MINERS’ & FAMMEMS’ JOURNAL. !* sam.riiav, hy thomas j. noi.To\.... IIAKLorri; Mf:« hi E.Milit; COLISI Y, .NOR'IIM arolina. • ,0 OUR u.c A.NU P,.r.,«L,.r.-DR. johnsonT * NirrunAY, si:i*ri:>iijK!i 27, jh:h. NO. 208. SAI.I^IIl hV \v\i>i:.nv. ,., . ( 7 I -' ^ ,, J J ■“•••■|.» I v.,.oo dna» iru. '.fii uiiui in«; ti;roiiaui as- iiiiiti lovhirh aln(Kill more than Unthoumud »* lt>oy could fjet un opportunity, for .Moore, i pHnds for j:i.>tiiiig hold vvWen liu descends,' daji pre»ioU9 I Sr.pr. 6.—Severe District has been \ is loudest and mMt destruc* hy the oldest of our had beeo for many very opprcwivo, aod lha TUXHi) CXAbs ioii lb34. TiriuiiuiHiiwi tt;uri> Systtnt. ’I'll be drtwu at ( imrloxr, .N. ( . on \V cdnti^ay, Ut 0.'iulMr, Ki4. c iriTAiw;^ lUIII ? f 1 Vii/Ji of 8ii,0(M) 1 Vr\7M of ;,(KtO 1 I’lizu of 10 PriXM •( lU I'rizen of lU i‘ri7vit of UO 1‘nv-e* mf M Priwn of )(> l‘rt/'>s of 1 (III I'f l/.‘1 of iilKI I'llZ' k of 30ti I'liiio. pf 1*117. i uf ♦i/A'U FiiKi* nf (i.'KiU i'liXil «f 2,ti|U .jilO aou ‘JOU IIMI 00 :«i •JO I.") u r» ai %,'),000 v.uiii 10,1100 ri.iHM) n.uoo 4,i)(iO O.IMIO .M.UOO 3.0U0 4,'»UO A, l'>U r. i.uiiti :io,ooo -’1,(»U0 /Hr.tous are rtutJ,/ and unxiuun totmtify. tt*pre came up b htHvy tempcM Hiid the rain I mid firadu«lly draB iiig down hi» balloon to *• ueathfr wise” thoughVthe ii-Utnff sun of fell tn torrents. 1 he conf*r |iiftjce waB, j ihe earth, wher« ho cau laud, und ezpol t \Vcdn«slay offtrred certain iodicatioos of a ihut tbo Ktieain which itu-y had forded in , the gas. storrp. On that ni^jht the wind cotnttieDced the morniii;r. was swolleu ho as to liecunie j ^V |i».d even;'thing was prepared in this' blovung furiously from about N. E. ur.d an iiii|«Bsable torront and the luifjratiou j uiarnt-r, for the Ds^'ent, and Mr. Durnnt had continued to blow from that quarter with IX conibqucnt’t of the attempts which are al. ifinil(! by knavan and iinpo>idry to palm •tf •(Minuua iiiiitatiou:! and ibiinlerrtiti, dn tima a« the |«iblir ha\e J terniincd U|X)ti llic valur and eir,lkn,;,ora n,rdK u.. . .nd. i»or.ierio«rr„re voters were cotnpi llcl to abid.* until thf li.km his filiation iu ih# car, thf machine was , iticrohsuig violence till about one o’clocu, ...vn'nir^ n.»d„.»h™,,,i, r,nd.,na Ihe.r hgl.U ci „|, b, .i,« p„s.„. .1,0 hold l'.M.TI,ur,d.y. Aboul .h.lhourilcbanj-a ihof.iijrU curt for Jh'>r and Agvi, or Bihou» In- ''’P found the poll cloned, and fcinij; tl»i* ut:ltin» and cords to pas* gradu-, to fe. S. K. end blew with more destructive Mitieiit Kcv.r, n^raifiai aurh uii^tMionn, the “ f’' **>’ ** Kui^H majority, w hich | i.liy through iheir hands, until all that held wildn«*8» and violeoce than before. Not a f/ri«i.r tias niuclul*d upon the iiijctcmty qimrtrr of th^lr ti'iiiihor w'ould have it In the earth was a douLlu cord tied to the I wharf could be ween at twelve o’clock, when, ^uing Iho t ift-oi the iiiu'iiri , t«i as f»vr I i. lurntd the other way. 'J’his was an un- lialloon, w hich in the nif?4n liine w as flap- in the natural order of things, it should hav* r.lrj, al^iTr^ X*"espfedilion—PAi/. I . 6. (.'azctte. piiig and surcin^r, with \ loluuce, caused by bfen nearly low water, in fact, the tido di.aiauo*. 'I hrr. ...ff, he h»i> thr ph asurr to I —•“ | the w ii.d ani the sIiu^'lMP to u.sceiid. WhfD did nr.t fall perccptibly befora 1 o’clock. anii.tiiirr to Ihe ii.hahlUnU ut .Merklt ntiiire rouii ty and th oliirr (>»r!» ol' thi louiitrv «dj«ci-iit j then to. that .Mfxra. Irwin KliiiP.ot'fharlotte, ' [From ihr Ilnfton A(hocntf.'\ i.nfi.a'hm; a ifAi,i.(Kix. I all wan re:idy, tl e intr(’|nu vo\;ij^>«r with It is said by oue of our most reepectab!® perfect c«MjluiJSi, cut firiit one cord)and ut'Xt and oldest citizens, to have risen higher the other, uiid thru the iir pHiit nt niacliitie, than the jrale «f 1^01. '1 be fatal storm of rift: M ii!SC'KiitF:i{ rrizr^nt in ^I.jT.oOO mimm: oc ok i\» iN(.. Thi> X-ht ibc, lur.iitd t> III* i rruiiuatini^ I it,'- lir >, I'lii, ha> tiiilMKi i'lCKrt*, iiuinUn. ti.iii 1 lu t.y.lHii iiiilu>i\e. In ti»» cay •( draMiii|j I • iril.OOtJ CiiK.Urlf »l'l U l*u« lt\^i CMI« nhrrl, • i.d all 111* ytti-t ahbti tl.* (knoJuUAXui) of t.l Ifctu anotlirr : tin j mil Ijt drawi ail. rin.telr, fu»l • iiiiuiin'i ind th ii a y‘ I ir. utilil ail Ihr priu • arc d-«*i ■ I'h' y If « » i-V, ♦.! *nii jll arr dik piMd of la t'* :u..i»i’iK uiaiilirr, lll I hr fciO'y 'i'likrt* Iriinir .l' i « illi thr **tnr h^urr tU«) It-r lif.t tifcwn Muniur li-tn»ii4»l>» « ill.. »iil l«: riitit! tl !• >■' r«i h. aiiU ti»* I ickvt* Irritil Daliuf Ki'.ulii* *am I'^uic that Ik-. lu t nui.Jac r drtnii friMii Uf * f'rl Iriuiinatc* »ith, dirtrriiig IB Il» tl riiiiiialian tloiu I 4l of Ihr li:»l. will l>r en- liOil to fkS tarit. ai.u lh> (>■•> '}'iclirU lartnliialiiij; «k 'li It.' Mini fi(;uri tliat tirtiiin«l> h util • drawn frwii Ihr . liniiig iii il» |> ri.iii.al.on ;ru» Xl-t tiffl ai.d Mcoud, will Ik tti l.t.ed la jU I ach. i;\'\MPi i:. Vip'>*«« ’■> i» liir lir>l nninl>«r drawn fr . (In ¥ . Kicmatinu »ilb lujiirr 3, sill r M r u.. t, ,«l I ick.l. !■ Mnii.a'.in* withfjnrr 3 I.*'*! r4Ci, *'i; • . •,* - I" I- br »r. oil ■ n dr.wTi ttoii. Ill' »••• . Il' 11 the l-««' 'I t «. 1.1.: iL»l.'; »il:. l\ * ' *. » nilill*'* to aiid nij'pu**' to !• If'*' ikiri. I -r «.r»*n f(«,:ii thr uit-.. tlirn t( i • T lira lilting »i!i. tl.r li;.:-* fl, -.wrl hr «ii t Ii .A) • •• *1 1,1 'r» p.' i> «;;r )>I 10 t i t f , I ml»* t all !’!t I''nilI »r.Ilf (r-urr» )»on- I Uj II ^ l),4l v.r ho yi r 0t a of tu I irk I t - ■ ; 1)1 *1,' f ) Ilian*", f*. drum rrt* o' ii !i r> l..r tf. • i > !i.t 4rn.'«ii(.al.un of |»ri/*« ai.r; II - • ii'»» I'll r,'.;.rf uritvf All I’ritff ;•>»«*'.■ inCar'i, t'l d»v« art^r th» «!r*» ir f -' t. . 11 l« t Ol aui tmi. •! I .'> j«rt »i«nt. A l’«i \»^;r o| \l h' 'r 1 ic.*tl wii. l*»l t-l.» au.3 n>u«l *i«« n«tl 1 I f', I Htre some twenty or thirty thoiiiiatid per- hoiisfs. ir«habU ; nearly ss jreal a Duinl.er in the vicuuty ot' was passing with thecuirtut air unn'jstiuct- eH, it waM balnnci'd id all iH parts, with fjuiet rcpote, 'I’he sens-ation ivl.ich the per- .'^011 feels, wlio is aicendiii;;, is cnu,pared tr* pelled by u tornado, roh# to unpuralleled height and deilrojfd seven dwelliog houMS, A:c. one chuich, and 37 lives. '1 he slorm of for strength and mischief deno J I:aV|;s Ihi« placu thi* iJiT lor Ntw.Vork, i Moiiii, on the (.'ouitnon, tiie tops of ■ i and «i-h.. to advi»* hi. niimcrou. cuuuuj ,i,c bridg. s and svemifs, and p tl tell Jt Ot hu i^rrM'til V i^tuck of i ® . i i ' i nearly as {jrent a numl»er in the vie fV O O D I ih»* city, who saw the ii-rcnaut in bi ^ but did ni’t ►re him take tiie fiiat It ap lut* t, , , . , i j —•- And ofln, in.. ntinn of h.v..,; in aurh Oinhrr .up- .paic. U e conli ss we had but litlle just ^ in this Dei-hbitrhH>d; but for du- »ii: u.- tuix aitcr.um to tail ani t.-„c.-ption of ilic proc s-^ aud h id siipo. ^d " hen la a sluto ot rcpoBO, ration and lf>.«s t.f every Si.rt except life, "rL,,.n onh.,da.d,nrro....«.ni. hr ‘hat it was tnu.:h more comphca.ed iliau u I‘^7" tciuiencv to us bn.,^ thiowti this gale of 1‘I I is unequalled. M e have JI. |.*« ti.n on hand aad in f.rorf , l„ , cii \ H' uce, iij ca-^es wliere tbo balloon alroadv said no w^harves were to be seen. ih^ citv, who saw the it-rcnaut in bis flight, ‘1’“* >' certainly claims pre-emi- but did ni.t .re him tak« tiie f.rat It ap lute "P««rd^ against the M,le r,l the feet.! nence sbove any known or recorded to bavs C»rHafil.d v^illjoijt Hp!tr !(»»■ iVtMow lnth0COnlrtfC'llil*?Airrihl*! I , I »nt , ii* ■ - • M.har. ort^rrd.t t.OJ H.sAU:.., /.i.i .t//. i ibeutio, there wi re ten tiorce-, or li'os. ' peisi.ns have sti I re- I hi. cannot be said ot any gale sinco lSt»4, «.I ..com-ui«i.t,iit i.r...a | head*, on one aide, .t.itidins vu their h-a*s, j ^ 4 lloc.h.*!.'« .'^'1 » fdiT I ;\R. l oiitHiiiiiig iron fjl n;;s and water. I'rum '*rH»n, A U India UoUnfei. Uai h of tin m;, a tin lube romniunicatej, in ...i, ...11,=, ,uu., th. •Mw-oi'. H*:* lt«ii*r. I'•izr ot a dlo>e pipfl. .Nino other l.«rce» I'lttfl i.jrka l.urrjiool Sl», 7jl>»"rrl» .No. 1, 'U aiiH .T Mickaral, 4 liirtra Ric», I'l I '.Ilk' Moue I.ime, Gr'.IMiO lh«. Itoon. n.onl'y »id«».) Tm.r-nia wi:ii a i.i\rK*i A.-^*TMr'T nr Dvw iioi'titt ui’4, 1 t'orktrtf^ *Vr. A'r. Ilia U«4t i» • iin^Ulilly tUitirUK, oud hi MUCila j tr(-i{l.t lioui auLti p«iM«ui iiM aru di>>^«ri lu (lat. ! roiiiM Imn. I I A.**li adtiBord on all ('*i'oii Irl) uir! r bi* di ■ I Cl liuu :»,f ahipit rnt on ani,oiil to ,\c n • \ ■» K or I 1. .v»t*t.. I II* l.4> Ulr.i ,‘i.»d rnrlrj ■ ( ot'.^n h' d,^ll!> . •! icn,, tl.* •! o Im i( he "!h ri to »iu h [k r- -rni »a 11.j i at anx ti : t i.'nr» In •Ioa tl:rir • j l*ti. .\™ cl.at|c liiafr. I i.r »h«i; la *u ; tai.ioli iiotii ."It ..uuii in.t Ihcrr i> ti« dnn{;*r • i. ( olton Im .1 ^ ■ ui.aiiiiico tii *.»• r>4 1.>e liirakir,; ■ • ul in »n> ;-»rl of tfti I'ouu. tk Uit ui.. • ■ 1 . Ill ...m iot at a I l;l r W M.I iN \ \K1), I il itm ■ j; .( *0 it. b» ,\ u'^a ui.li.i/*! ol V\ ' ut.r Ot.1 I11.1I ul Oirin. I Al t.l vn.;, J' I. \(.i'l K. t'krio$r s r J'i.i, ,1., I'.ii. I ,t r tion : on tl*e t-ume principle that j^iu can uliirl a pjil pf water ov» r jour heail, and 111*1 spill iho coDtents. OvMng to ihin, Mr. l>urant, foiind a difliciiliy in petting the »atrr out ot bis car, ul'ier h« dipped lu the iicenn. I ,• I 1 .• , , I I he principle of irrostafir.n in a« «imnle as made d( iili-d aiK ill Iho form ol a clube.or . ... , ,1 u I 11 .1 .11 , llie .'iBctii'lin}; ol tomiiioTi smoke,lioui which rather a >fhf ri'd, all the feKtn* carelull\ . .. . , 1 .A .1. »• 1 *• IJ ] >he idea was lirst cnceived. I he 2ii* or , I lo^fd and air tii'ht. ' h''tJ li'lCed uti. il ,, ,, ^ . . , , ititl.imniahie air w huh tilU the balloon, was turrg. may t.e c4i\*t d iti a ramniou aihcut, at.d is ’ uot cuiiilitoua. I he lowor |miI tLrmiiiatr.'i «rro n!U)ilurl\ arran^c-^, on the other-idv of the cin Ir. 'J'iio balljvjn lo U; intlat^d is r.r i.’i pri f.;. I. r : ' a^ .111 .. ■ • - .•r ‘ I'. • li tl..11 Ifr I .,rc l(,. I »• I i .lIU — • => , aU :«C a I'arkajT of JO W lt"'r T ' '•iM'ir f Tnr thr Urjr r « .M 1 J j;i I tL* U. « ■ nir 'l*u krla »nlit I irkrla n at dram ■ Ii uni that lii« iia| II j- 1 : I 3 r- ' I a-fi I * Il i I!-’ ‘•."I I'-’. 10 Ml, // I I" la:'. r« iJj. .> 01 \i! o'.fi«'i..in a di'I".rrr, I T t»-ai\ 'poal nr p’l’at" ionir»air.-, rtrl~inp th‘ i lic’.'l* in th' pfr»;..n- tnl'ul.a, I i.roii pi alli •|«n. It’ai.Mr-•• ‘/'•f' i. I n .ri> IT. I ai il ail •»iii^ X l»« fm ardad .un.« .i lil I .M Vi **/• ■" lliihti fl T.*, ‘■7J II \M II. '•rH h. Ac'ol. .WM -1 It .N II //«vo lloir’, t C i!:c: tiokt.ii:. \rr lU ji sr rn ri\ 11> « nirsn nrrni it »t 1 •! » ..m; I S , Il «t art iin |I || In la V III I hr it r II • ar^a >n l^forr (hr aiaurliix lit I* hrn a; u.iu lja\r ^foiiiiie .Mcrticm*,* al low I h*ii •i.m. * la/jr aloik ui ^ IrrUu >. il i^ia.'l c.iir ai.u n. ,.i fore ».uo«» aiixaiK 1 11. ’I h* ».o«'a> » ui l>r a ia on iltf lalUiuia iu| I d»i. ol p(iKlu(.-r. Ihr following «niiip:i>'r a |*ar*. of llieir Slotk. J .»r liHI*>. 1. \li, .'Oil i.„^. CoD... Jm^i i|,., i.o.ii Slid I.nmp i5ii:,»r, ;iOi^ |»ir( r I ott"ii li..^^li.;,. i.'1'i) I oii« llaln Kiip>, IW'ii ll». N III* I miir, I' tuij» >»ii»t> and f!i.;;li»h Ir.!>, 1 liiKI i-atliN .''all. AI.?*', Tl ia Ul *111) kind. riO A .V I!. MoK as eje could reach, the fiolds wer# covered, and but for the uppeurance hero and thero of a tr»-c or cluster of bulrushes, vinos, 6:c. we should tiot have known that vsluabls plantations lay under the overvhciaiing wa. teri. It seemsd much as if old CLaos was about to come agaip. 'I'iie damage sualained by the Rirt Plan* ters cannot be estimated er even conjec’ 'I hat It 19 gr«Bt, and very j{reat, it tirst fully discovered m 17^^, and it breath- i certaia. .More we cannot at present say ; d, UMi.ixtd tt :th cciiiuirin air, will produce all persoss acquaintrd with the cullur* of death. 'I in re U id^ tnurh more ii,rt.iuitna- that grain, and the late backward *pnn", ble an piocwi * d lu isarm than in cold cli-, can form as good an idea as any on the spjt. iiialrs, IS doubtless c ne reasou why the tor-; I he Hire could not have been under walsr iiK-r are lt'S!j favor;'lie to iinimnl lilc*. This hss than twelve hours. The loss in the air 19 abi ul scv^u tim»-s lisht^r than com- warehouses has been uf precedfntly great, fiion air, and of course alwHVs asccods, the th*' water having covered the lower tloor# »aiu« US smo';o di*e»i, and will carry up 1‘J to 15 inches. All th« wharves, except wt'i^jl.t in [iroportiou to th« extent of the those lately repaired, have sufl’ered consid- comiuon uir displaced by the it'ii'itied in- erablo injury. .Many boats from Che raw, lia'iiii tl II air. I'or a I'.illoon thiitj feet iVc. some emptv and others partly laden in dijiiu ter, it requires about two thou.'-aud «eCe here, and Knved by the ^rcat exertions pouiiils of inni liiinj;^, as touch of ml ol Ml-; of tiio crows and citiz* tis. \V« feel it a ... , nol and twelve tiiou'aiid pounds of whtnr.' loclancholy duly to record the daniai:ra lyrkbr*. to rt«-ist the alronv upwHrd prts-, , . , .• . . . i i .u .k u r,,, ^ . .1 , , . . ? I .1 I About ttto hour* IS suliicicnt to geueratc-I'lutiimcd b) the other .shipping. Theschr. the I C’oraPt, (only 14 months old) from N. York, 'I tie a ronauf hits no power hut to oscend w iih a jjrect part of her cargo on board filled or dosct lid. He usci'iids bj ilirowiny out and capsiz' d at the wharf. The sohr. John halliii*!, aud dL'srtnds by oponiri^ the valve .Stor.ey, ladt'n with rough ricf>, was driven aud Iritinfj tlie j;hs escapt. I’nr all other ashore at .Mayrant'*, ou the S. U , gid* of iiiovemtMil.s, ho depeuds upon the current inyaw Ba\. The sloop l Achanite (emp- j''"?!" he men* w itb. U hen Mr. lllBiiehard and tv) is IV. .M. C. .Mvers' field, and within I y Ol iti|; tin p iiR'i es, an ijra ua s jj^. Je(i>,cs of l^)st•n, cmsatied the strails ol; l'»0 yards of his house. The bri^ Franccs Dovpr in a balj^ooii, in January, IT'"*, they Ann, from New York, is bi^h and dry oa throw out every tljiii£t, nmj even sinppt d (’at Island. Sh» was at quarantine, and liieti3?^elvi8 wf iheir cloihes t.j prevent lul- full of poixl.* tor Ihe up-country chieflT. It in liie water. '1 iie\ tiieii rnoe lo a is much to bo feared all tbeso vessels will siitiicii.nt hc.jjht, and landed lu sufoty ou be lost, though their cargoes will be save J IJie i rtutU side of tht ehauntl. ; in'a damijjod siare. Tbs general imprt s- Sion IS, that Sll»U,00n will uot cover th9 TtX) t.inin, ' sustained by merclistits, ,, ,1, 'I’he loss to planters, we have already “ I >ow u I ,ast ho looked as il he nad been ^ estimated, passed ihroiioli a sl.inj,le mill, called at a ,he safety of our U!an.! iti a iit rk iiku a bladdf r, w i»h nn oritice. rtie oriln e i» connected with a .-ilk pi;**, which list i«i iieii bvor tho imuith ot tiie '.ar^Mj till [ iji '. 'I he cn* is goneriiti d b' (louriri^ oil of Mifiol loto :h« tierces, by mnaiik oI'h I'jnnel, huo it enrlosiiij’ ttie m nt. The tliii> • ihroiiyb ti.f pi,K » inlu ihe b»ll^44, and the inllalK ii comiiii.iiccs, the j^a-. ^lru;/;:ha^ to *-.^ii|>o upraros. and laiping the tiuUfX'n as la-^t a* M i» filled. hen partly tiiicd, a nci exacil'. fitted to lii*3 ii!k tjvcrm", is riiawu over it. 'J'hi? t'.p of tie npl IS mude linn, r. ith close ■uie, ihe Iilr^ll( s tuUr^in;; toward the teu Ire, to a Si..' Umt wiil aduiit ihe hard, and the t,( l trriiiiiMl' s III a niiiiiU-r ol cora-. wiitch lung ei;jl.t or ten li*«-t bei. '.v tbs bot tom i>{ iLc silk »;!'''•''>• hilc the prt-rcse •l lillu);> lb4 ImIIcoii is hiiddnwu I >orin:. I ■’ •'“'ihfcrifn.r liaii;.; ^ u« to corai'l^rah!i JL «\p«li‘ thi» • jriiim I, III l/Ui, J.iij \\ airhou I « lot lh r* I |iti li ul 1 rouy udiiO «ii i i.Laiiut.:« ' oi f*.i) Uiaiir tioii. a .a Wk tiillia rxlty ir'di tJir ii-.k of fra. w o(l.«I Kt^.ictlullv imiU , ran.aiaabci luoiri .M. i..aiii»,vUio»i>tini>t.Ti. lighting Up, as il till.'.. 'I'iie wird being ve , t . it*ii i*r a iK'itrr ii.ai: 11,1 . call on ihi111. ‘I h'> ry hij,li. .Mr. lluraiit had to employ aooie I -.ll.;...iuti.. u.:: a,nee f.iodur. loN WfK. hi, irici.ds in U;t* scivice. One j i naru-tof., ur iii^ ui I-ufv^, aiid vk i»l ' 1.1- au. an. r. . .. I o.lon |. It ui.Orr ihi .. cliarga. «" UldorlUIiatf fCUl tO iho lift, III .Iihit V.I.* .| to--.li. ."’.riri alui.iioii wii.i..- op^'umy il a loot square n«ar the centre,' I l«iii to ih. 11,1..*«i ml tii.wr whoma) ciiiriiit ihi in but .Mr. Iljraiit did nut re;jard it ns requtr- iM'h if..ir pto,.iij. \\ u tiiius II Ul......-»r» lu „„y repair, and ascmded as it wa*. i: M r .iD\ r* iti ’ It 9 tt Uitt umr Mrtiivt iiai** n i i ... .1 1 • a a. a a I UilltX'n IS only ah^ul two rhird%, or g butii.iKi lb i h' raw twr * miiith* r of )f 4rn. mi i i a\. A K .M \( liire*' (juarlrrt wiih tliv ga.s, it being 1 ront Siictt, 1 h.ia«. >. C All],, l^ 1-..I. , essential to lea\o an.pie space tor eipau- .> Ii u ci^.t oail) iruui Nrw \ uia aaii sit fi, which takes place whenever the bal- .Some time siui;e a slab siJeiJ inorfrxl from loon I- alii lluted pas^s lulo a warm currc-nl ol atr, or resj^ctable wholesale cs.ubli-hmont in this happily rel.eved K the intcN ctei, by r.r . ol t.ie sun. I: entirely lu- oitv and inquiird • Is this I uriap, Jteaii .V thi reloiu, It wouid b.. liable to burst (.„ s ? ‘ \ cs, sit.’ “ U cll 1 reckon I owe ■ of some boats. The storm seetns tc lu th.' upper re^ioiiS, and precipil.ito the ; you a small bi!l." a ronaul I» the earth, an accident liiat has rubbabel S'.# ks.'* ►otU' liini:* hap|tened. ledger Zerubbahcl wuis a.-siired that it eould .''ullii ient lK»inp tnliivd, ilio reck of not bo, as Ir.s name was not on the book, the IihIIooii is til'd'j|>o\ei a tiiipipe, through '• A ihria d prctly way you keep eni then ! which a corU pa»ses ionee(.lea with a v.ihe, 1 oueas if a man oweJ me a matter of three fined oliove the centre ofyniviiy in the bal- hundred dollars, 1 could tell tin date wiih- loon, mid tied to the car Ulow. 'I'his ^jut looking. Il.»ws'ever 1 d»)ii'l want to \ahe IS socoiilrivod iis to be o|H.ned by cheat you. I know this is the place ; jest ,, , I r. - - - storm seems to hat name, sir . Ze- (•„n^jwed {ho course of the river and Alier overhauling the vented its raje on this place. The storm, as usual, was succeeded by a beautiful day — but tirautiful as it was, the beat was great, and the atioosphere alugjjibli and aU mo*t unbr>athablc. .yiihnchoJy AtcuUul.—On Thursday - strin:{ ptilhng th'' kiriug, and it closes by a sprin{' * j^ivc uie a resale on account for two bun-' youii^ persons, seven gentle ^ and the prei-siire uf the j;as, w hem\er the dred and twenty-five dollars and (. teen '"‘’P and four ladirs, rt-sidpnts of Bridport string IS rel.ixed. I>v this means tliP ;vro- | ceuts." “ Never miii 1 n.iut, in the car, can lot cut the gas nl —here's y miud Ihe ccnts Mr. Shooks, Addison, in this State, started on an ur recui.t for the dollars.” lor the purpose of gathering black. f — »I •.»—- a„,j Siiri :,-i'l Instrumi Htf, •'''■ /» / ..rnHi r., (.,.// /’>i/, I • "n, 'liitfi, Mulu'itt* i «rm. /!rh>hi M, ,\-r. \c. Al' »li i.mr «».. rlim (M ..f ( 11 \Kbi, and 1 l.Mi TAIMS *h/, I'tiiiif llrii.ilut, Ihir Shl/.i, I " nj. I.. , tihmi' 4 7l .N/H//, .V. ,p, ,y... I ^ niNl,-.. rtfc a arlrf't' .r, f^ir mrd j " i n'l ah.l .11 ( .11. . a ' purr. 'I hi y arv I'tjil .■l/iiiJ i.’), 1'iU. •"'I 'J... ..r, .1,1!. f1 ,,ua.il|r.. ' uj’ ■ A.. ■'r- «|,nil n 1 rill d.ir aHi blnili. I arii.a 1 . nh. ur t rirdil I* pticrlii.il il.-I-. - . , I . .Ml ii;i. IM i.N. I " aii'iwn to inokt ot 1«i'.«»‘J.'W. If.tl. " I .M Ml IM liY iuir»j n Ih« public n«i i.i trad. pleaMiio, and descend as he plt-a'es. a l«r a .Niift, ^'IM a h\ Ih* tiaili r«ii;ncd lo Thii. I. !.! A. >lfia, lor I o 11 uiidiwil I k>li.ir>, aui I wk- riian l.t. a* Ihr ni’ikitii'ialiiiii lar « hich huid .Noll wu i:iv u liaA lulailr tailril nio.MAs iiwK.iir. yii/y'.’ti. it;»i. ;"tf , — , . I'he " .Mi»hiy careless you be of small matters ; be^rries. lu order to arrive at th» place gni beinj; Iiyhter than the air, ascends.su one huiidred cents make a dollar where I ' , berries wi>r« expectod to b« :h«t It IS iiecec.'sury to have the escape valve J come tVcin. I'lficen cents aint to be sneezed they were obliged to pass ovar a at tbo top, anil tho pipe below, though | at. (Iimd morning. ’ poition of lyaae t.lmmplain. This they partly open, adittils ii«* esc*[>e of ihe gas in ^ Messrs. lUirlap, Jean iV Co. were clfctri- “'‘*n>pted very iiy.prudenily to do in an old that direction, so lon» ns It keep-* l»eiow tha fied ut ihc miraculous honesty ©flhc l*oun ^ lo.iky fi>h ,oat. I hey had proceeded leentri’of praviiy. I he balance issccured, ' Haster, nnd would not let him go so readily. ® ‘ ‘'>ancp from shore, when, niel- V _ I by tho w.n;bl of the car and its contents, | Thev insisted u[)on lii.s [ urchaMng a bill of relate, ihe boat filled w ith water, 3 riiMi 'imiMr.h oiu'Vhu m H Sfori' whn h are neit uitacbed, aflur the balloon goods, hut Zt*riibb:ihel was verv unwilling. eleven, five genlieman E.nJ ■ isijii^ited. -h nas darned hard to pay for ’em’ ho ‘-‘•‘■ure assistance cixild be cb. The ear IS an open wicker work basket, ^aid, *• he'd bt'on all winter rnisinj that. " in the mnist ot hlo and pleasure, th* II/..'and form ol sui b baskets used for I Hut to their great satisfaction, they succeed- 3car/“ely a moment s warnmg, craille*, it Iwing e.-j.senlial to have every i ed lu sei'urins; so pot.d ,t custotoer by sel-1wutery gravs. I he other two saved j ^J ■ Ci''o iiiiiiirdialfU, Ihu lu vi Slori I I,'.I.I.. K.iiill) iMriiplid h\ llaiiii'l (.otilil, in iht I hrj,'.- Hiii'k IhiiWiii;;, ailjoiiiiiij; Spniipx A. iMii- i ktii'V il hit* .Mir rotiv ( nil lu« lor .\liTi.iiaii di.iiii; I or liiMher pailKuI.irii i iiqiiirr oi Slill' 1,1 Kt 'Im.\ AM.riKiri:. part of the marhino as light as possible. I I ho basket IS bung by slight cords three [or four feul lon^:, to a hoop, the size of - '5 V ’ 17 Juii.v wiMiDni 1K. b-iif ling him tt bid of a thousand dollars ul six -nselves by swimming ashore. t»n Fri. wioiitlis. sevru of tho bodies had been W hen the time of piymcnt arr.veil; and who was said lo our renders, that j hogshead hixip.the words also forming some 'a notice t'or the demand was I'orv, arded to swnmner in the coin|mny, wag re. III his rorunt ronle»it .icaiuht piiiici- ' pruleclioii as a barrier to prevent ihe a-ro- | the address of the houest [)owii *.;ustcr ; the ; when It uiid, was ‘'P and l.t icher, in Kfiitiukv, coiiirivtd naiii beinj{ thrown out,'7 any concussion |,.|ti>r reiiiHiued weeks unuti-’.vercj. I'ho **’ ‘ ' " jiHiM .MMi illegal voles for hiuiself—bul or arcidenl. 'I'he lonn cords hanging fiom ^ sccoimt was >%>nt lo a liinl-. of I’.ie law rcM- itb nil. ho IS lie^iieii. Wo have liriani an the lower part of Iho net, are ue\t faktenad dent in tho ttiwii fioir, wbioh '.he stranger ha’.led, wnd the nor t mail hrtnight Burlap, Je.in vV. Co. tho agreeable iiilellicence that ^ .10 siii'h miin Bs/.'ruhUibei Shooks cverj ^111. I’lilihr 1* Inn hv Iiotilir.l rinl l« Iriidr fur III )| .N|. and 1.1 I f, pri'lr lid. d lo Ih UK tl I'v 1 h.,ii yi ,\ .\lrra, a> ihn nndrrM);iird ha J iinerdxlt' relative to the election, which »• to the hoop, and tlio vehicle is theu ready d l.t'a^Vn'r think worth reptatiiiK: I lor iMli-ht. NearK three hundreil J.ickson men of The rur is now lurnisbotl wish the philo three of the young ladies still clinging to him w itli so linn a grasp us to render it dif. licult to separate liietn. r.rmi’nf Stafcsman. \\ usbmglou touniy, au.vious lo laud a Land ' sophical luslruoic&l.'', for taLiu; observa-■ itvcU there.—A. A'. (»»//;: rf. .ion IMUXTI.\(J i:fhj fxfi utcd O' fhis Oi/frr,