W coupcnn^,' MINERS’ & FARMEMS’ J®URMAIi. VCfL. V. I'KI.S'I KU AMI PMIIJMIKU KVKHV HATI KII.W, «Y TIUJM \K J. IIOI/HIN I wii.i. ir\ M voi' TO mm s thic liowlii.!i ok tuk Kartm anii brim) out rRm *vrnN» rtir. iM'r>T*ir«ii, Mr.TAi.s w i SiTI KI>AY, OV Vil II VHun rio, Mi;( Ki.KNUi iifi i >i!nty, nokhih auouna. II WlLl. «IVR liTKKNUTII TO OUR llA^IHt AM> m'Bjrt.'T AU. NATMK '10 OfH USR AND PLrABl'RK. DK. JOII.SKON. ii:r I, iN.n. NO, 20f>. itiies fi|ip(*ar j uv« ui'd I •••aulilul (bV RIJlfCbT.] nrni or Novi;MBr;n. Wf invite iho atttriitinn ot our irail>‘ra to llio i'ruui E>ku cli«« •: DijtiiiKui.HlieJ Famaltw—bjr MacduiidlJ, Mcrt* iiicap.thle of apprf>cilktiiig | luiid duns, 'i'hi'ri* Mucdr>iMtd J. S«a»»ll Joiici. imiuie of ihn Ui'viiliition. '1'lit‘y hud |utid a Imst of otIiorH, MISS l l.OR.V \lAt IH)\ALn. jt»(iio to Norlli ('arolitm lu (juust of liirtunn lu the Hittor) of bcutlaiid Tli« roiuaiitic story ot tins cciebrutcd he- undisturbed pcacn, uud cltiiijf to tha go j warlike »pin!s. 'I’o me it w rniiie IS not coiitiutd to Scollaud, nor to tUo veriimout (‘r««ui a diUol« sens® of iiit«r*’8i »i|Mit, m m>uii in 1 loi tuii.*» uf the li.iuso of atuart. The i.aiiks The #ublliii« fdea of an Am^^r-I h> lir.-, »»h«ti th.) oi llie I apt* I'var, in Nurih Carolina, «ern Kmpire, *as not in fh« ranj;c of th>.‘ir i Inbiilfd to otiilxDish the baii^ lor •‘everal vt ars di>tingu^h«d ity her iTsi-' I wM.ds ili w«\ thii Jgh lh« ve-1, , v. , j . v i dfiioe; and it u tins cjfcuincluuco «) gnio to l« lUir homo hhn. Ku. «o»rge ! rv klrut^ltt of tlrtf tovi ii. I rljiCUilM r on«'! suil lu.kner»an.o w.th the history ol .hut r.l«llu,n, ulid | v'.rw, »,.h .ould h.ve h..«nlUt for ,^ 7"..-or., lor he pr--- uliiK'bt an nj«t’[urahl> as it ultead) is, >i,ou|,i iDrHin hav« rtaloicd iht-ui to \ the roiruntic ^Piiius i( riuri.klHcdoiialvJ. , n” orcBniIii/*(*ut-.TV willi that ol liPr ouii .S» oi|,iiid. wf’ilth atid iiniH)rltince. 'I'hrre lectual productive (.‘serclilt's. VV iih t‘ucli aid, any tjianuul labor schoul, nuw lu ope> ration, might vnpaf'c in the niauufactory of l-.d-.belor«ji d^Ht,uctu.i, Co„..ni,o..*. We 1.o,k, that .he fncnd. r"'"''n»'.'um.'»t« for the \rftr coil* ^ . ... itrftrfinil tf nr^t inm t*k_ ttmh the baiif oi the i^muU tui* liiiih.iiiii ciHiis the tfn\alro*H ,i . . biiiiiMT nt C.iura! h»tv>ttr*J, ju ' ' I ,.e S.oil-„,l h:.d ronlribu. "«.|H.rl«nce. ! I \,vK WB.^ a .inr.ll tl.al^fwmi.-d tl.o u..y „ti.. r *h-ii.-dc...rHblc w.llimlcuud tod to til.*' Mulaliun ..f the C’afH) IVar Kiiis^t-ur^^ Mucd.nalJ eiitPrfHl mth much Htruain conn. ct.uU ilh th.> C. Ji u*.* und „r«,,i.-(,U. .n.l .■.i.y. Ti,. ol Uuih- .• . 11 . s 1..I1.1L ore 1 11' fjino.is revolt ul ,''*'y *•*'*'’ und hlandin:; i.fi thl jriii{;«, yon ,„oj. ,, ,,r »d.ool., roved, iia ,L_ 1 , and ussislL'd his kinsiiidh, Cen. !►-nnid M’- hud firn llif oHi-» of Mr. Errl|-|-'n ucioni i»ru>. d iwln kud of ivatliiDj; ii.irtKljcH. for ' d ullornty, irunH-di«t«I|i» ioif m.u, .| pkr«ruf !or ./.uK/afiuH* (.n/curt.i, villag* in*-foil out. iKittie of Moor.'H ('r**-W.* Ho. HiiB(.#iidi'd u\«fr lh« C.'rt'i-k, a|| coiiiiictva^i.d i,.i,/rcuiiii t>:jti!i.lHd, circuit II thou '>uclifu n:a iiiui« aiiJ iuunani.j iiltia >'i:i(riAkii a ut ;uriin|>>>n(l lil t u(!>l • M'liuiign nilh fiM^w Crotk ' ii^id*** a protiiNHiD ol the rr-hfjl ‘liriAiKT’,. •■hwl') aii«J l.)i;*U'i)x in ,th«-r [urtii oi K. couti- ^hUiid>r!t, Olid ihe Irt't nan ihf* r![ti--ftipul r^irch, try lu'iitMi-J, mid «ny other olij *.» or in-iburi,*, H) ol tiu-lUiHivtua iiif;ni.inarr» atrivt .1, ci)n^u'j;.it«‘d to lu! ii to the p!' v J.icli hia» rf»«if*b:*!« U.'iuu»« coiinx li' of their chict. 'i liO .Mac- uf th** IV sb} If r.iiu mt' tirip hou*c i*h«V up m )i> i.i«l oi l.uniin:i,. fi nnl»>, the ,M I.'ih** (’aoit rixi', lo- 'bf h»r as if it h*d b.*'i ih-nionim ;it »rv hi to lr»iiii(i»iiiuj*urMar» ad'-|>i- M'.SimIU, .lit*! the C vnn; .ill i j>- "I ’‘('"t. A lH*anlMjl tftr)^lal >trf aiu "' '’■r^arrf'd «unly town in iJu r«M .'Vni III aiif-r V. .icj iiiiK I »> lo ihi I I \ Mil (je.i i> ej|bnn;i d, »itb n.uch ’ thoblrf«*t bj u briilgf ; tl^it^ uni thon^. ucli. u >iu|i: ‘ eiiihii*>iusiii, the tniite c»-•!•••, nnd to h:ivo |'W*>n lhroti;>t' a »‘>».*r!oi5 wid r»ch!y h-c Inrutni, Ji.-s.s. ii**litu ‘ her cojntr\ lii* u io ,it!h!?n* to their I'lHoated jjurjtu; i*iid tl'U l)«l i\fu|l m- ;ifufii...i .f, .;u . .t. u tL.. r«-rr ana .nd..,K.uJ..u. r ol ih. ^ ^ lJi:>h ai.d “• l.iirds; uihI in lli«-\«-iu 1. 11, a , . .. n ,, ■ 1 , .1 ■ , J . win thf! ii.i ir.Ji>o||: ot ihr lli;.hU CO'in\ ol ivf tbiHivtud Hii!lil.indrr>iafrivf.4, ' . i . . and SI itifd t>n tht Imiiiks ol’ C’a|>r l’ar. 'i itey c.tnii‘-ori^tii.tlly Iroin hnril iii ci >sil_\, but rveii up i> ini:> liin.*, Iioiti lte of rcia- tiJtjeh(|), or the !fill ilci'per !»\fnr:ith) ol I .1 II I I I ' . .'VHj i!i *i**. in tl liiUlUUi 011'III. til ill!>nlaii(l ♦ttc.igralit^ art* , ^ . . . 1 ,1 ■ . I . I . .1 l.rrooiiarv onn’.iain. , inroii’^ti l|ii* ,r;.rt >i .1 fiv—hui li .lU on l>roue to stc.1. tliC »aiidv rt*;;i.ni3 ol ihoir . rdnrat.onB.m r.lI» .hrouR(„.ut the Mate, will tV".'™’ “‘>- .-«c,uble at ll..-ir r. .jH Ctlve county tov.n«. on the , ahMruse fcuhjocts. 'IluKO btiitcnienis, Mr. editor, are not fro.ni ih'^ory or 'joiycrturf; tliey are fri'iii oxpcrii'iice for a criurse of jPiire; having oiiiducied an a^'ricitltural i>chnt>l for teu )t'art>, in which Ihn pupils paid all tbeire.x* jifiiirff* by (h^ir own ludu^try ; and having aUo had much apparatus inadr uudcr my diifcti lU, and, in a ;;rfal measure, by iho wtrrn^^th and kkill of lads and miMbei from fuurtotn to i iylit*‘iin ycais of agi*. 'I'his (juestioD will naturally arlte, by uliat nM-Mtis tao theso MiUiinarirs, »b«w pr(jininci;l foature in m'lf i dncalion and wif. 'upptirt, lie ebtablitihud through our country, III auch niiinbtTr-, atid nndi’i >-urh circuni* Ktiinres, as to hold out prnp sals, and ufiord op(>.irtuiiiti(:r, lor the childitn uf ev*-ry (lar*, without Ui-'tintlion, tf> grrurc tolhtm^ .vinx the rich ble^aiii^ of a hi uiid physical, priiue countrva)tn. Me who caiini't to Scot 1ji.i1 iiiay pt nvlrats into the counlirs ol I >ii th'» lir«l f t Nf'l>oi.i!|ii i^'ii-d , M, ,t.. -I- .'v,™ li. U.k,. ‘ , I... I,, ’• hi . j*!t t x.Hiifi f4aM*,opirati»uj-unJ utik At*, j , i j iHu.r,. !-ftJlW.i;.nMabudth.r,n„tWk.f Ih«lh^'hla..i ...,r,oCiu I,vc. la.:, o.a . ® ““•'iral ar«l in.porlatil queMioo iiiiu iiuirti d, intu ueaily u!l L’lpo Fc;i tonu- ubc're lio wiil rind uvcii tU* Oui’iii. tor-;.ue, ii> all ili» puritj. * rim i >ly-dunaiJ was the danshter of d I’.i iid ol .'IiI’.mO, in thr lula.Kl of I 1st; b.it her f:ith« i h.i»in),' dK.I in h; r lu- f..;u-N, iii'i h* r .tiwiht r h;.v;n^ riiarnci ^^ac- diM i ld I I \r:iiai;'.W, in >Uje itii a,; .« r. nt of tli«J Ci.>\erii(n'’ti','hf w«» tnu> cn i-.Mr m to U.tit, tni' (.i‘>V)'iimi«)it, anJ tli;it of I’tiiicc Chari*!', ltn' v' iiii:; I’fcitudcr. Her invre n>ud ifsi.l(«ni.c uito hsr bri tinr. liu* pi pr.eli i' ol Milti n; btii sm-h to hvivr b>'t.i iht* e>tiiiiaiiuu of h'r C’:iracter, thiit slie was bviovwJ b\ «>cr\ c;ai , nt. lioM-t* or m l. *■ Oil! not '»•»* ihi- I'rincc ('harl* •» idl af- trr t;.e luttio ol I ulio«;i’n, wiiMi he w.'i'* •» ^v .11 .• n r, trith* nt a and wiih-ut f t»> or Hill.iTi iits. U.' torcf s ha-i U't-n t an l fo'uti ii. and Ju* hi.i.-ci’ •jH' I t'^ tn'*bill> nd cjv»-' of hn kingdom to f, h* :i iiiuil!^’ (ti nt*; and ai surh a ii.o in I'lor.i M .• d imjI'I at!i'j':. «l h';n ai !■ I a > di>^ui-rd iiiin to a l ii.i - r; «-i. Hiiil . UhIi-i; lii.n fr*>iit I'.-.uii to lil.unl. idt*-1 tin I uUfSliiU ' '*'■> aliii , rtr.’^'ii Tn;! ir.rr rri" »ny ii* c«r:i;.fl ti : r ivle.’f he had Iriciids on ai>J a- r - d th ■ liiT' 'le. 1 ;..i i .M ■ ''iii^lil wa arrri*t' I, confine.i tl ':n, t!, a . : afu r .i ;,i- .r w.o* r- :ca>,r.! ai.-; t.i’ .3 i.'a. ri».-J into thu ( «‘Urt * • itof l.on. !.■ II, by ;-‘!y rniur' n'', a .• M i.s.Un l,.m> oi ^ V. , I’ii....; .1 tir'i'ti.ni. li i- n.tof'i' O in.il l.\'-ntv c ; of the pr.i'jC' I nam ot tin* r' il'i; atiKi T tiic- d - r -f l..i;y I’nin- 1 rf. to [ a-. liiLir r.'iK.*ct.s t^ tho her inf 1 lii■• 'i >t' ’) r'.i!!if-ii onl) n f'w iU\ :ii- I'r t:irr,V ..'u-t and four wire 11,- to tul.f h' r !>■ f k to .>V tlHr. i; uii*i V > II SI W ,!•. CoIi';.'ti II 1.1 W no •..'ifrtlij ( . r; n» r »*, -*.1 ti d h r !• Jim* : f ' . Kvr. (i-n.’•! .I.;i inb M Iul.o ist- «li •• ih th r*. 1 bi n- la avlliar cri'.'k llisl r.i.ir* all II''ti l! >'Uthcni ‘\lM-ni.t'. oi iL-i-toun, ‘‘I” I 'liiiirrd Hi* ii iiuj»(c:'0J i:nd ,>r !;in imu tii init. ’ nily ciov. »l rijflit tlnt•!^'^. 'I'li" 'npi-i ■ I he ciititu-.ia'-lic spirit of I'iora f. r_«l t' it »iili»>n w;.s of «! l, tha! the w:i?tT', ni iua is (umlKWid. M.>ro,K.d.mond, . It was not I".- •• h' r (.haili- n'l* *a-> wai- rinji, uud In.dition *w,\s i-h'> wa*- -••■m .!• niOOir th. r.ickn, . n**‘tunan l «\noft )f)|f th"iii t» Uitiie. c.iis to fnvi' l*eii « »lraii{;' print i^!) in the h -'.,ni ol the lli/h.ant*-r«. 'IVirl^ 'I'lr^ -lur*-fhi - ^TKnJ iKcy had foii^iii tt.r Ln.ttle ol f'ji.*. i!c(i n;:ui')-1 li.c Ki n • ot li,.no\: r ; afi.i n.i.w If.cy ar** on th.- « u tm.lar - nic-ut fof Its su} }K>rt a|;.>inat the cuuvc ol , I'**' •' frcidoni. Kiofr-burj was a caiifnin ii. ’ the orioy i| Dit.ali) M.tiilviti I, and hi* •Mfr fni.ov.tx! thr- !..rfnm > of ti;. t np. >‘ir prcnfcti'fd W|f'» tl.c ori;,\ I waru Jn. ‘ ( .*r^;p of *i,n. .M oic, on K.-,k i-', iivi*!, kiid 'in'* Wl'ii l»T hu«L>.«u.t on llii- Iiir.fi.i’.^ ; ot iti'* ‘.’fitli of’ F. brv;:;rv, t-ii In-- b tnks ol \J'«ro ^ Crvfk.u sionll >trf atii in ’r.i coun cri»~ ;.'vj I ,H b /.iii r, lull l.y « little of '.. f\a- tion. v.Hj will r (lilt !r**4u I'tv*;, UH if It Aifi-* af(i.:.'r. tftllj , Ihocm i|, aow .. ilhi.iit hit thf r > oi.f'tii l >r[’nral» d, niid t"' :'- •rt (piitftij f-;i tni’ir *'f[»-i.t.iic* ( uurt>t?>. llrouth(. n.ii.io of t V.r.) ( rxk. Tilt »i:rri Ul'hi j; ".M'n i> a •■tn«4) I'ar irn, with I )t ;ii:le ni:w:ur;;rowth. ni..j 'mt ii»r i:.c 1 ;tv |ii..t» li.al Cl vt-i It, vuiulJ rt. l:i li.> n.J.: ..I tin* t,.,i y.vfum .V „.w«ry. .U>0I Uin^ rCjiM,,i.rd. '•'* l*«Thaps, by iolMV • mil tun i.h .Un f iS I'or r. i.il rin;; tl>.- iii(iJ>U>>i.> iii-lr'ii:n. and >«..«?«»■ *1. I f',: Ni)-.’’ V «h y K' jji-'»r. I \ t II \1 M.WI.N,\l:ii..'. Adiiir 'li .» .» ru.!ur {it litt lit i!»r. ('ijii >;• - rt. l:i ii,« n..J • ilfl w«-i» of >, »t.iii.N il.c ’ .o'j.f of I i..id 'I • d iuild. 'i f-• lii'f ol li t 'eiiihhs 111 trtir liisl.n V of any «,'..'intfj wui> ••vff Ki'.re ili''T»iti; t'.f attciit' uf ihi > luli.rtan. U-r »•;»• nl.if.i.** '• in t.'n; ' -iefviro of l!.f u.itottuiiMl'i pii'K.i-, ti.ivf U-i II , Cl ii'biutfii hy aiir. -.I v»-r» |« .•$ oi li.f a^; , ii.il have more. Iliji, a\> s: •• •, it. (!’- d a;riS >f |i \ i. : w u i:il->'.(jc iinu i.vit I Mr. It IS evident th.il the ubole coiu* tiiiubity, unJ all M.ciioua of our cnikirv, icHii itifire const utenti) act, and cu-u|>eruttt uiih each other, through tho inediuni of jC.Mints fco« uiit*!>, than bs any other divi*. .V /f'l./i.r 1/..71 .lod /■ rf i,, iu a!l , "•'’•'"r districts knowii ihroii^hiut the stales. i!..> .) p.irt u!., and all the i ; r-i.. :is '"couuties lhrai-hout the union will, prob- 'hi- l)c:t ni;i ^. >ie;n, US m .M i-ro.i n,. i t (I ,i. ' “W., m.t avera^.f iiK,r than f. rtj miles in Wjr.'. It a. k*i. U‘ Ul-!.-ntr, •'*''* would have lo travel tw-I,; , Uf t f. at.T, IU ! nnleo, aud a lurpe ina> rurni«n:i ;.HlMrir.r .l ,iulrifBiur. >«il.ith. ‘»-n «'di-», to attenil county ... It t I .. n-td in ►.;»ri-ai..!iij- tlirmsuh i,..-j '***^ ^•lurlerl> im etinfs of n,.,ti riul-, . r in. of wiiif; and iisiiii; cnunty Ijcuins. Cons.doni.^r t|,e inip«.rt. HI j.!,\‘.i hl,inl--.lvcu)j| audi:i..ra..lr. n^-th. coiHJucled, the in* I I • ir-»-.t i.l j- wf het im.- i~ lo cull nitn j **''*"•>'"K > hari^Hu- of efiiHaimn cot)»e«. . X rci4jth.*. f.n uliieii, i:n.l i.to u,*.-th. tc i‘ouiiiy lyceuiiis rni^bt eaMly n,..t, r il-, M. al.o idanll) luiui>he.l b> the « Ill ai.u si'« ii.i >>. ol ih-- jr^nt Ci. jior, j aH«ndance ot teurlK-n-, school coniinif. iiid in- conM..nt u.id :iU.undii;« liniefsctoi.|M»"nl% chiidien, mid the l..\fr« of ku'iwliHlpe and lli*- friends of educatiun to* n(*ralK, uu|jht reason'ibU U-exjiected. .^nj t\ oi IJai.o'cr.— I lie w!; ,; ait'V, uudcr l.ie coiiit.'utnd o| t, .'. 1.1,.11;^* !i, ei|. .iiiiptj .-n tl:»; o'h(.f II «, oi l.i... »t;i I.ii, - d -.11 ti.u iii'.rn.af ‘.'Ttli, :l,e crl.-lira'.!«! ;ial!le i l .\liH.ri s >e-k, K.** iiid ( .iii.j,l.«*ll b.'tli >»lni»i, l.o'i- ir^> tl.:C ihi t..k> II f>fl>'.i«* r, HI. . I .Oi.l f|.. c; ;!!• r. a l'i.{Ui>'‘. ni«l I'l'iCt'l HU i-’j’:'.*. 'II. tli^!iHf.'.er' »»••.• •* binvr ai. ; I. . I rn- f, .iii,|H.r li'liow!,, tlin h.i l if.i ij i r , , III .N'lrlii t’urol,’.., ,i» n»li m >c..tl in.:. I lor.I .\l.n .,. i t (i.-tHMi ti> I f' ('r-»k, with. Ill Itr Ini'*' I H, «i>.| ii.» '. -.l.i i und ill'' wIiiE lii''f‘- r trnrii|’.i.M I, tiiMii'r ih. * ■;ininai 1 .'t I . 1. .\ i\jii . r .^^Irll:l. ii'rw.inii th' tl viTii'»r «.f tlv' .‘■^nii*. 1 n-' -i l revere- of h' r f.•ituno **«>i;jf(i t.j b.is -I „u i. Tl j.li i 'ii \* l.iT h ■w It p,i a.’d hrr )!'.i.t«ti u tivi^mI Ui* •;rnr«ii\ ol I' .j und i!h,»' ih l.*> n.ui ii iin l-y ol ’i. r o vn p . tn a! c «jiilr) . hy lft.*ir atleiidaiue, a warm and ^i.n‘ri’\:a H\ UifMtli) , an and vi>c>r>«i» h)s* letii of mr^oims .-nd cH.irts, inijiibl be mi». tamed, for tist- prt at and all iiiiporianl raune ri ll*"! t.. * ,1 IS irijM. '1 u'- i'.-i I .1 I i'.,c tr. !. Ii-Io.-I to b.j h..n:;. 'l, ! '--r m.in\ y.-ri. n • » .1 k I'l a ca-i.-a ai.d f-..- ur.L •‘'I' '■-i.i.M,i},r»i,-. I nd ’ ‘ ■**d i'. v. .i o:;l% ihiir.;; ?h>* . ir jrrn r'K.iic-hir:; Mar.'l' ^ » 'u- .'.nt'rt l e ■ f :h' an >4 »v‘ ./ her ’ «hc\ a” Jiii j-.iucil i /’''‘''"'t' |i**ril II ' Iti M" . n . I !\i: . A,ur . i» ' in I *' |i**rili'.i. ^aivaiii.ii oi :> >; an.! l,ko -II t h-h- III, li'»;in'unil(ei*-d ..l!liln;a- >. 1. '\.t\ i.t •»n% ft" n. Ii'-, r ' I li' i.l_\ I.. t>. I, U .' .V!i:. I’l 17 I I >f. J ■ fir-i I anil •- 1 .iMlnl !;ii- i . ■ lit Kii.^-'^rj ' t.'i. ui.i! M.-ri t .li'ft iii.;i ,jV I'i>‘ .'••tH n'l'jiit . '.tv I’l ii;-- pr'ipi I'-tor ; ( - ^ »p . .■' |.‘ tt tin U .1 ||„ , ■•■I lixilf.ii:; vs .inn-1, l>i!l of til.: *',)lliijsi- 'i«T iir's lit*', .’iii l U'* .*>hi' w,.i ii nv 1 .■!-■ ■ I (I" hi n*-’ i;i Ali;r‘i L- t!i la ii'i'/' * all i Ir r-a-il bail l-' i-n Ot • I I'l, : K tl,'! filii.-i ( f l.^ r h i ! .ri , i; tl, . :! llVlfi;.' fjii'.n. ltll ol' 1!: _•■ J1 .r‘ IP ti l ►aiiiC U-o 40 w ‘iii.'ti ill' uri- .n Ih'! h>Mi ot L.iHi I lie /lifl.I in.li r% nn>! s^ith lh“in the bii'hifi.l I.; I . f.i 'J.K Ira-iM. tii.-M lb t-o u.-j il f-n^ n t(» «'iir»-d lii’ tiii'- ol unr.)rl,jti.i*>' r* .r , imsts of 11 1 i.— ^ 1 h ir I I’l-s wcfi- r-.v.iw»d h\ f no-, and ■■ »'■ Tl li .1 -.tr ^'osi"inij'-nt st'i-. i-.,. iiilili'hi I., li.i r.is.i_»->ol t.'.c \N wi're I I**;: ill/.' -: U) u:i a I i fconfi- .'ilioii, - Kiii^n- I t iif:^ 'I uijon.'iiil I iii.iiiioil in ,'i.#rtii ( sr- o.if.i hilt a I'W s f«, w (m'u b‘; »'rii!aik*d ' i;i a ot' s.nr lor .S-itl .n>l. .^lr. , I 'i.tirh- r*-, 111 (ill ii .'iiirnhle hi»tury of the !!'■ I'iho.i Ilf II 1."), n-cf.ri|i a circunistanre tl. it oi-i 11.1' i iiurint; thi* v.ij n;.** ilhiotr.itivo , >1 iii-i 11.1 I I'-r. 'I'ltf' “Iixjp f'liriiiititnrnii t n 1 i> II' n -tnn. ;.n.l in tii'* thirkeit of lh«* of' V 'r n 1‘nnliM:.—'•(’■iti'i \i*ii ptinl 111. « I. L.i> ' ’ a fi'tf-i '-h. .ai.s. .»hu ;{o, CAiiic lulo a j’.'inliii_ *• t.i-ri.iiii'^nj, (1 I riitn «t thi’ira*'', wU.i '» I-, diili'ai!, *1 111 I |» l.k«' It !i?n pi. •i; cotn—i erlaiiijs i.iai'Ai’i : bit ii"t j.i-l tl f»fi '.J III. il I. luk'-s.'it.s tin..'t* ri.il s ou .1 CUI s •■('h,” rfturmd ll.» ■ ^d !a '., “ f.r that inatt^ r, I in u. no .,'f* ai tuers • i) iiii.e to- i.:i_-. will a.i-«vt •• li.-d-v " - ii.t tiio prii.ter I'l n'.toni'h l4i«*iit- -*‘ w ' V il l mil, \ iKj d til l li f k■ • t )S ’ f o I litf ;;iio1 Ill $. •■■•a!inji nf*rt-/oli on a l!*i.i'li n ii| thk. ' out ht-t knit I . an wail - I a-* « . jl . ...t. It? ■ iii^ frt!*- HI i'» ii n*.w, ai.d •• jX"-' sou .1 |{i;l it lo:;r ri‘ i» a liu'-' ’ “ I 4l ‘ pr.nt n hi..e in nri il'ii rn> ■ ■ ' na’i . It •v*‘'.!il t.ime ai.i ms *ii.ii * w:i.,|. )r„r .■> piiat a 'siL'.e. Is,.-, it «...;ld' ’ '• I.Jh, my {jraciMi up 111 ■'.tiiiiinhuunt-•• s III d 'li’t huvi; the i.sil t)iii: to wtrk i r }uu, Uo • yi'ii f ••l^ilDi.c^ \ Ct, bt's evil ei ;Ufh, th- 'l»7.i C-’H-” { “ 1 vtould nt hnvc birn to {>rin(a bililfi far III e ou no accL-unt, I thi>ub>'nl b«'li»-vf a word on’l, ii he did; tor tic's a li«.r and tl.. lather ol (uk." j *• I don t km w whetli«r li'-’.- c'.pfalh''r f !i - or not. Hut he i*, nuri fiio^vb,a 1) lo- I litti*-devil—there s no iriuilii!^ Iilui. I Uiean lu Cancel hi*, iiidentniea. i.lIC IJ IVI '•« MX l»f «|f 10 \ .l|. III I he prop^tMl tiH» U'l'U ii.adt', and renponi.eJ Dif V, ^ t 1 (ri'tii wvi lal iwajri I >, lor cs^ui.lv uliicii* I n*T.* IS, ii'ss.vfi, one dirfi.irtaieiil ol III*- ^i nita! -11(1 i.iiltf . it iii»tituti"ii of |\. •' iiiiiiv III wh tl Ihe priDCip!;* n| s'Il Mip. ;i III l^ ii'orw fi, 1, iiiiil more )tfr>nurii-t)tiy re I ;ji.iZ‘-'l itii n III an\ of the r i>l. Tfif {*»•. ■ii^r^l plan ol Ui i iii.ia lia* ct»r Cvnioinpia' i»d. w.iiH.i I SI IS i.rt^nly ..r oti uiiHlifaie | •» '»‘'Uimi and ibild, ul 'iiftii* I, a iuli-if- .tihI #/.'/'■*»iMerrfcted. ■M ,.,^>1, V.I.-. i: *l,i.u.d li.rnish to its ; opii'* j I norr such Mews and fr»'lini;«, I har# iiiv.^i i e j»i;.l to il'i>j« Ul »iur -.;o!!i ,;i »i *• •Sne^.vd, sviih lo liiOv w.t'i'lii-tioti, pro. ’ fwr ri! fitrnlur n!:'i w i- ncv, uud tuut n ’ for «*:».//»;nii»o ai !n»t in this csui**?. '!!p* nor I ir a p. u tiral nii'iix-'S e.ni to th ^ f :i:ts ill'toUtK II'* in Itir C'njnlfV 't ;iilc ib' liortU I'.rr d •ejiited lo ail.irn '“'C coiisfi.ti' n*-. In all tilt* •iair'» mM nil ti,} 11.1 t.irii.i i'. in cli,.r.ir» ainl uli ti e iiu!n*iri ! • "nnt.o in the unic.Hi cn the fir!.t U ^•dnes- JH . U M - t Ihi' I oiiiiauiii's, iht If-'i op das of .November r>i xt, tor the |>ur}iOM- ».f ; rti.iiitf to' ft f.fu; tl al, U‘-lui eilurril.ou,! “ryjii./iii^ c.unly Iscejii.s. us a preparto- Ihi'v .Iff al- i;.’.rnai-J to t«c, in the >.tiicl- '> • r no* oinph‘hiii« an\ other uI.jii Ih, ■ I ai.d t.. »i ol tha word, aeininaiK'' ' * hicn Uiiiilit Lc l. u;.d pra tirable. Ainop^ r ificlici-—I'.r l och'-i-i of V 1.1 Is ai.d i ihe i h| ci'* sihich c..unt\ Isci ums inij;ht, i)iiuii». Th*> are lulrn.'i Q to ftirm-ii ihf i*” •-'riy p rn>d, take up tu advantage, II.•'an. f'.r tr^rbers to !H-i'poM Uiid » ..uci»ic | ’*'ould '.>• M ni;ii iri»-h lor st jf tdm aHoii at d tiiciii* Kt •*, and al Ihe »a..jc I.me to con i »eIt-Mip;.ort. In conin-cin.n w iih th« and -irtjri ihrir o»n opp'iraltis and various m . p*-rlisp» ui nmns in-titnjis pncediD^ them, ,-.iriia» nts of in*.*.; j;'li. n, wl.ile th'} an ‘>^'i ’r tl». | ur(>»«««: of vveikly, I' iiiiiiii; tlie mod'^ I f I'liit Ui*iii, ii.d ar-,-*‘1111 WH kl\. or fveii ►. ini iiionthly com s. f|uirii.;. thf kmn|i lli y n»- d' i.i;;iit-i1 t.., 'Ol iu'tru> li'O, sv Imth mere frpipn'iil cours. illii-trrsie. I.sci-um-vininain .« arc mil ..dei I ei conid not Iw «ii*>trfiin d. nujjht lie tak« ii I . mult II. .ii.lai t'tri. i ol appiiiitij'. !»»r if I under coio-iderati.ai and ciirrud tntv >p>ct, ivt iaiuiol th» o'd bi.tr.it.nj* \ i."'j.'. de;w,r''n nl>i of ;ci»-nre. ] b\ Coui.ly ««.ii-lie». ^ Indeid tl c adsanta. anil liie ipirtliln aln.li ol l.;hrli« : - tti ntfi ' of a^•«H. laloKMljiyr »\ ^t'•lnatlC niid Pou- iii'tfum-nlK f r il.(hi.'*in" tin- -1. icf ui; of , ei.trac' d f-llorl, io the riiliii'«ion of kiiosv!- ill I coiMi.'anils, ai d i!i cvi-is j' d;;i', arc »o jjreat and es iduiil, and the «• tion ol tin*C«.uutrV. j rt-.ults of counts lyceuins in pailiciilnr, r.»frf rik.i;a;, on tlii* »ubj*cl. l.i* alreails I hasu t>*en so uniformly and sri ttrikinply prosi'd, that jooi'^ irt'-n, an.j . n l.i.;». al- { ha; ps, th.it iho pn.p n».il f, r su h uieaure!i hurt li.no, ai.il prolwi... } I'HHj' ladif* t.;r u .ind 11IIcan |ifcs, by till ir « II i;.Uu;:lrv. ill their t xpin i' ot txiarj, l..t!u lHi,.k-. Iiilti. fi, vV''. and at tho 'aliif tilii*' m ipilie « III >r« tlu.rcii.'L, ti.M lui « din a!i m. tlisu it i« |MH.‘-ib|i' for any eolU-^c* oi otlit i in‘'lili.ti(>n. vvitii.i It iiiamml lalx.r, ta gis.' tlifin. SikIi ■n!) neciU to U-* in.iile to lie SM.'coiid»-d, »ni| to nr rure the ci'n* r:il saiiclioii of tho cti* li;:hieneti ludisniuhls and coiiiniuiiitics. (hi the subject of Mi;iullaneuu9 .iction, throiijib tin? inediuin of coiiniy ronvenln ii!! and Countv Kreuiii*., it is ^'rutUs inp t'l bi' a- b!u to stnte lh.it niiniC.'ttUfi litiMliiie^ ina\ bo J r.i.t’ I'l ..:i e linf) on that i^iov I'I'Mi'|i p‘. I'lti'f. 1 I'll a ua-. on i!' . k, fnn*ut^pm(( t.He I I ; . ■ ■ .'K to l.Te lK!/riflc", It !s rt '1! i ' r’'vs ui.t.l '.:ii- »oi.ii -.i rf.i-t-d. ."h*' alii-r- I I' .'ill); 'l:iiion«M wai cuiuiriusa. i IiiImm'ji i|n il, by snyin^' ihni «la- t.: !.i 1.1- |.ris.;ti- .I'i ifs, a’.d con.tnipluted h.o! fii ..ui^j.T'd lei life for ImIIi the ooijm- U ' 1: n l > A.i.-fua. ol f'ljiiil .ind li.e hoij'** of HiiKiver, hut 1 r . k it was Id 1 when •.he .nrnv d th it -•hf di 1 not [wri i .vu that abe had prof- I’l ‘ nil I iif'Iir.:i, and m iiUd at ( ro y Ut* d by In r «'\i rti"n. 1 s, tiiC M-at ot tli; pii'''fit losvii >l I .r, • 'I'linrf i» iiri, ■ini'ci.’..|p coniiei tefi witli ihf It ssas a Miiriny j» riod ol «ur bitll.* ol .'df/iiro’ji I'icek, nml svith l^aiuld call ol ...I i-.ii.. , .■•II, yum It It. ..lu.iw. I. r, Ju ' I r' « collv prepared nil ud la'^ts lo the citiy.itiJ in.il t.ie >*a?«uuacipiaintcd wiiii tho terbmcal , , ■ ,, , r y i . i i,i » j (aii{,Mmj{e of t%>H.pia«inpb. r>. OP.l d.d n. t ■ "" l*»Wished s.H,n. kill w me dili;r-n.'e U-L-^u t;s CrinUr- ^ ‘ J>.-vil ,ind Old Nicholas bun.- 'fit mu.-.l U , “"‘I '" 'P^"^"* | various itepaitinenis und oj« ralmii^, owimd that her horror was vcrv natural. '' '-'‘"'''*ne>: l-om natn.nal and Mate .Mteifties, down to ' III all (Mfif ol lh«i country , therf n» intended fiomhj him.iiu, and irom exarcisii.s tor mu- In one of Wilhs’a I. ,i k'tters there is u t*" “ virtu..l, though, a for-1 ""d ^elf iii.trm lion in the dead lun^jua- ... , - I mal coniii-i ii.ai. Iu niuny *if tin-ir om la- and the nioM ab-ttuse srieiices, dosvn lo hue (if-i ripiion of a snip. ' . . ; , , * * III !h«r inanutartury ul up- ** 1 hcrr IH fiotluri^ iii the Mrorld ol *[,, y n,nv M ntii^r fut h other very I -t.-r s.-la.l ihov; a!io came nniun^ ii ;.i .Mae«j' iai!d, ssho ss a kiniiiiaii of I’lora, senwlcss mattur, ao like n breMthin^' cren- iuip.irtant ni4 i and, by tbeir unil»*d i iTIirl'i, lint till. t;> .../ k I .H nr d conlfnttni'iil Ihe lli;rh!aiid Chief, w Inch dfv-rve*. here to turc, a-4 ^hip. 'J'he enercs of (n r iiioli m, ' furni'h, not onls ci,llei;t's, n adema-.s and ■ "iHiil. lor infy met at liit ir be rr-i onii-d. Ilo wat an old seii r.ni in the l», auty of her shap* nnd contnvauce, ] hmh M bi«)l». Ihi! lyc iinii", coniuioi, schools v>! ami iiit-.ime »s ir. 'I he ||. art r,f «ar, bavin^f b'en enaat»-d as an olii ,„.d f.mlhr^. ssiih more al iind,.nt, cheaper los.ii ijo-.iTiior, I..O, w■l^ to c.irry cer in tie-army of ibi-vouni; I’rclonilcr, m , ,i i . . i i , ■ ind iM iter iiiHirnmt nts of iiiMriiclioii, ri('/. . h HI 111 II .'iil nidi rH, sviioiii tiu ,71-'), ill which charucl-r he appeared in tertpiarfr m , " I ,/j.^ h.ii.et,, c.infi."..ii,,n ol Ih- l.alllo of .Mo.'.rf’s Creek, and commit-h; .-d from anv other .oe,re. tl. ir form'I r- UMi .ii. Ti„-[,r.j- iho fito of Ins country men into th»' " •!*« rein, in.pire me vs ith d.iily adniir.i^ sshol« | !sri of Kceiiin ^ennnnrics riiiU s'-r;.-1..0 r‘ I lillv Iroin lou bandn of hi-, md-de c aiup, C.i|. M’l.erKl, he lion, i have Ix-rn four ii.oiiths h ;;ijeN| m Mill u^ihrace, Ihoii a central iii,*-titution, .... ....j.. .n ■i'll! II loni'ii to run hi (>!|f>».|\ m. r-inained in his camp. Alter his I'oreoii this noblo uian-of s\ar, .iiid In thii hour 1 ' w hn-h ahail comhiiie ii semin.irs for leach-j ,\ll tfir materials mid inrau.s f(»r com* r vv.ir o| I xl« iii'iipHiioii. Ih'-s hid b i-ii entirely routed, Iho whi;; com-' k,.| my foil on her deck w nhoul a iand a manufuetory of appii utiis, lor a j luiiicinc rin.»( i-w.i, or cnbinelH of ua. 1^. J I 11- ~ir. ii;.ili .,1 tin- |,..^!i'h *.o. maiid' T^ b lind hiin alone, Mvateil on I* stump, „i \nd then CixiKrV ^ “ piominent part ot its iiiauiial, i tun-and art,nroat hnnii m {.'real Hbundanco. -nt l.s 11,‘ir « xperieiu-.-, ni: 1 w ' in;; and, ax th*'\ walkeil opto him, ho "U'ed j _ , pr‘*diJrUv exerci'e-. This inMitiilion svill,; Inihe numorou«i csbiiiels aln-ady collected, IS fur nnd as fast us its means will ppriint, both by inilividuah und by institutHms, ui« ^v• | il.. I ■ .'in;: '■ . ol t'.M ■ :.t I 11,' l.ivo !|i I ' !;i|.,!t. pi iiiiiBuship, n sdiii;; and rlbo|^raphy.— 'i'iu'4 address, which is as ap|>licabiO lo tha ciiiz'-ns of other slates as thoso of S. Cur- oliiiH, I ail e^^~tlv Iki procured, and p.iitiotei of the wholn of it read, as one of the cxci* risi's ol ihe propstiafi c.iiiveniion. Numerous other p^irnpiilets huv»> been puli- lix'ied ou iho subject, Kinie of whicljcoti. lain the forii.+ of con>lilulions, iiiiioni; eth er things lo turiliia'e tho ojicrations a;.J I t'.eni n . prii .-e ol :ti. i, hU,„.. the parchm. nt scroll J'hi. commission i »-v' l, read in a ward-roomas ;;r i|k.s ml m I .-I tli'oi nn u, Saiilr, the\,ueaiiy to a llm nlr, nnd ^u. rrudered it mio their hands, j‘J'*'’''*.'• ^ ItniiN*inx one of the sold- I..''. I'liii-d th • ro\al .'.drultrd. j 'ritf .'own ol FHvetteville nos* covers tha j en leaves ol a hfo uyl lo Lavc tUuinjUcd i .10 t.u'.ii 1-, luc cuualiyui'-'u of 1 luia tpvl fwiujcrly the Uictfojjylu ol Iho llij^li* • tUew wu u ciuw." iiiriiitih fai'ililiPh to any other inaniKil lalHirj duphcatei; wbieh the ossner.'« vvil| gladly up- »rhools, bv sup|iK iii(/ th*m wilh prints, I pmpriale to hucli nn object, svhgsicVCr UQ 1 tyyU, tii'uricuct’,'^c. U-; ;»id.^ to th;ir lutel* I o]>pyrtuaiiv ij

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