; I H-“ v> di".cipfiiid a." t'l U' ah!*’ to «il ll^e tuc!' ll fee. IV' » in pt' p"r efi.' r — .ili.i iv*.*-** t.n'v v..11 lorm I hu(;e, in.s-!' ijv«n a.-d uni I .v.d ll,»’ ii.iud w ith* kr>"W ' - I Mf': fi». ultie- ait' Mi: deal il *,m. i V all their loveliness, by all the j the Legislature tor a term of si* years, ai cl end* nrm« tits that hind them so closriv to j !h; re-eligihle. Clerks of the eupreoie and aud be re-eligibla. Stlf Sharpening Plov^ha.—^e saw ut Rough Creek Church in the county of : e ! Milue, on th ■ oUir h iiid, ‘ m M.:f and to cheer on our youth to all (-.ili-i'aclr n, pt.-ae-, ■•fit’mlv aoo ci nlei.t- which h. iiorablc ainbiiion cau allain aud n •: I; r.*- li'.ad is M.tii-r'-d m qiuelnPH» l» ;i'l to w’.uch it ought to aspire. , . . - wj'M.r t*,- r.. n I- o‘.r -f Us w.t\ iii.d i!:e \r.iing tneiidr', I have thus adverted j ( hailotte a few da>s ago, scTeral ot the-e e,iur-.c I- le-i.v-r and a.slitittitn u !tu uutb- i„ uf the means !.y w hich >ou n.ay ar- ] singular F'h ughs, so called because they ,>,lrue!f'd.‘ I iittines*; nfMl decisi.^n of chi'.rni ter are iiKli'p' n.'iiibin (.1 \'»'itr ,m. ci >s. '1 i.e W'.ak viinlhaif's indn ului I, w In* is e\ei \ tl.in^ .gi, wh. n itK htttiisand i.olhini: I tc ; wh». > n ios to riu lo > uin!.* r, c»pric»‘ and iii ;'ii’>e ol leeiie-i; : whi 'lo H .in'an emicicnce wliich no nran ishHild j are so constructed as to sharpenthemeelvrs ltlu>li to fHK-sess. '\(.t you may ask wh> 1 m the op^-ration of ploughing.—The bofijr liou! ‘t!i. hi . , . . . uuhle ruaiitv if: an uddress of thi« Fort, if 1 ' iron, sharp at both ends like a mill perk, v\.;re I.', riiu r at brgc u;on this branch of j nnd running back towards the hinder part Let ni\ answcr,ihen,becom-i.-vfi!ielMough.—N' henitgetsdullby wear. i!d y.ai (««ek il? 1 should not consult j of the plough is like the common dagon, l A'vi'v, «• l.ich, in my opinion, is a val- | and the |>oint is a long and separate piece of th>-pr..(»* r man.i„"i,»*'iit . I «i.» h oejxmlr , n,,!,* „pj ml fi.i »i.v" r ii't) ol ih" hai'pui.-ss nit') horiur and re j t,«n fp cUhiiilv ol VI ur fulufe lpe«. I lie dr * ii- dlkUl.^li Ml, Iik; Uii.i llMu; lo • \ce. fi;;J» >1 plec^ III ' *er\ r.tiN U-'-mi. Io- I li, *fi uutv'r>a1lv I' Ih'’ piti Ii t .1 warrelv an m!i' >!u il ot ii"‘ I'uui/.ii f.1. its rjii !-• I*. O'- t\ iiipl Ir-mi itit in f),»r»rf-. It rouim* iH « .* wiih ihc liij.! « v p'> , fai’uilieM of yr«iih, ntid coiiti!..!' -'. ^ iiii; with the gro.>lh. until the lal«-I finliii.iiv . rii'ilie? p j^i'.1 >.J lil'^.—Thi-i ''>n;c (.fpra.w I., swei t , [( i, mu n n*n • . II.n prnrm;: K.fnnl, and it f«IN n -l u.i!.i .• !• ll, *»n e.«nt T' il Inte li»"eii dolled liv Ig'. Irj r\rTT ••'.it” ot h '.'tv, from l5** I. t t'J t!ie iiM’st r*'laiv^l, in a.* tor implant, d in \our b^'som. Vni cannot, j It worn, it is unscrewed and the o'.her :'i’.d vou au'lit n’ l, if vou r^nid, totally ex- turned tx-forc, which will last as long as tha uriauish til." ambinmi’i.. excel. lirst. '1 he wiivi of. the plough ii wnit lo 'r;irn. I have already remarked there is a triangular form,^^p4..each ol its three side* the verv means \ou take to can be allern.itek'^H^l'ed to the soil. It la lt.e.i, mv yoj „• Iri'iK-', while vej y.ai mav, VMiii« im'..(tt.»inioH.-.l b\, na 1 uoMi-.juci .u» lit ilt« wurlU, iit>iu:|c' 111 .*11 th> It tre.hii. **, Ihe i.'«) tttvl ih.efifig *-pii..ii.ii*, which heh'og fi*‘-(jliarly to vour ai.o whi. Il cf^uitiimc at uuce it» bi*.»«.ii^ il» ciiarin. It i« 0>v piiro..ic t.i dirp'-t y o.ir allf nil >f, ^ , for a few 'ir.-M.:..-. or ih. mo.t p- | , u;:.'.i.neh w.ih f. -kI ^ ,,„Kd vietim . I ev. ly .rl.'ol ^sumrnarv. i .1 is lur.ed over and the other sido applied t.iol pnncpW e-:r rmtu-. ...• w uch ^ ut d... > i. n. ,,,,,,,,,f; ,h^t^rM oL, u is a Uw of vcur Crea- lo the grourid. After that end is sufT.c.ort- t-un..* f'vi in a.'.i»« «.(-( iit...n, *1.0 u|-.i» U ti.er. I.r.-. v..u yv.ul v.'Ui''-.u's uiwve ir.:-di'x:riiy. Ia-I \ -ur re-.lu- in >n nr i j .it , • r ^ _.i .. >f t.oitf, wus. !y f'-rm. d ai.Utea.:.lv vvecii- eVK ISO \\ hell )KJr ColIK 1'I'OO I.I.d V our llli- ,our UI d' li^t lodtti:^ m iiulh 1'. in ,], j» p'.iot to the chjert ot y.-iir pur- "jriif aid 111 fiiawnij au.. h toii.i»>"i*>n* ar ,, jjy , | j [ viiur'ilv.s U. I*' iiivtrletl l’ w ill tH i.t riuhl*’ \' U “ l'» a. t well \ Kir pari to ihe Ud't hv tiie iu.i.v>i!i.iiitie.s III lit'-"—tiie ;;r. 4fpiir,i> sc ot all knowlc-i;.e. gdiis or fi.t'.'r^ fi'others. U. culli ct, riier * I- a .ouu.i .n mistake among the |.,o, that lue *■/’.>r/i/»r i i n” i-'l>> I iiwom- v.'Ui.g, and jierhiiijs n.ore p.'^ft.cularly a- ^tth il,.'••/«('.ti^ ?'I'l t-o. L r- iiionc lle-e of coliegi'UP it..-i ui',i»n?, ihit w»tl «d lu, wilbout imj.auiiij;, vour whil.* ludu'.liI'*!!* npphcalion ii ii»‘«efc.'try {irin'.css. miiH rnpiire- i... , i„ ^1] vonr ihoii-hts ar.d [Mir- wl.Klilias pri veil nothing to conceal. i.»t;*l to U'anv n v -ulh ..f «h« tair.-t pioii.tv. ti;', p fMre raiiilor am! o(.eniie>s should mark vour whole c.uulu' t and character. I’loin the maa of diNSin.ulaticn. the man ol nrl. the suspicious niiui, we shrink wiih in- I'reaii and ^il^llk'‘. ( and«.r ali't.e in- .spirrs coufidi'ncc and oomn.auds resr'Cl. It mav be uM't'ul to itr>;e n|*oii all, who . . ,vi«h to e\rel, tho nee«>Mtv ot relMtig uiM.ii ^le mav venture to suggest to yon a ih. s> iinniortnl WOT >. sprvjoj: roi I I'xeriions’ If vou jMiNt-. »s the l,,.fher inetive. Thoiii^b our b«he^ tlM.l.ramol ihetr authors wiil.. .I . (...It an.1 „„ts ,-f wraLh or lulluential. ,er^hin-. »e know that . ur spirit is lu;i pr..p«.rl.. n. like ihoJat.Mi 1 ..Ha^ ihev may u^ed lo sec-nd hut |i„ow that we are placed m lift i.-> «-i}Trsode, vour elfoii-: and lortu- probatory state, and ihut na'.i ind. cil will vou be. il yu .h' not tii.d cornmiind. d to improve our talents, them c!(>:i« to yi'ur aJvHtieeui.'r.t. Il you projn.rtion as we cul- are d. «lilute of whi.t are u-ualK considered ^ ii.lelleetual and morJ faculties w irlri'T Hdenntag‘!s. he not di>coiirn;:ed U'low, in the same pro',xirlion will I as.ui; .1 It IS an err.ir, w inch ) cu eniniel j' ll uiih tv*o mueh proo pli.e-s and re- fort u r. \ ' u read ihe pr«Khn lion« ot In tiillvM*Tt d-j.iitiii'i.tx and pur'uits »j| avi,r ^...riH nf the r*iii whe h th* > nil-kind, ihi^ ntiibiu-'ii lo ••xrel,'m..!ilwd in.H. «huh the sl.mip of i;-nn;' ol i.i,.u a;in'«l.mlihit» vjrn t) n» to itsohj-cl- •iwl r ' ans ..f .ifei>iii['ii‘hie.’>it, i« to Ih» |i*und .■M fliufr ii» iJ.fl 1* H V wiUi more or less p'«rr, noJ i h' r l^r c xhI or l^^r evil. Il w.i'ii.i !«• ti’•i .iiiu’ill Wl- ruul I'fovideme t'l »h.«l a pi itirii>ie ol ■*i>« h (sjteiit . . ipoii , ihf higur»t order ha.- l>een impo«-l b> »he eode'irrmi; v. ico of all niaoi.iiid. 'I'hiiik rou lhal a pleasun* in iiccomplish y. ur ohjcrt. VMiat may ap- ]K'nr toil to the indiiieiei.t spectator, consti tutes one of the hij,hest enjoyments tiie liiinter leeis in the ch.^se. i And what can be more delightful, what can a-sinalale us lonre nearly to Him whose iin: g(! we Uar, than the exercue of the |H)wir, which su(ierlonty coiit'ers, of be stowing blessing> on others. In the estimate of hnppitiPFS is praise, fro. to lie st (it nought! I'.ven flattery t'n.ds many a w.lhng auditor. l’>ut who . tn deny i'he fascinatin; jHiwer of the voice of praise, when it sounds in unisoo with the sccrf t whispers of con;ter.ce ' said lhal one will last a, year without going t.i the shop, and even then its repairs ara very inconsiderable. It is said that they pertoroi vrell, as far a? they have been tried. [DanrilU Rtiwrtcr.] Irotii ill.- h'ain of Jupilei ' N". i*>> 'Hin^ »ufrpv i^ml mirh uiu'ef».' vi»l'n> •' ti.ej ; it «.• n iihl NUinm''t) h'!'ir« u^ ll'C». iK l I .'.•n iii.j'li.i ie»l in U! ! r gr. al.wnd u*t‘- )|luvtiI' li" .h ad, Ihry w('u!d t. II u- >l ih' ir f'll piirj^'v *. Il i« tiue th.il, like all »Hir r«. ,,| |>r.-parhii'.n; thul iheir mini.^ jw,..,r.i..4.it iK..,f.:,h:eofh.iti4|H rvcr:id.Tmi |,;,JiHn li.-eij.led In't.i earlv hie; timl a* I*'-'*. W iiil" ' II li." »•••'* h.in.l It 1 ^ l.r.'lv c.xitril.uti d to the pf''£;i' '■ o( eiv d- cv erv iu'i'es--ihli urei'; ihit ihev had i/.iiiiit( in.l tli* d.n' l.-pioi III "I lie* liiuirm r, ,| Ii.d;. huiI dei ptv ; !iinl ihev hwd hi r'd f-.t V'Hi'iio iiie'i' Vin;: iln mdit -. eultivi liu^ their li-te, mu I in ; wlue' if i...' i;iv« :i biltij I" idi llu ' ' I i' rliil '* in art und di>i .'\ I Ii."-* 11 I. i 11. • ; t'l ih.' pl. ndi'l |.r «tu. ll•■l.>• l ; arir'.••I iiid u».4i» !:i lit* ralur.', w'III ll or I- II!, ujilr.ii't mill e'cvale U'^-- V'*l, on ill* . !||' r !: 'nl. It l.'O . ftrll Im ' II llie ll Ult I'll .. ut, (• „i ( i,:ii' an.l loi-erv anil hi." d «!:•'I mid .!( V I'-iali.JO. Ill on.' ci.'^*, ll if afi'‘111 II. vun- .i.td Miiii'u-, “ pui»uin4 n- !! ' .-.'ll !,t n.Ill* iiifc”—III the olhrr. %.(.! 'lull iiiii i,i -,1 hv m r.d le-.trainl, on- ;5"1|'.: IK -' ;,1». IJI .Ilid rei kle«-. o| iIh " '.. It, .. *. '!t:it I'li.il II.«n to niiin. V' hu h rt ll|.-..- .|,.'U.in iNrii' to your ekt' III >'■ d .I" • I' 1, 1 u.M 0.1 Ih 'i!' V.U hy lii.pil Il'ii;, r-;| 111 •» I-, t' •• .'I III1I1.II-, whieh l^ «!' ,.• I" '• ■ i;, ■ (il tiM' te'ii f unded «. iiH'i t !i. w Is ll li. U. o''t.iined * ll d..es tiMl ol'.M r ' 1'' s K'!.t nici'vi-ivll will not ".iii't'i It !■ ' .»'ii,"nii I*, it e.e \ ol a.’- *l"!'iti' o; ■. rjil i-.'o are m'"iii;'« hv il.' Imil'- hd Hj" ',1 i!;.,n of vtliit'h siie.'.''4 wiD -^.-I'uin lad to lie i^cuK J. 1‘irrniil ii." hru IK to ih. v had oiligi-mlv c. llecti.l^ k'lowh.igf* N.inrsTlves with the rvMectmn that, jjp pxiended lor enjoyment lu uniivr our happy political .,K.lher and a higher world? May it nol be, that this ambition we feel is "the di vmitv that stirs withiu ut,” leading on lo this sul'hmo ol'j. ct. :NIv young friends, I know 1 have disap- tiomted the tlaltcriiig ex[.eclalions jou had UMiirr- pun* Ml d . \al;mc ihnr Iiiiagumli. u. All It iiii|'li> p»' u h . nl\, e.iii '.ilid lU'd pelmuiH.nl litciary ;viuuti. n l>e ohl.lined. ii.t roVHl road to honor* im.l distinctipn, and that “.Mpe of llte ni.'St illustrious mdi- \idual«i'f this and other iig«'s have risen t'roin li'C hninhle.'t to tiie higlu .^t st.itioii', unaided by p. wer or patronage or wfaltli. lint V'U n.ii'i III In f'.i- desultory remuiks I have l« en ,-,jri,,,.d—ex|K>clatiou» which 1 early ap V ’.inK l«> m.lu'tnons: nddressmc t..v..n, I have m.t speUen ol the realized. I came ll «ilJ I > •” •* . A* . 1*.. ’ I - ••r*! I »»\ in . i r ..... i. ^ U . Sleeping at Church,—Doctor A , of Cambridge, w as once rather embarrassed with an occurrence in his congregatiou. An insane man, who had received o publio education, and was strongly attached to th» doctor, had observed la the forenoon of a warm summer sabbath, that several of tho coDgregation, slept ii\|time of sermon. 'I c» prevent the occurrence of the evil in the af ternoon, the mauiac, having filled his bosoni with windfalls from a neighboring orchard, posted himself in a convcuient station in tho side gallery, the front gallery being occu pied hy the college students. Prew.'ntly at’- ter the sermon commenced, he observed ooe asleep, and gently disengaginc his hand from his bosom he aimed its contents at tho head of the sleeper. 'I’his occasioned some disturbance, but when it subsided, a second .ileeper’s head was pelted with an apple. I’he preacher observing the occasion ol Ihe disturbance, requested his insane friend lo desist. “ I>r. , (said the maniac) mind your prtiifhing and I will keep the dogs awake." It will scarcely need to bt' re- marked, lhal for some time there was less in- clinatiou to sleep in that audience than usual. v'U ii.iist pn.-'U'!'- Ill V'ur iinlu?try. l-«l . M»rv point \ u nach in- oi'lv ihe plae' lor w .l. p.iitiiM-. r.. l ev ry ne.iiiiMlieii v.i.i iii:.k h. th.' f uuiiali' II tor anotli. V 1 Humh. r. T ike .■^ilUlpie iii oiie icxp^ et ll,.' i.ii'f r, and h. ap m anure on trea^- I.ikc liiiii, yu "ill fn.iii Ihe aenimulaiioi'. hikI, uiihke him. llio haiij III. s, V'U will deiive ft. in vour nehes will I. l-.uti.-f'd on lli.‘ iiohle:.!. lli'l.'..il ol ll..- I.iis.-.i pnii iiil' "f oui nature. I-. I no .lifiii uUien di.sheatli'ii or deter yMi—latlier I. 1 tluiiii anitii.i;e your -/. al. I‘. i-ie\eninee c.iu I' Vi'l riiiainVims and 11> vute viillr-'^. I \mi at the hij;he^t n e of prrlV. tion, v.iU may s-i'.lv ". I '‘'• intluencr of the ('hristian religion in pro uu'iing M.ur suece'S'J even in this life. It is a Iheino which bclong.s more properly to here with ih> vain hope ot mnking an exhi bition of oratorical lalcnl. I came solel> to re|K.'at to you u^et’ul precepts, which have long received the s.uiction of the wise and giMKl. Hiui to udd mv strong and sincere at testation of the ir truth, from an o.\p«‘rience t'ounded on some )cars devoted lo the study Nour el.araeter than the g»'ntiino prmci- ' ,live mteic urse pie? and ur.o^tentatiou-* practice of pielv, ^ ,iiy fellow-man in all his varioes so n. thii": enii impnil sueh high «ud euno- . im„,„j,._Su;ier me lo conclude in the Ian- j to i'\erti’n ami nolhuijj can • ■ ' ~ Sllieil ' .1 . U . f holier hpi than mine—to lips that have been toiietied w ith sacred liie. > el I mnv he paiil 'ned fnr nsMirins y. n, that, while >thing . an throw a hiighter lustre round Imprortnuntn.—Among the improve, merits id the busmess of this town, we n*» tice the I’laning Machine of Mr. Aar»a Luzarus. 'I’he establishment i? oow cupa* hie of turning out ‘JO th.iusand feet of boards ^>er day, completely planed, toneued and groovi'il. These bell from 25 to 30 dollar# (H»i thousand, ami are superior to those wor ked bv hand, on aecnmt of the exactness .>|' oimensions. \Ve arc int»rmed ihat hluig I.otius lo exertion and ‘ of an inspired writer, a qnolaHon ^ ,».rs.>o can lav as laree a quantHv of hrii.g-ui h imp.'sirii: power to suslum ami | , heard from the venerable andie.j^j^^ J in tl.ierin^, as four p^ isoas cau of th* :.ueiigtheii V 'lii in every Mrtm.us resolution. IVesideiit of m> Alma Mater,* nmnv * Hut one topic more, and I will hasten to ^ siluulion | ’j i,p p„tent ma. hine lor benling rice, I '.I. I not ^kffitlfl i * It tt'H. rli.. which r. I J ly pje-Put ll.em- i|,,,t wh it has U-en aci omphstied hy ^'l''^lltld whu h are a'J..pti-1 l«. ' v« IV vo- ,,,|„.rN mu) h»; all.iui'd hv >o'i. —Inde«d. ‘ 111'11 to w III! h V' U mav U’called. I irsl ' cn,o( n lunls |» the human miellei l h.ive iiHil rhii f .-I’linfiij tlifso ii.raii't i« |M rse\.'Img 1 ^.,.1, di t'.ii' il, why un) y.'ii not buipaiw iuJu?try. 1!j who kji a lolly buuimit, iliyBc, who havo prtctdtJ >ouI conclude—a topic wliich 1 cnild m.t omii. holh from its intrinsic imi«'rtnnco and l»e- woiild l>e doing ir.iuslice to youi and mv own, in an nssemhiv P'. Pamih fs. S»ini'. I iii-iuri.. u. - rrii.rrionr..llrF.'.il.c l.'.\.iu'.U.hoUir.thf acroin-1 ami answer the purposo extremel) well, uli.-^lifd ;;fiill.'nnii in s!l Ins liili rcoin'i- wnl. he ; 'I'here i> H “ s[ ei k” el a rull roi'd attnchea j'ils,uTiil who T. t.-d in hinisrlf. ii»i»r as tb« ati- machii'.e, hy which the curii'us, who patent . l>risid»ntof' belonging to Gen. I'adley is in oj.erntion. cau^^| ll trallanlrv wheri'lh*' sinilrs ot iM’iiuly are of ll.is »dilrcsi rcu'.rt it.rn jiuljrc, and n have nvver s*i ii aiiv ihinj' oi tho kind, may „|| artMind U^. it «s H>e '«;bc^.st'e^^ent paty vvith owmiuiug.-/'rf.>v*. awcivit) lu iliC luiprovtmeiil ol your mindu lul and cKemtoiM.ry »icNU ai.vtucd ihrr . I ' > s