t^VKKV HATI UIIAl', ItY YHO.nAS J. llOI/r».... II AIlMUTi; MlC« K. COl'ATV, NOIM IM .\IU>1,I>A. TO rir.K(j; Ol. 1IIE KAWTI^ANO tIRINi; WIT t'llO^TIIK fAVrHNS OK I UK MW.MAIM-S, Min'AIJ* WHiril WILL «H K Kin KfrtiTII TO OUR ll\N'l)« AND SITJETT AI.l. NATUHK TO OfR IKK a.M> PI.EASURE. DR. JOHNBON. SATi KflAV, \OVi!:!10I^U 2'i, J8:M. .NO. 216. '1 IIK ITIiiirrfi' A FariiirrN'Joiirii.'al T1 I*l] I Ol A3>ISV. ■ ^ 1 FIII KMA.N A. Is priiiuiii «nrf publi.>liid every KttnnUy iiioiiiini^ ^ , i,,^ p,„^. ■I 7'ifo Vullaii p» r muiuin, if jMiid lu atlvanir ; lm(icd by the lylc A Mi w Chapter on Hail Ronds.—'1 Lk j 'J'/ie Avvtiomer in Sew York.—There j C.AAlBLINi. VN A. 8A tlL'i'M, H KI.IN', hav. itn|)orlarit (li*iC(iv(*ry wcitis l«j have lir-»^ti: in tiu tnun wlir* sp‘it(l£ so much breath, who I* is generally known that, during Iho .■waned the I>P« 1-oui.iiry tiii«b. niado Ihiil llnil INmdi Hre fntirelv uimrctis- talks so fas.t, ati:! is90 lavish of worc'.s as the the Kentucky Legislature of Ic J. tiOW t., liavQ eiilercii into -i-. . i i i ' , . . iav» o » i j ■ * ii.^ ,(m 1 n it jmvrd rouris are much | auclioneer. lie r« peats the suii)'; Ihin" o- —*’1 a sfvere law waseiracted agamit Tira/Wax an.//■’i/Vy ''““I- ! i.»rti.tri.lii|i. fur the liuriHMH,'of carryiiij; r.n ...^ .. .. . ■ i j j . - - VBiicc; />o//a«« at th* end of liie year, j .Maniiluciory «f TyjK», unrfer thu firm of S. l-xK- (‘jt f'teaiii carringrs to rurt (>n Ihuii ver am! iver «r;ain, iiriJ n». ver grud^fs his 'dr^moralizin^ vice of Cam- Al)VK({'rif'K’4L\’i'S will be iiiiericd oi /-(//y i.»j( A. (V». Iron Kail Kofidx ;—that this late ii/i-j iah'tr. llu i.s (end f)f'!*rnait savingsaitd siid-j I his law is generally known n.9 cet.i»pif..in4r«(».rt excttdi..g-.'«lii.M0iof 111. 1 V\e uiipiid kr.pingon hand a larjre a«oritnr„t provoni* r,t, hih>4 of an a-icont equal to oii.:|d-n Itirrn in tlie wnsc; and he is witty nt |“ " ickliHe’s Law,” having been introduced hii cufJtritner^. lie can talk 'Leyislaturw hy Robert HickliHe, tint in«erllon, tnd '2j ceiiU tor rm li nucci'nliiiK «terk—or 91 for (hri^ ue«k, I'nr one i>{iiare. J (iiu» «'ii tllin iu«v IJ4I* J lcil>f|* liU m III, I v\eu,ie«d kr pingonhandalarjrea«ortmr,,t provom r,t, hiliii of an ascont equal to oii.: d-n turrn in tli iiiif , 01 tyix*, ewiiccially tnciM! kimU iihihi uiKi, »iucii i\, # i • *i ! will cnuhio »- to ...,mlv ordrr. «ilh U.e leUl ,k,». 1 exprns« ot I A liberal dii*roiiiit Will be iiiudc to tlio»c who j »ibi» driay: and lu\c now liir niilo a lurjc nnari-^ J****® e.xp*'fiition, Carrying full loads. | i.t suverai (iiflereiit things at oMcc, and With «iivvrti>e by llie year. J (' (»ii all «dvvrlikrin«iiO> iity ol the b «t ijuality, (xtock |iurcliaM.'d irr>in il.a I ho reason ol ihis bUjteritirily IH. that if the i out confu^ifilt. Ilut son(eliin»*H verj ludic- coinmunirdtod tor publn-aiiofi, ilir number ol | fkt4ie ol J. Howe; ami iultud lo luaU adiiitio.i* iron rail way ii not tifarly a levfl, llie ' rous«!y iili.xes u» dilli rent subject# tu tho inM-rtiuna mu»t Ik, ooled 011 ihe maiRio ol li.e u,ii. whoeU wiH slide; on the otiifr the fri. fion same seiitrme. ' .V hi klm A. ( o. ar« ri«w prc|»nre) la r€o*iv or. r.u * i . I . iler. for lo.itUn ofi vtrv u.«riipiion, iioiu ji» to |>irv»*(it tUi^. j J or inhfanco, latoly dropping in at the linca Pica, iiitlfidihjj a vuiu-l}' uf Wrn^iiirnul ' ‘ (3 not halt u** as iIki i»r- Uh'/k nuction, tiii r« lia(»p«.’iicJ to b** a iiiun Lnitr. WewllVrior ralo aUo, uu of u.er inoclo atu] llH.*re nrc iiianv oilirr ai-i uhn anDo\*(J iho oori*|.any nnd auctioiKcr .Cuu Ua.l.f*, lira*. K.ile, and otJu. ornamr.Dt,, vanta^rf« ail of which sofmio iiave lif.fd wiih a ,^*;;ar. The hoi.k had goHo nr. to ol «iiii li •IK ciiiirii« w 111 U; lur'Aaideu to I iiiiU.r> , it i i . . i' i i i i i’ i i well trblf-d hj e(peri(m Ills m Imi^I.iIi'I, as twenty st ven cents and a half, and tliO buc manuf-rnil, or lh«y wilt b, ojulmutd tuiiil forbid, and cbargt'd accordiii>,ly. ,* All cniniiiuiiict.liou» to the Witor munt ooiiie fr»r O' ftoMa^rt, or th«y may net b»'alti ndiu »■>. \oric K. ! a« iKiiJii aa thiy caa l>e |iic|)art'd. IT ii triM*. I have Uit ihr Ik.um-of tny hii»band | jj,j,(, m, aa ila- wuiiit of the lr*d« »ati>»!aclorily aii|>«jais frnrii o M.“rits ol tioiieerdivellin;; iifmn it,cried, •* .^rd a half, J iiiif» Hl«*uoi—bu| not a> li^ aayii «itliiu( a I j»,;i ricmu the ciiiiit'kiat- I'.-i-iavH on the stiibjuct in the Nulii'iuil in- and a htilf”—when smellini; the annovance, 'ill cau»c. li wa» lor the iiiu»l lyraiiiiica an ; trriti..n at Ujik o->t»bli*hrui.iit. ; tel!i.;^fiiCfr, tioiii the pen ol .Mr. .Miils, urii' he t-houlcif out,“l)—n vcur w^ijarl—a'xl abu»iv« U.Umenl that huii>«ii ui.luri- t». r »iitiir ntovrd and li»« out tiie Iwianc* of n.y h;c at my brother's h' u»-. It i*»a l.mi to ( aiitioii tb* (lublic rr«dil on Im a>-i 4i»it, tor dmpuwd lo mil hiiu lo cf iny |*>«fr, tor lltef» l.Irm e that wmild Credit him to thr anMioul »f nne dullar. W hile I lurd »uh him I wa« in a ifiii.t Draaurr d iir. daiit lor n> daily tup li*rily and k iirtblaiira uf « iV m lmr». T» nijK lfi*lunr h'" a» uinr» Ibi and d« {■oitiiiri,! of a lira\e m«ii, but w ith uthrra u quite ih' rn»»»^. To roi.ipany «m any rra^'t* ta- lulity t.c It l'urr\ r ajiclulrl. K1.1Z\ A. LUH NT. Nor. r. l*3t. XOTICT.. , variety, niny U* had wbi’ii ta:Ud i-ir. ■pcrlfiilly M.lint a oliarc of putlic patron To lii.1- lurnir |>auun> ol t^i» luii.iCry, » upuu the d’f>tiny of oiu State. I'Kq. of Lexington, then a Senator fiuui Fayotie county. At tfic prt sent term of the Fayette cir cuit Couit, Judge Hickey presiding, tl o laws against oamb!infr were particularly ad verted to in the charge to the Grand Jury, and the duty of inquiring into all cas>s of private, as well as public gaming, was i-triclly enjoined. In pursuing the inqnirios which thf*y dr'Ciiied neceswiry, in oriler to effect the oh- jnct cwuteiiiplated by the Legislature; the (Irand Jiirj hud variotis persotissuiiiniourd bflbre them, in order to give testimony ; a* rnona them, Charlton Hum, esq. Mayor r f L-xitij:too, A. K. Woodley, esq. and (J. L. Posllethwaite, one of the propnetoit cf the PijOL'mx Hotel. These gentlsmen refusinj' lo answer the interrogatories propounded to sum of S3i> each, conteoipt of court, pen the summons of Piistlethwaite before tiio \\ u c-(tii —and a halfi and a h .lf, and a halt—I svish ; ''and Jury and the imposition of the fii,o dnd bist mode- r| lrHnport:;ttMi, prove in i'd ratiu r have the de\il about ir.t—and a '!*rt'* u'in* -l'"ld ol that boy—ai.d a hall’, find a «'id imprisonment, the Grand Jury had luMhT'>in''l* *' -* he r 1010.'^, ^i,.,uld It.. > fvi ii ^iiiould tliH s. hi-me of priiiTllin/i sHmh. ha:!— IM l iii.Ue iiio rascal—ai.d a half, and • n dismisw-d for a week. On re-assem- I. a;.,,earar.e VlViMidTy u" I carriii^rs on lur-ipiko roa!s uti-rly fail, u huif-soiia-, f;.„n::—u ho 8:,;.s fctiy five | «I'C charge of the judge in relation to ».* Ki.l.N A 0. (orn»T of ('r-»n and ( llowiilJ • ••I {]^ \ VirliK of a IVcd #f TrUft, ovrCtilcd tr»nif by the l«if'i'lhmia* , H Sinartl, I «i!l m II at , an llif pc.iuin-c, on the o. IXic ..bir IK«», 111. J'l-art «>r l,nn»! j lr.«n a* tli.- lUrn*-!! f-U'r, »iiuat- and I» ;r'r in j I'ouiity of 'l \;!iu!*urf, on the water* 11 Itic Su "ir reel., ■■'j.Hning iJ>i la» di o' Mr*. .*‘ii-io-i.,' t!:n»rH, |t . .'»u ,*lini I ui«, ."an m 1 ltvilri(hl *un o'h«r», nii'a niu{ aiwul •'ri-» 'I hi» l-aiiii 1 u •'* t* I it.« I t..hiab)t kind. I lu purchaser mII j Iw fd i'> pay four htiiidr« d d'>Mar» and r*( j rolr iH'iiiN HIth •• u'Ky Iwr lh l^ilan' { r. llif piir r luMu Y. »t a tTidil «f oor and y«..r.. NAI. W. AI.l X\M)t;K. , O f. 01, I'.lt. fl* A I Jin t!. tcrmiii.-d t» rrm.vf, I »i»h to wT ^ li^. I’laiil.ltoB, Uii'i; l«o mil,.* and a h«i J ..t oCDiat'. It. .on l!.c l^«}«r’» roaJ AiiY(«r •.•fl 'R‘>!iiiii; U pnri ban- can c«»i:ie and't xa1»t:in | It.J jl:. .or ll till* I»r», 1 l.'AAC F. AI.»'XA.M»KK. n. I.VM2-M. MU I CCr .AOTII r» -CO IVV |*|| t«> |.*y niy lit*; ano a» i l annM Ho , ki> Mill,Mi; lit. a«-i«1ait> ot' IIk»- who ari , II.')' W.d tl* Tin, r->u«co,i)«Mlj I am («f)»tiain. d lo rmi'«t all »ii'> arr in arrrtraw.lH ii>« l loiiii f'>ra«td ' itiidiit aiit luitl.'vr a-i’iM ital«-n I’U o fcf'or*- 'li* TiH"...#! nt .'^ir ni'»t ( nu.ily » ''lilt a: 1. r.i ;kr~-li: i.l-. 'I hi« I» but arrawinalU. ri'C|>K» ar.d ■ n ' M ilh n Fiu h *i r 1 l.or.i at man v. lU r>iii|.;, V itlmol loiiip'.ja.. n I lo.iliuipUli a \i«ilt>li.i N\ d'irin; thi- \Vu,i,.r or .'•piiujf and ll.t r«.loii i toy biuit'tat II u«1 K. , '.i?='d. M> lU- will — :ii (’lurli'lf*! on Tiir»d^r o' till-( '.ml .I'lrr which 11 1.. ■ > ««aiv> C-i-y wil'!»> fl nnd ill ll e hii d'» o’ a t'ru’i'l wIiimk applicaltoi fcr I a -h air alV nd:d » itii twin. J. ,»!. il MfOl UT. .V»r».D^»r fi/'i. I ••■'(. tlw ioi;..»in,i r.ii.i, aiiu b)’uir.Vme7't i'-'^n"'w *0 '"''‘dcui.ible gain m the nuro r- —not half ihu pricj ol the bu k—-ind a half, I gntnhiino was so modified, as to make it dis- waa 10 t-tiuii i}|.t loiiiKkr in Mr. luwi’-louiitl- Mi!t iif h iv111);, what we i.u^ht long ago lo and a lii;if, foMv two and a hail—I’jjty-five »instead of obligatory on the 'I- b. ».* Ki.l.N A o. h iv; had, li »il; ;;».od roads for our com-!—nnw ioru-st.vL-n and a ii.tlf, and a hull^—j Grand Jury to prosccute tho inquiries en- !t:oii waL'cotic. a irp;ilir,«? on ilie lotiUi richt;, {jeniiciiieu—1 joined m the original charge. L nder tho , A turnpike roail from Silijhirv to Fav- ulio ll ^iivo lifry crnt-s for the tooih-athe, j mipres.-ion from the altered t>u« of the thr/e‘ir"'^rtuJi"B^!!i “ h ilf, aiiJ a hatl’, Ibity-scvin and a ' ‘Iml witnesses would net be c«m(.e|. ic-rtiMutiui, ».iii I... ii.uiKd Ij u> U.t a! •'■■"•t'of iliMucmi'yio thel iM uieiiiiMii. half—look at that bnv tiiere—.md a half,! It*! to nivi> trslimocy in cas« ®f jrritate as itouiii of ihrte ij>i.;ar I. ''d town, wlieri'rts at h:at *lui:i-fourtlH of il and a liall^—ki'ting one of those p**n- ; "'^^1 professioDal gaming, the Grand Ju- _. , ■, ~. 'j'-es (d C'heraw, t ■amdci), ( Olun.biM, or Pe ktiivts, oud a h.ih', and a liaif—1 an’l have fv •manimi-usly resolved that they could A I.l, w,‘^,V.tV,.iwViH>»--. to thes.ih iItowwuI liu\^ litiggesii. ns my cye^ ( very w here—and a Imli', and a half, not etiectu.illy pursue their inquiries'regard- r a> i;.. Tiu e'.J 14^. J^in, >:.Mn, ' ration of «ih*r.-i Iiioro ahle t*. litlv—fi!'i\ -tvio and a hall—kick all the bo>s , i"g violations of the laws against unlaw.ul :» I! “iri .1 I.) I... Kui I, a« li ii^ r 1: -N. Ot H, 1- jj. ;>ar.i.ii.l bv tlj>, Novlii.m 1 i.anr cl l-i- ;;inii. Ai,i;; \.Mii K, y,u.r-r. fill Illll! I'u> I- iina.« Oi ih>- vuiiiesn Siind j JL .“h ,• ■! I moo, iii.iT niiai'j';l.ri(. U> I.l (•aj-'r rt.K i», ati 1 '.'■i" !»-■» • ^,J||.1l.ll• loi J,v'.ni. t'aiii'ly am; '»>iiidi» l.ilii-.ri furi.ithiiij^ a tait; 4’. • I ••• iii>ti>.i. .r ai.ii in. Ufit' g ii'alltr. . « '. ,Mnj Ir 1 n i \«iiiii,iU «i,o :.ijir;V:i. !•* Ih- ■ .1 ..i'.‘.. i. i,: S'u;».i\i!ic i;, cnia. ,» »'d III an iii'ul ngiiiiAr 1. im i.'j«i» ol l.V .\Ii - II.'aii.l. I 'I «t>. !• ri.m. -,p.i:un and ■ liuir'i.--.-any ui.f 1.1 itlH-'ii b_, 1..-. «ifi« r tu • rui I jpoauy word Ih- - r. n li i>l'ijii 1 it Uir ii ii'iHir.,; nan^a bpu«Uvrii.a lU li.ia .'^uu, ■Nuith Caiuliii«.)' HcUif^'h, l urniT S; lfti^!;c«. *•’' .cUrilU, J iii.i-:* ,'1.11.1.-. W •' ■.■. F. t 11 (ti h. .\itrltini, J. . i'. .U. Ml vou^iua. U'Uird, K J. \ ,.t»rvv, Jr. MtlK-n, NUr::ari 1 ^miih, Sahm, I’cnia i Krui- r. liiil 'n rot.^it, Pr. J.i». I W>. (irtfi'hi.roic^t . If. I*. l.'lt■I^.lV. 1 oij.i* to il j i»i coi.i'lu^ii-n th.iii ouridf. \\ 1 -I jK'it hi W'ver that the Milj'-ct s>i in.- lf .'.i,.')t uitli auak.'.'iin^ inti^r^ri to r\i r\ ri il nd io iL'j —.Vc/iiir.r^' 11 jtt ;:ua:i. .'lit of Ihe room—and a half, and a hall—! g*imngi ar.d reqnesled to be discharged. ki k \ ni I ul, I sav—4!:d u irulf, and a halfi 'Fiie Judge e.xplaim d, and the witnes^s —"one.” I liavinn l»eon brought before the Grand Ju- .V. y. 7’ranzcript. r\-ar,d refui-in>: to answer, were lined, kc. —•— ' I as alnive stated. ,\ rorr^ «p,.n.lo„t „f -a Snith.m pnper i /=■•/rrr/T. .s. Tiw.i/—Whilst 5cv. | 'I’ho Grand Jury subvquently presented >"v a!,» III in - ii itiis ..f Ih. r*ih!:.: are having geo! gical and r.ut-thfr c-.niinunuation to the court, impu- .'•.•ht.ol ^v•t. in'.1 .\i w Fiigl.iii.J ol vvhii h, gsognrphicnl siirvuysof ih;,ir leimnii, vv tiie i’'"K deiinqr-ncy on the part ot the cf'urt in ahi,vciili her other admirat.le i;.stilu 1. u-,’ cont.iiucd, the (^■^.•ral (J.m rn.-iieni :'li® disthai-e of its duties. The Judge al-^ !if r pi iip'e have j i-rt c..u-e lo be 1 n ud : *•“■* "rdtieiJ a siirvi y i.i' ii,« coa^t of the L . 1 h’g**d this to be a contempt, and seven of “ I hiJ svh.K.j l.pum^ of New IJn -!nnd ''*'^‘1 "Ijiili i* I'c.w m a oUte of fur-1 Gri.nd Jurors, refusing to purge them- l-ivu Ut:i ci.lh d ti e foitrr,-«.-,^ Ji N. w w-rdiiesa. fiy a la.v of 1'.i7, li.is survey '^•ves on oath of an rrrww of F.ijanh 'i.u wo them m the counlrv Hire, ted lo Ik, mud.?, auu .Mr. F. U. Nie court, were fined in the sum of MU -vcrv iwomrt s nr !■'■•«, on aliiH'M evcrv Uossler, at the re.-onimtndalion of .Mr. Jef- •'» 3'*d imprisoned hours, lor cou- imivifl^M road-and oerv b-.dv knows .ir '«"• -'Ir. C.'ailat.n, vv:.s c1:om‘u for .'enipt. -Ml hi to know ilial .New F.iitlnnd 1.1 cut up 'his si-ivico. Thisg* nlkm..u iswell kiiown « have been compelled, At want of , .iih ri .id-,—half n.ids—I was g ung to .'■'I' knowlo.lge of .Malhemnta s, r.viin, to give this hasty and inqierfect sum- 'IV. TlKsf Fne S'h h'N, uhere ihe tHiir applicali.Jii lo I'laciichi purpc.sts, nnd ! »ary o( a procedurfe which has created cod- lie I ilcciilfd at the exp^i.Mt of ihe m h, 1 i .\len>ive a^ironmiiical aUainuicnts. sideiahle e.vcitrinent in Le.xington and Fay- v. rilv U-hcve.-iveihai [v. cidintiivol-.vhirh !“•’ acquir^mei.is ihi re vvero none , »-l'e county. The Inlelligencer of the 10th, t I * . . . a .* aiv ...... I .l«a .. riiiit.iiiw n fiiti rprmrt rtt ihp u holf> I h.ile stH.).-:i. lo Ihewholo ^inUeimlion. iiJiorc caj*able rf jii.l-ms than those who I I h'’v iiri. I'O an I Ntimnlale vv!i:if« ver of iu- ! ti'ilci-t ih-r« i> in a iii;>ii. 'I h^y foster eii- i lerprii-' and eii.ulati* r. They educate l I a Cl riani extc:il u!l tho Ilt i.i;' ' .\ew Ivi^Und n.eii have the li* 111 lit t.i-1 J. l>iarkwoi/d, ui Col. i.,.mk » Hdu; -itin nlwav s r^ive.*-—:he ardent ^hlr^l f Favid l*ark«. , .-Mi'V.ii.ili r vV Ci.wan. contains a lull refiort nf the w hole niHiter. May^rlUc [Ky.) Etigle. LiiviNnTON, Ky. Octok-r 31, 1631. Kxtraordinnry Incident.—A gentleman ill the neighborhood of thiscitv, in ruhnp across his farm a few davs since, was sud- ri-coinmended him li>r ihis drtv, and their indgtneiit has b« en confirmed both b\ .Mr. H's eonJurt, ami ilir apphiu.-e his iiuKie o| |K.rll)rmii.:r this Mirvey has won hirii iu I'.u- n.j>e. O.ir nudi rs mii'i ii"t rfst undi r ihe iii.pre!«8io;i that ho h is l.een engaged ever ,or kn.iwied^'e ai;d for mt. lkvlu il tiid nior- "inre ihe piiSMi-e of tiie tir.-t la.v autlioii-| dHily wirpriM'd and alarmed to tind his -I n. I.ii vemct. TIh v aiui hi^h a,id rca* h '>»K "le M.rvrv : on .iho cot'.trary, it was : l>«r.se cradually sinking mtoM.e earth. He hi^h. V.ork, ihej iiilist. orMaivi, (or the not cvmrrci.eil unlil 1 ^>1 (i, and'hen was a-|lea(H'd from tli** animal, and by • ills nil the Uwiiilid ^M'lr of Ihe flint:, giin bUv'ended after ih. h;|)se of one sum-j so doing his own hfe was providenlia ly .fri Mill under a.Southern Min,—liinehmate 'i h»» tul^c of tiit» i.s r.ol di.siinctl;. -^aved. Ihe horse contmiied to sink low- IS cold,-the'urnn.ers are sh..rl.-and th. n hut is uS'.itdly ascr.U d to a didu ul. ‘’r and lower into the earth imlil he had i-onifi growhns NovemlK-r, and li ic.-l\ Ij m piocuiu;-the hcees- arv appr. priatu.n,,‘^^'scended «iie hundied and filly lert. At la-oi: winter, withii.s i. c iiml its st.umR, ''rin pnruring ihe pav u.enl of al.. lit one this point, he berame wedged between two so th.it one mm thru eats up IV October >h«u.and dollais s.laiv and traveilms ex-| ol r.K-k and was crushed to death. to Mnv wkiai mav Ik- gaih, red t!ie re:ii oi P«'n^cs. e have cikv one remark to | The chasm or h>^>ure, we are told, apjrt'ara Ihe lime.-Thiis’iMei sMiv demand, the e.v- "•'•‘’'e “P''“ stitcn.enl, if true, tii.it pc- I'> have bt'en forn.ed, by the separalion ot rijiwn «i|S«rrihfr (■..f.'iniira h:« ll'If'^F. Hi' S. K\ I 11' r\INMi;NTai hi. oM Sui.d. m. d> iha almv till.', w hrrK rrtry nltiii'mn »i!l *ir 111 ri-n.li-r -’.i-tin non to t!n.ve vkho may li »oi li'm with thi ir c^ii'pii ». D\MI» II\'5IV. rVip.r'or. I 1 fins W INl.l.l. Ig,r.l !’rl/ X r .V,,! Jl 1 I Miir^ti.'.lw, li. IF iiiirrM.n. l.»iiciitnlon, 1>. A J. .\. UaiiiKoijr. j I .iiliir- ffiir u''. »'• ti'i iii-lrurt . I. t.l v'llh are I ii'iUi'i>Ud lu liic a.Miv a li".k iii>.r(i»ua in li.t ir p'i|a.i . K tolivr iii. M:.«)I.S WANTKi). I., r «.,Ji,i.to, m.h.t*, IIM.I.V I I • III )!>■>, j'lI.Ill t' n III iliirtv \ cm lulu, anc « lit |My tlT II- lot li'K r»l |uiM • III ( 4-h. Ml .. Im lia\i- 1.1K a pii>in rl V I 1 ^rll mm'd do wili (.Tl Ix toai.il at V|r. SMiitii'irV'a II .'I'-l, II. *'» •'all huw to u»c thcui to thc bcst ad- iii the nn[.lov nirnt 1.1 a £fval liovernnient, j'••'•'jre* eiei.-e of every la.ull v, and - nr free-cl.is-ls I'u. lou-^n.’s,.* m comroiivjting «cieiilitic men i;- 'ii.l.lu dia'l'i! Ml I i, and Al r. Joiio i-ra RiMri. vatilage, “ 111 the lnr"0 i.‘« a ineaiiuos w hu h .'’.iiimitits lo n disgrace. , ti vvri, nrd ciiirs cvrrv Scnntn ilv u „ . lo ^rommnieed vvilh.n a leiv tr.onths urn er ' • UiJU i'T III IF >.>‘1 aronso the bi.y.-The m«M perfect c- =*' 'I behevcd ihii: the ':iMf '■ q.eihu eMsN tn all schools. -Fhe p^ioresl “l>^'n-‘'V'>'* >'".11.,.r has served as a boj m Ihe free school feels as hi£h and -s I '""l’^" at l*r. I> I) u'k Hotel, in the earth and rock in some convulsion of 'Fhe width of the fissure at tho surface, we havt* not learned, but it was covered with a thin soil, which commenced riviiig vvaj as sMm as the weight of tho gentleuiau and hiS hors' was adi'ed to it. ’ Intclliginctr. hv which toecn.luel similar observatu.ns. Shocking 4rnV7ir.—During tho exhih’. 18:15, f I'.rii’iilfl fnl iSt M ;|/|1FI :■/' 'nlc at lliia I *U» c. cillic com*'" the IKik*! o| S'i>.M*\, vvhoio sons b_v meiiilier t!io hov lliat oot t'lu mcdid i;i the Idly a'lcerlaim d. These iri!m;;l( s have i i!-> tnink or prrboscis. To ihat F idv Atign.ta Miirruv, althou^-h d. h«rn-;i , !ass wo have i'i..t eva-nmed, and the bov Imscs of great extent, as far as the teloseo-| more repu!- ,fni,i; Ihe lir,.i.,hlhroi.;, arc entitled lo .lie: that lost u!-The fust 1. the son of ihai l'!f " iceed m H.inover. wood sawver there, (poiniitiglo a man who b.'oame cnng. , was sawmc vv.hkI m the .ireet.) and the P^isioti, .nas.muh es fhe correctness ot i nin^Toi .-There t. novr residing nf the so.ond ts the si«i of .Inhii lju.ncy Adams, IIoI.mIN, Clilioii, lilt Hitoni'liin;; child, *h« Fn’sidrnl ot the I niti d Slates.” Ihe .v, • • v j . :t r tiiimi d \V. Miinucl, from llolv well in Noiih \ irgmian slared in .t'toni^hment at a spic-' e cnnno go ur er it. o ,c h. s o this irnptiriaiil unJertii'.inc. hut nio^l trnl\ may tu't a 11. 1 I 11. I 1 .1 . i I aaiii Misiieiiil Its iirouriess. i he loss w hich , I'";.'*"*!'- 'I'X'"'- ! — irv.iuld accrue r-* (.ut.iic and private pmpertv V, mil wi I eipia .0 1 ii_v 1 III! MiovLsri-| \u[)4ilan, tlio Military C’iiiefiian, who Ii 0111 a:i ;;ir ! quale know U'dge ufiur eiKist, lUm \ CitntU II " who. ihou_;h ho oiilv attained his laele like this, and no Linger woudoied ut ‘ uiiiirt. .inc. ut -r i»* ih«MhM«unr I • I if . I I I I 1 1 r I . => i ifjun ni'^iM'nu its i C,v.i{ • alliglr nor. I’rao—l>.irn 7 , I"'•III'-. .N,n..’.. \ll'rM/ii,« versod. Ile is.1 mo't iiilere>iing intelligent ]Sgv... .V itLnt’h,. Ir.) n.y l«.d ioi'ii.ig child, and a. plajful as children •"'“Sl-.m|H-ror in I-ranre, r ai:d liniril witlio'il any l.iw'ul i HUHf and t». gel OTjIly aio at his »:;e. •■■11 ni ;irlv all the pri|>f-ti v oi:l »f inv lin'lsr. I 1 ’’ ____ l"r »am all i>T»..tia frmn l.adinu'to I'li' iininiint I , , r. • . .t*. • - • M «n...t..t wiili^aid V.IU.,!... I nin di I.'ii.in. .1 * St„iw>idc„l, prxj, ct.— Vho pr.jeet is liU to ,Mi\ oii^ initof hir mniraita. .\No, niv •'♦'rioiiily rnli rliiined liy scientific iin ji and knii Willmni Ktniinl una Ktiilrn fioni nir on liii>t esi|iilali^t of (Jreat Hiilaio, of uuitmg the ed, find seizing the uolbrtunate man, v»ound his trunk ariMind him, pressed him witli 1*3 poiiui rous weapn, a:!i] dashed him to iho earth. The friends of thc dreea-ed throat- eneil ihe immediate death of ilie animal, t I prevent which, we rt gr« t lo sav the pro prietors had to run him out of the roimly. All must regret tlie result, and v\inder at the infatuation winch could tir;;e an ludivid- ' iial lo lU'h rnadiv i> a doom which mu-t esi.iblished ihe throne as hereditary in hi' fiimly, and crcatod an order of uohihty, Riid whose wirs of glory and ainbitioi) eusi lhoii'> i^'ida if hoc iiiiilians of livej, was, not- lliiiiiiluy I of« wnrii ail |ifoph of tl, I' ; of l’no|nnd with the large cilies «»f wilhstaiiding, so popular,that an individual 1’hil.uUdyhu was cid'iiul, a few da\s since, • N.itiami l thi« Stutii from ki-epini or h.'r. r . i a i'l u .1 1 1 » r 1 , r ' Mid.ononrho„r,ifth..ydotii.., oiay »• l'‘''*urg and (. lii.gow m Scolhlld bv rvi-.-M.i 1,1 ilrttUwah asiliflavv dirrrt,. ■ means of Itail lioads runiimj; through the At p. :t, I .11. JAMKS |l|,«)r\r. Iheirt of Iho coimlry, and thus liirimng n _ line of roininuniraiion throu;jhout a Inige Hanks of 'iH hnil.f f>r iw.'" al th» djjicc. i portion of Givut nritaiii. iViim charts, iind unc*rtiiin so!iuding>«, : IS fur greater tliun the v^i.olc amount winch | a|'|>ear. d inevitable, il should l«‘ a would covor the ev[M>n'«' uf ihe snrvr\. ! lesson lo all vi ho visit micIi places never to * Juildmore 6'a;*iV. ' pi "''’ fo*' in"ch eoiilidence lu tho doc-ihly jofr^nimals which ihe\ know can and will resent injuries and inse'.ts. 'I he nature aid di'-po.'iiion of sii-h are not readih uu- liiistood.— IFuicj./! i'ourur. Child llUid hif Ixdt.i.—The coroner of said he bi'lieved if he ordered all the hou?es to view the dead bo ly of a hlack cl.ild, 111 Frauce to be b'jried, and each man to I which, the mollier dc|>osel. slio found dead set fire to hia cwo hou3‘"', !)o ;v'."jld be ■ in its bej—its face bttiag i:early entou ot'f „wini; lo the f.iid b^is which oL-': jet liirir i;beyr»l. ! hy r-ts. i^' 'tjc It i*> 3 sinrjnlar fact, that tuw, if any of tho MVCis of Atiieu admit ves«e;s t.f I'utd.'n

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