MmEMS’ It FARMERS’ JOURNAL. A!SI> rriU.ISllFI) KVKKY SATI’IIDAV, HV TIM»1»IAS J. lIOI/r>'M....«rilAKI,«>'i TF; MIX i«1.MMILK4; C0L>'I V, NOK'l Il-t AllOMN A. Tl» PIK^:r. IHK •!' TIIK KAjmi ANI> BKINU (H/f I ROM TIIK (lAVKKNH nr THK MOIINTAIS8, MKTAf-S WHICH Wil l, OlVf: STKKMJTH TO OI R HANDS ANl> SrOJKCT AM, NATIIP.B TO OIJK UKE AND PLKA8I RK. DB. J0IIN80K. vor. V. NATI KI>A^ , .\OVK3Iil!:K 1H:M, i\0. 217, 1 III] IfliiK'iV A: I'ariiierM' I* priiil il Nud |iubit«hi'd every riatiirija/ iiinrniiJ|f al Tim Di-tlum p r aiiiiuid, il'|m>iJ hi ucIvkihl : ifullait and Fifty i'rul* tl not (inid in ud- Vdiic ; Three hiillain lliu tnd of Uir yenr. AI>VKI{'ri.''KMK.\ IS will b*' iiiM-itrd at / ijly c« iil» (MJfMjiUrr (iiol rxct'i’diiiK 'JO linm,) :m llir fiiat liiwrlMiii, and 'J.i criilR l»r t 4 li hiici v.«diii|f *f» »—or »l lot tlirie for on» - A iiUrai Hill be iiiarle lo wlto •lift rii--Im (III yi.'ur. il Oil alladvtrtifi-ini'iiix ciiiiiiiiuiiK rfti'd lor piililn'«tion, lli« miii.lj«r of iii»vrii(>ii> niiiot hr iiotid on llii- iii«i|'iii ol th* tiiiiiiiiM'ri)'!, or llM-y will U' coiiliiiued unlit fuil>id, and rharc' U acciirilihKly. •,* All cnminunifain-ii' 1> ilic l.di*or niui-t roiii; Irrr ot [Kuttagf, tr llii y ina> nnl iM-alli nclt-d ti>. i'Xi'U 4aool«>! 4«04Mt»!! 1! Iiavi juit rri'i a *irv lit!'*' It «f F\I.I. and WIMKk C»£OU*S, frnm N> w \ um hiki i lin*u 1|>Ihm. U c l«- lu« 4 h»l oi l^rl ol tof tUx k. .r lllor. Illnck ai.U Hi#in l OTfH «c«y « luUi. tui o»rriiMti'. 4.r«ii Ho. m,". F'.II II Hill K ui- CauuitLrt.tvlurrd I aiittitirii'* h tlinilin o' all f. Kirt and .nit V\ tiite ri iiinl»,*-'i'n ‘I"- Ha/« Jtia li tun >il. * • blue* i run d. Swa I'iii|>« l«r Ninclii'Wa > t>lai k mid wljlle Hlk Uom . iti i n Silk i.liitid (ilo* it* !>HI«t, c«>li-irl Jt«j« Of >4j(tr» (•. iitKitirn'a l*.r^»»kiM tili.»i«i. »Uinr. l’ai*» niad» l>4ilifi l*lii»r» . ►»•!li d, HaiiU* a»M'tltd r iinrt hibf">n», i»»V. >ilk liial( it> Mai n Hur»'u llioi, H tiilr rin, tto laoili'* wi«l do .Miwi » wool do >lrii'« do liall liito, do hall cofd. I ali(« loiliin lli-r«', an Hid, oUou do l,n l.’» wojI M.iiIii and |)raMif* 1 W '( «t>bv VrKri, bldik ^i!k Nil\ct |v|i k V r»!i: li rk aiiilrt lor IjmIU' Pre»r» A «*1 4«»iirt!ii'l Ol to«'Hl«nk«-l», frani P-4 to I - 4 1 I Kin K.^nkrU, lllank'«liir n>..r« A giyxi atMirdiiftjl of Aiuarltaii J riut», Uom 1‘’ to .'il ' II*. I I u, d F i-i, J riiii-, •fcaoiUd, »ariaiitrd goiJ 1 Ifti I’lll.lO lltJ l, vli«iiar«j I ri Ofh M»riiiit», |i4i.d«JHi« c«Joti I •• i ll lb Uitulllll.', I.l.^ilkll cIj iivu>>i>iii> ■ »-M 1* d l\j«iii «J t If* a'i'ian i>lirk Xoiiilwi il>, >lor*kin, hoKliaJi arUkJa I'..I pr llaiiiiki ri f^icl*, U *1 quail y ,^lu. all kiiids Mu>'iii l,l^ii){ A 1 IK r«l >i>m ul 1.41 ilU I 4 lUibblMll. hialk d«j T tiri j«1 I .,* ••• and I • rli-xi* (tt lan I - III. » ■> III It. Ilf) rtao N* l» A Ut|;r •,iuiiti!| »l J(l a« ' i! >>tiitii>^, l!r»vui» Cti. I K aiiu I'l.ii' • ol all kii. i« H Itifiiriil I hi I riir, ii,r ( (iiinlrrfv ura Jkl II Vj >11. «. Ik il I II Ikiiit;, t ui L.ilur« I'lirU V •>»■> ■'V, I li't »o, i Uk'« Warrant* (I J I' I iin ad, **M.>f1«d A jrt.l »»tiilt f> *1 iiran lr*>N'NJ'TS. rhraj>, ».ll».'‘i S I a-*! 1*. I ii;li>rii ai.d Mt.. » li'j A H I..I.I I) Ol I I l( I.', inat'r l>im..rr t’llOK" n; all knid«. t.iM>r«> V iirai.lid j.x-t (V.lti n t "r . K. i'ti'.f, M .Miln laic Mum j |.’- p« , iii'«i>' %• r h) ilit j-r i»i (•.unj i«h >»lt l,*lli> r, alxi I )i|-« r Ixal cf 1. tl >«ug*r, do'ii.iv r, fin«ft, h I' II, t t,(fi. , M .It.iM J linr' ii!u’* 'I i,A> nl 4t| kind-, Sa » b> lh »js:k I’ll' ri f. Sill I aiij 1,4 ad, .S,*p, .'■iH rill Csn'lrt «>uld 1 aiidlra iiiadi l* Hull \ Njii SM I I ht the )miind ' r . C'-mi H 'iih. I’l fn* r, S lit. It ini' r. Sail I'tlff, FtvfH A i|ii.i.lil( i> >t.)i ai(t li.^i, A iiiiaiililv •( ruiirO Irxii and Waf'nii Tir« — \l.«i— Ih, !Ut lirilh'» t.nH ihrpl*'i' f'll.I.S fur ^ , Will n iiimoii titii il, I ^\ll III \ II.I.I WIS. .Vr 1 1I-3I. I II. S\r an- drtrrmintd lo niakr a ditTrrriK-*- FB iMir ('riira Ui 1h«t will |«\ un r»*h. All / »I aik i» fitr |» f»«>n« ihat »ith In t.u\ i li>- i|i mil U:|orr lln y puriliair tlM «ti ri »n«l lirjr f«ir|irir«». S. A . cri-^ .jco ~ ■ I'lt n. |»iv 111) Ihlil-; ,Tiil ». I canrwit do •*' wiUioiil if'i" nxiKUni ■ n IIh.t hIiii an »n). !)•• d lo Mil, iiiiiM i|iiri.lj» I .mi rniialraiiiito »4jiii*l all who art in ariiarn \> illi inr f*>’«a'd iviihiiul anvliirtli>r xi'ii iiatii.n "n or br O'l- lh» ’I'll* .day ol our iu\l I n.i,il( I ciurl null ni'ikf >1 ttli Kiruiii. Till* i« lull a rrn«iiiialili- n ijn. »l and lire V Mil H liirh r^t-rv Ihihi»i n an w .11 • oii.|.|v V t'imil r>iiii|»ij« | rm.tri i|.|il t \ ilia " • fl diirini; 'hr \V ,nli r nr >)miii;; ai.d iht rfiime . II y li.i»inrw niii>l !■. c!«i il. ■Mt llmk* «*ill in ( liarWitti' mi Tn‘ >fUv of 'Hr ('..nrt »|ti-r »hli li |. ii . - 11\ tl» i « iM t>^ I' 'iriil in ihr ♦i-inii'» o. ■ /'imnJ t> |i.^«. a|>jiii «lir>n lor • a»h arr alli mi. i| u i( >. iic' - J. Al. IIMM'nl nr. .V-.fT,/.r, r,/A. Iv.Tj ICroiioiiiy. i*O.Vl’ .MAhlNti. : Wlirn a 8,,lul,un 'cl''J,luah-r.r lyr—in [ “'r'-u^-ck-work. d» |ifiHMl urciirboiiic acnl, or r**tMl*?itd cuus til*, i( if-.idil) couiIhiich with Hiiiiiiai tut, and liiriim ill)' i-uni[x>uri(i culk’d !*()h|i. H heu Ixilh (lit* iii^ri ili‘iii« arv iti a ci*iidi , ti'iii, uiid Ml du‘ quaiitily, tlit^ru ih no ililii- : cully III iiiHkiiio b«>u|i. . I 'I'lir Mtifiiglh oI'iIh; lyp, lo roirihiiie r»*ad- ilv willi tiiit ►li. nild Ikj 8Ui;Ii u» lu ,, - c.l ii • I , , I Miinnrr of ShiH tntr Jlorsrgin firrmnnti. II Ml u ii»-w luitt lien» cy o. , . > , . r If I . I 11 II —I'I |'a->itii: (!)♦; bliou of a l> mcKsiiiit 1, u ir» limrJer lo li.tvc wiiiii as iiiild HH iKiHsihii’, , ii , , ,1 I II I I ,11 livf'd iip|ii.sit* to th^ (.(.IdeiiP Kt-lli.', llip Mlt«i*^ r-lKium be a.s liiuoli i'fi Hw; *' i - i ■ i. , i . ■ I ,, I , I . I •, iiiitnwr If! which he l«( kI*'( I Will uitxnlv*-, lu wliK»i ca^*» the soap will . , . , . Ill 1 ! Clou „ ht>r>**’ alwa\) iiiiiuw t*iiiiHiiri or fitUt' liK^*, uiiu ii.ort* coiiv^- It is wfll attesl*'d, lhat this will |r**!.ervc [From tho Corri'upondenco of the t has. C ouritr.] t>larik for a^^c.s; umJ fircvcjil iht weather liicr (Iriddlf ('uke.—Boll one I irgr* cup of «hole ric»* qiiitr* Hnl't iii iiiiik h'>t Htir III a little flour, ur liidiaii wlmn cold, add Iwo'ur three and a lit tle salt. Jiake in suialt thin cakey m thii sriddie. ‘\vasiiln(;ton, i\ov. 7. INFLL'KNl’K OF THE SlO.VlAtH, Tlie eiiioiionrt ol’ iiiiiid have a |)owerful , . .Ill . influence on the stoinach. Let a perstia I have reccritlv had a coovei.-rtition , ^ . . . . . -,1 ,, 'ill »• I who IM poing to ml down to dinner with a with a nfntlf'tiian, who huH ijct.n, for tnnji*- i , lie I ;iKr-i;up I ,, I yood appetue, rccr-ivp a piece of news, ei- j . / 1 of tlu-niiiiiiner iiioiiths, a travt^i i-i in r laiicf, I ,i.„, i., ■ , i . , j i, and while . , . • i i ,i j«) lul or f xceedinir v di8- V I •'* AiiitM'ican in Ins hirth and ^ ^ . idian nit-al;: . . tressuif;, in» a i letite ^oe.s m a inonient. , fr't liiiL'H, h* has taken C' osideriib e iiitfTCsi„ ■ „ , ' . . ’ ' • . .1 I .• I itliildien who are afx.ut to net r»ut on a in afer»‘riaiiiin:> the condition of onr c aims ' •. .... n i . j.i . , ■If'aBiint jouinev, It is well known cannot on the !• rcnch ^jovernmenf, and the state ol ^ ^ juihlic opinion .here, penerallv, concerning tliiH coniitrv. I he conclusion to which ho ' „ i ■ ,,, . „ ,'i . i n . , r , , .1 I 1 X- ® stomach will soinetinn-a lia.s arrived, ov no mean.i lavors the Irfc lel ,„i.„ . ,-.c , , , u 1 II • .1 .1 I *'*k« instaiith, a drink of cold .1,. 1'^' we the ainount acknow-, i.ianm-r in which he la, kh-d nnd shod a vi- ^ ” “■ ^ 'he san.e efii'ct. Attend to M>ur 1 /k .1 i warded, BO far as treaty stipulations can . ■ • wd me. Oii the I i i. j i- | companioiis when on a journey a ffx-it; , t’"'- 'l*'*H«Hrd. It IS an award in form , , , . .H«h. hya cord «hich pav^ed through a | .Mem. These thinps all show the f-ene- r.n . ) . .., I... 5 ,1,., tliH .J ..ur „„v,r-.,„.„, .re- ..... h-.- ....!> t.. lak . , ..I cl.»r, «H ■ ,1.. ll.e ,irc-d, l...„»l 1 in j.i«ti», a...l , iiiiiil'*, (*'.lt wia.i, l( Il It, and ti\ oc'r*-cs a'.d m i i i r . • i that th» ir aowittice »• as ••xtorted, Iroin thi /• y /./• • ir . I 1. , I . I' ■ I. I u •con«cqnen'lv ver\ i - i i- i . Larbutrs ( linical Lictures. , i-inniii'iii h;iIi till II, attfr whn.h . ui i .1 , 11'. ' in|iiioritv of tliern'iifu iniaistiMs in tlie : I I, II . . II L 1 , ■itir-h ni;;hi!r than th»* ii'-ad: ii.'dt'eu it wa»! e , ' ■ , ' I iii'\ MioiiUi ulli w It to ciHil, w h ii the haid ' . 1, 1 j n j , . 1 > art of biir''aiiiini;, In that ri the ,\nu ric:m 1 • 1 . . .1 . '•xaltcd, and p'jiled so heauU at tht-1 , . . ... I - . - - .1-- - I dip oi:ia I'ta. bn I, If o 1 i;ia ion »> ul I • Norfolk, Orr. t!8.—Shochins Occvr- t.iil that tlir-animal s.'r>,,,cdmntr; anxii-u, to'rtv/r-f.-A most revolting act of human k*'cp hi.s I'thi r limt on/rr« y/mti, W ith one ! riuts.wi.u iu\e pro .1 > v iii'iicei , perpeiiated at .Mfunt l’l a- r;.. ,i.„i , 1.; . ! till-1 rench .As.'^^n.b.) to make the appn*-! ;..‘vn. a-ii_. *» rp will b‘ up tl the iiiji; tins inav now I lic till;**!! i/fi', a'ld t(»e lxittt»in clear' d f’roii. I lhi*«e impurili»-' w hiclt are apt to adiierc to , .11 , 1 •' . ' io> i i» in.n ; . I. \ . . I . A 4, Iihf !i Kiiii lo . , , . i i i i-acif, iti .>cin»»lk counlv, on 1 hursda\ eve. it; ;tfu! tn« II nit into hrtri* lor dr\ in«». ^^r!i i .1 l 1 1 • l>nalinn, ha^ i»wt our hi cif tai \ the i r a-' 1 . .u * 1 i ■ ki« k ; wiih hiH ic» tiu* lulrriMl ; . , , ", , Iasi, tho parti(ulart> 0} uliulius lar a9 have l>cfn able lo iherii, are aa Pi arentlv pulling "T" “'7'; | tMlows :-Michael S.kes cultivated a bii.uH - 1 cordm^r ,0 ,h- ter ns ol the treaty, l.elore | a|)pri»- 1, ! . .1 i ' 1 ■ ' rr ' ' I priation, haul iiut oiir Si cif tar\ ol'thi , ,, , , f - ki k , ttiih hiH n>is»' |^);iitfd to the i , 1 1 . . '1 1 it will b> a little ni(.»e unifi rm in its cobi ■ 11 . .1 1-Jiirv Ix en ifi micIi iiaste to draw on t ic r ... .1 1 . I r“t:inns In-could not toiiieitit nllv rear, and ■ , r 1 iM.bitioi., Il \i 11 pill It into tlif kettle a-aiii .111 'in r rciich vovernnient lor an lust.i luei.i, ' • ■'t(if devil hiiii8 -ll wa? aiti.arenilv nulliiiii , ^ , , «ilh ij »ei\ l;lllo w .ti r, ai;d heal It ai'uin; I I . 1 ,1 1 • , , • „ , , II. ” '• la't i.p ihe point, I iifn rwuid-all. w in^’ ii to chiI h- !x >rc. 1 ■ .1 1 .. 1 . ■ i 1 1 . . > . • ‘f'd (iiii* ti\ Miiimittcd to !«• chixJ. I >.i.ip li.r u»c III the fiimilic*‘ ct i.i' -t lur | • ^ 1, cinmonlv pn p.nd l.\ li-..-hii.J aNT. Ix)| I. ol IniN pr DRO, ti. s madf bv th- la.iiily durin;: ttie v.mfer. ^Vhe„ nt K.o, U-mo a! ifie Op. » ihi* i-a |K..i,t in «hi. ii h.‘tiM-k.. i.»rv, ihe war svith the Ar -iitm- that treaty had P'Ct'ivt d the Ic^i-ii.itive .«‘-inc fimi in all its (ornis. The lTi*nch com- plait! that tif N v>f*re treated too tmicli like 1 iiiore inerc:ii)tile f ^taliii'lKiicnt, and then I iinti'.iial pri(1i! recoilej I'rojii such !r: atineut; I'^.mHm.r, r,.;!, II n.a> wort.i «.',i;i- I- , ,{ .,mh„c, a in d. .^p inourmnjtlire« '*' t'l'l''*-''' compkimn-J, that even, in ,;iv>', K1 thi« pl.ic- , a t' »» ^"t!cnl dirtnHot-, j ..f.., |- at ij,« ,,,ij (-r,,;,! transiction, tne di.ift n.iul. A i>.irri-l. With on.- head, is ina.l. 1 ^-..t,-oi'comparative i.filij. i;ce ..h.-was re-!•'f' !"'*' lioventriient w„s in'’i.(reci. lured nenrlv, at blow, :o ihc most Ci.:n- '' •' ‘ “ '“^^9 b^-lv.cen an in- ■.U-f.Mi..tiii;iiiin; in adrntn.n to •A l.n-h, ''i'^' ..1 a me,canine lirm. who 1- pre j i.t V.-t hr-r t:.v».r,tP .^.n, V. ho had I- 11 '»*'• ^irt.cles ol partnership, fn.ii. kil djoininff the farm Fentress, and promised Fentress, that if ha vvi.iild have an e\e to his enchisiircs in his a!)ience (he livinjf in another farm) and prevent the cattle from hre ikinjr info thun, he mitiht alter the crop was yaiherecl, have the j;lea!iint>s for his own stoi k. 'I his was agreed on ; hut when the crop was gather* ed. S k«‘S tinned his own stock into the fields, ind IV-ntfOs resolved to turn them out. la .nrsuaiice of this determination, he took ^'iili him a \onno man named J .|in .Vlur* , - - parati 1-. i>) ;)«i 0 h-Hrti. Iiitii iiii.f vimiild b*‘ I iJt ; ifir* !-•« K (fill' h ImI'IiI s'.k.-d li::>^, all • i*ie b.jrr. I fill'd «i'h i..>-hi s. \* ,i|fr -h''.i!d i V' I'M!! ii,Htii the t j), at.d ai!o;ve.l In ti't' i i'l* -'• "** inial. With 111.- newsiiiii^dea.hshVvv^^s P^'>’ which the f\.rmer pied,> J' ''I'hui^a " mghrio j h -in h.i-. b.. 11 s-p,.iai. d. I i.e o' ct in ; ,„.r h,„. e, i,t to pa> certain it is hoos,^ic. out 01 the'rt. lo! On ! .iiif._- the lime at lh« h-i t .in ol ti.r la-s ^ j,,,.] ^11 "r y d that it would Lie most unhus.nes* - tli.ii thr- he n .> pr.'s ihroiioh ii, urn: j,,. wi.nlv, U" n t;;k.'n i.\ ...ei of'tor tne party to wi-.onithc p!-d^e i;. >dma re...„t ha-t!- m the iJ.,n -i Ori- '> T" 1 "“^n had risen. J .'i«» tiK.s It n.a\ deprive it ot ;.».y raio- nn ,.„p,„v‘s | riv; an! Iv a:i aim-si •I'ld It mav and which w.uld j're. j „.,hk'tai ,h'\.on ti.'.'vi n ni-ht !-.Mit II fnmi coiiil.iimi^r wi'h til' -;r.'a>f ai.d ,v„. r, ,.^,,1 '...i-i iliv.iJ, , iiiti lhu'J". riiiii'^ i.ime li.‘s a sirMii^-t-r i.iiini-j i,,.r hotiM', v.hirh w.i ri I ii.siiri d, w.i.i Ilv (to n«- ihe larniti.i^e of t!.c u.i-u, (.y,,,, miH. h. r ..mi-f.'t rim. ^nd makiiu f^-np in ;* ch'-.i iCal pr.K-i—, f'( ; i,ori.h.d 111 tl..' iI.ol-, and nut a Miig'e ar j. lib. ■01.- arid t|.;>li | r,!nsh tn-', IIoti t-rc it , tide .,t her pi..[Pi:% v« .i- >,ivi'.i. ]«ill rt-l.itii It vvh.-ii I. at he,; till..11^,1 |t, „i..i Her ;« art, slie aii.f. d. >v a-aim .Mo V tlw («.|:„h or lye to ruuolfiu its pun | r. r, m !!,.■ . .11,x* ■ ■ rmi'Iir »taie. I 'l iier*' I" one ihin;^ rifr*', hefidt « l arlKi , nir nr d, which is 111 the v.a\ 1 n li.e miii s..m-timer. nhines out fr.ui'iM hiiid •' I'*'"'** ^li^rarter, has Ix-m pro . s...ip. It M t I. Salt winch |H ,r,e (j,r:;.'v| rl.Hjdtli-n tei-in- h-r |,e ii'recipi'ation. A-ain, lain their way, in a narrow part of the road they were met b\ hikes and two b.iv«, ona ol the latter hi.s own snu, the otiier his nephew. £?. and his won were cach armed , , , , . , ! with a £iin; fin- nephew h id a pistol. iSikes bi'i u .'■ubii iltCil tu, and sunciK'i'eil hv the i ..,11.',,. u 1 1 .1 1 .. ind r."iitie-> had some words; Ihe latter cuen, !i. iiiiik''iiiatis on thotiirn, on ac- ci.iint i f ti.f transaction, niitsi tiie act of li.e ii .lividiiiil iiicmlK-r of the h( u»>‘ has ..ther pi.tneis, a.ui a sp-^cal i“ r‘“'>^ion | determmation to’ down fir tl,eam..n..t.u|.u a.j d„ve S,k-s st,K.-k out of tha i- H.'. i)i«, un t r.-aru , to le t ,( ' " ti. ld, w here he cotilended they had no rndit most [iiiiken. *' " ' “■ *’ gmernii.eiit, y .1 j |.^ . insistmiJ that he .should r ... ....11.-1 'I his r»*p!\,, *' *'"^u* * j tiot. Tfie coniroversy wa-J suddenlv ter- I -aid-— e ii:,ve .11 our tr.aU and trihula. . '*“* "iims'.ersthem.v.v.-s. It is | j ^ • .|,.n,_.n tiMs ui rl., ,n„:earoc.vemi.t; bu: dis. harmed the contents at the b.e... of Ff-ntres.-;, then standing only a lew feet from the mnzz'e, who fell dead at his feet I v'd wi.h the gna-. J his >h..oId U-,,0 „|,nt coiiid l.e d.nie, 'hat the atlair al I on • ,h,.„ his nephevv to shoot .ar.hi"v :..-i. 1 h> In.ihn;; it inn keiile .,^n,i„„an of tne 1. d.hami>er,oenoi |- as Capt. IUi.lah-j is w. that | ,,,,, ravage man. .V.thu i)u,oitii\ of vai. r.liv «|„,-h means .ivp her immrdiatMv s.h I. reliH h> her ^, date, at.d wnmided him in the arm, as he il.i ..lit «111 nmt. with the, and ,„„f.rtuii. s entitled her to; ''ii i’i** "* j «as making cff. The nnforiiinate. mao ill.- j;r(;i*.- m a [T.iii r I'oudiii'.u for tnivm^’ .vith till- Ive. V'ith proji«.r c.ire to fr.i- li e Ue tVoii) c.irli..nii’ acid. n:iiI the grensi tioiii ‘■all, a Imrrrl ot' fn e »i..ip iimV l)C lidding in the oiiiiie bnath, "Hand her ivhati'ver moitcv \r.u hnv»- ab.-ui \ou." N'.w It Ml happ. iD (I tliiit P uud Im 1 Tlionsandfi wid never lie convinced that ihis was n«-.f an intentional a-gn s.'ion, and that It i,'^ not an inuicati'jn ot the hi.-stile - . 1 . -imhling in too course of,h.*evinm'», and, I to every fift. en 01 twentv }K,unds ofj i,.,,; les». thiiii OtU) mitre « m n-te, 1 “ ^ ' ircumstani (s, my intor- U'f' i .11 his ihh ket ; and In «av of h j- k.‘, which ' '“P ‘’'-"‘■•iu- ii th..-e «ho tmke !«o,ip vvrmid stiidv :i,p |,,, culd plav oif on Ills ,M.ip Sly 1'^“"’’ li.'nr litile iiiore at 'Vr' tii> time .«f ai d hail u d.'7,. Iiud »OH|l. tihen turtiod r nr.d to remonstrate, telling Sikrs he had iirv r ii jiired him, and hoped lie would spare hi- life ; but 8ikes, unmoved by his apjval fii:il‘hed tlie yun which his si.n held, and aimed and fired it at >iurdcn, who received tfa* charge in his side, nnd fell inortHlly wounded ! 7 liese facts we ob tained from per-'on. living in the m ighbor- lioml of the bliK dv scene. We learn that . hemi.try th roo^, and HtlenJ to tt,. ss.tb iiiiinmitv, h,-deiermir,-d to oIk-n'bun ^'PP'-npriating povver of the I .r..:om:; pia.n rules, we «h. uld probablv n, (b- verv i. It.r, and when tiie I'.nijerori l«iause su b a ca). ^ ^ ^ re ab.nt “ hu k," “ the i p „M'd. f.iid, “Mv l-.h.I oarne, I am vr rv ! ! ».n inqiie>t w a,, held v esterduv . but we have Ihe ,i..«.n,’’-wit.h,",,.„rv tor M^ir sake that nil the m-nev I P'^ons torm.^ by the P. puties ol the jiis-, ,,eard the resuli. Of the mam facts .-nt tl'cr sup{HK,cd cauw.s ol h-ive «nb m.» is but «i(*H milreas; iirverthe- ' ! and also, Uyause ll.ej^^ich we have stated, b-wever, there can less, I hi'pr- it will m'Vn e tor your pri seiit ' P^'**'** oj>ernt. npofi iti laine, as : d.niht. N\ e leHnied last evei)in:j hat ri » rAT(HS. IK c'»sili*'» ; hands, he and placmu tiie iiotrs in bet , KepreM-ntativr. are in this cu dry, by that'nr fiiiiit I tiKki't fiiiH I hit n irwi o I > .Il f.k • . . . ' * walked a.av, leaving her sfH-ech- ! s«-"l-»ient, and the to , wonder i.t Don iVdr.-V mmiili. :‘ ‘"P"!-*‘«^ ^'V Ui» tr. atv, I a e,tinni'i if an acre .f pof.Tlr^'s ^row m. vei V (I , «o.l I t- k a ; W hen,' ho« rvi'r'.’ibVEmiH-r'iTwas : """’J lU.popmnr act. \ ..u may n st^ r#.- »v ai. Kmaf re- *V. .e„o, had then. cr.,p,«d, ,,,,,^ inlorn.ed of the sum which had thn, . tl.-sevicvvs are ihe result ot , MorV the Knti.moh.gical S cietv of eaitli. I *.uian..:h.rfmrcelld.dnot.rop 5,,^,,,^,.^,,,,^,,^.,.,^, ,„,,,jConsid^^^^^ obscrvatmn, nv ''O'* « l-V^nce, the f.llowii... curious fact. whi. li ni ail-:md a thud ero,.,.-d loiij; nlh-r th. ; pris.|.and alter reprnachmi. 1* ' * '• 'i'-' „ ^„ven on the author,tv of \^r. Spence. bo-.oi,i sho«,d It.ell ; Ihe result w,is, that , his interests told him ! I";'U c-rrect on lhi> th.'s-ihai were II..t rrop,Hd p.oved toU' ■ Mibj . t, I vv ill n. t piHe„. to sn ; tHi:,ai|„,^^ j,. ^ dunUma, on a cane the snmli.-., tlio..«. cropped, itie i'.-u !•». bave U en so lav ..h of bn o.v n im.nev. Here • ''''’Is, his r pnuon.s derived lion, [ver : npr.obt m the mid>t of a stream of til.- I ir-e^i luiii Ik si ; hi d ih-vs,. not en.piM-d ' «"i'al ititerceurse, nnd tormed under all the j ....... , ' , rr“ Ihe mntter re.t.d. the latest p.rtiallv I-Ti. titt-d-This plan ol . „bofl,K-ked to cn'Trat. \ OIJ . . . . , , , 1j#» saw it (les«**»nii ilip cane H*vr»al JitlliH.nre f^l Aniertfun l*»‘lui'S, dot'tvr', , . , i . i j j t!»nf“*, nnn rrnx'iinl nhen it hnn arnvi d at eroppmu IS ,.Mt,.,ilarlv de.ire.hle, if N on , „„„ s.itia-weiyhl, and ni.i.t op.-rat.M.i m.Klerate , SnddenK heal- havi. n loii. drv s-asoii ; otherwi.r (he .np- ^ aiu very san*.nme expeelatioi.s which may „t, 1)1 iTiiwtti III .i.H'li HiideHves wi I complele ' I,,, ; ... 1.,,, 1,,. ,i „,..i . ... i*. have been inliil;;eil, \ who are in-. . 1 1 , "" «^''‘/ils to join her husl.and soon alter , , niterwaris, to bis grcjit astonishiiiei.t. h« V .Maii.l the ,Hitat.«-s that should h. events related; since when ,i,„ ' '7" perceived ii qui-.U lairsuini; its wav on the •mu I in trenches. have used '••ii"ii. . snccee ded, thr.iu«h the death of a rela-! | th.-r side of the strt niii. The /T/h ir« bn- ^1*111' «nH«rtil) r r.,r,iii.i„, |,j. JKUs;: Of ■ l;.VI MM M \ Mi N-f at rii r llii iiIkjv* llljr, h Im rr rvrrv » ill l.«- f'v n I,, f tiilrr «iM. '.rtnMi lo llii.». vvlmiiiay 1* '">r li'iii H itli tl.i ,1 ' ■ lt|. 'Il». i>\\ II* II m;i\ r>-p,iftm. f,. * * i; ris ’AiNiii/r, Aismt. ^ '''II- hr, X. i' S'rf,l. -Jii. I i I MU.'UOC s \V ~ '1^111. Siili.eri.Kr IVI-!|I . n. |nirrh,|sr 1.1 'vKI.Y B .N I.i.Ki II s, I>„nii..n li.iliiiiv m «r»i.ld. and ..I iwv Ihr tiiiMl IiIhtmI jam, • iii ( .^^l|. •"' « tm tiavv Kill'll |,|.ij«.tU III nrll .voiild do vri II 'O fiilliin l.iiii. (ir Mr. .Intm .liim « hi«, \pi iil, . .in h. tniit.d ,1-\lr. Slini;-!.t, r', M. t. i. niarlonr' " .Ml Ih il.Tti n(')Jrr..»fil 1,11 nil, ot Mr. .I..iu'k, w ill **■ I'linrtuully nil ,„kj to. ,, lUMii'i'T m n:. Ulunka of nil knd*f,>r mk lU llu iii.niiiii .and find all along m.uiuie.. j„ verv con.vidersble profa'rtv, w bn h | vin^ spun two threads alop™ the nitte, had g...d: bni the mire „ t or it, pro,KMi,e> ^ husband had preserveil from Mi.i.efs ' I'OIFi: (WSlMI'n TlIItortJHOVT oneofthem, .v bieb carried bv tbewmd, lyinn tie t. ||. r. le .ta i tt ni.iiiiiri is |,^ ,.tij.i-tnyllv eoiiceiibnif hi« n-J i \ . . I had Uroine Httaclied to sonte obii-et on tha 1 be consumntii n ol I I tiee in (treat I) U ;, , , , , , bank, and so »erved the as a bridge acros.s the water. .Mr. Spenre lx*li>ves that spiders, when adirit, alwuv s use sum'ar loenns to cross water. M. le I’.'lh-tier da Fargeaii ..iipported the opinion.— L Inntitut, rapai itv bv liectuallv conceHlmi; bis real, i pa.ti. iilarly ir-xl, Ireiii the s .brie mailer il , principles.' On the day we landed, however, | eontams; whiit we call vvoi.U manure » | h,. c-onid contain hims: If no longer, but miv j H-na-e .U,mMi th.' nios. I eYeriisi.,1; hut il it is , ro„stituiioi,aiists, -ItMHUl; Ssp.uii -oakrd in Hull water. It isgreativ mtp-oved. ! retreating enemv,i'r ‘ J*''' IW.Rig. I,... ut I...I hi- i.r..... InitedMates, lo,l.ll»U.— I .md. mtstnthh' iiii'tu ! loiit bid life iii the * — ■ I'onllnt. V.mix^n^ion rv/ nm/ prr.^rrrin^ ■ |,„ p^es, nted her only .=«rving sons cafr.i, jHili ,, l„n n», .Vr-,—I he folh.w mj. K,„,,eror (pri..r to tbeir jomint: a re-, cmposiii n, bus liern recommended. hii.I is L„„ p,„ volunteeis.) and expressin.* her | i-'I'i «r.i,orally In'li. ved to Iv* a eheap and excel j j,r„|„ude for his former goodness, 1 : »>'" ahoiit l.»,lUU) ton.; Si. lem coli.rmj. und pres-rvative of gates, | re,„med to her liouserHtid the " ' ‘ ‘ ‘ (ales, barim \c. !-amo dav transnntted to him Iwtwen Itl total con.umptn.n 1-7,('(It' tons. Of this large quantity the We.t | ^ wand. rmir van*, . i‘' l-'T'. T V’*' Hoiwi commuted v a-ii'ti. depr. datioos ab-nt the Cl nntrv under the |>n‘tei;ee of t!erani;e. ■Ml It twe lve oiineeN of r‘>»iio in an iron pot, or ketth*: and thriH* gallons of Iraiii-oil, an.I thiee or lour r.-lls of brimvstone, ^Vben .' losm nmi brimstone „re mellcd, and ,i,„ | „„.„„n,,ed >ere onlv known to a few in his .Maji stv's lilt.— Monthly Msii:ii'.int for (h'tolnr. tb I.eeotne thm, add as iiiiieh spanish brown, or yelliiW oker, (nr ativ cttber color vmi Wfini—^;r' imd fun*, as iiiial, with oil) a 1 will give thf' whole as deep a shade as von j like, 'rii'-ti lay H rill w ith a brush, ms hot Hildas thm as voii can. Soiin.iltvs after tac liial cuut IS dried, give it u tuconU* ind ?1'J,(UK» for the public service. 'I'bal ibis sum bad laen lent to the (loverniiienl .IV a rich widow was ciirrt'nilv r*'f»or|i'd at I'K'tit.and tl'iisoff. n es' a;ied hi- jii-i desert. Il>. niie dav eiiieuHl the b ai.e of a ciH^per who wa-' ciiitin;; poh'S. I'm.iini; the wo. man of the h' lis^- aloiie. he t >ok her up and .ifiempted to |.||i her on the fiip. She .»ciram« Domiii^^o, nearly 1 ti (Hill tons ; the lliitch West lndi.» Col..nil'., .“i.tHiO tons; the French ditto and HouiImih, tons ; ai.d the itrazilsaiid S;>anish .Nlain, fnllv JVJ.taili tons. Our Kasl India colonies are cai.Mbie j!,]”;;iy.^iiVH' \\. 'r hus'fn.'nd!' lie canie wI'h ol ynddina excellent c ll-f lo an mdiImilc j,, amount.-Aft/,'. ri;ic/-. | puni. d and evert km bv the ent«:.'r-d hii'bmd, w lio l*e;;an b.’aimg The oldest man now alive in r!uro]>c, is him with po'e. The t'.'li'ow helh vved, " I A slave at New Orlenni, recently con- ... , , . i cr ,/vSo am I ” s.iid the man vv hilo i„ J 1 .1 ,1 , . sHid to b«' one hundred and thirtv hve na.o ■, . deiiin-d to death lor slrikmir "lute man, • i,!,,«,( f p fai, r and heavi-r. It need has beet, pardoned by tUc (.Jovornor ol a^e, named ('onrad V ancouvpr, a „ com;.lctn cure Luuiiaua. I Dutch »aik»r at DurJrecht, in liolliind. ' « roii-ht ujien tb.? pret--'e')e.i Iripatie.

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