& FAltMEfeS’. JOUaWAIi. " HitlM Kli \IS t^PmU»HEI> KIKIU SA I1 KI>A V, ItV J. HOI/J OX ^ • ' wn...T>g7oi."T;>>iKi;c~r. Ti.K OK Ti.r Av.. w,u. \oi^ V. . » “ t ii.4KM>rrf; >ii:« ki.knui mi v, .^obtikarolina. NATl ItJJAV, \OVim»FJl H, 18:M. HKNflTII TO «H'K HMiM KNU SlUJKr-T Al.L StTtUg TO OUR Tf!* AND J'l.KAWJRX.-^DK. JOIIkW . ~ NO. 211. , - ■Z****'' , . .1 We lake from the &l‘Sirilirr« JoUI*linl Duilv AJvmiser iho r*'pirl of nn uuilucimis j. pr.uwd ...d |.uW.*».ed «ve,y morniu^ | ,*r*.«ry on the IJranch Hank la-l n.-ek. All bl SOLA'lINU FAMINK IS 'IHL EAST IM)JI-S. H*! find the follottin;; rmrliculars of hor* reKpcclauie ipciw|uar«(i)ol fir»t iuwHioh. •I'll cciiU 11^ ricJl ' ('uiiflliiatl family. Yitrk—ur ]il lur three «r«k>, lor our M|iiar«.-u. A lib« r»l dl*vo'jiit will Ik- iikiJi- ta Unmt uliO Kj-Hnjdrt- Forpcnj and money Ricorrr.' I*;’!':'***'*"'' *« Uu.idlecurid, in c.)r)s.-qm*.K:« .dv.TUi-b>-U.M«« if l»uiUMW.ri..rau.,.i, Saturday hiMt, a Knglish. »'«•« prevailed tht-re fuj The Frtnrh and American Hqvadrims\ Nubstttute /At* Linen.—TUe following in the Mrditcrrarican.—Lettersfritui Kmor-1 coinnuinicatiou ia from a ^'ntleiiaa of've- iran ollicers on the Mediterranean station ' ry high respectsliiIUv in Sal#ni, Massnchu- offor the agreeable aswirance that the late j setts, and at his request is iusertcd : unfbrtijuafe accid' i.t, one which has ofien' 'I'hero ha» receully been JiscoCercd ia Salem, Magwchuseeu, and patented, n tie\^r and beautiful material re»eniblirig silk and I happened in the.best regulated navies in The price und i*carcitv fctiiiie time past Mil lie uoitte ing or unkind riistruot, haa been foliow«»d by II b Iter ur.dcrHtandiiig, nn«l more s(x;ia- bio intercnurtte than liiid previuusly prevail* ed. 'I'be prompt, frank and l»3[>py expU- nation of Capt. Hailard, so penoraliy a* linen, which holds out to the munul'urturc'i^ of this country the high promise of an o- riginal, beautilul and invaluable fabrir, fir wirpassing in strength and beauty of ic.t- ture that of linen, which it is* doKtii.cd ' for Home ti!iie ns a rlcrk of Mr. (Jaswler, limn they oblaiued a nii!>erablu dub6i*itence of liyret, a sort cf astUiut'ent bihI acid Irr- an ini|»orter of FreiK-h goods in ICxchuiiue MreH. Mr. Ca.«-fer u->in« from hcuie to supply has now XORTII-’AKOIJ.\A -i:.irof^, confirte.1 the n.aunnement of his :moat ai.pallini: and piliublr oin- Sitfitr aotlrrjj, 51 II 1 %N> I «)U iNji, To b (Imwii Kalrif h, Om t'KlDA V, Ik, y ,>0» LMUKB, 1834, OSI Tli»: I'OIM LIK Trriiiinaliii)(«Fi|(iir«‘ SThVLNX)X i. I'OIN I'S, MttnagtrM, rVPITAlW«i^7 #11111* (Jition o( liuiiiari misery i:> the ci>nscqu«‘i>eo. , Mothers have ls on«.'n toiievour tin,- dead It 18 even to his hrmdi. Ib this situation, UQ opixirfiinilv was ort«>rrd to b‘came *ac- .I..sir.lcd with' many otli^r m#rr».ants. A-' ‘^'’•Wren. vuilin^ himself i>f the itift>rm»(ion he «e9s*d,«mJ netietrared with a detrrminatKru , torommit for ^nin, lie suHdrnlv np- *1!;“*“'® Ingi.Uu ly I d .HI Sat.irdav, the 1th in.tunt, at f!,e * ‘“"f f^eii.s o| hum ii. mise- thr I'nit..*^ Siate, iWanch iJnnk ^ M III..III.I 1 Prix/* I Vnu' of 4.1KKJ 1 I’lU" of .l.tKiO 1 Vitf' .f -.’.tJiKI 1 It l'riz’*i of /win JOl*ri**-iof 3'IU 1 *» i‘riZ»-« «f *«!M0 I’tiirs of 100 lilii * »l .SO Iy.'i i*riz*.-« of IJit 2.10 I’rir Ml of W l*'ws *f 1 *1 t;,lK*o I’llZ t of JU b.U(H» Prins of 6 >.000 I’fizi-s of 4 I ciHiiiti'r of ST.fMIO J.iMrtl ;i.t)oo lO.iKiU .S.lKK) .'i.tHHt 4 >40 4 .'Ui.iHMI -M.wOU t r piiyiiMnt, draMu by Mooe, >wan aini M:iNon, of «liK-h (inn he reprc!eiit»-d run- '••If to hr- a iiK-mb«-r,— Ntatin^ th;it he had |f>xt »i»rh ■ rfnek m his «*ay to th* Uiiik, ^ihaf li** had rtmii* to it if itrewnlctl. !'h* tohl him riM wurti rl»ei k liad l« rn I".'!/! I’ri//“i. amounlitig to %l"‘0,0ti0 .^roiiK or iiii.VTv’ixc.*. T n ’oiwird tiM 11 riiiin*lrii|f Fif •Iri- bll,UOJ I'li k. U. nuui^ird .rom 1 tn fr% 111 io*i* *»t. tl.. ui dil«in{, ibr If ‘l) Mill !;« t% » ill Im, (HII inlo MH- » b" I, uni *11 (tKM ilir o tHimii>alii-a »l tIO ii:tn an I : tU*T '•tii orawn w>t alirrnair !v. tir>l 4 Biin.Vr iniJ iLin • (•'••f. unlij all thr (>ru/> art 'Ilia I'nr • «H'. J> aoii t*. ar*- 1i» of III iIm- fiiU;* ir.atiiJCf. *11 : I OHfl 'I'.. i« ti r uin*:!''; »ith lli' ^aim Tigucv 1iaI ihr •' dt«« n r.un.t* r i rtriiMN • »illi, » ill fv «i.|i. l'- li! •l(j r»rh, » tit- oO IVk.1* t/rrtiu»*ir..- «. ?. Ihr •inir figair lh»t 'h«r mt iinn btr itta« f/i )1 Km- •IwrI It ? •»lh, Oif^l.nr li> I' Ir-n, ..\ti' II iffii ihil ftl tlif 111*!, i^ill I I' P‘' -.’i. and ih- liOijO r« k.l« !• '■nun.t • .11 III. 1:1 • .?i)r l^ii,-.' lh»_t t*j',tr.nl'* til'' ny»t nil K i i .>io ir'.;-i llw >1 tir-lUlf'nnr in It!; «r» .inat..i|i f/i ■: titii uru aiio »tU U. ^-oklM'u k. tl •>' li. rVNMi'i.r. 0;J ’t l|u- lit»l riumbi-r ii'a» n • ' I’• vI..:, It i.'riMtinf nilii 111, iirr ;i. w ill t-.(I ( '.ii. S^-Sjn. M, I,t« . ,.,. f. ..Itb ti, ■, :i ;• I - s. ii. At. ' •viptw'’: "ij 7 1. * f • ( %i.* nrf.hrri‘n>«ii i;» , (I.. » (,t , . th^n lit' "xi 11 K ■ t rrj.l -'li.- M iT. t..- ifi 7 »V ill hr ont.ti d l» :-l. f». Ii. At.il-'111 • 11. to r til* Oii>>4 Run.hf I li«»n from !!»■ l..-»-!, ih. n Uii t'^KI ii. k uii' itii.f kith Uio lifur.' 0 will Ur >ntiltrl var: . c(.iiuaiil!i:'J lor trial. I '*'V ol" ll lirVela will nrlirire all | !'r-'ii: .I't „ it: rr.. tri i;i I liill-au llnl I tallied the ii»om>\io the fttii «;>niii d*'«-w ' VWMI, and oil th*> IlUh iim. drew ^.'nKH), in 'all «ll,4tK», all in th' name of the ku«1 rtrm, aiMi for all of M^hirh he obtained th> , miw). 'I’he iell**r, h.iving di«covered nf ler Iht fiayiiMTil of tlie Iasi rheik, thtit the .■fi'CiMint of M»s»r^. .'^I'/ne, S» ja aoJ Mas»«n, . vtas ov«*rorawti, on Saturday moriitU|( HPiit iIk-ui a to (liHt elitM't. )ne of th‘ linn. 'Urpn*^l at Ihi* infonimtion, proceod«d to the Pank and diwcntortil that all ii»ew- chivk «rrrf rir;;»rif^. snd th«* liank oflii ■ rs iiiiiiiedi.it‘l\ Milt for Hi:>h ('oii'tahle H:iv*, >:k1 rouiriu:ii''atid to liiiii fix- cii('iiiii>taii- Cf'P, t’»c*-lher tuith a d»‘««Tipt|iin of tlio jht- ■‘ofi :f Finchlr%. Ilu wilh)ffn‘r f>llirrr», mnie»Mi*‘l) couiinciK ed 4 Mardi, hut witl:- (Hjt Ml( V*. In i>*e in'erirn, I'lm liVy, enil>'iIli npiHiy '■niifr t>u« i »' •, «til'rul tl*e IvuiW »nfh Kioihrr rht'fk (*»r $^ioO, »hir*i h- wras tolo mimiM n'lt lie t'.'iid, aiid wu>» ih*'it ih'luiiifd ind thf Ili„h (.'on11 till' •u-nt l r, wl*o rs- lofti-d him t j till' J*o|| f OtiKc. ’i'h’rt‘ he • .f. rn i ifxd ni.il .11 ktlii.il' «!j« d tl.t* r»ir;:»- M'-s—•i.iti'd th.it he h.id ^'i.OUO in the I lirmK.i; H.itik, and lonn; d Sn.'J'Mi : > Mr. At»*«‘ll, I f the inUhic ston- iti Hto.n!- M.iv.aiid oiiK “jx-nt or ai!*jn.,s d ul' a'onjt .'•JODol hill ill ^ 'ttfii piiii. All til*' liiutu ) l.gl lh;i*niiiill ‘iiiii M.i» llm- -ck ihjiI^ . vouched by his oflkers aud crow, not onij j wholly to sui«fsede, as the citure of it re- dis^^ijisited at on.'A-uJI suspicion which might'quires much less labor atid expense tlmn liHve arisen, of mischievous or miproj^er flax, and dtjes not, like that and siuiilar nia- (lesijjn, but beget in Us btead, on the part ! terials, require to be renewed anuualK , cf the French t.flii-eni, a mH{»nanimou9 de- (being a perAia!,) and the preparation of afre of consoling the regrets «»f ours, as far ; it for manufacturing ^ing far more simpia as that could Lo done by enibrdcmg nil oc- j than either, and its. great natural afiiiiity casions to show them civility. Hence the lor coloring matters, and its requiring no contest since, upiial amongbt galloni inen^; bleaUiiiig, being Objects of fho hi»hcbt'^im. , *V ‘ i^p^nd,end,'ribH7l7ie''rrmnrw,lV Income «««-*''" “cts of urbanity, j portance, gave it a veVy ilecided preference ’ mora severe when the hot v.mds set m, and tlu-*, maDufacIure. A few specim- t.s .that the iiKirulity will fnahifully iu rea-c.. remain^, the reader may be pleas- of the mauufacture of this material ilIo ■■ know, that on a ri‘C«!nt occasion a ' small fancy articles have been productd, I'rencb man-ofwar brip, pabsing the I5ay | some of which being colored of varit-us ol \ ourla, called 8 or 10 miles out of her tints, present such a beautiful silk like iio- ‘ '■ * ‘‘ ■ "* ' *“ ' [learance as to have been actually, ih son'o instances, mistaken for it. It possOiMS this decided advantage that it not only ^us- are apr..y t«. vultures, dog. and jacUlls. ''ains the action of water uninjured and un. Iltiridreds cro«,i the Jumna liails, m the | " '‘h «»>*■ i'lolaced, (which it is well known *s,Ik u,ll .'H.jic of obtuinmg fiKd in the l>.H«b and ! “f’""", "7' to, jK^rvade the not do.) but the ref,eated actioo of *.afcr I .sqiradroJis reriprocally. bo may it long re rather a|>pear8 to streugthen and beautify I main, at«i may i.i> act cf injustice or tvid it. It is ascertained to be the opinion at Ifaiih occur in any quaiter to interrupt thr Lowell, where they have odered to mako fru mlly dii'|K.sitioiis, und tend-iicy to kind the ex]>eriment, that it cau be spun upon national ii'tcn oiirm^, vs Inch have so lonu i machinery. and so uucqmvocully oiiteitaiuud. And while it f/ffers to other branches rf JJuU. Gaiette. | manufacture Very impertimt substitutt s for —- j those substances hitherto used, it offer' a • Anrrdolc of Jj-rd SandirLh.— Lord material, very su[»erior, in many points, lor Sandwich, a nuuiber ot’ tlmt admmistra- j|iap*r. It is believed, from some spfci- tamlv with pleasure, nje 1 arn,‘Ui’aVtU ’the American war, j mens already produced, that paper of every King of Oude di'l.ilKites daily-.iUO rurs..e« ,•••blen.au in , .k-scriptioo may b.. manufactured from it, III the rehi.f of tliosu unliirttinate .Jople ■V* the ; j.ossessing a ,x>arly whiteness, durability, wlH. have e.n.^r;it,.d to Luckuow.-'l In.- acq.isint- | beauty of texture, and smsthnesr ofsurfii.-e la n-aUharitv. 'J'iie distress cf tli., poor' "‘r? by any other ever b.-fhre manu- HumleU I. ^ great, that th.v are in the ' not. lacturr^ in any country. And it is sus-. p. - • onr«i.«r r..tr,arL>nil |,5|e (|,p moy( briUiant colors, iu giaia ir otherwise. This is believeii to be the tirst Hiaterial of the kind ever before dis. covered in this country, that bolds out the j.rospect of a staple commodity, silk, linen, Ifw stK-ks fiom ~ and colltin being exotics, and the di« ove- ‘ prole-sir-I the coiu lusn'n, if he could do rios of course exotic; but this njatenal is tt lifCa uUJ'U ii4i'tr i : • I « ■ I I- • ■ I liirii anv lavor in Ins ovin cotini* y ; to wluch i inJigeoetmn, is a native oi this country, dis- Oude tt rntuiies.—.So extensive and ho .-v- vere is the t.imiiie, that mere iiiiiividuul ef- lortii to i-tl’..rd reliet can produce no ctHc4 ,.r..«.nt.d.-ll.. tWn o.kH for a check, fill-; od It iip for V'HM), dren the iimmii-v and de- , 7 V'“‘ ,-rte,). On^loiKlay the Clh lus't. he rt ■ '‘'.'‘7 orwedhiaviMt. and drow another chrckhn .1.^ sat.H. tiriii fur tV-.tHtO (or wbidi he ob- un.i.uedjiro. vincfb ol Uundhii uud, who are now wau- ilenog abi.ijt ilie raotonmi*nt. It is cer- uui at u distance was his lordship nr not. anrnher is said to have rvmark*d “Oh yes, 1 BfH snr» It I* Lotd VJaildwicli, tor, if you ohM*r'»e, be is walking; donn both sides ol til*’ streei at oiicf*.” ilia lordship us« d to rrlats f f hiinflell, that havrng once taken ie»e(.ns If; dnncine. at i'aris, he asked th«* iiabit pf rQeriiix th* ir ciiildteti tor ^u!e, iLir i*o, thri.H', cir I'.tur rupcis h l.i-ad ; un;i whfti tliej ciuiuot tiiid jKirciiaser'', ^hlcl» iKCa-iuiMil.v the) arc uiii.ule tod.., ouiiig 'o the (;u\fninn iit proinbitiou ot';«la'.r deil- i;i^-, tl.c |/:ii''n;3 collett a IfW sticks fiom lt>'- Jimxlf, and li^Liiin c .1 to iliut 1. ' the umn roplied, iHjwirif, “ 1 should tako It covered by one of her own daughters, which Is rcfxi.'fi in .(if iiuTc..— wmj *“ a« a particular iavor, it vour lord}.hip wmild circumstances, together with its intrinsic th.. cii.iit.u...^.- of fujin,.. It IS ,,.|i y,- I paculiarly to enhance its value djiice. ’ : to us. It is opeu to any who may wish to I —— 1 make the ex|)enmrnts. j Ti.f* “ S;>v in a'liinpton,” a rorrrspnn- dent )1 tf.e New-York t.’ourier tV Knquirer, ' itut‘s that df''"'itches have rocei»tl\ been received fruiu rrance of a inot untavorabie character. 'I'lie Fr**iirh Legislature have ■iljaiii return! to make nn appropriation to . carry ifj:o eliict the treaty ueg.,tiated t»iili , ihe luhabjtctits. Cullen. liush. Fotberi/iH. • OUT r.o-.XTnmeut in and it is soul and maoy ( ther emiiieDt physicians, think j .^lr. Liiin^^stod aLianduiis all hope ol an ad- ’ nialignant fevers less/'Ut'tl iu tlieir virul»*ii“o ijustment of the existing ditliciiltic^. “ Utiat by the use of sugar. 'Veil atte.-ted nii>ra- . , ,1 I . M,- I . .1 ,K ’ . rn»Mmires ^s.ys the ) the Kxcculive will imKj facts prove it to be a most |tow*>itul I'^'i' 1*^"'. ^ 1 i lifi'in It expeUK'nl to lecoiiiiiieiMJ, is a mat- anli-scorbutic. It is a peifVct antidote to In I'hiiia anti to that upwards of U iiiuiMiiiiuls 'iiavi |M‘risli>-iJ ihr»u..li want MnL»*lliO iu:sm.inage- UK I t o( this tine couiitrv first cixiin.»M»c«»d wi'li llysdkiia At prf.'^eiil. the wholu f,f this stdwljfiry apjicars to be couij.k tely iH'pofulated ; tiie bt \en»> of thf I'dmiiiC has n*arliei to toat «-xi«‘nt, that {-win.nts have vild ih' ir otr-prings to ji.n^uie a day's ‘tib- ^htciice, aud in s«iiic instances ha\e du- 'vtxiri'd thi’iu. A wouian conipi lined to the City Cut- vval, th.it sh* IjittI a^rei-d witli another wo- ii.an that, 111 oiJcr to s;i\e them«:elves troin •SilUman'n Journal for Octohcr. I The Virtues of Sujgar.S'ir John Prin- i;le assertu that the plague has never been Uiiown to \i>ii any country where eu^ar composes a material part of the diet of t'Le haJ ain-iiiy sacri- on which child thcv I- a:..,.,., -it ij.-r.. a ptr -. 01 Iu lii-i.114, •» |Mii III. Iijr t!i« *, II I«I oriK it;; O. 1 arh .f ihrre •:ii»ll i.iiul.'t-;' of pnair., «ihJ mi*) drai« 1».'' un.h.i ,.,p, ^ ifjj. ,11 gui !od \olltil, llilich a(F c-1 I , 1 I [ ;;;;/t..d bv his VrvtrlKnl cJnditii.i, was luiiv ^ J,j ^ ^ both f a-.tfd, «i , J 1 .1 • 1 «• ». i lliviin>u ivj 11.^- .Ti/iiii.ru, iiiai uu- IUIIUUII Ul II». Ill «_>VI1UI V.IIIIIU I Ilf Kill’: 8 J , pr ULt i 1C icin.ii.ifc o iir in . ,. (.pnftiu; tlu ir iigislation, on this body guards are ohlit'od to eat, everv ilay .ti Hint > ^ ^*ii I M sulject, to mere conunori'ial regulations. ,i certan! quantitv of sujiar, in order lo pre- ciiuitih with the a^rMioenl, and wilbhtid, , .... .1 • / ’ . ■ / ji . ' j her child. -l lH* ht ari rs w,-re filled with 1 “'»r Livmgsim, s health is very preca- servo licir and gt>odl..oks; and . , I ter ol'great uiici rt;»inn. It i? piobable j the poisi>n of verdigris. , . , , ^ that thev wi!' lie ©f a warlike character; India it is the main article of dirt for the r a-.trij, *ni'. in cuniiiinatioii ol li'*r . . 1 1 1 . .i .1 . / 1 , 1 ■ »-,i > ■ . Imt 1 am inclined to the opinion, that Con- luhabitants. in Cochin China the kings A r . i„-=c IVn UH..V Ti. AmU aiutl tirait util rUwilloHlt • • 17 Snukr Slmy.— Tlie wif'* and juu”ht> r ol ^Ir. Jtihii l..iuipbi*ar, in iliis ih i^hi>or 'looft, w itne»s'>i a t w ravSMitte, a singular • tii-itinier b)'tv«ern two l.irjjc fctrijx-d Miiilii's. I'tji’) vtere attracted to the m i ite til t onllict by a slraiit'e noise, siniilar to the »■ reaming • .iMoiiLsbment and Imrror.— I'ho Mahar.ija has already, 111 ndtlilioti to n jKated m'initi- rent distiibutuns of grain aiul nuincv. n ^prtfpr arivfttiifinj’ (iif Ihr f; i. ily.cin, n ««r, (or W-'l. |f>-t lli..- A iS' I I'I||:.-i5l^ |„r I'll, y\ 'I'll .I |«, (1,11 tl » ' ,1,,, r to all lit l ihi til ..rli ni«v l^l .» ■ 917, III,I \jt .'ij tt - a.i.oiirit that llia I’ irk.i;;' •! 'In.^ Cl' II rf’>>iiv MV, A ' !il, ,tr !.,f a r... .if 'I . II \V'i,.|r Tirk • • - H r»». > i I • II .irli'i to. .1 ' / III ■ ^ \ lUt lit A'll, tnl^ 4a*i» all ft Ih, d di.-i ,|f_ l.i i lirilutlf’i I.'! fMi ftnt. -I ■ \ ! i»-.lrr« 'Vo.ii ■ ((i.latic-. l>y iniil, , pr.»l T>* '1 1.1 t.v rn III -fii \ r-'"'• .''i'l~0); tlirt «i.li "■ I'li.-’ '1 irlirt.. Ill jwi ■' i-Mi* I . ' 11 H ., v> ill II.. It! * I’’*"'1’’■ laf.ii. 1: ja .n •.) to )(U.i'tn •I ■'>/• .« I I,.11,,111. , ,N I 411 ,lUbl I'. JJl. •'■‘lie w ill Ih Iiiim iidf i mil: I dij'.i Ir a Irr i*r • 'I. li T, Ih, - }, lUI,,, ^2 f^i.rfiTt 1 Ju la I'.id, III III. - ,.|.-• vin t\ ijf iiiiiiilx rn, «t !•>. IIK Mt 1; „f U II,1.1 \ \i II. '|-.,( K, «V/. „r, H .V U. Ihhl 1 i '.jr.V/r. .V r _ IJ. II Mm,. I ■ II (-. ■ . v, : .,.;r II, IU:i.ld J lt,„ ,i'|, •"I « . IS anil I'll (IsimHii »l loMNwhen Htt.il'ketl bv a hawk, which foreiMuie, nt thi'iii'’^li;^atin of Ins minister:: .. 1 I. 1 - I 1- ‘ ^ .■ . .... Ill rt-ality proteedi d t.-iiii a larj^e fio^ 111 the ad ol I*-ing svtalloued by two snakes, each cociteiulin^ yviktfhllif tor the Mile [mw*- ke-M 111 111 tiie iMMir fio^, \«hieh wasdrawu into th.‘ throat of each .S4.;ike, about equally , Iroiii thf liiiid leg lar a> the ii' ek ; when •‘itli^r by nil iduut or iiiMim;.'oiiii'iii, Ins up- |KT jHw was thri wn U»ck over thw eyf»s ol i iK' Mi;ikc, mnl the neither jaw over thf l.it e of liie other, s» th.it tliey were cmji- (iletely bliiMllolih'd. In thi*situ'iti*'o, intrfit Ml cngorgin lh*'\ lash two years ol rt.venue, ui liojHis oi'ulicv uling this "cucral di.>tn Sb. nous, nnd he has retired into in the hope tit’ ifii;noynig it eraiy and scie:ititic iiien ho has aoquired great rej'Utation ; his uift'tcourse with vrhoin has temied to clevHte the diameter of our country — his knowledge of the I'rench Ian- ;»uag«' mitiering their intercourse bothea sv ai;d .n:m'atile. 'I'here is no dtiubt that be Wishes to rcltirn lioihe imnit'dialelv.” rnitn 1^- An, I,hr M igazhif of I'l.V A iif;i;«»s I i:iT»:iv 'it* iiis wiri:. The I'.tllovving IS a correct coiiy of ihe kt- li'r of (^en. Pike. It tta« lianiltd to ins yi i (M.ij ir I’rnz I) on the r voniii" previmis lo 1 v • > h,^ tall, with tins ttijuneiiot*--' .Simnld I fall ' anil volt .>iuvive, liniiJ ttii'^ vourseil iti .Mrs.* Lotid'>ii li'iarterly l\e\ievv; I’ike.” A; It liroathesa i.pitit of patrii'tisin “ Ijieuteiii*nt C'oiiolly, in his ovciland vM(i::;. '—’i'lie t'ollowing nncciiote i.' wi’z-'rlaiid, the w ildest liorse.s, elephants, bnffiiloes. \c. Among lit- are tamed by the daily use of sugar. It is a mistake t» suppow that sugar injures the leeth : no [>erson have w Inter teeth than the negroes, particiilurly during; the crop tune; and It is equally absurd to supjHise that th© use of sugar produces worms iu children. Vcnncs arise from the insiitlituency «if salt and bitters in the t'tMnl of int'ants; pr(>vided thixse toiiifk« be given, the more sugar i.*» -iven to a child the greater will be its iiealtl) uud btrcneth. —The Snpreiije ('oiirt of Xe^r York at the .luly term qoashed the writs irv mg the frog, inoaiiing pitnai'.ly, an 1 alTecitun worthy of the de|siried hero 1 journey to liitlia, hi;vmg failed in his en- various cases, r.a bemc inconsistent witr» « ach iithi r mid the ground with havo thou^'ht il yvoithy of prt.ciyatii.n .T.id denvor to reacb Khiva, deiermined to take ih«» con>^tilu:ion and laws of the United iheir IhhIii**! wliieli soiiuiiiu**" bi eoniinff in- iMihlicalion. ‘ 1>. F. . the rwid to Mesliei!, and ji'ined a company State's—but b\ a rule of a day suhsequ-nt tei tw Mil d thiir full kn^tli, till v raise tl. in •• .M> darClira:—We arc now >.tji:dini; ' 1 f pi',>;runs Ijinind 1:1 a |>ilj;riniago to the oti the suggestion of coutwel, granted a stay in the air |«*rj)eiidii uliirly. and bring them on andotrthe halnir of York, w hi.li we shall tomb of Jina-.iiti Kira. I or eight moi.lhs _ of proceedings in order to enable counsel to down agiiiii on the oilier side, xtniling the • urth with a s»*r]H'iit’s maliee. Thu>iiiiean- lulls Ol evidence to ih‘*ir slnl'e, they aro atiiw'k at day li;;ht in tiio iiiornii.g ; 1 s lall m i vory year, d.iting fiom the vernal e-1 make a further motion in the matter. At d.-xlii ale thi!»o idsl iiiom.'nts to yon tn\ love, j qiii.’MX, this hkuI to and from Meshed is the August ^ijecihl 1'erm, a motion was nc- and to-morrow throw all other ii.'e.isbut »n\ : tmvrlhd by sixty tlioiisand |>ersons, cl n |'- cordingly made for leave to make up a rc- rrestetl by tin* ii*.iial household weapons coimtry to the winds. As yet I know lu.t . ly pilgrims; and it is to b*i retnarkej that cord of the proceedings and judgment of ■ ' I In '11 in mil ■" ■ V I V.i|,. ,1 «:i.i |„,|h " "I ‘t.iiirl, ana li-.* .'I.. I-, f,m liviiijf, iiiiH III Uii- I'lil 111 nil!, 111,1 ,j,iut*. lli I niiftjfnrr V ■•«i|.», a win ». I'l h.i« Uirnr liiiii 1. Ill liaK halt l«> ' I lyio mm ril'd in iinr liav. d»\. W It I. Ml llinr Wrckn iHiii", l!«« wi .‘ liail hi r Ik^' iind i- VIII I'liiiilr. II Kiiii IV iiju) iiiciil ol txcel if (ien. Deaiboru lands; ho has acted lion-1 though inticli of the country is dc-ert, eve- the caurt in order to brinj n writ of error orahle s» liir, and 1 feel grateful to the old ‘ ry little statien on the road furi.ish* s sup thereon, returnable in the Court of Error-i gentloinan ; ni) sword and pen shall both he i plies far this iiiimher of |icrsinis ai.d their ol this state. This motion has heos witJi- foil»/*fro£. The Indioi aver that one KiMiki* exercised to do him honor. I have no new : cattl-. Stoppmji at U.istoi',, the> find one , in a few days past decided, and of course I in hot w rrtih evehaiiged his sirijM'sfor spots; inimictioii, no new th.irge to give you, tr.ir j of the Shah’s sons there, as pov riior. ’1 hex writs in slave cases are declared b\ the t^u- iiHtead ol the eoinnion >trip«‘d >..^ake, one new idra to communicate; yet wo love , are introduced tu him, and lie asks ntaiiv [iremo I'ourt to Ihi imconstitiitional, ami toconiinmio wit!i tho.>-i' we love, more e-^pe- (juestions, among other'* cwiicernmg ' Van that decision ap|)ears to be final, ciatlv w hen we conceive it may be the last ktedoonia,’ (.\uerica) or as it may he ren- | S»iii»> of the slaves have been removed on time in this world. iSliould I fall, dolVnd tiered, (so *^uys oi’r author)‘tlio worlil of the requisittnii of the goyernors of the .^v- my memory ; and only believe, had 1 liyed, ‘ iho Vim?-: i*>.’ 'I'his i.-an amusing mi>take I wiailfl have aspired tod'.'eds worthy ol y our . into w hich ! .leiiteiiiiiit C onolls has t.tllen. hnsbatid. Kemeiidier me, witn a falhiM s ; a’ld naturally t‘r.in;'h to those who. like ■ if i.(l''oco .iihI ileleiiee, .shovel rintl toii^liea, m the haiida of M tk. L. and daughter, with >vhieh ihry kill the Mi,ike« and pvi* hirrty he bi'caiiie in apjicaratice, the sptilted house adder.— Cfiatitiiiiw W hi;f. In the " .‘^ouiherii Pl.inter,” we see r»>- eoniMientled a plan by which svreet Pota- I'irinill,;! S/Hiil,- The sfr.nmhont Iv r>e, apt. .1. iteiison, left \> w ^ urk on I'ri- "I'ly iiiortiin;! I'i»t, hI 7 o'ciix k, and urnv‘*d ii' Mhiiny HI ivviMitv oiiniiles hrTirii o’- cl't'k, Iiliklii;! t IP p.i.'sajje fmni New \ ink .Mhinv, iiu'liiiiing ten ln'iiiiiigfi hciurs and 10 uuuutcs—Kit) milts. toot niMV Ih* preserved, fre'h and sound |i,vr—a father’s core, to our tiear il.iughter; , diiring (he winter. After they are dug, and believe me to be, with the warmest seu-, him, i^'em tol.aye acqnirctl t!io language b\ tiie ro;u! siu". doonia, in truth. ral >t.ites on the cniuiul tif criminal offen- crs—a few otht'rs reiiiair*. The law will nuw take its coiitm—the constitution be vifiiiit ated—m:hI our southern friends may be assort'd that the people of the northern pH«k ihi ni op III dr_\ sand, and dnpomte tiiem in a drv place. This plan has prov- iij !i '''I '■'I' ecKitful lor a number of )e«rs lu euc- ' CCssioU. timents of love and freiidship, voiir. “ iui.N • It npp .nrt liiia wns the sij^natnri* t' e Cer.crnl UKPtl « lini adrirr>Mui; lii" witV ; it « ill m' rtc..il«il. ' ril that hisiia*at\\ aa"ZcbuJon.Moiil^,ii»ei y riKv," means the New W orld. Y engi in Tartar imd eastern Sta'e will carry into effi'ct with lanstinjie n A»if. lo.w/.n' i>, accoiding to Dr. M elxtt r’s I»u li.mary, ‘u corrupt pi 'tuincinlion of the wonl by the I.".tln»t)S of North K'm-v'z." honesty and siiuerity, the common con tract under which w^> Imve so long lived 11.1 hi'M^r Ql'ro“ ' and or^'sperity nt home. ■ V. V. Mrr. .4o'r.

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