ON IS’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAl.. am PRI.NTi:i» AM» KVKKY NATLKI>AV, IIY AS J. IIOI,TON.... II AHMVn i', MIXKMi.MU lU; COrN’l Y, NOIITIIK AltOLl.N'A. I WIM, rr.At H V(ll TO flKRCK TIIK lOW tIJ* 0»’ TIIIC EARTH ANI> BRINU OUT PROM THE C'AVEKN!* OF TMK Wol'NTAIJIH, METAI^ WHICH WILL OlVK STKrMGTII TO 01 R IIANOS ANI» Hl'BJKCT Al.l, "lATORE TO OtJR C*E AND PLFAfll'RE. DR. JOHNHUN. V. NATlIlin.VV, f)KCEMIU:3^ C5, J8.M. NO. 218. lull the proceedin','* of th« (iviisral (lovem- •IOIirn:il mput, it ought not to be e!iper,t»*d of us to go “'“'■"'“ff further. At all evriitii, tliH ■outhcrn 8ii at /»«/--• prr ..mu^ if>.d^m havin- Hiiriog nearly half r c-nturv 7if4> Uoilatt and h^ft\i i rnit il i»*>t pinu in • j # v...o^ i />..« l)ulU,.»\x th. .nd of U.e >cr. '"'"‘"*‘1 tlie.r ri.,^.urre» in the paj i.iei cij>lo «f a pfcviuclive fund which had been ' fhnri:;ed to b« nubs';ribed by indivirfuala jiendiiures during the late war with Great accumulated l*y thn economy of preo(!ding’: ('JdO.OdO dollam) ha* been taken, ond the i Hrituin upon the considerntioD of the VV af* \ears. 'I'bc inve«lrncnt5 f^ hicrii hnvt Iwen j paynieniB made with more than ordinary | Dcpartnient, entertains conhdent hoprs made io the nl(K k (if the Punk of the State 1 punctuality. Of the stork reserv**d for the a sj)epdy and pquitabis ut'Uleaif nt.—Ilin of North Carolina, leaves it n* lonj;er in State, (600,000 dollars,) but one fourth has | correspoitdcnce upon this subject ,will be our power to pursue tl.is exhau;«lin" process, i Inen subscribed and pad for by the Public j transuiitted tu you in the progress of lh« and we are coni|>vl!eH to provide otiier > Treasurer. The remaining three fourths i session, means todefray the ex|tnseH of the Govern-; must be wrured witbiri the fieriod of two 'I'he act passed nt tbe lafil ■IIIK A: FurillorM^ •lOlirnm ! mput, it ought not to be ejpected ol us to go priiuwl «nil publuiieri rvwrj S*iurd»jr morning further. At all events, tliH southern Slates, ex- metl of kirvEKTlsKAIKNrh *iU «t l\fiy b-'untie* to the in*;eiiuity of the eastern, cont* p«t»iuttr» (not rxcetdiiii: iHi line*.) for the must not lie ruiued, that iidt quale rewnrd-J firit iu«eriion, iiid ceiiU tor each •uricsriiiig j niny bo provided for tbe entwrpriHe of the • means todefray the ex|tnseH of the Govern-; must be wrured witbiri the fieriod of two I 'I'he act passed nt tbe lafil session tbe rerk-^r |1 f*r tbroe week», tor oii« wpittre.— States. ! ment. This, it is Ijelitjved, may Ixj edlc- years from the first ef January next, or tbe , General Assembly, dirertinj{ the (Jovernol' ‘r *xislinj( tariff of duties, nhirh, hap I led without any increase of the present rate cortirr»uiirti««l tor [.uUlic.tioii, tljn nuii.Ur ol pilv for the rountry.has been satislactorily | of taxatiou, if provision is made to secure in*«rtion( inunt t>« uotrd on the moi^'in of ihe arianpe«J for the prewnt at least, iriUKi pro- . a fmr vahiatinn of real estate, and to nscer nixnuKcri)it, or they wilt br coiUmued until fortttd, and eh»r|'i tccordiiigl.v. ,» All cntfimuiiiciitif>n« to iJie Kdilor um»t c«iiic frm- ot pa»l a Ilf, *r tiMijr ni«y D»t btalti-iided to. I'OMLIOEI). duce a revenue entirely adequate to an e- ' tain the number of mdiTidiih!^ legally 1ib- conotnical adminiMlratuia of the (iovern-^ ble to poll lax. The (Juvniiment of tho meot, and additional revrMircos vtill but teud country should never hold out teinptHtions to pn>digHhty and corruption. 'J'here w en)» to its ciiizen»todo wrong. Such, however, to be nn goKd reason, thoref«,re, why, the is the mauili «t femiency of the mo>t import- object ha>mr h*en ac-omplirbed for which anlpr rKiploofourlisculsystem. lujiraftice. privilege re»terved to the State will be for feited. Your attention is thus early direct ed to tho subject, that proper measures may be adopted by a judicious revision of t.ur revHoue Ians, by tbe sale of other pub lic •I(x ks, or by resorting to a loan, to at tain niic of the leading objects contemplated li> the charter of this institution. S me legislation is necessary with re- I the sinking fund «as created, the national j whutevar may h:i’.e l>^#o the theoietiisl , s'>ect to the publication and distribution of The prediction#^ ol able and |doniain shall uot be di\ideJ in tbe stifola j sfKJculations of the law-giver, every ov»ner! the Aclsof Assembly. 'I'he trausmission itatvsmen in ««ir ( onvention which rej -c-^ prop'irtnrti among all tlie iiie;nb'*is ol ! of real estate assrsHi s ihe viilue of hi* o^vn . of a single copy to the Lxecutive of each (•d tbe I'ederttl ( on*lifution, tbat a svsteui j ('(infedTtcy. To the State Govern- freehold, and it folloMn as a necessary con- Slate, is at present authorizei^, while we h««fy ta*utio.) and U»ish ‘•x|«fnd‘tur»- ^ j losit importaiit aid ; nefjuen' e, tliat the iiulivid’ial, who is honest • receue from nearly all the States a copy ftir ^«>uld jjrow up uiwitr it, although j in the pro«;ecntion of schemfn of iriternal im-I under all ciicumstatices, conlribiiti s his tiiir | the llxecutive l)epnrlaient, and one for It the tiiKO «• rhiircrical by ”*h*‘'^s, nei-^ proportion to the inaiiitenance of the lio- eacb branch of the Le^Ti.^liiture. it is the her less wiie n* patriotic than iheu.aclvf H,, fx|«erienee proves that, | \erninen*; \vbil*« h*} who ii leii conwien- duty cf the Secretary ol State to deliver to is\e tR-en realifd to aa CTtriit which • ■ jf (|,„ f „|j ngbtfull) excercif'd, tir.os receives a dircct reward for his ini- i tbe I’uLlic Printer, ut an early period after :nout fearful and lar sighted did D'lt apprc-1 (jcurr.il (iu\etori>eut is not competent | quitv. , the ndji'urnmont ot the General A^mbly, n'lid. NN betber ihese e\il« ere uot rather acco(i.pIi>thm«iit f»f these prr it ( ur j The«atr.»objectionappli''s wi’hstill jrrea- copies uf ull acts which have bien pa»sed. 0 b»* regarded at «.»b»i«>usly re»ultmg ^ ; and th«* h‘ avy am«Hint paid by this ■ t«r fttire to t(ic n gulatiou'* under which the i Rut it is not made the duty of any ene to he abu«e of delegated jiower, than as rf- j iiMlir*v. tlv into the 'i'reasurj of the I'. ' poll tax is l» vn d All slaves over twcUe arranye the order of public ation, to prepare 1 rt» which uii^ht reasonubl) ha\e been an-, uo«ier the p^ralic-n vf the preiu.'ut j ;'Pd under fil'iy years of ape, are sulject to Indexes nr;d innrjjinal notes, und tu revise tici(>a'eii fretn the inntruiiienl i*»i'lf, it j *ysi ni, if this tund be denied u«, enpitiition tax. Il ev*r\ >la\e owner in ihe the proof thoetd. 'I'bis evil hns bern in- iiot now prop*r to loquiio. Put "I*** i plm-^ the uccumulHtion ef the r^•qlll^lle comrminity were entirely di>!pos d to do so,, crcased by the anxiety which prevails at Dot p«-rcei»e the ci>nsunt tendoncj beyond our rt ach, intiim any rea-‘ U isn©\( rjea>} task to nwertain accurnie-i the clf>fa of the gi-S'iion to expeditu-biniiness, hrd^-ral (■overuineiit •" , soneblo [>ern>d of tiroe. : ly the pro|»fiilion »>f his bliivrc who are b*. by the eniploj nie»it fif inexp'?rirncej en- iii;«.*nl Its re»«urctn, »od mutiipi) its e\-^ My opinions with rfspect to the nece««i. . tneeu twidve and fitty years of aje. Ue. : ;;rns-jmjj clerk*. The rnis>ak**s which last ()ditur*»>, mii»t he \ery luatleutno to our; ^ ^ (Tjcitiot pr*secn(n»n h\ ’ -»'tds are rar'-lv k>'i>t of ih*‘ n2*>' f tho«‘ \rinter escH|ied the vigilance if the e.xamin- »t Hud present history. I i>ut« of n geneml »\«tfniof internal • U-rn UfH.n •'wr rstate-4, and *ac have tltll ■ ing comiuillees, ha\e not wnly (lefi)riued Injurious OS was the •rrangement f the i I III asctrlaitung the ujres tliH slattjtt* lxu.k,^bul have mutenully af- \oiutionnr\ claim" t« th»* intere*ts »»f thn* ^ r**pirt «uhniitted lo the (ieneral A»- i uf yiK-h hs hnv'e b'-i-n acqiiirefi by purchase (“ctfd the construction of soaie of the most late, and o{»pre«.»ive n*> the fisr4t ".'••'■'*** «.fi^j>Iy ut the la»t «M s».ion, l.y the Botrd ■ or iiih-ntnnce. Hi-, howner. w ho is not j iuiporlant enacfmi'itls of the sension. f th^ GriH'ral \eruiiien' h.i» »x-en to all Impro\eim nis. It is not prf>p>sed ! jM rupulouI» hone-i, may s«ti«iry his c n- I 'I'ho death ot .I.iines (Jrant, E>quire, late he Soutl c.ii Statcf*, **e derive con«Uli«-n distuss, at prei-ent, eny «e ef the v« ■ wcif>nce b\ \er\ BMpprfK ial inquiries, v\h»n j ('onipir Her of Public Aacc(»unls, has de- roui the relJ'-» tK^n that v*w ha\e tiut grown, t„p„ , which were tfito fully coniiid- j tin y acr^e with tn«. mtc'e>t; ;in;l the mdi- prived the State ot the set vices ut a fiiithlul iO degri-«, tbe elt»-rls «l the tir»t, aiul exi^f rienc** el ani.Hier year it- M'lual wiio !► enlirciv beyond I’.f! induencH and vigilant otiicer. 1 his event occurred f-nj«y the pri>*p»-ct »>t relinf Iri.ta the ln»t. cf'n lU'Ue pr>x>ffhal lodiMriiial as-o- of m'lDil co»*r( ii.n may coinniit fra'jii wilh [at loo late a t.^riod to adioit u( rny a?>>iem- « have nfrivnl, too, «t • ji* ri j»i 111 «iur at n^vcr wilt, and n'-.er can nccnnt iinporiit\. Atlrinpis to cl''»»ct criines of bliD^ the I-xeciifive Cuiincil with a view oTiA- s the eXfj*c lalK'n ihai carnm*n»ura!e with our n»- »hi» cliaiacter.are rareiv r»nde ;;it d if ih^v lo a teniporarv appoictnient, and the oilice noil) canuot be alJ«rt,‘*»cl, ' - ■ . . • to appoint thiee commusioncfs, whose duty it should bo to revise and digest the publi^ statute lawi of this State, has been cbtri>)i« ed with. The trui-t was, at an early pcrl* od after tbe adjr.urnment ef the Legivldtiirej confided to VV illiam H. Battle, (.iaviu Jl igj? and James Iredell, Eiiquires, who entircdl upon the immediate discharge of their di:- ties. The severe indisposition of one of these gentlemen has greatly imp*ded tho progress of the work, though it is bt^liev d It n.ay be completed within the period liin- iled by lnw. A report upon this subj c t is understood to be iu preparation, uud w ill probably be trao^iaiitted lo }uu in a fevv days. My letter together with the vnrioui resignations which have been transmili“l to this I)( partincnt since the adjournnn nt of the last Legislature, will be laid beluie you b\ III) Private Secretary. 'I ho various important topics with rrs» pect to which I have considered ii my dtj- ty, to exprcs>s my opinion, have exter.Jril this message to an inconveiiieLt length. 1 have found it necessary, nevertheless, to reserve some matters of less general intf'r- esi, which wtil be submitted for your con sideration in the progress of the sessif>n. In conclusion, 1 b»ve only to issure you of inv hearty co operation in every measuro which may bo calculated to preserve liio liberty and promote the prosperity and hap* piness of our couatituents. DAVID L. swain. Ez^cutirf Pfpattmfnt, If. C. t i\ottmLcr 17, le34. ^ 'air«, w hu’h auih h««jgh an imi»-«itiii\ d re«ourri s. It th-n;"tiev a ere more iVnqtvnt, >uict"'i, ui llio nature is, therc lore, vacant. Th* duties of the fi.e ffp«rati.»n ma\ be obtairMvl for tlic in , | wbi. h h;i». b, - n f Tpmdcd b> our le .f tlmi:.-, i* nenilv impossible. A single , Comptroller have devolved upon the Tiea iries we have »ufl«*ntl. 'I be j*« rplr-xiug ■ie^iu>n* coiiij'Ttfd with lk« taritl 5V»t4u» iiv# a iu»''‘*^ f roi-f-nt, •lui, il ■i bopc'd, will tw li'ially ••etileil on the e»jii 'iiiiMi of liie act c«f — I’ho nuiionxi rl»’lit IS exiiiigiii»hed, ni thn lalitio.tl du main i» r«-iie>ed fri'iii the pled^H undrr wtuch It wBs h.ld f r the lywtil if lb*- G»'iK*ral (t'-v-rit'oefit. Tee importin* tiiiii for the tirnt tin e nri'-es tor eoniun r.i lion, what di.p..*iti.M. Hl.all bo made of it ’ „„,erj.r.,,ng eit.7.. os, a'el ;• larg Troifi the FiyettrvllU Obs«rrer. riN ANC LS OF XORTlI-CAKOf,IV \. As usu.il, we find il necessary 11 ah:-? the Annti;.! Rt port of the 'Preasurer of Si«l«tnr c Hirif ,is in the creation of corpo-, •k tui['le w ill ^uiVi'-i-to e-tiibiis'li the correct-''Uiy f)''pnrtment at the busiest season ”1 > Lc^isla ura rj'ions, tint hare i Mt,ti*J cuh on paiier, f;.M« i.f ll,i-'> rirmiks, find sh-w the extent the \ ear, and it is defirnble th.it this vacan-i "" " cdnesc)a> la*.t. It is very l«ii>>, ana (iiid iire a m st iin'ot)\^!ii'*t.t I'lici.mbrauLe lo whiilitlie r'^vei.ue is '!• frnud’d. I be cy sh'.uld no supplied at as eaily a daj as!'*'**' ' curtate witiout etractin^j loin '•n the *falute h 'A, ha'i bern applied to .nf"re;;,i;e uiik l er of »i;ives n; th;-; .-tiif^, in { practiciihle. jits mterfst. • .l h'» c->n^*rl; ti..r. of s nie one w »ik. nt l-iid, whs -JI'MGJ. At |i n-t one hnlldf, Perhaps a fairer occnsioo may never !.« It appi^ai-s ihM the halaoce m the Tr^ns* IP prat iicp I >iry on the 1st November ISdS, was ^r.,,- pi|latt..;i, Hero beiwceii I hi* ag^s of twelve which has prevailed ot late j ears, ol tf 'd'H u«>ftil iiiAi I oil II >11. 'J'Se ruiituiua!- :ind tiiiv \ ear., at pri>t**r p«unt, we should bav# had i)«(ore us ' 1)\ f-TPry authoriZ-H principle of com-I presentid tor su^'re'-t.^if that the prac..., , - r ih • ' an »x;*eriti>'nt, w hirti w nuld, at l«H'*t, It.tvi' ' pi|lati*.:i, « ero belwceii I hi* ag^s of twelv e w Inch has prevailed ot late \ ears, ol select- j .' * ' , f *’ ^ the rate, f tweotv ...^ ( oun.^llnrs from rea:ole scciion? r.f the |1. I";i4 amounts to £>02, ,T irfr»^»ii g current of emigrat'oi,, •''r.ts c-'.il, contnlmteil lo liie Sruie, is a virluai intraciion cif the t’onsii- •^•■priMiig u* oi‘-nin', of o'lr riio>t iitiela- Pul/lic'1 reaMirv 2-1.(liC di"ir.'«. The en-‘ tutinn. far a Innj p**rntd i>ubv‘quent to ' lishiiieut ot’ our (Jnvernmt nt, the . ^ ... . lirr niuoui.t of [«ll liX derived it» that ear, ; the estab l.iut«i.ma and ^l*'rtci• w#r«- ai|uii>*d b_. (.four v^pulth, parliculiitly m the fr';n thin source, m.d frt m ihe sail.c rnte of meuihers of the Council were chosen trom I iirchase, nijd, ot etHjr*^, uitiler the t iMi'ti- ibo Sute hitherto ie,^nrdcd B' taxation urpoM J on ev erv fn e mule bein een the immediate vicinity ot the (Juveriior. lulioncf the r.uted Stuten, «re tho com BiKUpuli M, Ii..|»lt. t j,:«n prop..riv ol ih.- I nioii. All oil.er ,H.r ^ tion.of the puh;ic wcr. cddto ^ ^ nil, i„ ,t-.vi.Dld the conl.d-raev, i.r have, a. lU the .i.»l«n- (k- both ^oak and uiie. Il is o-.t. however, cr. of this .M-tc and (.ei.rgia, l>evn c-nvy , „n„,lered. Iu the . xt«nt of her teiii- id lo th« i'liiied SiatiK, siiK e th«« odoptii.n making, w ith the above balance, the su.ii i f ¥Jt)0,U04 5C. 'Pbe above amount of receipts ar« aia lo up of tbe follow ing items: C'ntb frrm t!i« Shsriff* for the Taxes of 1p33, ijPP.lPO 3T ihi-a-esot tu-nty-ni-;;- d lorty-hviMn a He was ll.us ei;.il.l. d, almost witliciit ex- f^ou. fJi.te Bink far dividend of C.p- (K'iMi'i.it n rf htlle h ss than lialt a miiiion, p.'n«e to tr.e public, iiiio without any t.i‘lay, | «a> .3’», exclusive (>1 the six f/er t» consult his coiisiitutiuual adviserifon ail ; |',-„n d». for dividend cf profit i e:it. r..fiiiiii'hi.,ns n isined bx ihe ShenfTx ^nibjects of importanc-e. T.ven appln ations I rom Nr» bcrii bauk for dividend of t.ir collection. Il is ccHifidentlv l« he»fd fnr [lardon, in capital case's, were invariiiblv ^ 83,040 r) 5,jy*j IJ preme County hiai tor SMfO r) 3.:) 0) that to b* tiHMid III lh« deed execii;ed up' 11 the part of tins State, viz; that the Inndr* cied “shsll Ih> consult r d him coinuii>u creftt*-^ I.) th'It-d^e (if ::rsniie which tru -clile th»> Piibiic Tre, surer to met t the or- Ihhmi itnp.8sible lo have supplied his place j Rent of lot» ^ l .i vers.-s the Sinte from north ea*l te s^)Ulh dmarv rxpendiiurrs from hi>i dipailincni. | in time for the settlement* which the Sher-j l’rinc;pal ..ndinturent »n old b»acis fcr we.'i. niid ihe impo«'4ibility of eniermg eith- 'V ith renpi ct to the 1 ix nn slaves, a simple, itr are reipiirnl to complete b\ the^ fust ci( j Ji" urmiure at nevernmcnt flmi'e CJi! rnntii>v»l and iiit*re£.f on sjirsof lat« Trca- fiiod, lor the ui.e und U uelil o| ihe I . .SimI-» ,,j, roiir*^. ted w ith tLes* rivers, , ea«’» anii mVk lenl remedy wmild propablv October in eai h year. So ni ui ly has this of America, North Cai..liiia me lunive. «c- |„rgei.i cla-ji, ere rtrtamlv ari^e from alndi-ibing the’di>criiinnntiou c’.f portion of Kxecutive powei U-cn annihilat- eiiiding to iheir res|ie-tivtt and u>ual pri portion m thn general charge and ex'x>nli- ijri-it nnturni diHadvaatai*!*'. 11 k Ix-lieved, ’ Mge«, and imposing a tax on each. Inprac-jed by modern i)ractice, that these vvhoare however, that theiw ditlirulties miiv tn obvi- Iich, it will be found no more burthcDSome, presumed to excrcise it have not been con- tiiiit |iuipo«-, and tor uu^ntber or purpciM v*h..levi r.” The “debt" lo he exlingui-hed was the I’rht rr«*ated in the enmni ti di ti'nc:e anteri or In the date o|’ thw in«truniei't, and lb'- liiitd, at'ter the extmguishnient of thi> 1 :ebt, Was to be applied lo •' ttie u«e and b iH fit ol the I . blali's, according to tbeir respec- lo b- tho ubvioiu and fjir c(nsiruciion of tiie A -ed ; and it result-, as a n«cc‘ssir\ c;mu- •e.jui'uce, tbnt .XiTlh Carolina, having lieen I'Uilhi'iied, nl Ihe peri>>d when her cil.z n>. it»re le«.(t Hbi»* to sie-t.iin it, wiili one UnlU iurtr H»y wood's pro;>eity 20‘J,l-7 The disbursN'tnenls of the year eiu 1 :• 1st Nov. 1'34, amount 'o flUL.'iTl li, consisting c«f the iulluwtug iteuis: Ceneral Assembly, ''1 Rebuilding Capitol, Jiitiiclary, 23. 75 Tri»»urv Notes burnt bv Conjriitte* *f l>ir>', and khall l>e fniihful.y dis(Kii***d o| (or on extent which will en-iiri‘us all and the process more simple, lo give in the vened at any periwd during my udojiuis- ihe coiiiuiefi lal fucihtie^ e-**ntul lo « i wh«*le numlH-r of slaves at ten cents, than Iriiion. highl) prosperous condition.— W e have a lo ascertain tbe number of ihom betwc»en j I have received within the Inst few dn\s widi-r rxtciit ftl’i-ea coast thiin any Male in ' twelve und fiHy, who are subject to twentv the proceedings of a meeting ol tho citizf'iis (he t iiion, and tbe be^t inli'i and barhi r 1 mills ; and tbo'C w ho now niisr' present the of V\ iliiiiiiiitou, calh d to consider “ the out- M.ulh of the Chesapeake. We have the ages of tbeir slaves, without tlie fear of de. rage rcc* ntly coii initted on American citi- (hiwer 14 connect this harl«)rwiih nt-arl) tec lion w ill find it much moro c^itiicult lo zens at Nass.nu, .Ncsv Provulence, by cer- ;ill tbe navujnble waters of the Slate, nnd conceal the ir DUii.ber. ■ lain olficers ol thst island. J he rnsc>lutiiri ^ thus brmc the bles'in^js of ccinmcrce nut i 1 have ln'rctofore ven'iired to express the . adopted c>n tiie »y.‘C:>sif>n, ure laid hi'lore 1 Iic.mury lleinrtnu'nf, tive and u-ual rro|H,nii.n in lb.- g.uer«l „nly to the doors of our own cili/. n-. but af-' opinion, that tr^i lar-e a portion of the pub- you at the request M'the meeting. charge atki expendiuire. I bis would »cein j , nalioii.il hijhwnj to our sister St iles, lie burthi u is imposi'd u(>on those who are w ill douhtlesi? reci ive the conMueruticin >Iu? . JiVuauk 01 the State, of great importance in time of p'are, and subjoci lo poll lax only, nnd that the riinge to tbe inipoitance of tho sub;>’ct, and the] j I'l'iid, * of iiiestimahle value in war. I'luler such of Inxatioii should l>e exti niled. Subscijuc;iit ' rc>pccUMe source :rom which they en.a-j (-.intirfrurifj, circiiinslances, to p**ruul public prosperitj relleclion has satisfied me entirely of the nate. Pesides the oiluption ol sui h nieas- ol .’amrs N. Forsyth, citSer t(» decline ®r remain Hlat|*nary, is correetne*s of the pM*itiiiii. 'i’he poll tax urc s ks you may deem advisable with j>pj *'"* **’ is fc.reign Irorn cjiir duty as it is iijurioui' ou the day laborer and the capitalist is pre- s[)oct to this aliair, I regret to state that ^ p^.„i„„,re^ Fiiiaiiof stssion ol 1633, I'vrcuiivc tV psrliucrit, c't thn whole amiMiut (it the puMic de! l, is |, our intere sts and n puan.irit to our li»el-' cisely the same ; and it sonieiimes happens , si nie legtshition seems l» Ik* neccssarv to j \,;.uiant (.iencral's OiKce, r:ilil|i‘d Id receive a like pruporlion at the ’ ' liincl which rei>>Hitis undisjMised of. 'NliatwviT eoiiclumon )ou may como to O'! this subji ct, It !*«em»i lo uie ihat th** prop- ‘ ilion aiilMT to give tbi'se hindM to the Sl.itrs W ithin which they are situated, er to ri iliK e the pri -e at whirh they havn hilber f?,.'.T» S,h II (I > 1.1 :i 1,0110 J 3'j,i'>mi on I i- -J.f 5,7!)-: .'.1 6.U .■>!» !';M : 7 •)M| I'l PT3 3oo I ') O.'i J') !1'1!.A7) 11 in;:*. The period c.innot be-distant when that Ihe latter, like the linmi'r, is t^uhji'cl J protect the rights ot our c;li/.ens to their j other objiH'ts than the disbursi*iiienl of pums to no other species of contribution. In ihe ' slaves from domfstic n^gression. Ihecom-j viMj ■> 1 u smaller than the aggrejiito ef legislaiivu one case, it is an onerous imposition ; in the bmations which exist in some ot from the nl»>'ve Him unt ci exp«'nse« fhall l>e considered as falling with- other, a tax a thousand feld greater leiglii j ern «itics, lo prevent, by tbe exjjeuse irci- ^ jppvi sa balance in the'I'leaa. in llie |e;;ilimate ranjje ot yiiur diilie*. 'I'he ticca«iouno»ensible inconvenience. It sih'Ius | dent to pretracted liii^iation, llio recaflion,^^^ 1st Nov l~;^ of 11. imuiediatn rejjre»«*nlaiivc's of the people, at least to he worth} ol consideialion, ' ol fut;iiive ulMves, hjve r'-nib red 1? Ibo in-' the highest and innsi responsible function w hc-ther pli asiirc carnages, and other arti ^ >'«n disftoHO,! of, IS wholly inadmissible. trcogni/.ed bv Ihe theory of our Go- | cles of luxury, and esjv cially collateral m- ‘ '-xt to the n|x rHlion I'l tbe revi-nue ' vuorHenl, are • lected and converted for heritances, bhoiild not be brt'Ugbt vvitliin the altiiuimetit of objeefs essential to the ibe (ipc-rntion ol our revenue laws, public weal, which cannot be etlecled b\ in- [ 'I'he Keport of the l‘ub!ic Tieasurer will dividual eftlirt. I am satisfied niys*lftbat exhibit a detailed slati uient ol' the receipts the course of legislalmn bitbeito [ iirsued, is and pxpendilures of the I'ren^^urx Depart li'in, no (iili*T m»-ii-ute of iIih (ieneral Gi). '•rniiicnt h.is s*i s* ri(.ii«ly allccMed the inter- ♦''is ol the old Sl.iten e« the Uw prices al "hieh enugiHDts have Ihth rn>ilil«d to ob tere*t of the owner, in r.uiny instiuues, ti nlmnd 11 his title to sut h pro[N rty. .\n in- individual of this citv, in a contest of this charact»r, where the proof adouce.l was more clearly mads out than viould, perhaps, b»' possible in one out of a Ir.iudred c»s-s, tiiund il necessary te etrtial, in lha pro '“'‘L "* «" nscnlK'd 10 tin al divisions more than ment, which will present all the information jressofa suit fina'lv decide,; V.\ lheS;iprcme to anv olhi“r cause, und tbe bopc> is fondiv ' that can l>e desired upon the subject. Ills t oiiit id New ' oik, 3 ni'ich lari^er sum clmiished that )oiiwiilnot separate with-, v lews with respect to our financial s\stem, I than the value d tho slaves. 'Ihe evil call tha adoption of such meusiifs as shall will command uttenlion, and aftord satisNc-| might find its ni*i repnatc remedy in the mako us a united people, as well in tceling , lorv evidence *ii the diligence and abilitv levy of a tn\ on slave ow ner* te i*‘iray th« as in interest. ' with which bis duties have b-en discharged. ;ix|K'nses of s.milar litigati'-n in future.— 'I’he revenue syslem of this Slste is rndi-I 'I’he P.niik of the Siaie of North Carolina, | Tlie kiiowleJgo I'.iat sikIi a fiii 1 •xisted, cally dwl'ectivc’, and reipjires Iwilh revision incorporated by an act cjt tba last F.egisla- weuIJ doubtless cbviate the uccessity ol irc- and amendinenl. Par some years past, the lure, hns gone into pperntion at an earlier cjiunt expepdr.ures. disburswnc nls from the Public 'I reasury I penod, nnd under mr>re favorable auspices, i 11 aficjn's me plonsure to state, that the have e\coedi-d tho oidinarr r*'ceipls, and | than was anticipated by its most sanguine ^ Attorney General, wIioIims b. en charged wt bavt;b«tagrttduullycou6uiuiin'lbcjino- t'rituds. The cotiro auiounttf 5to.(i au- wilb tbu luty cl pressing'";rcl?)!i:klur . v- the Nli~Mss||,pi. N* Olio can havu failed ti Jii’ri eivo thi dirniniitixii itj thft valuu c»f renl pfojMTiy in this State alrendy occasioned by It, or doubt r. m'Miienl the* ruinous cou- S'’(pi* :;(;e» whieb mus| result Inuii a luriher r'-duc;tion nt the price of public lauds.— J lifso iHiids were oblHineil bv the blo>Hl "nd lr«iHMira of the old .Stn'es, nnd while should be disponed to conlinuo ihe same liherid pfilicy lo the young«r m»*uit>ers of coul'cderacy, wbicli has tbiiracierizcU 7'/j( JM'rartf I'lml. Till' c»«h in lli(» hanri-^of the Trt-a- ciircr, «• Trftsufi-r »i' th^ I.iIi th: y I'uiict, on ths 1«1 Is.T!, amount i'd !• $117,00; Cl The rrcripts ta Ul of Nov. l&.'it, a- tlJOUUl l» 13 .Makiii? n tot il .'f * Th^' receii'ts ccnsisf of Tor e«tri’-s of vacaiil laud, t T.i\ on ' lii s at a'ict:jii, .'I.'j 7 5 'I'll \ on'lavrrn 'J.i;7 ("1 Sljtr lUiik, or duici.i iU of i’3:'ita’, ■ ot> I>o. :'cr diviii' ml ''f .‘>0 1 I' ) |!,iiik, for .iUis'.-i.d.ft'i',; i',1, O.s-Jd utl I’lai Biuk, :i>r UimJcu'I ol [irolli, ’ 'I C-.' :.7 ' I 'i Tho only from thi» im.d u ?1 Vfor I’Jl'O si"''-'"'cf'S'lck le. «►«'