iS’ & FAHMEHS’ A.M» i>i isusiiKi) K\i:nY s\n ui>AV, liv I iio.M .1. MAKiAnTi; Ki.i: (oivn, >«um im Altonn \. 1 Wll.t, 1K.\ II \IIV TO I'lCHI l: TIIK BO\CKI.S OK Tlllt KARTII AM) »UI.N« Ol’T TIIK I'AVKKNH or tllK WOl NTAmK, MKTAI.K WlIU II » ll.l. C,IV !■ KTIlKMi ill ’P*! OI K MANUK A.Nfl KUBJKJ.'T AI.I, NATt RK lt> oUll I'HK ASI> PI.I£A»rRK. Ml. JOH.NStlN. vol.. V. SATl «I>AV, l>i: i:i, IH.II. INO. tJlO. lui: A: .loiiriial Visit to Mixs Afong May, the Chiiune \ nnt I'orjrd it. 'I'liis s‘»nc drew, us inif>til j ('onjlagnitiim.—'I’lm lolltiwiiij' apfHurs ! 'Ihe WuntUring Pifxr.— Wo liad UiO Iret'»*ivTd ti very mill! Imve ex|«?ctud, hII ttio coiiijjuiiy 111 lilt* [ in lli^j l^tniiJon I'liijM «if the f;;*!!! of Octiilicr, plfasurt* of liearing tliis ffi-’enlnc and be- il'rTilnum'^iJ^^ I '“'’ilnlion, writleii in C'hineso chuructur.x,' room to iho pluro tvhrro we w»rf sflandiiig | in tlii* slitifH* ol'un ndvfriiSfiiK-iit, undor the iifvolfnt individual “«iiw'»ursi) eloquent inu- 7Wa;i(i lyfy Vvii/* U’noi puid 111*Moy, dcsiriiiff a sprciiil un front of the huluxtrudp, expt clin« iit I mim tioii of Mr. liothwhild, thu Aiintriuii sic” ul St. Andrf«’B Hall, on U edncMJay vaiioi !’A(f# ut ihe tiiii of ilie jrear. | interview iK-tiirc »lie made her apfv'arHnc*! I di)tilit to sth us lull |iniHtrnlo nnd buniji our (’onMil (i-iientl, und others, l»y whom do- nijiht last. 'I’lie audicuco «;fined highly ADV'l'^lM’ISKMr.N I'S will be inserted Hi /'iffy j "• |»ubiic, wo roimirod, n* in duty bound, to hctids throe tunes im tlio (I'wir; and inHiiy nutiooH in Ix'hHlf of tlio sulli^ier^ were to' yratilit'd with the lucrry btruins ol tho oiii>|icr»i|iiiiri.-(iiotrxi't'('dii)^:julinrs,) i«)'III*'I lit'r^roidcnco, Ni>. H, Park Plaoo, tn pMy wbh the ^i^nificnnt louk whirh iiidiciiti'd Imve boon rjiisod. fcs-otcli, and the noftor iiiiiiHtrolny if the I- r*'j(>f?cis in dui* tbim, nnd to fflir.itato j that ihn mntketl imtiro we had riToived t;KK.\T I IKK AT WII'ATIR NKWSTADT, rish F*ii(((ii|)». 'I’lie sons of St otia were ^ di«*rjnr»iirU'mad.-To* hosc'w^^ Ilur safe nrriviil from the celwtiid j frnm >|isH M»y, wn>( nnoti-d hy otlior^.— Mv\|{ \ II .\.N A. |ironon», in riHpfTtiiUle nuinltcit*, and lent a •dvKrii»eb>-llic yeur. 1LOiiallmlvertimuicDii* ' 'npiro. We were doleriniiH'd to put the Hut it is not e\ery Imrlmriiin, hi uovor /i»- f cormiiunicaled lor publitalioit, ilir iitiinber oi , bui^t j\)ot fnr-niost, und to show her that «e tingin', that can hoj'* from a diiiij»hier of li.»eriion. ihu-i'Th- noted on ili- i..uij;in of the ! ,„v qini« so uncivihz.'.l Hi.d suc:h barlw- i thu co|.'!*tiiil riiipiie Silt h dixinmaiehed '^l|^B^uoicuii«nHtotla'‘^i:duorm,.Mco.nJ''’ "'•* Rro'.i puiriarrh of her; Ioh,,. to thaHrrv intorfMinR and |,hid thty nay not 1.1-nt(. tided la ionfiicflu (( ontiirnin.) I.arpn youth, Atiin;:, wlio-iC handsoiiit/l.iCf, y;rnce. i^ilt Ifttofo ill C'liine>« on t'ilhT liide of the ful in«niiorn, anrl C'hin*!«« dross, and well ; (Icor, iiidirati'fj her dwollm;;, anil prewnted j «prl»on Kiiah\>h, nro of th( niM-lvcn a princi pal iittruclioii. 111 fai t, AtuP{» niovos alx iit It would Io iiii|«>nMbl« to give n corrc’ct' «|oli{;liiod attention to thoir uaiional aim, description of the dreadful lir«> which ha« mIioiIkt lolling of war, lovc or tho danrc, ontiroU dostro)od tho town of W lonor Now. »>\nlioi fr«ini thoir fa\oiili> ualionol iiittiu* Nludt, about *J(J iiiili'M (roiii \ i«"i!iiu. Ol ."iOt! inont, b) this nkillful iiiiisiriaii. 'J lie rnin- dwt'llint'hoiif>>i only fi^o roniaiii ^tHmhrif;, ^trol wait uiroNod in lii):hluiid coBtuiiio; I Im sidi « the Military A»'Hdoiii\, tho I*in»oii, Suid ovinred rourti oin uianin rs and a pleas- xoricir FoRENCAKN dit persons I'rom Irndine for i ratlior a novel, anil eortaiuly not uupleud .1 Vote ol hAii(( ::iviii to John (i. Ii(>^kiu* by ' ml oonirant ainou^ the braxs plates and bell j ihe beautillillv illuminan d aixi sufl)pt«|.u^ly ■ 'I;""';'''"»"■ * .1..„ >ovrmbn, -.''itti IKU. und ;.iyahk d.iv »;>i t '••‘I' U^t^al civil-' ^ontloiimn, anil iH nt tho oaine luno an ox- • • OaW'.as I li.iNi- an otV i I ■!;:llll^t «>jid Note,und Kill j •*) ^ Uul kiUle It, wilhuut s.iid H adiuiltfd. siKV lux. Y-ir. ai. I".*?!. iMf ptain Olieur, under whoso proioe. jrnllont oicoroiio to explain tlie dilieroiii -u- ■ lion she i^, and who iiHhwred ui iiiinn diato- j rnmitios. Ilis hmr ih Kharon lu front, and ; ly into iho aparlmeijf!i whn h ho l.ks no j (H imid oiidn in a lonj; phiitf d t/iuu o| jet two ItiirrackM, thu Su;^ar Uofuiery, the prin- mg addiosx; and we h.tvt* no di'ubi that he oijial (,’liurch, and Iho (.'inneni, 1m»i1i ot,,!iwhut bo piolo!!K*-s to Im—a (;oitlcn'an. whiob, howovor, bavo bad tho >li oph‘» and j ,\* runosity is dr iil.tli ss exi itoii abt^ut riM.fs burnt, and ibo l>o|l8 moiled, bo lor-1 ihiti roluutartf vnnc'icunt in tho of rilir wa*« the liio, that the people rould not |cbiirity, wo here siil joiii a tow particulars, ►lay in the ^^roots, or j*ivo any aiiocour. m rclntioii to hi* cbaractor and iniMion, The lire on;;inoH wore deseitod in tho . |t» whicli crcdonoe u- f.'cnorally y ioldod, al- stn ets and biiriit. All the hou^‘o^ wi-rojihough there m no |»jfiitMe H^Mjram e of lorolore ♦i.tin ly do«iro\od by tin* fire,, lin-irauthonliciiv. He iNnaid to boa f^cott h- iM'uiitiliilly liirni»liotJ a la (7i/ni»i.w for h«^r ; bln’k color, nnd Iih aniinaii'd and olegant j "ith ovory tbini' tl.oy oontaiiird. '1'ln‘r* mau of roH|)octublo, if not no.blu birth, truv« S«‘»Or;il lxft(‘|y I» lliri* aooomuHKiation. We ini^ht h.t*e iiiia:;in- ifi-aturi's and voire aro ipiite lacinutin^.— I '*ere l»o^id‘^ UMlliarnN, into which the bar- jollm^ lodocido a waiior with a Fronth no. ^^11,OM Vnni 7 Woinrn down to «ith M 1 oijrsolvos alino>.| ui l'(>kiii—iioihiiy tdit \lims Mo>, iiioaiiiinio, w hilc her privnl** ui-c- '•“■t ol' the mirroondin^ diMrw t wtia jiiht |j| aiuii—tho S otohiiian to travel o\er lb« 'u * n*the nchd .zzlini'col4.r-4 aiidolnlxirato w.irk j roiarj nvoivos ihe f-uost, siIa gractlully, U'dlectcd, ti tall) do>troyod. 'I'be 'ustoiu ' Bri(i>h Isloti, and th* Aiiiorioaii (.’ontinonl riurV.iV.’ li.i Ui o "jjnu'iry" "*''”*''"1'furiii’iiie unil orniiinout-1 rtith all b. c.niiii}» dujmfj ufxm tho lauio'ul I tlo.i'^*, in winch a iar«e qunntity of a I*i|>er—and tho From humn over '.he /V.- I,’l>;{|. tIJ * ore to Ih-soon—liiMi|*N ol the inont jjorfjo-i M-ignod to her. ('rowdKContiiiue to thr. njj j wn» Hfp.»ilod, this town Uin" ii plaoo o| Kuro|4'Hn t'ontiiieni, as a Violin plavor; TIIK M.N UF ll»LI.>h>.s. # . i| f . 1. "'''^ r'n-.t(ii han^inn duwii frtun the itio aparlinonin of (In'* lady. Noailv VJOIJI) oiiiro|)«t, wu-onlin l_\ ilo»troved, with ov r\ ihe p.iity collf^Uini; ii/V. i "* ■”*** ' *** '••■ilin^, H'ld iho hf'.it of whic-li, when li;>ht I. i\e vii«iled her the pa-t week.—•/>! j thiiip it rout him iI. Of l(»,(tiJ» (h ni>i»,i, H.e : uKUM-y, I'n a jtiv. n m ' * ' ' • d, M’ts III iii.i'iun u niiiiih*T of cu(i'.iis luiM- _T(., — pint lain \a>i— fi'icj wiih oxquisitelj 1 (.'•atililul (l-;v\ora—I icipi. rod tnl.l H, fitver-j " , ! (i.irily oncan.fw-d in tho |i«-ldn, and j.nit have i„ \or Mitl'-red his real nan.f to lr:iii).piro ; el w.ih i;u|.|oniamool. in roliof—oH..nuiii.H, j •''‘‘•n «h'* ^'>''11-''d rni«ery of the worl. ■ sbHlors ii. noi^ht>..rii.p „„r h.i-, hi> i.lontilv rvrr l>von doiocud. ■ iihliioiM d chairs, iiiwl. l-of j.iiik* Bud pu conMitutional. ^„ ,,,H ,, ..Mia-, -rocn*. at the window*., .pr.^.i ovei ' i-c.M.Mnon place r .. 1 iei(*(l 1 ■« I:.NQi iia: t i Ji A .MO.Mvl.’ONS A iVop. efj. i,-:?4 I'M _ 'I'o .lo(iri:iM IM4 I1 'l :)n(>rk. tho groatfst sum of of joain, to win , ::n‘alest |«iit aie rodmofl to oxirime want i|,e w’a;'or. l'h«- “ l*t|K r" ba« ns-uinod tho und }K>v.Tlv ; nil uro wiIIhmiI sholtoi and rire ' imd title of (’ iptiiui yiuart, and bus 1.1) 11 to I injil’H' onB or t-»o p * » \\ otkait n i ai.'l lu ^uth liixr.l w n(i» »ill «iih lii;iir»'>( o| iiirdn and t]i*wors, and p-tiiit *> C"‘-n. vio wiih the colors of 'I' Tb.v nUtiVf Haa. st.>el n.trrors. jf.n.rir and work hoxcy pnit'tj>*i'ii; in Hhiirt, tho uttisi fi h it*>U''.‘1”““'’*’’* ir M .iiT.’ thiuki to tilt piiblii, I’or t'f IiIatsI »hiirro: palroiiaj- hrri'iitorr rff c ivr.l. Tli* vw iM aj^tiri- II...v ho ii.a, ll.*in wit;* 'Ij. :r rii« I'.M, 'hi If I'l.!!' (!. ;r-t^ «111 lie icrUd to j'Ui k>ii. rr«l ‘dll- '.t ';i tl. _l-!nU„,/h- t. I'm. On C"V ' ('4'onil «i!tJ t A IN'• |. ; . 1 dll llrt-(- iiiiS ).'• d to n.r X li t>y H'«>k Ill iiiii.j-^iu!r 1'rnt bj I'j-li i.r N'.ti, by th.- l»l «jii cl 1- ; -4Ml !i *u .trri .aiid b'lt lii'l. a;t- Lti ii )Mii 11 Iht Tl I-t •• I ,(!• r 'r oi H » ^ A . "I-I ■■■ .!! ( kIv ad.! *>v 1 I , . 1 * «•' iitT. 1 Ilf I I in-1 INI* IK-T'ii I >ui iit:ni M 91.^ , ...d.-,1, ... I ^ ^ . :rj„7 Ji ' "i, I|. II.-J ... „r.a. , .r. i iie willi will.Ill wn werf onre hliulillv no- . ^ . Tiir ?i v^o\M—A Uto wo^lorn pajior h«n tho lolhiw iii;; iiolicf* of ihi' |»-« ii iuritit-> which I a»c III tikfd iho ^e,^■t..||; d| ili- prc- •••1,1 year. ’I be di M Tioln-o will aii-w**f kors w 11 li.r II I- rr^Kumf tin- .\||il.ll» >:imI« >. . -’ » ^:ii »nv nil.'.' 11 »' ( » Ol lino l! II , « it'., lit r« .-»rd to r 'n u.-' '.'"iili mj !. ruhSu- »hall nit t n.; I f'41 , iiiti~i(». I'. /■ • I.: 1ST. 'IM - I*.. ■' . >aV.r.nXf-.. Hiv, ll - ..,*1 iii-t. tlif ol Jiii.KF ?pr.i((, ^ - V ihf * *ln- ot* t; ■■ Miutr- 7 l»l« ' . *i*«: ty. V 17 , .» er V, !.> ■:,f . /■ I .1 !■ r . f t ilitl or f»ti« / of Ilf'f, O r iiri I I O or ! *2 M>«» f Ctri'Ttjy , I ll‘ - I ‘J* /*/ I !> ■; f(:r ir.iji ttno iu>il a ni.m- hi' ttf '1\h)!s, f.’t a i'iirn. '.I t'.i I-' III. c .'ind p'i.'i . I wi.i •• nl ii| the 7 ii.di 'l!.. tr'.’',rvi% m ■-lln.-l,, r., v. hirh i» .11.di r « « if t’l ijr.. 'I litn. 1- .-.I i.t I.' > (Hin di. il arr. ■ • I-1.1 1 o!‘Iv «t I.’.I I,tidily 'itrin* ii..i'.i Vr-i «i> nn tl. d iv - J \ \; tJi1 1. 1’••I'r. r r f> I ;|. f r hliijhily He caiiie to thi.tcity I'niui M;i». .irraii;;i iii»'iil of’ -u^i^'ib i.l>j”ctn bri-u^ht out '''•''hll>olt^; he fM-t-n i- ucaScd at ll.»r- purjH-if-'v fur M.-« ,Mov\i haiiiU r, reiiini 'urd, w „s « y.,i„y nm„ „r v, ,v ;;fH-l t.iU i.N, il-ii lis oi Iho compliM.ei.i which .NaiK.lo.m niii-. in.amount uf nvail .ble m- «a d.'lic8lfl\ paid I.. \Uiia I/...iiM, w bon ;''' '‘tnl ('aniiuid^-e 1,. n hor ariiv il i;i l*ani .m h. r marri.i-o, ''» ">c l)»-.t wk-i. t%. and «.,i i. nerai - .0 |.,un.| till- i.I. ntiral furniinre, duwii to i''*'rii-. H-u.i* In no mean'* |m«uH.;.ie, •ho vo- s hu.l . a.-. hIio li li at hor Imhi- «nitab!e, s.k i-l, ; iir in h.T pn! o •• ..fS lKK-iihninn, at \ 11 n wu.» mdolcul, ,,, i, ,.f (|r\c.i, or w. in->.i, na. Ai Mi-vi. M:.i)2 Mo\ badn. l s-tcom "'•'•'■lo-fl' IhiI n..iM- lor-.ito wlul ,.Vlcd her l...!etK, wliirh wo ui d- r«l.i!i(l "'d-lofMe :,i„l a w ent '.f print ip!o ai,.| .■oitsniti's afi'iiil |. ur h tir«, (ihiiik 'i|', I * wi'uM k ; cl iiini. H'- ••(ti- •(.u fa-bi..(i..Ho daiiK - of tii.ibjii.') a- h i ;-'*! • iiii-raU-d to O uo. hfis i»f a hroki 11 till"!! m IroLrul—bo has Ix en u(iwarilH oi a \o:ir on ihio coniint ni, •iiid I-, w« b* lio» , iii-:ir tlic !i riniiialinii of ih*> laUirx, or i«'h r, y«iii.vf/rt* .-I his iiKir. I'hi' whole of tho iiioi.os thal h oarn>«, he O.I.IV4S on chariijMf iit»iiinlioii». and ob. Iili- that wrtS not ilu; n. >l Wd* *-\rr SO. II Mtl-J foil. ri-iii‘ tl.rtt Il ii citlior Ihi > ‘d''i! '"O'-* Ur« of ill*- ii.|'r» il and ..f t' '.till (l.c ai|«i!i!'m I s.), to ox.iiiMiiO In.- III- !• f* »lin^ o'-| iii.-i,t(. fvi.-i*, wIiK li t'iriii n jcr'rci (.h:i-''kO M i->-U'ti, r.lonr >'..rlh d"iil>!'* tl# (irt(ni.( h.Iiimmoii. leli^lh 111 r lin!\»'.ip w ,H j'lUiMilHfd, and Mr.-••nii'J l.»*i'*lf in iIk- rirli c*io'n»* of I ( (Ml 1 l,id\—.10 ii|!wsnl nmiillf f II 'ilk,'iii'.fili|.>ti'lv f'lnl.r-.idi'roil, and \ •! * -.Ik [i.iiil il* t‘-, iri»iii lyncHih tl.r ntn(.lt) |.!s I I winrli fl her tin.'V IlMie left, ml iivor r I’lrlii in letijMfi, iho wh.-l'- if ihe riiinMit hl|.i. ii'!u.|. d. H* r lo ml VV V hnvo n -vrr known a d-^iii lo ..m j»-, ;is ho ;jiku aloiii:. o have sten hi* n i-ci|.| Imm k-i, wlinli lon'an; \ouchi r^ if lii» clniilabli' d.inal|.iiiM, at d hiyliK iJiUfr. iiii; irrtiiinirraN of his rharac'er. Inlii t riritaiii (ind Ik land, h«* is siiid to h.ive col- - . led £\: .*>ti •.ii-r'in^, tin.l in ilii* rniiiii Male- hIk,iiI S-(m;|I, all (f which bar 1.1 tila.idi n tho l.e;.il of tho }MM.r, or oiln r. or •■arbi or la!'•'!, or \ i 'I, or •now \ ■ '•'I, or lrui:i'ii,.-«t, ..r lmrr-i,e»l. ihui w.i. over hi-:iri! I'l. I*'il i.fall th- ini.?t rcinaik- able \eai-. we ri-inrnilM r, w« iliii.k the pro- niih |cm«tm 11' i()f ri.i')tj''tiiii I’ri'-n ihe t'lrsl , . . i. i i i i- inon. II.- wn- re.-. iw d hero » n^, tho l,o,. " ' ' ^ the,o. I- n. volem-e. 1, .. . '‘“•'"""'•“•I fnirl.ict^n CoLiKr. iri.or V I |ra»- -« M J mimI hr..wit, an || ’iweri t) t. b. r ; | „ , , , , —kdU all the taut, .Tr.-i le?.|r n« ;iil\ ivas .iill ludi.Hit, 01.1 iK.iitiin; ||> W.;» h tci JM\ bi' rx| oiiK., !>. ' nii>ii'-\, rin iii I'll iMv, whi. h. wo lh|i k, IS >*• iii.ifkotl n li'Hlwrr ol 'iiwn uHi « >.-i>'i\. ili'I.f l..r, w.t-t ••;j«'il, yh'iniH'.l, ut;d I) iinl's '. ;l tl* alrmi (hirtv iin.nili>. Kin. 0. o nrxt I. aril f hiui II' U-in^ artv. rtii-ed in \.-wi ^ ...k, H« .1 «'*iti(i|. r, 11)011 «.jU!e ac- .• iit.N ..I hi-. I.rtviii^ l-'en nrre ltd as a ll.l. f; •* l»cili’r he w h-i Ir.t 1 w «• n’i t r hi ard. Ili« IM M V. p W4S lo rtin -iw.N with a ;^il'. ■ n..||,, ,i„. i.\ .j laio ihe i.iiinlrv. 'I nen i;;ht t'oil.iw,. ihal dries up Iho ri\or-, biiin-» ilif i..rn lo di .ith. anni'iil 111 th'* |m.i .Iimuik| raix .- the tlii riii. ii» n-r hi:;lifr ih.ili was ncr kie.w n — I lii" o\ I r,--.'int' r.iiii'« v\ hicli Is wa.-h awav Noilh 4 .iri.lii..) : ainl n>^.l ii. me i-.iiton I r’« • all t'lr'Mii'b II..- iiih. I i »lep lu:. prf ...„ t.f J.1 l.lH.k hair, c..«ib.-.l h-w ho osci.,.-.) ,i..- .n-OM.^-oce j ‘ n>iH jir! n«* ««l,.rp‘d t *r lb** 1.4 >1 4U* 4lv ind JII >;.r»tl. .rp'T'VO \ .. .. t„ .l \ I .Ii. \V s, r 't, .H iti.>-i'.tl,,r» .f .! I .1.1. .1 . ) 1. ... \l ... I. 1 J.f- r*d. >Ul .1 [ft r.H rli-.ii - I'r !• :ri'v, I Ohj oll'f r ■ \I IV, » I.r - [I'lrtnUi / iff f- iisdll ;; .'If iN I- M I'.11 p'li.. ai;i| .I.-vi t nil, . J ' 1: U..i I . I ru't . • I'li't. r n-. -iiii-i|. i| HI. 'Ifi'), . ' an .\ll '. •. ii» jre l r J \v >v,i\rr. f^r y ' ■ I. .t-J- .•*(4‘;? Ji;c 'I Itifi; .I» m’r. u.-io! III. t’.f ;-tl Ifi. I'r.itii iii> .d a K.l I r r r \ , III soiii’ij. M \ni:. '■ I- .iIhihI loiirii.n tl. b.|t |i .1 Tl- . •.1 I. n r i. II a I |l.-. P. \\ I.M. f.uiHif'v In npwaitl Irt.iit h' r lio.- li.r. h* ad ninl biniM ll«- !. inpl. «, im.l fill, tl oil ilio t ip u Ml U.iif|ij- I- i.|' tli.A. fN n>id lar^'« ji'i!'! |nn-. .‘hu ll tlre>». nt- will Iw h.'n*-il. r- W it.jipule the /it/i, N|i'« \I.|V (.i.h| llio. Iltinle-t.' -Iiii. “I lor “.ii!ic liiiK*, siiiilinj i;ra C|..U'K, IhiI M.'irielv ilM'linili^ her head .nore I!.an a iiidirian iii.n^io, whil'! wi- with i.tir iiii.tiiplie.l iH.wv.and alliiihl«-s iitd ilicii!ati.iii!>, ••. I iiioil ipiilo lijdicr. ii- in .in alteiripl I.t be o\t-v,.|v«-l\ p./.il*-. HiU qtii el d'MiK j;ior ait.I iui|iorliirb.tbl«* n.nip.'siiM' r,iiiio o\.'r(..>wcrt 1 IK. Sho then walked Aiihmt nu b -' difrnully l.» li> r t I ii'hi. nt il ( b.tir I.II ili»* plalloriii, ;iiiti l!iete arntd vat m sil.'iil uiul ijne't rrp..>«! fur ih In j;, /. il. Shf) H III.I ra'I). r ri>l>ii'! in .-i.i iiire; h''r I'ca'ijr. s iir». |.’.-.i'ii._', her fi.i... iit-ati hl;.'h ai. I (iri.'ii*>. r.ii,I. in 1 her f.i • r.itnitl 111 1 liill, With iwi. I w ^tJi^hiri; blai k . xr-i pl.K i il wiiii |i»> ohli.jinl; i.i' i|i» ■ t|l.‘r itir^l'', w h|. h i h.i r.n I. 11/- s I ho .1/..;i "of'ti'i v.irii *y ‘t the hiiinati r.ii’^, tr. m whi. h tl.ii I !• iplo ari> ^!ls« ^|.'\ i*i. as Ml IV Irt' ^'illii fi-il |f..i|| ill., , ■\et t'i!iii^i|y ,11, t vrii w tli an int.T- pri !«-r; hill tl..lit.III';... ~ho 1)11(1. t-i ii|(|> HI Ii iii- nil 1., p....t)riiH.i-. if h^r wiiHii; tl'i '(aii'iiil I I unit (i.ific ' (' ’•’*• I Iw.lif. li. r, \.|iii-it. Mill, ||.i|i- |), iiiiikf nil iiti ii'i I'M. Itl I Ii, I liH V Iiijii;. Imls . 11:11-1 U- (iiif lie. 'ihilv ( .mli 'ti, i|(.!|(,,|(. II) till ir :i|i ;'f at ill's. >!if |M, It m s,ii.l, imi' li ( IfMs. il vkilli I iir ci.iii.lrv, and n. | iti all hiiiiii.*.i. k. SI Iht h'.' at li. r |.iil.-ilo, or .nl Ii«t r ; sl.-. [,s iii.i.'ti, ,111(1 fills :is wi i|,i; iiinn.illv wii|| (/;i o .»//(/, V. It Is (.rt- \ll..r siHitiy n slii.ft l|i|if III till' ; inirttl. — A. ) . /;. Slur. wiiu the iiM'st ciMtl Mini icj Cl iii,Hisijro.'’ .-'I , he rt-ai he | \\ h« elm;;, put up at ibo | hiitcl, was canjht;; wiili n trunk,! was :irre»lf.I and trio,I, Ik d. f..|,(|*-l |iiu,.^l|, linpr*‘s«.tj ihn j'ir\ with the b.-i|. f Ilinl b i*a» Mil'p-i t lo ills of iiisiiiii'v , aiiti ^..t clear. II' Ihr. n{.b this place n _\onr s,uc«-,, wilh'nl bfl";;n;;.' and ile-.||lnl.*. p- vd bim llioti nil tlifi w :,n |,, %,-.A I lf|r,i|., 111.' j;r.ind tos*rvoir of W. slt-tn vice, liul II.' >iop|>»*.|. ns wo Miicc IcnriKil, -il .S|. |,,.ii IS, coniiniliod som** Ib' l'l, and w is impris ofM tl. His fiarno bein;. ! of a\erv i. s|x-( ■ t.ihlo lalliiK III one Ilf llic .Vlliinln: ci!n-~, ..f wIiK'h latiiii'i a S"ti lit Ih». -iiii** ohri'-li .'111 ii.'iin*' nUij V* IS iti..|| in r,.. fii culprit r.'pres' 11'.! hiin*' If r.s l«»Ui;,. iins V.HI02 Man, riml smr,;,.,) i,|,|;i||iiu.. ii i' ■ t , , ^ , ...i.iiiv cMllod, a-Olio III the wiiiii hail. .>.it Ion:,' all. r. Un- tni- nti.'i t run.' hI.ihj, d'-'-.ivcrt d tiie iri( 1», n'ni »■ i nut w llh l!i.' bill j.iei (■ iti I iirsiiit nf Ins hmiiO- - ikf. Ill' |..1111.1 him at . ill :in, ii| :i |i,m .'r,i;,'.ylii (1, bloiiieti, (Iriiiik ; lin l,-.i.l iit iiln r I'll IHT 'h».e'*, .inii fiIS ('(111I l.;i'l l.-‘.|| [>ivti. iiii i li\ a iii.ifi V* hoin In' w .i!i| twu\( .ir- iK I' no 1 I VC fi ll hm.'t If tiis;;i .11 1 t to sjM ak wUh. .''t|, h It,I- -lull' I.I IIII.T ti..:.r.i .'ill.on III wtiK h 1 o win K iliK cd h\ till- Vice I'Mj.'li.n. (• 'ti ll |t f..||ii«ff.i. Ill' wim t:i. !>| n bat k In f :. I, ins, iiii l i« n.■ w, wf U - III VI', 111 j.iil.— ( i.h iiiniillt ( /ill .m il. Aiii'wwt.— \ Uif l”n;^!.sh fwrttHltciil klllts, ‘"It |. llt>lll||i'Us III ijlC |||iM>rs ol l.anca'hiiP lh»-r*' ari- ntiiiton.iis ii,«l..i,i r- w hern If mall s, aller bin ii'.. oi.j. \»-d iji.- inarfiH;;!'st .it. li.r v. .iT',\ kic w ^"1*' lt)i-ir liiisl::ii,d« and li* f ■ I. r.,.* |.\ Ih*- mt k- luine cii'l.iin li.ts yiven tin m, ami i,. i by Iht ir real iinui s , n.iv , m s ,ii,o c .is«-^, it H llli.lly h.ip|S'i|>'d Ih.i: t!,p |:,| || i;,, |,,,| know ihi'irtiwii iijiiit s. \\ (. ti.iv.i tii'ur.i III a siniiiiii’«, which iM iiirn*d ui r'.ili m 'tv oral V ears sii.rt*, ol a M.ibliiiiad nan. wlni nclD.illv lilii w lint liisi.uii casi-t' if law was U-injj ir .il .it unc i.f tl.i- , ihe faiTli' t,l ,1 im 1 rt w^» ’I llCM' V* .1- r /('. F h'nr.— III the nirirnin;; r>f i}io .'I'l ult. ihri (• [ risiinffs, cb irj;. d wiihliU ■'I’V . ,ii \|iddlfhiirv, \ I'rnioi I, c.'iilriv. il to I'l. k ihe l--k ' | thou li mt, 'he Uill i-f ulit.'h lli.'v dr.'w Kirk, and ihfii Ihn-o pad- l'« k on tin- .''.i!*.!!!-, 'I ln \ thi n i-li-).(i»'il iiT intii it sihmII »j bcc Ixlw'i-tri lh* ci-il hmI II'-J iiI't's riKiin- In the diKif, al iht i n- iranci I'l this S'.are. i ,, jji.ri nf [»-ep-h'i!p, I lit |.iili I’s wilo, i_.i.iii^ In hand th.'tii ihoir hroakt'ist. h>oket| in lt> s. r tin or ■ll.l Im lis (,f lilt-c>'ll wt rt- all, and || rci IV1114. that tl »*\ svore—lis tho | r,s'.n- I ts bail ihiMii all in iht-ir plari » nt'iin, hi:J lilt V hi iiniinj il'.-t III a Cl.rnt I i.i-xi iho tlitcr, s,, )|, i„,| t., Ik. V I II bv lilt jaili't'n Ult, ,|,r i,|M'ii* d till' d»i as llsu il. ihnik- III;.' all wilt', and was inol h\ the frio wiilj lilt s iliji ,ti, II. • (,o,id mitrnrifr nutdnm ; tre. iiuiu,'t si >i> t,i hnoL/'i .f," : 11(1 |.ns>/,) ,.,|t I'V her. I 1)1 \ I'w.k (ho \\ itifisnr Iiut Im tn^' hi iiiii'il nil'll a hrnlji' vln.iit iiiib'n In 111 till vilUjti., it„.\ t.icki d :ili..u(, and (.. k SiIibIiui) nK.t:, aiiu hjM' not lyonstuii Hiiice. r, W Sniidav t|,(. , l.'i—Mi/sf, rin f On kt-lt Inti (,f 11 111:111. u ||., I,;,,I I.I) ail' V.r. Joi n I , r. •Ill liifi i(.|i III the |,~-.. I I.--1SI- V our 'I ho -ht rill' h,r..l..l ap|iarfiillv la'en ),.ad li.r wioU, [M.rliai; f'.Cl' 111 { tillll i , w 1.0 w .s II V b tr, r..-e iiriil k,,i. b III r, I w ill I ,if| i| Nn ari.wt'i. II n pi.n 'tit iiH i -.M.iv 11 W lllit-ss. .''/.ly;iir I'Urrii I (.011 ti,is i‘,(. , '.j I'. r tw.iti II iii-iriiii'r lwisit-,l )i|.« c :.l, i.iul stpjitliii.; h;-; lii!n;.( 11 1 iicf. muD;.' i lit, *' ||. re I am. .''1, In ll.o itilluili- iM'itisi.lilt III lit ilif whii!e I'niut, who vv..|p n -il.iii'Iv con- \:ilsi d with Ln^'hlt r.— lU-.lhvtu 1 ir. ■n % ^ 7.HU -I.I- t ',fV. VAi:Ji W'f'i,: I'l I! s Vi 1 111 Mu/ ‘i-roriil id a i.:ii| V i*-il lo Mi-i \t(iii;j an I I. IV.. Ii,id ilin honor iit 1 i-l to In •II' i;i.'/ -|| b\ h.r l.iflv sli p; !i.|! nn( lllllll .'I' I .\inii.i, lit I iii( r(.i( (it. ha l liirin.illv (III (i ll ijs III lipr, !iii.| rf.iiiiiilfil lici 1,1 111 Imitiir ir,'civii-w. 'I’liis umf sjii-;; ni 'I -, Iroiii lit'r rii^liii.tii il lliri til', a ;;r:ii i"ii« ,1 1,1 iii'inihiri i, and a '■iiiile ainl a ■p ' ' h in hill. >1 , uiirilr I'l lriii:l'i. Ill ill I III w hii !i w i. II -I lie I III,. ti(.iii.'i;,ie, a an h. i;i r (!,:iI vvn th cjilv apprt i i.ili' ;iii(| *• Irill 1 -M ( lit iisli. \| t|„. wjiiiif ii,iiiiii.|it tln( ihis siMiiiil inaik III l.ivnr Inflow t'll, 'lo' Ihin I jiirwaril ht-r pn 11) lillli: foil, wonijii like, as uiucb us lo ^.i) 've UiUfct trip;'!, r] to I ',0 fi.I'riw in;. ai ''..iiiil .f an a« i*il c.-Jnni- I I'y 0(1 ill. Snullii-rii Imi|'!' r o: I, ins| ,ii t. |, • .l>f n In III ll,e \li.\ lu.ini I ,i.iiisi ,i,ii; In- (. Ili^r. iift r. of ()' 1. -Jfl. jiisi ri Cl ivi'il : “ •'^1 ri n ttnh.— I III- j_',i'.‘ i.i| il|i^ li'.lli n ii.lii-r « ;ih ,ii(«ti>li .| v>i'h I it:i| i ...Is, ijiii IIIfs 1.1 iii.iiiv of 'In' itihaliil.ii.ts I I, ill, . SI iih'.ard. O' lilH t«.i (.( rs. iis r.'-nhin; in ' '.IHI s. Ill, n,I 1,1 III lii.' MriiHi,ln,i, Hoiiit' l\ nr t'l;;! I II,ill s troili llii' ( I r,ui, ||n |, iwi iii\ liii-w(.»c(lro\Mi.i|. 'Ihf'«i||s III I III' 11V ■ r lia V I' sc Id., in Inin n i,. ■ x. 'll.l ihifi'ir f nr fi ( 1 nb' v e ln_.||.w m* r ; 'ml nil this ni'cri^r'ti tlic ihiii„|.il|,.n. caiisi d l.v an ii'i' lid III ilic «ci, u;iM (iKiic tii ('•1 11 |i i.|, c.irrv iii_' i!e--iiIII !i. II (,i ill! |,i .1. .''illllC >.| |||.> Ihll'lllllillitM Ki.ll^llt S.lll t\ in tli*i iiij.s 1.1 ill.' i.iriit '-I lif'i liiijini;:» lo Si'ii;.. thi- In iiii'ili.llM (I 'sl: Ijcl|..ii ii| the wiilur ; (ii|( llirsc hnjics v\, r- ol ‘li. it d'n Iinii, li.r tl..'Ill I s wcit> 1111111,ri,il\ pn trn (ci| l,\ ll o '.viinl, iinl l!ie nnriiriiii .'O- pen. [.If liiiiHii in the very oloiiioiil tli 'v had at W e find ihc i.l!y«inj^' pin, rr^,!! aim n, olir |..rili;ii i.ews. I.vtiiiei .-I II letirr from '/. ir.i. d.ift 1 \ 1 I'li-t 'J'l:—•* Till' ,\u'l ri III t'niiiiii'.rt'i il I.t I; • irii. Ill 111 r p is-.|_^e lu.iii \ clin o, libs n.-i till the li'lb in'-iai'l. Is jiiio viinris, .luj, I' the f*..iilhfas| 1.1 .S'ii,.l ‘^iiis.;_i.. |(,-r i'i;.(ain iiiinn ih.ile|\ in.nlo .ill sinl n r the iinl 'riiin lie I !j cl, and .iirived in im.e 1. r> 4 I’lM* ttv T» . cuiiststiii^f •! Il ;t nv !i,— f-h” prevtil 1(1 | e till- Niiierie-in liri^ ( >iil,i no. III.mill li.iiii >Ii.!.i!i', \,.ith Vi-.. m 1, t,, Tiie-le. .•f had li.'. nsini k wilhli-h'. nnH!, and the I’.uii.'s = | ren.l with >ik h ri pnlilv , ih it II WHS III p'ssili!ii 111 i.vt It ,.|||i. (Iieiii. Ill” ( ir-1 1'|1\e\f'd ll.f. I I, kv (1 I lie I -l.iiid o! I,( . «ii;a, vv !i('i.' l!ir III. s siip(.l|.'i| ili.'.u itli :he im Ills of pi'K ( t din^ liinlilll-.^ f,.i'i:,| ,n ,|,r l.iishl-. (Ill Iho M'lilhcrn bt.rdt ri'fll f . |i%. 'I he i:..v|, w a-* ■ihl,. -I eiilirfly e.n..' from iF ihe Itoilcs, !.iid ht-cloihes aU.t, which had the «p|.«'nr. •11,CO . f liaviii;; Ix'i 11 oh. f ;;enl..e|, ut'ie «» I’lr docavi tl a-i I... rumble t,, hi.n- illiiii.'- Ills (-..It nppar.-iiiiv a I.Ino sirail b..(\, and b - hal whii. , wiih a linlft near ll.o bind, :il>. nt ih. |,( ., |,nii, t h'll... Tliero were (wo ' l,nndoii nt.iile'i pis. I'll' Ivmi; b\ Iho ski'll ii'ti, (.,:,. t.filii'in loa- . iliil an! ih" odier n. t. nt:d n red !>«•!?, m wliiih ihe p,'l. Is HI le III Iili.iltl^ r.irried. i|l. - I « •‘m dl |>i.w,li r (1 vj,. :iiid a !xi\ t,f (.pr. , cii' c ips. \ I rii'.k k V 'v.ssliin.iln. I nii'li.7 ill'-liii;;ino',t''. I ill.'we.-irii'n ,i|t|,,i|,.|^ lull 111. pii|H'is, I, r ai;\ li'iiii; .'s. ' what v^nhave iiatia;.'d .ilii ve, hv v\ li;t h lo run. ’'' •(llte bis nili.e, ,.i eiiiivi- nf his do:it|], " e ;,ro ti.iil I \ I ur Ilif'rirni I, n ho t \,ini. me,I the reinain- , tli it t'.-' *killl exhibited ii'i Iii.iiks I.f h.uii' ; * s|,:,i|, ro,| rr hio. ki'ii t>\ a hill, IIS liie h. h' III the hat v.onltl S' cm to illdu 1,1, . \s v..|i,|| H eviilit' nivf>r\ III lel ilioii thl^s startlii.o'dis»-o\. ClV. — .1’fr. .tr/’-. lo T riC'to. •iij'tj. A li'';iin;^ ! i^^ifnl t-mi ef n e«'•'.( (0 see |,|S vv.e,,,11 I |_;|,|, at'll ;'| I I'I laliier ban! Inr 11. illi r ft cnii»er‘.:it|.in, i.;ii.| 111 her iCn r .1 Int.;: jniis.-, “ ■|'!i,iil\ di,| m,h c Vi’ r till.' I 1 ■« I * >» Il ii r:hi'.' '11 . t j j,. \ i: V 'lUlt.l I' l \ \ p.I'l Iv . w lin h id ii|«( 1(1, vv as I IllVt llflir III |l| liii'i lilt I n r>i:;t.;.,l |m,\ •r I'l |iM.iIi,i.|i.iis|\ . 'I I,,. Ot.'l an ln,|;..r\ |. s,.eel,Hi. ll,e r; hi riNi'i 1.1 "n> "liK'h I 1.'. ij. Ill t n |iiimii( to git'. w.tli I,,., f't I 'ct in \mcr «(•'!• in wil l s'l l)|,|„ I ■ili' r si.iiiiiia r»i,l ilir.' 'V ,1 1 ; l'.ii,i'\ n;.>il(li ;m,1i. ,>ii..,|—‘ ' il .'i.s.n.'Af (..( 5 rl'i'-,, ■’

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