IMIIjNTKW AMO l*i;UMSllKi) KVKRY FHli>A\, UY ’I liO.HAH J. ll0L'10^f....C II >MX J\IJvMH K; t O|;>'I Y, nOIM II-JAKOLINA. VOI^ V. U»iLL TKA' H you TO Pitm r. Tiir wo^tri.s or Tiir karih and oi'T rwoM tub CAVKit.\a ok thk moi ntaink, mktai.s wiiich wiij, oivk ktkkv,.'th to ot.i; iia.nus ano si bjkct all nati'rk to our usis ani» pkeasi'rk.—dr. joitNsoN. ifiii TKIOAY, JWUiitV 1«, J>S:{ri. NO. 221. -1111^: Winf r«’ ^ Fariiierh’ Journal li printed tnJ publislied erery Frid.y morning •t Ttco l)oHar$ per aitnutn, il'iwid in advaiici;; Tim t>pUar$ avd i'ijiy CruU if imH paid in ad- I’rom ibi^ Ohio Timcn. W’FTOKT YOLK OWN I'HINTEnS. Reading an ailirlo, hcudi d “Support your Mcclinnics,” has induced us to thrMw tog**j|iPr a few rctnRiks on the habit the CIIIUSTMAS. V\ n«hin"ton Irviiig alludes to ‘Merry ChristrriBs’ in the folluwing terms: : 'i'Mret *i me «"«>» »■■«; I , VI,’ . I. . ■ . c . I '*11 *he oll (i'Htivals, howi vcr, (hat *l.VEBTISK.»KNrS will I. ^ f.fl, »•»' b»vc pK mlo of e.C,ou.! ,|.e «,„„srs. „„d firft itincrtion, «nd V'j l»r mch .uccn ding I Itiew* of their own county and *tate. l5y f I for thrre ««*ek», for one wjuare— ■ — A hlxTtl di*co'int »iU *»»• niarie to tho*ie who .dvcrli-ehy Ihc ye»r. t»'OMall«dwli»«-m.rii» coinnuiiiicdU^d tor puI.licaUon. Ihe number ol inwrtioM muM be noud on the niargin ot ihf Tn«nucrtrl. of continuid until forbid, and charited acwirdingly. » » All ciiinmuiiiriiiign* to tlic Milor nfin»«v>mc *»>rc nffmHaef, or they iiiay nol br atl^nded to. t>rrily and luflucnce >f tin.* VV«'itterii iircus. . . ,, ' accon^'janu!d Its anr)(iincf*(ip»iit If an iiinivt'jual is able tniMtroniz * more i , .. 1 . 1 ■ ' /. . L “»IIy mrrnasf* in fervor and i>. than on« new*jm|i**r, let Inm first Hub«rrinc ' RLM >" *»“■ • “•* on Ui« l»t of January, Tho. I,. M.Alrxandcr Pari* Ali'xandir K I- Afe-tandrr V J. AlcSiiBdcf, 9 M.S. AWiandtr li ri,ih«n Bcatjr JoJin IJrowii A.J. B«liUio ('h'yrif H-,v .1 BradWy A, K l»n»'d John ll.«rtnsM fiobrrt |!iirkha«on D F. Barnitt *C R.brrt flark Ji'fitiiiah Clai’lon, ‘J John Curtii* 5* iJu4h ('nnt>itic''an r. f.(^ld»cll,:i i; W, t Urk John Jaim I .Charl.^ W u.Vv^ John l^aldwrH, jiin. K Marr M. K II. Uli II F A*>B FrrjOKj® n Ftinii K. 1-^ p4n»j»n Art^ri w Jiinra M I JoKb (I'Uii.Ktn i; , 5 f V ni» .tll'i* ay II..;h ay 1'., -I'.- d I> » r I.. .»U r»y II V.V -.rr II (;. w. iw.iiilou II ||‘«vl Ml >1 Iliefiiivroon I llrrroQ V'. , l>, ||rn{i.'rwo N .nev Hunter AtMri « Hrn«^«-r»on Tj ■ i» f 1 'i»loB and II. I ^ llriiili raon and Bi iL;hU>r» Alfiandcr Jetloa 'I'hoa. Jaiiia>ion Johb Junm, 3 TIhi. '1'. Jijhnaon Alrsandcr Jwhmtos Col. J. Jeulin K Jainea Kii.k Jainc* L. Kithcart L Win. I»iig I) C. Lilly John l.auton John J. l.awiuf .M Mar{*rt MiQuino JiiiiM'> Morri>-on % igail .filter llu^h Mcl.ur. N a Millvr lUivcy .Uasnrll alli* ^y)«H Juiin .M> ina f. .\lorri»»»n N Joha Nrir’un J«)|||I K. Nial p Jacob raT«»« I’alrii k I'arkrt N H. I'l'btt'Wih 'ITio.. I’tlmrr Kamn*l Ri'djf'f# \\ ilhani Ki«i*.n ].• vmah liichiiMMid I>r. Jm'p>i Km. W . It. K.. J '1 lM>nvia J. Rrdinon AUr^aril Ku'h'llt I ht ». dt lii»:ic»#li »i MAf^ of MAthr 1 («ir lltc one punted m his owncountv, town, FM\L\INtf in ih» I “*• ii i i i - -- or nt'H{l>i)orhool, and tiK*n car? not *herr ho tor the wr«»n(I. in this mut ter wr confess that tiur f.jrlin;;* are wction- ill, and ahy !«hoti!d they not h«‘t Our in* ler‘KlM are th^ intert^ata of tnir fellow riti- rrn«, and it be^^onH-* n-i then to work t« eacit othor» hninlM.—'1 here is no Ik Iter ev- id«nce of the growth, pmsperilT and int 1 lii;ence ufnny c«unlrj Ibnu to«ee the press ; in H l]i'iirishin> ao«l pro«|>erou« conditii>n a- doiiip so, and procetditd to JeHerson liar-. the number of ],2S3; tnaliiiig a total of rackn. 7,:if)5. 'I'hew* unfortiinato persons had resided* The report informs us that the Dry Docks where- they were atlncked for al>«ul three'at Boston and Norfolk are fully successful, years, and in the country for ten or twelve, and rerommtnd» one at New Yoik. It al- .Mr. VVitidhnm was a Scolchinan ; he, or so rucouimciuls the roimtrucnon of several his daughter, attended maiket with great steam hatterirs for experiments; the in rejjularity, and it is ihoufiht, as he was a j crease of the salaries of Comnmnders oo and the removal of the tua- out of the Navy Yards. It ent of lh* Navy pension fund, disbursements and the number of [len- informs us that the surveys of f>een delayed by the tranafer the navy rJe|)nitni€nt, anj ppropriation ol 8.3i),000 for ita ! proseeution; it states that the experiments It: thov fjrad. 'n'l^.r'Bnt'hat the Na- i ,o (...thos'dunnc ' »1*« I '‘tod ! a.ks on approp, •V break foith . to more ihnnftl^. 0(.0,- ( p^oserution; it , the season of Advent, untihlK . ... , . ,i . , j . in full jiihilee on the inorniii^ brnuch! ’> “ totally extm^mished on the 1st, ^ pare to Mien. 1 do n..t know |‘«"'y STf^t- not been made, and men- a i-rHnder efiect of ir.usic o„ the moral feel- “ pra-t>cal illtJS-, j,,,, ^ mg. than to hear tbe full chmr and the jimm.-nse rf sonrees of the; county has been ceded to the tiei.erd [K*alin;j orj;an |>orfoftnini a (’hristmai an- ‘ I)*. *** u. J (.lovernment by this Commonwealth. ll.on.macH.hedral; t,od filhnp every paft ■been pa.d off, m, Ph,I. Gazette. .1 .1 . U . 1 iht; roiir-ie «il Ifl \r;ir>i liv the retriilar otie. I ol the vast pile With tnumiihanl harmony. , r- ' , ^ ' ' I, I, . I .1 I ratmn of our finaricial and nvenue system, It m M beautilul arratipi Hit nt, deriveii , , ’ „ J ,- .1 . .1 • r . I without the iinpoMtion ol dirrct taxes, (ox- Imm day* of yore, tlmt this feNiivul com-; . ’ . ’\ , .1-1 I cent fur a very short p*Miod,i or anv other m'^morali's the anneimeement >f ilie r“li- . i c II I I J .1 ;»urrhfn wlneli lias been pemusly felt a« . • I , . . J , ”i n of tieace anif love, has Im en made the ; , , c t T n luonc Its iiifmbilHnts; and when w* we a r . .i r .• i 'such fiy anv portion ot Itie tieftple. We " , , . . ''Casi'ii for gathering to;:eflier of liiiiiiU cot)-:, L i . i • . r news|uii>er in a lan;>uiB:)in£j state, app' ar I i j i i hope, howi ver, that the circumstnnce ol ' ' , ^: nexiotis and drawing cltwier. oi;ain tli»!e , ! ’ . u ■ i ini' oiire in two or tliren we^-lis, itscoluiiinft i, ■ ■ i j i . i i i i N'ln'; out ot debt, will not t>e mnde an nr- *' L . bands of kindred fienrts. nhicli the cares /• i • tt Aorlli-C'aroiiiia Lr^ifslatiire. )M>>ilv Ailed; and the puLli.sher insi>tin tlint he mu*t have m-ro guh^rrilHn*, or t-ullinj iipin his o!1 oiies to |>n} up, we iiiva- riablv l(M>k u|H>n tlie |>eople in that aertiun, as a |NJOr, ignorant, and tvi«l uiaiivged set ■and pleasures and sorrows of the world ure centmii ifly of^ ratinj; to cast loose; fi>r rallinc back the childr* n of the liunily, who launched forth in lit'e, and wanden d , , , , , wideiv a'siinrjer, iMice more to ass«>mfile a- wfiu du not know flow to matiase their own i, . . ,, ,i . n i . , . . I , txmt the witernal heartti, that rallvin''pljro intnrctflH. VI e, tivs have t>^eii in tfie hab A- . ,i . ' i - J I "• ‘he ntJ-’ctii»ns, there to erow young and (jiiiiicni for the creation of a new ont>. fcENAPE. W'clnerday, Drc. 31. Mr. Flaukms, from the select Commitfe* on the expenditure of the Capitol, to whom If v*as referred Ihe niake an appropri- j;row young lovitifr a:;ain atii'iiig Ihe eudt-uring inciucn tiies ot childhoi d.” ! epn by the folUjwin™ stutemeiit of its a- j n»ouiit at lilt; bojjiiiniii^ of each year, from . , I that time t« r.riw«.i,i • St- Lons, (Misk.) .Nov. 2.j.—FicndiKh j Murdir.—l’fhnp« no casein the atmalsol i j.';...! nf J»r. P'tjni* ^itrr A -n. r .'U-«rp J..' fi S’ln'oti J >J.ii m .M • Sinnd'Li J Silii tiurl .'■linmo JsiiiP* ^umiiir i« Ucnjajoiii !*iin|we« Aii^iia \V A K. V. .ifinrtnn Wilf n .Maltha V\ rkh. colored «r.iinan WillUm I). XVinchf^lJT H'7 If. a W li t I \MS. /■ M NOTK'K. ■ II I. t» to on Tliur* (lai, iIm i:v.'l -I Jtnitarv ni>xt, •! I' o Ui rc«‘A'i>re oi JiiiK' dec'd. ail tht aerithahh 4 krad of | f..V, ] Mulf, A m mhirt'f ('nUir, Mtlrh Cuvt, A »'nall *Uni nf f\ \r //•/,’ji and A •-/ ch"ht iliOO tiu^licU «*r 4'rrn, , A qvnnJity of H IIH\ (hiti, J oddfr, (i ‘V'*' 0,1 It tnd U O ir Dutch Fan, F:> motf! 7'i*h/*. II tir liiml and Kitihcn Furniture, .1 rmiill l.ihrory, .^Ull iiiatij ntbcr artidr* nM tnumcr»l*il. — *1^1) — Yfnr. 17-1 It was ?7.'..Hi.1 47fi .')2 r,:a 77.'Jvi7.'i-4 lit) 17fi.1 &t).3.Vi,6.‘i4 04 17 4 7v4}7 4U4 77 17»5 8C.7 I7.5f7 oii 17 t; K),:tjL»17-' (17 17 7 Ki (!64.47iJ 17.8 1-J 17'.J 7'.IO-.66.) 77 l'«ii,» i--.'.:)7t5.e't4 3.-1 I'.ol h3.03'.(i.)0 Nl l&trJ Wi.71‘J.(i.1;> 2.1 l-':t 77.U.V1.G-6 30 1ni4 W'i.»J7.1'2ll rtS 1 w.sia.i.'.o .'io I" G 7.'i.7-23.070 liG 1-S.7 ti G4 1mj8 ti.i.l!.‘(i.317 1)7 1?09 57.i«3.l.'-J ()!* Iria 5; 173 J17 .V> isll 4f^.l»i).'i..'i'7 7i’> 1^I2 4.' -*V.t,737 ;.0 lPi3 5.').'JoJ o27 .57 1^-14 bl,4'7.'lii l'4 l'l.'i 0;i,(%43.6ilt) 15 IMG 1-'7,331,1133 74 1'.17 l:i3.4 ll,M(i.-j IG 1>H fn3,4tlti.H:)3 b3 1-1'J •liYVJli.t'a.' :i8 IriO 'Jl.(i--J.j,j(rti 1;> L-il t'i,9.‘-7.1-27 GG lN,»-2 1»3..»1G ti7G ;>8 !ili,ht.5..s77 £(2 is. 4 •0 •.'G-.‘.777 77 1 ->5 K^,7p^. l;« 71 L','6 81,004,11.?! W l'J7 73,.t^7..^7 '20 1'JtJ »S7.4:.i.043 (-7 lt>:J'.» S'.fJl 413 t,7 1>30 4^.i'0,.'.34 -2-2 l'3l 3,',0j-2,l';i ^-8 1^3•2 ‘24,J-2..'7.* 2J i-j;vt 7.CI1 ti.if s3 1>34 4,7v:2.S(iO ‘2:i 1KJ5 0,(HiO,(K}U 01) It since we first iM-came iieqiiamtel viiih newipap«'r», of jud^itnj* of tfje town bv th' i;*p»*«rance, we mnan the i.utsido It^.ks, nt the paper printed therein ; for » hen it is web » xeiuKHl, the iuipres'^iDii is ‘ fair and clear,' ari l every tliiti^: arran;;ed in order, we tak' It for grant«»«l tliat tl*nt f»«[>«'r tias a gin)i ^ crnne s-urpusse'j rliHt which we are afiout to j 'Upport, and tin* inhuhitaiiU of the town and tec«rd, for cold blooded and atrocious bar- ! ir.'Uiitv are ina prosp/*rou»conditinn. When birity. j 'iis IN the ra»*‘, tl# printer i{oes to woik j lrnme!mtclv hacii of the .Arsenal, nnd u Mth a cl»e rt'ul nnd fmovaiit spirit; he tl^e. i;„ from the public highway, stands :ns fK»-,t ende;»vtrs to ph*aH»- Ins pnlroiib, a l*t hoiis«‘, built and oreiipieif b_\ an olil j rfiid improve the ap|iearunce anJ uv-lulnes-t of the name of W'mdham, a ^ardncr ! »f his p«(>»‘r; arsi siieli ii printi r never aiid an attcmi.uit iijton tlie St. Louj- M ir I liiinks abiiut ‘writing for glory and priu-, kt. A dati::f)l( r, sevei'icen or eij'hteen j • ins: "o tni-t.' ! \ r,irs of a_'e, was. wi h hei lather, the only ! In soliciting tn)l>«rribers f»r our own pn- uKuates rl' lit^ h«o«e,—ht-r motii r bem;: | I er, »*ii.e rtdividuals h ive s.iid to n«, ‘ (Mi' ile iH. f. irlv on Sundav iii'trnin/ last, th.» | II can ijet till .‘^iliirilav ( uurier lor the •.ime ; :it|f(ition of a eiiizvn, w iio fiapp«-iied to l>e j (>fice you ehar;;e t'.ir Vftu*, anrl u’s }ioi was aftr.icHNl to this lein#e by an I ' more in than your fKi|>ei.” V\ e know thi> *p|.niHtice of tifo i.‘Siiiiii:t> m ir.« t|HMi ! to be tPK', and ?i«fiie;iines tho'i;;hl «>f say o,'k-:u:is the dixir, he I' und the rHim hlled j I|||{ " t;.i aod t it,’* fsit thu» inuht fuve dense snmke, rt nderii.^r every thm^! j « en roni-ioTciJ uin'i»il. The J'ulurtlav ,nH|,i? luij'Cirepliliie, and js'rfect silence ali | i J'l-orii r, It IV true, is a larjn^ fX'p«f) *‘"d h i» round, lie iinn)' dialeiy proeun-d a buck- 1 !-oeh a rir:,e jsitnma^e that it cjn fie al- ,,f »:iter, and tiirew it m the quarter} ■ if'i«d fur two Jotlarx per year. \ «r. at w liere fie t-opp*sil the lire to Ik> ; but ai iinnv pei ple in the e(Mliitr) lake that paper ^ \oice t'rooi tlie t>ed direrted his elJiiits to j lo the exeliision t>f all others, and wliat is it itip •• rh*‘'«t." Tins he at lii'>l found, picked t »titoni when they get it. Can the) find u h u;>, tlirew it out ol d«irs, and Ifien ex- j |i>) thing in it tiSH-hin^ the uffurfl of tlieir tinj;ui>hed the fire, lie m xt prt>ceeied to j , ,, ,, ‘•'•'and stuie? I>i thev tind kmdU* a l)laze on the licaitli, and having II I. t» to I’liltlK; on I liur« , , . i i , . i . Tf ua». lU i.-.M ■ jmuarv i'i**t. .It O UI. , “> '1'"'^ elections T the procee. ,i„ne so, a xene of horror presenteti itse.l ! lines of tlieir I,»'Ci*lalure ? tlw progress of •(, j,|^ ^ ,e^v. th lloor, by Ins side, j !«■■>;»r»r of *-iiil if. trixd, cwMiiiiu); ol', in |art, .(t,,.;!- niiproveiiients? and mativ other mat- lay tfie oead b'>dy of .Mi>s U iiitilmin, but | ibc wnf. vij; . jors w hich »wnetiine« may be of v ilsf ini- on the b« d tiie mangled and alnu st lit'«|ess | I .orianct to tli'ui ? .\o, thej find none ol ,,f |,er fattier. Cliitsof blond were j .this; but lliev dll find all the li;;ht'», dnel«, dis«'overed in every |sut of the rHnn—the iqiiarre(«,mof)s,mnrdi-r'>,ace,(dents,andsuch jl'xir was tiihd with half consunied papers, ! j like stulf, « hicii take place from Manx* to iVom the ch( «t, and every thing was | i;r«*rpii. Wp con*-iiier it « fi'ftiitu o/i/ m tonlnsion. 'Ihe invt ■.libations in the; inmiiit'n fMprr, fit only for Uiumj wiio ore .dijio ol the d.iv brought lo lij;hl noevi- | fotul of the loHivelloiis. dc-i.ce, having the h ast te. d ncy to crimi- \Ve go a^ani't the Courier too becnu»e it iiiiie un\ one. It was in testimony, that IS an eastern |>a|H'r. W# want to s»'e we^- , i^o rlis;inct re|Mirts »•! n "un wereheanl a- alone.anmutited to ?!7,l5T.oU0 4-. In l!^‘-i6, I tern literntur*'. and weslorn |>eriodica!s en-1 jv* i r 1 o’clock nt in;;ht I rHiri{;etl. Ainlher tlnn>j we dixlike to we, I ,|,ui, thinks it was shoitly IN tbe hiibif a jjreit nmny westr rn editors| to lied, lhat they were alt: j havB got into of fMihlishin;: h'li” adverti'. - Ih-iii;: made at the door r-v»ibrrof A/.f./»0/,.Sof»aid diceaaid will j cast'-ru papers, und poltinj:' up with the intention of o(>eniUL' it. It is j.enses, almost without I'euliiig it * them into not ICO. An editor who doe» thi>. i Mip|sseti lhat the lire atf.irded li>;ht eia ugh . /• i v 'IS ceitHiiilv bimd t«» his own mteresis, for I (,, ^,vc the niiscrrants a distinct view ofj The Riport of tk Sirnfarp of the Aa- I-e cannot rest eitsy wh.le out of debt, we •'ompletin^ the Capitol in Ihe city iiiav involve ourselves to any desired ex-i teiii by the embarking in *.reat works of, ™«"‘> recommended it_9_ passage.—[It internal improveu.enf, sucli as a Rail Koad i sum of ^!7o,000.] After I’lOfn I'ortland to Neiv-Orleaiis, or tunnelmp | ineffectual motions to amend and lo lay the the Alle^hanies. The progress and decline ; on the fable, it passed its second and of the Nntional Debt since 1T91, mav b»''reudinj;, and was ordered to be en- Only nine year* ago, nor National Debt was t.''l,(l(Kl,lK)l». In l''It) the interest jiTossed. Ou the second and third reading, the ayes and ni-es were taken as follows;— Ayr»-—Mes?r«. Arrington, Bareo, Bateman, Beard, Burns, Cooper of Msirtin, I'owper of (iatei, Dowd, Ktiw'ards of Fitt, l-^wnrds of Warren, En. nelt, Flowers, ffarri^on, Hawkins, Ifu)>i>ey, Kerr, r^indnev. Lurksft, .M'Qiiuen, McWillianii, Me- 1 bane, .Montgoaifry of Oranjre, Montgomery of I IlerUbrd, .Moye ot Filt, Move of Gretn, Pheipf, j Sawyer, Spuight, Spruccr, StcpiieDs, Wilder, Wil. : son, Whitaker, Wyche—31. j .Messrs. Oaker, Brittein, Caldwell, Dob- I won, Durham, Kdrnonstnn, Fairly, Flynt, (>uvin, I IloL'in, Holmes, llo” Ii, Kendall, Little. Lowry, j M'Corinick, .McW iliianif, yiarlin .‘Vtapt, Parker, Sherrard, Staloy, Shipp, Wtlborne, W hitehurst ! —1!5. The followinij en;:ross!ed bills frons the 'other House, were read the third time, 1 passed and ordered to be enrolled: To I quiet the titles to certain lands in this State; j and to amend tbe Charter of the Cape Fear Hank. BiIIb prcfcntrd.—By .Mr. Edmonston, to authorize a subscription on the part of the State to the Capitol Sto k, of the (X o- nalufty Turnpike Company. By .\Ir. ard, to incorfKirate the Pioneer Mills Ciold .Min ing (’orupany, in the county of Cabarius. These bills were rend tbe first time. Thursday, Jan. 1. The following bills were read nnd rejec- ted ; The engrossed bill to provide for the payment of the instalments on the shares reserved to the State m th‘*ca|iitol »»ork of the Hank of tfie Slate of N. Carolina—33 I to 23; the bill to amend the several acta i heretofore passed to vest the ri;;ht of elec- tirt; sfiorifts in the fiee white men of tb« i State. ! The following engrossed bills from tho [other Hou«e passed their last reading and ' were ordered to fx* enrolled : To incorpo- ' rate the Spring Vale Academy in Sampson eountv ; to incor(>orate the 'I'uckaleecha Sinokey .Mountain Turnpike Contpanv ; to 'f'irtii* made known on t^^ itnv of •»!'. m nn .M. / t'.K, Adinr. r^r. D'tf*. 1 >.14. f.M l>r. IM . ralchvrll AVIiNi. rriiirH(t the (ir»ilnr «I .Me! cinr, >n (I .11 liiu«- Iw ronmillrtl at Mr. Win. Il.ti>tx>ii'i roinrr rinr.' hui*e, ani wiiil attcud irt .,11 f «l!t ill hm pr"tif«ion Otherwise obstructing I lie River, iu Iiedell county. Friday. Jon. 2. Mr. Heard, from the joint select conimit- IS he IS helpintf t» bring tlio>e pa;s-rs into ' [,pr nersoii, and they fired at her throitsh ! rj/, centMiiiing little ol innKirtance save the - , . . 'comi>etilion with his own. All they get in the window, breaking the p8ii»* of gla«s. ordmarv annual statistics, xve will for the tre to whom was referred that part ol rho 'i.tnrnis anexeliange.and wolittvJkmmn Tim entire load of buck shr>t entered the ; present content onrselves w ith a brief ac- Governors Message which relates lo tlin Mde of her neck, and she mu-t have fallen ' count of Us contents. 'I'ho Navy consists outrage commuted on American eit.zens at lilts to 1)0 ratii.sed. U e preMime -jo one will «uy that a news ] d ad. 'I'he murtlerers then turned the gun ‘ 1: (> .(H-r IS of n« advdnlago lo the town or upon fier father, who whs Mill in tsd. I lie riiio .v n^.t^y'TsiRs N ..-isau, made a detailed report thereon, ac- Now building, six shi[is i>f the line and 7 companied by the follow ing resolutions, ' which were rend three times, vnunimovslj the line, 2 frigates pnsmi and ordered to l»e engrossed : ^ /,’, ?o?ir(i. That the torrililr delrntio'i. hv the »n- f »•«!..II. a,, ..r '''''''''’''''r'T' : S.MIII M«e the iiijiistice they ore d >ing an in-I gave him several severe blows on the head. ; tngates, eight sloops ol war and SIX fcclioon- ship« rook, was a brnarh.ot tlio valoable brv.ich of the met haute arts, l»y '|’hi-y then pr«s:eeded to rifle the hous«‘; ers. ^ ^ ^ ^ . rites of hospitality, and an infraction oi tlie !»«• r«!lusing their aid and suppirt. W e hope, broke ojten the chest, took the money, il ‘ ' .S. f« I ’.ill Ii« af«ini .hortly a frw it. ^htcfi It IS piiuted. W hv then . discharge took t fiict in hisfaee, one of the t'riirates. «-Vtl; w H'"r7h^^^I^^oll^lMVh'm 'pr-lere'tic- to ' ,|.ol p.issmg through the eye to the brain. , In ordinary, ships of It drr ihai» (m- a IhJi .tirt *hen f riturii , Ihos.- printed at u great di.t.mco from their , not being pxiinct, they att.u k, d him ' and fi ol war. Ori,J„r Ilif i>i»n? 'Ve ho|»e the W fstern |ie ipl« will!»»,ih an axe, or some sharp wea[Hm, and, In commission, »>ne ship ALTl.V.^ %€’ r-'i j iiH», f(» H4'e H degree of nctiomil pridf and Ijt'oloiiity sfiring up among us, which w ill in- j diiee our |K.'oplo to “ tupitort thdr vwn me-- rhatuct." y'rw Orhnnit.—'I'he etlilor of tl*e New- Orleans Advertiser, incidently rem.irks;— “ The most permanent |Mipulalion «l our eity d's's not exceed fVoni which dediK't ;$(t,lM»ll colored, which h aves a white pop there wen* anv ; anil then, to leave no tell tsle of their butebery, thn w a c->al of fire into the chest, nnd ch-^ed the hd. The plot; as IS seen, was almost consimimateil; Total, twelve ships of the line, thirteen ofnntion*. trigntes, fourti'en shmps of war, and (5 KVno/rrJ, That the C.ensral A^sen^bly of N’nrih sc hooners. I Carolina »ill not reeognisi' any di-tiiiolion in prin- I . .u I -I i ciple Wtween prop«'ftV in pt Tsiiii (o? kMn» 11 to Iho lo complete those bm!din>., nn r pair (,nhe I’uited States) and property iu those out of order S2,'5'U,040 wdl bt? re- Ki-Woeii. Tl’Btthe Crneral Assemblv of North. a few miiiutes more, and every thing wouUr quired. . _ I,, boriit ut>. In addition to thecp, it nppears that we C;>rolina 1ms tuli confuKncc in he good laith t hav« iM Ml D rm tX fiv*» whnw t»r rf*»*iK'ctive n>efnht rs ot the \ ninn, in J Sur-ical aid was procured ns soon I ;m/i/rommrm't/Af of li>t ol ,or«clM^v the IVd •- possible lor the old man—several op'ralions ; the line, eleven Irigatcs, seven sioops ol war I'ompurt, uiul Jouht not Hint iht lirn*ml (Vov. iM'ltoriiied, and on*' of the shot extricated ' iiul two schooners ! crnm. nt, a? the comii «n ot tl.e Mates, «iH from tho brain, lie was taken to the ln«»-I Our vessels in commission durine the mke s«rh nieasur.v., at ihe pr‘»e»i p.tal, where he yet Imgered last evening, past year have l>een empl .yed, as fierrto- 'The old m.nn does not ap|H-ar to recollect j, in protecting our cmmerec in the ,r„n„„i, a ropv »f this r.-iM,rt and SI vs, however. Mediterranean, in the West Indies, on the [{r ioh-.iion? t" lia- f’n vulont o‘ fhcCnitiJ a St of llia*d, and in the Pacific tVean. sti.Ua. to the Kmm nhve «feai h ol the SIh’»k. and Our naval force, consists of couiniission- to the Senators and flr.prrsiiitHttvo ut Norlli Ca- iil iH. nof ‘Jt),KUt. Ol' these we may say f'«l'u'atfilfnTlt.ryU>,JianfS,\nn,S.CaroHnn, nre Cutholies,_aiid A.OttH Pr«itest. s.I. «m,, iHlice, .Ither hv thf Hoji. ri or ants, and of again thertf are nt leii^t • any thing distinctly. Me ‘inijlo oiM!. I’rim- D /. n reut-, »iu(;l' comniunieanis of the fii«t deiiomina- i that a Dutehmaii, who bonideif at a house . ci ‘ tion, aod tUKI of Ifie latter. 'There is in all U ; i,t or near the arsenal, was the only visitei j w,o ''^7'^rohnn in th. tnngrc.soithf I’.atre Stutvn. .k. 11!!^ .1 Mr. Sl.»e f l*.«. Ike iV. MdUar