MIITEIIS’ & FAMMEMS’ JOURBfAIi. NTKU A\u ‘j. iH>i/ro^.... irvjn/^^^ hixk^kmii k; t n vi v, .nouiiw arolina. . — ' I * ‘ TIII^CAVKr.X!« l,r TIIK MOVNrAINH, «1KTAI.« WIIK.H WU.I. >;lvr ^TRKNKTII TOOIK lUVt.S ANH H'n» KCT > U. y Tt^ T^0!7n I'SIC^D Pl.KASl'nK.—DR. JOHNHOnT^^ “T Fiti NO. 221. 11# K .'TIiiirrN' A: FiriiirrNMotiriial lii prinifJ iinl pulilii^til evury Mulitniny iiiortiini;; at 'd'uo IMltirn pt r ■iiiiiini, if |xii«l in ; Tioo IJuHart and Criil$ if not paid lu ud- v«nce i 'I'Miee l/ulUn$ at the end ol'llir ymr. ADVl:K'|■|^^l:Ml:N IS uill ht iii»«rlril l\fty !\(»rih-Carolill.T liCKi^iailirO. 'I"al nfc:,ls arid iMivilrgi,, which arc (he prculmr |a Hcpnl.lic. And a.^ h it.alltr of I’arty policy, call for thti l>-i* and Miv», that an enliifliteDcd alli.lml.-^ „r i hasB pme to►ctk (hatj.ro. ^ (could 1 btlitvc^urh ncllishncM Hluti-d (hi-. Hall) | ,.to,.l«, conteBdin(( for nature’- ncbltit boou, I in. IlUl’Si; (jrj-().\IMONS. ,r.„.*,ra„5,.r, v^ h.W. hn« br.cn dr.ji.d in ' .hould tl,c.« Hc.olutio,., ,a.«, ,hry .v.ll do n>orn i km'v am, Ji'st'k b, may puVtUiriine'e’rTi^’.Mne 'n - 1 . • . • 1 I r» . Ii' ‘I*'"'^ “P"" I'0 "Ij'irr^lio cnuKf of the Adininwfralion in N. j Itnn»ho#ckiio\\li.d(>.anolaw butcapric* lioriyl.f ril^ U»‘S«)l»lli|IS inf r«Miurcd by Dr. I 'I"-'>|«*>iitHrti ol Ihn llon-e to »ay, if ihcy arc pre-' ('Hrolma, and bring conlrnipt npon ourselves, but power, and is led by the flattery of Par"v t'j iri'stmttlll^ Miuieuin, wore ttken 11 ) l'“”'* "> a'f'fit «f proscription tornt r ihc llalU than nil iht ■■-*■" i ;-i. .i- 1.....1 _r .l. r .. ^ (iirroiiMJ.Tatf.il. 'I’liey are as follmvd : ‘ asihttr . cnen.y cenUi|x^»*|ii»f«(»ifil e.Mccdiiig‘^MinMi,) lor Ihc , ^ • it pftf. the briphont J>tir in »ur fKililical rnroiict. fir»t ioMrlioii, and d.'i rent* |5>r each mici reding /’■'‘•olrfd, I hat the l,ri,'i»lal(ir« of a State, net- Sir, 1 am not the »pontot »f Air. .Maii;{um, as n tell—or *1 fur tlirer vvreka, tor one i«iuarc.—'•n*'’’« • "f lhe I’lopli ot haid han Im . h termed; with him 1 have no pcrsoual A hl«T«l Mill power, ana IS icn by tdc natterv et l aryl'j I iht' artilkry which the baltleinent of iho for^'ct tbo [K'ople. Ho eautioui in your dtci^i.,n, could hurl ai{ninsl !is. 'I'herc i» a redt ein- ( lest w hen r^s»on tr ay reluiii, you should 1>* toiiiid • 11 ..I,. _ I.-, -J ..L w l.i - . . > L . . I /• - ' y . , il'ir "pint in the peoplt. Thtre is a hntjd to shitkl upon the aUwl of repentance, dtserlcd by the Sore. ..w... w«v.X ^ _ f'lr, 1 am liOl tnc* Air. IVJttDtfUm, 8« it Ihf IU^t. nr h#.n-in» Ui *!.» t $l iurtiifor vvr«k», toronr iMjuarc.--I ha« U .-i, termed; wiib him 1 have no personal i'Vo^i whence come these T?c«oIui:nn« ? «ml in : tcnc»*/s€t'kin^ to niake reparation roWhrwnm^ diffccinrit «ill niwk' !#» lho»e wbo ' have a ri;: it to iiiMrurl thur ?t?niiior»i m hr.itj.uiilanci*, ai.d in (wiiUcs, we diilVr. tM hu whnt iHnijua^ro are they touched ? H’ I arn cor. | tou havo innifled upon vour country AcXx^or. Jy Ihr year. 4 hi all adver lurni«titi i j'i«t vindication ol tlic chirmfer coiirKf, the sorfrri^jH have a ri^ht to judge, j reclly inlbrii^fd, they c^mir as a kind irpni«ntr * • - * counnuiiiralcd t(*r puWuulion, the iiuinb«r ol'j *"V*** !”’ V'* Freemen Iicre, I aui | Crom n d( jwriinj- brother,* in tt'tiruony of hiR re I rc»xrn#, or kH>wing al tho ihrinc ot injured iiino. advertife by Ihe yc:ar. it On all advtrlurni«nli ♦* ir»e sorfrri^ri have a ri^ht to judge, | rectly iiiforiiifd, they cnmf* as a kind iremtnlo nnuniralcd t(*r puWuulion, the iiuinb«r ol'j '* ift*!itutioti8.rf#|tiirta that BU(h in- huf as tfie Krpre^ieulaliva of Freemen Iicre, I am from n d( jwriinj- brother,* in tt'timony of hiR rc- •rtiuiiH mu'*! !*« noted on the itiar/^iu ortht: ' " »nonM (•’ ijiv»*n whenever a Sr-nutor opi»o*fa to «iilai»h»(hini; a///rrfr/enMhat cur. I ^jrd (or onr \^eirure, a/'ter i*i» interest mar have ... . Ill I 111 ti*M ll«j> ti. •11 ..1*1.... W*.. . «^ a I.* -I- . . . 1 I . . . - nianui>cript, or lk y will lie ronUnued uiitil forbid, and charjeii accurdinjjiy. * * All cnminunicalioni to the Tditor mu«t cuuir ii.iiiicpreiK nfii the will ».('lhe Stat* npon (juihtion. tail the riehla of a S. nator by jjivinjr him inatruc- ! cta.td to i»; one with ours. \Vfx: to t-iich r«r.rd! ;ot .\aliona!(io,io>,orinlliiiwi»fpubli» r;neri;>i.cy. tiona e.inivaltnt |,) a recall, thiir. making tlieca. Woo tosmh prosperity. W'.re we to adopt it, l.itulrtil, lh.it tho honorable U illir J', ,\!an. prirc ot' a jxiittf in the Ltfi«lature, at.d rot the “it \\oiihl l>e n.ore tok rable for many cihra than o , , , . - , , - . • - i ' objert / I* tl cre a man here, AOTIC’K. . not -.. l. rr,d bv^thc^..,t.tuliu. and law., but thf rrenideiit htnii.r|i / It.i» for the plain ria-nn, the rcvrrHKin of .'Ir. .Manrmn’s vote wcuM nlur V th« 30th Ii.ctipIhi in.t. will br hued at iei»cution in both." tliat«« Ilxttulivt advntfra, tbcv ir>«> not dijmid the Jcmrrial of tli'! .'^^i.H't ’ U 111 the cuinhined tn him for promotion or coiitinuitiice in ollicf; tali nt of the nation resciud tLtir ovmi dihbvriile bill rciii.iin like ro IvK *'i)OKp bis«» ii iniinovaltl., act’ a .-Die barrii-r ot rie'-nrc a^air.ft the iiiro-.in ol I'un a disffrrinj people. Sir, discoTrr no other usurpation and th* na • of pa‘-«!on that mrj;i; uLj ct in the^‘I!'r('liitionr ^ '1 hf cfpacity o! Uiii* x^'^iiikt thti pilliu. of the Constitution (luring rvf- ll^usc ha. Lircn «-prrt ioiiwly mi'conceived, if it th« rr^idvnc* of Mr*. LyHia l'iir tut St reral ValuuhU ^t^rort, for the IffMi of twelv* u^unth. .\li«o at llm •an.c lima and placa will be iH.id for('aKli ihrtt Likrly ^ Mtng .\inrot$. 'I'be Urnia of hir* made known on the dar. Ji)US u. /•r> V7N. Adiar. Per l!,l5l. ••'^1 .N / .477; ur .YO/i’ 77/ i lt(iLK\ A, Mil Ri»;>m in; rot >rv if I'leai and t{itrifr .Stttwn*, Xfrrmkr 'I’iie lK»inij on tho ai1n|>lir>n of iLe llp^Miiuiioiiti, Mu. ri,r.MiM;,jf liufkc, rose nnd 4|)ol\c iu follows: Mk. Srr..\Ki:n : I( is fmly with fcolirj};s of eii,bi.rra»«lin tit, llial it iius become my 'T j-'t H« "dopt the prnxi- W|, mi;,p»« d u. uir« thus easily to be dujnd. I . .r.1 I lU I Til I’'® ‘'hat Lit ti« untnusk the monster, and Lin hid-bus dc- MIty I.* inl uJu uj^n the paliencf „ tl.is a. ,,i«ct. Suppose. Ibrm.tan.., that forn.ity wtll apptar-..i„p.;.c the mi.ty atmo,. Iloil'^; nu'i ic»r tll*' nist tliliO lii my Itfc, 1 the next l.;ci*laliirc ft.'iould Lave a niajui ty o;ipo- - p'leit til’ll trurroiind^^ them ai.d disiruntle them of linznrd the fTf*iCb«lon of niv M*nliliifUtH in •" •*** Adminutration—t caw na at .tll im- iho dupery in which thev are envtloi-ed. and thy of youraelvfs—art worthy of your caliiDg— be j;uided, l>o jrcvcriicd, and dictated to alr ne by that inward monitor, which rules in everv man's heart, ard tcaehas him hi* duty to himself, hi' cu. tv to bis frllovv-man, and hi» duty tohiaUon. rer«,lMt Mocrtauna A. ,McK>c Attachmeiil 1*41 id K ii« I *t Iriidaiit'a inlerr.l m tin h»i«F and 1. I 10 the ti.wo of (ItarMte, »h- re he lairW rr«i iimiiiij’fuirnl of iH»ny. iirf about to U> rillh- ;»VER.NOK SW.MN'S U.WlXU K.ll. ADDUEijiS. (hntluncn of the Senate and of the House (if Commons; In olieJienre to tlio exjiression of your wiil, uiitler rircutDstances peculiarly grate- lul lo my feelings, I appear before )ou (o rinew the solemn pledfjes of fidelil^ re. ij;'ireJ by tlie State of its Chief Magistrate. Ai nn important period iu the afTuirs of iha fciate and Ur-neial (iov«mmeDt, tho Legis- Isiture was pleased to call me f^rota widtly diflererit pursuits, to this slalinn. Th« re- lurtance atid rfilliiJe.nce with whitli^entcr- ed upfin iti» duties, increased the ifiiety I felt tor such a terinination of them as w nuid Mattering anticipations 01' lo expectations of however, that 1 moment either !o my administration give universal satibfaciicm. One of ntaci ii ..i .ill lor lliu will »al.U.*lBn:e«^be.»d.p,«., .t^ B«^^^ ihr . Trilem.-nt of uvlii-o i,.at ma:.ilV.t 01. «»’"• r^rr.nly ot.-.rvi., „ n ot !’>»• and lartcr to iK hHH tor iIh . 1 r 1. .1 the pcor li-, ihocld hi» w r- ...... -I kwahiira .1 ika f'.ai.i in '''IS ll>>or, I hn»o lu) lii'W of Kltciinn I lie o. ■ ‘ , , I oiint) Of ,i|rtai*npnr|. ai t Iioulie in t ■ * . , «• t'-'P*^" hom r pr. c;.|. ; um r.e is un- piriant pfintii.k-, *.z. tlir rit;l.lo: instructliij men ' lion ol nouesl men. lUe Urst p«int bas brea i h.,l.iie, •• toe 24 >\o,^ny tn ^rl,ru.r» nr.t. r"" n t iii.liv..*..al, but th^High saliMif-d nMndiiil th»i 1..-, t .q.th-r w it., il..- r.«t uf tho^^ iVom r.m. .■, , ho hav,-a, ted lionotly, bofore their j attained and 1 have SO far ^ucreeJed in aaJ U.rt> andthfre fdcBdor r«p|. »y,jud|uni-l HI,; .,1 ihi'«, niMl ron-^-.lous I n»y m»bililv , wore w horn he a-m thi» . i. ur-- t »nn ba> e -Mri d-a ri’ht. a» ! coiiccive, d^ro-a. ' ,i ,.’j , k- i , k il be ffitrrrd arain*! him bf Uefajlt | fciiK.iu wh:!* ii Wilii a flai; *'* ‘nd ire « .Wl.tu^in^ thtir v.ilj ff>i tnry loih? of t!u' con.-ililntion, ll non*- of , ** oy vet v,„ne true Kc; re«.ntativcs. I con»id. r, Mr. approbation of my own Con- P^akcr, that in ihts finestioii is involv'd an uu ^ciciicp nuo to descrvo the fiivor&btc rstidia* bill he IS un- fwirlant printij.le,' *,z. tlir rit;l.lof instructiiij men ' tion of houest men. The first p«'int bas brea \Vitncai, Itraly tficrk *f M.d ('«4ir(. at oCioi.Uiv 111) .^tui.day of ^ I'- i'-'> T’reea'*t tJj .s7m ;v: or .\oui'in'M{>u\ i, M|- M » \Hl 1!0 I >l M V. (' nil :f I'lrat and yvarfer Aet>"il I. of irutf III liiH (rout, liavin;; con riiled l»o. huid all tb>* I letnciila of wiir, is etidi avorin;^ t " .'Pfi'y hii ton h to ih*’ iiln({«’l ol \riifri- cmi liljcrly, I sluMiid fi*-! tint 1 wis ptiili’, f tli.it co»ard;> ucrt liciMiii i.f duly whsrh, .1 tt.c s.ike ('f |>"puljriu, *lia!» u« \cr iiri*'/'* m\ nr.in'*. tliM ot thi-ir oi.tlili!cn:«. !.rl tjev.» r, |i ..t ji, t/,o ronsidi rulioni I havt: iiKiitionMi will 5Uilice |*‘r^ exciteilTCnt, but agaiP.St . • ii'i.rirj Mr. M-.ntfuiii for l!;. t w ’ !..)i tra.-iv 'o aiairs you from shimlx r, 1 ha\? only to »ay. ; its CUrrrnl. Under fruch cirrumsJances, «i iiirt » -I h. did (lanr-’)y, M r t.iiw; ». s|,«p on—^lLep on. until you are awaKcnrd by tii. the day which terminatps mv public career, ^■‘•vt^n. clinkin.;u tht hammer,tli.it wouldrixounaua. le.1 II break upon a li;ihter heart than thal »i!re at ihi • t dI puli.K inj Iroiii vur lo vrrnr c, rist*. and dtivi lu dvai'uiidencu the la*t i - i i ■ u r ■ !:«m..-.i,'. near-. h,.'e of a irtt, r rro«pa ! W hich WlthdrtW IDP trom the fJUK't of priV&la inr I r.it. i !=U.. . rensnrcd the .vr, 1 hav l.-ci. i.-Lltingly t-M hv some that j'‘‘®- * * trust, without anilDO. If. 1M. nt. t. ...I- thr\ >,.rvwi u- W..S wr-.ng. I;,-«ho wiMiot » 1’^ rty t)»n. was rot th-ir nun.' t"WUrJs ihone by whom my motives crji (rot* |nt rarria;^''m^lkin;. what Wa- rijfi.t, .ind «>1 cutic dinp r,'>tli- .A''iin. ti>e •( n^'im of the Srria'r i« or’v dcf! ST aniwarirj !• th* .«likfartion nf the (Vurt, irig th^t *a« w r'n;;," hili'tlicv ;idh'ii'tl *o'v m i'« i)ilitr, w hen-:;-, tl,. it.«iru»ticn', Ir.f Uial Ihr IW-ind.r.l i.r.4 •». inhibilanl..* thu 1 w us w Ith ll'.rm, and waspr.wdto S''"* '’P* iM^r..li.. m .1 .on, hlaU', If u tktrriorf iUjnfd, 1*181 fitUiralion , i i .i , .1 . . I- . t “ ituifi thn: iiiv ► iiiiiii'*biH rorrf 'P«>nd''d w. h , .■ ri.>i) ».v aer... m ll,- Viiirr.’\ I anni r.'Jour ^ • ii , I B»l, ijial nnl"« h- b* and *p|Mir at ih* iit «t Ccufl (j^v 'l lri> Imoiiraldo b*ly. liul lil- •n* l’i*a» afi-l J'Hf*rr .■« lu he held fur Ihr tlr did 1 th* n lliirk, l ut 5>' ^-l U w:»S tn ht^ ■ iiiniy of Mrrklenbuijf. al ih*' t'o«irt lloo^ ir *pi i(t to lio | ur|MW!‘ IhiI p.iitN ]^rat)ticiit|on ; ’rhr.-e II »i.(,tli!-r [«ii>l I I I'll rr.T.- ,.1. r.'ii .i oi ‘.I o| .1 lo Ihi- Adiiiiiiii.:r«!ii n ri 1‘1'erl'iKlt ,\»i i I'C *1' 1 w;>h III. Hoii-c. 'I hi !■ a lar;:r arc ( »..fHl-,,.n fhr^U M0...I.T .n l.hr.i.fy n»il. and . S.;,';,tf,rial i-kclKMi Ihrn |u a U4*re p%a«icr r«ph rr, lAiil Ih ^ . i i - ■ i .i.lr.r:. aja.n.l h..„ by d. r„ill. J**-'’''‘'j '•'« lirali Uvir., rh rk of Mi.i fouM. al ha^^• Unn »• ni here ai.d mnvi It the a>» in- O.’’- «, t.*ie l:b M.iiiiay oi No%»nil»». H. I •'UJ lildi «tKlmn >f llit* iidu n |Militirul «• H. OA'I I S e f r. reua torn hy i!i‘-.>>»'t»lii.ti«, and thcr*'h\ ron- dcri^l lolally ui> ti'i. K i;t lo a^l•OlJlJ>!l>^^ ihf- idr, n I *5 oppoM a V h.i. 1 fell, VC II wrmi? tio, in | , j, inappropriate to the div'of tl e lit tlir C oii&titution, evsr , , , . , , ■ hf.iri! oi' mci.'s ipfr ’ '1 ho.e wf^re the inspired , -P'’'*” thus miicli oi inj frienc,s and tnyself. iniirtls th^t gave lxiii;f toour free iiniitutinnii.— 1 i'or itiv C.ountrv and my native State, tho 1 ten wa> our (ion rijni*>nt in ii. pniny, and ihi n. J crisis denrinds a Wider ranijo of observation, w a*i priaciplr ihe t" tli.it bound kindred Rou'.s to , •-eihir. .V«f,Mt ha»becm,:eoihrrwive. M, n have *" commimication to > ou at the com. null u h«i h.,'f-on:e IJ e «iih;(»i ts of a blind Idolatry, and •itarr.- , IIH*nrf^m^nt ol tho St ssiotj, 1 presfnted lor hitvr rtih'ti'i in.nr:r U|K>n .\ irih I'aiolmi—nu n ly cm a i/.>or.*'^»/)rr a iro«rf fu(/’/-or a a/ioe Wurt your Consideration, the rartiriilar relatior s who h'vi »li>it;r briliianHy in fviry'la'.ion «■ ... . . - . •ijiird them, who Live lil|,-d ll hi^'I.e-t a; |H>inlii-rnt^ wul.iii tl.i ui!' ot ihi 1 cji.-btiiri-.— me ids an ailvocal- tor Uir K'/ii/Wu-or 11 e I'fi./i.'t, . 1 i - u i'lii ir fii.inifr^i w ri- oner rnt.1 ^i! lo rr>[j cl—It , bc’l haM liccouit a cloak for arbilri'rv P''>'.vrr. | Upon this Wlliject, the more deeply alli l ilD- ti.ri nn I.. .1, and who ri,i,t i .pu^n th>ir Uou- pure principles wi.icli animated oii’r fort''athfis in j pressed willl the CdllvictTon, that the pricc I'./y, ire tlii » ikI .till entiilfd U) r t ’ A. the cor.lcsl for libi'itv, appi-ars to have been en-] of libfrtv IS eternal \ l>»llaiice; and that p0\^'- ’‘‘'“"-"J ‘‘^‘>•^‘1 «"h i-'-''-'. If there i.« a retunani , slealiti2''from the manv lo tho „.ceiv. an anwi.iimtni, ui.lfa* he b.-lon;,'s to the ■ f„ch Mib.-ist between this Jilato and Iho i;>- “ K’f i.KNf, V." 'i il’ term Kt puhlican," no lonei r , I,' ,1 ,„i ,. . o., f n . - m- ID. an ,.lv.cai. for the !{.],,M,c or the /v-tv. ‘ t.o%err,m^nt. 1 he more I rf>j]rct !*rr, . ( . 1- 1 ■ /I. '■-•-I ■ U .1 tM.'l AlUchtuf nf. , , . , , , '.f fclm,; th.l cu;,ht top.r;ade cvcrv a;i;l,t,n.,!efk,l.vvh.chlo,r,rklhcird.«cendcntsdulvrall. ; :;r.md . hjTis 1. r whidi wo an^ ron\ened. bclv,. u,;!it u, Ik a cunranu. ..c .inst irjti.- .'o.idYor it., interposition in hthalf of the lufaiit, ■ imparliallv tiia f.iltk did 1 liiiiik th il, as afO'lales who hrtd lice. Kon.o n l re* r.ti'iiril b> o;.pn ssmn, iWr : the oiothtr and the ut*'*!- Shall we brini; conl'u- : history ol the ci-Iifodracy and 01 this SiBl.'’, Ifoin the Into f.illh, we wer** so so*.li " hen forl rsrance U ronin a r-Mn.r, reH-'iiutc i> .ion Ufon om wins and children, betbrc thi^ j:«n- | amJ ftirm tht? conclu'icn if he can, that tho to be ndl.-d ..ii,to Iiiiniohiieotir lilierlie.oii ^ I’""’,'" '‘l>" I' fo.’- .ration has pacd away ’ Shall we MilTtr tho« I p„;verand patn nar,..ofihfc General Govern- , . .. - . , I * .1 I . Iw.»rarr« ki.«ws» no Cunlrul—t vi n eviinnmiUrn volulionirs 1‘atru.t-* v> ho yliinr»"er amonrsl us, L * i . . ur i i_ * the aU..r.l nu.^ltlon, kn. J t.i the pod ..l „ ,.r. i; r-blc to . s,r„.ot mnl-.., :.d w r,;:,;,. (1. .-^If nnwillingto t,keth. ir,iit, until tiu ir de. "r”’no da i-.rous to public liberty, fnirlv iimI t il'hrar# this modern .1/o/orA 1' ■ n I u> nr. the nuHI. i-t »,;hu\i mcnt oi man, is sr.'nH.>ni.. have rrsli/j d th.- bi nclits of li-. r a-i > tl'ore, let him scan attfntively iho th * I’f Olir adon.lK'll. \V hat lim) '.lie pndr of lii!« a;;e and cf the \mcii.4n |H;op!.-. i hicvrincnt*. nh-ill lliri/ hrnr to thrir d'(>arled [ characters and r.it)dlict of pilhllC mt II, and 1m’ ■ - . . • - I I “*'■ iixT'. ..II «i)'iai(; v,| uii iii'i iiu iiK'iii 1(7 uiiuiiit. r a nu a in. 111.1 1 j _ ' I ‘ 1 1 L ■ \ 1 iM'o. J if W'cvt r utui’h I lioncr iind ;id- the m ind. I? tier it *htn to met t U(M*n tho^o ; world,ron\irM ;;d that they haveent.nlfd ui*on their ! *jC\olion arc exhuntod w nicii charac- «|''1 hv I : nUtii IV bSin- a tr*rl f,,,. i VihKIo C lirM' . f tin- pru.'W'lll A.illillllS- great frincipl.a of rca‘OU and jiisli. . . rrdani-d otTspring the bh sKinc of ( irW/,>/w)Yi/^ Civil lib-j ibo ear Iv 03) S ol thw Republic. Th-J I l.y M ilii.. « Jl.i.i a Iran formrrlv trail' ll, I fMj.i 1 sli.iil ulwu\ 1 f I at li!>*r- •'.» *• th» Uw of Ba>urc, and inv'.iiut \ ly erty nitans rqu il hbrili/, and i« >t e. lally adapted . ihtelli^ent individual who can a!*>UlO him- '•..mirl T lli.tfhi. n. a Iracl fon-.rh ly (o l.^t*'-. f,,rlv of its R.'ts, MK'.lk free. '•'’P'*"'*'* ll'Cif r,|tecti..n of tho few This is the l.il^rtv ' so|f ,h„, p.Slll«n is (rue, is eodowel ^ * ' the t>e»i»le of the Male totnc eMi> Yr!*u!i aj Irouj oi w h\cn that n.iMon from w hi( h we sprun'r, {I .. ,,u „ . i i „ i ,i r i .nt..r,ie .o:nmolimi.. Th. .ye, of hl.y th.-us. land I m. an. wa. proii.l to hou,t. This irthe lib. I P‘ of w hich. Upon ii» lM>kin^ to tin ir IN-p- ertv ler v\hi h hf r Ih>Ii1 l*n>n reared Iui» k‘t)v ern*t, ine With vviS(io;ii, v\ou!.l MMK or II ( \IHUJ.\A, >:i 1 Ki iMff hi; thi ^TV. ■*■•). rUi* and t^uattfr .V, »»iun«, ’/fii.i. I'3 S. ili.im ft i;aidii. r \ t »^d |l rrr>ifa of tlwi | ■ ll' 'll 'otll|i.inV. I • i a trai I >l l..nTr>.».i,ril) owrji-d by Wil ||1| tr, a It i t l.l'nietly o«Tt>r.| liy Jan.e* . >■ .'.I r fit ffly >i»iii J hr Jaiiik. fflark, ■ '«II a. ihe raltcrxi'i \lirir, a Iri'. t for. II* ll^lt.l.V I'l lllir n.niriilli‘1'. ».|ini llllt> - 1 H.,Pn.in L#t in to III^I t.- pm | V .-I M’ tho SfiillMWiila of ollior'i, I know Jiot— l»* th« lan-iiai;. ..f Jnt^’C/)/«d»f. ne, '• it i^ ru.-t. ftiinids the sad tiuin.,'. «t in.in'-Hejen. racy ’ Will , solace himsolf W ith the convirtioii if he CSn, l.iit f..r I am iinpre,-i,rrd f.^r ll,e .arri- , ‘‘•','1'"'-K- ’ , that thr same ^-eneral intei;rilv Rnd patriot- * ‘ • I / . , , the m*blf^t ih tl;« »oulof man •.» .11 vibrate or will you not srnd them loanoihtr and a btUtr 1 j . • t - f ir!i* Hull him.n : al-ii,-tl) a MfT^m ly in jnlvix'utO'', and rnulion tii\ roiistitu (h'.i4,l..„i,v ardUH,f,,ppe,.i„n ,h.. uoh,.lhm r.l. fil.ru of ..V.i riri.» ai.il ^j:irli r St-'I.hi-, lo Ih 1. r Ihe l‘»lr. tl 'II, bill ill dt p '■ 'ir.'» i.f .Ml c»li at ili-- Cr>..rl.l|t.uk« in priDcioIrs i f rrawin, linix mg I i.y! I , on the 'M M.-day in I fbrnary i.rx* hi'atl ‘n h.'tw f en lllO ruler-, ai of ihc slroii"e*.t veri'gn piople, can I.Kik for jiutica ami '■iljr for «orld to freeiinm. This is the Liberty whith | cast, that a fu ipi.'tit reciirreiice lo lunda. that irofuaroh- * priin iplei*. » vd \\n ;:ive» I'lr Am. ricjii Djm. a pa.fporl tol.onor in « v. ,„p,|tal prlncipic^. would bc essential to thfl , , nicct the:n aAi r tn» pus* i;.-c ot ll i«e iiiuuu us ery elime. ’I'lrs n the l.ibt rty liir wh ch thoKr , r |,k.,,i,. 1 and ihi* ruled, ad- J^r.rhitum., a. evtry honorable nutj ni .1st term lleavinhi.rn P.ilriols, that have t;»ne heTorc U'. ^ risked their livt s and tbrir fortunes and .. a!«ii il j 'I'here was no me wf the Colonies whicil i-ilh thiir blixKl, which it will b.- the anxious dc- j„ t|,e early period of American histor’., «u'- centlemnn from 7.‘“ ' “n T"”" "i*' "‘I*' fP^nKtvi'te. NVv. ,,, Kveculive u-iMule a=i ihi’hardih.ind to as*. rl It ill the |ieiiple *uh-, cr l«.t it Iv taid lb, t we are the unworthy dtsn r ‘ ■n where l\ rautl) has swayed her a dishonoiab'e instruclioi.'' .nnJ all''-e we had dis- riskt ,(.n(ro. ' fh.irj. d our duty laithM'lv, III .*-1*111 hisiii" one wilh „ .iK .1- half the citiiw,s ef Ihr Snu ; or shi.uld we have -irr« I’l A.T? and Ihi n ni.^ |l r ).|i .d .1'r> nil \ t, I'ld'iiicnt « ill . Ur,„,.d,„,,„,h..nl, .iiMui: miM.d,even Wiir.I;.tlf n.iis, I :. rk of *iid I'oiiri, ai dc>p tio seep wTi.i,ihc iih .Monday *f .N v.ii *wr. \ l» I'.'U I mil'll crnrur With the 1 » .*« ft \ ~ I inc nar(»in*mi iw ri M »* m 1*V sur»- it i v i iv io i-1 »v m t' lur un wnrui V U( («t'i h- i .i i ’ »■ i • i ... ^ / .«*. ( :il irriTH ( >J r. Ii.ii nnyor) Hiin thi' to thf (imlrine? I haxe a Intter ojnnmn detitsotiiat iilu»lfious raee.or that mnnkind hsve j ^» bo jral('ll"y 4»t iiltsiluto *'* iitaii frofii HfMtihtrl (Mr. (‘I:irk,) wh'Mid- uf lh»ir judgment; and illhfu-h it is poiMh.'e in di'^^enerarod mi land of Kiet dom ; but provt* to pr^nlurtMl by thi.'^ circj i,stance, con- S’7’.l 7 y,’ f >/’ \ (Hi I H Miolj \ A, ’ns-i'd tho ll.nw on the inlriKiticlion of t>rfr im. » of I’arlr mnnajrcn.cnt, that the !.• o the world m spite of k. ptic rfasop.nj, thi.l man is Ulitutrs ihe iho-t stnlvini: liait m the cba- M KI I V 11 |{i. . ol M \ . f ewri nf I h 11 ui,i! >!» trr .''(‘.jmiii, SurnnLir vv/m, I! , S i*'VM Kft;. r • ' 'I Nl mi |i, },, ,' l-'i in thi town i >' : •ll*'', ht’. iiii '. Uii.j ki'owii m i: , I'K in. I' . r I nrir;; I,, t ft i!m • ii„. |> \lt.ii Inn' n' - 'nil’ll ,1 III ll'.' l'o'i»» ai'i’ If!,.I'' I. h- lalc!» n .i III uil "It f ‘ 'n »ani Idh i,, '•harco of iii*i!iil\, wli.» hastiol lratiM-eiid- rijsht ol »utrr»i;e ai ike inalunable pcra-ative o' frown-of |K'wer; '..,1 ll," ,K>wers .11.1 aulhuilties yuara.it.iHi and >oor v.-es m this, a^d .11 otU r tyranriyi.SM-.pl ^ ® e!i**eji, jeui’l**, eoinmiUid lo \our earr*, unii^r an the>e K#*sohiti»)n^ ai Ike inalitnable pcra^'ative o' frow n« of iiower; but il-at she would nreiich tiimi I of civil lil>^rl\ , (h'lbrd I he J\\erulive IV- rc and i cro\Mi. And Iriore ^ i,ni-tmenl with n.» other pmvor ih.nn tlje af- nlv a. vo’ir Ic.low t it. i ' . . _ . t -rtliB'’' tii.u ot ih'j Coiirl, ....irs, lew.ls. coinmillia to vour carr-, umifcr an tne>e KPsomiinns pass, not om i-u n.u.» . u-i , ^ ■ -it. him l.\ tlif ( oiiviiliitton. ini.il.cd .onlriut, lhai you will di«poi-c ol ihtiii' i?rn> 'i:.i a.* Ihr Kopri-ieiilBiiv* of Freimin iijMjr |'rd'iito «| tin’r.’S m tiui torii!atioii ol the., lalo Thero IS a moro important (luontion for p, itlu r ll.roujjh (.arlialilv, ror prtjiiuioe—nuither ihii tloor and in their nanir, permit me lo eonjiire j cr iisliliiti.iii, npil w as ih.t lolind.itl Ii Ot the ■ I'll.; s..mI |..K fi a. los ki)«. oiir ront.iderat|oii, and one upon w hu h oiir tor the pruiitli'm of in.nds.or the prrs.’tulion '\ou, as ,on u-spoi t >oursehe«, a. you re.;p« tl ^our wise dislrii'1, the e\,iinplar\ caution, wilfi ...I. . ....;i. i-.i.rd I.'. -„„sIiliienlsexiH.,lnl we should act. ll e ■'en i. s-hut ihul g.nd.-d by the du tales of : haraeter as a State, as yon hold liberty fk.r.-;ui ^.1,^,1, l’r(|..,i,l ('o„,-i,tiiiioii wasconsid- , , ^ • 1 hmeslv »nd von wi hJis,»o«r ol Iht m w ilh by evei v tie thnl shtmid iMnn man to J i» r«uutrv, I » i i . i i. i u. j lot.nopdy who .hnll rrprrsi.nt us or how ^ ,Ws to sirik;. n tuHl and a diudh LW «t root ef all 1'' " f ***'. 11 ;r, (i(:4t fnihhrjitton ht "'t' shiill !>' rr[»rr^f*n!rii, but elm II wu hw vc puhlic ijiHwi nquire ^ I will fa* t her, and p.uty rttnihinaiioi*- whitb, inulcr liie ma'iu of pro- Cquiv*H‘al chrir^* Irr m I lie pri ccvcinos ot -iv w.ik. Ill I.Ill '.;iiiirii' \ I'lruiiT.' .Ii>ur. 4 popili.-ition at all lo rfprem'lil !—’I hal the »«:, whni does the int. r.-.l oi the .Iai K'hn I’vRiv lirtion, Mould u.'iiirji )oiir rirhli>: and restori' to ' every dcpnt''iifiil I'l iho (I'ovrnipeiil, in I ^ t 'ii.'.iMi l.r |.i i„„! „,.,.r.ir at ihe f ’-.ll uiirl ix,«f,irc of .illiiirs |s id.'iillv Iril'l- * '* >''"1“''' nnr. I. 111111:* perse- lli-ir on^iniil pti'ilv, and hand lUm n lo posUnly. ' '1 h»* ussuniptli.ll h\ ihi- (M'lieral Go- I iiii'i (} ,irl. I .'1 ■..iiii.s, lo Im' httU for Ihf , . u I .'ution hi’hII w ho ddif/if»^i,f?i'to dillrr tri^iii them iinl onlv nniinpair. d, but s' I'nylli.n. d, that He-' ■"''V..I- .1 tin, I i.url.llouse in «'> »l" ••ons-qui.ners lannot b.« d. M- yon at -.Ihful ud. ..cale.. I, pnhlicnn form ofi ;oMru,r nl,.„d Iho,..'tVi. on ilii !ii| ^Icindrfy III |-, liruary Uf 1, ^’y ""y Cibsorvrd lllU ),o,vr^,.r^ |,a,| tjiynr (>t it wa>-the privilrpe of free liil on.;, w.-have mli. ri'i fi t'roi'i our an.. ste;a« 1^ 'I •'!'11 nrm Il„ ,f| iir feph vy,jud*ui€ftl Will lldft of I'llilt’tallitli daily llowin;^ fioill our nirn to (inV.r and sNo lo r\pr*ss that dillrifiice. the ur.uln-t hi-nr jii'.on ll>- (Jr.d of Nature has " d , ,10't i.i 11 iiv .uiauii. krn, I I I. r lite - . - Imrdfrs, niid traiiS’iorliii:^ l»evondour Imiils Are the S. dition Laws to Ik-r.viv. d ^ l» this t# i«riiiilt.d .>m mar loliansur manotl.r. Oln •'•‘1 |-|'ul«tlon, whoso .-n. >*'' the ru;n of terror, and arc,.ap.lo be p!.vd lu eoiiclutior, when the ii'iestion is ta’. n>" I Ol' loi Mi.iiUuy of .Noveinls r, I). iKtl. ... , ■ in ihe mouth ol iviry I oii.'>l iiiitii who .hires lo , lrioen.h,v.i ». 0 177'.v, ! t'rpri/o find-, no emph.Miiont ninid a com- Kxecutiv.-a.is ’ If ,o, (.W/.„ ' • It i. 3in. .-.1. (ha> the cent:, n-an w'-n ^ ililinit V dlMtrai trd by |«>litl(’iil dls-ensions ; thai I should bc a .upplunl t*.l rojajed lu trodiui d l.’-> .'ivi >, i> •b"t’l "i i • V' tilatlk.i of all kinds for stale at thus (fjflcc. uud huvit:g desjitirtd ul' obtuininjj thouc e- erecting a ihione of dcBpuu»iu npou the rui« 01 I'arolina. vorrment of liio :e!)ls .t tho Sti-it-s. lo lh'» amount of tv ciity 11 i,!i..n' and a half of do!- ’nr-*, and ih" ur;'.isi!,. n . f a diilN of scm’;i aiul a hr.'t'prr c.': I. on I'ori'i::'! n.crc ii.ii .li/ ', Wl'ie Sllil»' Is I t S' VrrO a!lll!la(i\i>'s|ii|l III , theiinr'111 J'.'c.-i ijiivr \Ies>,:re. 'rt.:itC"n'* m'.ifhr.o, ,) re-.ii!td in a soli ii n p test 1.1 th'- r-'’* 'i "3 cf iIk' '.’rui.rit