vol.. V. ™ T„. ^ ..rSTr'ir" ’ «"{'■• V, .NOIfl IKAKOtlN A. THK .HiHrrt*’ A f ]i priiiitfd «i»d puOliblieil •t Two !Mlar$ [«-r .iniiuin, if [wid in uivant e; | riu fifSllAV, JIMJAUV 18:{5. NO. 225. *•«' '"rii of Kit yeursj ICa.cTl »>«*ah^pr'>>> «1uchH..ii ..i nature, aud b> con- , i-r stiiiuiit, il'iwid III advanie; I ••'*'« i» no poner grHntcd ij«, directly or uiid yoti know it tbt ii inuv voiir lmi M-ifi. n ^ i *mco political | nfictiiij^ hin mme witb her, he becuiwo e- Fi//y r,,Mirm.t i^jd in*d-,»'‘lireclly, 11 will udmittH by all, either |Uf.ule in volin-‘■■■- .i.- --*»« quietu»*—. (|ually un oMcci of adiiiimiK.n with il,» e.la.pcrl«^u.r«0,otf*w^d.l.g;201il.c*0for Uic u«» tenure in any mode. For this ' »or ihnii kiumiiiKly. n-ust bc’a fniilur to the biiiTOdT'i! eri'il if TTrT’t “ ’'““"■y Orh ntis flrfi in*«rtion, iin«lWjc«iii» for t«f h mccrtdii.f 1 •** »hjt‘rls in view, is in Consiiiiilii.n, and n '^ardlew of hi« ralh I ll i>tnl8 of llml Instituticn. | —he killed Indians bIho, (and he who kills . I -- /•__ «l i._ ® I nt»H _ II .1 . I . ’ ,^«»«V4IV»0 ««« IMO uaili. I l\|lf lin arp t/tul th* Momtfi* %xrxa tmy.im* r* ' ' .i • ... ... d ;::r:''r'''c, irx:,"; A lilM-rtl ducoiiiit will be iiHitle to tli»M wlio •Jverti'-n bjf thr year. iLf On all KdvcrliM'iiicnU coiiiiuumcaled tor pubticaljon, ttio iiuinbvr of iiiterliont iiiiiit Iw noted on liic niaigin of ilic Oiaiiuiicript, I# tlK-y Hill b« ooiitiiiu«tJ uiitli furhid, «iid chiri'cd accurdiiiKlv. ,* Alt cniniiiijiiicatioiii tu (liu ixlitor muRlronio si’ATj^: Tj:f;isy.ATt itK. M l I y«*ars; and by iiiiliri-ct iiieHim, muy changu that bfMly, intended to Ihi »ubstaiilial and M>ri^eAhut fixed, iiito a lloatin;^ iiiusm that will chuiitfe itH p.Iiry and meniberii as fast Its parliea cljaii{e m'the different Le*is,la. I tuifh. 1 he gentjf'mcn who aclvocatc tliPse Rpk- 0/ F. Is,. 0/ Url.r.r^ .« r*r j ^“1“,“":. !" ‘i'’" HuUffComm»nit,»ntkfCik»fDtcnnLfr,\ViM I i , • I •'••“this: lit this •» Ik. IM^iwnt ic „„tr»ci AU. j o,’ »orcrif:n p)W. Mr. SP»;..KKU-I rwo with grrat diffi.'s ..l!, r.^ i^T^ '^ * . - • ” . fj* niitor 16 thv n‘pr^tf*iit«itivu ot ifi»* mivm. .,«nce to i,up.*« wy .onliin«nt« up.,n the , . If this lie, U»UK. It IS tho hr,! time ! ov^-r made |„r co.n.nm-i; if not. we ohiij^Hlion.s, of Hj weiik, ati to r«‘»ard uction on this Kebo!uti(/ti us a Uicrc cx|ndirncv. To ■ w>, wf »;au instruct |ny ap,«arai..-. brfor« a iegi.l.uvr U«1>. | •^1:6 bfauihnff hew ao •ntire Htran^rr ,o its inein- j Kpsoiutioi.., wi bcr», tbi» dillideiica ik incrri\»«d from a oim. • VtCtiOii, that It rrquirea tibililMH much iii»rc ’ ill iK>t cuuteiid, I pro this Ak2i«uiLlv coiiRtitutei the r,i i,;^ , ... •'"■•■(j. uii:^ tinue will carry l. rf ; “1! r nml. a ccrtain indivulual yK, perhaps into one of coinluri of the S«i.aie, that the Presirlent ^. ur hijrhest oHicrs. To destroy Mr. Adams y,u.r; 1 he SSenale did not accuse | and raiso (ien. Jackson, this war-cry ’ was raised through our nation. JackwKi, the Unroof Orleans, who killed buth Ea- pli»>h and Indians, rnubt thtrejurc be a grtat fion, to spimrufe the gwtrd and tl e '7'", “"'V " I"'"” ^und good mun. The ^>enph of all clhsgt*, It would have been btran-/*. iiderd h id j ^ the however iguorant, cau underhand and np- • hey no. d.no«^U n. 2no dM-d co„.ph.,ned of f ^oS,^; the .Senate ^ predate nrnst «very man, uon,aa doniB. weie those. ‘ fhi.t case acted w„h-(and child in the .lation know that Ge«I. eneo .• 1 .1. LI 1 I >ov«;rei(>iiiy: for utj« of the inhiTent orin- profound thao such «a I can brine to b^ar , . ' .. I.- . . j ■ . .1 ,'ipn*»oi Hovereitfiitv is, that theie im no o- en tbe subject, til do jiMtic* to the ( Ntie now ,i,„- oo o I . li .. . ,ner enitlilv pi.wtr tu rc\i«tonr Biinul it>, uiKier «ii»cuw»«Ki. '*T ciinMituenta how»»r. I,. . ' . , , II. r u 11 • ■ • wnt Oo we not we ti,at the (tovi riiDi^ rr wouUI bo «irpna-d, »hou d I set a «i ent ' they do not shew . t'ollow, and in tiuth, the great niHRs know //.-/y, whiUt tlm iuW wa^ con. o„ thir fact tlieir nal ohu'd. rn»*‘il lift r /■ ». #iM«. 1 i. 'i l . . • . I have o ; nothing of them. All oien can apprecidte •pectator tciiiptcd IKjOS. J:Kk*on, >:>(raiii«. sir, In re cf>mi’> av -r, or political I'ecliu^t) ti );rat.rv, I (hull ' »'d over thtii n-sohiti'in with a dictun wj.^h'--. W u h ive n > fw-ti'ioim or ineiiiuri tl-t b-f r.* ,,..1 i|,at •ifvt, t,nt d i I know. Tt-if did I h*‘ar lh:it m)i h it | i>->.ii'iii w.m c- V» U >{>UJllt «i .tl IIh 111 tllU I .M Klt^'ll04l. J'r.s.. - r ( ii::riizi-(i L\ iliis ; ••i lly as I>0l'!i >i In find iiiNhV pr»cr,!i ||l J /li/e, w III ft- I,i^i«| iiurro h.ive e\fr I—.! hln [Kittcr Idifl HilliKlll SiTlnU't I'fip .bl! !i ,||. '•Iv ii-.ind ;s : ••f'et tiv cl, ar ilii.t wi h.ivc n I ,ii..l ii..t w.'.et.- (,n ;_u:uvi 'Ill'll (Nivii r, I ^h>'lilli b," uh.tliie ti> iici-miril i '"«!v ri|iiin; it tu (>i> k th(! net. : In the West it was Juckfvn So far, Mr. Sppakxr, I have c>u(\ued and J.iternnI Imprortmentin the 8>>iiih, *• Jackson and deiAntctim to the systt m." '' les not all this sh«»w that man-tcomhip lias super-st drd /frinrijilca, for we see ele- incniK exact!) .p|)o,siie uniie under his name lo hitn rexereiice'?—Aoir, " J icksonaiid an Hiiren'’ it> the watch word—by uniting the iutter (unknown to the (leople) with tha 'irnior, who is known to all, he must com® B8 buccrsi'or and be wor>liipprd in tiiiu. )U see men » f diametrically opposed ()0. , . ^ . . o- litical views, in the different wectiiiiiR of our . aiiK.i. ll /w/or |Kiwrrs, W( tilfi r't{"r] a theme , couutrv, uiiitinsr on and Van liu- _ nt cHfi draw i; , ut, by oruer, wliprton I mivht d^-carif f-r U\s. But I rrn, thoiivh Jucksun is n> candidate fop U , I.e. ,t nL-r. he pi. aM.-s. (n.heve none of tl.vne have ai.v' direct or , any oirire the L-, (v|aJivp r.ec' Sjiiiry U-arin;; on tln'quehln n at issue j It IS H matter of high import in myopin- ..U.I.IUU^U ot 1»»., Ul in anJ^Ueil uuJtr h„ n...u, ..I,,.. i,.r I.,...- I l«,d„ubl ih..r.' "'fCul'tro , ,, , >«n Ki>e|>it)». are inaiiv ui in\ District who am still sup ,^ »if. ■! tin* /r ’pfi of ihr Sinfr. I'O', L» ({i.,|.iiurB owi*a Its cmsfrnca ir Sia' ('•'miiii.tion, nd>»pt d iri ITHi.— \>ori’ji| I iiiercfiire, cliiiiii any power /•rf.vnp';. n, h it we are utdtrkled and i* f' r (ll ifijJrhmmt for vur /ti>trfr»; r fer ti> j(, i|ii> fir«t arti;le pri-wntu »oo lu cli'ir Irid U'ii »i>JiV(«Ml torinn the liict, '.liai all piilitiral power roiiir't I'roui and re- iiraiit* wuh Iht fufijtlr. 'i'ni re is n,* inti- Witi 'II f\en, tliiit lint ntnrii^n power tn,s ( previous to the 2j Xovotnber, a doy belonij- of this village, was ob. shew in^ evident gvuip* iiort Ih ('"n-iitiition I'nited Slalet;. the moft It hi and hi'Horal le men in this on- >ut as well marked a case of hvdrofihobia ti.*n into this Slate of these piriy tianirs. i*‘»li"11, tliMi.d not rTOi.'iii7, I tru.-t that . v«>r\ men U r will pause m tu>n ; who hef„re ihis act were his ard iit n.u, jnduco our cil./enx to worship ni* u in’ ■ animal as any on record' The a«. ■ifiil tbf (Hiwc'i of tlnlinf^ tl f'l! * 01; tiliitirii,u>« th** repr,-i>^ntaiivi> ol'fAi ^ , not the iepiei*«MilHtuo i>f this liitit/. the eoiiviclioii w roucht ii|M)Ii ii, that there j 'I',, drop this di:region and roturn lo the (he very stiirt of thiv suliji*et, had w rou^’ht I aiMive the j'rainbril joint, so|el\ by IS M uie aitielo ul the (.oiistiluli'in, or some qii >linn. I now call u|)on these r, iiilemen ufKin my mmd the conviction, that there , '’•“l‘^n( ac(ion «f (be muscles : (his would ■'well el (II ■ niid obviou*, (hat >uii may put vour hand on j There IS hul one iiKistion to he made b>. iVwin (hem. 'I'hev keep otf and slum de oiilv, .i.iif r'\'? h> vour cou,itiluenls; do tween tins act of the r.xeeutive Bi.d the bate, and crv .Iiieks.m, I'. S. Hard;, mon- Ihi.i. ... ''^7 ' ' 'I'l’ nionej safe there.—Y ou s(er, corruption, liBttle of New Oi Ivans, 11 admit It WHS. rin* l«'in;{ so, how can tVc. Hut it is a mi>lako toattrihute thi.s po the Ihink iU'>tion alU rt tins. If the Dank liticul mana>uvre to .Mr. Van Iluren ; it is U' imroiixtitiilional; if it he a politiciil ma- too old ; and we hear and know of its ex '■ jM'opIn for I -I.i.i III.I, ||«».. iK:.-ii I.in , nu.Ni» >win 11 HI I chme.ora if It heall (hese(hiii4;s, (raordm.irv success in Krance by Hoiia '• '>r. M „i..mn imT- * 'lured (Ins m-ti-n, m whad vor shapo its j how do you fterreivo, or hy what course of parte. He succeeded in conn.’ctina his h»M i« (U I • . / I HWI r*TT» *r«f r r ) > «'II « till IIIIU n, I 'trii ll *!* *>***!» aiiJ III (acl, fioihin;* {y.wt* hcni it ; Ii>r liu'^ihiOj^^ t onsi itnri u h n ut, i‘*“. V ' “• “ 'I"'"' i ‘I |>;it I' ' *t*' " V " ufrnl; for I re. : „ VK.hited ewn innoccnily. W hat-) !• I f '»'ly w the «/»"» oj ■ ,„;,y i,„vo lieen ihe cnu.st s whii h in c i‘gion. lar;l' amia.^ac, 1835,