f4) 17 f-J' il,- i • MINEMS’ & FAliMISiaS’ .fOUMMAIi. 1 - -. i‘iiiMi:i) AM> in »usiu:i) k\i:uy suiiinAV, «v tikmmsj. iiajcloiti; hi,i;wM itc ioi^m v, noimii-f AiioMNA. I WII.T, TK.MM Vv>U TO ri».K( K r»IK HOWKI.S ip TIIK KARl H Alr> BRTvi OUT KRliM Till- . U — . _ ; i -1; rnoM TIJK a\ KKN.'f 0|f rill; »li| NTA!?;■, SIKI'AI.S W HI' II WII.I, (IIVK s ruKNi. I ll ID n'.ll HA.XUH AN1» KI'IUn T Al.l. NATI KK 10 Ol'R I'HK AMI Pl.RAKITJ'. DR. JOHNSON. i JAXUAUY !>, is:t5, ^ " NO. 223. THK Tliiior«»' A rariii(*r*i' .loiiriinl ]i priDUii |>ubli»litil pvtiry S«t>ir(Uy nioriiibj; at Tir« OMirs (ht aniiuiii, if paid in ailvikiic. ; nt t, wttl 4.. i>l !•> A.l Vk,:i. .,,,10, 1 1 h . 1 r/r,- r 1 I.; .!*.«■ :’ 1 1 ‘i':'ti-ij 1 M..O I. l!l 1 11(^1* 1.' " 1 1 - t r OM •*, " '1 1 1 M( n: 1 1 * ■ *’ 1 ' 7Vu •‘id Ftlly Crnts it'nut ^uul in ail- v»m , ixrft Ihitari at th« eud ul’llip j-tnr. APVKllTl^l'I'-'* "‘II b*' mmtriid kt Fifty c. iilJ ;>criiqiiure (not fxccoditij; ^t) linr«.> fiir »h- firKt inM'C>»°> '•> Cent* tor racli •uccmdinj' ,e,li_or 'fl toi three wfi'K*, for one M|iikre— A libtrsi dit^cii'iiit will bf niude to tluiM who »dTiTi.«‘b\ lilt y«‘«r. 'JT^On all ml»cftiiM'ni*nli« cenimuiiii »ii«i lor publn alnni, tfrc number ot uifcrlion* iiiuft bfl oulril oti the iuuik>>' ot' tbf minuKripi. nr tlity will be c»ntinu«d uutil fcrbid, iiid ch»r(;i’J acoordi.gljr.- »,• All .•nmiiiuiiK’ntu.Bn to thr K^lilof mut cninc o^po*la{e. pr tliMjr in»y not hratlrudtdto. Tiir llaiiU it('|>ort. Mr. HI'N I ON’ rosT and said, that before thf ri'fX'rt ird*rt)l I» l»*‘ pruitorl li»* had a Miird i>r to s;iy. Ili^ naiuc, lie had cb'»>rvcd, WHS i»ini«ioi»f*d iti tin* re(**irt, but to be suri‘ It was in potxi ci>tnj>an\, lor it ihc iiHiiH'. Ill' Aoilrpw Jstii^oii, Miiftin Vail Uurff), and Fein (’ifiiiKiv. lic(i»rc the Semite udjuurra-d, he wi?hfd tn bt'PHn npp«(rliinily tif kUomiiij^ the Sviute that the coinmittee liad bceu ni- 't iiuwiirlhil) trvatoi] ()\ the Hank, «iid liiJ txH'a tii.ido the nu'Htis, to tar he «as ci.i'CiTn*t, of r»-porliiig tt> th^ AiiirriCHn Hhut »ns un untruth. He had vriittn ! > ibe I’rc.'5id»'n1 of thf ll ink of the ri,ik'l and be had dmi* (*•» ut tlie requiM of irercb inis in .Mi>»«>uri. lie hud wrili' n to him Mitk cordinlit) «o lir 8' ibtir ohj'^t «ascoiirfrned,attd with a vie« to nrnn.oi** tho i»bj'rt i»t' their appli- I r* p'>rt iilul' d, th.it, ii(«>n tUn aif;if.ili.’ii. a brinrh wa* est.ihttsbrJ thoro &> H bi'i'iriNtiiiilion, ami nut a |>«ilitic.il f.n'\ .N >«■, Oiark, h« to lutjuire nf tl.o rliifiiiin iflherw wu« riunniijnifiited t.i iiun 1 r-'r-'jrt tiiade t» tiie l>ire« lf»ry Wv (ifo. kJ t .(IItI. r, «h« wa-i wnt to St. J/ :in Cl ti* 'j r iicr o( the (lelili in, loor- f-ft i f p ri (>• 1,1** ilirtolor) whether Il»e c! tiic |iIjco wo'.ilJ nquiie a I': :• ( 'I. I > ' r,R iui'i, “ Th'jri wai nol.’’J .Mr. hK\H»N rontii.ii-1). 'l iien, ho « j:: r ’;- it, tun fijfiiiiiiU* • i-.'.d b en inor-t L” » rt'iiU ireDK'd, ar.il h.id n made li>»* I ! jT'ni 111 ^ \ir^ «'i utirulh to tli»- A- I - ri When he* wmt honir- (: ‘ r|f\ the ijiiTchal.l* if St. I '.Mil I’nt th-'p'r'iiM’n «.>iilJ be uu' , ^—tr:;t I !•'1. t'(ifiWHi!-.'irr, fill lU»-('urt ‘ r. ;r \ f.| t.iu I mted Siate-, h^d ex fi;i..r m: in:) t(i»> bi-.iuck i*f th*; pLee, and, I ( r.jii h.id rep«*r: d to the Ih I io:\ tt.jt It wa« not sutli' ientiv c\te:j. • • ' • I'lit. n/..- ih**in in «t(il»h«bin5 a t>' ' . :t. ri'. W ell. (,) f nfiti oifit i.'f the re. ! ; ! i i! II ^ Njfv t.i «'!(*nb'i'h n 1 ' . i i" I’.’.'.deiit »f the Hank of th*- I .v.| .1, . . 1. ,( (*ir'*'icd tiiiit we - ^ . !•* 1ji .isi,. ,i, I,, l|••i ^!^. I!.) MiMilci r \ t'c.r-l lo N-i», ab-iiit th;it t • firvt L nt t:io l!nitk, .' I ; ■ 1 i |.r iii I co(i> !nti n !•> h ■ • " !' t. 1- iH (,f fir‘t cxritinj; jml»- ■ .• '•I'ln a^:iiD"i il. To th.'n-'Nifii'tli- ' ■ ! ■ . • u>"ii i!i!i Ilf St. L-itin, after I ■ ■ ''I'- .1 >:i r: tiM.f pr'Hi)ij«') rei-eit ■'’:.;l| i(l th.il a IruD'h 1»ai Uxt ' ' •-J ;r. thrir citv, MU-wna «iid- - tj. iift'l, a» Il \\nt hll*-;'ed, “ for ( f th'' J '\ornmf nlauJ •f i I !>r:ir:rh li'i I appln d ■ \a‘pffxh »bu;li i>m1 t,(i till lloor t.f thp ?v*ii-iti' • I! i* , ,,:id U n ievio¥»»*d ; "I > > (if th« “ P.eviewn” on it ' 'I i>y :ii) Hiiik, and a l»r^»* ly»».n [i«iir'd into hif '• 'iiiif iji til*" fj rti'in ; while the • 'r.i-vi|iprP‘-.-r'| lu the Ili-^mtPr !' '•» HI ( .ii;frt li'i i.ii the mjlij'ct. ' • ii'ip^ l.ii) Ir-' ii di«!rilMit‘r!, I >1^ , -I, iiwpif Hufiprt'-^^'d 1 ' • 111', wa-t H illihirlfj. lie hod ■1 viii r i,t irri|i>ii.n of ihm attJir ' iKi.* f. I itn. \ t'^ntle- ‘ '* iii:i ‘f il »|j*'t*ch, and i^'ut it to ; T''.., (),# f.dii-r of which t«Hik f " wi'ii .1. I 'l l wlif;n It ca’no j‘.:i'ir s:)i) •* It V..IH nothing but a III* l.;riinrptif-.IS of M hut ho bud ’ ffi'ii-h f, r tL.i r i'.j-'t. ili.it it,»" .> I,.,I, inii:i(t bring the Il I. ’If, Ilf Iiiij dr i»»n u[i « re- •Ali.i’li !.«• «|H|,rd ti have coo- ' I i-.rt of iii^ li'lii/iilt!, ; 1'I'l' )li- I 'iriiini'Iri' o" F in»»i'f l>f ■ .m r J II l'„ „r tl.r I'nil.d IN* r. j, rt ir. tn It.e »f- ti« *lio •I' .! i I ..r, . , fi: ar. ilnjn t;, ,t |.l .r f. AUo. the an. ' •' ly 'it iii»- |i It. r finkiiii' kiK.M II In Uiit a brauiU would b« aoon ''Ti;" ■ !i.i-I seiif him a t! le, hi /Ut III' ill i;) [)'.>.v*..lull Ilf tho ii. irK'ii itinii wdiiM h'lvi- l»*r''n ■' I ' f h iTitij; rii|(if|.iinii-;i|i'ri ■.'itii il,. \m-.v, t|.i4 went 1 |iiilt|iii> III) c\ i-ry '' I' . •! ». M I iiIivmIi] iI wlin dll' '• f ■ Il l( uao ri|jl> 111 :i Sjiy. L'''lli;; itito ;ifi ('tdininiitl')ii tl' I' ll. Il liriie Would II'.t p'Tiiiit \>t{c boiiiC thing itj I*. which ho could not now avoid iiotiom^.' under the pretence of mpplying the vucuiiiii liat the ( iiiumittee qiiote{, it adopted H^l ereateil b_v tlic ruiiiovni of tlio dopnMiies.— Its own. The Committee had quoted the .No dunl.t’thut'miilioti utid a quarter which expreuBion “ hostility and vindiclivoin>w« on wore carried away iVoni .Now ()ri» Hns wus the part oi tho I'residont ot the U. Stiitfs jnvested in htll.-i of exchiin^e, to lie trnim- townrds the Bank;” and in quoting tb« terrid to tiio Harttig.s. Would to (.'wi thnt chnrp**, liaj ttflo|>tcd if, nmde it lU own. lie luid th^ power lu oxaiiiihc llic re|xirl Imj- Now tluB point hu(] been s> utirn bniugiu lore llio American pt*oplo, lo oull wit- Itefore the (Kiblic, ibat every one uiiist bo rm.xes us he could do, to dittprove ut leiini lit Bo loss to understand il. 'i ho inoinenl forty of the »>tuleirteiit!i nmde in it. Aflor It waa inviitionud, every mind would com- iIiih, ho would M^k, inu't not the C'oiiitmiine probetid what mu§ meant to bo inferred, feel the |i'ac«^sitv of uiterinjj tho report? He (Mr. liKvroN) touthediiotrulh.mcou., n,,. 15. conrlusjon. n^uiu r.'i.eal#.l tradiction of the re,«rt, but w hat wus to bo ^hat he could do if he i.ovm .1 the ixiwer uund on lhej..urnal, o. the Setrnte. And l„r e„cu,„iig wiloc^t.* and then re.un.od he would «;i), It was not fornny ( ommittee jjis wat. of the Senate to report a thinq which wu* I ,, ^ •• 1 . cndemnid hr tho jnurnala of thnr own' , 1\ LMl *ud that noth.iit; would l«dy. V\ bat barf thoT done ? Wbat hud may plef.M*, nnd i-kuIi m tli« hUCccFs which [full account of “the Review,” and alao of attfiMli it.—I'ur oiio, I retiotuice it an un-;(ieniral Jucksou vetoed'’(alluding lu a wortSy incricnn Siatf'fiiiien. 'I'iic Con. iniiiee had uddre»«ed a sober und teniperuto hut firm iirpjiucnt upon this njbjoct lo the SeiiHte; aiid ^latuhn^ in tho preMiuce of thut aufiust (xidy, und iM-foie the whole Ameri can jVople, ho restcil upon thut urgume#! for ilie iriiili of the opinion, udvanced. An jiublication paid for by tb« Hunk.) Now, sir, 1 ohjeut lo all thin, and this t-laborato report in defence of the Uuuk coudeuiiia these publiculioiiK, and others of a aimiliir character, us hi(hly impolitic. Ho chur* uea the C»unnittce with haviRg emtorsed lalsehoiids. [Here M r. Bkkton diBclaiuied opiiiion, for the honesty of which, oti his : nny pert«oDul alluKiona.J 1 do not bclievo iwn pnrt, ho would avouch, after the most there ever has lieeu any thing in our past they charged ? 'I'hat ihe l*rr>»sdent of Ihw I nited Sitites had turned round a)^iu'«l iIih iViuk Ix'Cttu^e be could not inBua;;e the I)i- rectory, und make ihcni mibvrvifni to bu (Hj|iti-ul (nirpiHte* ' '1 his whs the chtrjte tho conimitti.'o which had been i>o fuiiously iioaih'd by the Sonutor from .Mi>M>un, r*i- ferr'd to another committee ibr iht'ir mo^t ri^id exmitnut on—aud he wouM like the boiinraUle Senator ^ Mr. Bi.mhn) to |j« one lives that could lead tu any |>ersonal difler- eucu botween us. But, raid .Mr. 'I', as ouo uf the committee I uhjhI defend the report a{;aiiist this tJiarge. 'I'bare is not an us> sertion in it which is not sustaiiiei by proof. If the Hon. fknator will look tu the report lie w ill iiuil no char^' a^ainel the President v*htch had gone tli..„;ih the couut.v for the 'he comm.tf*«-| Mr IWmon ,0.^. hii.) Iasi two or three year.^. exteudm- Iim hand to Mr. 1% 1 nt. nnd np- , I proMcbioj bun at i|k'fametime.'-.iid. “i;i»e h n J I "J ...e v-nir h«nd on lh«t_l should like it too"j h.d been he cours.- ot the IVesickt.t of the J I'niieo Mates in reJerence to the iiomiiid-• . • r . . tion of (iovernment Directors. . ^ ‘ I'''' honnr- Whn did he name as tlw |),rTt»r. „f hi, uilr.. .^ siiiid tAo that Bank in on Ih- part ..f the CJn- '7‘^rnuinl. r-~l. l hiiii tti. t. remmetii? .Nicholas I5..klle nnd some oi *•-«t..s nnd hi. friend.. AnJ ye! it 1, S4iid th.tl be 1. a.r ut .rtumpli. dcsirou, .f dostronnp the .nMitutico lie- cau«> be c«.l.| not' ouim^e it; b.v auM- be -Ml l>'«c.ombi.,ed would rnuld not ni-keolh.r.f,'!.ile ,.i bis biddin;:. 'up- Who did he nomm.ite u, (J.-xeroment omnMti.-- i. rectors in I «3. » .Nuholns Hidule and ‘ ‘ d‘;Hni.nion m of Ilia fri. nds. W ho, he. ( Mr. B.) trn„ld . ..k, were nomina.ed to tlmt I'.,ink in l-:iJ’ f, Ni'.'holas Hiddle nnd li'Mue iif bi-* fru iids * riirev yiir-t wu- tie pUre«| at the lu a l of tho (tovi-nimfiii Ihrector^, b% roiiM- (|.i» nre indicatiiiji; f r u>i ludirutiou cuuld jjo, ih .t be wis pl.ii' d there K the iioiniuali' n ol Aiidfw Ja(l.ion. NolvM:hf.l-tiidin^ thi«, t'lr three y» ir» hnu that e\n;itJ jier^on i;;- '.^en rhar;:ed with Ir-me ini iii il tu llir B.ink b«'i tii«.e b>* ci uld n> t ii;; i!i^- it. ^ . the jnurii.il^ of the S« r.;it'' en4,i«in d ih-; corded e\i Jc>r.ci; »f ifi» f.I'e-h-od of the^f chargf*, and from thiie j .urimU it could rM»t U' er.iz-ed. Hr • Mr. B.; wfnjld n«>t "o irto th»* roat- ter, liot, when he thit the ooirnt!i'0 had struck nnothf-r tl' w at thi- 'itir'-rt inn'i III .Viii' ricn, he would say Im fi It InuiHi l'> (lii'iicaie l-.H rhari. ter. W'hrutho coin- mittee had br *u;»til o»»l » df'citiAo ii:.i! him r. tlkO L'r;i«-r:tl tfriHiod that he tad .1 le;;ed that th* Iliiok hud viol.ifid iln . I..»r t^r b) rre^iiiij* an ••xehan:;e C4»mmiil'*e. h>- (Mr. B.} w!.uU tell them th«y ought lot. » • mado a ch «»er efimmati .n. Thus th»y iiail tna.'le a fal'**' iv»oe. 'I he rlnife wn» iiot ii.'ude a/.iiri.*-l tho Hn;k fur crv;itin* ati excliiitije (oinmittivt, ('without uhitli. In- pre.um"d no Bank in the world exi-i«.! b^it th»" 11) irj;*' wan of.tn eotiii-ly i!it]orent riiiir- nct r; lh«- i».»uo ughl to be correctly nl.itetl, and met in the pre^'iico ot the beiMitu uikJ the country- He \lr. B.,' hnJ ».ne sinjjle fict !• pr»* •leni. M hen itn- American p«'oplc mine to r«-ad that ^iHb' ra’.o n port iii ei« tVnre oflh*- I!ji.k uiid in culpntion of the aduiui«tration, be tdiould tiieii owe it to them to pbow the Innh a It app« arrd on ihe f.iee of the nioiithly returns of the Bitik it*-eif; which, wh*-*! It 'lioiild be roiitVotiled with tlif ^tutf- m»>nl ir.'ide by iho committee, w« uld cirite HStofiishirient. n»l i.tily thrKi|,'liout our con- tiiifiii, t>«il l!iiropc al»). '1 h»* conduct of tary •vuJfrK'c which itu pnrlv tr-titnonv cnii .iverroife. In t,tr*‘« hk» ibe nils nan nr;i*it Uf? ahio to pr’.'i;n' witnc^»fi» .»ilh''tii i.iiii'N r, h.il ht r- -1|.‘ Mr.Tii.ru. i.isiu..; liif hai.d'j i>a Hit- d' • u’tii nU iitid pa- }wn r»'err d lo in tl,* r* (>>rli ic pnn f iiki 'rr.i’.; for tlii' ni'-i I’tirinu-. {.litiscin ttj at- -'il w ith ! Uoc«.»s. I j 'niit.lii 11 f oiw, wi.ulo T'. e h')«:i.r jlil" r-'*or! ‘‘tin ii.iiik. ' W- t. -I H.hX nnd i'-* ..n III'- in 1 VI It. I r, • ■iiiirgn' r. ^ ir, 1* pn;; rjc re ni:* nt ii It” i.V h i :i lo ! V! ‘.ll •! to ll'tf 1; ill ■ fi.no .y_iri! J U'vi ;i hiisi* |wr »iv«'(l th.it Ut t y ■* .t» f’.h.iiitf'd (till' If/i-U'ti ntor h:o! >!• n'>mii a'cti ,1 h’rn'i’ '!• l*nrr ,>f t|u> ••lid th.i' It ju'titi'd th*' r''»' Ilf ruri.Mliiviit liurin;; e itI, [: rt i f th- I 'l. f S oati.r haii ■ r d ''^', IT h,;d III, t w '1114 not riiii m. Ilfwiuli! 'e ij'i* •ti'iii tlif .'‘■•rintf. I h'i I 'vi’.i'* ittff I.mi IT* •' il'* d Uith •■iiJtm of I 'l a. — tiie \ : A m ..| |.n iiriil>i'\ am: Mrtt l|f.' .» ■ • ' to till* |lihtlllll|i.in.— It i-\hi’. ;N>«! tr.n mi •■'•-uies ».f l-;.- I’xteuliVt', 1!,*I t', -te o) thf I' '.k r*'i,. i| i».'iit ul'on litiem on ih** OIK ai..'! ,i\.iilrjbl“ r**. »*iyrrt'i of the Bai.k ni |ii*- Ml.er. Th»* in>'t thnt Its ciri"i)«'i''n'>.t iii'ii'tri'O uuliiiM!- t>f tl''l!ar*i w.if prol-ftffi by "•p*-- i‘ to the a- iiiooot of •.'!i,Uii0.iinii, «»Kj rl«irr.K i.n tiie .Slate I’.I’lkn exrft dl'if fe'J,tItiU wbtch w*TC equal lo t|- tiP—tl.:il il'. fHirchu'e of ioiueutic ••xrhan:;'' b«d »o fifi'iiticd from N|.i\ to • >1 toU-r, I'X l*j pl.H-e :it It* dl»p«>^ill mtirt* than i.iji' i.tH'O; hoii,. tliiii/{ iimr* thnn a diiiiSt im (■\jir«j««ed wh- thor, order ortl.n.ir) »irrum^i .iir*'*i, tin* Hunk wmiid lm»*-‘ Ik'h. ju“!i!';*. t! inciiitailir » il>di»»*«u(;lt. S>, t'lO, III rcjj.trti t« a fer>-t v more in iti> iiMa»iir»''» of pru autH'O us l**i,;; »» it dnl, n iimrunr> of f:«cis o* g:'en toen.ihie lin' ,S.*ii- at*> to d'fidi' upon the propriety of ihe fiMjri»e pofMi* d by the Bank. ’I't.e «li'irt ti| the rnfNmitti e h:i* f^’i n to pre-^iit tliev fub- thia Ban!, d n.bll. .., had r.rcaM*Hi. d the au4 ibe co.mtry. pre^ur. of the laM year. Now the ^Mte. ..uclhinr to eMi niii.te, t*» w i.ii • Ml til J down au^lil m mulice." ** *"* The •iiBtementg are pr*'»cT:1f»l to the S-iiii. tor for his colm and d« liUer;ite con»ideratmn meiit of tho l>.ink showcHl they were luiKle to this elmr:»e. laki'O frnrn iba monthly statemciil!! of tbo Bauk th*- followioK facts. , [Hero the h'liiorable S?nnlor rad Mate- 'ionics his hijjh slutioD. And what ii tho metita mf tho \ariooi sonii which had Ikoii t,Mir»o of the llotiorublu Si-i.ator? 'J hi mu- Iransf* mil by iho Bunk to ih-ir apent* in, be (Mr. 'I'.) could ri turn to hix feat L*'od' n, thepio“*i amoiitil ol w hi* h waii^M. ' from th; (.'lerk's table, too jjen'leman jiouii- l|.').3i:i.| ,\11 of whifh. he averred, hud the ri pirt, and muke.i n-^erl|•n^ b*?* n squ* *-zH Jirid pr«'"*Mjd|')iit i»fa 11 w Br irj-j „ a careful |K*rutal of it would cau«! chea at the .S uth hu'I " eht, to We forwanitnl 1 (o know it doe«i ni| contain. >11 one to their ajieiils, 10 wh«**o batid** it was to re. m,l,ji.ct, the cootrllver^v relative to Ihe hill main uoiil the Bank K"''** further onler«. ,,f r-xrhan^e, uinl the diiftinges con««vjiieiil I5y Ihe la«t repott. It appeared thoro v»n n« protCNl, the ('omniiHeo had expresM'd the ooni of two million remaiiiin^ in th*', tbi-dpmicn ihni the (fovernment wrh in't- hurid«* of the Bariu^a in London. Now , ■ rur, and be, as n riendj’r of that (’ommit- ^rntl'-tni’D cotijil not have hxtked into the tvoiild declare hii own convirtion, thut monthly retiiinn, or they wuiilil havo s»'on ■ |hn( opinion v.a^ f-ouiid and m.iiniamahlf. litat fict, iiol, hi««t>er. III the |arii,>ui*i:' before any fair and impartial IIihiiiial m the which he hiid u*4 d, but they could have tie (Vrtiiin |M*rsim Nlarted back with teeted it in the f?a{K-rH lo wbie.h he had pi-i , alarm at the mere mention of a r ourt ofjii* ri'ferj^J. H*? would B'serl that vvh» u Ibe tier. The tri.il bv jury had liecoine hate. [H'oplf hlioiil*] lie 111 pokwi-Ktiion of the f;icl« (yl in thcir e)•-i. 'I'lie preat priiiciphm til which ho had int-ulierieil, it wai imptw^ilile Min'na rhnrUi are lo lie oveiltmkeil,and ilu' that ihe (' ic;imillee rtiuhl staml juMified in dfclnraiinna contain* d m the bill of rijjht*. their *ilBteuienf that the preB-Hurc vius mil „re become too uliilimhioiied to lie valuable. hroii:;hl about by the Bank. ■ Pupular pre|ui!ii'e! are lo be addrewed, and, .\iiolhpr fart wa-t iil-tM Mliown hv the iiij.tead *it an apjieul lo the calm and iIcIiIm'- moiilhly returns, VIZ : that, durin;j ill'* pftiiie 'iit»- j»id;;meiit ol niankitid, every lurking Ilf l.ikt V. inter, tliere wer* two trainsli'rn *: ])ri j:nlict: is to Ih-a wiikeiied, berauHe a cur- i|-«‘i*j from th*- l;iiii,fh Bii.k of New Or ' i.*iiali>n ora m-I of individuals Iwve Udiev. I* ;irw. «nr- „f nh'iiil V.",011,(10(1, the other til j-.1 tlieiii«flvrn wrtniged by ihc arcounlitig H'Od,(»(>'•, inril.ii {I. lo;*f-tlier, a inillioii Mini't ollicera of the I rt-nsury, uiitl have bail tho *|ii:irt r, winch w.i.t prefc'cd out of the inor temeritv nnd iin|iiidf'ni e lo I ike a t (»ui>ie * hanitt of tii il city, and which ocrttmoiied h ' ral- iihili''l to him;; their ri^ht.i lieiore the drpr*-«*.|t.n III th*- price .if fl...ir, and other . f-irum of the c inf. I.H th..-*e who «*.. afliJt-. to c-tj';-l.ull. unJ all Hus w«b doUv ' tausc to puriuo lliis c-.nir", rejoice as they .st^lt-mn iiiniitir r, uudor the unutleruble obli- gallons I.e was under to his (?reutor. The Simator-tiad also ftpokeii in otroiif.' language as lo that part of the report which relattrd le the ('omiiiillee tjf K'st:littii"0. He had Mill that a ial>c issue had been preen- It'd; that the late Secretary t>f Ihe 'I’reoiiu r> (Mr. I'uia-y) bail iieit r’ contondt d tbat f'f vindictiveness, or on ttttempi to use the the r.ank had no ii;>bl to Hppoint a (’om- . I^ank for |«.litual purposes. 'I be first is a miti.-eof I'.xchiinge; that Mifh a (’oiiiii)iliet- i|iiolation from Mr. Duaue, late SecrtHry w.is appointed by 4il B;mk«. In this last *> 'he Treamry. dt chirniiiin the gentleman ts corn ct. All I I Mr. BhN 1 O.V. By quoting it you ihtiiks h:ivo a eomniitltie to puri ha.so J-ix- tfiade il ytuir own.] c!ian;»r-. But, .'Ir.'1'. wtnild aJmouisli the .Mr. 'I \ Indeed, sir; then tho (;fi,tli-m .n to lien arc. lie wouhl fin.l bun- ,’ommittee ban much lo answor for. 'J'hey M-lf mn.iomtiin^ hici whom be w.*lud l.i have qut.letl numerous pa^wifies Irom Mr. ili ti I d. .Mr. 'l anty's very Inic'us^e i> tju»- I'aitfy anti others, oml wot'ul is their plijjbt I till in the report. l!o place-, the violutu>n if they havo lo anf^wor for all they contain, j *.| thf charltjr di«.tinctly on the {.'roum! that The t’owiiiiltee ha>i q-joled ihe Hon. b-n- i the biiMiieis of tho Bank is enlriiMed to | ‘'*»ii letter, in rejjard to the branch ' tbri-e iiictplKT-i till the l Achaiiir*- 'orninit- ^ -ouin. Now-, sir, we claim no divj. I tee, wh*-n ibn charter reqiiiie.s lh.it not Itis^ detl author-hip tif that letter, or ot the Pres- ' ihjii .■*t'v»'n shall con-iitni*' e bojid lo do bu idinl's or \ ico I’resideut’s for l*eu*atola or i j«i:io»si. His very word.i ar’ {.'ivt-n in lli« -\lhsny. I lejmrl.su thut ho eutin*it be mi'iiiiiier-.tutid, word more licfore I lake my seat. .Hid Ihe co.niiientary ol Ihe C’tMi.iniltee cou- ' 1‘he I ommittc*, in their investi|talions, I Mil-. Ill a mere uarri.tive o! fiii-ts. l.ittle huve s»-u;;hl for iiwlhmj; but the truth. I more if u'-M.e than to ci‘e I n n, ai. ib,* nm opfoM tl t*i the Bank. In its creation, 1 hon .rsble .Sj^ai .r tak s the ular.n, ami lu re:;ard the C'oni.t.lulioU as having l)C«u vi- hi-, •rt’.iri to rt -H Uf the lato ijt-orclary t'rom :*da'ed; I tiesire to nee it expire. But the iheir lo.'lueiict plunger him still dft pi.r into'l=«*naio have ujn'oinied me witb others to ' diifirulu . i niquire w hether it Ik- j,’uilly of ccrUin char* Vne Senator ha.I h-udly talked of lli. “"d I should rejjard myself as Ihe ba- (ou mi'it-e havm- b en mailo an ,„»,ru. ">•'■‘'"“1. ■' I«“ char^o Nnrul of bv Ih.* n.4nk. l\>r hmn-’lf, hej"‘“'^ ly- 'I be n porl is founded on unqiies- reo.ii;nr*d the as. iipli.iu. He v.oold 1.1| "'enable d.cuir.entarv evi.iem e. I he ^en- the biin.rhl/e S uat.ir that he could ik.i I-* "|-|>^f'u>n«y as made un i*.Mrum-nl ol' bv the B«i.k,or lu '«• •*'"* already ’ a Mill j;r.Mler ai.d more iormnl.tble p.*w./, ‘'ou,menc,*d iho ta-k, and ! shall he ready i!.e a.ln.iiii lrtti..n. He M.khI u|Km Ihsi 'b«‘ can bo n .or to ar*-om;.|i.h th • purp*--s Ur wh.ch h. wasM i t tie rr. In ihc e«m!H iciisr>.prove, Irom the dtK uii.ents them^lves, ..fhiM o«II b.ie-.tv, hr Mf«.d firm and erect. ''•» "* , IK- worship alon^-al l'>e shrine „r, f**"»«•-'. ««d with the iii.*6t scrupulous ro- ' 'luih and htiii.ir. It wa- a pt«ci ui thing Iriiih. 10 the I vs tif s.»n)e men to Ui»k in llic min- ' , , _ . • , , , ,, ■ shine of p.wt-r. Ho rented ouK upon the /'" • >; —/ ^ ^ .upmirt which had ri-vcr f.iled him of th- '' '' “ '“^1 hi;;b and loft, f.^hous -f hm cmMitu. nts. , »'«» "“'‘'r Ihi- IH- wculJ n.*i be an •.ctruo.M.t even tf-ro U-^|> Steam b«its a.ien with : tlit-ir ha:.d.. If It w„- ,***.Hible Mr tl.cii, i*. '-••• '»»' ""' riT. havo Ut n coni- •. ri-qi.ir.- It r, him. It. jjrat.iy ail u.ir.*;hleous I) to wait m veral dav s after Ihi .r I " arrtval to nnd room lo ili»rhar(.'e tluir ! "''llVl.d no,calledf.r(r-n.('ndvvallador’. ''''''''''‘’“- ^.v^*rday wo ' . ,1 k. t f .1. ..t ..I tibserved on or.o ol till-wharve«ict.lion balf s • -eixiii i!*.oii the suh}- cl ol il,e itnincii at r , . , , ,, , ' . I ‘ , I I 1 „ . ... iink-d un li-n ti* r*» hi;:h. 1 here in a '-reat >1. I.. U ", U-rau-*c \tn JiJ not ‘•oe the r;e. i e >- ' . r . -i-i If I .... t oiwii aiut that Iht re aru m>l v\ eivhers e- cfiiMitv for It. I 111- Hank was cbiir;;efl. m , ■ . ■ , the rMMrt t.f th. ('orrmitte- of the other 'Hou«.. ,n Iwith huv.i.K eMablisl.e,! meaMir. s shoul.l Ik- taken , I I . .1 .1 to remove the immense cKi>o..ili»t. now on brao*:h s without other riiotive tba-i tin*, , ,, ' a .11 .11 . our v»Larvrta, ns wt I lor the conveuienc« Nprt ad oi III* mfluene^'. I liit i-* ibe charjifl ^ ’ , , , , . , . , . . .1 . ,1 ot the t-lt am K'U's lUitl otber \e«i.-*els on iwhiih was ii tiuireil ir.io. iinil Ibt- p ntU-. * . . /- m iti's b Iter, I'lrwiird.nj the Hppl.caii.m ol ' f ! Ihe ci'i -ns of St. I.oui«. aiMi that -f S| r. ; nt;:>in.t lo»s t.r tkiuia^e. Hu‘h, ti.*- Si-t n-tjrT of ihe 'rn n^iiry, rtn- j ; l-iniei) lush evnlcnco of the propriety of ihe ■ e.t.ibh'.hmetil of n Itianch at that place, i‘ . - , , , .1 II L 1 . „ ' . b* cn jir*-«-l*-l w lib M-Hice an\ Ibina except I and ri lievfd the r.onk Irom «i:v improjH r ; * . j, . j »« .1 . .1.1^ I '11 „ . ruM arorm i>{m iiits/i tnuUitutii, >'ilh- lou rinlion a- lo that l-raiii'h. l !.e leport ' i- . .1 . .1 ^ i .... i.ii m tbatlime, “ trom our own idea ot tbinjih, fart that III*! rs tiiilor w lote tl.a* j ’ , i . .l .i and from the cakulntuiii ol others, tin ro must have ^iissed ihrouub this filace, up- iwaids ftf ihirttf ihciiiiujnd hof'f ; all w* nding .A« vvcll, said Mr. I. un;:lil the Stmalor '(L’,ncintiaii, the (.'realist ht>^ from I fiineioeo (Mr. t*Ki .Mi\ ) ctimjilain, ,„grkei, we wouhl venture to sav in ihu thal hm fir.^t apphcntioii, in I'lT, for ■ i^n„wu worbl. We are t-ld by the oldest . Bmnch nt Na-ihviile was rtjeeled, as wHl |^,.u|p,.^ never was so many hngs drt.vo jnsall wibw ijiinit applicali.ins until »1 ,hr.iu»jh this place in one year, b« fore, as ■The honoruhle Si'iialor, nfler all. has no withm the laM thiee weeks, rent cuuso to complaiu of the Bank in re- davs it ■>een!etl as if the vast Hn-im of .I'lKot'Kv II I F.(Iiiiliiinn Nov. 2i>.—//e"5 I—For the lust three vvetks tiur e\es h.ivo •tule«i Iht b tier. U at it true or lal.-f ? Mr. B!;N'it True ' true ! jjarW to Iht- Branch at St. I.otns. 'I'riie, ' when he biuiled, tbs Bank refused ; hr jjnve it u bh'w, nnd straifjbtway it was kind. V\ hellier bis similes or Irovvns obtnined the Draneh dn) ntil M-cm to Intu, iMr. Tv i t:it, ‘ to nitiir llie iiiiiltcr. NhIuio's bloru bous- was filled vv ith Ho^s. Nori oi k, nrt. );».— Milanrhohj Cnfu- iilttf.— ^ eyterday n:orninp. the dead body 111 iiiiu, iMi. 1111.., 1^ , ,|„Hcph S-oit, soap maniiliicturer. I he aenllemau Innl , ' , . ,, • ... , , was di.scoveri-d in one ol the Ki reivers ot said that he was III *;ivcil coini>aii>. 1 rue, lie . , , . i i . , " 1, , ■ 1 II I.ev, »m hiH premiM-8, into which it wm-j statu, in*.ot^ company. I crhaps he could ■ ^ ^ preceding not have ^lecletl a compiny to suit him J ^ bitter. lo Ik- with you, sir, (atltire»*inL' . , , , ,i i i c i •) , ' . ... \ iii'^llmd resided in this borough lor 1.3 or 11 bimsr II to the \ it i: I’ki ;*in».>T.) would U- , ° hiph h'lnor ; but to havr- vou. ami the IVes- j ideni id the I nitetl Sta»|is ulonji v%ith him, I IN crrlainlv no ordiniif v jjmNl fortune. II*'! The V. S. Troops gtaiioned nt lhi*« I’osf, , had one worti more lo'say. on this mibj.-i t. 1 marched on tJ.tiurday la.-t, fur Camp Kinp, It was due lo the Coiiuiiilieo to .si,j,innl pursuance of orders from the War l>e- !thefarl.sadthic-dui-onihist.oinlofii,qiiir>, .I>''|«*r""«i'l. 'I'be S«n*inoles are so.m to I wcra »lict.'d in tho pr.i-i« uiion of iht-ir le- 1 >«• removed beyond the Mississippi, ami it ^oititimle itMpuM-;, relative to the matiaci- lis prt-Miineil thal iheir probCBco is ueccs-sury ' ment of Ihc Bank, ’i he) soupht caii-w of to t llect tbat object. I ofii im- to no one ; but they c.sild not with 11 i^>riila Ilcrahl, l^th inst. ] h'lld inforniaiioii not«s6ury to an • lucidulKiii of the qiiehlion. Thf Prt »ifirrir)\—Tbs HichmonH TT htff I The (^rnth inan lm«l c^nnplainc'] of a piih- expi' Hscs tin hope tbat the Cenerul Xssoin- lieatioii bv the liiiiik tif a revievv of In-* lily of Vir;.'inia, 1 efore il luljoiirns, will as- I s[ieei h. M r.said ibiit he too ctiii'phuii- siiine tin- re^pt . ^ihihiy ol tiumiiiuling a I ctl of the extent of the piiblit .iti'Hi** of ilie , caiididato for the I’lfsult iKy. iBank. He know •haltin' peniltniiiii had j been fieqiii iitly reviewed —he bill proba-, We regret to i»ercei\0 lhal there H «.irr*» bly Klill 111 pass thrt'UL'h other edllloiK—but! r i /'i i . ii- i i , •, .. 1 1 I r II ..I 1 'appearanro ol Ibe I holera ut Kichmotjil ' il the .^*'nnltir had di lavnl hi« altack on the ' report fur a f w h. uiti'unlil he t ,iild have '> »»'' " that a few cases had oc nud the t! ouimiits, be world have seen n t iirrcii, Init th#t th'-r hai t-xcit**d no alsrni KDS