mNERlS’ & FARMERIS’ JOURNAL.. . ****1'*^*'^*^ l*lfllLIHUKl> F.,^ItV KATllJtOA%', il%' 'IIIOMAIS J. IIOLTO.\....;lIARlXn''l'IC, R; COL'N'I Y, NOK'I lI-(;AKOLl>'A. \OI.. V. 1^ W^.L TK*ni THg ■OW’^I.H or TIIK KABTII AWO ■niKi; Ot'T yROM TIIK fAVKRVS Of THK MOI NTAINB, HF.TAI.8 WHtfH WKX filVE STRKSGTH TO OfR HAMJS AM) KMIJECT AI.L NATUHK TO OL'B USE ANI ri.EASL'Re. DR. J0HN80N. SA ri Ri>AV, ocrroBEii 25“ i8;i il NO. 212, 'i'lti'j I U> (ha tiii*ceilnniioui rp«d«r, and • “ KUndard” itn- lUiiierti^ Al Fariucrii’ Jouriinl j dcr which th« (>«tnvt and politieian nikj rally, la prinMKJ aud every Saturday uioroiuj , c«i»fidciit of a accure dafence agaiaat the evil* of •t J wa Dulimr* p«r aiiuu>a, it )>aid iii advauca ; i Coiiooliddtion, and a itill more dungerou* political Two ao.Ulisai,d tijly Ct'iUi il not paid iii ad- Micrny which accta t» ajiraad itialt throiijfh th« »mc : imee UxtlUin »l Iha auU ot the yaar. ) “ ininjrlii,^ ii« fitful blaMti with the ataady ciiiU|«t»iuaf«iuoi.xc«)diu^:«Mnia»,)ior lUi • J ^ ^ timl luaerliuD, and cciiti lur each •uccacUiii)' | wid. k.i., tteuli—«r *1 i«M Uirarc »e«.k», lor aua aquara.— A liberal ducauiil will be luadc to thoae w MlterlKvb^ tluyear. il_i Uu all ad*i'rti»-ni«uts cuiiiuiuiiicalad Ivr pubiicauuii, Uio uuiiibar ACiKM'ULTURAI^ [I'rom the I'armerb’ Kecitter.] n.OIKiHINn IN CORNSTALKS. the chruprti molif of u»inp them for maiiure. [The !• verul operalions of carting our coiti&lalks to the barnyardt, c«uverting With thi. britf expose of the objacl, the dwign, tliBin to niannrf;, and then carrying them Dreadful Maanacie of an Amtrttan Crew.—News hai been received at baleoi, l>y the owner! of the brig Charles Do^gett, from C'uf>tatii Bach«»ller, dated at Manilla, April 7lh, la which he gives the ni«lan- choly iiitflliji'ence of hit crew, ti-urtepo in number, having b«*en attacked at the IVjee Inlands, in St-pletiiber, by the natives, while bo i ^i* journal, the Kdiior to the sf)il, ronmre «> lar«e a ' employed on iihore, and uine of lb»-ir nuni- f'"™ *,.n i., .1 |»1'0 ^y b« liiandU t» hia vnUrpnw, ai ahall “re 80 g« neraily negUctcd hy others, that • Harton, Ichabod Sniitb, »!uUcru.r*ef liitl wiiru *^ri*Lu'i»u”uuiii • l’ai*r winch cball b« n« it would be a ninsi desirable result to obtuui "Horn, and an Otahottun 8*>antaa. forbtd %iidcuar*fd ascofdiual*. jdiacrj-dit la the Slate, but Korihy of tha cause the aiiuie benefit for the soil by much leiw other ves- *.• Ai, ».w il„.. ”«e«-': 1'““ r"* •' i'" LUto. I The"Norto»'w«t.ii»Si.nd.rd"willUT'‘‘>''rf '**' *»y >1“^ praclio Je-■^ «" • - ^ I i»n an titret, at K*u*i «((unl in 9ijm and *w:ril*«d in llie folluwiug; letter, ot pl«u^tinj{; ' Hplairi i>a I h(»se who escaped rd. eiccuitun to any ;>aptr in iheSute; and iisut-d in the vtnlki), whole iind unrdttcd, before wounded: among them was Mr. . irce ul puttujje, «r they uiay uot t>caU.uOi:(ll .'Nurlli-C'aroliiia ^taiiilard. mploy were James After an ab- TA. Mr t«* »K*Ua- "^7* - - ■ ■ lAry -«».! bt p,„e,tiU." |, J»oil receives equal benefit, and whethir | of 10 or 15 dajs. Captain B. return f |1HK ui.dcr.uu.d pro,.«H>a u> it.ue a Wc.kly , ,|j .hall: ‘here nmy not thenoe ariMj Mine p^.sitive ' ‘ when the natives restorec “u* .uUrrit,.-* ,>'»* lo the laatafOciohar,! damage to the wheal crop. If the practice •hi» dereasvd men. On his IWuiui a“*r\*.uu/'ai!j'Vatu.!' lar nianv ' ''"""‘‘‘"‘'•'‘y lornarded to h.n. i« benf-ficial an late an « heat IS usually ttown, j Mtinilla, Caplain B. touched at jeari CwuOuaIrd « I'rvaa In aiiuiliti p.>it blaU'. th I'liiK i))al oiijct ul Uic unUaiai^nisl, in DfMir kwatini; In I'Mli lu ll^k ijlj, •ui|>l>yuienl for biuia It and «U(>}ott lor hit uiiiily. And b«li«%li>^ lUatUia iwtaWuluitnt •! a i’ap^t I Itvw many »f the lat No. la vtrika off. on. 1-34. ninlo WIiriT, 1 of their Mp: and therefore, it “‘'eral hundred uativea, whom he lK>at clF would kuit well to be u>ed with the plan of, '“‘^'out any lose on his part, except a Sand- "atherin;* corn U-1' it is dry, as described t>oy. '1 he second officer was ...... rrt‘|»aralory .Vitool. , , ' at llte ?H:al Ot ituvnriuijciii, wiiuU uo ju»uc« * rjBlilK Itcv, JUlIN .Ma.*I.NM» will cffDiinuc ■ raruiKr s ilc^islera to Ui VI iirraMv lud (lalriatjc i'hiel M4|iaii«t* ai j I. tu icirh hu Schaoi at lh« houoa on .Mum-I I'ar. ti.a I nioii, and lo IIk: uMaaunaoi hi* AdujuiuUa- , .trpct, in t harloila, wheru he luit—and rti.|i« t. I “Kennon’t Ameiii Novemlter !'♦ 1",S3 t.un, aua liuo.i^ii »l>ate wjlumni Ihc i«j{iUmaU. fully mrunu* thi- iilurn.ol the village aud the 1 Sir—\ will with jireat plea«ur thrown overboard Id the «kirujisb, but t'ortuiiately eaTcd. vv^ A of y. .ud’c.r«,..W,iLc.p.^..K.^nuc.M.m’...ll’b. i;uh;.c'..:j;;H-;;^;h.^^^^ ple-^un-, Agreatc]i.roTeryi«Chemi«r>^ha9|Rte. d»K..a%0 ..ul Iiicuaiiid, I* d.Uiai.did bj the ,,rt. i* thee pu|>il. thai ii.iy b« ei.tru.ud io hi. r-ri-. H'TJiries rea()ectin;r iiiy u.eih- : IV U-en made by Dr. Keichenback, ot (.er- •ii.ii G.iaik IX )>uiiticai «rikii», aiid lalk tl lor by Uje : liia«» ul 'I uiliou art .*« lollo*», pj ‘ ' ■ • . i •ctiiimrul o Uie I'topic at U>« Mata, Uia niider advancr, tiz: .ifi,«i«« l«.i.KacaintheenUri.ri^.;, f*^rnuirlcr uua iiH.- no,, .1 Ueiu* lb hi. il!.„u lor K,.d,n,. W rilii.^ and AritlV.i.lic •viii G.t.i. IX )>uiiticai «ri.ii», aiid talk'd ior by Uje : liia r.iia. ui '1 uttiuu art .i* iollu»pjyaUt. lu *^pl*'U^hiii;> in corni>tulkf>—but t'eel k>>me. ^ niatiy; he having succeedcd in extracting •ttuimrui o uie I'topic at u>« Mata, uia nnder advancr, mz: I what a^h:iuicd that the only comtnutiica-i Iron) tar and smoke a hi’bpfto unknovMi $3 tion made for the K> gisler, by me, should ' substance, which he calls Krooaot, (fiesh Ihu .cc^,o,.liUi».ni o. K> u..irabk ao obj. cl. , : V.irrii^h GV.uIn.«r^"l'rl!'of I suhstaiice p(«>,esses the Il 1. an BiH»Uialy la tlia polilicai hirluiy of the j ' ' ' Vum toi>(ihtr with Iht C'la.«ii. 8 ttiuo., that, in a Mate »hicii u w* euipiiaOialU . ... . * ^.ithrnnff the earn as (ietHiled in my fi>r-I *nniient deyree, and when diluted with wa- ^.^,oWllanlD^.rlm.piea.^.Hlllla^o^.na~«bloh ' ^ - ‘ h*( on thrta ac^eral ecca.ton», by i«t|fe kod nuipliaiil iiMjortli>-i, aup^rtrd aad (u.Uiiied JA* KsHJ.N lor Uii I'roideuiy, ha-lirviug • , , . .... •nd 4noiri’i^ niiii to ba a >aie u«p>iaiiory and laiiii- will U |ti>i :br. ^ *ult ol' exfHnence, that if SIX Lands be oe- ; weather, for any lensth of time, w ithout ! »>f labor in cutting dow n the staik:* b*.fore ' profierty of resifunff put refaction, in a most iiaii) 1 ~i ,11 jf J. ^J'llherinp the earn as tietniled in my fi>r-I*nniient dej^ree, and when diluted with wa- ;j‘;“|‘|ih.Vihr«7.3h*Ur‘**rm^^^ nier letter, I deem of ,-reatnnf.ortance, and j ter, fri..h slaughtered meat, after bavu.g I imn in til* above rale., anl.M in caM» of.itknca*. f?i{re* that so lev* tarmers have been pre-1 been iinmerwd in it for a ft'w minutes, may rung I '* •’>i|«l vull be,t hoiin- aittr ona *eek. vailed on to adopt it.—I 3»«jert it as the re- \ l>c kept m the open air and in the hottest iul reprt M.«t*tiv« of Unit pr.iiciiii*.—and »ho ru,kla. It If ci»i6d'nlly iKlirvtd, arc tttU d’ to«rd hta caiiw—aliould lia«a no pap«r at il. ( c^mUI through «tioa* l oluuia. (he ui*«»urea ul hi* ,\d ■uiui.'ratinB ran b uirly tiudtcat^d, ai.d Ihe vtMic m bi« inrtiiutTMl) hvaru. li i* ihi Urairt. &u4 .nail b« tbt t*lou. eudra«a( ol lha uiiiiar- , ai(i>(d. w -d‘ ;d >hi tarilily. Ill* rariM ul |oliliral iiuprr-*..oni a ert la uni i a'Ti ».t. h»«« ol Ilia l*a .v.rf IKU. Ie3«4t li \—K4».rd I.., ( yrui A. Allen, N- v\. a:> xti»; r, u. II U i!h«iii tin, \Vin. N. Hrown, S.niiie! Ib'trihill, M.ri u. lUrni I, J*ii r> Broun, Joiia r racy a] liuf nalioo, I lUi.kci, J«i;o t . [lla> k, •». Hi.. .. J.phraiii. »l.|./. ..)«r...ii«, and at. ,{ro»ing year^ luv* n»^,nd,. J,„.. , (•. Iiia« i. v. \V m. M. k. cw .i'.od Uj Mrernh. b, un il l».. w;tU.d priaci. ( _J„l,q It. juu.' .'. t ierk Mi. ti.. ;t I :» malii'ai »j{t aia tut tlia raalizalion •; loutl. i>an»i t Uaiht^r., Win. i,, „ ,o ' t hcti.hing Uiff aciili J,»hn •rnf.t^ll, Tl lon.i' l'or>t>*f,'I’ho*. ( >ri \, 'J, r.riiU. .1 thr l.f t iiuii.oo.-.rtioiia in uvor of An- \ | l aid » il. Mr».l aldwt ll. .M. I urr), I'. A IJ. jjr V J h'f t/ii Frmidaiirr. tiie ui>d> r>)gud ■ t ptvi.i» i,.,, (II tt per od ilMf K>dtlor uf a paf»r at S*U.boi) | |rih Hulin. 1 »i, D. M. I>.«ir > .-rtv, .M«lh c« ••,.« |ii>- ratiMt, l> iMVing Ihttoue p«.-aM.d • I •r.rh ^.IU f.-ln..ti.iii. and • hoi* .i^oal M,,. \|*,|ha l»a* id»on. K»U rt L)tvid.on. K*.- K. I Ihe ("'iiiir t nt t iu|'h«lu'«.lj con>tiUit> d h.iu lu | l>iul.iu*. -I' K rin ofp. AKretl VV. KHiaf ton. (iaorgc c>*tsar> to cut down and pickup corn, on ' becouiing in the least nri’ected. I'hia fact \ I i«t of* I , ilio‘’Id plan, !«) a* to keep aluad of yourjled several emirient pb}siciaiis to experi- 1;M AIM \I. Ill iiM I wn'ftjct: ID t b.rlotu of MT ituJixrtencrd hands, nicnt with it, in the treatment of human cn tbt l.i ..I tKioOar, IKU. ,ian, wiib the short h* ived hoe, do it, and j iliseas'-a, applying it b«tb internally aud ex- with three daya ruperience, three will do : lernall), m which tb»y have been crowned ihe samo \%itli eaM?. Hut to return to the ■ wnh the most striking surress. People af- suiiject of plou;;bin;; in cornst.ilk«. Ii ilie ; Hiefeii with the horrid dl^ealie of Cancer, corn Iws b*'en ciiitivated on a sniooth siir alter havmcr h«'n d«-«>>aired of by the most fare (I mean withtxit beds,) at'ti r naiheriim ;'killful physicians, have been completely the tars, the stocks are cut with a long cur*d b\ Kreosnt. For wounds and sores lielvrd hi>e, mi n- to cause ibem to fall pro-'m fieneral it has been found the t)est reme- miarii.-uily o»cr th«- latid. We coDiinence |^y known; and is particularly recommend- pli'uyhmi: (^ay wii!i f(,iirtwo horR»*pliiii:jhs.): o'l m s^urpic^l ojieratioDS, a it prevents in I KOU THE WL8TERN CAROLIMAK. SI ATE OF NOR'l H CAROUWA, V\ Il.KKS COI NTV. Superior Court ofLau—Fall /SVs«on 1834. 'i’h» Grand Jury for the CouMy of VV likes present, for the coiisideratioQ of their fellow-citiziMi.s of the State; 1. That Governments were instituted a* mong men for their mutual benefit; «nd that, whenever any Govetouient become* destructive of this end, or lailii to answer the (purposes for which it was intended, that Gfirerninent bKuuld be altered or entirely a- bolished. 2. 'I hat the present Cnnstitution of North t arolina is grossly defective, unjust, and unequal in its operations; tbat it sup* presses the voice of a majority of the peo ple, and impoMts heavy ta.\es on them with* out their consent, and should therelbre bo amended. 3. '1 hat, against its unjust, unequal, and oppe&sive charaner, the people have remon* strated in a voice that cannot be aiisuoder* stood, and ought nut to be any longer dis> regarded. 4. 'i hat the*i»eople of the Western part the Slate have lon^ and patiently sub* iitted their necka to the yoke; that they aro determined to cast il ofl; that they will n«it transmit it an an beir-l>K>m to their poa» terity, for they deem it not worth inheriting. 5. Tbat the Canstitutiou is silent as to the mode of amendment, and that, there* fore, It IS competpnt for the majority to a mend whenever tbaj deem aiuendojeots ue> cesiwiry. 6. That petition after petition, and re* monstrance at'ter remonstrance, have been Ihid b«-fore the Legislature, presenting th« jiiit aud reasonable clHims of the petition* ert for a redress of grievances; and that their petitions and renionstrances have beea treated w ith scorn and derision by a tyraa* meal minority. 7. That longer forbearance had ceased to be a virtue, and tbat, if the ear of justic* la not soon opened to our camplaiutv, we will take the mode and measure of redresa into our own bands. (tiven under our hands, this 13th Sep« teoiber, 1S34. JoHS Martin, Foreman; Alex. Chvkcii, Hm. W ithkrspoon, I a lar;:r land : (nround the lull, if tliere Ih* a iJaiiiiiiation, and stops the must exceKsive Martin, Jr., Martin Gree.'?, v\. liaki*, \N II,. >1 |i«viOk.>ii, VVni. Maw*, ny) al'ier going around twice, an active ' bleeding almost instantly. j .\>ios Chcrch, Jr., Saml. P. Smith, I)* y or ^irl follows the ploughs, picking up ' only !»ui h s!nlks, as r* main unco\»r*-d on the Phild. U. S. Gazettt. V'lLLIAX RlSirX, W-r, i.r. ...uhl U..I b. ou,, r ih.n a *„.iu, j r - I K Tin AKrel VV. KHiaflan. Tiaorgc T '^nrov.n-a on me , “ n x, I frprr..nuu^. o I la l> niocrary ol ih. I iii»n ' j.||,„n, v\ n;. v\ l.iiii., -.’. /'/ubpA'cf/unf/, and laying them Ul the fur-1 hobhcry at the Ihcotrr.—On Monday ]uoKCis, W iih c n'lnn. d a..d ui.. akaii «iii tk.ncr ih !ju j ^ KoUit I Un.kcu, ."aiul i i mk, RoUri I'.ti row of the la>t or hiudoii'-^t plou;ih, to b»> niglit, Mr. VV iHiHm C. Palter.'»ofi, ef Stokes j• UacKET, rill), Jnu. «>. I'l.aiiiKi n. co\eredaa the pli>U“hs cmne rouiid ngain. countv. North Carolina, went to the Park : Cokrell, Mr*. Il.rnrt ^ i.arrci S Gorrtll, || your pi iiiglis turn well, and the lacd be Theatre, and on his return So his lodsinvs Un ,t.«rr»l, I.. >. I.rejory, John l.tlenu U lu. _ . i i ,, A (.r.ham. they will cover H —Hmh M H.nHar».n. Willum Hall. II. ihree-f. urtlia of the stalk-*, leavinj; only one pal not 1*111 and lotr^rily •> pur^ w, it n> n illi htgliij and i^r oGad '.crlinf* Ibal U- uii'i roiftiod i* nois •Hnriia 1 an o^ipormmly -»l t,»»oliujf tin. * li ati« \« bi Ihr aanii bul in a inare . ktrndi-d *pl»r .\ri)i iii}’ atlarhed tu thr ^alimial 1 uit*niulKHi, and t.i Ibr I'nitta nf Ih* Mataa, a. coii.titiilii * an im i e.;nAlIr aaf^uard ko our |>uJiIh«I. riin. .u rr i( .'Kit ri.;iit., « l.iU^rr may h4ki' a ti tidriii y in I't jrt)ti«i.>o. of It «■ ane. or I'lid^cerr ih. p'r(w'i,it> o( llt« i>th r. >h«ll rx rna lha iuu»t uu |..>r>-'d I>nii'uin.liuu at tfia I.Jil>ir'a tiand- Aiid « hi'f Ihe Irwiloii) o: *;weih »utl U>a lib rij el ih> prr.a, b'c'>i'>.;* (Uiranlifd by Ih. |i«i Charier oi our K'(hl«, .hall rmiain iiniwed b\ the lhrr4'nir.(,-. d ambilu n, er ui'.mathi rid t e riitru. tioii« i>f ari'‘>> r.c>. the hxlilur pruini*. a , iii>l iiiily lliat " IIk ( jii*lit’ilK4i and Uir I nit n li.'id his attention attracted to his picket by ilia landlord, who remarked that a hole had ol ih. .S.u.,*- vi.M h Ur b.. adopted aa the ii.ot:.. j„i,n .Mrrun, .I.Jin Mi Unghlin, J..»iah .Monlgo «■ hi. (M,»i ,.(iai; be .ir. I.U...I.1) «i;diialr.i. but nurv.L'. lioM.C. .Mil m.l. MiImh .MM Iilon. J«hn a nc'd and pr.iiiijrt olirditnrr l. U AU-l .u!. v. S«nil ,M. Kinn.y, J.t. I». \Jalin. /«r..,.ar iru7. ihul nio.1>orUnl piiuiiph .,f , 0_||. ^ . Owin». v!, SiU. t»ir. .Mr., S«, tlwem. lloov-r, Jo«. ph tiick*. I’ t» H.mloii, Saioi, lloh; f-urth to In« puked up, nnd laid m the fur- b«‘en cut m it Irom the outside. Oofurthe inc. J'**" p'l ll>-inf>iui. m. K l> Mii.Hi r.oo,-J. ro*s. — 1 v( rv freijuently sow the uheal ' examination, .Mr. Patterson fo Kuharri llii.r., Jiio. ■ IN^I. IIimkUiii, J.iiiro .M lltil) loMHi. J.inch llail. mu. 1' liaineUb. Vli= n Herron. I—I)r.Jiv>. Irwiii, M.rlin I^h««ir. J - ll iiroirl Jt Ill'll. Juliii J I.— Mm. Juiiiih I •)( .Mr«. AUry I.minc, 2, l)4»id l.inii !T Jic‘. N. I,«r*. ,M-i»e* liowl II. Morrison, N. Mi!l r, I,. . M'lit r.'I liti. A. \l»ra, Mr.. K.ben. ,Mi lKwi freijuently sow the uheal 'examination, .Mr. Patterson found that he '' “M'I*'*'*-• Ufore ploiiphiug, {guarding againht cover-| had been robbed of his p«>cket-l).iok con- r, r I) II.,- Tin, Jno. Uaiiii.m, J^uKh v i ■ . . . , . ,cot.w> . i i l i irig It ton reep,) and level iho |;jnd with a taininc t>olJ(l, o! winch there were thirty. hush or li^'ht log. Ii'ihe lutxl N> plru^bed 'ooq $100 bills and one bill of the Iwfore sowing the wheat, v*e harrow, ot nited Siateg P.ank. He supposes that tho course, the way the land was ploughtd, niooey was taken frun him when making to nvuid |Hilling up the stalkd. If the corn , his way out of ibu theatre through tu« Lds l>ren planted on bods, we use the i.horl crowd. helved hoe, iii ciiiting the Hulk‘d, and lav j them in the wnter furrow, to be covercd b\ 1 Virginia two Crnturirx o^o.—The ('o- the plough«. 1 hf* iiiform.ition Itere given, ' lotiization of \ ir^mia was commenced at it.leMgued for your owuu!^. Afterhaving J,unest«wn in .Mav, 1007, by a company'aii.. I ;..m rnn.rnt .ball b. rail, d lor aad 1 f_Mr., Khia T.rli., I»nwj I’nrirr, Jucgb I'tn- «•>'• system, if approved, >;lir riMoni- j of 100 persons. In four month* the 100 Ii.rwri. Ih. column. o( Ihi. pa(wr. t Din,rr, Jo^.ph f.ynr. u’. John Pharr. nieiidalion would ha- c mere inlluence, than dwindled to 50, and soon after to 3;>. hi mII'm'?'‘iTrli''m! '’7* 'I'e colony had been increased by suc- m .nri, .MwiV'ffour'r ’ ' “ ' ' Bired. impmve the land. I nm sure you de- , essivn reiutbrcements to .')00 s -uls. Six s—I.inroln Siiwart. Thomas .'Spratt Col. John rive all the ad\untajje$ that the Stalk ilj^-ll inonihs afterwards it had dwindled to 60. >l««o. 1*411- !*j.inr«r, Addiaan II. .Niiiipir, |)ani*l jx>s8f'S8'». I |q i,(] j pipulation had increased again > VV4M John M. Sj.-ia.hur, l.dward Iih, ‘J,. T|,p cornmiiniration of .Mr. Rnice in the ! (« ‘JOO. In when the number of set- (l. nioii ■*milh. Itaiil ^mllh. Abotr C. Million. J. : , , i. . i j r i j u . n . r. HuinmeruHo. Uegiister. 1 deem of niore importance tiers had w'come still greater, men, r—s,.n,|, TsTlor. Janra tJ. Torronce, J3.r|.h'!'he ro-jntry. (letwcen tide water and the ! women, and children were destroyed by the A full and ,au di«r'i-«iui: ul lb>rt« nnportaiit and le.iliiip polilK.I 11 ;m • ol Oir ilu»—the LuitfU tSf.if.* Iltiiii, Intnnal l'’i[tr»rrmrnl$, and lh» nrtl Mill Im' adiiiilt.d in Ihr ‘‘.''laiidanl." Itiil oj.'.... (1, I'rom priririfik. not otily to ihe I. I Ilk, li)l la .11 otlirr .N4l1un.1l mon.-v.'d iiioiiip>i Ii««. a« well a> to a w »l iul •) oUin ul Internal Im f-r.iv. Il l nu hr the ti' n. ral «i«arnmenl, Ihe IaI- lliir » ifl^raiM hu vnic.-aj^ainal Uum- liladviai.l n.i .«iirr#, in nhai' Vi'r *La|H tl.ty ni.iv li' I'rvx-nl. ei!; and he mil . (^inlly o|ipo«(i the r^rnin-. by { iiaji'ri »• lit iIh’ l-.ti rtiltve, Ilf all rt’uli yrlirr pott er>, b. Ii.vini; tl al lha (« rpi iuily ol Uir I nion 11 only lo be .eotirnl l.y . Mirlin iliviiion of (w». er« b«'lwaen the l.rnrral ami .'Ula ItnTntnnii nU. alliil'in.; lulhr fn>lunly ih.l whuli ii. >lrirtly di I c »til.,W I.) hrr, and lo Ihi* liiller wh.l 1. iji arly rr arvi>t lo ihi-ni. ,\' rrftnU the all.liMirbia; q'li^li.n) ol Who *l,aU In nidt nrjl l'in,ln t > thi Liiilur will, in cl'u' lime, hi rraily la iui ribi ni, lri hKiiiii r Ihn name of hnii « ho .l.all be ..1 lecliil l)V i(ir l>.'iiir>crary ol l ie Suu>, a* the Cj'i ( .iiididita. .\!iliriiijh. al lhi« parti^ulsr jiinctiire, a mun tli’iii rilln.ry hII. iiIioii lo l.iui. 14I i'l.hlic 1. Lull f' C.r hy pi| ,|ic a. nliininl, nt il i ihe drtijti n| til l«.' »i aiMir. HI 1 e r>imr. *iii 11... |irruiur Of her riliri i,.. I«i »ifd ul lha »i of (wvirn l’i»iil, he will b.- en.blf d lo riiiiiniiiiic.t« lu Ihi ff .’•le nrly and rorreil ininfniatioii ol the pra Cl'iliiiui. ol llie I .r^iiiliiiirr while in i>e.«ion. and to^ivr pinmirt advii'e ol «il aru of olln r .ai\4iit> ol Ihe . Hr will r.alrMiilv nilviH-ile whal Ihomas Land, Hrcn Brown, And. PvTTKtsoN, Bknj. H. Martij?, Sami EL Kilby, William Hitndron. It is the re]uest ®f Ihe Grand Jury, that the Clerk forward this Preaeotment to lha Editors if the atcbman and Carnoliniaa for publicatiuu. A. PATTERSON, ClerJc. r.,etter9 we understand, have beeo re ceived from Gov. Van Ness, our Minister in Spain, cootainmg the gratiiy ing intelli gence that, altho’ still weak, he bad nearly recovered from his late attack of the ohoU era. They confirm, however, we regret to add, the accounts we published not long since from the L«>ndoR Morning Herald, that the disease had proved fatal to his lady. She was seized on a Thursday in the after* noon, and after lingering in a kind of atu* |)or for about thirty hours, expired wilhi ut pain, but in perfect consciousness, early on the following Saturday. Her children bad all returned lo this coiintry in the expecta* lion of their mother’s shortly joining them. Little did they or she dream that the da- otroyer was so near, and that one of them II" I'llilof loili vuin alar|;r |w>rliiin ol hi. pap r to ! I C"ri«r«|in uca ol the atlrmptii which ire al ■■ «l atl4ir. 'it I e Sure. *ii| il.f (leruiur in'rrr»t« ■ v* ay iiindu h\ knavri. and iiu|>o"tirt to palrn ’rj;;eii, \. 'riiOiii|>. ii, Jimiah Trvniellon. \N m. Blue Ri'lee, than anv articlo heretofore Indiaus. In lt3'J4, to use the words of | was so soon destined to realize the sad, I «vU»r.-J, J.'hii liNld. >anil. 1 aylor..»n. ^ ^ piiblish''d by you. I have lK*en practicing ’hief Justice Mni.ball, “about ill.)0,000 jAnleVv \\ al!.cl'"‘^7rLnuV '“'f‘'’•'*‘'‘'*1 ditching tor s.iveral years, , sterling bad been expended in planting the ilii.nii, 1-MC VV i!!x n. .Miiihi w \> alU.e. j and ha\d uo hesitation III Kiving, if the s\s c»lon>, and more than 9,000 personw had lit II. M. VV i’. M. I •'’in l*!‘J adopted fifty \ears ago, that l>een sent from Kurope to jieople it; and jet — . — I that section of the country, now, would be ^ at the end of seventeen years, the popula- «11 f* fY'lt T* w-orth fifty pt'r cent more, than it i.s. I had . lion was rcduccd to 1,^00 persons.” A-f 5.# designed a cominunication for the Regi>ter ' 11 iii.n i> i;\ rn\ i>m a> k ; on the subjprt, connected w ith the planting ; .\ letter from Mi«s Caroline Frances .M- HV 'I III’ r>i; uK thi; «;|:m INR [ and cultivation of Indian corn—hut if this,' den, in the Boston Daily .\dveriiser, states “ ICo%«ailrM 'I'oilil* rendered mine, iinneco.vinry, a com- I that she resided four \ears in the late I’r- 'I'o trhii h alrioJy inorr than ten tkomnnd niunicHlion in the last Register, signed F,. {>*aliDe Convsnt, and that there is no truth rson» art' rituhi nnd anxious to trstij'y. w hich five or six ploufthings, and | whatover in the rumors circulated, that the thriHj or four hooings are directed, would youtig Indies of that institution were ever have deterred mo.* After plantmg 1 never plouch the land hut twice, and this year, used the bin's but once. Vou will p'r- ceive from the many interlineations that I have writlr gr*‘al ha^te. It is now ten o-clock at night; 1 canrot copy. You have to dv.I.K. llie rich ,.«.nrr...:'—••Krill Kevar. a,ain,l ...rh .n.,K,.4,luin», tho 'v.shes for success in your hunlable Ihr Uti Hi » m Mfiil (’hnrti( j lirof»ri«tor ha« coiitluilt^ tijmn tbv nrcfiiMty of i •***» |>roih*r i»l rny terblr, t r of Ni.iitii I s». ,, ^'ll »i rnceurne all I oiihniiiK iht ..le of the niutiire. to a* fmv ibut zealous ctlorts to aervo you as y ou may may Iriid lo • nlii;ht«^n llir I’l opir m regard lo ' *^blihkrd ayrnl., in the diir. renf .eetion* of the direct. th. inlrrnal .,dv,u,l,i,r» w.ih whiih Ihry h.Vr , .'ouiilry. •« ara joM -urilcu nt to .npply Ihe rrK„. j V^ry respCCtfully, VOUr friend, " II. - .11 -1,1,e (o make drm.iiim. J tier, tuie, ha ha* Ihe plra-.iire lo | ^ ^ I M «3 - w. -—.11 .Ht.ffiii.r f.r annoiini'e lo ihf iiiliabitAnlK iitMi.rklf.iilkiirv li.e Irii; uil' .piinou* iiinUtiiiiiH ami ratinterleil.. a. siioii . li.e piililir have drO rniiii. il U[i«in iho valu^ and I'vevllenia of'a iiirdii'ina; and, in order In tei'iirc thii«a who wiiih lo avail llianipelve* of the .irkliovv- kdi^ed tlii 4i't ot Kow.ud'k Tunic .Vlixliirr, • a lhoriii|>ii riire lor I'irrt aiui .IfMe, or Kiliniiv In I '-' ii hlea.ed 111* (II >e . ihkM iiiii;:iiur of fuel.—an t«i.iMli>r of annoiinre loth* uiliabiUnU of Mecklenhur| eoun- a V of iiiiiiM'ffiH'ii .nd virtue— , *v iind the other |iatl4 of the eoiinlry ndjarent • eeii^or ol Vire--an iilviieali. ut jii>lire_ * promo O'eri lo. that .Vle.xru. Irwin \ I'lun. of ('hnrlutte. *• •'if c*rre[)«ndpnt mi.takm the purport of ter o' hariiioiiy nml A»i i«| order in the rnniTnuiilIv b^* lx''n a;ipoinled m.ln .(fi iit for the above plai e piece he rater* to: hut even if othrrw iKe, any — .1 ilrt.-i lot of irniu). inif«s.|iire, »n.l eriine—nnd —« •'« will herealler have on hand a couitaiit incorrect opinion* prevoiisly |ire*«nted to our read- a lent I 111 I, pruiiipil, lo w urn llie I’enplr of the timl j »npi>lv of *ai(l mix I lire. • P'rnaehea.ilivevilim;. rw-illivvhlehlhMrnghl*! .Si;;n.d) JOHN R, ROW AM), •ii.llllH-rlie. m,y |«. lhreiil,neH. j 14*. I *31.—01-If I'rnptutor. Ill fine. It I. Ih. r,.|iior*. di «ire and hop.-, Khoiild j eni, would make Rltleiiientii of prneticca so luuch the more deHimble.— Ed. Farm. Hfg. The value of rral and personal estate in the city and county of New York, by the treated in any other manner than with the utmost kindness; that the greatest attention was paid m their education; that they lived in the most airi*ctionute harmony; that no improper restraints w'ete (ilaced upon them, and that every was left free to leave whenever so disposed. TliC lant Freshit.— Within a month, we heart-rending scene of a parent’s dying in a foreign land, far away from kindred aud home. Mr. Wyfr. the bearer of the ratification by the President and S' nate, of the Trea ty lately concluded by Gov. V*an Ness, with the Spauish Government, for the sal- isfactiou of the claims of .\meiicao mer chants, arrived in Madrid on the Julj'. The exchange of the ratifications, which, by the terms ef the treaty, was lo take place in that city, would be completed, it was supposed, without delay, when Gov. Van Ness, as is generally understood, will return to this country. The deaths bj cholera, in .Madrid, were at times a* much as six hundied a day— equal, taking the relative ^Mipulatioa into accouut, to Dearly .‘tie thi>usaud in this city y. y. Cotim. Advertiacr. .Tust before the recent prorogation of th® have had the two most severe Fre.het. ever I’arliament. a meniln-r of the House known m this txvlion of country. 'I he last, which iM'currod on Sunday w*ek, is said to have done greater injury in many places than the first. The Stages have hardly vet resumed their wonted regularity, and the wonder is, how they can get along at all, with the roads in so disorderel a con dition. The passengers in the Stage from the North, on the night aller the late I'resh, came very near lesing their lives at Crab, For this reason, there is noconTon«aliou so ft'onunons. Sir Samuel VV halley, gnve no tice that, at the next sessirn, be should iiitivr tu bring in i bill for the abolition of thi Ilcrtdi/anj Ptcra^'c. As an indicatioa of the .‘tat*, of the [>ublic mind lu England, tins IS ao important incidout. There is nothing so delightful, says Pla to, as the hearing or the speaking ot truth. y nlli'iiieii of l,ri«utu .ind .iiil ilih’aeqiiiremeiil. I rivor him with Ihi ir eitiitnliiilio'iH, to ri ndi r hl« ; , , - , . _ jo'irn il imeitil In ihe A;>ru ii iiiriliti, proiiiable lo ' kluds, nnitly t.rrrtitfil at thin Ofrr. ' estimate of this year’s assessment, ainount* ! Tree Creek, in this viciuity, a stream which,! agreeiible as that of the man of integrity, t le lin.iiun, anil rii.iMin.'Ill iheaeirrli.r ailer | ^ Qiid (ii^hty-ci ght mlltons of t,\n OTlMO^ty may l>e easilv waded I who hears wilhimt any design to betray, newt, ln^lru^;lnt'to the inun of acitntc, Buiuaun. Blanks of all knd.- for smr at ths (hficr. dollars.'!! Hahich Kiinntfr. ' aud sixsaks without any lutentiou todsceive.